Which ignition coil is better. Choosing an optimal ignition coil

The ignition system of the automotive gasoline engine is designed to influence the fuel and air mixture in the engine cylinders. To do this, use the high voltage property to create an electric spark plug airbone. Since the onboard voltage of the car is in the overwhelming number of cases 12 V, then the ignition coils are developed to form high voltage pulses. All of them, without exception, work on the same principle, but, which ignition coil to choose for a particular type of engine depends on several factors.

Device of the ignition coil

The high-voltage transformer, among motorists known as the ignition coil, is performed by a classic method - two windings (high-voltage and low-voltage) and a metal core from special transformer steel.

The reliability of the ignition coil directly depends on the quality of the windings, since the low-voltage operates at high current values, and high-voltage is susceptible to the voltage breaks between its own turns. To eliminate intercity breakdowns and disorders of insulation of wires due to vibration, coil windings are impregnated with special compositions.

Types of ignition coils

Historically, automotive engines were completed with one ignition coil, and the supply of voltage to the required candle was organized by the contact distribution method. Such a design found a lot of flaws and was soon replaced more difficult when several coils were placed in one case, each of which was responsible for the formation of high voltage immediately into two candles. Currently, most new power plants have individual ignition coils for each cylinder and installed directly on the spark plug.

On the one hand, the cost of the ignition system has increased, since instead of one coil on the engine, several minutes are installed. On the other hand, it disappears the need for long high voltage wires and the reliability of the system as a whole increases, since the failure of one coil leads to the failure of only one cylinder, and not two or all at once.

What kind of ignition coil to choose for a car

Most automakers develop their ignition coils in relation to a specific model of the power plant. As a rule, coils are not interchangeable by constructive and electrical characteristics. Installing inappropriate coil may result in the following consequences:

  • lack of a normal spark on the spark plug;
  • failure of the coil control circuit;
  • the failure of the coil itself.

Including the ignition coil? Use the electronic search engine in the car or its VIN code .. The search result can be the original spare part, or its full analogue of a third-party manufacturer. Do not bother with hikes to the store, you can order and get the most convenient way!

The ignition coil, which is often called a bobbin, is an increase in an electric transformer creating a high-voltage electrical impulse. The pulse is transformed into a spark on the candle electrodes and flammifies the combustible mixture in the cylinder. The quality of sparks and timeliness of its formation ensures the reliability of the engine.

Before purchasing a new bobbino, try to figure out its reliability, according to the reviews of the owners. Ask mileage that has grown up the device, did the engine and fuel intake, the maximum speed and exhaust CO have changed.

The coil design should provide:

  • reliable insulation between windings and twists;
  • high electrical resistance between body and mass;
  • the strength of the hull, especially plastic parts;
  • lack of microcracks;
  • reliability of electrical contacts and connections.

High-quality bobbin withstands the temperature to 180 ° C.

Types of ignition coils

Ignition Coils provide sparking for all candles in turn using distribution devices. Committed devices include the ignition coil B-116 and its varieties:

  • B-114;
  • B-115;
  • B-117.

Externally, the devices are similar, but have different resistances and inductance of primary and secondary windings and are intended for use in various ignition systems. For example, B-114 is used in contact systems, and B-116 with non-contact transistor distributors. Both coils will work in the schemes unpredictable for them, but with failures and not long.

B-114 and B-117 Looks like a structure, but have different designations of terminals and winding data. In some cases, their mutual replacement can give a positive result, but the ignition setting is not suitable for the standard method. We will have to act in the Nativity.

The B-114 coil has a three more transformation coefficient than the rest. Therefore, B-114 is advisable to use in powerful engines operating on low-octane fuel, for example:

  • ZIL 130, 131;
  • GAZ - 53, 66, 3102;
  • Kavz.

Characteristics of popular ignition coils

Transformation coefficientConstructive featuresApplicability of ignition coils
B114-B.227 R, M, DRZIL-130, 131; GAZ-56, 66, 3102; Paz, Kavz.
B115-B.88 R, M, DRM-412, 2140, 2141; GAZ-24; ZAZ-968, etc.
B116.153 R, M, DRGAZ-2410, 31029
B11778.5 P, M.VAZ-2101, ... 07, 2121
B118.115 R, M, E, DRZIL-131; GAZ-66, etc.
27.3705 82 P, M.VAZ-2104, ... 09, 2121; M-2141; ZAZ-1102.
29.3705 90 R, S.VAZ-2108, 09 (msm); VAZ-1111; VAZ-2110
3009.3705 70 Z, S.GAZ-3302 (MSUD)
3112.3705 80 Z, S.VAZ-2107, ... 12; GAZ-31029.
8352.12 P, M.VAZ-2110, ... 12
P - open magnetic circuit;
Z is a closed magnetic circuit;
M - Oil-filled coil;
C is a dry coil;
E - shielded coil;
DR - the coil has an additional resistance (0.9 ... 1.0 Ohm)

Bobbins may differ by some minor nuances that affect the coherence of the engine. For example, BBIN B-115V can be replaced by B-117A. According to the characteristics of the B-115V and B-117A, almost identical. But the current spark discharge at B-115V is more powerful - 38 mA, and the B-117a is only 30 mA. The powerful spark is better than weak, and the B-115B replacement on the B-117A does not lead to any negative consequences. But car owners with tachometers will discover that the instrument readings do not coincide with valid. This is due to the lack of an additional resistor model in 117. That is, the replacement of almost the same devices B-115V on the B-117A, or on the contrary, is not always correct.

If the B116 ignition coil is installed in your car, then you should know that they are produced in two modifications. For contact and contactless systems. Modifications 03, 04 for contactless.

In modern cars, individual coils are used more often, for each candle separately. Individual increasing transformers for each candle greatly simplify the ignition system, excluding the distribution module from the electrical circuit

The most popular manufacturers of such devices are:

  • german company Bosch;
  • taiwanese dynatec;
  • italian

But if the first company, Bosch, can be considered the general developer of devices, then the second DYNATEC and ERA make their clones, but at a fairly high technical level and reliability are almost not inferior to the original, despite the lower price.

Device of a classic ignition coil

All cars produced up to the 80s had one ignition coil representing an enhancing transformer.

The main elements of the device: 1. Central (high-voltage terminal), protected by a lid; 2. Plastic cover; 3. Matching secondary; 4. Primary winding; 5. Magnetic line; 6. Iron core; 7. Corpus.

A 12 V pulse is supplied to the primary winding, which is converted to a high-voltage discharge with a voltage of 20-30 kilovolts on the electrodes of candles. High-voltage voltage pulses are fed to the candles alternately with the help of the contact or electronic distributor.

Device of an individual coil

Individual bobbins do not differ in principle from classic, but they are more reliable, at least, because they are at least four times more often participate in sparking, which is much raising their resource.

In addition, a diode that cuts off the reverse high voltage is often installed in individual bobins.

Such coils are much less hot, reliable and easily regulated by the central processor to achieve optimal engine operation at different loads.

Features of the replacement of automotive ignition coils

For example, if the ignition coil has failed for the 4G18 engine, then you can choose a couple of options as a replacement:

  • comprehensive manufacturer - Bosch, F01R00A010;
  • similar, under the 580317A factory number produced by ERA.

Interestingly, Dynatec does not produce ignition devices for such engines, you can not search.

Given that it is estimated that the Italian Bobin Era is the same reliable, as well as the Bosch ignition coil, but much cheaper, it makes no sense to spend extra money on the original. Nevertheless, the German quality Bosch, even in Chinese execution, much more convincing than a qualitatively executed cover version of the Italian company ERA.

Nevertheless, it should be noted that Bosch, being a generator of original ideas, regularly modernizes its products, which cannot be said about companies like ERA, releasing copies.

But even acquiring parts Bosch, carefully check the product number. In the redistribution of one series there may be insignificant differences in the form of fasteners or thickness and the diameter of the gaskets, which can complicate the installation of the device. ERA spare parts are more complicated, the nomenclature of their products is much more modest than that of Bosch.

If you are the owner of the car of the Volga Plant, and you somehow work the miracle of the Soviet car industry produced by SATE (Stary Oskol), then boldly change it to the analogue of Dynatec. AvtoVAZ recommended such a replacement back in 2012, and it did it for free on branded maintenance stations. But it is better to replace the module on the similar, manufactured by Bosch.

Features of the choice of motorcycle coils ignition

Increasing transformers for sparking are equipped with not only automotive internal combustion engines, they are present in:

  • boat motors;
  • mopeds and motorcycles;
  • lawn mile;
  • chainsaws;
  • electrical generators.

If you select the ignition coil for the Verkhovyne moped, usually installed in it B-300, please note that the device with a similar name B-300B has fewer turns in the excitation winding. The poet replacement B-300 on the B-300B is impossible. Usually the engine will not even start. But if the B-300 is replaced by a similar device from the Motorcycle IL, the motor will work perfectly.

B-51 bobbins were used in the Soviet Moorol Plars of the Anti-Muraney, "Tourist". From automotive devices, it is different, the fact that not 12, but 6 volts is applied to the primary winding. The B-51 is no different from other motorcycle coils. Many owners of scooters with B-51 coils change them to automotive 12-volt. The transformation coefficient is enough to form a quality spark, no worse than from b-51.

Selection of coil for chainsaws

If you are the owner of the popular Taiwanese chainsaws County: MS170, MS180, 017 or 018 and work actively with it, you may have already encountered the problem of failure of Magneto. The company CHTILE completes these chainsaws among the same coils CH000013-5. The coils of County 180 have proven themselves to be sufficiently reliable devices, so it should not be replaced by County 180 analogue, except for extreme cases. Practice has shown that the analogues of the Bobin 180 unknown manufacturers do not withstand two business weeks. At the same time, the original models hold on to one year, even with intensive loading. Also, the 180s coils are well served on other Chinese chainsaws.

By purchasing the ignition coil, you should first pay attention to its characteristics, take into account the impact of their inconsistency on the engine and choose the product from well-known brands. If you choose an analog, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to rebuild some of the ignition system parameters.

Automotive ignition coil is a small metal product that is used to ignite the fuel candle in engines. The resource of coils is relatively small, since they have to work at high stresses and in particularly aggressive conditions.

What do I need ignition coils

In engines on gasoline and gas, the fuel mixture should be lit. It is best to cope with the challenge of electrical devices like spark plugs. However, the working voltage in them reaches several tens of thousands of volts. It is here that the coil needs, because it can turn 12 volts from the battery even 50 thousand volts. At the same time, the coil, despite its seeming simplicity, seriously suffers from external influences. For this reason, it is changed on average every 70,000 mileage kilometers.

Read more about the device

Many electrical devices are based on the use of self-induction law. The notorious ignition coil consists of the following elements:

  • Outer layer, it is primary winding, from thick copper wire with a diameter of 0.8 millimeters. Number of turns: 250-400 pieces;
  • Inner layer, she secondary winding, from thin copper wire with a diameter of 0.1 mm. Number of turns: 19-25 thousand pieces;
  • Core from special transformer steel, which is an excellent affordable ferromagnet.

Also separately select switching devices, i.e. high and low voltage terminals. The second is summed up to the battery and the metal part of the car, almost always frame.

It works like this: current from the selected source (in a car it is a generator or battery) initially acts in the primary winding, creating electromagnetic field. When the chain is blurred, the effect of self-induction is observed: in the secondary winding when the current strength changes (i.e., a decrease in it to zero) is a pulse of the electromotive force. I expressed unscientific, the secondary winding "resists" with a sharp change in the current strength in the primary winding. In this case, the value of the EMF has a dependence on the number of turns and the density of their winding. As a result, you can get tens of thousands of volts from several volts, which are in demand by the ignition system.

Core Make a layered - so he is heated less. The heated core contributes to the system excess nonlinearity, and the account cannot be achieved by a steadily high value of the inductance of the entire coil. If the core get rid of the inductance will be too small.

In order to avoid trouble, the coil is equipped extreme resistances (avoids overheating) and capacitors (soften the voltage jumps, preventing the formation of sparks), isolate each of the layers (Does not give the chains to clone). Note that the coil partly compensates for the shortcomings of high-voltage wires.

Types of ignition systems

Depending on how the fuel mixture is ignited, the following systems are distinguished:

  • Distribution. One coil took all the work on working with several cylinders. The system is obsolete and not too reliable, today it is found only in old cars;
  • "Double Spark". The high voltage from one coil provides the operation of two candles that work with synchronously moving pistons. At the same time, the energy provides a spark in one candle, and in the other is spent dry. Distinguish the DIS systems and a slightly upgraded DIS-COP;
  • Individual. The coil is installed directly on the ignition candle. There is no need in high-voltage wires. Otherwise calls the COP system.

So far, the COP system is not too common, however, leading autocontracers prefer to it: despite the seeming complexity, the final ignition system includes only a few elements that must operate in accordance with the movement of the pistons in the cylinders. With it, drivers won in reliability, the cost of repair and, oddly enough, external form - there is no more provistent wiring in the procession space.

We understand with the replacement time

Problems with the ignition coil largely duplicate those spark plugs. Namely:

  • Increased consumption of gasoline;
  • The engine refuses to work;
  • Fell power;
  • The exhaust gases have become more "dirty";
  • Motor began to "TRAIN";
  • A suspicious vibration of the unit appeared;
  • It became hard to start.

At the same time, as we wrote above, the resource of coils can decrease by a number of reasons : Drinking water, oil vapors and auto chemicals, overheating. Any coils instantly fail due to the breakdown of isolation. Yes, and the candles themselves can load them much, as a result of which the coil burns out. Individual systems that function at extreme temperatures are especially vulnerable and require additional protection.

About expensive manufacturing process

That large transformers and windings for electric motors that small car coils are worthy of decent money. The ultimate, comparing the automotive electrician with such a station, no sense, but also, and the other is very demanding on materials and production technologies.

Since the secondary winding is made up with a fine wire, the correct winding cannot be simple: a wire with a thickness of 0.1 mm should be smoothly, without the slightest distortions. If you see even a small pass in the coil, you can be sure that all the product will begin to warm up. Together with overheating, insulation will fail.

Extremely important pressing wires. When the engine is running, the car begins to vibrate, and therefore plays the role of laying of small wiring inside the coils. If they hang out freely, the risk of short circuit appears.

High requirements are presented to the materials. The coil body must withstand even large mechanical loads. Today, the hull consists of impact-resistant ABS plastic. Insulating materials in modern coils can even serve in a chemically aggressive environment.

Prolong the operation of the ignition coil

Manufacturers put coils in the housing filled with epoxy resin, and most often with transformer oil. This is done to prevent the device overheating. So on the conscience of the car owner always remains checking the details for mechanical damage.

Coils depend on the quality of the wiring. High-voltage wires need to be maintained clean. The same applies to terminals that are covered with a layer of oxide and dirt.

Do not forget follow candles. They are changed relatively rare, but the case of using one candles throughout the entire cycle of the car's use from buying to sending to the scrap is quite rare - defective candles need to be changed as soon as possible, otherwise they will "kill" the coils.

Alas, the ignition coil is unrepretentious. The turns in them are stuck so tightly that in the case of a breakdown of isolation somehow help the situation will not work. In this case, you need to change the entire device. The same applies to overheating cases.

We make a true choice

It is more correct to choose the original, guided by the VIN-code of the car. Since the ignition coil is somewhere in the middle of the ignition circuit, it sharply responds to any deviations from the characteristics specified by the manufacturer. For example, if the candle requires the cost of energy of large than the coil can provide, the last one is simply brave. You can get another "bonus": if the claim candle clearance is very large, high voltage will try to find a workaround, that is, breaks isolation.

You can also go to the dealer and ensure its data about the following:

  • Motor motor;
  • Model;
  • Year of issue;
  • Type of car body.

He will pick up the coil even if it was installed non-standard equipment. Or you can just remove the coil and ask the dealer to pick up the same or identical analogue.

Excursion by brand

A significant number of OEM coils in fact is made by those firms that will be listed. This does not mean that the original is meaningless. Rather, you win in time, practically picking up the spare part you need, installing it and returning to the road.

Of expensive goods worth paying attention to those that lie in boxes with names following firms: Valeo (France), Beru (Germany), Magneti Marelli (Italy). The quality of the coils of these firms is very high, but also the price as they say, bites.

Most popular data coils companies: Bosch (Germany), NGK (Japan), Tesla (Czech Republic).

The budget decision can be the coil from the Czech company Profit, as well as the notorious Danish JP Group. It will be more often more expensive to change them, but even in this case, their purchase will be profitable.


Knowledge about how to choose the ignition coil correctly, you will always be useful. FirstlyThis device fails quite often. Many motorists confuse coil malfunctions with those in ignition candles or high-voltage wires. SecondlyThe understanding of the specifics of the manufacture of coils and their work will help you not only recognize the fake, but also correctly pick up adjacent nodes, somehow the mentioned candles and wires. As a rule, the ignition coils do not cost big money, but if you have a new car with an individual ignition system, replacement will fly into a penny. In case of replacement, we advise you to take the coils from Valeo, Beru (you will definitely recommend friends-motorists) or if finances are limited, PROFIT products and Danish JP Group. Do not forget that the full diagnostics of the ignition system can be able to do so that the masters per service station can be used.

More than half a century of the evolution of carburetor gasoline engines with the contact system of ignition coil (or as it was often called the driver's chauffeurs - "Bobin") practically did not change the design and appearance, representing a high-voltage transformer in a metal hermetic glass filled with transformer oil to improve insulation between Witting windings and cooling.

An integral partner of the coil was a rubber - a low voltage mechanical switch and a high-speed distributor. The spark was to appear in the corresponding cylinders at the end of the compression tact of the fuel mixture - strictly at a certain point. The rubber carried out the origin of the spark, and synchronizing it with the motorcycle work clocks, and the distribution of candles.

A classic oil-filled ignition coil - "Bobin" (which in French and meant "coil") - was extremely reliable. From mechanical effects, it was protected by a steel glass of the case, from overheating - an effective heat sink through a filling glass oil. However, according to a low-margin in the original version, the poem "The case was not in Bobin - Idiot was sitting in the cockpit ...", it turns out that the reliable bobbin is sometimes toured, even if even the driver is not such an idiot ...

If you look at the contact system of the ignition system, it can be found that the muffled motor could stop in any crankshaft position, both with closed low voltage interrupter contacts in the rubber and open. If the motor stopped at the crankshaft position, in which the cam cam closed the contacts of the interrupter feeding the low voltage to the primary ignition coil winding, then when the driver for some reason included ignition, not launching the motor, and left the key in such a position for a long time, The primary winding of the coil could overheat and burn ... For it was started through it a constant current of 8-10 amps instead of an intermittent impulse.

Officially, the coil of a classic oil-filled type is unrestreach: after combustion of the winding, she went to scrap. However, once a long time ago on the automotive electricians managed to repair bobbins - the housing was ruined, the oil was joined, the windings were jammed and the windings were harvested ... Yes, there were times!

And only after the mass introduction of contactless ignition, in which the contacts of the traver changed to electronic switches, the problem of combustion of coils almost disappeared. In most switches, an automatic shutdown of current through the ignition coil on the ignition is turned on, but not running the engine. In other words, after turning on the ignition, the countdown of a small time interval began, and if the driver did not start the motor during this time, the switch automatically turned off, protecting both the coil, and itself from overheating.

Dry coils

The next stage of the development of the classical ignition coil was the refusal to the oil-filled housing. The "wet" coils changed to the "dry". Constructively, it was almost the same coil, but without a metal case and oil, covered on top of a layer of epoxy compound to protect against dust and moisture. She worked together with the same crash, and often on sale it was possible to meet the old "wet" coils, and the new "dry" on the same car model. They were completely interchangeable, even the "ears" of fasteners corresponded.

For an ordinary car owner in changing technology with "wet" to "dry" there was no essentially no advantages. If the latter, of course, was made qualitatively. "Profit" received only manufacturers, since it is somewhat simpler and cheaper to make a "dry" coil. However, if the "dry" coils of foreign car manufacturers were originally thought out and were made quite carefully and served almost as much as "wet", Soviet and Russian "dry" bobbins gained bad fame, because they had a lot of quality problems and failed quite often without any reasons.

Anyway, today "wet" ignition coils completely lost the place of "dry", and the quality of the latter even domestic production is practically no complaints.

There were also hybrid coils: the usual "dry" coil and the usual contactless ignition switch was sometimes combined into a single module. Such structures were found, for example, on monovpromptic Fords, Audi and a number of others. On the one hand, it looked to some extent technically, on the other hand, the reliability was reduced and the price increased. After all, two pretty heated nodes were combined into one, whereas individually they were cooled better, and when the system fails, it was cheaper ...

Oh yeah, still in a piggy bank of specific hybrids: the option of the coil integrated directly in the distributor of the trambrel was often met on old Toyota! It was integrated, of course, not tightly, and at the failure of the "Bobin" could be easily removed and acquired separately.

Ignition Module - Drawbr Flamen

A noticeable evolution in the coil world occurred during the development of injection engines. The first injectors had a "partial rubber" in their composition - the low-voltage chain of the coil was already commuting the electronic engine control unit, but the classic junct distributor was still distributed to the cylinder spark, driven by the camshaft. From this mechanical node, it was possible to completely abandon completely, applying a combined coil, in the total case of which the individual coils were hidden in an amount corresponding to the number of cylinders. Such nodes began to call "ignition modules".

The electronic motor control unit (ECU) contained 4 transistor keys, which alternately fed 12 volts to the primary windings of all four coils of the ignition module, and they, in turn, sent a spark pulse of high voltage each to its candle. Simplified variants of combined coils, more technological and cheap in production. In the same body, the ignition module of the four-cylinder engine is placed not four coils, but two, but working, however, for four candles. In such a scheme, the spark on the candle is filed in pairwise - that is, it comes to one candle from the pair, it comes to the moment of the mixture of the mixture, and on the other - inhabitant, at the time of the release of the exhaust gases from this cylinder.

The next stage of the development of combined coils was the transfer of electronic commuting keys (transistors) from the engine control unit into the ignition module body. The removal of powerful and heating in the operation of transistors "on the will" improved the temperature regime of the ECU, and when the electronic key, the switch was enough to replace the coil, and not change or solder the complex and expensive control unit. In which the individual immobilizer passwords for each auto is often prescribed for each auto information.

Each cylinder - in the coil!

Another typical solution for modern gasoline cars, which exists in parallel with the modular coils, is individual coils for each cylinder, which are installed in a candle well and in contact with the candle directly, without high-voltage wire.

The first "personal coils" were precisely coils, but then the switching electronics moved into them - just as it happened with ignition modules. Of the advantages of such a form factor - the refusal of high-voltage wires, as well as the possibility of replacing when the failure of only one coil, and not a whole module.

True, it is worth saying that in this format (coils without high-voltage wires mounted on the candle) there are coils in the form of a single block combined by a common base. Such, for example, love to use GM and PSA. This is a truly nightmarish technical solution: the coils seem to be separate, but upon failure, one of the "bobbins" have to change a large and very expensive block ...

What did we come to?

The classic oil-filled bobbin was one of the most reliable and insecrated nodes in carburetor and earlier injection vehicles. A sudden way out of order was considered to be rare. True, its reliability, unfortunately, "compensated" an integral partner - a rubber, and later - and the electronic switch (the last, however, was only related to domestic products). The "oil" "dry" coils for reliability were comparable, but still several times out of order without visible reasons.

Injector evolution forced to get rid of the trambrel. This appeared a variety of designs that did not need a mechanical high-voltage distributor - modules and individual coils in the number of cylinders. The reliability of such structures has further decreased due to the complication and miniaturization of their "bits", as well as the extremely difficult conditions for their work. After a few years of working with constant heating from the engine, on which the coils were mounted, cracks were formed on the protective layer, the moisture and oil came to high-voltage winding, causing trifles inside the windings and ignition passages. In individual coils, which are installed in the candlestones, the working conditions are even more ads. Also do not like gentle modern coils. Motor compartment washing and an enlarged gap in the spark plug electrodes formed as a result of the last work of the latter. Spark is always looking for the shortest way, and often finds it inside the winding of the Bobbin.

As a result, today the most reliable and correct design of existing and used ignition module with built-in switching electronics, mounted on an air gap engine and connected to candles by high-voltage wires. Less reliable separate coils installed in the Candle Block head wells, and completely unsuccessful, from my point of view, the solution in the form of combined coils on a single ramp.

The ignition system coil is a very important element whose main task is to convert voltage from low-voltage into high-voltage. This voltage comes directly from the battery or generator. The coil of the ignition system is quite different from the similar element in the contactless system.

Reel contact system ignition

In the Ignition Contact System, the coil consists of several of the most important elements: core, primary and secondary winding, cardboard tube, interrupter and an additional resistor. The peculiarity of the primary winding compared to the secondary is the smaller number of copper wire turns (up to 400). In the secondary winding of the coil, their number can reach 25 thousand, but their diameter is at times less. All copper wires in the ignition coil are well isolated. The core of the coil reduces the formation of vortex currents, it consists of a transformer strip, which is also well isolated from each other. The lower part of the core is installed in a special porcelain insulator. Now there is no need to list the principle of the coil in detail, it is enough just to mention that in the contact system such an element (voltage converter) is key.

Coil of the contactless ignition system

In the contactless ignition system, the coil performs exactly the same functions. And the difference is manifested only in the immediate structure of the element transforming the voltage. It is also worth noting that the electronic switch is interrupted by the supply chain of the primary coil. As for the ignition system itself, the contactless is significantly better in many parameters: the ability to start and operating the engine at low temperatures, no violation of the uniform distribution of the spark is not disturbed in the cylinders, there is no vibration. All these advantages give the coil itself in the contactless ignition system.

Comparison of coils

When it comes to signs of the difference in the coil of the contact system of the ignition from the contactless, everyone immediately pay attention to the labeling. Indeed, you can immediately find out for it, for which system it uses a coil. However, we are interested in the external and technical differences of coils, so we will give differences precisely by these parameters:

  • The coil in the ignition contact system has a greater number of turns in the primary winding. This change directly affects the resistance and the amount of passing current. In addition, the current limit on contacts is associated with security (so that the contacts do not overtake).
  • The contacts of the coil interrupter in the contactless ignition system are not contaminated and do not burn. Such reliability allows you to get one important advantage: setting the moment of ignition does not take much time.
  • The coil in the contactless ignition system is more powerful and more reliable. This advantage is directly related to the fact that the most contactless ignition system is a more reliable option. Therefore, in such a system, the coil and gives greater engine power.

Conclusions Site

  1. They have different labeling, denoting the difference between two coils.
  2. In the contact system, the coil has a greater number of turns.
  3. Contact the contact of the coil of the contactless system of reliable.
  4. The coil itself in the contactless ignition system gives greater power.