How to remove the second mail from gmail. Deleting a Google Account on Android

A Google mailbox is a very useful communication tool. But sometimes there is a need to delete it: you want to register another account, use the services of another Internet resource or hide the “traces” of your presence on the global network.

Delete Gmail - the task is relatively simple, but, nevertheless, sometimes it causes certain difficulties. Especially for new users. Consider in detail two instructions for neutralizing the profile (the first is for the PC, the second is for the phone).

Removing an account on a computer

1. Open your page in your browser and sign in to your account.

2. Then, in a new tab or in the same one in which the email is displayed, in address bar   type - And then press enter.

3. On the web page "... Google Service Control Center", in the "Account Settings" section, click on the link "Disabling Services ...".

4. Select "Delete Services" in the submenu.

5. On new page   activate the option "Permanently delete the service - Gmail".

Attention!   If you want to get rid of the entire profile, and not just mail, in the "Delete account" section, click "Close account and delete all services ...". And then follow the instructions of the service system.

6. Check the box next to “Delete [profile name] @”

7. Enter the new address that will be used to enter your Google account in the special field.

Warning!   Indicate a valid mailbox with an external address in a standard format. For instance, [email protected]

8. In the indicated box, open the letter received from Google. And then click in the text link to confirm the request and, accordingly, delete.

Delete account on the phone

(on the example of a device with Android OS)

1. Open the "Settings".

2. Go to the “Accounts and Sync ...” section.

3. Select the mailbox you want to delete.

4. Click on the option “Delete account”.

If operating system   blocks the deletion procedure (the message “account is required to access applications ...” appears on the display, follow these steps:

1. Obtain root-rights on your phone, opening up the possibility to fine-tune the Android OS on your own.

Attention!   Look for a way to obtain root privileges specifically for your phone model.

2. Download / install the Root Explorer file manager from or another trusted Internet resource on your phone.

Advice!   You can use another manager. For example, Solid Explorer or ES File Explorer.

3. In the root directory file system   open: Data -\u003e System.

4. In the "System" folder, delete the two files - accounts.db and accounts.db-journal.

5. Reboot the phone. Check accounts. The mail address (profile) should disappear.

Gmail just blew up the Internet. Such a large number   no mail site provided memory for storing messages. The anti-spam system here was also organized at the highest level. And most importantly - absolutely nothing had to be paid for all these amenities.

How to clear the message base?

So, If deleting your account seems too radical, then you can permanently delete only sent and received messages. To do this, go to the mail management interface at Enter authorization will help enter your username and password. If you have any problems, go through the procedure for returning access to your account, which involves changing the password. Once in the mail interface, select the “All Mail” shortcut. Select all messages with a button with a square and a down arrow. 50 letters will be marked on the screen.

If all correspondence does not fit on one screen of the system, then you need to click on the inscription "Select all conversations." Then you need to click on the urn icon. All letters will be moved to the trash. After this, the procedure must be repeated, already in the directory for remote correspondence of the Gmail-mail service. The reader knows how to delete messages from the Sent, Spam, and Drafts folders. To do this, you must exactly repeat the process described above.


When proceeding with this procedure, make sure that you are not registered with social network   or some other service, access to which will be necessary in the future. The Google system allows you to refuse Gmail mail services, while maintaining your account for access to the Plus social network, Youtube video hosting and other products. However, please note that after the final deletion of the mail account, it will be impossible to re-register the same address.

Go to the Gmail-mail service. it becomes clear if you go to the appropriate menu and activate the “Settings” item, then going to the “Accounts and Import” page. By clicking on the line with the inscription “Change account settings”, you will find a list of connected services. Click "Edit" in the title - and the removal options will be displayed. Here you can decide whether only access to mail will be terminated, or whether the account will be completely liquidated.

Gmail and its alternatives

If only Gmail-mail is taken into account (how to delete it, it was described above), then it is quite easy to find a replacement - now domestic Internet services have fairly capacious free mailboxes. However, fully replace all diverse google services   so far no company from Russia or the CIS is capable. Have to put together products from different manufacturers. Many interesting opportunities today provide the portal The site also has a calendar, mobile applications   and with a volume significantly exceeding the resource Google Drive.


If the reader had Gmail-mail, he now knows how to delete it. It is worth taking care in advance to keep all the important letters that you later want to reread. Data is not deleted from servers in one minute, therefore, in some cases, an account can be restored by contacting the administration in a timely manner. If there is reason to expect increased interest in the content of correspondence from foreign intelligence services, then deleting mail will be a waste of time - copies of all incriminating materials have already been made. To reliably protect the information transmitted over open communication channels, you need to use encryption. In this case, even after gaining access to messages, the attacker will not be able to decrypt them.

Before uninstalling mailbox   Gmail or all google profile   once again carefully weigh the pros and cons. Is it worth it? The profile will disappear forever. Users who do not know that you have deleted the email will try to send messages to it. In addition, by deleting a Google account, you partially or completely lose access to its services. For example, you won’t be able to enable features on Youtube, Google Drivethat are provided exclusively to authorized users.

This guide will help you delete your mailbox on gmail   and account in google system.

Removal Preparation

1. Open the browser page -

2. Click the Login button.

3. Log in: enter your username (@ and password.

4. In the "Account Settings" section, click the "Disable Services and Delete Account" link.

5. If you need to remove:

  • gmail mailbox - go to the "Delete services" subsection;
  • entire profile - “Delete account and data”.

6. Again, enter the password to enter the account.

7. Click on “Sign In”.

8. Follow one of the following instructions (depending on the selected task).

Delete a Gmail profile

If you want to make a copy of correspondence, documents and other information stored in your email profile, do the following:

1. On the page that opens, under the warning text, click on the link “Download your data”.

2. The backup configuration panel will open in a new browser tab. In the list, disable items that do not need to be archived.

4. Click on the “File format” field and select the type of archive (ZIP, TGZ, TBZ).

5. Click on the “Receive Method". In the drop-down list indicate where you want to save the archive with the data.

Attention! By default, the By Link method is set. That is, upon completion of data archiving, the service will provide a url for downloading a copy to a computer.

6. Click on the Create Archive command.

If data backup is not required, immediately after going to the "Delete Services" subsection, do the following:

1. Click the "Trash" icon in the Gmail line.

2. On the page "Removing the service ...":

  • set the label in the text next to the inscription "Yes, I want to delete ...";
  • in the "New primary address ..." field, specify an alternative email that will be attached to the profile;
  • enter the password used to enter the mail;
  • click "Delete Gmail".

Delete an entire account

1. Click on the checkboxes in the boxes “I agree to be responsible ...” and “Yes, I want forever ...”.

2. Click "Delete account."

If you change your mind about getting rid of a profile in the system or mistakenly activated deletion, do this:
  1. In the message “It’s a pity that you are leaving!” Click on the link “... recovery. Or open a page in a new tab -

2. In the list of problems, left-click on the option “Other problems arise when entering the system”.

3. In the drop-down field, type the email address (Google login) that was used in the remote account.

4. Click "Continue."

5. Enter your password and click Continue again.

6. In the message "Restoring access ..." open the link "send a request ...".

7. To access your account, you must specify the answers under security questions   service:

  • set the date in the drop-down menus last visit   Google profile
  • account creation date.

8. After successfully confirming the rights to the account, under the message “Success!” Click “Change password”.

9. Enter the old and new password. Re-enable the “Change Password” function.

After completing this procedure, your profile will automatically open in the browser.

Comfortable work online!

Removing email on, you do not lose everything google account. That is, the rest of the services of this company - Google play, YouTube, Google Drive, etc. - will continue to be available. But at the end of the procedure for deleting email during authorization in your account, you will specify another login - the mailbox of a third-party service. If you do not have one, be sure to register.

So, to remove gmail accountFollow these instructions.

Settings menu

1. Go to the profile settings page -

2. Click "Sign In".

3. Enter your username and password.

4. In the third block of options - "Account Settings" - click on the link "Disabling Services ...".

5. On the new page, select "Delete Services".

Saving data from email

Attention! If there is no need to save contacts, correspondence and other data from the profile to the computer, immediately proceed to the deletion of the account (see the next subheading).

1. At the top of the panel, click the "Download data" function.

2. Left-click to disable saving unnecessary items in the list.

4. Select the archive format and the method of its receipt (download). For example: "ZIP", "By reference."

5. Click "Create Archive."

6. Wait a moment. Follow the instructions to get a link to download the archived data.

Delete profile

1. In the list of services connected to the profile, in the Gmail block, click the trash can icon.

2. Indicate the address email   from a third-party resource (for example, Yandex, Yahoo) in full format - “login” @ “domain name”.

3. Click “Receive Email ...” to confirm the email.

4. Open a new tab in the browser, log in to the specified mail service.

6. Read the information on the page that opens, and then click the "Delete Gmail" button at the bottom of the text.

7. Click Finish.

8. Now to enter your Google account, use the specified email and the previous password as a login.

The authorization procedure on Google after deleting your Gmail profile is performed in normal mode on the panel to enter. About, .
  Comfortable work online!

Some time ago I talked about. For those who don’t remember, I remind you that the Gmail project belongs to google   and is considered one of the highest quality email services in the world. Despite this, sometimes there is a need to delete your e-mail. I will tell you how to do it.

The main problem is that Google periodically changes the design of its services, respectively, the interface also changes. So, the manual for deleting a mailbox written in 2010, for example, is completely inappropriate for 2014. Take this into account and do not get confused. Perhaps this instruction, which you will read, in a few months will also become irrelevant. I hope this does not happen.

First - go to your e-mail by entering the username and password.

In the upper right part of the screen you see your login. Click on it and such a menu will appear. Click on the “Account” button.

Now we are in the account settings section. The first thing we are asked to sign up for Google+, if you have not already done so. skip this step.

Select the tab “Data Management” - “Account Management” - “Delete Account and Data”.

Finally, we get to the page where you need to confirm the deletion of the profile. Here you need to check all the boxes, enter the password for the mail and click on the big red button. Account will be deleted. It is impossible to restore it.