Solidworks failed to start the parallel configuration application. Parallel configuration is incorrect. Error "Failed to start the application. Parallel configuration is incorrect."

The application could not be started because its parallel configuration is incorrect


Today I encountered such a problem - I tried to go into browser   google chrome but couldn’t because of an unexpected error: " Could not start applicationbecause its parallel configuration is incorrect. For more information, see the application event log or use the command line program sxstrace.exe   for more information. "

A damaged lock cannot be repaired. To ensure that the lock is damaged, replace it with another system, if available. If still unsuccessful, they can help you get a new one. If you receive a device or service error message while booting your system, this may affect the driver’s watch. There are three situations that usually affect the hardware lock of the driver and can lead to a crash.

The device is not recognized by the system at startup. The service did not start during startup. This problem is usually caused by older versions of the rainbow drivers and can be solved by installing the latest drivers with an extended chipset. At this point, make sure that it is set to one of the modes mentioned earlier in this document.

C: Program FilesGoogleApplicationchrome.exe

I searched for a solution to this problem for a long and tedious time and still found this method!

So it was like this - I went to the official google forum at this link, everyone on the forum says that you need to download libraries visual c ++   2005 or 2008 under your windows system. I have installed Windows 7 sp1 32   bits, so I started downloading the libraries I needed and doing the installation of these files here - NOW THE MOST IMPORTANT !!! THESE WAYS DO NOT HELP ME !!! Perhaps they will help you, but they did not help me !!! After all the installations, the Google Chrome browser did not open !!! I killed 30 minutes for all these actions!

The driver console should automatically start during sequence initialization. "Failed to start one or more services." Verify that the driver sending service was unsuccessful by using the following steps. Go to the “Hardware” tab and click on the “Device Manager” button.

Double-click the driver icon and select the “Driver” tab. Make sure the driver is running. Scroll down the list of devices and highlight the relay control signal. If there is no repeater, the driver has not been installed. If the status is not “Introduction,” click the “Start” button.

I recommend that you refer to the method that will be in step by step instructions   described below, or you can get involved with these libraries and they will be installed correctly on your PC - it's up to you!

Let's describe our method of solving the problem for Windows 7 sp1 (maybe this option is suitable for other operating systems)

In the main window, double-click Control Panel, and then select the drivers. Select a setting, and then edit. If the computer says that “the driver is not installed”, the driver is not recognized. These services enable hardware and software, application operating systems and communication between applications and devices.

During startup, note that the key will have access to the “Installation System”. Select this option and enter the system configuration. After that, in the installation system, find the input that controls the “parallel port mode”. Editing the system allows you to disable this option and then reinstall the hardware blocking drivers, as described in the document “Remove and install hardware latches”.

1) Go to drive C in the "Users" folder

3) When you are in this folder, look in the upper left corner and find the item "ORDER" - click!

4) In the pop-up menu we find the item "FOLDER AND SEARCH OPTIONS" - click!

5) We go to the tab "VIEW" and lower the window slider to the bottom until it stops

6) Put a point in "SHOW HIDDEN FILES, FOLDERS AND DISKS" - click "OK"

While this will slow down your computer, this is a temporary troubleshooting range. Entering the same authorization code will result in an “incorrect” string authorization message. Other third-party vendor plugins may work the same way.

Configuration Preparation

Before starting the Configurator, it is important that you centralize the data for your physical equipment on a piece of paper. The first part corresponds to the response time of your drivers. For example, we take the drivers that we use on our machine. The second part, to centralize, concerns your stretching. It depends on your card and the options provided to you.

7) We look in the folder - appears in it hidden folder   With name " Appdata"- we go into it

9) In the folder "User Data" we are trying to find the folder " Default"- if you found this folder - DELETE IT, if you didn’t find it - then we don’t do anything, but just close all the folders and drive C.

10) We go to the official Google website and download a new one installation file   Chrome browser

Fast point on limit switches. The last part is dedicated to your mechanics. and your engines. None of the magic, step by step, corresponds to the number of steps required to complete the engine revolution. The stepper motor we use is a classic segmented motor every 1, 8 °.

Then micropairs: a very important element! Why separate the 8 ° step? There is no special rule for determining this, but the more important the value of the screw, the higher the value, otherwise you will see that your machine operates in low-speed couplings. It also depends on the maximum latency of your computer and, therefore, on the frequency of control of your axes. Most likely, you set the value, but you will have to change it due to too high a frequency.

11) Install the program and that's it !!! CHROME works again! All bookmarks remain untouched !!! Thank you all for watching! There will be questions on the computer - write, I will try to help

The advice helped. But ..... Instead of deleting the Default folder, I cut it to a separate location. Installed Chrom. After such an installation, all panel settings, passwords, etc., were reset. It turned out to be completely pure Chrom. I re-entered the folder ... AppDataLocalGoogleChromeUser Data I crashed the Default folder in it and replaced the old cut-out version instead. After this focus, all browser user settings were restored.

The reduction corresponds to your reduction ratio if you use it, and the screw pitch corresponds to the number of millimeters that the cart advances when the screw or pulley rotates. For a screw, the number of integers or several digits after a comma, but for a pulley, if you have 8 digits behind a comma, write down all of them.

Now that most of our information is written side by side, we can move on to the configuration. The first page asks if you want to create a new configuration or modify an existing configuration. This is very useful because you will see that during the testing phase you change your configuration very often! For now, select “Create New Configuration” and check both boxes.

can't run shortcut google browser   chrome throws an error The application could not be started because its parallel configuration is incorrect. For more information, see the application event log or use the sxstrace.exe command-line tool for more information, the Chrome browser icon does not open on the desktop, an error due to incompatibility, message C: Program FilesGoogleApplicationchrome.exe, the chrome failed, I cannot open the icon on desktop, the Chrome browser does not load, the Visual C Plus Plus library, visual c ++ 2005 2008 32 bit system   64 bits for seven windows seven seven, service pack 1 sp1, thirty two bit version of the operating system, sixty four bit OS, proven solution to the problem, video tutorial look at YouTube, youtube video   course

The first page of the configuration prompts you to configure the machine. The configuration is divided into 4 parts: machine, driver, parallel port and latency. For the first part, enter the name, axis configuration, and set the device in millimeters. For the second part, enter the values \u200b\u200bof the drivers entered in the first table. And for the third part, as a rule, the specified parallel port should be correct.

The fourth part is very important. Then copy the maximum value set by the maximum jitter to the base period Maximum jitter. Leave the “Dialog on screen to change tool” check if you do not have an automatic tool store on your computer.

Updated Sep 02, 2017

When you start some not the newest, but necessary programs   in Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7, the user may encounter the error “The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect - in English versions of Windows).

In this instruction - step by step on how to fix this error in several ways, one of which is likely to help and allow you to run a program or game that reports problems with a parallel configuration.

The next page asks for information for advanced configuration, for example, for a user panel. We will return to this in the next article, for now click on. Then the wizard offers to configure the parallel port. Fill in the information in accordance with the second table.

The next 3 pages allow you to customize your axes. Use the third table to fill in the first values \u200b\u200band check your axis. Start at a low speed and acceleration at a distance of ± 100 mm and increase the speed to determine the maximum speed.

Correcting Incorrect Parallel Configurations by Rearranging Microsoft Visual C ++ Redistributable

The first way to fix the error does not involve any diagnostics, but it is the easiest for a novice user and most often works in Windows.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the cause of the message “Failed to start the application because its parallel configuration is incorrect” is the malfunction or conflicts of the installed software of the distributed components of Visual C ++ 2008 and Visual C ++ 2010 that are necessary to run the program, and the problems with them are relatively easy to fix.

  • The frequency remains lower than the previously calculated maximum frequency.
  • Let your engine continue to move.
  • Use the ruler to constantly check the race during the test.
Do the same to speed up. Once this is done, you must adjust the position of the limit switches and axial strokes. Take a look at this chart to fully understand the values \u200b\u200byou need to fill out.

Location of the original contact with the machine: this is useful in order to determine which sensor is the source. Source Search Speed: The search speed should be slow for accuracy, but if it is really too long, increase it. You can set a negative speed to change direction. Clearing the original contact: either identical or opposite. Once the source sensor is activated, you must determine the direction of release of the sensor, that is, it means that it continues in the same direction and vice versa that it goes back.

  • Location of machine source: therefore, this is the place of origin.
  • Race table: as the name indicates.
This is what it gives me.

  1. Go to the control panel - programs and components
  2. If listed installed programs There is the Microsoft Visual C ++ 2008 and 2010 Redistributable Package (or Microsoft Visual C ++ Redistributable, if the English version is installed), x86 and x64 versions, remove these components (select them, select "Delete" from the top).
  3. After removal, restart the computer and reinstall these components from the official Microsoft website (download addresses - hereinafter).

Download Visual C ++ 2008 SP1 and 2010 packages at the following official pages   (install both x64 and x86 versions for 64-bit systems, only x86 version for 32-bit systems):

Do the same for the other two axes. the last page   configuration designed for spindle. The values \u200b\u200bare assumed to be set by the spindle. Then shortcuts are created for the program and configuration folder. All you have to do is run the program and test!

If you get an error message at startup, it means that the timeout specified at the beginning of the configurator is too short.

If you change the delay, make sure that the frequency of each axis is less than the maximum. And voila, this is finished for this article.

  • Microsoft Visual C ++ 2008 SP1 32-bit (x86) -\u003d5582
  • Microsoft Visual C ++ 2008 SP1 64-bit -\u003d2092
  • Microsoft Visual C ++ 2010 SP1 (x86) -\u003d8328
  • Microsoft Visual C ++ 2010 SP1 (x64) -\u003d13523

After installing the components, restart the computer again and try to run the program that reported the error. If it does not start this time, but you have the opportunity to reinstall it (even if you have already done this before) - try, maybe it will work.

The application must be restarted after changing the settings.

Try to run the program in the environment operating systemwhich is not supported. Older versions of libraries do not support advanced features. The message is generated by changing the directory in the menu "Project", "Options", folders "Directories".

No projects found - possibly an incorrectly installed directory

  An error is generated if the directory with data files is not installed correctly.

Failed to read status at startup

You will probably have the wrong directory or you are using several projects, and each of them will be installed in a different directory.

Failed to register status upon exit

The error can be caused by various consequences of technical inadequacy or failure.

Note: in some cases, the truth is rare today (for old programs and games), you may need to perform the same steps for the components of Microsoft Visual C ++ 2005 SP1 (easily searched on the official Microsoft website).

Additional Ways to Fix a Bug

The full text of the error message in question looks like “The application could not be started because its parallel configuration is incorrect. For more information, see the application event log or use the sxstrace.exe command-line tool for more information. ”Sxstrace is one way to diagnose which module's parallel configuration is causing the problem.

Newly entered text is not highlighted in the press with revised rules

The data key to the selected module is missing

  The project code for the project you are trying to open is missing or the license file was corrupted. Unpredictable global search error. Are you trying to open the file old versionwhich is incompatible with current version   browser.

Unable to open the link in the text box on the right - step 2

You are trying to open an old version file that is incompatible with the current version of the browser or the file does not work. The installation of the application is most likely incomplete or fails. standard way. If you click on any link in the right window, nothing will happen, no other pages will open, and the previous solution will not help you. Five keys must be 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the key. If before 0 there is another line, character or just an asymmetric mark, delete it.

To use sxstrace, run command line   as an administrator, and then follow these steps.

  1. Enter the command sxstrace trace /logfile:sxstrace.etl (you can specify the path to the etl log file as well).
  2. Run the program that causes the error, close (click "OK") the error window.
  3. Type sxstrace parse /logfile:sxstrace.etl /outfile:sxstrace.txt
  4. Open sxstrace.txt

In the command execution log, you will see information about exactly which error occurred, as well as the exact version ( installed versions   can be viewed in “programs and components”) and the bit depth of Visual C ++ components (if they are the case), which is needed for the application to work and use this information to install the desired package.

Another option that can help, or vice versa, cause problems (i.e. use it only if you are able and willing to solve problems with Windows) - use the registry editor.

Open the following registry branches:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ SideBySide \\ Winners \\ (character_set) \\ 9.0
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ SideBySide \\ Winners \\ (character_set) \\ 8.0

Note the “Default” value and the list of versions in the values \u200b\u200bbelow.

If the default value is not equal to new version   in the list, then change it so that it becomes equal. After that, close the registry editor and restart the computer. Check if the problem has been fixed.

At this point in time, these are all ways to fix the incorrect parallel configuration error that I can offer. If something does not work out or there is something to add, I am waiting for you in the comments.