Intel VGA does not satisfy the minimum requirements. This system does not satisfy the minimum requirements of Intel HD Graphics solution

There was 7, put 10-ku, got up fine. I start installing the driver: the chipset, then when installing the driver on an integrated video for i5 processor, an error occurs: "This system does not satisfy the minimum system requirements."

Options solving the problem

  1. But in fact, for 10-ki it is frequent in the download parameters indicate " Disable mandatory verification of driver signature"Or just click F7. In a professional version of the system, it can be done via a group policy editor via gpedit.msc to user configuration - System - Installing Driver. In the command line when the Secure Boot function is disabled in the BIOS function, to type two commands from the administrator:

After restarting the system, test mode will be activated, and the reminder will always be displayed in the lower right corner. We try to deliver the driver, then disable the test mode back by commands:

  • bCDEDITIT.EXE / SET Testsigning Off
  • bCDEDITIT.EXE / SET LoadOptions Enable_integrity_Checks

Or I installed an inappropriate driver (watching the hardware ID or driver did not correctly picked up), or the version does not match (64-bit on the 32-bit system, for example).

A clean system, without any programs, apparently something in the installation process went wrong. The driver was from the official site and corresponded to the equipment.

Microsoft write. "You need to update your equipment (this will require the OS reinstall), or return to the version of the OS supported by your device."

  1. I checked system files Just in case using the SFC / SCANNOW command. The result see - the country that something was damaged on a clean system.

After the driver attempts, they still were not put.

The site said: "Intel® Driver & Support Assistant cannot update the driver. Installing the Intel® Universal Driver Instead of the manufacturer driver, can cause technical problems. To download the last driver for your computer, contact your computer manufacturer. "

  1. Identify your INTEL® graphics controller using Intel® Driver & Support Assistant. It did not help me.

Well, the last option that helped me. I had the original 10, but not with the latest most updates, the update with the help of the renovation center did not give.

  1. Go to the official page

Unfortunately, problems with drivers happen on different versions of Windows OS and for various reasons. Users periodically see an error "This system does not satisfy the minimum requirements of Intel HD Graphics." This happens at the installation of the software on laptops, where the video card is built into the device processor.

Because of which an error appears in which the system does not meet the minimum requirements of Intel HD Graphics

The reasons for this problem can be different. Consider the most common:

  • At the driver download stage, an inappropriate file bit was selected;
  • The driver file is impaired or has errors. This can happen when the user loads them not from the official website;
  • The driver is a "repack" from the official version of the software. Such data may contain viruses;
  • Other problems with the operating system.

An error when installing the driver has recently appears on Windows 10 OS. Often the developers in Microsoft make some changes in their updates that forget to agree with the developers of computer modules and software. As a result, users suffer. We will also analyze this case in the article Next.

How to download or update video card drivers

You need to tell about the utility that is in many versions of Windows. It can independently find the desired drivers of your devices and even install them. It can be rejected on it, because it scans only official and proven sources.

To run the utility in any version of OS:

When the software is installed, you will only need to configure the image. In some cases, the system does it also independently.

If after you have selected the search for drivers in automatic mode, the system has displayed a message that it was not possible to find them, we have to make a search manually. But it is very important to search for drivers only on official sites. So, as manufacturers of video adapters of only 2, then you need to look only on two sites.

  • To search for AMD driver (Radeon), go to this site -;
  • To find the driver from NVIDIA, go to the next address -\u003dru.

At the same time, downloading the driver from the official site, users make mistakes when choosing a file bit.

Selection of the driver's discharge when loading

To make a choice correctly, you need to know which system is installed on the computer. Press Win + Pause simultaneously and pay attention to the "System Type" item. Here will be the calculation of the OS.

The discharge of the operating system

Check the system for viruses

When you see a message that the system does not satisfy the minimum requirements for this software, it can talk about viruses in your computer. Try to check your PC using additional antivirus or special utilities. Excellent virus scanners are Microsoft Safety Scanner and Dr.Web Cureit!. All you need is to download and run one of the utilities.

Anti-virus utilities and additional antivirus software can find viruses in game files or even in programs that you trust. But you should not ignore such finds, because it is known that viruses can be masked for other files or processes. Therefore, everything that has found antiviruses must be removed from the computer. In any case, you can install a program or game again, after a successful driver installation.

Sometimes when downloading drivers, internet connection failures can occur. Files may be simply not loaded. You need to delete this driver and download a new package from the video card developer. But at the same time try to provide an uninterrupted connection to eliminate the appearance of errors when installing.

Eliminate the problem with the driver in Windows 10

In Windows 10 operating systems, the error "This system does not satisfy the minimum requirements of Intel HD Graphics" can occur due to the features of this OS, check the digital signatures of all device drivers. It can even appear if the driver was taken from official sources. This is the lack of Microsoft, which is promised to fix soon. We need to disable the system signature check. For this purpose, there are special utilities that deactivate the check. But their disadvantage is that while they are in the system, Windows will not check the signatures of the drivers. But it is worth removing it, and the error will appear again.

We can make it in another way. We need to open the Group Policy Editor. This method is effective only for Windows Profession. In other editors, it will not be possible to eliminate the error in this way.

After such settings, the error in your case should no longer appear. Check yourself, whether it appears again.

Other ways to eliminate error with Intel Driver

If the methods described above did not help you, go to the video adapter developer site. Here you need to find a job section where you can determine the compatibility of your video card and the installed operating system. If the error "This system does not satisfy the minimum requirements of Intel HD Graphics" originated on a laptop, then the best driver for your video card is found on the official website of the developer of your device. But be careful. When loading drivers for your device, always pay attention to the bit of software so that it does not occur when installing. For you, this option is even priority to the official video card.

If possible, contact the store in which you bought the device, usually, here actively help users solve problems at the program level. Another cause of failure when installing software for your video adapter can be a modified system configuration for overclocking. If you tried to maximize the parameters of your computer, then you need to reset them to the initial value.

The system issues an error at the stage of comparing driver data and video card parameters. If they are higher than those written in the manual, you will see an error on the screen - the system does not meet the minimum requirements of the Intel HD Graphics. You can lower the parameters through the same software through which you have raised them.

When installing or updating Intel HD Graphics Drivers, users may encounter a problem in the form of an error "This system does not meet the minimum requirements." Few users know what is the reason and what to do, therefore further about everything in order.

Common causes of error "This system does not meet the requirements ..."

In fact, there are many reasons that cause this unpleasant problem, but most often users face as follows:

  • the driver installation file is damaged;
  • the user sets pirate software;
  • the downloaded driver does not correspond to the system's bit.

Damage to files

Users usually download drivers for their computers on the Internet, so everyone may encounter an error "This system does not satisfy the minimum requirements" when installing software for Intel HD Graphics. The cause of the error is elementary: installation files are not fully proven. Also, sometimes with such an error, users face after the driver's jumps from unverified resources or torrents.

Pirate Po.

Pirate software is generally better not to use, especially drivers. The fact is that all Intel HD Graphics drivers are available for free on the official website. If you download software from another source, you can run into a pirated version that works incorrectly and already at the installation stage causes an error. Open the official website, choose the appropriate driver and swing.

System Bigness

When downloading Intel HD Graphics drivers, even from the official site you need to be attentive, selecting software suitable for the operating system. If it has a bit of x64, the version of the drivers for the 32-bit OS cannot be installed. At the initial stage of installation, the error will pop up "This system does not satisfy the minimum requirements." To learn the discharge of your system, you need to open its properties.

  • Not enough rights to delete, contact the administrator - what to do?
  • Failed to launch the application as its parallel configuration is incorrect
  • On Windows 10, for this you need to open "Windows Settings", go to the "System" section and select the "System" item in the menu on the left. We need a parameter "System Type" - opposite it indicates the bit.

    Other reasons for mistakes

    Sometimes users encounter an error "This system does not meet the minimum requirements" when installing Intel HD Graphics drivers and on other, less common reasons:

    • The processor tried to dispersed manually. To install the driver, return the parameters to the original one.
    • You have not downloaded the driver, and the Windows system has been updated itself and at that moment fails. Just download on manually from the official site and install.
    • There are viruses on the computer. In this case, antivirus will help.

    As you can see, with all the causes of the error when installing Intel HD Graphics, you can cope without much difficulty, even if you are an inexperienced user.

    Microsoft continues to rejoice hard, amazing and shocking its users. Just the other day, a colleague with such a problem turned to me: he acquired and gathered a new PC on the basis of the new Intel Core I3 7100 processor. The image of Windows 7 was successfully installed on the collected computer. But after a while, after Windows 7 has downloaded and installed All updates via Windows Update, the system has stopped receiving new updates with the following error:

    Unsupported Hardware.
    Your PC Uses a Processor That Is Designed for the Latest Version of Windows. BECAUSE THE PROSESSOR IS NOT SUPPORTED TOGETHER WITH THE Windows Version That You are Currently using, Your System Will Miss Important Security Updates.

    Not supported equipment

    Your processor does not support this version of Windows, you will not be able to receive updates.

    Incompatible equipment
    Your computer is equipped with a processor designed for the latest version of Windows, you will skip the important updates of the security system.

    When trying to search for updates via Windows Update, an error appears:

    Unsupported processors for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1

    The case, Microsoft last year announced that all owners of the newest processors should use only the latest version of the client platform - Windows 10. For older versions of Windows, restrictions will be created to use data models of processors.

    Restrictions applies to the following generations of processors:

    • 7th - generation of processors IntelCore (microarchitecture Kaby Lake, release began in 2017)
    • Seventh generation of processors AMD. (microarchitecture Bristol Ridge., the release began in the 3rd quarter of 2016)
    • Qualcomm 8996. (mainly used for mobile devices)

    In April 2017, MSFT issued special patches for previous versions of OS

    • KB4012218. - For Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2
    • KB4012219. - for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2

    In the description of the patches, it is stated by the appearance of the functionality of determining the generation of the processor and the supported equipment when searching for updates via Windows Update.

    Enabled Detection of Processor Generation and Hardware Support WHEN PC TRIES TO SCAN OR DOWNLOAD UPDATES THROUGH Windows Update.

    Accordingly, after installing updates data, the system starts blocking the download of new updates (including for MS Office) and drivers on old versions of the OS error 80240037 Thereby, forcing users, go to Windows 10 / Windows Server 2016. Thus, all old systems with new equipment cease to receive security updates and go to the discharge of vulnerable. Looks like blackmail ...

    In addition, the installation of drivers for video adapters based on Intel-generation graphics processors is blocked (Intel HD Graphics 610 - 650). In Windows 7 SP1, it is defined as a standard VGA graphic adapter.

    When you try to install the driver's video driver downloaded from the manufacturer driver, an error appears "This system does not satisfy the minimum requirements for installing software."

    As you can see, directly in the driver installer it is indicated that on the equipment with the seventh generation of Intel processors, the driver can only be installed in Windows 10 x64.

    Sad ...

    Wufuc - Patch to restore Windows Update

    There is an informal bypass method that allows you to remove the message "Equipment is not supported" and restore the ability to receive and install security updates on computers with Windows 7 and 8.1 with Intel Kaby Lake processors, AMD Ryzen, and other not supported by the CPU.

    There is a WuFUC version for both X86 and X64 systems.

    According to the information from the ZEFFY, the processor type detection function and update is prohibited is in the library. wuaueng.dll. Initially, the WuFuc patch replaced this file, but because This solution is unstable against the update of the file to the next update of Windows Update, in subsequent releases wufuc, the logic of the patch has been changed.

    Now the actual replacement of the wuaueng.dll file is not performed. The wufuc_setup_x64.msi installer registers a new scheduler task that runs WuFUC when loading a computer. The then WuFUC introduces itself to the Service Host or WuAuServ service and intercepts the call of the ISDEVICESERVICEABLE functions and iscpusupported, modifying the return response.

    Thus, the WuFUC patch disables the "Equipment Not Supported" message in Windows Update, and allows you to continue to install updates on Windows 7 and 8.1 systems.

    Reinstalling or updating Intel HD Graphics (2500, 3000, 4000, 4400, 4600) drivers sometimes turns into a real problem. Even experienced users get a mistake "This system does not satisfy the minimum requirements." As a result, it is impossible to carry out a normal software installation on computers and laptops of different brands (ASUS, HP, MSI, Acer).

    Causes of error

    Causes of problems with graphics can be really a lot. If you look at the latest cases, the conflict is created when switching to Windows 10. This OS simply stopped maintained on a large number of equipment. From other reasons, it is worth noting the differences in the drivers with the operating system in the discharge, "pirate" software, attempts to speed up the processor.

    In addition to the problems with Intel Graz, this conformity failure often occurs when downloading other drivers to USB 3.0. We tried to collect all the best solutions to this failure. Analyze them and apply the most suitable for you.

    If the problem is in Windows 10

    Microsoft official website about the error "System does not meet the minimum requirements" says the following: Windows 10 is simply not compatible with many drivers and the equipment of the old type. The only solution becomes the transition to an earlier version of the operating system. There is simply no other option here.

    One of the reasons - Go to Windows 10

    Drivers and their compatibility

    Despite the fact that all "firewood" is on official sites, many are trying to download from completely others, few well-known, sources. There is a concept as a digital driver signature, and many developers are monitored. It is strictly forbidden to download updates from third-party web resources. Only official sources.

    Another factor becomes the discharge of Windows. Between 64 and 32, a significant difference, therefore it is impossible to be confused. Be sure to make sure the correctness of the downloaded drivers. Not experienced users are recommended to resort to the official utility to update their products Intel Driver Updater. It will automatically scan the OS and download everything you need yourself. We only load from the official source:

    Pure Windows

    "Empty" disk with always better works, so we are trying not to load it. Reinstalling the OS, we immediately install the Intel video drivers at the second action. No other utilities or additions should be installed. It turns out that only the absolutely clean Windows is performed normal integration of graphics packages. If the system is already loaded, then try to install in diagnostic or selective start mode (Run - command msconfig).

    Other, less popular solutions

    • Windows may not correctly installed its standard updates, try to reinstall them yourself. If you have problems with your decision on when upgrading you will have troubleshooting.
    • Some viruses block different functions on the computer. It will not be superfluous to discard the hard drive for their presence, both installed antivirus and third-party scanners (AdWcleaner, Dr. Web, UnHackme);
    • The technical breakdowns may also not give to load components, here without buying new equipment can not do;
    • If the processor parameters changed into manual, then return them to previous parameters.
    • Do not forget about Intel technical support. Write them about the identified problem and your characteristics and version of the processor and the entire PC.

    These tips should help in solving a system error when installing the software "This system does not satisfy the minimum requirements." Remember the main thing - in most cases the problem occurs due to an error in choosing the discharge of the installation components. Finally, the video instruction, according to the proper update of the Intel components.