Make a new google account. Problems creating a Google user account

Having bought a brand new smartphone operating on the operating room android system, many users are faced with a problem - I can’t add the Google account (s) in any way. Accordingly, because of this, there is no access to a huge number of applications in the Google Play service (former Market). Let's not put up with this, but we will figure out in detail how to get around this error ...

So what to do if the smartphone gives an error about the wrong password?

Well, firstly, really check if you can enter the password incorrectly. If you are sure that everything is correct, then the point is double authentication of Google. For those who are not in the know, this is an additional account protection with mobile phone   (i.e. by SMS). Many smartphones do not support it, so they get an error message. In no case do I recommend disabling this method of protection (after all, crackers do not doze off).

But google company   Naturally, I thought it all up! There is a special service for creating a separate password for the account, which we will use. First, log in to your Google account, and then click on the link - Once again enter your password and click " Confirm«.

On the screen you will see a page called " My account". Scroll it down to the “ Application passwords". Next we will create new password   for a smartphone. In the text line we enter any name   and click on the button Create a password«.

Your password for the smartphone will appear immediately. We rewrite it without spaces and click " Done«.

It remains only to add an account on the smartphone. We go in Settings ›› Accounts and Sync ›› Add account. Enter your email and special password. Now the account should connect and synchronize normally! note that given password   Designed for mobile phone or tablet only. On a computer, use old Passwordprotected by a confirmation code!

In modern times, every self-respecting Internet resource offers to register on its portal. You can create a separate account for systems such as Opera, Yandex or Google. Registration in the last of them will be discussed below.

   You need to start the desired registration by starting the search engine start page Google . The browser does not matter. In the upper right corner is the “Login” button; as of the beginning of 2015, it is a blue rectangle. We need him. Click on this button and go on. The login page opens. The interface is designed to immediately enter the available data for authorization. But this is the first time we are here, and we don’t have an account yet. Therefore, we look just below the authentication information entry table and see a line in the form of a link called “Create an account”. Click on this link.

   We are in the section for filling in personal data. We type in the field "First Name" and "Last Name" those first and last name, under which we want to settle in Google. Any alphabet is accepted here, so you can safely type your name both in Cyrillic and in Latin. And it will be a fictitious name or present - decide for yourself.

   Next, the system again asks for a username. But we just entered it? Yes, but here it means your nickname or in another way - login. It will become a component of the Google mailbox with the domain, and it can consist only of Latin letters. The system will not let you make a mistake, and if a box with such a login already exists, Google will offer to think again. And just in case, it will display a hint to you with free logins that match the first and last name entered above. You can choose from there, or you can train your mind and find your own unique login for the box.

   Now enter the password. Make sure it is reliable, at least 8 characters. Duplicate the password to make sure that you typed it for the first time without typos. Fill in the date of birth and mark the gender. Without this, registration does not go any further. In the future, it will be possible to configure the visibility of your birthday for other users in the created profile.

   We got to the point where you should indicate your phone. Doing this is optional, but desirable. Why - Google will explain it to you. You can also specify an alternative mailbox. And you can not specify. The sole purpose of collecting all this information is to protect your personal data from unauthorized access by unauthorized persons. It remains to take the last three steps - drive a check word into the proposed field, proving that you are not a bot, indicate the country of residence and read the user agreement, and then accept or not accept it. If we want an account, we accept it, click the “next” button and wait for what happens.

Google is asking us for the last time if we still want to create our account. We think, we are determined and click on the appropriate button. Since our goal is a new Google account, this button will be “Create Profile”.

   That's it. Google congratulates us on the successful completion of registration, and now we are the happy owners of a new mailbox and profile in the system.

Having set up a page in Google, you can upload an avatar there and start surfing the Internet already under the wing of a well-known search web brand. The resulting account is shared by all Google resources - the gmail mail service, social network   Google+, Youtube video portal and much more.

Greetings, dear readers of the blog site! Today we will discuss the topic, "How to create a Google account: registration." So how can you make an account registration take a minimum of time and go as simple as possible? I will gladly share with you personal experience   and I’ll tell you a proven way how to immediately start using the privileges of a google user. You will be surprised how simple and fast it is!

Create an account and enter personal data

Do you often have to register mail? So creating a Google account is a similar action. Getting to the page where the registration form of the new user is located, you need to fill in all the empty fields, entering personal data.

It is logical if the account will have the name and surname of its creator. Therefore, to the question " What is your name", It is recommended to indicate your true first and last name, for example: Sergey Ivanov. Why unnecessary difficulties and difficulties, right?

The next step is to select a username for future use in email. Most typical nicknames, alas, are already taken and the system tells about it in red print. For the successful creation of mail, it is necessary to supplement the desired nickname with numbers and dots, a hyphen is prohibited. I am sure you can show your imagination and choose for yourself a concise and free account!

Try to find a unique nickname and login to open your account, if the option is busy, you will see this message:

Often, the version of the account proposed by the system is not always convenient for the user and it is difficult to remember, it looks unpresentable and completely unreadable. Why do you need such a complicated account, right? Therefore, you can try to further create and select a unique nickname, supplementing it, for example, with a date of birth:

As a result, an account or email address   The user will look like this: [email protected] . If on the device where you are trying to register new account   previously logged in through another account, you will see the phrase: " Use current email address mail ", As shown in the example.

Only a strong password!

Much attention should be paid to thinking over the password of your account. It must be complex, but at the same time, so that you can remember it.

The degree of password security will be automatically generated by the system, which will be of great help to you. Thus, there are several options for google to respond to your password: too short (up to eight characters), unreliable, completely reliable, reliable.

Next, enter in the appropriate fields: date of birth, gender and your contact phone number, which is useful for quick recovery   account if the password is forgotten or the account is hacked. If you have a spare address email, you can enter it in the corresponding field.

Everything is quite simple and takes a few minutes, right? Even for a novice using a computer, tablet or other similar device with Internet access, registration new record   seem easy.

Account Registration Completion

To register your account successfully and quickly, be careful at the final stage. You need to prove that you are a person, not a robot and fill in the appropriate fields.

You can activate your account using your mobile phone, or you can enter a code word in the frame. What to choose? If the code is not clear, you can update it by clicking on the special update icon. If you indicated the phone above, then your country of residence will be determined automatically and you do not need to change it. It remains only to accept the terms of use google service   and you can move on by clicking on the appropriate button. There is very little left, be patient!

If you did everything correctly, you will see the following notification:

Go to profile filling

Important stages have been completed and you can enjoy this from the heart! Next, you can fill out a profile and add your photo or any avatar that you like. In the upper right corner you get access to applications, checking notifications and setting up your own account. Account Allows you to not only send and receive mail, but also chat with other contacts by adding them to your contacts. You will also be able to maintain your recording page, noting the information you like on the sites you visit and to find out the news of your contact friends.

I hope this visual step-by-step article helped you register your Google account! Subscribe to updates to our blog, share useful site information with friends.

See you soon!

P / s

Sincerely, Alexander Sergienko

registration google account   not only makes it possible to use one of the most reliable email services, but also provides access to all interesting Google applications. Creating an account on presents no problems. Everything is very easy and clear.

Account registration

In order to access mail, you need to create your own account, which opens access to all Google applications. Registration of an account gives access to such well-known services as YouTube, Google maps, Google Play, various cloud services, including documents and tables from Google, the motto “One account. The whole world of Google "acts!

To register a Google account, go to and click on the "enter" button, located in the upper right corner. After which we will be asked to log in or create a new one. Since we only register on Google, then click "create an account".

Before us opens a registration form where you need to carefully fill out all the fields, an additional email address and phone number are needed in case we forget the password from our account and it can be restored via SMS to the phone or through an additional box.

After filling out all the fields of the registration form, click "register" and Google congratulates us on registering a new email address. Now we have access to all Google services, including email.

By clicking on the email icon, we get into our mailbox, where we see that the gmail team has already sent us three letters with information about the usability of this mailbox. Thus, it is very easy to get your own jail mailbox. As we already know, creating an account on Google opens up great opportunities for us.

What gives registration Google account

  • opportunity to use gmail, one of the most reliable email services. Although free mail from jail in our country today occupies only the third place in the number of users, gradually, due to the ever-increasing dependence of people on Internet services, the number of Google mail users is also increasing.
  • the ability to create your own channel on You Tube and publish your videos on it. The number of people watching short videos or feature films on YouTube is very large, someone here finds the necessary information, video tutorials, someone relaxes watching short videos. And there are those people who upload videos to You Tube.
  • the opportunity to shop at Google play, one of the largest online stores where you can purchase various applications and games for mobile devices   Android OS, books, music films.
  • Use cloud services   Google, such as tables, documents, presentations, becomes available only after creating your Google account. This is only a small part of the most popular Google services that are accessed after registering your account.

There is a Google account - registration on the android device runs without problems. If there is no account, it is not difficult to create it through the gadget, the actions are quite simple and are no different from registering using a desktop computer. In this case, it is important to understand why all this is necessary and what opportunities it opens up.

About Android and Google

Few people do not know about Google. As a rule, it is characterized as search engine, translator, email service, social network. Although Google is a large company, which is not limited to the services described above. Probably, you cannot accurately list all of what she actually does and what she offers. The platform called Android, which the company represents, has gained enormous popularity among users. This is an operating system that is used on smartphones, tablets, GPS navigators and other devices. It became popular due to its wide functionality and low price (in comparison with its main competitor IOS).

It is clear that all the main features and functionality of Android are provided by Google services. Therefore, after buying your first device with this operating system There is a need to register in Google to gain access to various services. Although it sounds scary, it is easy and quick. After buying a gadget on Android, I immediately want to install a couple of interesting toys or several useful applications. This can be done only after registration and gaining access to the "play market". This is a kind of store where you can download or buy applications for the device for free and carry out some manipulations with it.

Another convenience: register an account, after which you can synchronize with it not only all your Android devices, but also email, YouTube and other useful and interesting services.

Sign up for Google

In order to register, we need an Internet connection from the device and a standard play app   A market that should already be installed on it. Or go to settings, select “Accounts and sync”, click on “Add” and select “Google”.

  The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Go into the application and see two buttons: "Existing" and "New." This we are invited to use an already registered account, if we have one, or create a new one. In our case, you need to click on "New".
  2. In the next window there are fields in which you need to enter your first and last name, and then click "Finish".
  3. The next step is to come up with an email login and enter it in the appropriate field. After selecting the login, click "Finish" again.
  4. Next, you need to come up with a good password of at least eight characters. Enter the invented password in the field and repeat it in the next one to confirm the correctness of its entry.
  5. In case you forget the password and need to recover it, you need to select a question from the drop-down list and enter the answer to it in the field below. The recovery procedure will require you to keep this response. Also below is a box for an additional email address through which it will be easier to restore access. But entering an alternate address is optional.
  6. At the next stage, we will be offered to join the social google network+. Act on your own. If you haven’t decided whether you want this, you can simply click “not now”, skipping this step, and return to it at any time.
  7. Then they will ask you if you want to save your web history and if you would like to receive a newsletter. Choose at your discretion and click on.
  8. The following - prove that you are a living person, and not a soulless robot program. Do this by entering a specific set of letters and numbers in the appropriate field and press "Finish."
  9. The next step is to add bank card, with which you can pay for the purchase of applications and other digital goods. If you do not plan to buy anything, you can not tie the card to your account.
  10. Also turn on or off at your discretion backup, which saves all settings, options and copies of applications. The function is very useful, so it is recommended to activate it anyway.

And finally, you get into the “play market”.

After a simple installation and registration in Google, you can proceed to download / purchase your favorite applications and other useful products presented.