Which key to reinstall windows on asus. How to reinstall Windows on Asus laptop

Some problems with the laptop may lead to the need to reinstall the operating system. In order to do this, you need a boot disk or a flash drive with a distribution kit. By the way, you can do it yourself. Regardless of whether you are interested in how to reinstall Windows 7 correctly on asus laptop   or on equipment from other manufacturers, it is necessary to carry out preliminary work in order to change the operating system.

Preparation for installation

Before you start the installation, you need to decide on the disk that will be used for this, and also prepare it. Almost always, drive C is used for this purpose. Please note that usually it contains files and programs from the desktop.   Therefore, pre-copy all important information, as it may be deleted during the installation process. But still the difference re windows installation   7 is that in most cases all information will be saved in the Windows.old folder located on the hard drive.

You also need to make sure that all the necessary drivers for the laptop are available. Drives with utilities come with a laptop. If they are lost or there were none at all, then the drivers are downloaded from the manufacturer’s official website. If you do not, then after reinstalling the operating system, you may encounter problems when any devices, for example, a sound card, or programs do not work.

Install Windows 7 from disk

Now let’s dwell on how to reinstall Windows 7 on a laptop from a disk. As you know, you need a boot disk directly. It can be purchased from the manufacturer, respectively, at a fairly high price, which is fully justified by the quality of the OS. Some users prefer pirated versions. Their advantages include low cost. Among the shortcomings, it should be noted that updates will not be available, and some other system options.

Important! More than half of the problems that occur during booting are related to the fact that the quality of the installation disc leaves much to be desired. Even if you use the unlicensed version, try to work with original images from Microsoft MSDN.

So, we insert the distribution disk into the drive, and we reboot the laptop itself. Our task is to enter the BIOS. This is done by pressing the Delete button in combination with another key. The latter differs in different systems and models of technology. Usually you will need one of the F buttons.

Now the user should appear blue screen   BIOS In the menu that appears, select Boot. Here you will need to set the parameters so that the laptop does not boot as usual, with hard drive, but from the boot disk. For this, the CD / DVD drive is installed in first place. In other words, we select the 1-st command. We expose a CD or DVD in it. After changing the settings, we restart the laptop.

If everything is done correctly, a window will appear on the screen where it will be recommended to press Enter to open the CD or DVD disc. We need to follow the instructions and press the key. Next, the operating system will start loading.

On the laptop it will start Windows boot   Manager It will prompt you to select the installation of the operating system or check the computer's memory. We need to click on the Windows Setup link and press Enter. Thereafter operating system   will start loading needed files   to the hard drive.

After Windows 7 boots up, a window will appear in front of the user, in which you can choose the language, time format, keyboard layout. Noting the settings that satisfy us the most, click Next. In the next window, click Install. It should be noted that there is a System Restore link, which may be useful in some situations. When reinstalling the OS, we do not touch it. If on boot disk   There are several versions of Windows 7, then from the list you need to choose the one that you need. The next steps are confirmation of agreement with the license agreement and selection of the full installation.

Operating system setup

In order for the operation to continue successfully, you will need to select the partition for installing the OS, and configure it. It is advisable to pre-partition the disk into several partitions. Installing the necessary parameters on the one where the system will be installed is quite simple. To do this, click the Disk Settings button. But remember that formatting will delete all data from it.

Next, the installation process starts. In time, it takes up to half an hour. The more power the laptop has, the faster the procedure will complete. During this time, the computer will restart several times, so be prepared for this. At the end of the installation, a window appears in which you will need to write the username and computer. It is recommended to enter them in Latin letters. In order to increase the safety of use, you can set a password.

All these steps will be of interest to those who want to know how to correctly reinstall Windows 7 on a laptop without a disk. Actions will differ mainly only at the beginning of the ongoing manipulations. Once in the BIOS, boot priority must be set to USB-HDD. Next, the installation is almost the same as from the disk.

As you can see, reinstalling the operating system is not as difficult as it seems. It takes only a little time and installation disk   or a flash drive with a distribution kit, as well as disks with. In order not to lose data from the laptop, take care of saving them in advance and copy them to any removable media.

Many laptop owners are faced with the need to reinstall Windows for completely different reasons, we will not go into these details. Practice shows that it will cope with this task quite easily, if you strictly follow the procedure.

In the article, we will consider an example, based on the popular manufacturer Asus.

What is required

Download the distribution kit from the official Microsoft resource Windows versioncorresponding to the current one. Burn it to a DVD. The UltraISO program will help in this. In situations where the laptop does not have a DVD drive, the installer needs to be burned to a USB flash drive.

note! If earlier on the back of the laptop there was a sticker with a license key, then starting with Windows 8, there is no such information on it. Now the sticker only indicates that the device is with the original operating system.

Important! Before proceeding with the reinstallation, you need to know the license key. To do this, use the specialized Key Finder program. Run it and write down the serial key.

Step-by-step instructions for reinstalling

1. Enter the BIOS and select the media type with the distribution kit first in the boot queue, save the changes.

2. Restart the laptop and wait for the installation menu to appear on the monitor.

3. In the window that appears, specify the parameters you need and click "Next".

4. Next, make a decision: restore the old operating system (if it was previously installed on your laptop) or start new installation, confirm your choice.

5. Read the user agreement. Check the box next to “I accept the terms ...” and select “Next.”

6. In a new window, specify which drive to install on. At this stage, you can make other settings: create and delete hard sections   drive. Click "Next".

7. The next window displays the installation process. Wait for it to finish. In the process, the laptop will reboot several times.

8. Upon completion, go to the “Control Panel”, and use the “ Windows activation", Enter it and click on the" Change product key "item.

9. Select "Activate" and enter the recorded license key. Confirmation of input will be a message about successful activation.

After completing the installation of Windows, do not forget to install everything necessary for the stable operation of the laptop device driver and program.

Good day, dear readers of the blog site. Today we’ll deal with the question “” on your computer, it doesn’t matter whether you have a laptop or a regular one (desktop computer).

Although some say that there are differences in the installation, in fact the difference is very small, and this article will be enough for you to understand and install the OS (operating system) on both a laptop and a regular compic.

Goal:    Learn how to reinstall operating windows system 7.

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How to install windows 7 from a USB flash drive is also easy. Let's first decide what you want to do? Reinstall   or install system   to your computer? Personally, I will give an example exactly reinstallation, but don’t be scared, read the article carefully, and the question of how to install or reinstall windows 7 will not arise in the future!

My example will be given on my friend’s laptop, the reason for reinstallation is that it just started to work badly, slows down, freezes, etc. So let's get started.

We need a disk with the operating system itself, a DVD drive (it’s also a drive and optical drive), straight arms and a little patience. Where to get the OS? The operating system can be downloaded from the Internet there are just a bunch of them, it is advisable to download windows 7 Maximum it is the most complete and works fine.

Although I prefer windows xp, by the way, I will write how to install this system in the future, subscribe to blog updates and stay tuned.

I download assemblies from this site http://chipxp.ru/ both windows xp and windows 7. Just keep in mind that the seven is given for only 30 days for informational purposes, and the piggy (windows xp) is already croaked, that is, hacked. For seven you can use keygen (aka a fake key - in a nutshell), but do this at your own peril and risk. How to grunt, I'll tell you too 😉

We downloaded the image, burned it to the disc, half the story with a hat! If you don’t know how to record discs - sign up for lessons, and I will gladly share this information.

We insert the disk into the optical drive, reboot the laptop and enter bios. Many people are damned afraid of the word BIOS, there is nothing difficult and deadly in it, especially if you DO NOT click on anything and follow strictly the instructions!

On different bios computers   It is called in different ways, it can be keys: Esc, f10, f2, del, on some models hp met the call key Tab.

We found the key you need, called up the bios window. The very first window you see is general information, it is located on the Main tab (see photo).

It doesn’t cost anything to touch, we use the arrows on the keyboard to move to the Boot tab.

What do we need here? And here we need to set the boot to go from the DVD drive, find the line Boot option # 1 (in my case) and set our drive there, in my case it is marked in red, then press “enter”. We press the f10 key (save the settings), confirm, press the Esc key and the computer went to reboot.

Great, everything is going according to plan. As soon as your pet picks up the boot from the drive, you will see an inscription of such a plan (see).

What can be translated as “press any key to boot from a DVD drive. We press any button and we see such a picture.

Windows downloads the necessary files. We are waiting for the download to finish and we see a window of such a plan (see photo)

In this window, you must specify the language, time format and keyboard layout. Often everywhere they leave “Russian”, press the “next” button, then install.

And again a window pops up with such a plan, in which you need to specify the desired operating system "Windows 7 Maximum", there is such that the choice is not provided.

Then follows the license agreement, put a checkmark that we agree and click "next." For yourself, you can read what they write there;). 10 seconds are enough for our people to familiarize themselves with xD.

Then comes the type of installation, choose the lower option - full installation.

And finally, we got to the most crucial moment, if you reinstall the system, you may accidentally get the disk onto which install windows 7   and all your data will fly away.

Do not rush, it is better to spend a little more time at the initial stage than then wait for days before your information will be restored.

Look, there is such a nuance: many do system disk   (drive C) large in volume - it is NOT CORRECT! Disk C should be no more than 50-70 GB, only the operating system and all the necessary programs, those that can be deleted without regret, are installed on it.

All important files: music, photos, videos, pictures, store on the second (logical) disk!
  We select the partition on which the OS will be installed, it can simply be formatted, but I act through the deletion: I delete the main partition and the partition reserved by the 100mb system.

Then just create a section.

Format and install windows 7.

What is the difference between setting   and reinstallation? The difference is that when installing on a new PC, you must mark up the partitions yourself, rather than formatting the finished partitions in advance.

We wait until the necessary files are copied, at the time of installation, the computer will restart several times, do not click anything!

Wait for such a window (see photo)

In it, enter the desired computer name and click on. You will be greeted by the following window, where you can set a password for the user, I leave it blank, that is, without a password.

The desktop is being prepared, perhaps the computer will once again go to reboot - this is necessary.

After you see a clean desktop, I can congratulate you. Now you know how to install windows 7. But the workflow is not finished yet, you need to check which drivers are not installed and deliver them.

To do this, on the “my computer” tab, right-click and select “Management” from the context menu, in the window that opens, look for “Device Manager”.

A list of all devices that are in the computer appears on the right, items that are marked with a question and exclamation markrequire the installation of drivers.

Drivers can be taken from the Internet, often from the official site, you can also use the disk that came with motherboard   (if stationary PC) or with a laptop.

After installing the drivers, you need to install the programs: office programs, archivers, graphics, etc., at your discretion.

Reinstall windows several times, beat your hand and you will no longer need to pay 500-800 rubles for reinstalling the system, calling the wizard to the house.

If you still have questions, ask them in the comments.

Sincerely, Mikhed Alexander.