How to turn on the backlight on the MSI keyboard. How to make a keyboard backlight on a laptop

Equipped with a keyboard illumination, which can sometimes be present only around the perimeter of the buttons, and sometimes also assumes the highlighting of letters.

This is quite convenient when working in conditions of insufficient illumination, but by default such a function is often off.

Therefore, this article will tell about how to turn on the keyboard key backlight on the laptop.



Although the backlight is a convenient option for work at night, when the light from the screen creates glare on the buttons, and does not illuminate them, it is nevertheless present not on all laptops.

In particular, there is no such option on old models, as well as on economy-class devices from this brand.

Because if all the instructions for turning on the backlight are not helped, it is possible that such a function on your device is simply not.

The backlight is convenient not always. For example, in the case when the buttons are smooth and glossy initially (or become as a result of rubbing with a long use), the backlight may interfere, as it will create additional glare on the keys, and as a result of the image of letters will become indistinguishable.

Exceptions are cases when the letters are also glow and when the backlight is optimally balanced by power.

Tip! Look at the buttons on your laptop. If the images of the letters on them are translucent, then the backlight is almost certain in your device there.

Also, directly next to the keys can sometimes consider LEDs, and are excellent, they are noticeable if the off button.

How to turn on the backlight?

If you are sure that the keyboard backlight on your computer is, but by default it is disabled, then you need to include it forcibly.

You should also act in case of a common problem when the backlight, which is properly functioning during the past session on a computer, is not turned on again when the computer output from sleep or when re-enabled.

Normally, the backlight must automatically turn off when maintaining a computer into sleep or hibernation and turn on when the new session is started.

Method 1.

Find the FN key on the keyboard.

This is an extra key that does not perform yourself when typing almost no functions, but with it you can turn on the backlight of the keyboard.

This key is designed for this and some other auxiliary purposes, because the backlight should be turned on when one click on it during a computer is not important (the process being executed is not important, the main thing is that the computer is turned on, and not "slept").

If after that the backlight did not turn on, it is possible that on this device this function in this button is not laid.

In this case, you will have to take advantage of the other methods below.

Method 2

It is logical to assume that if the FN button does not perform such a function, then it can perform any other button or combination thereof, since almost always the keyboard backlight turns on exactly using hot keys.

In this case, any patterns in their distribution did not detected - It is not possible to predict what exactly the combination of hot keys manufacturer laid this function, as this may vary from the model to the model.

You need to try several most frequent options:

  • Press alternately all the additional F-keys, starting with F1 and ending the F at the same time, it is important to remember that for each such key there is a specific function, therefore the original computer settings may change slightly. You can return them to the initial state, usually, the other additional key or re-pressing on the same key;
  • Try heading the Fn key, and press the entire F keys, without stopping it to hold it clamped. In this case, one of the combinations should work.

Before you start looking for the desired key combination with an experimental path, carefully inspect the keyboard.

It is possible that on any button there is an image of the keyboard, then you do not have to experiment.

It will be enough to press it or hold it in combination with the FN key.

But if no keyboard key also helped, it is likely that such a function, like the keyboard backlight, is simply missing on your device.

Method 3.

There are other, less common options, but it is possible that in your case they will work. These are the following ways:

1 At the same time hold down the key FN. and bloss key;

2 Click at the same time FN button and button Leftif it did not work, then not releasing the first keys, release the key Left And clamp the button Right.

If these methods have not worked, then there is no such function on your device, since there are no other ways to activate the backlight.

It cannot be turned on by changing the settings in the operating system (for example, through Control Panel), and there are no special programs for its activation.

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In addition, there is a specific problem that is characteristic.

The ports on them are located extremely inconvenient, and most of them are placed on the back of the device, that is, behind the screen.

The leg of the lamp, most often, is not so long.

At the same time, consider that one port gives a voltage of 5 volts, which is enough for one LED, but there will be no one LED to illuminate the entire keyboard.

Therefore, you will have to take several ports, which is also very uncomfortable.

The keyboard illumination is one of the necessary functions that allows you to work with a laptop in rooms with a weak level of illumination or in night Times of Day. This option has long passed from the category of "whim" and is increasingly taken into account when choosing Device.

How to turn on the backlight

Not all laptop owners know about the presence / lack of backlighting the keys on their laptops. To check, it is necessary, first of all, note On the top panel of the keyboard. Many manufacturers in an optional series " F.1- F.12 »Add special functionsBy designating them with appropriate pictograms.

If there are no icons, then you can try the combination of buttons " FN.+ F.1- F.12 " It is worth considering the fact that in addition to the backlight, the series "F" can also cause sleep mode or, for example, shutting down the screen. If you mistakenly caused something, just enough repeat The last combination and everything will return to the place.

Also, this option may cause a key combination " FN.+ space. (space)" or " FN.+ Arrow to the right».

Enable and disable a function in different models

Different stamps and model of laptops are distinguished by the way to turn on the backlight, if any.

Backlight do it yourself

If the manufacturer of your device does not provide highlighting, then there are two options for solving the problem - to order Ready or to do do it yourself.

If the keyboard of a stationary computer can be hung and construct, both external and internal backlight, then you do not have to choose for a laptop. To illuminate a laptop working panel need.

Each owner of the laptop, at least once worked on it at night, well knows how important the backlight on the keyboard is important. But far from everyone understands how to make this function to work. Consider various options for turning on the backlight on the laptops of the most popular manufacturers (ASUS, Lenovo, HP, Sony Vaio, Acer, MS, DELLI and Samsung).

Function keys

This method of turning on the backlight is the most common. You must simultaneously press the Fn soft key and one of the keys in the range from F1 to F12 (the keyboard backlight is indicated on it) or a space. For example, on a laptop asus N76V, the backlight turns on the combination of Fn and F5 digits, turns off the Fn and F3 combination. In Lenovo Z500 to activate this function, users must simultaneously press Fn and space.

Separate button

The keyboard of some devices have a separate key that is responsible for turning on the backlight. For example, in MSI GE70, this button is located in the upper left corner.

How to independently make the keyboard backlight on the laptop

In devices that do not have this function, users can make an outer backlight for the keyboard and screen alone. For this you need:

  • purchase a couple of cheap Chinese LEDs and place them on the table or above it;
  • find any USB device (for example, an old, unnecessary mouse) and disappear from it a USB cable. Thus, on the one hand, the cable will be USB MALE and with another protruding wires;
  • purchase down resistors to make the USB cable voltage with the corresponding LED voltage;
  • find a thing that will perform as a hardware container (you can use the old laptop fan or even matchboxes);
  • start inside the homemade container of LEDs with wires and protruding from a USB cable, and then combine them;
  • enable USB Mail into a laptop connector.

Users who do not want to feel like heroes of the "crazy handles" can simply purchase an external backlight in the store. The cost of such devices does not exceed 1000 rubles.

  • Initially, the user needs to understand whether his laptop has a backlight function. To do this, you can go to the official manufacturer's website, select the desired device model and see whether this option is mentioned in the specifications.
  • If the backlight does not work, it is not necessary to immediately sin on the laptop defects. Perhaps simply not installed drivers. Usually they download from the official site of the device manufacturer.
  • The brightness of the backlight keyboard keys can be configured. For example, in Sony Vaio laptops, it can be done, going to the VAIO Control Center section through the Start menu, and in MSI devices by pressing the "plus" and "minus" buttons located on an additional keyboard.

And this is perhaps the biggest minus of manufacturers, because at night on the laptop is simply not possible to fully work. Currently, the new models on the keyboard began to set backlight, but not many users were able to figure out how to turn on the keyboard backlight, so today it will be discussed. Of course, without any doubt, you can declare that the keyboard illumination is a very convenient option, because even in the dark it will be possible to fully work on your device.


If you are looking for a solution how to enable the keyboard backlight on the ASUS laptop, then carefully read the instructions that we now give you. Surely you know where the special button "Fn" is located on your keyboard, but you may not know what it is intended for. This key can be attributed to the additional type, but you can turn on and disable the keyboard backlight on your device using it. In fact, on all models of laptops using this key, you will see well to see the buttons even in the dark, so if you still do not work the backlight of the keyboard (ASUS laptop, for example), then you should get acquainted with other proposed solutions to this issue which will be described below.

Special combinations

In order to solve the task, you need to choose the correct keyboard combination on the keyboard, if the Additional FN button has not worked. It is necessary to try to push all the buttons from the top row, starting with "F1" and ending with "F12". At each additional key, you can see a specific value, for example, using these switches you can adjust the sound, configure the brightness of the screen and produce other changes. Most likely, additional lighting will be located in this row. In order to find out how to turn on the keyboard backlight on the ASUS laptop, you will need to experiment. I first clush the "Fn" key, after which you begin to press the additional buttons in order. Previously, you can search for an additional layout icon with a keyboard, but if such a designation you did not notice, then you should try the experimental path.

Additional features

It is also necessary to remember that while you decide how to turn on the keyboard backlight on the ASUS laptop, you can use other options, for example, shutdown screen or transition to in order to cancel these operations to work, you just need to press the combination again And everything will return to their places.

Without pointer

In some cases, it may be that the pictures with the keyboard on additional keys simply do not have no, and tricking all sorts of options, you still could not learn how to turn on the keyboard backlight on the ASUS laptop. But if you know exactly that this function in your device is there, then you should not give up and other options should be delivered. Try combinations "Fn" plus "space". Also, the first key can be experienced in conjunction with the "arrow to the right or" F5 ". If you want to learn how to turn on the keyboard backlight (ASUS laptop), but it turned out that such an opportunity is not provided, do not despair. With your own hands, creating the necessary lighting can anyone, of course, it will be external, but still you can see the keys perfectly. In order to achieve the result, you will need to use one or more LEDs. Also need an output for USB connector. You can use only one LED, but in this case your backlight will not help see the entire keyboard.

Finishing touch

USB power gives five volts, and accordingly, you need to choose the same power and LED. Or just use the resistor. For example, if you chose the LED for which the power of 3.5 volts is necessary, then we select it by 1.5 volts. It is important to remember another thing. One LED may not be enough, and in this case you need to use several at once. This can be done using a parallel connection. Specialists in practice were tested, which maximum amount of these items can be connected to one USB output. In total, this number is 25 diodes, so if you want to connect 5, then you can safely do it. If you independently can not understand how to make a manual backlight correctly, then you should contact the specialists who will be able to make even the inner backlight in a laptop, but such services will cost you extremely expensive. Although in practice the connection is very simple and to develop such a function you will not need to pay a lot of time.

Modern keyboard models to computers and laptops have such a function as the keyboard backlight. It is very useful when it is necessary to work at night. Thanks to the backlight, you can comfortably carry out work in conditions of not very good illumination and not spoil your eyesight. Often, programmers and designers are often used with highlighted laptops, most of which are mainly working at night, when no one can prevent the creative impulse, and the presence of a good backlight of the laptop keyboard perfectly creates comfortable conditions for such work.

We will analyze options how to turn on the keyboard backlight. Methods are slightly different, depending on the model of laptops or manufacturers. In order to turn on the backlight, you must press and hold the FN key, click on one of the available optional keys on the laptop. Which key to press depends only on the laptop model. Usually such a combination is possible to visually identify. Manufacturers To facilitate the use of a computer, certain characters are applied on the additional keys (F1 - F12 series). Typically, such characters are the same color as the inscription on the Fn key, so you turn on the keyboard backlight on the laptop, will not be difficult.

It must be borne in mind that by pressing some keys, various options can be activated, as a result, the monitor can be turned off, sleep mode and other steps are activated. In order to cancel this action, it is necessary to take advantage of the same combination again.

Creating a backlight

If there is no keyboard backlight on the laptop, in this case you can create yourself the outer backlight of the keys. To do this, use power from USB and one (several) white LEDs. Insert two extreme contacts into the connector (right and left). The White LED has a supply voltage - 3.5 V. For this reason, a resistor is needed that repulsing the extra 1.5 V. The LED current is 20 mA, or 0.02 A. Therefore, the resistance is the addition resistor has 1.5 V / 0.02, which is equal to 75 ohm.

If one LED is not enough, it is possible to connect another one with a similar resistor. The most important thing is to control the current consumed by the LEDs, since it will differ significantly from 18-20 mA - which may be extremely negatively affecting the service life of the LED.

Purchase keyboard with backlit

One of the leaders in the production of backlit keyboards is ASUS. A pleasant addition to the ASUS keyboard is the presence of an adjustable keyboard backlight, so no longer need to spoil the eyes in search of the desired symbol in the dark. To turn on the backlight of the ASUS keyboard, there is a specifically for this selected key that turns on and disconnects the backlight. It can be located in the upper left corner of the keyboard. About how to turn on the backlight of the ASUS keyboard some kind of separate model, you can see the attached use management.