Why does the computer not see the disk. The drive does not see the drive: what is the reason and what to do?

Comp does not see hDDwhat it means and how to deal with the problem.

First of all, you need to decide what a hard drive is. A hard disk (called “Winchester” in the slang) is a device for accumulating data. In fact, all the information on the computer is stored on it (with a few exceptions).

Diagnostic measures

If the computer does not see the disk, you need to determine the "culprits." That is, find out if the problem lies in the device itself or in the system. To do this, you have to connect to another computer.

If it recognizes the device, then the problem is in the system, if not, then the hard disk itself is faulty. It is better to delegate further work on it to the masters. Or use a warranty replacement or repair.

If the problem is in the "native" hard system  drive, that is, several ways to eliminate it on their own. That little that can be done independently will help to avoid spending on the services of specialists.

Some useful tips

  • You can enter the BIOS settings by pressing F2 or
  • It is better to remember the correct connection of cables with SATA outputs;
  • It is better to wrap the hard drive removed from the system unit in an antistatic;
  • The lower part of the device, which with the boards, is also better to always put on an antistatic.

Main problems and solutions

There are a number of problems in the hard drive, which can be overcome with your own hands. A software conflict or outgoing contacts can be resolved even without contacting specialists.

Outgoing contacts

The problem may lie in the banal lack of contact. To fix it, you will need to remove the system unit cover and try reconnecting the cables. If no result is obtained, then other parallel cables can be used.

Incorrect BIOS settings

In the case when even the BIOS does not detect the hard disk, you need to look at the system date. Its incorrectness indicates a failure of the settings. Correct the situation will help reset the settings. To do this, you will need to remove the battery on the motherboard, wait 10-30 minutes and install it back.

After these simple actions, the hard drive should be defined as physical device.

The problem may be in the order of boot devices. In this case, you do not need to completely reset the settings. It is enough to find the menu item in the name of which is the word “Boot”.

It will have a priority list of devices to boot. In this list, you need to move the HDD to the first line.

Not enough food

If the device periodically disappears and appears, then you need to listen to it.

The characteristic buzzing sounds of changing work cycles indicate a lack of nutrition. Then you will have to purchase a more powerful power supply or turn off some less important device.

Device conflict

Two hard drive  one brand in the system can cause conflicts. To avoid them, you need to take turns to check and configure each with a separate connection to the system.

Bus version

Versions prior to Vista may not support the SATA (SATA II) interface.

The easiest way in this case is to change

Consider today the problem when the drive stopped reading disks, although he saw and read everything 5-10 minutes ago, and now refuses to work. There may be several reasons why the drive does not see the disk, mainly at the software level. This may be due to an obsolete drive, a driver failure, or some programs not working correctly.

In order to deal with the problem, you should first check the disk, examine it for scratches. If the drive is OK, then proceed with checking the drive. To do this, use various discs  CD, DVD, miniCD.

It is advisable to use licensed discs to check the drive, if you don’t have one, then use the new recorded discs.

If the problem is not in the disks, then remember your last actions on the computer. Remember if everything was in order, what you did, maybe you installed new programs or deleted programs. If you really deleted something, then you need to reinstall the drive driver.

If you installed new programs, after which the drive stopped working, then you need to remove these programs.

Often, the drive stops seeing disks because of installed programs or software designed for recording. If you have such programs, then delete them one at a time and do a registry cleaning.

If the problem still persists, and the drive still does not read dvd disks (cd disks), then you should use one of the useful and free programs. For example, it could be MicrosoftFixit.dvd.Run, which was developed and owned by Microsoft Corporation. You can download it from our website.

Open the program and wait until it finally loads. Then a window appears in which you can learn about the program and get acquainted with the terms of the Microsoft license agreement. Click accept to continue using the program.

The next window will display the installation tools Microsoft fix  it, wait until the installation is complete. In the next window, select the desired mode of operation of the programs, it is better to select "Find problems and offer to select fixes for installation" - this is the second item.

Then the program will scan the system to detect the drive and eventually show you the result, click on it.

Then wait until the program scans the drive itself. Then select which task you want to solve. Wait until the program checks the drive and then click next.

A window should now appear in which the program asks you to insert a disk drive and the drive should automatically open. Insert a disc, preferably a licensed or the newest recorded disc, and click next.

At the same time, the autorun disk window should start up, if your disk did not start up on your own, then try opening it through the My Computer tab.

A window will appear in which you should select "The problem is fixed" and click on. In the next window, click the "Close" button to terminate the program.

What to do if the computer does not see or read the CD / DVD?

Sometimes it happens that you inserted a disk into the drive, but it cannot be read or the computer does not see it.

The causes of this problem:

1. A common and most popular problem is scratches. They themselves are often a problem due to which disks cannot be read. Of course, minor surface damage will not greatly affect the reading of information from the disk, but deep damage, scratches, it is quite possible will lead the disk to its inability to read the drive from the computer.

2.   Also check that there is no dust on the disc. It also affects this problem. Dust harms both the drive and the most reading device on the computer. Wipe the disk with a cloth, but not in a circle as everyone usually does, but from the center to the edge, that is, perpendicular to the tracks, in this way the disk is least damaged. Choose a soft cloth such that it does not harm the disc even more and does not cause scratches.

3. Also take care of the other side of the disk (where you sign it), sign only with special markers. Since the coating is very thin and can be damaged, as a result, it will adversely affect the drive laser. Do not insert a disc with a damaged top side into the drive, that is, whose coating is damaged and the disc tracks are visible.

We figured out the reasons, now let's move on to what to do in this case.

1.   If you inserted a disc and everything is fine with it (there is no damage or dust on it), then the reason lies in the computer or in the CD? DVD drive.

2.   First go right-click " My computer"And select the" The properties» - « device Manager". Find your drive there and make sure it is active. You can delete, but after that click " Update device configuration"and the drive will be reinstalled.

3.    If the steps above did not help you, try updating the drivers for the drive.

4.   Another problem may be that the microlift does not drive the disc all the way to the lens. This is exactly what I met on dvd player, we then manually brought the elevator to the beginning of the drive track.

5.    And finally, just try to restart the computer, corny, but it also happens that the system crashed.

So for many years it has been the custom that a person more and more trusts the storage of information not in paper media, but in various digital, magnetic and electronic devices. If their reliability is a rather controversial issue, then they certainly contain more useful and diverse information. And in terms of convenience, they also have a good advantage. But what to do if the computer does not see the disk with our data?

And it doesn’t matter what it is: ordinary hard  drive or portable external, or CD and DVD in the drive. Why this happens, and what to do in such a difficult and unpleasant situation, we will describe in detail in this article.

The computer does not want to see the connected hard drive with Windows

If the operating system is installed on it, then, as a rule, when you turn on the PC, you will be able to find inscriptions on the screen (but not necessarily): “Operating System Not Found”, “DISK BOOT FAILURE. INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER ”or“ Missing Operating System ”.

Regardless of what is written, it means the same thing: there is no boot device.

The main causes of this problem and solutions:

  • HDD failed - let's start with the worst. In this case, the hard drive is not displayed in the BIOS and does not show signs of life (no sounds), or, on the contrary, makes too much noise (crackling, squeaking, beeps, knocking, etc.). With this scenario, you just have to go to the store for a new hard drive and hope that specialized computer services will be able to recover your data from NDD.

Such a breakdown can occur due to careless handling during operation (shock, shaking, mechanical stress), due to a short circuit inside the system unit, due to factory defects or normal wear and tear.

  • Problems with connection loops are perhaps the most popular reason why a computer does not see a hard drive. It is necessary to check and if necessary replace the connection cables (power and data). They could oxidize or damage contacts. The device in the BIOS will not be displayed.

  • BIOS settings got lost - in this case the hard drive is detected, but the computer is configured to boot from another device. This can happen due to an error when setting up the BIOS or inexperience in this matter. The best option would be to reset the BIOS to factory settings. You can do this in the interface itself, or by removing the battery from the motherboard.

This can also happen due to the fact that the battery has run out and the settings themselves are automatically reset after each power off. Then you need to replace the battery with a new one. How to do this, we told in this article. After that, you need to re-configure the BIOS.

  • If your PC is already quite old, then it can use an IDE standard HDD. On such devices there is a special jumper that is responsible for the operation mode: Master (main) or Slave (slave). If you install it in the wrong position, the computer may not see the hard drive. If nobody opened your system unit and touched nothing there, then this is hardly the reason.

  • Defective motherboard  or a connector on it - it rarely happens that problems with motherboard  manifested precisely in connecting the HDD. Nevertheless, this also happens. If none of the previous points helped, then maybe you have this option. Repairing the motherboard is an expensive and troublesome business. Therefore, in most cases it is easier to buy a new one.

The computer does not see second hard  disk

The difference from the previous paragraph is that you use the HDD not as a system one, but as a second hard drive and simply store information on it. This is not about an external HDD connected via USB - read about it a bit below.

In this situation, you will not find any inscriptions on the screen, but all the points described in the previous section, plus several of your own, will be valid. We will briefly repeat the material covered in more detail, describe new points.

Main reasons:

  • The PC stopped seeing the second hard drive, because he is defective.
  • Problems with connection loops.
  • The BIOS is not configured correctly.
  • If the hard drive is standard IDE, then you need to check the "jumper".
  • Problems with the motherboard.
  • The power supply does not pull - the case when too many devices are connected, and the power of the PSU is too small. And he is simply not enough for everyone. You must either turn off unnecessary equipment, or change the power supply to a more powerful one. Here you can read how to independently calculate the power supply for a home PC.
  • If to connect second HDD  use the Mobile Rack tray, that is, it is likely that it is faulty. Check the connection directly.

  • Damaged or not set file system  - a fairly frequent answer to the question why the PC does not see the second hard drive. If the hard is new, then it must be formatted before use. How to do it, . If you have already used it before, then the file system may have flown. To save data, it is better to contact the service. If the information does not matter, then you can try to format it and most likely it will work fine.

Why the PC does not see external hard  disk

There are some differences from the two cases discussed in the article earlier. The portable hard is connected not to the motherboard and power supply, but via the USB port.

Main reasons:

  • The device itself is faulty - the most common reason why the computer does not see a removable external hard drive. There are falls or simply careless handling during carrying or use. All this can quickly disable the HDD. If data is not needed, then buy a new one.
  • Defective USB cable  - check if the PC detects a portable disk with a different cable. You can take it from another device - they are identical.

  • Defective uSB port  - try connecting the device to another port, for example, to the one into which the properly working device is already connected.
  • No drivers for USB 3.0 installed - if you connect external HDD  to uSB port 3.0 and the computer does not see it, then most likely you do not have a driver installed. Unlike USB 2.0. a newer generation requires a separate driver installation, as on Windows it is not.
  • BIOS setup features - the system can be configured so that no external devices are detected. Check the settings or reset them to the factory settings.
  • Not enough power PSU - it happens extremely rarely.
  • The controller has failed - a removable hard drive is essentially a regular HDD (most often for a laptop), which is placed in a “box” and can be connected to a USB, rather than to the motherboard, through a special controller. It happens that this controller itself breaks down. You can try to open the “box” and pull out the hard drive from there. After that, try connecting it directly to the "motherboard" and the power supply.

  • Letter assignment error - sometimes Windows tries to assign portable disk  the letter that is already taken, in the end, did not assign any, and therefore the computer does not see it. Go to "Control Panel" - "Administration" - "Computer Management" - "Disk Management". Check if there is your lost hard. If a letter is not assigned to it, then right-click on it and select "Change drive letter or path." Give him a free letter.

  • If the computer does not see the new external hard drive, then most likely it needs to be formatted.
  • If the portable drive is not new, then check if it is in "Disk Management". If there is, but does not open, then the file system may be damaged.
  • Viruses - there are such computer viruses that block the connection of devices via USB. Scan your system with antivirus.

Comp does not see CD or DVD disc  in the drive

Although every day there are fewer and fewer people who use optical drivesbut nevertheless such a problem is still relevant.

The main reasons why the PC stopped seeing CDs and DVDs:

  • The drive is not connected - no matter how strange it sounds, but this is the most popular reason. After cleaning from dust or when upgrading the system unit, people often forget to connect all components normally. As a result, it may turn out that you connected the power cable, but the cable from the motherboard is not. The CD and DVD tray will slide out, but the computer will not see these discs.
  • The drive is faulty - you connected everything correctly, but the drive does not appear in My Computer. Such a breakdown often happens. Have to buy a new device.
  • The laser does not work - it happens that from a long operation the laser “sits”, which reads and writes information. Here, too, there is no help and you will have to go to the computer store.
  • Dust inside the device - upon contact a large number  dust inside the computer will not be able to see the drives in the drive. You can try to blow it. But this is unlikely to help - just buy a new one.
  • Dust on the discs - take a soft cloth or cloth that does not leave a lint behind and gently wipe the surface. Make sure there is no dust left. Often this helps.
  • Deep scratches - the computer will not see the DVD or CD in the drive if it has deep scratches. They may appear due to careless handling or storage. Somehow to "fix" it will not work.

  • The CD sees, but the DVD does not - check if your drive supports DVD. It is possible that it is designed for read-only CDs.
  • Maybe you put the wrong side? \u003d)

Now you know everything possible optionswhy the computer does not see the disk. If you still could not solve the problem, then write in the comments, we will deal together.

   Call Master

It happens that the next time you start the computer, the Windows7 OS does not detect the drive. You can often solve this problem yourself without contacting a service representative.

What to do if the computer does not see the Windows 7 drive

The reasons why a PC stops finding a CD / DVD drive can be either physical or software.

To correct the situation, the following methods should help.

Hardware Verification

If the device is not detected, then you need to check its performance. The reasons can be various:

  • No power. Press the button on the drive to exit the CD tray. If he does not respond, then it turns out that power does not come to him. Perhaps a modernization of the PC was made and the connectors were poorly inserted back. Check the connector that goes from the drive to the power supply.
  • In a loop. This cable connects the drive to the motherboard. To test performance, the best option would be to replace it.
  • In the drive. Due to dust during operation, the laser starts to junk and discs may not play. In this case, it is recommended to clean the head from dust, but for this you will have to disassemble the component. The best solution would be to purchase special drive  for cleaning the head of dirt. It is enough to insert it into the drive and run.
  • In the controller. If the catch is in the firmware, then you need to go to the manufacturer’s portal and download the necessary drivers. They are installed according to the instructions downloaded by one archive with drivers.

Bios setup

It should be seen whether it is seen as a cider in Bios. Each manufacturer has its own hot keys for entering BIOS. Most often, the “Del” or “F2” keys are used to enter. If you don’t know how to get into the BIOS, you can read.

The “Main” tab displays the connected disk devices. If you do not see “CD-ROM” on this page, then to display it, find the section

and set the value “Enable” on all ports.

Exit with saving.

So, if the computer does not determine the device for working with DVD / CD discs, then you definitely need to check the permissions for it in BIOS.

There is one more nuance. When in the BIOS the value "CD-ROM" is present but not displayed operating system, there may be a conflict between the motherboard and the drive enable mode.

Look at the contents of the “SATA Mode” item in the “Main” section. If you have a new drive and an old motherboard, then perhaps it does not fully support the hardware. Try switching SATA Mode to another mode.

Checking settings in the operating system

First of all, remember which software  set recently. It happens that when installing games, they create a virtual space that can cause a conflict with the DVD-drive.

Check for hardware in the system:

  • Right-click the mice on the "Computer" folder.
  • Go to the "Properties" item in a pop-up window.
  • In the new window, on the left, select the line "Device Manager" and open it.
  • On the right, stand on the line "DVD and CD-ROM drives" and open it.
  • See if your drive is displayed in it. And whether there is a yellow exclamation mark next to it.
  • If there is a yellow warning near the CD drive, uninstall the driver. To do this, double-click on the line with your device, in the window that appears in the tab "Driver" click "Delete".
  • Reboot the computer.

When loading Win7 OS automatically updates the software to the missing component.

When the CD drive in the system is determined to be operational, then:

  • In the contents of “Device Manager”, click on the name of the drive and right-click on it to open a pop-up menu.
  • Check the “Device Status” in it. It must be turned on.
  • If not, turn it on. If it is enabled, then click "Disable".
  • Reboot the computer.

Check the result.

Reinstall the IDE and ATAPI drivers. To do this, find the "IDE ATA / ATAPI controllers" section in the contents of the "Device Manager" section and expand it. Delete all parameters from it one by one. At the end, reboot the system.

Use the Check Device Utility

This program checks for connected equipment in Windows and, if it is not recognized, reinstalls the driver.

  • Run the program Check Device.
  • In the main window, open "Disk Devices" and check the drive information.

If the drive is problematic, then in the top menu “Actions” you can select “Search for driver”.

Correct the registry

If there are errors when trying to reinstall the CD-device, then you need to remove 2 parameters from the registry "LowerFilters"  and " Upfilters». They may contain erroneous data. They can be found via the “F3” function key.

After deleting these entries, be sure to reboot the PC.

Scan for viruses.

There are viruses that lock up your PC hardware.

Therefore, an anti-virus program must be installed on the computer. It is not necessary to have a paid one, for home use there are many free antivirus programs.

In the event that the cause of the disappearance of the sidirome was viruses, it is possible to restore the visibility of the missing component using the DVD Drive Repair program.

Perform "System Restore"

If the drive for Windows 7 is not displayed and the failure occurred in the OS itself, then it is possible to restore the previous state by selecting a rollback point. This item is located in the "Control Panel" -\u003e "System and Security".

When restoring, select the point at which the cider worked. At the end of the procedure, the PC will reboot.

If the above methods did not help, then the CD / DVD drive itself is not working properly and you should contact the after-sales service.

As you can see, the problem why the computer does not see the Windows 7 drive is solvable. And the above methods usually help eliminate the cause. Good work!