Ok google how to create a new account. What is an account and how to create one? What to do if an account is hacked

Updated: July 28, 2017

Hello dear readers of the blog site. An account, profile, or are all synonyms of the same concept. If the meaning of one of them is “clear as a day” to you, then, in general, it is not necessary to read this publication to the end. However, if questions still remain, then I will try to answer them.

Examples of accounts and why are they needed?

In my opinion, the most obvious example of an account that almost all Internet users have is the one that I wrote about in my time, even a separate article. Moreover, creating a profile in at least one google service, you can use his data (username and password) to log in to everyone else (such as, for example, Social Network, and others).

In RuNet, accounts in Yandex and Mail.ru are equally popular. In all three of these cases, the concept of “creating an account” is closely related to receiving a free mailbox (at first it was confusing for me). Actually, your username in this case will be the unique Email address received from them (read about that, and).

But this is the specifics of only these services, the most reliable of which is undoubtedly Google, because it is practically impossible to crack his account when using the mentioned protection.

Where else not do without creating an account? Well, right - social networks. In fact, without registration you are deprived of all the basic features (read about, and). Moreover, the profile in social networks plays, perhaps, the most significant role among all services on the Internet.

On it you are evaluated and recognized by other network users. In addition, the social media interface itself is designed to show the most interesting materials and ad units based on the analysis of account data. You do not want to watch an advertisement that is not interesting to you? Therefore, honestly fill out your profile in the field of your interests and passions.

So, what is an account? In the simplest case, these are the ones that you came up with when registering for any service on the Internet. With them, we have already talked in some detail, and I hope you will not repeat my mistakes, which at one time led to the loss and infection of my sites with a virus. I advise you to use my tips on organizing the storage of logins and passwords to all your accounts.

In addition to the username and password, your account can also store other information about you as a user of this service. How it will be voluminous, depends mainly only on you. You can completely fill out your profile, or you can not do this at all. However, it is worth remembering that guarantee the safety of your personal data   (Name, address, bank card details), by and large, no one can (even the one who declares this).

Therefore, I advise you to take such things very seriously. See for yourself. Let's say that in your profile on social networks you are very open-minded. It is difficult to use this information directly against you, unless you have violated the laws of your country by uploading prohibited materials or calling for something illegal.

However, there is such a thing as social engineering (a type of Internet fraud), which just uses carelessly left personal data both in accounts and directly in messages (in social networks, forums, blogs, etc.). Personally, I know an example when a person managed to withdraw money from his unbreakable wallet in WebMoney (he was activated), skillfully manipulating his credulity in correspondence.

How to create and delete an account?

How to create an account? Pretty simple. As I described above - come up with a username and password (the latter sometimes gives the service itself to you, but then you will be free to change it). Oh yes, it’s not for nothing that at the beginning of the publication I started talking about services that distribute free mailboxes. Creating an account without having an e-mail will not work for you in the vast majority of Internet services and sites.

Now, however, there is a tendency to switch to a safer way of authentication and confirmation of the right to manage your profile (mobile phone number), but you still need an Email and without it you can’t create an account. However, you can get a mailbox for free at dozens of services, as well, which will work for only a few days.

I do not recommend specifying your primary email when creating accounts. Why? Well, here everything is explained by why services generally need your data and mailbox in the first place. Roughly speaking - to send messages, which ideally should encourage you to return to them, well, and to notify about events that occurred on the service.

Therefore, I advise you to use the “left box” when creating your account, and if the service really hooks you and you stay on it, you can change the Email, unlike the login.

Now about how to delete your account? Everything is much more complicated here. To lure you into their networks, owners of social networks, forums, blogs and other sites place a registration button in the most prominent place, mark as mandatory a large number of   fields and want to get as much benefit as possible from the profile you created.

To let you go free they have no reason. Therefore, the ability to delete an account is very often located in a very inconspicuous place and it is not always possible to immediately find it. The easiest way to get information about the procedure for deleting a profile is to contact the technical support service or the owner of the forum or blog. Most likely they will help you.

Account   from Google opens up many opportunities for the user, as it provides access to all the services that Google has - gmail, Documents, Calendar, Disk, Social google network+, YouTube and others. But the most important feature google account   is access to the store google apps   Play for Android, which means that you can easily install any program or game you like.

Register a Google Account   is not difficult, and in this article we will tell you how to do it.

If you already have Gmail, then you have a Google account for a long time and you do not need to create one. Just use your username and password from the mail to enter your account

Method number 1

Create a Google Account on Mac or PC

Step 1 Go to the site Google   and in the upper right corner click on the Login button

Before us appears a registration form, the fields of which will need to be filled

Step 4 Enter your first and last name, and also come up with a username - in other words, an email address. Google will check its availability. And if she is already busy with someone, you will see the inscription "This name is already taken. Try another one.". In this case, you will have several options:

  • use the options suggested by Google;
  • add to the name: period, hyphen or numbers;
  • come up with a different username.

Step 5 Now you need to create a password for our account

Do not make up a password that is too light so that attackers cannot take it. Password must be complex and strong. Use uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters, such as !, #, $, & etc. Do not use common passwords qwerty, password, 1234567890, as well as your date of birth

The field with a mobile phone and a backup email is optional, but it is better to fill it out. This is necessary if you suddenly forget the password or if it is taken by attackers, you can restore it with your phone

Step 8 Now we need to confirm that we are a human being, not a robot. To do this, enter the numbers or text shown in the picture

Step 9 Select the country and check the box that we accept the terms of Google. Then click on the Next button.

Step 10 A page appears for initial settings google profile+. If we want to add a photo to the profile, then click on the corresponding button. If we don’t want to, then click Next

Step 11 That's it! Accounting google record   created. You now have an account for Play market. By clicking the Forward button! You will be redirected to home page   Google

Method number 2

Create a Google Account on an Android Smartphone or Tablet

To register in this way, you need directly a device with operating system   Android This guide will be useful for those who do not yet have a Google account in the application store. Step 9 After authentication is completed, you will be asked to add to your account credit card. You can not do this if you are not going to make purchases in the store, otherwise - this can be done later by clicking on the Not Now button. After the account is saved

Step 10 After completing all the above steps, you will be taken to the application store Google play   - Your account has been created successfully. Congratulations!

Now you know how to easily and quickly create a Google account using a computer or your Android phone and tablet. Choose a method that is more convenient for you. If you don’t have enough free applications from the Market, and you want more from your device, use our service. We will install a lot on your smartphone or tablet useful programs   and games.

We hope the article was informative. Add it to your bookmarks and share with friends, as well as subscribe to our communities on social networks, where you can find many more useful information.

In Google, in ICQ, in the tablet and. etc. Today I decided to give them a detailed answer about what an account is and how to create it, as well as what to do if an account has been hacked or you have forgotten the password.

Account   - this is information about the user that is stored on any site. For example, you decide to make friends in the social network “in contact”. But before you do this, you need to provide your data: first name, last name, mobile phone   etc. The set of this data is called an account or account.

A person who has an account has much more rights than regular user. If you want to have full access to the functions of a particular site, you must create your account. If you do not know how to do this, do not worry, now I will write.

How to create an account

To create an account you need to have a phone and get yourself a mailbox. Sometimes you don’t need a phone, but only a mailbox, it all depends on the site. For example, I’ll show you how to create an account on Google. To do this, go here and fill out your personal data. Here's how I filled them in (clickable):

This means that you need to go to your inbox and activate your account. I enter, I open an email with the subject: “Google - confirmation email address"And click on the letter to confirm.

Now I can safely log in to my account using the E-mail and password that you specified during registration. As you can see, creating an account in Google is very simple, like on any other site. The scheme is very simple: click on the “register” button, enter your details as required, remember the username and password and confirm your account by e-mail.

If suddenly during registration you are asked to enter confidential information, then it should be indicated only if necessary. Remember that on the Internet information is publicly available, and even if someone tells you that he will not transfer your data to third parties, in practice it turns out quite differently. Now they can hack into almost any site or account and get all the data they need.

In addition, when registering for security, always try to come up with a complex password. It should contain small and large letters, numbers and various characters. Also, the more characters in the password, the better. In addition, put a complex password to your inbox. If it is hacked, then hacking into any account will be easier than simple, just request a new password.

You must remember that an account tied to your phone number is much more reliable than one that is tied to a mailbox. Therefore, if you are asked to specify an e-mail or phone, then always choose the second option.

What to do if you hacked an account or you forgot your password

Sometimes it happens that attackers crack the account and change the password. When you try to log into your account, an error pops up in front of you: "Password is incorrect." It also happens if you suddenly forgot your password. Now I will show what to do in such cases.

Suppose I forgot the password for the Google account I just created. To get started, I click on the "need help" link:

Then I put the checkbox opposite the inscription “I do not remember the password” and click on the “continue” button:

Within a few seconds, a confirmation code arrives on my mobile phone, I enter it into the appropriate field and click on the “continue” button:

Now I need to enter twice my new complicated   password, write it down and click on the "reset password" button:

That's all, now with this password I can safely log in to my Google account. Something like this, you can restore your account in contact, in classmates, in ICQ, on a tablet, on the phone, etc.

Where to create an account to make money for a beginner without investment?

If you are an ordinary Internet user, then most likely you would like to make money here. And most importantly, it is quite real. You can create yourself absolutely free accounts on some resources and start earning without a website and financial investments. What kind of resources are you asking? I share.

Advego.ru - in order to create an account, go to this link and enter the necessary data. After that, you can perform various tasks here such as like in a contact, leave messages on the forum and earn money on it. And if you know how to write articles, then you can earn good money on writing articles. Read the article: "". In this article, I wrote in detail how to make money on this exchange.

Userator - this site is designed to promote your site using behavioral factors. You can perform very simple tasks, such as "find a site in search engines   and click on it ”, and earn from 500 to 2,000 rubles a day, as reported in the video about this service.

SEO sprint - on this site you can also create yourself an account and earn good money. The tasks are very simple, browse sites, perform tests, read letters and other little things that even a housewife can handle. Well, if you are interested, you can create your own accounts on these resources and start making your first money on the Internet in a minute.

That's all for today. Now you know what an account is and how to create one. If you have questions or additions, write in the comments.

The word account came from the English account, which translates as “account” or “personal account”. And it means its own space in some system. For example, in Odnoklassniki, on the Google website, in Yandex. In fact, this is a personal page with a unique username and password.

An account (account) is a personal place on some website on the Internet. It is received after registration and in order to enter it, you need to enter your username and password. This data is assigned by the user when registration is completed.

You can do anything in your account. True, only depending on the purpose of the service in which it is created. For example, write a letter if it is a letter service. Or browse saved sites, if it is a database of web pages.

Why do I need an account

He is needed to fully use some kind of system. For instance, by email   or social network. And this same account needs to be received in any Internet service that you want to get into.

For example, if you want to use facebook, you need to register in this system - on facebook.com

What is login and password?

Login and password - this is what you must specify when registering in any system. This is the unique user data by which the site understands who is who.

This is necessary so that people can communicate freely and not bother anyone. For example, I have my own account, which I enter with a unique name (login) and a password hidden from prying eyes. My neighbor also has his own name and his password. And the other neighbor, too.

All users of some service, for example, mail, their names and their passwords. The organizers of the service know these names if it is small. But no one knows the passwords except those to whom they belong.

This ensures connection security. True, the name is entered openly - for example, andrey. And the password is hidden. For example, 65Rnm74Qv

Let me remind you that this data is assigned at registration. They can only be used letters of the English alphabet and numbers. You can find out more about usernames and passwords in this article.

How to create an account

To create an account in some system, you need to register there. The process is simple: just answer a few questions, choose a username and password.

Registration in a particular system is the procedure for obtaining an account there.

The most difficult thing in this matter is to choose a login. After all, it must be unique, one that is not yet in the system. Let's see how this is done in practice - on the example of Google.

Google Account

A Google account provides access to all hidden Google buns. In addition to the fact that you receive your personal mail in this system, you also have access to Documents, Sheets, Disk, Calendar. And you become a full-fledged YouTube user with the ability to create your own channel and upload videos to it.

1 . Open google.ru and click on the "Login" button in the upper right corner.

3. We fill out the questionnaire on the right side. Better to indicate your real data.

In the "Create a username" field, you must write the login that you would like to receive in the system. It just needs to be invented. This name must consist of English letters, without spaces. You can use numbers.

Usually the first time you can’t come up with a login - all simple names are busy. But you can try adding a couple of letters or numbers to it. And you can rely on the system - it will offer free options (provided that the "First Name" and "Last Name" fields are filled).

You also need to create a password yourself. The requirements for it are as follows: at least 8 characters, letters must be only English and large (lowercase) and small, and it must also contain at least one number. Then this password will need to be retyped in the next field.

Be sure to write down the selected username and password in a safe place! After all, this is your access to your account.

That's all! Google account created.

Registration in other systems

I just briefly talked about how to get an account in google system. In other Internet services, everything happens in approximately the same way: you need to click on the "Registration" button and fill out something like a small questionnaire. The main thing is then to record the assigned login and password in a safe place.

But if you are afraid to do something wrong, here are the instructions for registering in popular systems.