Instagram does not find a location. How to create your geolocation in Instagram and Facebook

As in Instagram add a place and why this process is not always simple. We will tell about this and many other things today, but for a start, let's understand a little in terminology.

What is something

Geolocation, geoposition, geodata, location, geotety, geometry - and how to confuse all this? In fact, everything is simple, as they say, let's teach the match)

Geolocation (geoposition) in instagram is a processdetermining the specific location of a person whose accuracy depends on the technology used. For example, the definition of geodata based on network data (cellular taps) is not very accurate, but GPS allows you to determine the specific point with an accuracy of the meter.

Geodata is just the name of the location of a person or device.

Geoteg (Geometric) In instagram is geodata, but in encrypted form. The inscription or hashtheg with the name of the place can be considered geoteg.

Where can I specify geodata?

Before spending time reading the article and find the desired in it, let's see what exactly you need to do. If you are looking for:

  1. How to add a place in instagram to the photo when publishing a post, then read on, we will tell you about it - it is generally very simple!
  2. If you have already tried to add a location, but did not find it in the list, then you are not waiting for a very simple process. We wrote very detailed instructions on how to add a place in instagram yourself. I warn right away accounting in Facebook in this case is required!
  3. If you want, the article about this you will find here.

Add a place to photo

When the instagram is loaded with a snapshot, you can apply filters, add a description or hastler, and add geolocation. In most cases, it is enough to enter the first three letters of the name of the place and the options will appear to select.

Try to type the name of the place in Russian and in English (relevant for the names of some cafes, restaurants). If it still fails to find a place, you will need to create it yourself through Facebook. In this case, the name can be in general any, even non-existent.

It should be paid to the fact that the location definition should be actively on your mobile device. You can check this in the settings or in the quick access panel.

Geolocation in Instagram is available not only for new photographs or videos. You can attach the place to any content published early.

It can also be useful:

  • How to turn off geolocation?
  • How to search for geolocation?

For this you need:

  • Choose a publication for which you would like to add geolocation to Instagram. Press three points to "edit";
  • Next, from the drop-down list, select the desired location and click on the "tick".

I did not find the desired location in the list

After the purchase of Instagram Facebook is greatly complicated by the company. Previously, it could be done in just a couple of clicks. And now….

To create geolocation in Instagram, you will have to spend some procedures with Facebook account. If you are not registered on the social network, you need to do it. Creating a profile is possible through the official website or application for mobile devices running on the Android and iOS platform.

Before adding geolocation to Instagram, log in to Facebook and create your own location there, after which it is possible to add it to the inst. Location name can be any: from link to the site to a non-existent address.

So, to create and add a location to Instagram We do the following:

We go to instagram, click "What's new" and then "Mark Visit"

That's all!

After that you can add a new place in Instagram. When adding a photo, click on the button to locate and enter the name of the location you created in the search string.

Add a place does not work

Sometimes instagram does not determine the location on mobile devices. The most common error is the geolocation function on a smartphone or tablet.

If you have seen such a message - it means you will definitely need to allow the application to access the location.

If such notifications did not appear, you need to do this manually.


To do this, we go to the "settings" - "applications", looking for instagram, then go to the "application permissions" item and in the location point move the slider.

Who does not know, this is an application that is gaining mad popularity among all the segments of the population in all countries.

People share their news or simply beautiful publications with the whole world.

  • You can choose your location from the list below the "Specify Place" key. The places close to your geoposition will be listed here: the city, the area, specific institutions.

  • You can click on the inscription "Specify the place" and enter the desired data, any place, optionally located not far from you and click on it.

  • On top of the publication, under your instagram nickname, the location specified by you will be located.

If you have already posted your publication, add a place to it will not make problems. It is enough to press the button in the form of three consecutive points to the right from the top of the publication, in the menu that appears, select "Change".

In the field where the location should be located will be the inscription "Add place". Then it remains only to click there and select one location from the list it in the list or enter your own data.

Attach your geoposition to history (Storsis) as follows:

  1. Make a photo, remove a video or add something from the gallery.
  2. On the top toolbar, click on "Stickers", representing a smiley in a square.
  3. Choose from the list "Geodatan" the place for you and click on it, then put in history.

How to create a new place in instagram

Adding geolocation via Facebook

Unfortunately, the creation of its own tag in the social network is not possible. But this can be done with.

First you need to synchronize accounts of these social networks. This can be done by going to the settings in the personal profile Instagram.

Press the "Account" point, then "Related Accounts". You will face a small list from social. Networks in which you want to select Facebook and enter personal data.

After that, you need to go to Facebook and create a new record with a geoposition indication, touch "Mark Visit". The item "Add a new place" will appear, where you need to introduce your coordinates (city, street, perhaps the house) and give your name mark.

Now I enroll in Instagram, you can add a place to publication, created by you.

Enabling location on Android and iOS

You can enable GPS in your phone settings.

GPS is a satellite navigation system that allows you to find the location of the owner of the smartphone.

On the iPhone, you need to go to "Privacy", after selecting "Geolocation Services". Here you should enable or disable the location definition, both for shared access and individual applications.

Similar algorithm has an Android operating system. In the settings you need to click on "Connections", and then to "geodata", located at the bottom of the list.

Here you can also follow access to GPS in various programs.

Because of which the location may not be determined

Your smartphone cannot accurately determine your location or does it not determine it at all?

This may be a number of reasons:

  1. You may have forgotten enable geolocation services on the phone, then you only need to check the settings.
  2. If the location is not defined in any particular application, go to the geolocation settings or setting the program itself and allow access.
  3. GPS services work primarily thanks to the Internet. If you are turned off or you are in some place with a bad connection: in the village, in nature, etc., it is not surprising that the location is determined inaccurately or not determined at all.
  4. You can enable power saving mode, which on most gadgets disables the location function.
  5. To more accurately specify your geopaic, it is recommended to include the Wi-Fi network.

If the problem is not eliminated, try turning on and off geodata and repeat the same with Wi-Fi and flight mode. And of course, do not forget to reboot the smartphone itself.

On social networks, you can now find posts or useful profiles by location. This is another way to increase account coverage and get more likes. However, not all in Instagram works as we need. Let's talk about why there are problems with the fact that it is impossible to upload a place in Instagram.

Why it is impossible to download a place in instagram?

Geolocation used to load from the Foursquare system. Is it now the same, no information, however, it usually does not arise problems with this service, and the likelihood you need to register there, to solve the problem is minimal.

What other problems can arise?

What to do if geolocation does not work in instagram?

So, why geolocation does not work in the instacy, we figured out. What to do with it? If the location is not added, the action options are as follows:

Why does the instramp can't determine the location?

One of the reasons why I can't add geo, it may be that the social network does not load this data. Insty is optional to do it manually, so the site receives data from your phone. Often, it is precisely what problems arise if the social network does not determine the place.

Possible solutions:

Other common problems when working with geolokations

We dismantled all technical problems with the location. Why is it not determined by the location yet? There is still a couple of reasons, however, rather related to the place or by you:

  1. Typo. No one is insured against errors in writing. Check, maybe you have written Sant Petersburg instead of St. Petersburg. The error may be unclear for many.
  2. This address is not on the map. If you want to designate any address in a small township, it is quite possible that the right point is simply not on the maps. The problem is in this case with satellites, and even manually add a point in the social network list will not work.

On social networks is now gaining popularity. Habinder to celebrate specific places on the map. This allows you to speed up promotion and designate geolocation in which you can find. It is not so important which reasons for you to place a location, problems may arise that, which, however, are very quickly solved.

Questions of our subscribers

#one. What is the benefit from the placement of geo?

Many users are guided by content in the social network using such tags. Therefore, afterwards, thanks to them, you can increase your audience and improve statistics. If you have a business and it is important that customers know where to find you, you can write an address in a special column in the search, and people can easily go to you.

Geolocation should be understood by a point that indicates the location of a specific object. As such a point, the car can act in traffic, the place of the appointed rest, the place where the last cat was last seen and much more. Geolocation can be used to bind a certain place - shop, cafe, beauty salon, fitness club and so on, and then this place to use in or in posts. Thanks to this, customers will be able to find the location of your sales points faster.

In this article, we will look at how to create geolocation in Instagram, add a place and specify a geometry when publishing a post.

Why do you need geolocation in instagram?

From the user's point of view, the installation of geolocation in the post is an opportunity, as if it was not trite, it was noted, mark my location. Place of work, restaurant, popular resort and much more.

Also geolocation can be used to promote business. In addition to using a geometry in the profile, you can post posts using the most popular in your city. In addition, you can in close proximity to your sales points with and then on the assembled audience .

Each user has the opportunity to create its own point and attach it to the post. For example, you visited a beautiful place and noted it with geodata. This place will be able to see any user instagram. In addition to the fact that a person will be visible a name / address, he will be able to open a map where the route will be built with the help of the conductor. This option is useful not only to commercial enterprises, but also those who travel a lot and leads a blog in Instagram.

Who should be useful to this option Instagram?

It has already been said earlier that geolocation is of particular importance for those who are engaged in promoting their company. Thus, you not only advertise your business, but you can find it in the column "where you". The awareness of the institution due to geolocation will grow significantly, and people who are either living nearby are be sure to learn about this place.

How to add a place in Instagram

The process of creating a new geolocation is quite simple, but is not implemented in the instagram itself. Since Instagram belongs to Facebook, the adding place occurs during the creation of a business page on Facebook for the subsequent transition to a business profile in instagram.

If she was previously created by someone else, you can safely use these geodahs. To create a geoposition, the phone is best to use the phone, however there are applications that are adapted to PC.

After you downloaded the application, you need to register a new profile or logged in if you have already been registered.

In the Information section, specify the exact address.

On this all actions end. The point on the map is created, the place is added. Now you can attach the created place in two social networks to any of your publications.

Because of what the location is not determined in Instagram?

If your phone cannot determine your geotochka, then the reason is either in the smartphone settings, or in a geodatcher. Help can restart the device and check the Internet connection. If this does not help, then most likely the reason in the settings of the smartphone. You must make sure that the location definition is included, as it is necessary.

Turning on the location: Android

To enable the function in question, you need to go to the phone settings. We find "personal data" and open the "location" there. Here you need to move the slider to enable this feature. Everything is simple enough. Now the location is enabled and you can see applications that collect data about your location. Facebook and Instagram must be in the list of those for whom this collection is allowed.

Turning on the location: iOS

To enable the option, you must go to the settings and find "Privacy". In the window that opens, select "Geolocation Services". Thinking the slider and that's all. Before using geodan in Instagram, make sure that the resolution is activated for it and the Facebook.

Adding a geometry in instagram post

As soon as Geotochka was created, you can easily use it and add to publications. The point is available to all users, it is possible to install it countless times. When searching for a point, drive it exactly as named in Facebook. The geolocation option is very useful for various enterprises and institutions promoting themselves in Instagram.

Undoubtedly, you have already come across "Instagram" users who are laid out photos from locations with strange names "My Berker", "Refuge", "My favorite place"? It is only enough to be happy for your friends, because they have a good fantasy. Maybe it's time for you to rename your apartment somehow more and more. As in "Instagram" add a place, you will learn further from this article.

Why add geolocation?

In fact, the opportunity to add geolocation is not only a way somehow called the native apartment and demonstrate to all your wonderful sense of humor. And what if you just opened a coffee shop or beauty salon?

"If you are not on the Internet, then you do not exist," says the wise thought of the XXI century. Imagine your future customers will want to take a picture and put on the net a delicious lavender latte from your coffee shop or as soon as possible boast a new manicure. And there is no place - this location in "Instagram" does not exist. You can say advertising obtained naturally, and new customers: "Goodbye". That is why it is worth reading about how to add a place in "Instagram".

Little trick: we go around the "Facebook"

Previously, difficulties with how to add a new place in "Instagram", it did not occur: the location could be "come up" immediately when posting photos. However, then this function from "Instagram" for some reason was removed. But she remained in Facebook.

First of all, make sure that your account in "Instagram" is tied to the Facebook account. If not, it's time to do it. After all, we will create a location there.

Then you need to make sure that the geolocation services are included on your phone. Otherwise, it will not be possible to add a place in the "Instagram" and create a new one in Facebook: the smartphone simply will not be able to determine where you are.

How to add location in Facebook: detailed instructions

So, you turned on geolocation and downloaded to the phone "Facebook" application:

  1. Authorize and open the tape.
  2. Facebook will immediately ask you: "What are you thinking now?". But you should not be interested in the post itself, but the question located just below: "Where are you?".
  3. Belly press and start writing the name of the location - "Facebook" will offer you to choose from the already available. Ignore his prompts and continue to enter the name of the non-existent location: if no match is found, the list will be reduced to one point - "add a new place".
  4. After the corresponding clicking, the system will ask what is the place, and will offer you to choose one category from forty-available - starting from the "House" option and ending with "ecological service".
  5. Then the queue of the question with the refinement of location will come. You will need to specify the city or clink the option: "I'm here right now", if so it really is.
  6. And finally, you will see the page on which it will be necessary to take a final solution: you will again be able to edit the name of the location (you can even add photos to it), change the category, clarify the address and index, check the location on the map.
  7. If everything suits you, press the "Create" button in the upper right corner.

Returning to the fact that you started: how to add a place in "Instagram"

You have not yet forgotten, for what we have tied up so long with a new location on Facebook? Now you can open "Instagram" and see if our newly created geotochka is displayed. If you do everything right, it should appear in the drop-down list. Now you can mark this location in photos.

Note that your new location will be visible not only to your fries and subscribers, but in general, all users "Instagram". It is very good for business, but not too confidential, for example, for home. But if you are ready to put your home address to all for review - then nothing terrible.

You know, as in "Instagram" add a place, which means that if you get tired or stops being relevant, you can change the display settings and make it available only for you.

On the influx of subscribers after the location mark

Be prepared for the fact that the mark in a certain location often acts on the owners of a small business as a red rag. It is guaranteed that after each of your marks on the map you will receive a little incomprehensible from whom the likes of likes and several new subscribers, or those who want to get you as a client, or subscribe to all in a row.

Honestly, rarely when there is really someone interesting on you. This situation is especially comical: you travel, you take a photo in a foreign city or even in a foreign country, celebrate it on the map - and someone from the local entrepreneurs are immediately subscribing to you, without even understanding where you are.

If you are the owner of a local business, you still first take care not only how to add a new place in "Instagram", but also the quality of your services offline - and then tracking people on the location in "Instagram" you will not need, because you will not need Works shed radio.

"Instagram" at the moment is quite popular social. network. Millions of people are postponing new photos every day, get husky, etc. Most users want to become popular, but do not everyone know how to achieve fame. Many use only one way: insert hashteg under the photo. So your photos will see all who will take this hashteg. However, there is a less well-known method. For example, insert your location.

Pointing your location, you can easily find your photo. Some prefer not to indicate their location, but it will not make your popularity worse.

C. wet location.

Geolocation in Instagram is not mandatory, so in most phones it is automatically inserted. However, not every user knows what you need to do so that anyone knows where the photo was made in what place. An attagram application "is simple to use, but newcomers are often not easy.

The location in Instagram has two colors: blue and gray. Missing users begin to think about the difference between these colors.

The location is noted in blue if it is automatically placed. If the photo is done in the restaurant, library, etc. The point is marked the point that the user himself creates. The user can call the place in which it is located. Such a point is registered by the user, so it may not be labeled in blue.

Not all users are important how geolocation will be labeled. However, the question remains: how to specify the location in Instagram?

Location in Instagram.

The photo is filtered, Description Ready, etc. It remains only to send a photo. But first you need to decide on the location. If you want to put geolocation, you need to add a photo on the "Photo Map".

If you specify your geolocation for the first time, the application will automatically warn you that the location from the photo will see all users. You need to press a tick that will confirm your consent. Next you will be prompted to give the name the place in which you are.

After that you will see the window in which you want to select the right name. To perform this action, you just need to decide which name you want to choose. Next, you need to click on the appropriate name and send a photo.

But it happens that the location is not found or you want to give your name the place. To do this, select the field: "Create your own location." After that, in the field you should type the name you like. The specified location will immediately appear in the list.

Suitable geolocation is selected. What to do next?

After determining the location, the application will automatically redirect you to the previous page with the attached photo and signature. The change will be only one: you will see the attached location.

If the photo, the signature and all the other suits you, then the photo can be sent to the network.

Removing a photo from a photo card.

Once you delete photos from the "Photo Card", the location automatically disappears. In a photo-card, location is saved using GPS, but when deleting information is erased. If you wish to return geolocation, the publication will have to post up.

When using hashtega and location, your photos can easily find any person. These functions allow you to make your account popular. Also, anyone can see the places you attend.

Lay out the photo, share the posts with friends. Greate subscribers with your flawless photos!

Sometimes to promote your business or to understand some moments, you need to specify a point on the map. This point will be called the coordinate, and information about its location is geodatab. Geolocation is a point on the map, in which a one or another object is located, or where the snapshot was taken. Geodan refers to any information associated with the location of something. It can be like your cat, which is lost, the car in traffic, and the place where you go, or, most likely, there is no, this year to rest. Consider how to make geolocation in instagram.

Who needs these geolocation?

Geolocation in Instagram, in principle, need all advanced users. With their help, you can note your "cave", place of work, your favorite institution, and so on. Also, this feature will help promote your business through. In the comments, questions constantly emerge on where the one or another photo was made are as if they want to go there too. This is where the owners of public places are used, visitors make a photo on the spot, and then as if recommending the institution publish a record. But after all, potential buyers will not be able to guess what place in the photo, they need to be either asking or the account owner specify geoteg to the description. But it is extremely inconvenient, since, first of all, you need to know the address of the institution, and secondly, to write it constantly to each record.

To constantly not enter the point on the map, do not respond to the same type comments on the type: "Where were you on a photo?", - invented geolocation in Instagram. Each user can create its own point and attach it to record. Having visited some interesting place, covering the description of the pictures with him geodata, and any user instagram will see it! Even more, he will be able to open it on the map in the smartphone and walk there with the help of the conductor. It is definitely convenient for the authors who are interested in writing about some places and owners of commercial enterprises, because the author sfotkach with them can indirectly relocate him.

Who needs to create a location in instagram?

As mentioned above, for those who are interested in promoting their business, it will not only allow visitors to advertise the institution, but also find it in the list "Where you". Using the geometry, the institution will become more recognizable, and the active users of the Instagram who live nearby will learn about the place.

How to add a place in instagram?

Add a point on the map to the post is not so difficult, but for this you need to have straight hands, well, at least not curves of the progress. Unfortunately, maybe fortunately, once Facebook bought Instagram for $ 1 billion (not bad for gallery) and now all the basic instagram nodes are indirectly or directly connected with Facebook. So the location is also connected. To add a new geolocation in Instagram, you need to start creating in Facebook. If this point has already been created by someone, it does not need a loyening for its attachment. The Android and IOS app is in free access through the company's company store, it is from there and download it. You can also use a computer or a mobile browser, but through the mobile phone, perhaps make a geoction is the easiest way. Let's proceed.

Add a new point on the map through the Facebook application

After downloading the application, register a new account or authorizes in an existing one. It is noteworthy that it doesn't matter at all with which page this action will be performed, the location will even be left if it is blocked. But for aesthetics, it is better to take a normal page. Immediately on the main screen, we click on the button "where you", if it is not visible, then first on "what do you do?", And then "where you".

After that, a list of places near you will appear (if it does not appear, scroll down to see the solution method). We enter the name you need and at the very bottom click on "add" ... ".

That's all, geotochka is added, and it can be actively used both in Facebook and Instagram.

Why is the location in Instagram?

If the place is not determined, then the problem is either in a geodatcher or in the settings of the smartphone. Try restarting your smartphone, check the Internet connection. But it's all clear and for the squirrel. The main problem in adding a point is the wrong setting of the smartphone. Usually everyone is turned off the definition of the location to save energy and Internet traffic, and simply so that no one knows where I am. But in this case, the right to determine the location for Instagram and Facebook must be! Let's wonder how to allow it to do on Android and iOS.

How to enable location on android?

To solve Facebook and instagram to find out your location on Android, you need to go to the device settings. Let's go up at the bottom settings to the "Personal Data" department and open the location. In this window, activate the slider at the top on the right. Now the data is included. You can see the list of applications that collect these the data. Be sure to allow Facebook and Instagram to read it.

How to enable iOS location?

On iPhones, iPods and other Apple mobile devices, the location is activated in the settings. Opening them, we are looking for the item "Privacy" and in it open "geolocation services". Turn on their click on the slider. That's all. Before moving to adding a point, make sure that the Instagram and Facebook applications are activated by permission. If not, then activate.

Add a point in instagram

After creating geotochka in Facebook, it can be calmly add to the post in Instagram. This can be done by all users and an infinite number of times. Before publishing a post, add a point by pressing the appropriate button. Among the list of institutions, you will be in your Oplion and choose. Write in the same way as they wrote when creating, because the slightest error will not show a fracus through the search. By the way, the point on the map can be added to the profile itself, and not the post. This is done in the settings. Especially useful for accounts of enterprises and various institutions.

Location in Instagram.

Last news: Own geolocation in blue now from July is available in instagram. Pick up lesson:

Today, no one wants to make the spins of their lives. Mark those places where you traveled, these are new countries or restaurants. Unusual picturesque nature or street urban of your city. And perhaps you will have to return once again, but you need to understand where. Or just designate your home. And call it in your own way.

Let's deal with geolocation and key issues that are set on the network to the location account in instagram. But before I would like to highlight the service called With the help of this site, you will be able to unwind your account in instagram as soon as possible, turn live, active follovers on specified criteria (country, city, interests, hobbies), as well as attract thousands of likes to your photos. Use!

How to configure location in instagram

If the location mark does not work in your instagram, you must first double-check whether everything is configured correctly. Let's go to the configuration-privacy-geolocation service.

Of course the slider should be green and turned on.

And in the list (ibid) of all applications we are looking for Instagram, and also put the green slider for inclusion.

If everything is right here, we go to instagram. We put everything as usual: filters, comment and posting in other social networks. And tap the slider add to the photo map.

As in Instagram, create a place of geoposition yourself

Or people are looking for something like: how to create a place in instagram, the location in instagram himself.

In most cases, navigation in the geolocation service is simply not included.

And it happens that in the instagram location is named or selected from the list, and not defined on the map. This is normal, here again it is necessary to begin and pre-enable geoposition in the settings.

So. We call the place. This may be a list of nearby - find places nearby, which issued geolocation or its own name. I will name for example, my house with an emoticon. It should be borne in mind that if I place this point, then it will be visible to everyone who will be in the future (not only in your instamir) to see when it will also create a place being somewhere nearby.

How to cool name your home in instagram

This is not a surprisingly frequent question from users of the Russian instamir. How to call your home cool. From all subscriptions that I have, I met just a couple of people who called and walled her homes. Of those who come to mind, called their homes, 'visiting a fairy tale', Lizard Bloom and the ficker of the peak lady. Most of the simply wrote the address and number of the house, just the word home or 'house of a cute house'. One of the person called his work - the house. It looked cool, knowing how many people spends time at work. Ceiling options:

You can turn on the imagination and estimate which association causes the word home. In general, call an unusual home more for young as entertainment. More adults usually do not put it at all, but indicate the places in which they visited out at home.

How to make geolocation blue

Perhaps this is the most frequently asked question. And they ask and ask) to facilitate both your life, made a video tutorial. But he is closed, because after all there are secrets that should be "only for their", so I decided to make a VIP lesson. There is a solution for both iPhone and Androyda. You can add a point in any country in the world. Unless other places, where the instagram does not usually use, like Antarctica and some African countries. Especially useful when you arrived from the journey, but you need to specify points in those countries and cities in which were. The problem will be solved. Pick up the video tutorial.