Internet: how it works. File Transfer Protocol and FTP Clients

Significantly reduce the search time for documents and files up to several minutes and even seconds will help some useful services:

  1. Yandex advanced search.   Not everyone is aware that search engines have advanced versions of search. Yandex has this service located on this page: Here, by entering the required query, you can specify the details of this query. For example, the language of the document, the date of publication, and, of course, the format you need. After clicking on the “Find” button, the search engine will give you a list of links to documents of the required format. You just have to click on the “Download” button, and the document will be downloaded directly from the server on which the document or file is located without any registration. Or you can first read the contents of the document without downloading by clicking on the "View" button so as not to overload the computer with unnecessary files.
  2. Google Advanced Search.   Google also provides the ability to find files of the desired format. Here is a page where you can do this: Unlike Yandex, Google makes it possible to search for such exotic formats as: Adobe PostScript (.ps), Autodesk DWF (.dwf), Shockwave Flash (.swf). In fact, the list of formats Google searches is much wider. If at the end of the search phrase you add the so-called query operator filetype: and add the file format you need after it, you can easily find the file you are looking for. For example, if you need to find the Bach composer MIDI file, then you can type Bach filetype: mid and it is likely that you will find what you needed.
  3. Another useful service is located at this address: This is a search service for documents of various formats, including TXT, FB2, ODT, and even RAR and ZIP. After entering your request, you can quickly navigate through the tabs by searching for a specific file type. The service has 2 significant advantages - simplicity and speed of search. The only drawback is that links do not always lead to the final file. Where there is a direct link to the file, you will see the “Download” button.
  4. You can also use the FTP server search service to search for files. Indeed, sometimes files are uploaded to FTP servers with open access to internal folders, but search engines often do not find them. After you enter your query in the search bar of this service, you will see a list of files and folders found on the Internet that contain in your name or path to the text you entered in the search query.

Search FTP servers

Real dangers from peers to peers

What are our beliefs about the peer phenomenon, we must recognize that there are lights and shadows. Two new questions: the spread of child pornography and a decrease in information security. As for the dramatic theme of pedophilia, in recent years the press, especially the most popular, has been almost obsessed with the Internet with it. On the one hand, on the one hand, the merit of awakening public attention to the tragedy, which was always ignored, on the other hand, it offered a vision of distorted reality: over the past few years, the chances of finding websites containing child pornography were very far away; as well as finger counting for arrests for crimes related to pedophilia and the Internet.

It’s one thing - if you want to find a list of links to web resources on the Internet so that you can select the desired resource with their help, and quite another thing - when you need a specific object: a multimedia file, an e-book, software   etc. To solve this problem, it is recommended to use specially designed search engines, or the corresponding modes of conventional search engines.

Today, however, because peers are peers, an experienced user can find this material after hours of research. An absolutely unusual and disturbing fact, which, among other things, increases the risk of being found on an illegal material computer, not even fully realizing that he committed a crime.

The scenario is mitigated by the fact that law enforcement agencies work more efficiently and learn to use the features of the Internet rather than suppress them. With such a simple, relatively simple, and relatively inexpensive solution, a dangerous community of Internet users can turn into an active ally of law enforcement agencies. The capabilities offered by the latest statistical data analysis systems, integrated with the help of easily automated cross-checking, make the reporting database completely reliable and definitely useful for speeding up surveys.

For example, the search engine located at is very effective for finding files. Its huge database is regularly updated, and the search is conducted among almost all Russian and several thousand foreign FTP-servers.

A characteristic feature of the system is that it does not search on web servers and web pages among the content there (as most standard search engines do), but on the names of files and folders on FTP servers. The trick here is this: if, for example, you are looking for an application, then on a regular web server you will find only its description (for example, as part of a review article, etc.), but the distribution will help you find http: / / Note that this system   can search for files of various formats: multimedia, graphic, sound, text, executable, archives, etc. The general rules for working with are in many respects similar to actions in other search engines.

When international agreements to facilitate investigations are fully operational, using the Internet as a tool for indiscriminate distribution of material for pedophiles will be more difficult. Another issue, which peer-to-peer has reached even greater importance, is computer security. Adopting peer-to-peer programs and transferring files from several sources to a computer requires additional security measures. In particular, we believe that we recommend using a firewall, anti-spyware and, finally, an antivirus.

Another effective search engine is located at It is also designed to search for files - multimedia, graphic, etc. You just need to use the appropriate switch to select the appropriate type of search, and enter the desired query from the keyboard.

Another effective file search engine that supports both simple and advanced search functions is located at As you might guess, the author and developer of this product is the well-known company Rambler ( Features of this search engine   Search FTP files of various formats.

This is not the place to describe in detail the nature and functions of these three types of programs; You should know at that time that firewalls perform the function of scanning data traffic to and from your computer, protecting it from unauthorized intrusion. Finally, the most well-known anti-virus software ensures that your files on your computer are not infected with viruses. Some of the latest antivirus products resemble firewalls, scanning real-time data flow to and from your computer, blocking viruses that are already being transmitted.