Instagram computer version input. Instagram mobile version for a computer online

          In order to go to instagram through a computer, you will need access to the Internet and of course, know your credentials, username and password. To log in, open the web version of the instagram application located at ( and enter your credentials, username and password, click the login button. After that, a news feed, a search box will open for you, and in the right corner your name is a nickname, by clicking on which you can go to your account.

  There are several ways to access Instagram through a computer, let's look at the two most popular methods to date. You can go to instagram through a computer using the emulator program.

  Instagram is one of the most popular social networks on the Internet (today about three hundred million people participate in it - 3% of humanity). In it, you can upload interesting photos and videos, and also share them on other various social networks (for example, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram itself), find classmates, classmates, work partners. Apply effects to the laid out photos, giving them their unique qualities. Its difference from all other services is a successfully combined social network with a photo editor.

Instagram via computer

  There is also another difference: in it you need to register through your smartphone. IOS, Android, and Windows phone. But what to do if there is no phone on the appropriate platform or if you just want to log in to Instagram through a computer to register on Instagram? We hope that your computer will be powerful enough for this undertaking (in most cases it is), we will use the emulation tools. Platform emulation is the derivation of the platform interface using the available functions. mobile device  to the screen of this device (in this case, the computer). That is, the android device is displayed on the computer screen. As an application that will provide emulation, we take the BlueStacks program. You can download the program on the official website, you can easily find this emulator using search engines.

Log in to Instagram via BlueStacks

After downloading and installing the program, you will need to log in to your account, “” or “itunes”, if you are not registered there, you will have to do this in order to download via BlueStacks, the Instagram mobile application, and then log in through the computer. When the program is installed using the search, find the application you want to work with, in our case it’s instagram. We make a click on the application icon and go to the application itself, using a computer. If you are already registered, then enter your username, password and log in to your account. So simple, you can go to instagram through a computer.

Sign up for Instagram via computer using BlueStacks

  • To get started, check the network connection for functionality. If everything is fine, go on.
  • Download BlueStacks and install as a normal application. During installation, there will be no field to select the BlueStacks installation path.
  • Run it in the usual way (from the desktop, from a folder in Program Files) or by clicking on the green icon in the system message area.
The note:
  if you need to restart the virtual Android device, right-click on the icon in the system message area, click on the "Restart" button.
  • When the emulator opens, you can change its settings by clicking on the gear, turn on or off the full-screen mode, try some functions of the program, of which there are a great many.
  • We need to find instagram app, for this, click on the magnifying glass icon and enter Instagram.
  • When you choose from the list desired applications, click on the "Install" button. If this is your first time opening BlueStacks, you will need to log in.
  • If you have two-stage authorization, you will have to suffer a bit once for your own safety. You will need to enter a username and password from your account google records  (through which you usually go to the post office)
  • If any message comes out, feel free to click "continue."
  • You can download the Instagram app from three different stores that are integrated into BlueStacks.
  • Choose a store? We are waiting for the end of the download.
  • We go to the BlueStacks main page, click on the "My Applications" button.

Launch Instagram

  On the main page of the Instagram application there are two buttons - authorization (login) and registration (create a new account) If you already have an account, click on the first button, otherwise - on the second.
Come up with a unique login and a fairly strong password and write them in the appropriate fields. If the usernames repeat, try to come up with another one. Passwords, as in almost all social networks, should be at least 8 characters wide and, for your safety, may consist of letters, numbers and some special characters. If this does not work out, use the services on the Internet.
  • Click on "Finish" (the button is located on the top).
  • The program will present its search engine, where you can find various friends, acquaintances, classmates, classmates, parents, etc.
  • The most popular people at the moment will be represented, you can subscribe to their channels.
  • Now choose whether to receive messages and provide, if necessary, permissions for a particular action of the application.
  • Everything, you are successfully registered
  Now you can go to Instagram both from the BlueStacks-emulated platform, and from your computer. Go to the official site, click on "Login" and enter your credentials.

How to use

  In principle, if you used the application on your phone before, you may not consider this section, however, maybe you will discover something new here. This process of using Instagram on a computer is no different from the process on a phone.

By the way, if you think that this application can be used on a PC only as a regular message manager, then you are wrong. Do you have a webcam? You can take pictures from it directly in the Instagram application. Or, if there are other sources, for example, a camera, you can connect it via USB and transfer the received pictures to a social network.

So, we examined all the main points of registering an Instagram account from a computer, as well as how to enter Instagram through a computer and directly launching the application and the main functions of the program.

Many people wonder: where to download Instagram for a computer for free? In my opinion, an experienced installer, this seems absurd. Such a program for Windows or any other OS simply does not exist, no matter how you look for it, you will not be able to download it. But there are special services with which you can use social services. online on your browser. And, of course, do not forget about the web version of the application, because since 2016 its functionality has expanded significantly. Now using your favorite Instagram on your computer is a pleasure! Sometimes you don’t even need to pick up a phone!

The official web version of Instagram on a computer: what can I do?

First of all, you need to say about the official Instagram site. By logging in to it, you can perform many of the actions that you did in the application on the phone. You can view photos from your follower friends, you can like photos and videos, leave and delete comments on publications. In addition, you can easily change your nickname, password, and you can also delete your account, or rather temporarily freeze it.

Articles from the section "How to use the web version of Instagram on a computer"

  Processing photos for Instagram online

There are also services with which you can process an Instagram-style photo on your computer for free and save it. In addition to your favorite filters, you will find others, I am sure, no less interesting and beautiful. Pixlr is one of them, the screenshot below shows exactly it.

  Profile Statistics

The statistics Instagram profile services are very popular. With the help of them you can see your most popular photos (which you liked the most or which you left the greatest amount  comments), growth chart of your followers, and much more. The most popular such service is probably Iconosquare.

Also, users like Popsters, SpellFeed, StatShot, Livedune, etc. Many of them allow you to view statistics not only from your profile, but also from other people, and build activity graphs for comparison.

Updated: July 29, 2017

Hello dear readers of the blog site. This is my first review. mobile app. However, it is worth it, because in terms of popularity and the number of users involved in its network, this mixture of a photo editor and social media can stand up as well as other social services that are very popular in the world. The fact that Facebook bought it for a crazy amount close to a billion dollars about a year ago indicates the exclusivity of this mobile application.

I do not think that there may be discrepancies, for there are probably no other options suitable for the above description. I say, of course, about Instagram. What is it and why for a year and a half the usual application for iPhone  (now supported and Android), which has a team of a dozen people behind it, made the largest social network in the world lay out such a fantastic amount? Well, let's see.

What is Instagram?

What is instagram? Probably, this is primarily a social network, in which there are already one hundred million active users. Slightly less than the inhabitants in Russia. On the other hand, Instagram is  intuitive and easiest to use photo editor for mobile devices.

Instagram saves you from this dilemma - take a picture and spread it right away (all in one application). Moreover, modern mobile phones provide a completely digestible quality of the pictures taken, in any case so that it would not be embarrassing to post them on a social network, which will be viewed mainly from all the same mobile phones, where the flaws and wretchedness of the camera will not be visible.

However, when viewing the online version of Instagram from a computer, some flaws in the photos taken on the smartphone can still appear, but this was the genius of the developers that they offer literally one click before sending photos made by the mobile phone apply a professional filter to it, which will make of your mediocre and not quite high-quality image something similar to an art photograph.

The question of how to use Instagram is confused by only a few - we open the application, take a picture (or get it from our album on a mobile phone) and apply the filter in the mobile editor. Next, call the picture and send it to your feed, where all users of this unique photo can view, search, like and comment on it. social network. All ingenious should be simple. In addition, the interface of this mobile application and online version is almost completely translated into Russian, which is good news.

All this bacchanalia began with the fact that in the fall of 2010 the first version of the application was released exclusively for apple phones, it was a resounding success and after a couple of years Android users were happy with it, and in the near future it is planned to release an Instagram version for Windows Phone devices (large part of modern Nokia smartphones works on it).

It turns out very peculiar social network  (with a bias in the photo, as in those now gaining popularity or), but for almost everyone, because smartphones even on the basis of Android (their Chinese variations are sold by and large by mobile operators for very little money) already have many inhabitants of the globe (a little less share IPhone and iPad).

And not only the economic component plays a role. Someone got hooked on Blackberry, someone (like me, for example) uses Nokia on a symbian because of a love of physical buttons rather than drawn ones. It turns out a certain discrimination, which probably only fuels interest in the upstart.

In this regard, many are interested in the possibility of register on Instagram from a computer  and use it from him, like a regular social network. Unfortunately, it is not possible to fully realize this yet, but there is a feint with ears that allows you to install it on your own, called BlueStacks.

This emulator is quite convenient and you will have virtually no boundaries between Android and Windows (a common clipboard, mouse, keyboard, file system and network connections) BlueStacks can be installed both on a regular desktop computer (control will be done with the mouse) and on Windows tablets (control will be done with the movement of a finger across the screen).

Actually Instagram is already installed from under BlueStacks, as a regular Android application, after which you can register in this application without using a smartphone, directly from your computer, laptop, netbook or tablet. But we will talk about this a little more in detail later in the text.

Registration and login to Instagram via a mobile device based on Ios (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch) or Android

So, registration on Instagram  that from a smartphone on Android or Ios, that from a computer from under blueStacks emulator  will look about the same. It is clear that first you need to download and install this application by going from your mobile device or App store , either in Google play . Actually, there nobody bothers you to type in search bar  "Instagram" and initiate the installation of this application.

I just don’t understand how, having such monstrous payments from Facebook, the developers did not bother to make versions of the iPad adapted to the screen size. You can install on this "bloated smartphone" (iPad) only the version designed and sharpened for iPhone, and it looks rather miserable on the tablet - either a small program window or blurry and fuzzy elements and fonts. Some kind of a mess, although maybe the bourgeoisie has their reasons not to do this (by the way, I merge the screenshots for this article from the iPad using - a very convenient thing is cloud storage).

True, there are applications for iPad (for example, Instapad) that use the API of this social network and allow you to view feeds, search for images, like and comment on photos. As well as similar online instagram  (for example,, which allow you to be socially active on this network, but do not allow you to upload your own photos. But more on that later.

The main thing is to come up with a login not yet occupied by others, strong password  (you can store it in, then store it), indicate your Email and name, and if desired, also your phone:

Next, you will be prompted to immediately find on Instagram all your friends that you managed to make on Facebook (apparently this was the whole point of the purchase, however, the price of a billion US dollars seems too high - in my opinion, three orders of magnitude surely, although, again, who will understand these bourgeois). They explain this quite logically - it would be better to immediately follow up on your friends, so that there would be someone to follow and what to watch.

Well, and by tradition, you will be asked to subscribe to the feeds of those who are now very popular on Instagram. In general, they are trying to immediately show all the charm of this social program, so that you would not jump off the hook. But, in my opinion, it is worth looking around first, and only then to subscribe.

Next, they will offer you to receive various messages about the events that have occurred, well, they will offer you to open access to the photos stored on the phone for this application so that you can later publish them in your stream:

Well, actually, everything, registration is completed. Now you can use this application.

How to use Instagram - photo processing (effects, filters) and social network features

How to use Instagram? Almost like Twitter, in fact, but instead of text messages here they steer pictures. At the bottom of the screen you will find five tabs:

Recently, this social network has been actively used by merchants to sell or attract attention to their goods and services. This works with a bang (true, true -), but for sales you need to increase attendance, and therefore the question comes first. I described one of these solutions using the link provided - you’ll suddenly decide to make some extra money on this network.

It is possible that earlier, when Instagram did not speak Russian yet, any problems could arise with its use, but now it is unlikely, as you probably understood from the above description. The hobby of this photo editor and social network is in extreme simplicity and transparency.

Instagram for the computer through BlueStacks - download and install the Android emulator for Windows to register

As I already mentioned, not everyone who wants to start chatting and sharing photos on Instagram is smiling to acquire an iPhone or smartphone based on Android for this purpose. The reasons for this reluctance may be mass and money here does not always play a decisive role. In the end, to buy an expensive gadget and give up on this social network would also not be very nice.

However, there is a way to try Instagram by registering directly from your computer or laptop and posting your photos to this social media as a trial balloon. There is a place to be quite advanced and quality made android operating system emulator for computer  under running windows  and Mac OS called BlueStacks.

Moreover, it works like any program on your computer, i.e. can be launched in a window, you can use the mouse and keyboard, you can copy data from Windows to Android through the clipboard or through the general file system. Well, of course, BlueStacks sees the network connections of your computer and successfully uses them.

So, first you’ll need to download bluestacks  and install it on your computer as a regular program:

True, the installation location of this emulator can not be selected, but this is not so important. Upon completion of the installation, a green shortcut will settle on your desktop, clicking on which you can open the BlueStacks window, and in the tray you see an icon from the context menu of which you can restart Android in this emulator, if there is a reason:

If the BlueStacks full-screen mode is not convenient for you, then click on the corresponding button at the bottom of the emulator window (located on the right). In the settings of this program, you can dig through the button in the form of a gear.

However, we are currently primarily interested in instagram installation and registration  in this social network from your computer, so we’ll use the search icon on the main BlueStacks tab and drive it into the “instagram” form:

The desired application will be the first in the resulting list and you just have to click on the "Install" button:

Because operating system  Android is the development of the great and terrible Google (read about this corporation of goodness), then to download Instagram you will first have to log in to your Google account (well, or):

I have a Google account with two-step authentication, so I had to first create my password for this emulator and only then, using it, enter my account. It is clear that with normal authentication these difficulties will not be, but also security mailbox  will not either (read more in the article about Google mail, the link to which is given a little higher).

After logging in with your username and password on Google Play:

You will get the opportunity to download Instagram from any Android store convenient for you, from those integrated into the BlueStacks emulator:

The BlueStacks emulator can also synchronize the data of your phone on Android, which can be useful. But we will not be distracted by this, because our goal is to install Instagram on a computer and register in it.

After installation, it will be enough for you with home page  BlueStacks go to the "My Applications" tab and launch Instagram.

After that, you will be asked to register in it, or log in.

Actually, the further registration process on the computer will not be any different from the registration process on the mobile device described above, so I consider it unnecessary to repeat.

Instagram online - options for viewing a social network not from a mobile phone, but from a computer through a browser

Well, such an opportunity seems to suggest itself, because the phone is a telephone, but at the computer, most of us also spend a very decent time period. I would like to have access to this social network through a browser. Actually such an opportunity exists, but with some limitations.

Firstly, you can see the profile of any member of this social network on the site knowing his username:


On the official online profile page  Instagram has a header typed in the form of a dynamic one, the number of photos added by this chel, the number of its subscribers and its subscriptions is indicated.

For example, in this way you can see the online profile of a gum resident. The profile contains a list of all the photos added by the author and it is possible to view them in full size and read the comments left to them.

You can only like, subscribe or leave a comment after logging into your account.

Same after logging in to Instagram:

Here, perhaps, are all the features of the official website for online access to the social network Instagram. What is missing, right? Well, for example, the possibilities upload pictures directly from computer. Unfortunately, this is not implemented at this stage of service development even in Api.

But there is also not enough ability to search for hashtags and usernames or to browse popular topics. But this Api allows you to do and there are many online services (sites) and even programs that implement all this disgrace.

Let's look at one of these online services called Webstagram.

This and similar online services use Instagram API  and therefore registration on such sites occurs precisely through its login form. If you are already logged in to in the same browser, then your login information will be taken from the browser cookies:

The authors declare that this service  has the following features:

  1. You can follow the feeds of the people you follow (in fact, the official site allows you to do this)
  2. You can like and comment on the photo (the same and the official resource supports)
  3. You can subscribe and unsubscribe from feeds of other users (also not unique)
  4. Receive information about those who subscribe and unsubscribe from your feed
  5. View popular photos, tags and users, having the opportunity to search  on them (this official site was not enough)

In the load, however, you get blocks, but it shouldn’t be different, because advertising is the engine of progress.

Photos you added can be found at this address:


Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site


To class



We suggest step by step to consider the way to enter your account through a computer.

Step 1 - Download BlueStacks

Download the BlueStacks program, which is an Android emulator.

Step 2 - Connect to your BlueStacks account

We go into the program, click "Settings", then select "Add Account" and fill out the necessary data.

Step 3 - Install Instagram

Click on the “Install” button and wait for the Instagram program to load.

Step 4 - Launch Instagram

We open Instagram through the computer and.

Step 5 - Register on Instagram

We come up with a password, login and specify an email address.

Step 6 - Fill in your personal data

We upload an avatar, personal data, photos and you're done: you logged in to Instagram via computer!

Search for people and photos through the Instagram application on a PC

Now let's figure out how to search for people using a computer.

Since Instagram unites a huge number of users, who, in turn, post a huge number of photos daily, the question arises, but how to find the right people or the right photos among all this variety? Let's look at two ways in which you can find the necessary information.

  1. Search can be done via nickname.
  2. You can search by hashtags.

In the first method, everything is pretty simple. Having logged in to your account on Instagram, in the upper right corner we see a search bar. We click on it and enter the nickname that interests us, that is, the username.

The second method is also simple. The main thing is to know what hashtags are and to be able to use them. A hashtag is a label, which is indicated by such a badge - "#". Hashtags are searched in the same way as nicknames.

How to find people on Instagram without registration

It happens that for some reason you do not want to register on Instagram. We will offer you several ways how to find a person or photo that interests you without registering.

The very first way is to enter his nickname (if you, of course, know him) in address bar  like this, where instead of “name” you enter the nickname of the person you are looking for. If you do not know the nickname, then try to choose the name of the desired character in Latin letters.

Another way is to find his account - through the pages of other social networks, where he may be broadcasting his posts. Such an operation can be carried out from a page on Facebook, where in the gallery under the photo a link leading to the Instagram page of this user will be indicated.

Watch the video

Social instagram network  created for mobile devices. There is the official online version of Instagram for the computer, but the functions in it are not enough - just view the tape and add comments. In the article, we have collected all the ways how to register on Instagram from a computer and conduct full communication on a PC.

Going to Instagram online is a convenient way to start communication. No need to install anything, it works on any computers or laptops with Internet access.


You cannot create new posts on the official resource, but you can register on Instagram from a computer. Follow the link, enter the mail address or phone number, first and last name - they will be visible to everyone, username and password. Or sign in with your Facebook profile, allowing Instagram access to your personal data.

For registered users you just need to select "Login". After entering the password, a feed will open, browse friends' posts, leave comments, use search by tags, edit a profile.

Go to Instagram through a computer will help Webstagram service: It allows you to view Instagram content, save yourself photos and videos through standard browser downloads. There is a search for user names and hashtags, registration is not required.

The service will help you to log into Instagram from a computer. You will need an existing account on the social network, after logging in via Websta, you can view and comment on posts in the feed, subscribe and unsubscribe, receive Instagram statistics for subscribers. There is a search for hashtags and users, all content can be downloaded to a PC. Free analytical data on the profile is available - popular tags, best posts, optimal time for the release of new messages. But you can’t upload your photos or register on social networks through Websta.

The resource combined many functions for working with Instagram: logging in to the social network from a computer, managing an account, collecting and analyzing statistics. It determines the most popular posts, the most active subscribers, the number of likes from unsigned. The service is paid, there is a trial period of 14 days.

How to enter Iconosquare without payment: on the main page in the right corner, click “Start a free trial”. The service will offer to create an account and upload your Instagramgram.


It’s convenient to go to Instagram through a computer using special programs. We’ll tell you about all the options - from a free official client to an Android emulator and paid programs.

Official client for Windows

The official Instagram client for windows computer  10. Available in the Microsoft store, knows how to create Stories from the latest photos, send Direct messages, and Live. There is a search on Instagram, registration of a new account through a computer - for this, select "Register" on the login page. Saving photos and videos on a PC and creating regular posts is not yet possible.


BlueStacks program imitates on a PC with Windows 7 and higher, Mac OS X, the work of a mobile device for Android. You install any applications from Google Play inside the emulator and use them as on a smartphone.

How to access Instagram from a computer via BlueStacks:

  1. On the BlueStacks website, download the application by clicking the Download button.
  2. Run the resulting file, install the emulator.
  3. Log in installed application, go to settings by clicking on the gear button.
  4. Click "Add Account", enter data from google profile  or register.
  5. Open Google Play, find and install Instagram.

After downloading and installing a social network, all its functions become available to you - because before you is a standard Instagram mobile versionbut on the pc. You can register on Instagram through a computer - for this, at the first start, enter personal data. You can insert photos and videos into messages with hard drive, create stories, write comments.

You can download Instagram on the developers website RuInsta - free program  in Russian, which allows you to view the tape on a large computer screen. The interface is simple - a compact menu bar is placed on top, interesting pages to the right of the ribbon.

How to register on Instagram through RuInsta:

  1. Download and install the application in Windows.
  2. At first start, enter the address email, come up with a username and password for the social network.
  3. Click on "Register".

The program will create a new profile for you. To activate it, open the mail and follow the link from the letter. Then log in to Instagram through RuInsta, specifying the invented login and password. You will have access to all the functions of the application: managing your account settings, searching by tags, viewing, saving to a PC and uploading photos and videos to the network.

Free full-featured application, Instagram version for PC on Windows. You can download Instagram for a computer in the Microsoft store. Among the features of Instapic:

  • registration on Instagram directly from a computer;
  • account editing;
  • search by tags and users;
  • view tape;
  • downloading any photos;
  • built-in graphic editor.

InstaBro for Mac

InstaBro will help you install Instagram on Mac OS X. Allows you to view and download all content from instagram profile  even without registering on a social network, there is a search for hashtags and places. To post comments and likes, you need to log in to your existing account with a password.

In contact with