How to set Yandex as the start page in the browser. How to change your home page in Google Chrome Home button

There are people who are willing to do anything as long as a single button is pressed on their site. Their site needs to be built around the main button.

Home button

Fair question: what kind of button is this? And why is it important to customers?

Imagine the website of a credit institution. The site director needs loan applications. Managers successfully turn applications into disbursed loans. The well-being of a credit institution depends on the number of customers, which means that the company needs to do everything possible from the site. Now it’s clear how important the application button on the site is for the manager?

All site components, including design and ergonomics, should work on the main button.

This button explains the cost of the site: the company in the button and in the fact that people will click it. This perspective turns the role of web design on its head. Judge for yourself: is it important for the owner, is it interesting for him to win the competition of outstanding sites, if he put everything on the button? My answer is no. The button is like a trump ace - it hides everything, subjugates the rest of the aspects. It turns out that all components of the site, including design and ergonomics, should work on the main button.

How many companies need a button? Very, very much. So many that in the form it is now. Most companies need to build a website around a button, not a .

No task no button

No matter what aspect of site building we touch on, we constantly return to . The basis of the site is only the task of the site and nothing else. The client always has goals that he strives to achieve. Even if the client denies their existence, they still exist. People don't do anything. The button will appear on the site only if the function of the button is formulated in the terms of reference. It seems to be simple and logical, but in practice the main button has more reasons not to be on the site than to be. I believe that the root of this problem is the passion for drawing. Web designers are obsessed with drawing, but clients love it; what are the buttons...

Making a website without formulating its tasks is like building a house without a plan.

The right motive for a web designer is to help the client achieve their goals. Do not make the most beautiful site, do not convince, do not fool your brains. And try to solve the business problem in the best possible way. Why, then, are new sites so rarely useful to customers? Because clients and web studios are not looking for extra work. One was shy, the other was too lazy: they mastered the budget and fled. When a client formulates a task and insists on its completion, developers have no other choice but to give the client what he requires.

Making a website without considering the tasks is like building a house without a plan. You cannot do without understanding what you are doing. It's not that the site will turn out bad. And that he will succeed. Expensive and cute to the eye - the winner of the Runet Rating, but absolutely useless for the customer. There is a misconception that a beautifully designed and well-made website "sells" on its own. And there is also a misconception that sites should be unusual. Both the first and second are myths.

Website with a button

All of you know very well the most popular site with a button. It does its job, is understandable to anyone and is used by billions of people. This is Google. has a query field and a button. Google's home button works so well that the richest corporation doesn't dare to use it.

Don't make it as concise as Google. It is difficult to imagine a company website without a description of services, a story about the company, a competency blog. According to Google, one button on a white screen will not work. Yes, and it is not necessary: ​​we do not need extremes. I do not urge to slaughter individual design, multi-page and everything else so beloved by customers. I suggest building the site around the main button, if one is intended.

The site around the button is a site whose task is to encourage visitors to click the button.

The site around the button is a site whose task is to encourage visitors to click the button. A simple task at first glance, which is achieved by painstaking mental work. You are deeply mistaken if you think that outwardly simple sites are easy to manufacture. The most difficult thing in our profession is to make websites where it is clear at a glance what to do. Behind the seeming simplicity lies the real design, this word comes from the English design - to design, draw, conceive. Design does not mean drawing at all.

The design of a site with a button, as an absolute conciseness and informativeness, will require much more effort than drawing wow layouts. Pretty much anything that salivates on Behance is not viable in practice. If you look closely at most of the spectacular layouts of Behance, you can find glaring ergonomic flaws. But who cares when the pictures are so pretty! The main button will not forgive this, which means that the web studio will have to think 5 times more about how to tie structural standards with a trendy visual.

Reconcept policy

We, like any thinking web studio, have to overcome the resistance of the environment. When a client insists on a meaningless spectacular site, does not set other goals, he will get his "candy". But we consider real clients to be people who think of the site as an investment. We prefer to work for results. And the result can be assessed only by setting a specific task.

Sites around the button solve business problems. The effectiveness of such a site is tangible, the conversion is measurable, and the performance is modernizable. Beautiful pictures are able to do many web studios. The trouble for spectacle lovers is that viable products survive and the home button site is one of the favorites.

Do you need a site to generate applications? Send us your contact!

home page idea modern browsers no longer required, due to the presence of tabs automatic recovery and synchronization between devices.

Difference between home page and new tab

For some reason, Chrome makes a distinction between the new tab page (the address that opens when you start Chrome, open a new window, or open a new tab) and the home page (the address that opens when you press the Home button in Chrome or on your keyboard). Both of them have great default behavior. If you haven't changed any settings, then the default start page for a new window or tab probably looks like this:

If you press the Home button next to the address bar or on your computer keyboard, a website may open.

And if you're wondering why I chose to use Mail as my homepage in Chrome, I didn't. Some program I installed changed this setting without my permission. This happens very often as search engines like to pay developers to hide things like this during the installation process.

How to Manually Change Your Home Page and New Tab Page

You can manually change the new tab page and home page in the "Settings" menu in Chrome. Click the three dots button in the top right corner and then click Settings.

In chapter " Appearance» You can see several options under "Show home button". Disabling "Show Home Button" removes the Home button from the address bar (although the Home button on the keyboard will work).

Under this toggle (as long as it's enabled) you can choose whether to open the page quick access or another home page will open, which you enter manually. I changed the main page to for this article.

Now scroll down the list a bit to the "Launching Chrome" section. Here you can choose what happens when Chrome starts up. You can open the page " New inset”, a specific page or set of pages (which is nice if you're constantly opening certain sites), or simply open the same tabs that you had active the last time you opened Chrome. For this article, I'm going to set it to open one tab per .

We now have a manually configured home page, a new tab page, and a start page. I'm going to close Chrome and demonstrate how these settings affect its use. By opening Chrome again, we will get the assigned launch page.

If we press the home button in address bar, we get the webpage.

And if we click on the New Tab button, we get a default new tab page with a search bar and the most visited websites.

Note: You can manually set all three options to either the assigned web page or the New Tab page. If you see that some of the parameters have changed (as is often the case when loading free programs), just go back to the Settings menu and switch them back. Also be aware that some extensions may change the New Tab page. In this case, Chrome will display the extension page.

The main page is a digital business card of your site, with which you meet visitors. It's not easy to do here good design; if you want crowds to flock to you, you must create a page that can clearly convey the essence of your site in one fell swoop. Here are the basic rules to follow in order to create a home page that can capture the attention of users from the very first moment.


The structure of the main page should be simple and not contain anything superfluous. Don't overload users too much big amount information and pictures. You will more likely demonstrate your professionalism and organization if you present the content of the site in a neat and well-thought-out way.

Can: choose a structure that is clear and easy to use. Place the most important content and images at the top of the page where the user's eye is sure to land. We sincerely recommend that you include three elements: the logo, the brand name (or your name) and the type of business, which is also the type of service you provide.

It is forbidden: don't clutter the homepage with too many images, icons, cliparts, banners and endless text. The visitor should not waste much time looking for information of interest to him.


One picture is better than a thousand words, right? When it comes to the front page of your site, these words are certainly true. Photos can perfectly tell visitors about you and your project. If you are unable to use pictures High Quality, you can pick up something from the Wix collection, which contains only professional photos. Just follow this pattern: go to the Wix Editor → Add → Photo. You can also use either the source built into the editor. Good photo can replace many lines of text - use it to your advantage.

Can: use high quality photos that will make users want to continue exploring your site. Nothing demonstrates unprofessionalism more clearly than low-quality images.

It is forbidden: You don't have to showcase all the photos you have. A couple of good shots will be enough.

Colors and background

These simple yet important elements set the tone for your homepage, as well as your entire site. Given this, you should carefully consider their choice. The Wix Editor makes this easy by providing you with hundreds of beautiful backgrounds and color palettes. You can try each one to see which one suits your site best, or create your own. color scheme. You can also upload your image (or even video!) and set it as the background of your site.

Can: use a color scheme and background that will reinforce your brand.

It is forbidden: avoid using too a large number different colors and do not use a background that would draw attention away from the main illustrations and text.


Not every homepage should have buttons, but if you're going to use them, do it right. Buttons lead to other pages, websites, promotions, product catalogs, etc. If your task is to convince users to click on the button and complete the transition, you must be able to make them want to.

Can: The text on the button should be short and clear – try to limit it to two words.

It is forbidden: your call to action should not go unnoticed. If you want users to click on buttons, you need to carefully consider their position on the page.


It's hard to create the perfect home page without using text. Your main task is to ensure that users instantly catch the essence of your site. But do not forget that you can give more detailed information on other pages of the site, so you should not write a whole novel on the main page. For example, it makes no sense to write your biography on the main page if you have an "About me" section for this. By getting too deep into writing, you can overdo it and end up boring your visitors with reading.

Can: regularly update the text on the main page. This way, you let users know that the information on your site is up-to-date and can be trusted.

It is forbidden: overdo. No one searches the Internet for a page that they could spend several hours reading. Don't make users waste valuable time by reading redundant or repetitive information.

The development of the site includes the process of creating a web page layout, on which all other elements will subsequently be strung. In this case, the so-called structural blocks are formed - separate modules, each of which plays a certain role and is responsible for a certain functionality of the resource.

Below we will look at what the site consists of, list the main structural blocks and briefly describe the features of each of them.

1 Website header

The topmost block is often called the header of the site, or the title of the site, or the header from the English. header. The place where the header is usually located is the top of the page. The header orientation is landscape.

Typically, this block contains

The site menu in fig. 1 is highlighted in red. The site menu usually includes:

  • Button "Home" (eng. "Home") By clicking on this button, you can always return to the main page on any site.
  • "Site map" By clicking on this button, you can view the content of the entire site, all headings and all articles in the headings.
  • "About Me" - here the author of the site usually writes a little about himself.
  • "Services" - if there are services, then here is a list of them and explanations.
  • "Contacts" - a form is provided for sending a message to the site administrator, or an e-mail for communication is written, or a phone number, if necessary, there may be a map to the office.
  • And so on.

In some cases, only a header is called graphic file(website logo) placed at the top of the page.

2 Main site area (main content area)

What is site content? Content comes from the English "content" - content.

Often this is the largest and most important part of the page for site visitors.

By the name it is not difficult to guess what this block houses

  • all text,
  • graphic,
  • audio and
  • website video content.

That is, the content of the site is its information content, namely, articles and reviews, news, pictures, galleries, and videos, etc.

Also quite often advertised in this area:

  • context,
  • banner,
  • teaser,
  • simple reference.

The width of the main content area can vary quite widely - it all depends on the type of site layout (hard or rubber). Fluid layout allows you to change the width of the block depending on the resolution of the monitor from which the user is viewing the site. The rigid layout does not allow this.

If we are talking not about a simple informational, but about a business site or about, then descriptions of goods and services, various structural modules, data entry fields, etc. can be placed in the main content area.

3 Sidebar

What is a sidebar on a website? The concept of “sidebar” comes from the English term “sidebar”, where “side” is a side, “bar” is a strip. A sidebar is usually called a side column of a site, which is placed to the right or left of the main content area. In some cases, the site may have two sidebars at once (the first is to the left of the main area, and the second is to the right).

As a rule, the content of the sidebar does not change from one page of the site to another, unlike the content of the main content area. Therefore, blocks with links, as well as important service information, are usually placed in the sidebar. More specifically, the sidebar is often inserted

  • menu (main and secondary),
  • various widgets (site headings, popular and latest posts, latest comments, weather),
  • advertising links and banners,
  • links to friends websites
  • attendance counters,
  • authorization and registration forms.

The width of the sidebar, as a rule, is clearly fixed and does not depend on the type of site layout.

4 Website footer (or footer)

The word "footer" (or basement) comes from the English. Footer. Usually, the footer is the site area, which is located at the very bottom (under all other blocks). By analogy with the header (site header), the footer also has a landscape orientation, that is, it is elongated longitudinally. The width of the footer can also change depending on the resolution of the user's monitor (of course, if the layout is fluid).

In the footer of the site, advertising links, copyrights (certificate of authorship), links to the developers of the engine or the creators of the site template can be placed. In addition, quite often the main or secondary menu is duplicated in the site footer. This is done to improve navigation (after scrolling down, the user will not need to return to the top of the page in order to use the menu). Indeed, above, in Fig. 1 main menu (in the form of a red bar) is NOT duplicated in the footer of the site.

5 Site background (background area)

As a rule, the background area of ​​the site is not occupied by any elements (it is completely free). The size of the background area depends on the site layout type. When using a fluid layout, there may not be a background, because all the available page space will be filled with other blocks (they will stretch to the very borders). If the layout is rigid, then the size of the background area will directly depend on the resolution of the monitor from which the user is viewing the site.

Hello, friends! In this article, we will learn how to customize both the start and main pages in the browser Google Chrome. It's not the same thing.

Home - opens immediately after starting the browser.

Home - opens when you click on the button with the "House" icon.

In Chrome, home and start page will differ. I think enough theory, and, as I like, let's move on to practice right away.

We will make Yandex the start page in Chrome, for starters.

How to customize the start page

Click on the "Menu" button in the form of three parallel horizontal lines and select "Settings" from the drop-down list:

We open a tab with browser settings. We are looking for the “Open at startup” section, put the switch in the “Specified pages” position, click on the “Add” link.

A window opens in which we enter the address of the desired site, which we will open when the browser starts. In my case, this is the Yandex search engine.

Chrome allows, in this situation, not to be limited to one. Therefore, if you wish, you can enter a few more. Each of them will open in its own tab.

I do not recommend making too many sites as start-up sites so as not to download the browser. Two will be enough. After you have configured everything, do not forget to click on the "OK" button.

Setting up the home page

Here, on the settings tab, go to the "Appearance" section and put a birdie next to the "Show Home button" item.

Below is the line "Quick Access Page", click next to it on the link "Change".

We have home page settings. In the window, you must put the switch from the “Quick Access Page” position to the “Next Page” position and enter the desired address in the proposed field. I, as an example, again enter the main page of the Yandex search engine.

After making the changes, click on the "OK" button.

Changing the default search engine

And the last thing I would like to show in this article is how you can configure search string browser, namely, change the search engine with which the browser searches.

This is all done on the same “Settings” tab, in the “Search” section, select the desired one from the list search engine. If you haven’t found anything suitable for yourself, then you can always add a search engine by clicking on the button “Configure search engines…”:

That's all for today, in this simple lesson we figured out the main and start page in Chrome, and also set up the default search.