How to change the page of the new tab. How to set up a new tab in the Mozilla Firefox browser

You can work at the computer faster if you optimally place the windows and browser tabs.

How to quickly switch between windows

Press and hold the key Alt.. Then press and hold Tab.until the desired window opens.

How to view two windows at the same time

Council. You can also use a key combination Alt. + [ or Alt. + ] To position the window on the left or right, respectively.

How to open and close windows or tabs

How to change the size of the window

How to change the order of tabs and fix them

You can place tabs with similar information close to or open any of them in a new window. The tabs that are used constantly, for example, to check mail, can be fixed.

  • To change the tabs in placesDrag any of them to the right place in the current browser window.
  • To open the tab in a new windowDrag it beyond the browser. If you move the tab to another browser window, it will open in it. Otherwise, the Tab will open in a new window.
  • To secure the tab, Press it right-click and select Secure tab. It will appear on the left side of the browser window and will be less than the remaining tabs.

Many novice users are wondering how to make a tab in Google Chrome and how to configure it. Still would! After all, this is one of the most frequently performed actions in the browser during web surfing. This guide will teach you to create new tabs in Google Chrome. different waysAnd also tell about their settings.

How to open a new tab?

Click the mini-panel located right side From the open tab. Or press the CTRL + T key combination.

If you decide to remove the created tab, click on the "Cross" icon in its field or press "Ctrl + W".

At the same time, another page will appear, and the current will not cling.

Sometimes you want to make tabs with any Google service. This task is solved like this:

click in the Bookmarks panel Services;

click the necessary icon (store, post office, video hosting ...);

Or in an empty tab, click the "Block Menu" button: the panel with the labels of popular google services.

To start a tab in a new window, use the menu options "New Window ..." and "... in Incognito mode" (for private visits to sites).

You can open the tabs at once with your favorite sites using addons that set visual bookmarks to the browser. For example, .

It is equipped with a beautiful 3D interface, you can create a preview of any web resources that interest.

How to change the size of the tab?

Unfortunately, explicit options for changing the length of the field panels under the URL are not in chrome. But you can increase / reduce the scope of the open page. Zuming is performed in 2 ways:

1. Holding Ctrl, twist the mouse wheel: forward - increase; Back - Reduce size.

2. Candle in the extreme right address line Lens button and set the required scale with the mouse clicks. To reset the size adjustment, press the default scale button.

How to configure the tab?

To open the configuration menu, right-click on the panel.

Select the desired command:

  • "Duplicate" - create a copy of the current page in the new tab;
  • "Secure ..." - fix the link to the panel (will open automatically upon subsequent launches);
  • "Turning off the sound ..." - audio played on the web page will be disabled.

Enjoy your job with the chromium tabs and a comfortable use of the network!

Elementary actions that we perform every day when surfing on the Internet can sometimes call questions. For example, how to add a new tab to Yandex browser. Even if we know how to do it - we may not know the names of these functions or their hidden additional features. Let's deal with the tabs: how many of them, in general, you can open and how to do it.

The tab is a new running page that is placed on a special browser panel. This is the top panel. Here we see the title or title of the page (Title) and Favon (logo or miniature thematic image, indicating belonging to a particular resource). They provide us with the opportunity to work simultaneously with large quantity open pagesJust switching between them.

How to add a new page

New pages can be opened in various ways. Someone is more convenient to work with a mouse, someone with hot keys.


The new page can be opened with the Ctrl + T keys combination. The main Yandex.Bauser will be launched. If you accidentally closed the site, it is possible to open it again using a Ctrl + SHIFT + T combination.

The Ctrl + W combination closes the site. And with the Ctrl + K keys, you can update it if, for example, the resource stopped working adequately or the content is displayed incorrectly, hung or errors appeared.

To add all open sites in the bookmarks, click Ctrl + Shift + D. To start in incognito mode, use a CTRL + SHIFT + N combination.

Panel tabs

The top toolbar is the tab panel. It contains all open sites. When you click on the right mouse button on the scratch of this panel from the context menu, we can:

  • open new page;
  • move the panel to the bottom of the working window;
  • configure the sidebar with Yandex services.

When you click on the right mouse button at the top panel on the page, we offer a more extended menu - here we can:

  • run a new empty page;
  • update the active page;
  • update all open pages;
  • duplicate;
  • secure the site on the panel;
  • close the current page;
  • close all pages;
  • return just a closed page;
  • add all open sites to bookmarks;
  • show panel from below;
  • disable the preview of the site;
  • configure side panel.

As we see the context menu allows you to do anything using only the mouse cursor. What far does not need to go - everything is at hand.

Menu / Advanced

A set of such functions is located in the Yandex.Bauser settings menu. Press the button in the form of three strips in the upper right side of the browser. From here we can:

  • run the tab in mode;
  • from section "History" We can open any previously closed tab;
  • extensive section of bookmarks - From here you can quickly open any saved site;
  • from section "Additionally" We can open both the main Yandex. Browser and a new window (separate Yandex.Bauser window that has no relation to the current).

Automatic tab opening

Depending on the specified settings, the browser starts with previously running pages or the main default. This feature can be configured to your taste.

  1. To configure the automatic opening of previously running tabs in Yandex, as if the browser was not closed, go to the settings. Click on the button with three stripes in the upper right corner.

  1. Select item "Settings".

  1. Scroll to paragraph "Interface" And in subparagraph "Tabs" We celebrate or remove the labels from the point "When starting a browser to open earlier open tabs» . Here you can adjust the appearance.

The number of running sites can reach hundreds (how many computer resources are enough). The rubber tab itself and with large numbers they are compressed to the size of the visibility of only the logo. When the number of open sites exceeds 50 pcs. The right appears the arrow by clicking on which you can display the list of uncompressed icons. They will be sprousing left and also in the opposite direction.

For convenience, you can configure the size limit when opening large number Sites to be more convenient to navigate in them. In the Yandex.Bauser settings menu in the "Interface" / "tabs section" section, check the checkbox "Limit the minimum tab of the tab" and "Show miniatures of sites when hovering". A very convenient feature when 20-30 sites are running and where it is difficult to understand. Miniatures will help determine which site to move and need it for further work.

Already have long passed those times in which the ordinary user felt uncertainly at the computer. Almost everyone podnatar in this case is so comparable to a novice programmer. As a result, having understood in the system, people try to use time as rational as possible, not to spend it on all sorts of little things.

Such trifles can be attributed to the switching of tabs in the browser. This problem is quite relevant, because now everyone has access to the Internet, and it is there most of the time. In this article we will talk about how to switch between tabs using the keyboard, thereby speeding up work on the network.

Sequential switch

So, we understand how to switch between tabs using the keyboard. Purpose the key for this is pretty simple. For this correspond to Ctrl + Tab. As soon as you press this combination, the tab switches to the right-handed.

Continuing to press Tab, you will move further and further, and so in a circle. It is noteworthy that all the hotkeys shown in this article are universal. That is, they can use in all browsers without exception.

Switch to a specific tab

Above, it was not the only way to switch between tabs using the keyboard. It allows you to switch them successively, but it is rather uncomfortable, especially if the tabs are somewhat, and you need to get on a specific one. Now let's talk about how to switch between tabs using the keyboard so as to switch to a specific one.

For this, the other is Ctrl + 1 ... 9. Pressing the number from 1 to 9, you will switch to the appropriate tab. That is, the specified number is a sequence number.

Switch to the next tab

If you want to go to the following tab, then in this you will help the CTRL + PageDown key combination or the above-mentioned Ctrl + Tab. How to switch between tabs using the keyboard to the following, we figured out, but many may ask about why such a variety. Everything is very simple: on different keyboards It is convenient to use different combinations.

Switch to the previous tab

If you decide to switch to the previous tab, then boldly press the CTRL + PAGUP key combination. In the case when you are uncomfortable to press these buttons, you can use another combination - Ctrl + Shift. The essence of such a layout of hot keys is quite simple. It is (as in the previous case) in the fact that some keyboards are inconvenient to reach, for example, to pagep, and on others, on the contrary, to SHIFT. This allows the user to decide by himself, as it will be more convenient.


We listed all ways to switch between tabs using the keyboard. Using hot keys can not always be comfortable. That is why various additions were developed in the browser. They are quite different from each other. Some allow you to independently assign hot keys, others bring concrete changes. Solve only to you who enjoy.

The new Tab in Chrome can be quite convenient if you often visit the same sites, although, as in most programs, its default configuration may not be ideal for everyone. Google has grown some basic options for those who want to personalize a new tab, and you can add much more settings if you add extensions.

By default, the newly visited sites are located in the new tab. In order to delete the site from the list, it is enough to bring the cursor to the label and click "X" in the upper right corner. In case you deleted the site by error, then, using the "Cancel" options or "Restore all", you can cancel the last editing or start all over again.

It goes without saying that a simple closure of the label will not affect your view history (therefore, the label can be restored with one click).

Start with a clean tab or add a new default page.

If you are worried about the fact that your view history is displayed when opening a new tab, you can always make this page empty. This can be done using extensions such as Empty New Tab Page or Blank New Tab Page available in Chrome online store.

Alternative to these extensions are also regular cleaning of history or inclusion of incognito mode.

If you wish, you can make it so that when opening a new tab, the page of your chosen website is displayed. This can be done, for example, using the Replace New TAB Page extensions. Its installation is simple and after the configuration each new tab will open the website you specified.

Configure a new tab to your liking

There are many additional chrome extensionswhich change and add all sorts of additional functions to the New Tab page and what exactly whether you will depend only on your preferences. However, several extensions that will delight eye design and add productivity, for example, with quick access shortcuts for frequently visited sites (Opera / Safari Speed \u200b\u200bDial. Style)

Momentum replaces your new tab decorated in calm colors, but at the same time powerful and customized page, which offers cool wallpapers, weather information, search, inspirational quote and a list of cases that can be tied to your account In Wunderlist, Trello or Google Tasks. Dream Afar is somewhat similar to Momentum, it is just as flexible and customizable, but with a big focus on the search, except for it, it has an unobtrusive panel with quick access labels at the bottom of the page.

Dayboard is a popular extension that replaces your new tab of the minimum list of cases. His idea is to set up to 5 goals every day and delete their one after this while being distracted as little as possible. Dayboard will lead the story, will show progress and can synchronize goals on different computers.

If you need exclusively fast accessThere are several good extensions for this purpose. Tabmark (see Screenshot below) and Speed \u200b\u200bDial 2 are popular and look through well.

Essentially for beauty purposes can be recommended, for example, the extension of the Earth View from Google Earth, which will show a beautiful image of the earth from the satellite from Google Earth. Each time you open a new tab. It will also allow you to save these images, and use them as wallpapers for the desktop. Unfortunately, there is no convenient picture at the top user interface. I would like in addition to the amazing photos from the Google satellite, I added at least minimalistic functionality of the fast set.

It is worth noting that it would be necessary to pay close attention to permissions that will be required by some extensions. For example, an extension called "Speed \u200b\u200bDial 3", (and which we would not recommend setting) offers quick access to your applications, bookmarks and history, but it can read and change your data on visited websites, bookmarks, and Also history views.

Of course, for the convenience you can sacrificed something and donate, but simply try to take into account everything and against before you add something or another extension.

Add the topic

If you prefer to use the standard new tab from Google, know that you can set the topics of a new tab that represents beautiful backgrounds And an additional design style, but without adding extensions. To add the topic you just need to install it from the Chrome online store; If you do not like the topic, just go to the "Settings" menu in Chrome and click "Reset the Default Topics".

I, in truth, is a little surprised that Google did not build more settings directly in the page interface, although, on the other hand, simplicity is rarely bad idea, especially considering that there is a large selection of extensions that will allow you to add flexibility. and the functional at its discretion.