What is MTP Device - description and installation

IN lately  The synchronization of mobile gadgets based on Android OS with standard computer systems has undergone quite strong changes. The new technology was based on the use of the so-called MTP Device driver when directly connecting the device to a computer or laptop via a universal USB port.

What is an MTP Device?

In general, MTP technology (Media first saw the light back in 2008 on mobile gadgets with Honeycomb in OS Android Ice Cream Sandwich. At that time it was considered an integral part of the Windows Media package, but then it was standardized as one of the main types of USB devices.

That is why now stationary operating systems when connecting a mobile gadget and define it as an MTP Device. In fact, the development itself was not something new, since it very much resembles the PTP protocols (Picture Transfer protocol), more precisely, is one of its varieties in the form of additional extensions.

MTP Device Driver as an Alternative to USB Mass Storage

As for the functioning of such a system, it is probably clear that without installing the driver it is basically impossible. However, compared to the usual data exchange via USB MTP Device, the driver works in a slightly different way.

The most important difference, it is an advantage of the new technology, is as follows. The fact is that when using a standard connection when uSB help  Mass Storage creates two partitions (for media files and for applications separately), and one of them always depends on the other. There is a situation when a smartphone or tablet does not have access to one of the sections, and the computer perceives both. That is why the situation arises when the applications installed on the SD card, not only do not work, but even do not start.

In the case of using the MTP Device, there are no such restrictions. In addition, there is no need to use file system  Fat. And if previously redistribution free space  was due to the influence of one section on another, in this case there is nothing like that. Simply put, before the fascination of the free space of one section led to a decrease in the size of the other. Now both sections remain unchanged.

Standard driver installation on Windows

Now let's see how the standard driver installation is performed when synchronizing the device with Windows. Let's say we have a Samsung smartphone or tablet.

As a rule, usually when you first connect a device to a computer terminal, the system displays a message in the system tray that a new device has been found (in our case, Samsung MTP Device). The system itself installs the driver necessary for synchronization without any problems, after which the data transfer can be carried out similarly to using a conventional USB connection, when both the internal drive and the external SD card are detected. Errors, of course, may appear (such as “Samsung Mobile MTP Device Driver Not Installed”), but we will dwell on them a bit later.

General driver installation guidelines for most Android devices

In principle, the automatic installation of the necessary drivers by the Windows operating system itself almost always works. However, you can use alternative methods related to the installation of related utilities for a smartphone or tablet.

So, for example, the same MTP Device Samsung driver is installed automatically if the latest version of the Kies application is available. Note that Samsung does not release drivers for each specific model of a mobile gadget, so look for them, say, for S6 or for Galaxy Note  2 makes absolutely no sense.

For HTC smartphones, you need to use specialized software called HTC Sync Manager (sometimes it may be necessary to install firmware via FastBoot mode). For LG, you can find the driver on the official website of the manufacturer specifically for specific model. For Nexus, you need to use the ADB RUN utility and install the driver from the standard “Device Manager”. If using Sony gadgets, there are two options: installing Sony PC Suite or using FlashTool drivers. In principle, there is no difference, but you need to remember that these are two mutually exclusive programs - when you install one, the other must first be deleted.

Use on Mac OS

The use of devices classified as MTP Device when synchronizing with stationary "poppies" or "apple" laptops is not much different from that of Windows.

Unless for complete confidence, you can optionally install android app File transfer, that's all. Otherwise, there should be no problems.

Installation on Linux (Ubuntu)

On Linux systems, due to their specificity, installing the MTP Device drivers looks a bit more complicated. As an example, consider this process for installing a driver for Nexus.

So, we use the command window, in which we first write sudo nano -w /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules (setting UDEV rules). Then we enter the command SUBSYSTEM \u003d\u003d "usb", ATTR (idVendor) \u003d\u003d "04e8", ATTR (idProduct) \u003d\u003d "6860", MODE \u003d "0600", OWNER \u003d "<Имя пользователя>", after which we successively execute the lines sudo apt-get install mtpfs, sudo mkdir / media / GNexus and sudo chmod 775 / media / GNexus.

Next, connect the gadget to the computer and enter sudo mtpfs -o allow_other / media / GNexus. Everything, now, using Nutilus, you can deal with the movement of any files and folders. Yes, the most important thing. When all operations are complete, be sure to use the final sudo umount mtpfs command.

Possible errors and solutions

Unfortunately, the appearance of errors is also not excluded. In most cases, this applies only to Windows operating systems. Let's try to consider the most common failures and the simplest methods for their elimination.

First of all, it is worth checking whether the related utilities correspond to the most latest versions. When using them, it is advisable to download the latest distribution from the manufacturer's website.

If the driver for the MTP Device still does not work, you can try reinstalling it manually. To do this, go to the "Device Manager". In theory, if the driver is not installed or the device itself does not work correctly, it will be marked with a yellow icon. Everything is simple here. You need to find the driver update button in the properties, and then select only compatible devices from the list. If this does not help, you will have to remove it, and then install it again in auto mode. If this does not work, you will have to indicate to the system where the installation distribution kit containing the necessary information is stored.

Sometimes, however, this does not help. The reasons can be any number. In some cases, installing the latest windows versions  Media Player You probably just have to check the system hard section  disk for errors, but you never know what could be. It also happens that this type of error or malfunction can be produced by the "native" media player itself (this option, unfortunately, is not excluded). In this situation, if you use versions of Windows in the form of "seven" and above, you can try to simply disable the multimedia components in the program section of the Control Panel.

As already clear, the reasons for such failures simply can not be counted. Therefore, you will have to move from the simplest methods to solve the problem to more complex or even cardinal, given the specific nature of the cause in each case and for each specific device.

However, as practice shows, one of the universal solutions may be to use system registry. Here you need to find the key UpperFilters and delete it in the main section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE through sequential movement through the tree (System \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ Class). This will not affect the performance of the OS, but the connection will work as expected. Just note that in most cases, this method can be used for gadgets from Samsung.


Here, in principle, in a nutshell, and all that relates to the main issues associated with the use of connections using MTP technology. As you can see, you don’t have to work hard to install the driver, except in Linux. The main errors are eliminated quite easily, however, for each case, it is advisable to find out the root cause before taking any cardinal actions such as deleting registry keys. But in most cases there should be no failures, especially if you install the most fresh versions  additional software  for your gadget.

In any case, you can simply turn to the official online resources of mobile equipment manufacturers. Surely there is a help section describing problems of this type. Perhaps the problem is not even in Windows, but, for example, in the firmware of the device or disabled functions and settings.

Instead, the computer sends a request to the connected device, and it responds with a list of files and directories. Old android devices  support massive uSB memory  to transfer files to and from the computer. Throws an error “USB - MTP device - failure”. After the laptop booted again, the device driver was automatically installed. Hello, I have iphone 6. What to do if the device is not connected either in itools or in itunes.

Reinstalling drivers and rebooting was also unsuccessful. Please drown, what is yours operating system and the error that appears when installing drivers on the system. 3. If the first two methods do not help, try connecting the phone via another micro-USB cable. Hello Nikita. Good morning, I can’t connect the Android phone to the Windows 7 PC, it says: This device does not work correctly, because Windows cannot load the correct drivers for it.

Hello. In the tab "Portable Devices" there is no driver from Microsoft. In this case, the applications must be downloaded through the computer. People! Just reboot your device (phone) without removing your usb from your computer! And it will work! Files and applications stored on a memory card or USB drive became unavailable when connected to a computer.

Partition size cannot be changed without obtaining superuser rights on the device - the manufacturer at the factory chooses the size for each partition. Android using this protocol is presented to the computer as a "storage device."

mTP usb device - failure, does not want to install the driver on nokia 5530 !!

If you try to delete or edit an immutable file, the device will reject the request and an error message will appear. Initially part of the structure of Windows Media, but in 2008 MTP was standardized as a type of USB device, thereby becoming an established standard. Connect your GalaxyNexus, choose MTP as the type of connection, the computer operating system will find the necessary drivers by itself, you only need to wait a bit.

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The computer driver is responsible for the integrity of the file system on the USB flash drive. Connect your phone to your computer in PC Suite mode. 10. After uninstalling the driver, the computer suggested rebooting, which I did. After that, the iPhone connected to the computer without any problems, charging started, it became possible to upload files. Conclusion - the problem was in the driver.

Actually, neither in My computer, nor in the file manager I could open the contents of the smartphone as a flash drive. In principle, sometimes it is enough to restart the phone with the cable connected to the computer. Good afternoon! And what does it write when downloading files to the phone? My phone is Nokia Lumiya 625, operating system windows phone  8.1, windows 7 computer, no viruses. None of the "specialists" invited by me know how to help me.

Good afternoon. In general, this is not provided through a USB cable. Glad I was helpful. Hello. Did everything as it was written. To select a protocol uSB connection, open the Settings application, click Memory, then the menu button and select the USB connection to the computer.

Android installs applications and system files  in / data, while user data is stored in the / sdcard section. The computer does not need exclusive access to the drive, so there is no need to connect memory, disconnect it, or start separate partitions for different types of data. In the post, we will try to figure out as much as possible what exactly this protocol is, what is the need for it, and how to configure it to simplify file transfer.

The essence of using MTP is that now manufacturers of mobile devices do not need to create two separate partitions, one for applications, the second for media files. USB Mass Storage has one big drawback - when you create memory partitions, one of them is completely in the grip of the other device.

Moving files between your smartphone and PC without any problems is provided. You just need to download and install android program  File Transfer, connect the device to the computer, launch the application and get started. Disconnect the phone from the computer. 6.

It turned out that a hundred iPhones do not want to connect to a computer and, therefore, are therefore not charging. To solve the problem I connected the iPhone to the computer, I went to “Control Panel - Hardware and Sound - Device Manager”.

5. Insert the device cable, everything should work! Try uninstalling the driver and reinstalling it. The device connecting to the memory required exclusive access to it. The memory was disconnected from the operating room when connected to a computer android systems.

Older Android devices support USB mass storage for transferring files to and from the computer. Modern Android devices use the MTP and PTP protocols - you can choose either of two.

To select the USB connection protocol, open the Settings application, press Memory, then the menu button and select the USB connection to the computer. When connecting the device to a computer via USB, the protocol used by it is displayed in the notification.

Why modern Android devices do not support USB mass storage

USB mass storage — also known as the “USB mass storage class device” - is the method by which old android version  Provided computer access to their memory. When connecting an Android device to a computer, I had to press the “Connect memory to computer” button so that the device’s memory

Android has become available to the computer via USB mass storage. When disconnecting from the computer, you should click the “Disconnect USB memory” button.

USB mass storage is the standard protocol used by flash drives, external hard drives, SD memory cards and other USB drives. The drive becomes fully accessible to the computer, just like an internal drive.

This work scheme had flaws. The device connecting to the memory required exclusive access to it. The memory when connected to a computer was disconnected from the Android operating system. Files and applications stored on a memory card or USB drive became unavailable when connected to a computer.

System files need to be stored somewhere; they cannot be disconnected from the device, therefore Android devices contain a separate / data section for “system memory” and a / sdcard section for “USB memory” on the same internal storage. Android installs applications and system files in / data, while user data is stored in the / sdcard section.

A hard partition led to a lack of space for applications and an excess of space for data. Partition size cannot be changed without obtaining superuser rights on the device - the manufacturer at the factory chooses the size for each partition.

Since the file system had to be accessed with windows computer, it was formatted for FAT. Microsoft holds patents for FAT, which is an older and slower file system without a modern permission system. Android currently uses the new ext4 file system for all partitions because Windows does not have to read them directly.

Phone connection or android tablet  to the computer as a typical uSB drive  convenient, but it has too many shortcomings, so the new Android devices use other USB connection protocols.

MTP - data storage device

MTP stands for “Data Protocol.” Android using this protocol is presented to the computer as a "storage device." The data transfer protocol has advanced as a standardized protocol for transferring audio files to digital music players with using windows  Media Player and similar programs. It was supposed to allow other media companies to compete with the Apple iPod and iTunes.

This protocol is very different from USB mass storage. Instead of exposing the file system of an Android device for Windows, MTP works at the file level. Android device does not provide all its memory for Windows. Instead, the computer sends a request to the connected device, and it responds with a list of files and directories. The computer can download the file by requesting it from the device that will send the file over the connection. If the computer sends the file to the device, the latter saves it. When a file is deleted, the computer sends a signal to the device, ordering the file to be deleted, which the device does.

Android selects which files to show and hide the system files so that they cannot be seen or changed. If you try to delete or edit an immutable file, the device will reject the request and an error message will appear.

The computer does not need exclusive access to the drive, so there is no need to connect memory, disconnect it, or start separate partitions for different types of data. Android can use ext4 or any other file system. Windows is not required to understand the Android file system.

In fact, MTP works very similar to USB mass storage. For example, an MTP device is shown in Explorer, so you can view and transfer files. Linux also supports MTP through libmtp, which is part of the Linux distribution package. MTP devices are also displayed in the Linux file manager.

Apple Mac OS X does not support MTP at all. iPods, iPads, and iPhones use their own proprietary iTunes sync protocol, so why should they support a competing protocol?

Google provides an app for sharing android files  under Mac OS X. It is an MTP client and transfers files to Mac. Google does not ship this application for other operating systems because they have MTP support.

PTP - Digital Camera

PTP stands for “Image Transfer Protocol”. Using this protocol, Android appears to be a digital camera to the computer.

MTP is based on PTP, but adds additional features. PTP functions like MTP and is used by digital cameras. Any program that captures photographs from digital cameras is able to extract them from android phoneif PTP mode is selected. PTP is the standard protocol for interfacing with digital cameras.

In this mode, the Android device will work with digital camera applications that support PTP, but not MTP. Mac OS X supports PTP, so you can use it to transfer photos from an Android device to a Mac via a USB connection without special software.

In the case of an old Android device, you will have to use a massive USB memory. New devices allow you to choose between MTP and PTP -PTP is needed for programs that support only it.

If your device has a removable memory card, you can remove it and insert it directly into the computer’s memory card slot. The memory card will appear to the computer as a drive, which means that it will be possible to access all the files on it, run software to restore files and do everything else that MTP does not allow.

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Android from A to Z: What is behind the abbreviation MTP, and how to properly manage it

MTP (Media transfer Protocol) first appeared on devices with Honeycomb. The protocol is slightly different from the usual USB Mass storage (UMS), in which you turn on the USB mod and start moving files. And since Mtr  became part on, it would be nice to find out all the nuances. In the post, we will try to figure out as much as possible what exactly this protocol is, what is the need for it, and how to configure it to simplify file transfer.

What is MTP?

Mtr  is a set of custom extensions for Ptp (Picture transfer protocol), which aims to transfer files and related metadata by USB. Still here? Then let's continue.

Initially part of the structure Windows Mediabut in 2008 Mtr  was standardized as type USB  devices, thereby becoming an established standard. If you were the owner of iriver or Creative MP3 players, you probably came across Mtr. If you use a digital camera, which when connected to a PC is automatically recognized as a device, then it is involved in the work Rtrwhich, in essence, is the same as Mtr. Thing is old enough, but not for Android.

Why use MTP instead of USB mass storage?

The essence of use Mtp  is that now manufacturers of mobile devices do not need to create two separate sections, one for applications, the second for media files. Previously, a sin was noticed behind them, which consisted in expanding the second section at the expense of the first, and this very often led to a lack of space for new applications. FROM Mtr  both types of files can be stored together.

At USB mass storage  There is one big drawback - when you create memory partitions, then one of them is completely in the power of the other device. This means that your tablet or smartphone will not have access to this section, but the computer to which the device is connected can use it in every way. For this reason, some applications, and especially widgets placed on the SD card, do not work.

Another advantage Mtr  is an no need to use the FAT file system  for storage. This ultimately leads to more quick work  device.

MTP installation

From the time of Windows XPMtp  devices without problems work with. Connect yourGalaxyNexuschoose Mtp  as the type of connection, the computer operating system itself finds the necessary drivers, you will only need to wait a bit. Moving files between your smartphone and PC without any problems is provided. But what to do to those users who have preferredLinux  and Mac?

Mac OS

Set UDEV rule,  having opened rules file  through terminal

sudo nano -w /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules

Then enter next line  at the bottom of the file (be sure to include the username):

SUBSYSTEM \u003d\u003d "usb", ATTR (idVendor) \u003d\u003d "04e8", ATTR (idProduct) \u003d\u003d "6860", MODE \u003d "0600", OWNER \u003d " "

Then the turn for:

  • sudo apt-get install mtpfs
  • sudo mkdir / media / GNexus
  • sudo chmod 775 / media / GNexus

Then connect Galaxy Nexus  to the PC and in the same window as in the previous window enter:

sudo mtpfs -o allow_other / media / GNexus

This all allows you to drag and drop files using Nautilus, and do not forget to enter the following command upon completion of work:

sudo umount mtpfs


Alternatively, you can use a combination Wifi file explorer  and Quicksshd  and to send wireless files.

Android from A to Z: What is behind the abbreviation MTP, and how to properly manage it:
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If you don’t want to waste time on hunting after the needed driver for your PC, feel free to use a dedicated self-acting installer. It will select only qualified and updated drivers for all hardware parts all alone. To download SCI Drivers Installer, follow this  link.

Device: USB MTP Drivers Installer
Date: 2017-09-03
File Size: 1.12 Mb
Supported OS: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
Download Drivers Installer

USB MTP: Drivers List

3 drivers are found for ‘USB MTP Device’. To download the needed driver, select it from the list below and click at ‘Download’ button. Please, ensure that the driver version totally corresponds to your OS requirements in order to provide for its operational accuracy.

Version: 5.2.5326.4762 Download
Date: 2012-05-10
File Size: 1.7M
Supported OS:
Version: Download
Date: 2012-02-27
File Size: 8.8M
Supported OS: Windows XP 64bit, Windows Vista 64bit, Windows 7 64bit, Windows 8 64bit

USB MTP: Supported Models of Laptops

We have compiled a list of popular laptops models applicable for the installation of ‘MTP USB device’. By clicking at the targeted laptop model, you’ll be able to look through a comprehensive list of compatible devices.

# Manufacturer Model Devices
1 Ibm 8141WT1 34 devices list
2 Ibm ThinkCentre S51 (8172Y3V) 23 devices list
3 HP HP Compaq dc5100 SFF (EQ116US) 37 devices list
4 HP KA915AA-ABF s3341.f 27 devices list
5 Seneca V56683 33 devices list
6 HP HP d530 CMT (DP002C) 28 devices list
7 Ibm ThinkCentre M51 (8141WT1)