Deleted the language bar how to return. How to restore a language bar that disappeared in Windows. What is the language bar and why it could disappear.

The language bar is a toolbar that automatically appears on the desktop in the taskbar. Language bar provides quick way  changing the input language or keyboard layout directly from the desktop, another way to change the layout is to use the keyboard shortcut "Ctr" + "Shift"  or "Alt" + "Shift". There are times when after installing a program or inaccurate actions by a computer user, it disappears and it is not clear which keyboard layout is used. How to return language bar? Where did the language bar go?  - quite often asked questions. Returning the language bar is a fairly simple task, if you do not believe, read this step by step instructions  and learn to return it without much effort.

Add or remove toolbars

Toolbar customization

  You can change the appearance of the toolbar by adding elements, changing the location and, if they appear, changing the style and its settings or returning to the default settings. To do this, right-click on the panel and select “Configure”. The panel shows a yellow frame, and you can start personalizing as follows.

To add an item, such as a button or search field, select “ Appearance", In the dialog box, click" Buttons "and drag a button from any category in the list to the highlighted panel. To change where the panel appears in the browser, select Appearance and change the Location properties. To change the style of the panel, for example, using text instead of images or buttons, select Appearance and change the style properties. To change the line settings in the panel, select Appearance and change the line settings properties. To display the panel only when you need it, select "Appearance" and check the box "View only if necessary." Not only can the toolbars be customized, but there can be several options, for example, for specific tasks for a specific task while maintaining the default for general navigation.

There are several ways to return the language bar:

1 way. Return the language bar using regional settings.

To do this, click " Start "-" Control Panel".

In the line View select " Small icons"and click on" ".

In the window that opens, " language and regional standards"select tab" Language and keyboards"- "Change keyboard". In the window " Languages \u200b\u200band Text Input Services"tab" Are common"you should see two layouts - Russian and English. If this is not the case, you need to add or change to the appropriate languages \u200b\u200b(Russian, English - the languages \u200b\u200bare used by default, in addition to them you can add others or change these languages).

If you want to save the configuration and create a new one, follow these steps. Select the configuration you want to use as a template, and click Duplicate. It emphasizes the newly created configuration, you select Rename, and it is given a simple name to remember.

  • The new configuration is selected from the list, and click OK to complete the selection.
  • Now the new bar configuration will be used.
Firewall configurations.

It replaces the keyboard of your device in all its applications and services and has many features to make writing easier. Understand the context of what is written for self-directed spelling errors, and predict the next word with amazing accuracy.

After that, go to the tab " Language bar"and choose" Docked to taskbar"put a tick" Display text labels in the language bar". After that, do not forget to click." OK".

Customizing your keyboard simply adds it to your keyboard extensions. On this portal you can get answers to most of the questions that may arise. You can also watch our helpful videos that showcase numerous product offerings and features.

The terms of the software license agreement included with the downloaded software control the use of the software. All communications and notifications made or provided in accordance with this Agreement, as well as all documentation and support that must be provided, unless otherwise indicated, must be in English. This Agreement is made only in English, which will be the only binding for all purposes.

As a result of these steps, you should see the language bar on the taskbar. If this does not happen, go to the second method of resuscitation of the language panel.

2 Way. Return the language bar by checking the Task Scheduler service.

Since the language bar is associated with the Task Scheduler service, you need to check if this service is working. To do this, right-click on the shortcut " A computer"and choose" Control". If your desktop does not have a computer shortcut, for convenience, I recommend display the shortcut Computer on the desktop .

All messages and notifications made or received in accordance with this Agreement, and all documents and assistance provided, unless otherwise indicated, must be written in English. If you are not the final manufacturer or distributor of a computer system including the Software, you may transfer one copy Software, as well as end-user documentation relating to your recipient, for use in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, provided that the specified recipient agrees to a legal obligation of these conditions.

Choose Services and Applications - Services  and in the right column we find the service " Task Scheduler", see that it is running (Status- Works).

After that, double-click on it and see that the line "Launch Type was set to" Automatically".

The way. Return language bar using regional settings

You must not assign, sublicense, lease, transfer or otherwise disclose the Software to any third party. You must not reverse compile, disassemble, or reverse engineer the software in any way.

Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, you are not granted any license or right, directly or indirectly, incentives, termination or otherwise. English version of this Agreement. It will be the only required version and will prevail over any translation. Any translation of this Agreement is offered for convenience only and should not be used in the interpretation or development of this Agreement or without fail for the parties.

3 Way. Return the language bar using the registry.

Another way is to check if the ctfmon.exe application responsible for the operation of the language bar has made any changes. To do this, click " Start"in the search bar enter REGEDIT  and press the Enter key.

The software is subject to and protected by laws of the United States of America and other countries and international intellectual property treaties. You may not remove copyright notices from the Software. You may transfer the Software only if the recipient agrees to fully comply with these conditions and if you do not save any copies of the Software. Responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any information, text, graphics, links or other content contained in the Software.

go along the way HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Runand see if there is a parameter ctfmon.exe, if there is, we double-click on it and see that the value indicates the line

You can copy the Software to one computer for personal and non-commercial use, and you can create backup  Software subject to the following conditions. You may not copy, modify, lease, sell, distribute or transfer any part of the Software, except as otherwise specified in this Agreement, and you agree to prevent unauthorized copies of the Software.

You may not perform retroactive technical operations, decompile or disassemble the Software. You may not transfer to others or permit the simultaneous use of the Software by more than one user.

If this parameter is not present, right-click in the right field, select   Create - String Parameterwrite in the name ctfmon.exe  in meaning C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ ctfmon.exe.  After that, restart the computer.

In Windows XP, quite often there is such a problem as the disappearance of the language bar. This panel displays the current language for the user and, it would seem, there is nothing to worry about. However, for those users who often work with the test, the lack of a language bar is a real disaster. Each time before typing, you have to check which language is now turned on by pressing any key with a letter. Of course, this is very inconvenient and in this article we will consider options for actions that will help return the language bar to its original place if it constantly disappears.

The software may include parts that are offered in terms of complementary to those specified in this document, as described in the license attached to such parts. Ownership of all copies. The contract at any time if you violate its terms.

The requirements arising from this Agreement will be governed by California law, with the exception of the principles of conflict of law and the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the Sale of Goods. Exporting the Software in violation of US export laws and regulations is prohibited.

Before moving on to recovery methods, let's dig deeper into the Windows device and try to figure out what exactly the language bar displays. So, among all system applications in XP, there is one that provides its display - Ctfmon.exe. It is it that shows us what language and layout are currently used in the system. Accordingly, a certain registry key that contains the necessary parameters is responsible for launching the application.

Enhanced as the final version operating system  - which now receives only constant updates, and not big and radical changes - it brought some new features and other old, famous and devoted to the public. However, as is often the case in every update, some details are not always obvious, and there are many “hidden” ones in the corners of the operating system. And precisely in order to identify some of these possibilities, we have prepared this text.

Reactivating the Start Screen

So now check out all of our tips. To do this, open the Start menu and click Settings. In the window that opens on the computer, click "Settings", and then go to the "Start" section. There, enable the option "Use full screen to run."

Now that we know "where the legs grow from," we can begin to fix the problem. To do this, we will consider three ways - from the simplest to the more complex.

Method 1: Launch a system application

As mentioned above, the system application is responsible for displaying the language bar Ctfmon.exe. Accordingly, if you do not see it, then you need to run the program.

Resize the search bar

By default, this menu is expanded, taking up enough space, but if this is a problem, you can solve it very simply. Just right-click anywhere in the taskbar and go to the "Search" menu. There, select the "Show Search Icon" icon to reduce the size of the search bar. If you want to make it big again, select Show Search Box.

Log in to your account quickly.

If you want, you can hide this feature by clicking the “Hidden” option. All you have to do is open the Start menu and right-click on your photo account. When you do this, a small tab will appear with three parameters, among which is the “Logout” option, which will exit the system instantly.

If, for example, due to the action of viruses, the ctfmon.exe file is missing, then it must be restored. To do this, you need to perform just a few actions:

Set notification area

Now you can configure it in an expanded form by choosing which quick action buttons should be displayed there, as well as individually manage notification icons for each application. To do this, right-click anywhere in the taskbar and go to "Properties". Then in the window that appears on the screen, click "Configure".

You have several options on the settings screen, so please read them carefully and activate or deactivate some functions as you see fit.

Another way to customize the notification area is to click and drag any icon that appears there. Thus, you determine whether the icon should always be displayed or should be present only in the hidden menu of this space.

  • Insert the installation disk with Windows XP;
  • Open command line  (Start / All programs / Accessories / Command line);
  • Enter the command
  • Push Enter  and wait for the scan to complete.

This method will allow you to recover deleted system files, including ctfmon.exe.

This function works similarly. previous versions  operating system, but there are some new details that can confuse users around the world. Currently, in order to change the color and transparency level of windows, you need to access a menu specifically designed for this. Open the Start menu and click on the Settings button. Then click “Settings.”

Presentation of tasks and several work areas

Now go to the Colors menu, and then you can customize this aspect of the operating system.

Having access to this menu, you can add new virtual desktops to the system.

But what to do when it suddenly disappears? Due to the removal of certain programs, the problem can be solved simply; check this. Just start the computer and follow the instructions on the screen to find the cause of the failure and restore the “charm panel”. The good news is that this procedure is also easy to use, check it out.

If for any reason you don’t installation disk  Windows XP, the language bar file can be downloaded from the Internet or from another computer with the same operating system.

Often, this is enough to return the language bar to its place. However, if this does not help, then move on to the next method.

Method 2: Verify Settings

If the system application is running, but the panel is still not there, then you should look at the settings.

That's all, now the language bar should appear.

But there are also cases where intervention in system registry. If all of the above methods did not produce results, then go to the next solution to the problem.

Method 3: Corrections to a parameter in the registry

To work with the system registry exists special utility, which will allow not only to view the records, but also to make the necessary adjustments.

In most cases, the described actions are enough to return the language bar to its original place.


So, we have examined several ways how you can return the language bar to its place. However, there are exceptions and the panel is still missing. In such cases, you can use third-party programs that display the current language, for example, a keyboard layout auto-switch or reinstall the operating system.