Not determined by place in instagram. How to add a location in Instagram in all ways

Geolocation in Instagram - coordinates on the map where the picture was taken. It can be any place: fitness club, shop, museum or even the beach. Companies celebrate themselves on the map so that they can easily find customers. Ordinary users celebrate the place where they rested or on the contrary, wherever they would like to go.

In this article, we will analyze how to add our place and create geolocation in instagram, and also put the geometric in the post or in Storage.

Why should you celebrate geolocation in instagram

When you press geolocation, you can see the point on the map, up to the address. On many devices, the default geoction opens in Google Maps, but can also be viewed in any other cartographic service. You can also build a route to the right place.

Geolokation in instagram is also used to promote business. In posts, you can mark the nearby popular geometry of the city or launch Massolong, Maslainking or Mauluking on them. Using special services, you can assemble the target audience of geo in instagram.

In addition, for each geolocation there are top posts and show the latest hosted stories. Therefore, the use of popular geometers allows you to get additional coverage for your publications.

Some users are faced with the fact that they cannot add geolocation. To fix it, you need to go to the settings and enable geolocation definition on your device. In the iPhone, we go "Settings - Privacy - Geolocation Services". From the list, select the software you need - Facebook and Instagram, and activate them.

Then how usually choose a photo, add text and specify the place. If you see that your geolocation has already been created, you can safely take advantage of it. Often after the introduction of the first letters, the name of the place that you can choose appears. Similarly, you can note geolocation under the video. At the same time, it is impossible to change geolocation for the publication already made.

In Stories, you also add a photo, swipe up and add "geodatat".

But if your company only opens and is not yet on the list of possible geolokations? Then you can create and add instagram to the base for further use. At the same time, use the created place, you can, as you yourself and other users.

How to create your geolocation and add a place in Instagram

Add your geolocation, in fact, quite simple, but the creation itself is not at instagram. This platform belongs to Facebook, so you first need to add a place at the business page in Facebook. After that, geolocation will be available to select Instagram and will also be called as your page on Facebook.

To create your point on the map, you need to go to Facebook and create a business page there or log in if you have already had a page. Further:

Step 1. Go to the company page and choosesection "Information".

Step 2.. In the window that opens, click "Edit".

Step 3.. We enter the address:

  • accurate address: Street and houses (or microdistrict, metro station, quarter);
  • settlement (city, country side, village)
  • index.

Actually, all, now you can add geolocation in two social networks. And also attach a place in posts. You can find geolocation by entering the name of the page in the search for geolocation.

Because of which the location is not determined in Instagram

If you can not determine your geotochka, it is worth checking the phone settings and geo sensor. In this case, you should restart the phone or check the Internet connection. And again try the option of determining geolocation.

You need to go to the phone settings. Find "Personal data" and open the "location". You must enable this feature by moving the slider. Now you have a list of applications that collect data about your location. You need to allow access to two applications - Facebook and Instagram.

Turn on the definition of geolocation on the iPhone

You need to go to "Settings", choose "Privacy". Go to "Geolocation Service" and allow access to two applications - Facebook and Instagram.

As you can see, create geolocation, and then use it anyone. The function is useful for both companies and ordinary users.

Who does not know, this is an application that is gaining mad popularity among all the segments of the population in all countries.

People share their news or simply beautiful publications with the whole world.

  • You can choose your location from the list below the "Specify Place" key. The places close to your geoposition will be listed here: the city, the area, specific institutions.

  • You can click on the inscription "Specify the place" and enter the desired data, any place, optionally located not far from you and click on it.

  • On top of the publication, under your instagram nickname, the location specified by you will be located.

If you have already posted your publication, add a place to it will not make problems. It is enough to press the button in the form of three consecutive points to the right from the top of the publication, in the menu that appears, select "Change".

In the field where the location should be located will be the inscription "Add place". Then it remains only to click there and select one location from the list it in the list or enter your own data.

Attach your geoposition to history (Storsis) as follows:

  1. Make a photo, remove a video or add something from the gallery.
  2. On the top toolbar, click on "Stickers", representing a smiley in a square.
  3. Choose from the list "Geodatan" the place for you and click on it, then put in history.

How to create a new place in instagram

Adding geolocation via Facebook

Unfortunately, the creation of its own tag in the social network is not possible. But this can be done with.

First you need to synchronize accounts of these social networks. This can be done by going to the settings in the personal profile Instagram.

Press the "Account" point, then "Related Accounts". You will face a small list from social. Networks in which you want to select Facebook and enter personal data.

After that, you need to go to Facebook and create a new record with a geoposition indication, touch "Mark Visit". The item "Add a new place" will appear, where you need to introduce your coordinates (city, street, perhaps the house) and give your name mark.

Now I enroll in Instagram, you can add a place to publication, created by you.

Enabling location on Android and iOS

You can enable GPS in your phone settings.

GPS is a satellite navigation system that allows you to find the location of the owner of the smartphone.

On the iPhone, you need to go to "Privacy", after selecting "Geolocation Services". Here you should enable or disable the location definition, both for shared access and individual applications.

Similar algorithm has an Android operating system. In the settings you need to click on "Connections", and then to "geodata", located at the bottom of the list.

Here you can also follow access to GPS in various programs.

Because of which the location may not be determined

Your smartphone cannot accurately determine your location or does it not determine it at all?

This may be a number of reasons:

  1. You may have forgotten enable geolocation services on the phone, then you only need to check the settings.
  2. If the location is not defined in any particular application, go to the geolocation settings or setting the program itself and allow access.
  3. GPS services work primarily thanks to the Internet. If you are turned off or you are in some place with a bad connection: in the village, in nature, etc., it is not surprising that the location is determined inaccurately or not determined at all.
  4. You can enable power saving mode, which on most gadgets disables the location function.
  5. To more accurately specify your geopaic, it is recommended to include the Wi-Fi network.

If the problem is not eliminated, try turning on and off geodata and repeat the same with Wi-Fi and flight mode. And of course, do not forget to reboot the smartphone itself.

Reading time:

It is impossible to add a location to Instagram Publication. The problem is noticed if the geometry is not added when publishing photos is not added inaccurately. There are several reasons for this:

1. The GPS is turned off, the LBS method is used to determine the location. If your phone is not equipped with a GPS module or it is turned off, the Foursquare location data will take from the Location-based Service. At the same time, location information is determined by Internet, Wi-Fi, GSM, UMTS. The coordinate definition radius can vary from 50 meters to 100 kilometers. Solution - Enable GPS. If it is not, activate WCDMA or LTE. If nothing helped, choose the location manually.

2. The account is locked in Foursquare. A very rare error that appears if your profile in the social network Foursquare is blocked due to the violations of the service rules. This can happen if you publish a photo of unacceptable content. Solution - Register in Foursquare under another email.

3. Check the Internet connection. Perhaps the connection speed does not allow you to upload a photo with a geometry or the Internet is not active at all. Solution - Enable access to the network, change the access point or try to enter Instagram later.

Geolocation should be understood by a point that indicates the location of a specific object. As such a point, the car can act in traffic, the place of the appointed rest, the place where the last cat was last seen and much more. Geolocation can be used to bind a certain place - shop, cafe, beauty salon, fitness club and so on, and then this place to use in or in posts. Thanks to this, customers will be able to find the location of your sales points faster.

In this article, we will look at how to create geolocation in Instagram, add a place and specify a geometry when publishing a post.

Why do you need geolocation in instagram?

From the user's point of view, the installation of geolocation in the post is an opportunity, as if it was not trite, it was noted, mark my location. Place of work, restaurant, popular resort and much more.

Also geolocation can be used to promote business. In addition to using a geometry in the profile, you can post posts using the most popular in your city. In addition, you can in close proximity to your sales points with and then on the assembled audience .

Each user has the opportunity to create its own point and attach it to the post. For example, you visited a beautiful place and noted it with geodata. This place will be able to see any user instagram. In addition to the fact that a person will be visible a name / address, he will be able to open a map where the route will be built with the help of the conductor. This option is useful not only to commercial enterprises, but also those who travel a lot and leads a blog in Instagram.

Who should be useful to this option Instagram?

It has already been said earlier that geolocation is of particular importance for those who are engaged in promoting their company. Thus, you not only advertise your business, but you can find it in the column "where you". The awareness of the institution due to geolocation will grow significantly, and people who are either living nearby are be sure to learn about this place.

How to add a place in Instagram

The process of creating a new geolocation is quite simple, but is not implemented in the instagram itself. Since Instagram belongs to Facebook, the adding place occurs during the creation of a business page on Facebook for the subsequent transition to a business profile in instagram.

If she was previously created by someone else, you can safely use these geodahs. To create a geoposition, the phone is best to use the phone, however there are applications that are adapted to PC.

After you downloaded the application, you need to register a new profile or logged in if you have already been registered.

In the Information section, specify the exact address.

On this all actions end. The point on the map is created, the place is added. Now you can attach the created place in two social networks to any of your publications.

Because of what the location is not determined in Instagram?

If your phone cannot determine your geotochka, then the reason is either in the smartphone settings, or in a geodatcher. Help can restart the device and check the Internet connection. If this does not help, then most likely the reason in the settings of the smartphone. You must make sure that the location definition is included, as it is necessary.

Turning on the location: Android

To enable the function in question, you need to go to the phone settings. We find "personal data" and open the "location" there. Here you need to move the slider to enable this feature. Everything is simple enough. Now the location is enabled and you can see applications that collect data about your location. Facebook and Instagram must be in the list of those for whom this collection is allowed.

Turning on the location: iOS

To enable the option, you must go to the settings and find "Privacy". In the window that opens, select "Geolocation Services". Thinking the slider and that's all. Before using geodan in Instagram, make sure that the resolution is activated for it and the Facebook.

Adding a geometry in instagram post

As soon as Geotochka was created, you can easily use it and add to publications. The point is available to all users, it is possible to install it countless times. When searching for a point, drive it exactly as named in Facebook. The geolocation option is very useful for various enterprises and institutions promoting themselves in Instagram.

If you have selected the direction of coordinates on a mobile device attached to the photo, but nothing happened, then it means that geolocation is disabled. In order to find out how to add a location in Instagram, we go to the settings, select the "Privacy" tab, followed by the necessary service - activate it by the slider, shifting it to the side and seeking transition from red onto the green light. After returning to the initial menu, specify the data, and now the question " how to add a location in Instagram"It will not arise. Tooling photos to the top by the location in Instagram, occurs by living activity, for this you can use, for example, cheat Lykov . Released in the top photos will bring unique visitors.

In Instagram, photos are laid out of life - everything that seems interesting: travel, meetings, menus and much more, but in addition to them there is a need to specify places where everything happened, so that the information is in easy access, and not, for example, as a signature under the image. Well, if you clearly know the address, and if there are no such data, and how to add a place in Instagram - also have a very troubled view? Geolocation is a mobile application that has a detailed area map in the database, it is enough to choose it, as it will notice the position itself and informs the necessary information to the people signed on you (how to find out who came, signed and unsubscribed in instagram, read). But not in all cases, the exact coordinates are able to be found, but in private (for example, living) are not available at all, and there is a legitimate question: how to add a place in instagram?

How to create a place in Instagram which is not on the map of geolocation

But what to do if you need to specify certain coordinates that are serious, geolocation is included, but the mark still does not appear? Despite the fact that the "Map" application includes a lot of points, it is completely not capable of covering everything, then you can create a place in Instagram on your own. Since the program is inextricably linked with Facebook, you will have to go there:

  • If you already have a Facebook account, then use the login and password. Otherwise - we are registered;
  • We definitely check whether at least one friend is in the list, so access to special settings will be obtained;
  • Where the question is visible "What do you do?", Will and "Where are you?";
  • We are interested in a "base place" - we call it as like or in accordance with important events (New Year's dinner, party with colleagues, etc.), write the address, we save;
  • When the new coordinates appeared in Facebook, it remains only to add them to the app - now you know how to create a place in instagram.

We really advise you to read material We mentioned many important and useful moments on an independent promotion in instagram in this topic.

How to add a new place in instagram without a Facebook account

If you need to add a new place in Instagram, but you do not have an account in Facebook, you can try add a new place through instagram. In 2016, the social network updated greatly and allowed its users to put tags on the map, which had not been noted before. For example, you came to the village to your grandmother, we made a lot of excellent photos there, but this village is not on the map of geolocation. Do not be discouraged if you have an internet connection and a phone at hand, you can make it quite simple. Plus, your photos can find people on these unopened places. In such places like megalopolises and major cities, it is very hard to take a photo in the top by location, so try to add photos in places where very few people put a label or not put at all. This move can be very beneficial to affect your account, also well affect live subscribers Comments and viewing, screw off without any problems on our website.

How to specify a place in instagram automatically

Attach the photo and want to tell all readers not only about what they did, but also to report exactly where it happened - suddenly they will also want to repeat - then use the built-in card (do not forget to learn before specifying the place in instagram). It marked most places with clear addresses, you will not have to break your head or memorize coordinates. Answering the question " how to specify a place in instagram"You click on the desired tab, and the process is running. Just do not forget to download, install and activate (if this is not yet done) geolocation services.