Applications Connecting to a computer. How to view a list of connected equipment in Windows? Connecting Bluetooth headset, speakers or other audio devices

Last time we reviewed the basic criteria for which the selection of computer iron is needed. And now, having all the necessary components in the presence, you can start directly to the computer assembly. Be careful not to be treated and do all the actions carefully. Carefully learn related instructions.
Prepare a workplace. It should have enough free space for the location of all parts and good lighting. As for the working tool, everything you need is a cross screwdriver. It is necessary to make an assembly on the surface that does not conduct electricity. Avoid accumulation of static electricity. If your body is electrified, then touch some metal item to discharge. Now you can start.

Installing the processor and cooling system.

Let's start with the installation of the processor. Find the connector on the motherboard (socket) for it in the form of a rectangular shape.

Depending on the processor manufacturer (Intel or AMD), the connector on the motherboard under it can be of two types:

In our case, the Intel processor and the corresponding socket type in the motherboard (LG-115).

Before installing the processor, you must remove the lid that covers the socket.
The side is the lever, lower it down with a slight touch and move away slightly to the side.

Then lift this lever upwards, as a result of which the presser cover will open.

Now take the processor and install it in the connector. No need to make efforts. To install in the correct position, focus on the butt cutting. Intel, they are in the form of semicircular surroundings on the sides, AMD is beveled corners.

We close the clamping frame (the protective cover on it will have to fly away, it can be discarded).

Go to the installation of the cooling system of the processor.

Depending on the model and type of cooling system, the method of its attachment on the motherboard may differ. As a rule, a detailed instruction on its assembly and installation is included with it. Therefore, we advise you, first examine it and strictly follow the procedure for these actions.

Below will look at the most common ways to fasten the radiator to the motherboard.

In our case, on the sides of the socket of the processor there are four holes.

Include with the Intel processor there is a cooling system containing four legs for fasteners that need to be inserted into these very holes. For consolidation, you must click on them from above.

In the system boards with connectors under the AMD processors, the standard cooling system is fixed with two bolts.

Let's return to our motherboard. If you decide not to use the radiator, which was included with the Intel processor, and have acquired a more advanced cooling system, then, in this case, a special additional frame is used for fastening, which is attached from the back side of the motherboard.

It is necessary to attach this frame so that the holes on it and the board coincide. Then insert the screws into these holes (you will find them complete with the radiator) and screw to them (on the other side of the board) screws.

After applying the thermal paste to the processor (see below), secure the radiator using a special clamping frame and twist the nuts on the previously installed screws.

Applying thermal paste.

The radiator can be supplied with the thermally applied to it, in this case, skip this stage. If you complete a separate tube with it, then you must apply it yourself.

Issimate a small amount of thermal paste on the surface of the processor (the size of the pea)

Distribute it to a smooth layer throughout its surface. To do this, it is convenient to use a plastic card (be sure to make sure that the thermal paste fails for the edges of the processor).

Now you can install the cooling system (see above).

It remains to connect the power of the fan (installed on the radiator) to the motherboard. It is not difficult to find this connector. It is located next to the processor socket, has four pin (contact) and is often signed as "CPU FAN".

If the power cord disappears only three contacts at the end, connect it without fear to the specified connector.

Installing RAM.

Slots for RAM are not far from the processor. In our case, there are four slots (two black and two blue).

For better system performance, you must install the memory strips in pairs so that they work in two-channel mode. Those. If you want to install 4 GB, then two layers of 2 GB should be purchased. If the ultimate target is 8 GB, then you need to take two 4 GB memory. It is necessary to set them in one bank (due to the slots of the same color).

You can view detailed instructions for installing RAM in Slots in our last article "How to install RAM to a computer", starting from the third item.

Preparation of the case.

Motherboard and all other components are placed in the housing. Therefore, let's deal with its preparation.

The first thing to be done is to remove the side covers.

Depending on the model of your case, the fastening of the covers can be the most different. The most common latches are encountered (they need to neatly squeeze) or screws that are on the back (unscrew them and pull the lid on themselves). We just have the second case when the side covers are attached with screws (from above and below).

Inside the system block case, you will find some hardware components. As a rule, this is a power cord, a bag with fastening screws and instructions. Remove them. Wires that go from the front panel, do not touch (they are connected, we will do later). As a result, the case is ready for further assembly and will look like this:

Installing the optical drive (DVD drive) and hard disk.

In front of the system unit housing, a special stand with compartments of two types of width is provided. It is just installed hard drives, optical drives, card readers. In the side walls of the rack you will find holes and slits for fastening these devices with screws and special clamps.

Let's start with the installation of a DVD drive. Place it in the top compartment.

Remove the front plug and secure the device from the outer part inside the compartment. Align all four holes (two on each side) at the device itself and the side walls of the rack. Fix with screws.

In the middle, there are compartments for another type of devices.

Previously, they placed three inch drives, but today they are morally outdated. Therefore, today this compartment is used for card readers (memory card readers). Their installation is similar to installing a DVD drive.

At the bottom there are compartments for installing hard drives. Fastening the hard disk occurs as in the situation with optical drive, but unlike the latter, the hard disk is inserted into the compartment not outside, but from the inside of the case.

That's all. Further connection of the hard disk and optical drive, we will continue below, in the "Connection of SATA Cables" and "Install / Connecting the Power Block". In the meantime, we will deal with the installation of the motherboard.

Installation of motherboard.

Put the housing with the right side wall down.

Complete to your motherboard should go a rectangular strap with various holes for board connectors that serve to connect such external devices, as a monitor, speakers, keyboard, mouse, etc. It looks like this

The installation of the plank must be carried out from the inside of the case.

Position it so that the openings coincide with the location of the connectors on the motherboard.

If you look at the bar with the front side in a horizontal position, then one (maximum two) round holes should be placed on the left for connecting the mouse or keyboard, and on the right round holes (from three to six) smaller diameter for a sound card.

Insert and install the bar into the rectangular neckline, pressing on it until you hear a characteristic click that means that it stood in the grooves.

To secure the motherboard in the case there is a large metal plate with holes in which they need to screw the special brass racks (legs). These racks in the future and the fee is screwed.

However, the legs need to be inserted not into all the holes, but only in those that fit the holes done in the motherboard. To understand which holes in the case you need to use, take and attach a board to the fastening plate of the housing (when you select the correct position of the board, you can focus on the correspondence of its connectors to the previously installed bar).

Remember the location and number of the coincided holes. Remove the motherboard and screw the rack housing into these places.

Set the board back and fix it by screwing the screws through the openings in the rack.

Connecting buttons, LEDs and front panel connectors.

Let's now connect the wires that run from the front panel of the system unit.

Correct them correctly will not be difficult, because All wires and connectors are signed in the motherboard.

Pwr_sw. (or Power SW) - Computer Enable Button.

RST (Reset SW) - Reload button.

H.d.dled. - Hard disk activity indication

SPEAKER - Built-in body speaker (speaker) for system warnings.

Pled. - Light bulbs.

There are also two more cables required to connect USB and audio connectors from the front of the system unit.

On the motherboard, all connectors under these cables are located in one row from the very edge.

With USB and Audio we think everything is clear.

System Panel is designed to connect the power button on, rebooting the computer, indicators and a speaker. They signed similarly to cable connectors that must be connected to them.

In some, rare cases, the connectors on the motherboard may not be signed. Then we recommend using the instructions (user manual) to your motherboard model. There you will find a detailed description of the purpose of all groups of connectors and contacts.

Connect SATA cables.

Complete with the motherboard you will find SATA cables. They are needed to connect hard disk and DVD drive to the motherboard.

One end of the cable (with an angular form) insert into the device connector, and the other in the connector of the motherboard.

In the motherboard, SATA cable connectors are usually in the lower right corner. You can learn them on M-shaped contexts surrounded by the frame.

They can be painted in different colors, which indicates a different speed bandwidth. In our case, SATA connectors are indicated by blue, providing the data transfer rate of 3 GB / s, and white - 6 GB / s. Connect to the 6 GB / s connector has the meaning only if you connect a solid data storage (SSD).

Installing / Connecting the Power Block.

The location for fixing the power supply is in the upper back of the system unit housing. You will see a large rectangular cutout.

This will serve as a landmark for its installation inside the case. Secure the power supply with screws in four holes.

Now we will deal with all devices to it. Let's start connecting the necessary wires to the motherboard.

The largest 24-pin cable connector (ATX POWER) is responsible for feeding the power to the motherboard.

For compatibility with old motherboards, it can be divided into two parts (20- and 4-pin).

Find the connector to connect it will not be difficult, because He is the same big. As a rule, it is located close to the slots of RAM.

The second is connecting the 8-pin cable for the additional power of the processor.

The connector on the motherboard for its connection is not far from the processor.

And the last thing we can connect, these are SATA power cables for hard disk, optical drive, SSD disk.

Installing a video card.

To install modern video cards on the motherboard used PCI Express x 16 connector.

PCI Express X 1 connector is designed for audio cards, Wi-Fi adapters, etc. You can also detect the old type of PCI connectors. It still can serve to connect network and professional sound cards.

We hope you purchased a modern video card, and therefore we will be interested in the PCI Express X 16 connector.

If in your case, like us, more than one connector of this type, then use the one that is closer to the processor radiator.

Remove the plugs from the rear wall of the case opposite that the connector in which you can insert the video card.

Insert the video card into the slot of the connector, gently pressing it.

Screw the end of the board, located closer to the rear of the case.

In the video card installed by us there are two connections (6- and 8-pin). You must connect the corresponding cables from the power supply to them.

So we finished the installation and connection of all component devices inside the housing.

Dress back the side covers, connect the monitor, keyboard, mouse and your computer is ready to work. All you have to do is to establish a preferred operating system. If you have problems at this stage, we advise you to read the following our articles:

Now armed with the knowledge gained, you will always be able to replace the components that have fallen or produce the computer to be upgraded yourself.

You have a new computer, and you are ready to install it, but do not know how. You may seem like a complicated and impossible task for beginners. In fact, everything is very simple. And it does not matter what company your computer, because the connection scheme has a similar computers.

If you want to connect just a purchased computer that is also in a box, then you will probably find instructions in it with a description of the connection process. Even if there are no instructions, you can connect a computer and peripheral devices by making only slightly simple actions. In this lesson, step by step will find out how it is done.


If you have a laptop, the connection process is extremely simple: just open it and press the power button. If the battery is not charged, then the laptop needs to connect external nutrition. You can use a laptop during charging.

If the laptop has some peripheral devices, for example, external speakers, then you can read the instructions below, since the diagram of the laptop and desktop connections are mainly coincided.

Installing and connecting a desktop computer

Step 1

Unpack the monitor and system unit out of the box. Remove all plastic protective films. Place the monitor and the system unit on the table.

Think about where your workplace will be located, where the monitor will be standing, the system unit, peripheral devices. It is recommended to locate the system unit in a well ventilated place. It will help to avoid overheating.

Step 2.

Find monitor cable. This is usually either VGA or DVI cable. He may look about the same as in the image, or saint colors. (If you have a monoblock, then you can go to step 4).

Step 3.

Connect one end of the cable to port Monitor on the rear panel of the system unit, and the second - to the monitor. Tightly tighten the plastic bolts to secure the cable.

Many computer cables are connected only with specific ports. Therefore, if the cable is not inserted, do not make strength so as not to break the connector. Make sure the plug comes to the port, and then connect them.

To understand which cables to belong to what ports, learn our lesson.

Step 4.

Unpack the keyboard and determine which connector at its cable: USB (rectangular) connector or PS / 2 (round). If you are using a USB connector, connect it to any USB port on the rear panel of the system unit. If PS / 2 is used connector, then insert it into the purple keyboard port on the rear panel of the system unit.

Step 5.

Unpack the mouse and determine which connector at its cable: USB (rectangular) connector or PS / 2 (round). If you are using a USB connector, connect it to any USB port on the rear panel of the system unit. If PS / 2 is used connector, then insert it into the green port of the mouse on the rear panel of the system unit.

If your keyboard has a USB port, you can connect the mouse through it, and not directly to the computer.

If you have a wireless mouse or keyboard, you may need to be connected to a Bluetooth computer adapter (via USB). However, many computers have built-in Bluetooth, so the adapter may not need.

Step 6.

If you have external columns or headphones, you can connect them to the audio port (on the front or rear panel of the system unit). On many computers, the ports are indicated by flowers. The columns or headphones are connected to the green port, and the microphone is to pink. Blue port is a line input that is intended for other types of devices.

Some columns, headphones and microphones have USB plugs instead of ordinary audio. They can be connected to any USB port. In addition, many monitors have built-in columns and microphones.

Step 7.

Take 2 power cables that go along with the computer. Connect the first cable from behind to the system unit and to the network filter. Then plug the second cable to the monitor and to the network filter.

Step 8.

Finally, connect the network filter into a wall outlet. You may need to also turn on the network filter itself, if it has a switch.

If you do not have a network filter, you can connect the computer directly into the socket. However, it is not recommended to do so, since the voltage jump can lead to a breakdown of the computer.

Installing and connecting a computer Completed

Now your basic computer devices are ready to work. Before turning on the computer, spend some time on the organization of the workplace. A well-organized workplace can increase labor productivity and strengthen health.

Sooner or later, the moment comes when you need to connect the phone to the PC. For example, to reset music, documents, movies or update the firmware. There are several ways to do this, but the most versatile and reliable - through the YUSB cable. Despite the fact that everything seems simple, sometimes there are difficulties with pairing: the gadget is not determined by the Windows operating system or only charging is functioning, and the file transfer is not available. So that you still have no problems, we will discern how to connect the phone to the computer correctly, in order to avoid possible trouble. In addition, consider ways to solve popular problems that may arise.

How to connect the phone to a computer via a USB cable?

Transferring documents using a cable - the optimal option if you need to send a large amount of data in a short period of time, since the transfer via Wi-Fi is even more convenient, but slower.

Remember, try to use the standard cord, which was included, in order to avoid unexpected conflicts and troubleshooting.

Procedure for Connection:

  • insert the cable into the phone connector, then another end to the computer;

Attention! If you first connect the device with a PC, then Windows will start loading drivers, which will take from one to ten minutes. Take patience, you can look at the progress of installation through a pop-up window that will appear when connected. Usually the installation passes without problems, but sometimes there is a failure and not all drivers are downloaded. About how to deal with it, read below in a separate paragraph.

  • after processing drivers, the OS will suggest choose what to do with a new device;
  • now the device is displayed in the list of portable devices;
  • to see them, open "My Computer", then click on the icon with the name of your phone model, and you will fall into the root directory (if the memory card is installed, you first need to choose, with what to work: with it or embedded storage).

The next time the components will not be downloaded for compatibility. Therefore, the smartphone is determined immediately.

Attention! If something does not work, reboot your mobile phone, PC, and then try to do the manipulation described above again.

Setting up phone

There are several parameters in Android affecting a connector with a computer. Sometimes the user does not choose something or changes or changes, but it happens that the connected device works by default in incorrect connection mode.

USB connection settings

Almost all modern mobile phones can be condensed with a computer in different modes. Specialty default is the "Charging Mode" parameter, that is, when you insert the cord into the port of the system unit and the phone socket, the second begins to charge, and does not open access to the repository. But it is easy to reinitive, for this you need:

  • swipe "Shutter" down and find the "Charging via USB" item;
  • tap on it, select "File Transfer" (MTP).

The device reoriented to the transfer of files, and you can copy them, move, create folders, etc.

USB debugging manipulation

Sometimes it helps the debugging. To find it, you need to unlock the menu "for developers", for this go to "Settings" - "About the phone" and seven times in a row click on the "Assembly number".

Attention! In MIUI, open the "Settings" - "About Device", click on "MIUI version" seven times.

Return to the main menu, open the menu that appears at the bottom. Leave a bit down until it is stumbled upon "USB debugging". By default, it is turned off, turn it on, it can help if the connector with the computer is not installed in any way.

You can also try to turn it off if it is originally active. Sometimes it helps.

Why doesn't the computer sees the phone when connected via USB?

Briefly consider the main interference that may arise if you decide to connect the phone to the computer via the USB cable.

Cause №1. Hardware fault

Often the cable that you connect breaks somewhere inside, so contact "does not go." Make sure the Cord Feed, try to charge the phone through the outlet. If the current went, then the working cable, the port of the device too. However, if damage is detected, replace the cord on a new original or similar in quality, which will be compatible with the phone.

Insert the flash drive into the computer connector if it is determined - the nest in the PC is also in order. Otherwise, test the rest of the sockets and use the serviceable.

Cause # 2. Old operating system

Windows XP owners can not always freely throw off the files on the smartphone due to the lack of necessary components. Download them by reference\u003d19153 From the official site Microsoft. After installation, everything should earn if the problem was only in this.

Cause number 3. Device driver failure

This is one of the most unpleasant reasons, but it is not so difficult to correct it, as it may seem. Baister! Make the following:

When the process is completed, the phone must identify your smartphone.

Cause №4. No Universal ADB Driver

This driver is also very important and responsible for the conjugation. Load it on the link The component will help if you cannot download or install the phone or tablet drivers. It is intended for the operation of Android Debug Bridge, as well as all Android synchronization programs with PC. Very often its installation helps solve problems arising when trying to connect the phone to the computer via USB.

There is no particularly difficult problem in the connection and correction, and often the connection normally passes itself. However, if you encountered problems, then for starters, do the simplest steps to eliminate them, and then go to more complex.

The following additional devices can be connected to the computer:

Mouse type manipulator It is intended to move the cursor on displays having a graphic mode of operation, along any trajectory and at any desired speed. To work with modern operating systems, in addition to the "mouse" use the replacement devices - trackball, sensory panels, etc. These devices are called indexing devicesSince they allow you to specify those or other items on the computer screen.

Print devices (printers ), designed to display information from the computer on paper. There are monochrome and colored. According to the principle of operation (method of obtaining an ottiska), the PU is divided into the following types:

§ matrix (the print head with a vertical number of thin metal rods moves along the printed string, and the rods at the right moment are hit by paper through the painting ribbon);

§ laser (the image is transferred to paper from a special printing drum to which paint (toner) particles are electrically attracted and which is electrified with a laser by special computer commands);

§ jet or ink (The image is formed by microcapors of special ink emitted on paper through the nozzle in the print head);

§ sublimation or hertical cerebrals (Used to obtain high-quality images).

Scanner - A device that allows you to read textual and graphical information from the optics from a paper document to a computer. May be color and monochrome. Constructively exist manual, tablet and drum Scanners.

Plotter - A device that allows you to issue a paper sheet to paper sheet using a written design documentation, technical drawings or any graphic information.

Digitizer Provides a digitization of information readable from a tablet, such as a map image.

Multimedia projector Allows you to demonstrate on the big screen image from the computer monitor screen.

Streameruse to record information on cassettes (cartridges) with a magnetic tape.

Coding tablet - "Electronic Feather" of the artist - introduces a pencil movement on the tablet to the computer.

Digital camera Allows you to write a photo as a file.

Multimedia- Devices and special programs that allow you to work with audio and video information. For this PC should have a drive for CDs, sound card, acoustic systems ("columns", headphones).

Communication devices:

modem(mO dular- dem.tool) - A device connecting two computers through analog channels (ordinary telephone lines). Using the modem, you can exchange files, talk, send email, faxes, connect to the Internet. Distinguish external (connected to the PC system unit) and internal (mounted inside the system unit) modems;

network adapter (network fee) - A device intended for connecting a PC to a local computer network. The local network is a network that connects personal computers and other office equipment, allowing users to share information and share resources (printers, modems, information storage devices, etc.).

Greetings to readers of our blog!
We have already many times have had a variety of wireless adapters on reviews and tests, and once again browsing these articles, I suddenly found that we have no detailed universal instructions, how to connect a computer to the Internet via WiFi using USB adapter. I have a hurry to fix this misunderstanding in this post to configure the Wi-Fi of the adapter!

Method for connecting a computer to the Internet via WiFi

Buying a "big" desktop PC, few of the users think in advance that in the future there will be a need to use Wi-Fi on it. However, if nevertheless there was such a moment, the only correct solution will be the installation of an additional PCI or USB adapter, with which you can to plug Normal stationary computer to the Internet on a wireless network. By the way, we have dedicated a separate big instruction - it will be useful to read before buying.

How to connect a USB adapter to a computer?

Procedure Next:

  1. Connect the adapter to USB port
  2. Start using wifi internet

Yes, everything is so simple, did you think? If you have Windows 7, 8, 10 installed on your computer or laptop, then nothing is required.

An important nuance is if your WiFi adapter supports work via USB 3.0 port, it is best to connect to it.

No, it will work on 2.0, but for the same convenience, maximum speed can only be achieved on the latest standard.

As for the disk with drivers and software, which most often goes complete, it makes sense only if you have an outdated Windows XP. Most often it is for her to install the drivers separately. The installation program is essentially replacing the standard chipped in Windows, so it is also a master's business too to put it. You can install from curiosity. Sometimes, by the way, it happens that through it you can translate the USB adapter to the WiFi access point and distribute the Internet to other gadgets from the computer.

How to set up a wifi adapter?

Well, let's go to practice. Connect a WiFi adapter to a computer to the USB port

and wait until a new USB device is identified and successfully installed

If this miracle did not happen, then we take a CD

and install from the driver disk.

After that, the WiFi icon appears in the list in the lower right corner of the panel - by clicking it a list of available wireless network connections will open.

Choose the desired us - that is, from your router to which you have access - and press the "Connect" button

we enter a password

and rejoice in the Internet via WiFi.

If there is a WPS button on the adapter housing, then you are extremely lucky, since the connection to the router and the setting to work with its WiFi network can be performed automatically.

To do this, activate the WPS mode on your router

and briefly press the similar WPS button on its case.

After that, we also click on this button on the adapter. After a few moments, the computer or laptop will turn out to be online.

It is so easy and easy to connect the WiFi adapter to a computer and configure via USB - I am sure you will get it too! If you have any questions - ask in the comments.

Computer (eng. Computer - calculator) is a programmable electronic device capable of processing data and perform calculations, as well as perform other tasks for manipulating characters.

External (peripheral) personal computer devices constitute the most important part of any computing complex. The cost of external devices on average is about 80-85% of the cost of our complex. External devices provide computer interaction with the environment - users, control objects and other computers.

External devices are connected to a computer through special I / O ports. I / O ports are the following types:

parallel (denoted LPT1 - LPT4) - commonly used to connect printers; Consecutive (denoted som1 - COM4) - usually mouse, modem and other devices are connected to them.

External modem.Let's start with a computer modem. The modem connects the computer with the Internet by means of a regular telephone cable. Accordingly, receiving and transmitting data goes through the telephone network.

A more modern analog for connecting to the Internet is a modem for ADSL, which works much faster than its older fellow and is an external device.

Wireless modem. There are plenty of other features to connect to the Internet, for example, using Wireless modem Yota, Sky Link, MegaFon, etc.

Internal modem. (Fax modem) In addition, the modem is required to connect a fax to a computer and it is usually installed inside the system unit (fax modem).

Printer Designed for printing textual and graphic information on paper. There are matrix, inkjet and laser printers, and in color printing - black and white (monochrome) and colored.

The printing process is called printing, and the resulting document is a printout or a solid copy.

Matrix printer Matrix printers are veterans of print, as they appeared significantly earlier inkjet and laser printers. Both all old films are black and white due to the technologies of their time, and the matrix printers are black and white. Many consider them outdated. However, the matrix printers are still actively used to print where the continuous supply of paper (in rolls) is used, namely, in banks, in accountants, in laboratories, in libraries for printing on cards, etc.

Inkjet printer inkjet printers can be color or black and white. They are printed on paper with paint, which take from cartridges. Lack of inkjet printers - expensive printing, ink with paper is usually washed off with water. When the paint in the cartridge ends, you need to buy a new cartridge, or give old to refueling.

Laser printer Laser printers are also colored and black and white. They are printed using a laser beam. The laser beam bakes toner on paper, which gets from the cartridge on paper. These cartridges are filled with toner (powder). Laser printers have a high print speed and not expensive at cost printed sheet.

Scanner Designed to enter information from paper into a computer. Performs features opposite to the printer. If the printer prints a picture from a computer on paper, then the scanner, on the contrary, translates the image from paper to the screen.

A printer with a scanner is combined in one device, which is called just a printer.

Uninterruptible power supply For a computer called a uninterrupted power supply (abbreviated UPS). It is indispensable if there are problems with power supply. The electrical networks are overloaded, and turn off the electricity, unfortunately, become the norm. The laptop at the same time goes to power from its own built-in battery. And for stationary computers, UPSs are needed: it is for a while (as a rule - short) after turning off the electricity or the voltage jump saves the power supply for the computer. This allows you to save all your developments and turn off the computer correctly.

Acoustic speakers Connect to the computer through the audio card. In principle, you can do without them. But for listening to music, watching movies sound columns are indispensable.

External TV tuner For a computer, it allows you to play a television signal (from an antenna or cable) on your computer and record telecasts on it. There are external and internal TV tuners. Usually an internal TV tuner is used if the computer is used as a TV. An external TV tuner is used to convert the monitor to the TV, while the system unit is not needed.

Headset for Skype Skype (Skype read) for a computer - these are free calls from one computer to another, and video call is possible. You can pay from the computer and on ordinary phones, it will be cheaper than to call from the phone to a long-distance telephone or international communication.

Flash drive (Flash Drive) is a device for storing information with the possibility of multiple overwriting. Sometimes it is called USB flash drive, because it connects to the computer via the USB port.

A very convenient thing: now you don't have to carry a bunch of floppy disks or CDs, for example, to transfer information from one computer to another. The volume of the flash drive can reach up to 128 gigabytes. I think that this is not the limit, over time there will be even more spacious flash drives!

An external USB-connected hard disk has recently not yet to meet a person who instead of a flash drive takes out an external hard drive. Very comfortable thing, especially if you have a laptop! Works on the principle: "Just turned on and running!" At the same time, it is not necessary to disassemble the computer to replace the hard drive to more capacious or in order to add the second, internal, hard drive to the existing Winchester.

The difference in external hard drive and flash drives in the amount of information that can be placed on them. There are external hard drives that are more terabyte. However, the plus of the flash drive remains its small size - you can put in my pocket.

You can connect various information I / O devices to the system block of the computer, thereby expanding its functionality. Many devices are connected via special jacks (connectors), usually on the back of the computer's system unit. In addition to the monitor and keyboard, such devices are a printer, a mouse, Jostik - a manipulator in the form of a handle reinforced on the hinge with a button, is used mainly for computer games. Some devices can insert inside the computer system unit: a modem - to exchange information with other computers via the telephone network; fax modem - combines the capabilities of the modem and telefax; Streamer - to store data on a magnetic tape.

Comment. To insert additional devices to the computer, it is necessary to have free sockets (connectors, or slots) on the main computer electronic circuit board (connectors) to connect devices.

Some devices, such as many types of scanners, use a mixed way to connect: Only an electronic circuit board (controller), controlling the device, and the device itself is connected to this payment by the cable.

Keyboard. Designed to enter information into a computer.

Mouse, trackball. These are manipulators for entering information into a computer. These devices are indicable, because They allow you to specify those or other items on the computer screen. Depending on the principle of the device, the mice are divided into:

    mechanical - in them when moving the mouse, the ball rotates, and this rotation is tracked by mechanical sensors (wheels);

    wholesale -in them, when moving the mouse, the ball rotates, but the rotation is monitored by optical sensors;

    optical - They do not have a ball and other moving (mechanical) parts. The movement of the mouse on the rug is tracked by optical sensors.

Disk drives. The most common disks with a size of 3.5 inches, having a capacity of 1.44 MB.

Monitor designed to display text and graphic information. Monitors are colored and monochrome different sizes from 14 to 21 inches, with different grains, i.e. The distance between the centers of the luminofor points (luminous substances) of the same color. The size of the monitor is determined by the magnitude of the diagonal of its kinescope. The monitor documentation indicates which video modes (image output modes) it supports. Each video mode is characterized by a resolution, as well as vertical and horizontal frequencies. The number of points horizontally and vertical is called resolution, for example, 640x480. Frequency (number per second) control signals indicating the need to go to the image of the next row of points, called horizontal frequency running, or frequency row. The frequency of control signals indicating the need to move to the image of the upper row of points, is called frequency of vertical expand or frame frequency. Frame rate indicates how many times a second image on the screen is updated.

Video controllers. Electronic computer circuits providing video signal formation and thereby defining the image shown by the monitor are called video controller. It can be both on a separate board inserted into the system bus connector, and may be included in the motherboard. The video controller receives from the microprocessor command to form the image, designed this image in the video memory, and at the same time converts the contents of the video memory into a signal supplied to the monitor - video signal. Video controllers work in two modes: text team and graphic. In the graphic mode, the program operating with the monitor displays an image in the form of a rectangular mesh points, the color of each of which can be set separately. IN text team Mode The monitor screen is conditionally divided into separate sections - acquaintance, most often 25 lines and 80 characters. In each acquaintance, one of 256 predefined characters can be displayed. For each acquaintance on the screen, the program operating with the screen reports the video controller of only 2 bytes - bytes with a symbol code and bytes with a symbol color code and background color. To form an image of a symbol, a video controller uses a fixed dot point matrix (for example 8x16), in which it is noted which points correspond to the symbol, and which background. The combination of these matrices for each of the 256 characters and make up the font. Types of video controllers: EGA, VGA, Super VGA, etc.

Hard drives. Hard disks differ in the following characteristics: Capacity; speed, i.e. time access to information and read speed and write information; interface, i.e. The type of controller to which the hard disk must be connected.

CD and CD and C D. - advertisers. The diameter of the CD is 12 cm. The upper side is used as a label, and the bottom (white, from aluminum) contains information. Often CDs are called CD-ROM (Compact Disk - Read Only Memory). The CD may contain for 750 MB of information. The recording of information on CDs is carried out by extrusion with a press press on the CD substrate, so that these fate cease to reflect the light. In drives for CDs, this information is read by a laser beam.

Together with the usual CDs there are CD-R discs with a gold-colored substrate. Information on them is applied with a laser beam on special drives - CD recorders.

FROMD.-Chunders - These are drives with a CD store. You can download several CDs and when accessing any of them, the CD changer will automatically install (replace) the desired drive into the drive.

CD recorders are devices for recording information on CD-R discs (they can and read CDs).

Printer Designed to display information on paper. Distinguish the following types of printers:

    Matrix (9, 24, 48 needle). Print Principle: Printhead Contains a vertical range of thin metal rods (needles). The head moves along the printed string, and the rods at the right moment are hit through the painting tape.

    Inkjet. The image is formed by microcapors of special ink emitted on paper through the nozzle in the print head (usually in the printhead contains from 50 to 200 nozzles).

    Laser. Use the principle of xerography: the image is transferred to paper from a special drum, to which paint particles are electrically attracted. The difference from the conventional photocopying device is that the printing drum is electrified using a laser by computer commands.

Modems and fax modems. Used to work with the global Internet network, email. The modem is a device for sharing information with other computers via the telephone network. Fax modem is a device that combines the capabilities of a modem and means for exchanging facsimile images with other fax modems and conventional telefix devices. Modems are internal (in the form of an electronic board) and external - as a separate device. Modems differ from each other by the speed of data transfer and supported communication protocols.

Peripheral (external) personal computer devices Connect to its interfaces and are designed to perform auxiliary operations. Thanks to these devices, the computer system acquires flexibility and versatility.

By destination, peripheral devices can be divided into:

  • data entry devices;
  • data output devices;
  • data storage devices;
  • data exchange devices.

Data input devices


Keyboard - Personal Computer Management Keyboard. Serves for input Alphanumeric (iconic) Data, as well as management commands.

The monitor and keyboard combination provides the simplest user Interface. Using the keyboard, control the computer system, and with the help of the monitor receive a response from it.

The composition of the keyboard
The standard keyboard has more than 100 keys functionally distributed across multiple groups.

Fig. 1. General view of the standard keyboard

Group alphanumeric keys Designed to enter sign information and teams dialed by letters. Each key can work in several modes (registers) And, accordingly, it can be used to enter multiple characters. Switching between lower Register (to enter lowercase characters) and upper register (To enter uppercase characters) perform keys Shift. (non-fixed switching). If necessary, rigidly switch the register use the key Caps Lock. (Fixed switching). If the keyboard is used to enter data, the paragraph is closed by pressing the key ENTERThis automatically begins inputting text from a new line. If the keyboard is used to enter commands, key ENTER Complete command entry and start its execution.

Fig. 2. Group of alphanumeric keys

For different languages, there are various schemes for fixing the symbols of national alphabets for specific alphanumeric keys. Such schemes are called keyboard layouts. Switching between different layouts are performed programmatically - this is one of the functions of the operating system. Accordingly, the switching method depends on which operating system there is a computer. For example, in Windows 2000, the following combinations can be used for this purpose: the left key Alt + Shift. or Ctrl + Shift.. When working with another operating system, the switching method can be installed on the help system of the program that performs switching.

The generally accepted layouts of the keyboard have their roots in the keyboard layouts of typewriters. For personal computers IBM PC. Typical are considered QWERTY (English) and Ytsukeng (Russian). The layouts are customary called the characters enshrined behind the first keys of the top line of the alphabetic group.

Group Function keys Includes twelve keys (from F1 before F12.), placed at the top of the keyboard. Functions attached to these keys depend on the properties of a specific currently running program, and in some cases from the properties of the operating system. Generally accepted for most programs is the agreement that key F1 Causes a reference system in which you can find a certificate of other keys.

Fig. 3. Function key group

Office keys Located next to the keys of the alphanumeric group. Due to the fact that they have to enjoy particularly often, they have an increased size. These include the keys discussed above Shift. and ENTER, register keys Alt. and Ctrl (They are used in combination with other keys to form commands), key Tab.(To enter tab positions when typing), key ESC (from English word Escape) to refuse to execute the last command and key Backspace. To remove just entered characters (it is above the key ENTER And often marked with an arrow directed to the left).

Fig. 4. A group of service keys

Office keys PRINT SCREEN., Scroll Lock. and Pause / Break Placed on the right of the function keys and perform specific functions depending on the operating system. Generally accepted are the following actions:

PRINT SCREEN. - Print the current screen status on the printer (for MS-DOS) or maintain it in a special area of \u200b\u200bRAM, called buffer exchange (for Windows).

Scroll Lock. - Switching the mode of operation in some (usually outdated) programs.

Pause / Break - Suspending / interrupting the current process.

Two groups control keys cursor Located to the right of the alphanumeric panel.

Cursor An on-screen element indicates the place of entering the iconic information. The cursor is used when working with programs that perform data entry and commands from the keyboard.

Cursor keys allow you to manage the input position.

^ Fig. 5. Cursor control keys groups

Four arrow keys perform a cursor offset in the direction indicated by the arrow. The action of the other keys is described below.

Page Up./ Page Down - Transfer the cursor to one page up or down. The concept of "page" usually refers to the fragment of the document apparently on the screen. In graphic operating systems (for example, Windows), these keys perform "scrolling" content in the current window. The action of these keys in many programs can be modified using the service register keys, first of all Shift. and Ctrl. The specific modification result depends on the specific program and / or operating system.

Keys HOME. and End. Transfer the cursor to the beginning or end of the current line, respectively. Their action is also modified by the register keys.

Traditional keypad Insert. It consists in switching data entry mode (switching between modes insert and replacement). If the text cursor is inside the existing text, then in the insert mode there is a new signs without replacing existing characters (the text seems to be lifted). In replacement mode, new signs replace the text that was previously input positions.

In modern programs action key Insert. May be different. Specific information should be obtained in the program help system. It is possible that the action of this key is customizable, it also depends on the properties of a specific program.

Key Delete.designed to remove signs located on the right of the current cursor position. In this case, the position of the entry position remains unchanged.

^ Group Additional panel keys Duplicates the effect of digital and some iconic keys of the main panel. In many cases, to use this key, you must first turn on the switch key. Num Lock (on the status of switches Num Lock, Caps Lock. and ^ Scroll Lock. You can judge the LED indicators, usually located in the upper right corner of the keyboard).

Fig. 6. Additional panel keys

The appearance of an additional keyboard panel refers to the beginning of the 80s. At that time, the keyboard were relatively expensive devices. The initial purpose of the additional panel consisted in reducing the wear of the main panel when calculating computing, as well as when managing computer games (when the switch is turned off Num Lock The optional panel keys can be used as the cursor keys).

Principle of keyboard action
The keyboard refers to standard tools for personal computer. Its basic functions do not need support for special system programs (drivers). The required software to start working with the computer is already available in the microcircuit of the constant storage device as part of the basic I / O system (BIOS), And therefore the computer reacts to keystrokes immediately after switching on.

The principle of the keyboard is as follows.

  1. When you press the key (or key combination), a special chip embedded in the keyboard issues the so-called skop code.
  2. Scan code enters the microcircuit that performs functions port Keyboard. (Ports - special hardware and logic devices responsible for the connection of the processor with other devices.) This microcircuit is located on the main computer board inside the system unit.
  3. The keyboard port gives an interruption processor with a fixed number. For keyboard interrupt number - 9 (INTERRUPT 9, INT 9).
  4. After receiving an interrupt, the processor postpones the current work and according to the interrupt number addresses the special area of \u200b\u200bRAM, in which the so-called is interrupt vector. Interrupt vector is a list of address data from a fixed recording length. Each entry contains a program address that must serve an interrupt with the number that matches the recording number.
  5. By defining the address of the start of the program processing the interruption, the processor proceeds to its execution. The simplest keyboard interrupt program is "sewn" in the ROM chip, but programmers can "substitute" instead of their program if the data in the interrupt vector changes.
  6. The interrupt handler guides the processor to the keyboard port, where it finds the scan code, loads it into its registers, then under the control of the handler determines which symbol code corresponds to this scan code.
  7. Next, the interrupt handler sends the resulting symbol code into a small area of \u200b\u200bmemory, known as keyboard buffer And ceases to work, by giving a processor about it.
  8. The processor stops processing the interrupt and returns to the deferred task.
  9. The entered symbol is stored in the keyboard buffer until it takes it to the program for which it is intended, such as a text editor or text processor. If the characters go to the buffer more often than being closed from there, the effect of buffer overflow occurs. In this case, the input of new characters is terminated for a while. In practice, at this point, when you press the key, we hear a warning beep and do not observe data entry.
Special keyboard

The keyboard is the main data entry device. Special keyboards are designed to improve the efficiency of the data entry process. This is achieved by changing the keyboard form, the layout of its keys or the connection method to the system unit.

Keyboards having a special form calculated with the requirements of ergonomics are called ergonomic keyboards. It is advisable to apply in workplaces intended for entering a large number of iconic information. Ergonomic keyboards not only increase the performance of the typesetter and reduce overall fatigue during the working day, but also reduce the likelihood and degree of development of a number of diseases, such as tunnel syndrome of hands and osteochondrosis of the upper spines.

The layout of the standard keyboard keys is far from optimal. It has been preserved since the early samples of mechanical typewriters. Currently, there is a technical possibility of making keyboards with an optimized layout, and there are samples of such devices (in particular, they relate to keyboard courtyard). However, the practical implementation of keyboards with non-standard layout is questionable due to the fact that working with them must be studied specifically. In practice, only specialized jobs are equipped with similar keyboards.

By connection method, the system block is distinguished wired and wirelesskeyboard. Transmission of information in wireless systems is carried out by an infrared beam. The usual radius of such keyboards is several meters. The source of the signal is the keyboard.

Examples of various types of keyboards

Standard Wireless Keyboard Contactless keyboard

Using switches controlled by a magnetic field and radiation.
When controlling the magnet field, the inclusion effect is achieved by changing the resistance of the magnetoresistive element or the Hall sensor

Optoelectronic keyboard

With optoelectronic sensors, in which, when you press the key, the flap is entered between the radiation source (light) and the receiver (for example, the photoresistor). The flaps may have code openings and with multi-element receivers allows you to immediately get a binary symbol code that aligns the key with the decoder. They are close by characters to magnetic switches.

Touch keyboard

Do not have mobile elements and only touching the fingers is required. This requires a certain skill. Ku feedback closes either through the indicator or through the beep. The principle of operation is based on the fact that at the time of the touch of contact pads, the tank changes in the electrical circuit and the static potential on it, which is enhanced by a special circuit and the signal is formed at the output signal to the same pressing of the mechanical keyboard key.

Keyboard with replaceable push-button layouts
According to the creators, the Zboard should significantly ease the life and wallet of computer owners, passing them in passing them from the need to memorize numerous "special" key combinations. The keyboard is designed primarily at home users, although it can be useful and using a computer as a professional tool. On the right side of the keyboard is the inconspicuous latch. It is easily folded, the panel with the keys is removed, it is threefolded (which is why the space key is made double), it is placed in the case size with a book in a soft cover and put on the shelf. And the shelf is already waiting for a number of similar cases with keys for other applications.

The selected interchangeable panel is installed on the keyboard base, the latch closes, the corresponding indicator and a completely new keyboard is ready for operation.

The device driver independently learns exactly which the replacement module is placed in the database and quickly overrides the location of each key, update the shortcuts and connect the corresponding macros used for the required game or business application.

The most convenient unusual and individual keyboard layout turns out to be in games. This is achieved by a well-thought-out position, form and designations of control keys, which significantly accelerates the training of the game and facilitates its successful passage.

Now many possibilities that hiding somewhere in the depth of the menu can be implemented with one click of the key. In addition, it disappears the need to memorize the special control keys of this game, as a rule, not too similar to similar combinations of characters in another gaming program.

Layout keys for different games

Layout keys for Adobe Photoshop

Enter graphic information

To enter graphic information, use:
  • scanners
  • graphic Tablets (Digitizers)
  • digital cameras.


Scanner (Scanner)- A device for copying graphic and text information and enter it into a computer.

With the help of scanners, you can enter icon information. In this case, the source material is entered in graphical form, after which it is processed by special software. (Images recognition programs).

Tablet scanners
Designed to enter graphic information from a transparent or opaque sheet material. The principle of operation of these devices is that the light beam reflected from the material of the material (or the transparent material has passed through), is fixed by special elements called instruments with charging link (CCD). Typically, the elements of the CCD are structurally decorated as a ruler disposed by the width of the source material. Moving the line relative to the sheet of paper is performed by mechanical stretching of the line when the sheet is fixed or pulling the sheet with a fixed setting of the line.

Manual scanners
The principle of operation of manual scanners mainly corresponds to the tablet. The difference lies in the fact that the pullout of the CCD line in this case is performed manually. Uniformity and accuracy of scanning are unsatisfactory, and the resolution of the manual scanner is 150-300 DPI.

Drum scanners
In this type of scanners, the starting material is fixed on the cylindrical surface of the drum rotating at high speed. The devices of this type provide the highest resolution (2400-5000 DPI) due to the use of non-CCD, but photoelectron multipliers. They are used to scan the source images having high quality, but insufficient linear dimensions (photoregatives, slides, etc.)

It serves to obtain an image from slides or film. The scanner has removable cartridges for refueling slides or films.

Barcine scanners
This type of manual scanners is designed to enter data encoded in the form of a barcode. Such devices are used in retail chain.

Form scanners
Designed for data entry with standard forms filled with mechanical or
Form scanners do not require high scan accuracy, but speed plays an increased role and is the main consumer parameter.


Digitizer (Digitizer) -device for digitizing drawings and other images. Digitizer allows you to convert images to a digital form for processing in a computer.

Digital cameras

Digital camera -this is a camera that writes the image is not on the film, but on the receiving screen - the iconoscope.

The image from the iconoscope is translated into a digital form and is stored in the camera's memory. Depending on the camera's memory media used, it can store from several frames to dozen frames. After shooting the camera, joins the computer and frames in the form of files are rewritten to the computer.



Digital cameras, Like scanners, these devices perceive graphic data using charge-connected instruments combined into a rectangular matrix. The main parameter of digital cameras is the resolution, which is directly related to the number of CCD cells in the matrix. The best consumer models currently have up to 1 million CCD cells and, accordingly, provide image resolution up to 2700x2050 points. Professional models have these parameters above.

Light pencil

Light pencil- This is a device resembling the usual steering wheel with a wire. At the end of the handle there is a light receiver that can register a change in the brightness of the screen points.
Light feature can be specified on screen items and manage them. For example, you can draw. Analogue of the light pen - the light pistol is used in gaming consoles.

Fig. 7. Light pencil

Data output devices


Monitor - device visual data presentation. This is not the only possible, but the main output device. Its main consumer parameters are: size and step mask step, maximum image regeneration frequency, protection class.

Monitor size It is measured between the opposite corners of the kinescope tube diagonally. Unit of measurement - inches. Standard dimensions: 14 "(symbol" means inch); 15 "; 17"; 19 "; 20"; 21 ".

The image on the monitor screen is obtained as a result of irradiation of the phosphor coating with an acutely plated bunch of electrons overclocked in a vacuum flask. To obtain a color image, a luminophore coating has a point or strips of three types, glowing in red, green and blue. In order for all three beams on the screen strictly at one point and the image was clear, in front of the phosphor put a mask - a panel with regularly arranged holes or slits. Part of the monitors is equipped with a mask of vertical wires, which enhances the brightness and saturation of the image. The smaller the step between the holes or slits (step masks), The clearer and more accurate image. Mask step is measured in millimeter shares. Currently, monitors are most common with a step of a mask 0.25-0.27 mm. Outdated monitors may have a step to 0.43 mm, which negatively affects the organs of vision when working with a computer. Models of increased cost may be less than 0.25 mm.

Regeneration frequency (updates) Images shows how many times a second monitor can completely change the image (so it is also called frame frequency). This parameter depends not only on the monitor, but also from properties and settings. video adapter Although the limit features determine the monitor after all.

Image regeneration frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz). What it is higher, the clearer and more stable image, the less the fatigue of the eyes, the more time you can work with the computer continuously. With the regeneration frequency of about 60 Hz, the fine flickering of the image is noticeably naked eye. Today, this value is considered unacceptable. The minimum is considered to be 75 Hz, regulatory - 85 Hz and comfortable - 100 Hz and more.

Protection class The monitor is determined by the standard that corresponds to the monitor in terms of safety requirements. Currently, the following international standards are considered generally accepted: ^ MPR-II, TSO-92, GSO-95, GSO-99 (given in chronological order). Standard MPR-II. Restricted the levels of electromagnetic radiation limits secure for humans. In Standa TSO-92. These norms were preserved, and in GSO-95 and GSO-99 standards are tightened. Ergonomic and environmental standards first appeared in the GSO-95 standard, and the GSO-99 standard set the most rigid norms by parameters determining the image quality (brightness, contrast, flicker, anti-reflective coating properties).

At the moment, the most common monitors are monitors equipped with electron beam tubes, but liquid crystal monitors (LCD - Liquid Crystal Display) have become increasingly often used.

Fig. 8. Various types of monitors

Touch screen - Used to control the computer using the touch screen to the screen. Typically, the touch screen is applied in reference rooms in museums, at exhibitions, train stations and at airports.

The touch screen can be built into a regular monitor or placed on top of the monitor screen, in this case it is connected to one of the port ports. The resolution of the touchscreen is small. The smallest element of the touchscreen is 1/256 part of the screen.

There are two technologies for creating touch screens:

  1. Capacitive touch screen - fixation of the change of electrical capacity when contacting the finger with the screen (have wider use).
  2. On two perpendicular sides of the touch screen are emitters of infrared or ultraviolet light, and on two opposite sides are the receivers of this radiation. When the finger overlaps the invisible rays, it is fixed by receivers.
Touch screens are widely used in tuning computers.


Kolonki is needed to output sound from a computer. Computer columns are active, since the signal level at the outlet from the sound card is weak and requires gain. Choosing computer speakers is quite wide. Sometimes, instead of speakers, the linear input of the music center is connected. You can connect speakers and the center simultaneously through a special device - splitter.


Print devices (printers) are used as data output devices, allowing you to receive copies of documents on paper or transparent media.

Printer (Printer),or the printing device is designed to display information on paper. All modern printers can display text information, as well as drawings and other images.

There are several thousand printers models that can be used with personal computers, they can all be divided into four main types - matrix, inkjet, laser and photodiode.

Matrix printers
Earlier were the most common, but at present they are displaced inkjet and laser.

The principle of printing these printers is such: the printer's print head contains a vertical range of thin metal rods (they are called needles). The head moves along the printed line, and the needles hit the paper at the right moment through the painting tape. This ensures the formation of characters and images on paper. The movement of the needles is controlled by miniature electromagnets. In low-cost printer models, print head with 9 needles is used. Print quality from such printers is low. A better printing is provided with printers with 18 and 24 needles.

Inkjet printers
In these printers, the image is formed by microscopic paint drops flying on paper through small holes. Piezocrystals are used as elements that are ejecting ink jets. Piezocrystals have an extension property if electricity is supplied to them. Piezocrystals are installed in the printhead in such a way that they are expanding in the direction in which the ink droplets should fly. This printing method provides higher print quality compared to matrix printers, it is very convenient for color printing.

Resolution inkjet printers - 300 dpi, i.e. On one inches (1 inch \u003d 2.54 cm), 300 well distinguishable points are placed. This characteristic shows the size of the point. The more resolving the ability, the smaller the point, and the better the image.

Laser printers
Provide currently the best (often better typographic) print quality. In these printers, a laser beam managed by a computer is used for printing.

The laser printer has a roller covered with semiconductor substance, which is electrified from laser light. The beam using a rotary mirror is sent to the roller place where the image should be. This place is electrified and "stick" the smallest particles of dry paint, which is in a container under roller. After that, the roller rolled along the sheet of paper and the paint goes onto the paper. So that the coloring powder fixed, the special mechanism carries out the paper through the heating element and the paint sinters.

With the advent of digital cameras, it became necessary to use them not only to create digital photo images, but also for printing ordinary paper photos. For this purpose, sublimation printers were developed. Sublimation printing technology was previously applied to color copiers.

In sublimation printers, the coloring powder is also applied as in photodiode printers, but then with the help of heating elements, each particle of the powder melts very quickly and sinters. It turns out a clear, bright image. Printing is carried out on paper, as a formulation similar to the usual photo paper, but without the gelatin layer. Paper for photos of printers is matte and glossy.

The image file is fed to the photo printer from the computer or directly from the flash memory card. For flash memory cards in printers, there are appropriate ports, for example, on the HP Photosmart 7550 photo printer, on the right above, you can see ports for flash cards and a map inserted into one of four ports.


Plotter (Plotter) or a grafthrower - a device for the output of various drawings, geographical maps, posters and other images on large format paper.
Plotters are monochrome and colored. According to the application technology, plotters are divided into feathers and inkjet.
Large industrial plotters

Command Management Devices


Mouse - Manipulator control device. It is a flat box with two-three buttons.

Moving mouse on a flat surface is synchronized with the movement of a graphic object (mouse pointer) on the monitor screen.

In addition to the usual mouse, there are other types of manipulators, for example: trekball, Penmaus, infrared mice.

Trekball Unlike the mouse is stationary, and its ball is driven by hand palm. The advantage of the trackball is that it does not need a smooth working surface, so the trekballs have been widely used in portable personal computers.

Penmaus It is an analogue of the ballpoint, at the end of which, instead of a writing node, a node is set to record the magnitude of the movement.

Infrared mouse It differs from the usual presence of a wireless communication device with the system unit.

For computer games and in some specialized simulators, manipulators of a lever-pressure type are also used (Joysticks) and similar to them joy Pada, gamepada and spool-pedal Devices. The devices of this type are connected to a special port exhibiting on the sound card, or to the port USB.

Main characteristics of mouse


The simplest mice have only two buttons, but models can occur with five buttons or two scroll wheels.

Additional buttons require special support from the driver side - by default, Windows "understands" only three buttons, and the third (average) is not used very efficiently. On additional buttons, the service functions are usually placed - minimizing windows, launching favorite programs, etc.

Another popular element of the control is the scrolling wheel (scrolling). It is usually located between the main mouse buttons. If you scroll through this wheel, the current document in the editor or web browser will start moving inside the window in the same direction. It eliminates the need to "travel" to the cursor to the scroll bar and back. For those who are mainly working with office documents and web pages, the scroll wheel is a good help in the work. As a rule, the wheel can be not only scrolling, but also press, i.e. it is part-time the third button.

Sometimes instead of the wheel you can see a small lever, a swing key or a trackball (navigation ball). However, most users still find a wheel more convenient.

Mansion stand wireless mice. Some jobs do not allow the connection of the system unit and the mouse with a wire, even a two-meter "tail" (and more often cables are 150 cm long) turns out to be not long. In this case, you will come to help the manipulators associated with the system unit on the radio channel or using infrared rays. The scheme of their work is always the same - the receiver is connected to the "mouse" connector of the system unit, and there is a transmitter inside the mouse. True, a wireless mouse is needed, therefore, batteries or batteries are usually installed in its enclosure.

There are manipulators with an unusual set of features, such as the built-in fingerprint scanner or with a speaker playing music when a new e-mail came to the computer.


Classic design is a symmetrical light gray case with strongly rounded edges. Today you can easily buy both a classic mouse and completely extraordinary. In search of the most ergonomic forms, constructors sometimes create manipulators, very far from any symmetry. Blue, silver mice are popular and distributed, and a little search, it is not difficult to buy a device of any color, translucent and even painted under God's cow


The mouse is obliged to be comfortable. Ergonomic form manipulators are adapted for human brush better than symmetrical, but they are mainly designed for right-handers. It is convenient to put on her left hand just will not work. Check - When your palm lies on the body, your fingers must be conveniently located on the buttons. It is unacceptable if you have to encourage the brush or press your fingers to press the key or reach the scroll wheel.

In addition, the mouse must securely lie in the hand. This contributes to rubber inserts on the ends, a special form (narrowing at the bottom), the use of ribbed surfaces.

Evaluate also pressing the keys. It should not be too tough so that the fingers are not tired. Pay attention to your feelings. When it is not clear, there has already been a click or not - it is incorrect. Assessing the scroll wheel, remember that the big rigidity (resistance) is quickly tired, and small will lead to too intense scrolling on the screen. The first option is worse, but the second is not too attractive.


The mouse connects to a personal computer using the RS-232 (COM) interfaces, PS / 2 and USB. The first is in every computer, the second - in any, produced over the past 4-5 years, the third is almost in anyone released in 1999 and later. The most popular today PS / 2 interface is a special mouse driver is usually not required, the manipulator works consistently in most programs and operating systems. You can also connect the USB mouse too, but this method has a number of disadvantages. First, compatibility issues may arise, the USB mouse does not always behave perfectly; Under Windows NT, such a manipulator will not work at all. Secondly, the periphery for the USB bus is produced a lot, but the overwhelming majority of PCs have only 2 USB ports. If you take one mouse port, you will have problems with simultaneous connection, such as a scanner and a digital player. Therefore, for most users is most convenient yet PS / 2. Understanding this, most USB manufacturers are equipped with a special adapter that allows you to connect their products to both the USB port and the PS / 2 port.

Data Storage and Exchange Devices


Zip-driveswe are manufactured by Iomega specializing in creating external data storage devices. The device works with disk carriers, in size slightly exceeding standard flexible discs and having a capacity of 100/250 MB. Zip-drives are available in the internal and external execution. In the first case, they are connected to the controller of hard drives of the motherboard, and in the second - to the standard parallel port, which negatively affects the rates of data exchange.


Modem - A device intended to exchange information between remote computers via communication channels is customary to be called a modem (modulator + demodulator). In this case, under the communication channel, physical lines are understood (wired, fiber optic, cable, radio frequency), the method of their use (switched and dedicated) and method of transferring data (digital or analog signals). Depending on the type of communication channel, the reception-transmission device is divided into radio models, cable modems and others. The most widespread use of modems focused on connecting to switched telephone communication channels.

Internal modem

External modem


Stremmer (Stream - Long Tape) - a device for recording information on a magnetic tape.

Stremmer is used to archive information from the hard disk.

Stremmer is a tape recorder that records information at a very high speed - from units to tens of MB per second. For example, STRMMERS produced by IBM in 2003 have a speed of 30 MB / s.

Media information for strimmers are cassettes and tape cartridges. Cassettes have up to 60 GB, cartridges up to 160 GB. These volumes allow you to save on a cassette or cartridge information from all over hard disk.

Like many other devices, the strimmers are internal and external. Internal strimmers are inserted into the same grooves of the system unit as CD-ROM, external are performed in a separate case and connected to the computer through the external port.

Internal strimmers with a cassette
External strimmers with cartridges

External portable strimmer
External strimmer with cassette

You can connect various information I / O devices to the system block of the computer, thereby expanding its functionality. Many devices are connected via special jacks (connectors), usually on the back of the computer's system unit. In addition to the monitor and keyboard, such devices are a printer, a mouse, Jostik - a manipulator in the form of a handle reinforced on the hinge with a button, is used mainly for computer games. Some devices can insert inside the computer system unit: a modem - to exchange information with other computers via the telephone network; fax modem - combines the capabilities of the modem and telefax; Streamer - to store data on a magnetic tape.

Comment. To insert additional devices to the computer, it is necessary to have free sockets (connectors, or slots) on the main computer electronic circuit board (connectors) to connect devices.

Some devices, such as many types of scanners, use a mixed way to connect: Only an electronic circuit board (controller), controlling the device, and the device itself is connected to this payment by the cable.

Keyboard. Designed to enter information into a computer.

Mouse, trackball. These are manipulators for entering information into a computer. These devices are indicable, because They allow you to specify those or other items on the computer screen. Depending on the principle of the device, the mice are divided into:

    mechanical - in them when moving the mouse, the ball rotates, and this rotation is tracked by mechanical sensors (wheels);

    wholesale -in them, when moving the mouse, the ball rotates, but the rotation is monitored by optical sensors;

    optical - They do not have a ball and other moving (mechanical) parts. The movement of the mouse on the rug is tracked by optical sensors.

Disk drives. The most common disks with a size of 3.5 inches, having a capacity of 1.44 MB.

Monitor designed to display text and graphic information. Monitors are colored and monochrome different sizes from 14 to 21 inches, with different grains, i.e. The distance between the centers of the luminofor points (luminous substances) of the same color. The size of the monitor is determined by the magnitude of the diagonal of its kinescope. The monitor documentation indicates which video modes (image output modes) it supports. Each video mode is characterized by a resolution, as well as vertical and horizontal frequencies. The number of points horizontally and vertical is called resolution, for example, 640x480. Frequency (number per second) control signals indicating the need to go to the image of the next row of points, called horizontal frequency running, or frequency row. The frequency of control signals indicating the need to move to the image of the upper row of points, is called frequency of vertical expand or frame frequency. Frame rate indicates how many times a second image on the screen is updated.

Video controllers. Electronic computer circuits providing video signal formation and thereby defining the image shown by the monitor are called video controller. It can be both on a separate board inserted into the system bus connector, and may be included in the motherboard. The video controller receives from the microprocessor command to form the image, designed this image in the video memory, and at the same time converts the contents of the video memory into a signal supplied to the monitor - video signal. Video controllers work in two modes: text team and graphic. In the graphic mode, the program operating with the monitor displays an image in the form of a rectangular mesh points, the color of each of which can be set separately. IN text team Mode The monitor screen is conditionally divided into separate sections - acquaintance, most often 25 lines and 80 characters. In each acquaintance, one of 256 predefined characters can be displayed. For each acquaintance on the screen, the program operating with the screen reports the video controller of only 2 bytes - bytes with a symbol code and bytes with a symbol color code and background color. To form an image of a symbol, a video controller uses a fixed dot point matrix (for example 8x16), in which it is noted which points correspond to the symbol, and which background. The combination of these matrices for each of the 256 characters and make up the font. Types of video controllers: EGA, VGA, Super VGA, etc.

Hard drives. Hard disks differ in the following characteristics: Capacity; speed, i.e. time access to information and read speed and write information; interface, i.e. The type of controller to which the hard disk must be connected.

CD and CD and C D. - advertisers. The diameter of the CD is 12 cm. The upper side is used as a label, and the bottom (white, from aluminum) contains information. Often CDs are called CD-ROM (Compact Disk - Read Only Memory). The CD may contain for 750 MB of information. The recording of information on CDs is carried out by extrusion with a press press on the CD substrate, so that these fate cease to reflect the light. In drives for CDs, this information is read by a laser beam.

Together with the usual CDs there are CD-R discs with a gold-colored substrate. Information on them is applied with a laser beam on special drives - CD recorders.

FROMD.-Chunders - These are drives with a CD store. You can download several CDs and when accessing any of them, the CD changer will automatically install (replace) the desired drive into the drive.

CD recorders are devices for recording information on CD-R discs (they can and read CDs).

Printer Designed to display information on paper. Distinguish the following types of printers:

    Matrix (9, 24, 48 needle). Print Principle: Printhead Contains a vertical range of thin metal rods (needles). The head moves along the printed string, and the rods at the right moment are hit through the painting tape.

    Inkjet. The image is formed by microcapors of special ink emitted on paper through the nozzle in the print head (usually in the printhead contains from 50 to 200 nozzles).

    Laser. Use the principle of xerography: the image is transferred to paper from a special drum, to which paint particles are electrically attracted. The difference from the conventional photocopying device is that the printing drum is electrified using a laser by computer commands.

Modems and fax modems. Used to work with the global Internet network, email. The modem is a device for sharing information with other computers via the telephone network. Fax modem is a device that combines the capabilities of a modem and means for exchanging facsimile images with other fax modems and conventional telefix devices. Modems are internal (in the form of an electronic board) and external - as a separate device. Modems differ from each other by the speed of data transfer and supported communication protocols.