Unified information system in the field of procurement. Unified information system Does the eis work

Hello dear colleague! Today's article will focus on a unified procurement information system. Figuratively speaking, this is one of the "whales" on which the system rests public procurement in our country. Therefore, in order to successfully work with public procurement, every specialist, whose activity is in one way or another connected with the state order, should know about this system, and even more so be able to use it. We will not understand the details of working with this system in this article, but consider only general questions, namely: what is the EIS, what is it for, and what functions and tasks does it perform? The article material will be useful to both suppliers and novice customers. I propose not to delay too much and start studying the article. Go…

1. What is the EIS?

As already mentioned in the aquatic part of the article, the EIS stands for a single Information system.

According to clause 9 of article 3 of the Federal Law of 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" (hereinafter referred to as 44-FZ)unified information system in the field of procurement - a set of information contained in databases, information technologies and technical means ensuring the formation, processing, storage of such information, as well as its provision using the official website of the unified information system on the Internet (hereinafter referred to as the official website).

2. The official website of the EIS

From January 1, 2016 to replace the official website Russian Federation on the Internet for placing information on placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services came a unified information system in the field of procurement.

The main purpose of creating such an information system was to increase the transparency of public procurement, so that all processes within the contract system from the procurement planning stage to the completion of the execution of contracts become more public.

All information contained in the EIS is open (with the exception of information containing state secrets) and is provided free of charge. In addition, such information must be complete and correct.

The responsible state body for the development of the concept and definition of functional requirements for the EIS is the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (MED). And the responsible department for the development and operation of the system is the Federal Treasury.

At the initial stage of creating a unified information system in the field of procurement, two options were considered:

  1. creation of a system based on the existing public procurement website;
  2. creating a system from scratch.

In view of the fact that the second option turned out to be more resource-intensive, it was decided to create a system based on the existing site. For this reason, the UIS address has remained the same - www.zakupki.gov.ru.

The old version of the EIS is located at - http://old.zakupki.gov.ru/.

According to part 7 of article 4 of 44-FZ, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities have the right to create regional and municipal information systems in the field of procurement, integrated with a unified information system. However, if there are discrepancies in the information posted on the site of the subject and the EIS, the information posted in the unified information system takes precedence. Those. For suppliers, this suggests that the EIS functionality will be more than enough to search for information about ongoing public procurement, both under 44-FZ and under 223-FZ.

3. What information is contained in the unified information system?

According to part 3 of article 4 of 44-FZ, the EIS must contain:

3) information on the implementation of procurement plans and schedules (from January 1, 2017);

4) information on the conditions, prohibitions and restrictions on the admission of goods originating from a foreign state or a group of foreign states, works, services, respectively performed, provided by foreign persons, a list of foreign states, groups of foreign states with which the Russian Federation has concluded international treaties on mutual application of national treatment in the implementation of procurement, as well as the conditions for the application of such national treatment;

5) information on purchases and on the execution of contracts;

6) register of contracts concluded by customers;

7) ;

8) a library of standard contracts, standard conditions of contracts;

9) register of bank guarantees;

10) register of complaints, planned and unscheduled inspections, their results and issued instructions;

11) a list of international financial organizations established in accordance with international treaties to which the Russian Federation is a party, as well as international financial organizations with which the Russian Federation has concluded international treaties;

12) the results of procurement monitoring, procurement audit, as well as procurement control;

13) customer reports provided for by 44-FZ;

14) catalogs of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs;

15) regulatory legal acts;

16) information on the prices of goods, works, services purchased in the commodity markets, purchased to meet state and municipal needs, as well as on requests for prices of goods, works, services placed by customers;

17) other information and documents, the placement of which in a unified information system is provided for by 44-FZ, Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ "On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities" (hereinafter 223-FZ) and adopted in accordance with them, other regulatory legal acts.

4. What does the ENI provide?

EIS provides:

  • formation and placement of information through information interaction of the EIS with other information systems without the need for additional entry into the EIS personal account;
  • control of information and documents to be placed in the EIS, in conjunction with other information systems;
  • transition to the use of OKPD2 and OKVED2;
  • implementation of functional capabilities for the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises;
  • implementation of enhanced functionality for supervisory bodies and audit bodies;
  • use of a strengthened unqualified electronic signature for signing electronic documents;
  • filing applications for participation in determining a supplier (contractor, performer) in the form of an electronic document.

5. Advantages of the EIS

Chief and fundamental difference a unified information system from the previously existing public procurement site is the maximum automation of the procurement process from placing a notice to summing up and executing the contract. All data entered into the system is processed automatically, and the required reporting is generated based on this data. The entire document management system is publicly available on the website.

The EIS is closely connected with other regional information systems and electronic platforms, which together creates a single information space.

Also, an undoubted plus is the fact that all procurement plans, as well as schedules, will be placed in the EIS (from January 1, 2017) only in a structured (machine-readable) form. This innovation will significantly expand the ability to search for procurement information using simple search queries, such as in search engine Yandex or Google.

I would like to note that on the old government procurement website, these documents were placed in a scanned form, which did not allow suppliers and other interested parties to fully search for information. Now, such an innovation will allow suppliers to predict in advance the demand among customers for their goods, works or services and draw up a long-term plan for participation in procurement.

In addition to functional changes, the developers also performed technological work to improve the performance and fault tolerance of the EIS, improved search functions, a search parameter constructor appeared, and optimized user interface its open part. The system has acquired a more modern and beautiful interface. However, the full set of features will become available to users from January 1, 2017.

6. Legislative regulation of the ENI

Requirements for the creation and oversight of the EIS are described in Federal Law No. 44-FZ as well as in Government Resolutions dated September 30, 2014 No. 996 "On the distribution of powers between the Ministry of Economic Development and the Federal Treasury when creating the UIS" and dated January 23, 2015 No. 36 "On the procedure and terms of putting into operation the EIS".

This concludes my article. Hope this information was helpful to you. See you in the next issues.

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The official website of State Purchase is intended to inform persons wishing to cooperate about how the program is arranged and in what direction the trade in goods, names, and services works. All data that can be found on the main, main portal is located in public access and are provided free of charge, there are also forms for entering, processing and storing all data.

He will tell you about such a service as the EIS Public Procurement official website. The functionality and content of the site are agreed and regulated by acts of the legislative type of the federal model, preceding the release of these laws.

State orders

UIS public procurement on the official website is presented in the form of a mechanism. It regulates and manages the placement, promotion and sale of all commodity items and orders of the Russian Federation, which are based on codes of civil and budget type, a number of federal laws and other equally important decrees.

Basic laws represent information regulated by legislation in such areas as competition, product supply, contractual approach to purchase and payment, needs of the municipal type, systematic replenishment of goods, services, work moments that state institutions, organizations and other social associations need.

The laws presume that the market is ready to conduct all public procurement via the Internet, using a computer, but on this moment, most of them are held at the sites.

State orders are the execution of an application for goods or the full implementation of specialized work at the expense of the state budget or the receipt of funds from municipalities, from private and individuals... It also includes purchases from sources of income held by off-budget organizations.

You can learn about government orders from the Information for customers section.

Information for the customer

Government orders are needed for the following:

  • regulation of the needs of the Russian Federation and state customers in order to fulfill the programs of the target direction, as for both foreign capital and interaction, and domestic, but on one condition - Russia must be a direct participant in the transaction;
  • ensuring the necessary needs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or customers state direction who purchase not only services or goods, but also regional, state and district programs of any type;
  • satisfaction of municipalities with regard to self-government activities, management and replenishment of goods, services, labor state institutions that are involved in the main all-Russian program to improve or restore working nuances and guiding points.

What is the official portal?

This page is informative, has convenient functionality, friendly, concise and understandable interface, easy to understand division into categories and subcategories. All this makes the process of using the official website simple, practical and enjoyable.

How does the planning of the procurement system take place on the UIS Public procurement official website? This includes:

After agreeing on all the nuances and a carefully designed strategy, you can proceed directly to the acquisition, which consists of the following steps:

  • dialogue between the buyer and the seller;
  • financial basis;
  • guarantee for business conditions.

Information about contracts and agreements looks like this:

  • the ratio of contracts and completed contracts;
  • results of cooperation;
  • archive of templates.

Monitoring, audit and control in the field of procurement:

  • regulation of the contract system;
  • procurement audit bodies;
  • blacklist of suppliers;
  • complaints and related checks.

Additional Information;

Documents required for registration


This tab of the UIS Public Procurement of the official website contains a list of documents, laws and acts necessary for working with the website.

Also on the official website there is a personal account for organizations registered in accordance with sections III and V of the Procedure, division into tabs for suppliers and customers, a forum for discussing the site structure and transactions made, and a detailed explanation for each section, confirmed by laws, acts and amendments from the codes.

Personal Area

If you have any questions about the functionality of the site, any user can ask a question electronically or contact the round-the-clock support service on the UIS Public procurement official website. Thanks to a perfectly debugged system, every nuance will be clearly explained and provided in the form of complete, comprehensive information for the consumer.

Let's see what a unified procurement information system is. Roughly speaking, this is a single base from which the formation of public procurement in Russia is taking place.

To get a good result and find the right contracts, you need to use it correctly and know what exactly and how to use it while working. Let's move on to basic information about the EIS: what is it for and how to use it?

2. What is the EIS

EIS stands for a single information system. Its official website was created for full-fledged work between the contractual procurement system and the procurement of certain specializations, such as goods, services or work execution. In addition, it is used to create and store the collected database for past, current and future purchases.

Regarding the law, the procedure for placing information on one information system is regulated by the law dated April 05, 2013 No. 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement for state and municipal needs" and a similar law dated July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ "On the procurement of goods, works, services by specific types of legal entities ”and a variety of bylaws.

According to the law, the procurement information system is a lot of information that is contained in documents, technological developments and other technological devices that simplify the formation, processing, storage of such information, as well as its provision using the official website of a unified information system among the Internet.

3. Official website zakupki.gov

Since January 1, 2016, instead of the old site for placing orders for the supply of goods and the preparation of documentation for the work performed and services rendered in Russia, a new structure has come - a unified information system in the field of procurement.

She set herself a global goal. Namely - the design of the information system to increase transparency in the implementation of public procurement. The result is a ready-made contract system that works from the beginning of the creation of an order until the end of its full execution and public disclosure.

The data that is used for processing by the information system is fully available to anyone, except for the information that is previously prohibited from disclosure by the state. Moreover, the information is provided completely free of charge. And each representative undertakes to issue it in full and in accordance with reliable data.

The state body, the Ministry of Economic Development, develops and controls the concept and functional requirements for the information system. The Federal Treasury, in turn, develops and operates the system, thereby monitoring its correct operation and eliminating failures.

At first, the formation of the EIS in the procurement sector was considered between several options:

    create it based on the old version;

    create a system from scratch.

To save money from the budget, it was decided to build a system based on the existing one, but to make a number of changes in it. Another bonus of this option is that the address has remained the same, and both people and customers do not need to search and explore a new place. The link to the site remains - www.zakupki.gov.ru.

Regarding part 7 of article 4 of 44-FZ, the subject and municipal organizations can change and have the right to create regional and municipal information systems in the field of procurement, integrated with a unified information system.

However, in the presence of various options for placing information on the site of the subject and the UIS, the first place is given to the information posted in the unified information system. Those. For suppliers, this suggests that the EIS functionality will be sufficient to search for information on public procurement, both under 44-FZ and under 223-FZ. However, in addition to this system, there are also paid sources, which are not in vain used by almost all professionals in the field of tenders - specialized search programs and purchase bases have more convenient and informative functionality for searching, as well as additional opportunities for automating processes and sending new notifications.

4. What information is available in the unified information system

Taking into account part 3 of article 4 of 44-FZ, the EIS should include:

    documents on planned purchases (from 01.02.2017);

    purchase schedules with temporary indicators of production (from 01.02.2017);

    data on the implementation of the procurement tasks (from 01.02.2017);

    information both on contracts and restrictions, and on the reduction of low-quality goods that can already be delivered from foreign countries or are carried out by these companies that have already entered into agreements on the mutual compliance of the requirements in the formation of the purchase, as well as the conditions for their use among the national regime;

    information on procurement and data processing;

    information bank of contracts concluded with customers;

    a register of suppliers (contractors, performers) who are dishonest in the execution of an order;

    library of standard contracts;

    a list of international financial organizations established in accordance with international treaties to which the Russian Federation is a party, as well as international financial organizations with which the Russian Federation has concluded international treaties;

    the results of procurement monitoring, procurement audit, and procurement control;

    catalogs of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs;

    register of bank guarantees;

    information on the prices of goods, works, services purchased in the commodity markets, purchased to meet state and municipal needs, as well as on requests for prices of goods, works, services placed by customers;

    other information and documents, the placement of which in the unified information system is provided for by 44-FZ, Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ "On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities" (hereinafter 223-FZ) and adopted in accordance with with them other regulatory legal acts.

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5. What the ENI gives

Zakupki.gov has the following functionality:

    registration and placement of information using the interaction of the EIS with various search engines, with the help of which there is no longer a need to enter the account created on the EIS;

    control of information, as well as any information blocks that are subject to distribution in the EIS, through interaction with other information systems;

    the possibility of using OKPD 2 and OKVED 2 for searching, however, the search filter by statistics codes is very difficult to implement;

    the embodiment of all the possibilities of the presented functionality for the Federal company for the improvement of small and medium-sized businesses;

    implementation of extensive functionality for the control group and audit bodies;

    the use of the improved, so far without qualifications, the possibility of electronic signatures for the execution of electronic documents;

    filing an application for consideration on the spot of the supplier (performer, contractor) using the electronic version.

6. Advantages of the EIS

The unified information system is fundamentally different from its predecessor - the public procurement site; it is the best possible automation of the procurement process from placing a notice to executing contracts and summing up the results. Absolutely all data recorded in the system are automatically processed, and the necessary reporting is built on their foundation. The entire documentary system is posted on the site in the public domain.

The EIS is closely related to other regional information systems and electronic platforms, which leads to a single information space.

A weighty argument is the fact that procurement plans and schedules will be placed in the EIS (from January 1) only in a structured (machine) form. This innovation greatly expands the possibilities using standard search queries, such as in the search engine Yandex or Google.

On the previous website of public procurement, these documents were scanned, this did not allow suppliers and other interested citizens to search for the information they needed. This innovation allows suppliers to anticipate the demand among customers for available goods, works or services in advance and draw up a long-term plan for participation in procurement.

Also, the creators performed analytical work, thereby increasing the performance and fault tolerance of the EIS, improved search capabilities, added a constructor with various schemes for search, and optimized the user page. The system interface has got a newer and more colorful look. The entire set of features has become available to users since January 1, 2017.

Legislative regulation of the work of the EIS

In the Russian legislative document No. 44-FZ and in the decrees issued by the government dated September 30, 2014 No. 996 "On the redistribution of company management between the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Treasury in the formation of the EIS" and dated January 23, 2015 No. 36 "On the procedure and time to implement all the possibilities of the ENI ”, the requirements for the management and implementation of the ENI idea are described in sufficient detail.

7. ENI and state order

New the legislative framework, including ed. 44-FZ, stipulates the possibility of creating a unified information system, which should have a detailed informative base, including all stages of contract execution for all documents that were attributed to after their receipt.

The developers of this state document, namely the EIS, stipulate that it will be a tool for collecting data in the field of public procurement. In addition, he will monitor mutually available procurement data in various documents(for example, the correspondence of information in the schedule and in the procurement plan).

In addition, it is planned to add other rather important information about each purchase in the EIS, such as data on the conduct and result of an audit of purchases, a register of contracts, single register bank guarantees, a register of "unscrupulous suppliers", a register of complaints to regulatory authorities, as well as a database of standard contracts. In addition, as conceived by the developers, the EIS will include catalogs of goods and services for state and municipal needs, as well as a "module for determining the average market price of goods and services." The possibility of selecting "public discussions" has appeared, thus it is supposed to embody the principle of state control over purchases.

Regional and municipal authorities have the right to create their own separate information systems for public procurement, while data from other ISs, in order to obtain "legal permission", are obliged to automatically reform into one federal EIS. Integrators need to pay attention to this, because it is possible that in a difficult time for the IT business, there will be an opportunity to get a client in such an area.

As a regulator, the Ministry of Economic Development must formulate requirements for the EIS.

8. Video instruction on working with the UIS

For guaranteed result in tender purchases, you can seek advice from the experts of the Entrepreneurship Support Center. If your organization belongs to small businesses, you can get a number of advantages: advance payments under government contracts, short settlement times, conclusion of direct contracts and subcontracts without a tender. and work only under lucrative contracts with minimal competition!

Find out what the EIS is, what information it contains and who can become a user of the EIS system in public procurement. Download current version UIS user manuals.

Navigating the article:

What is the EIS

The EIS is a platform where government customers place their orders, documents, schedules, etc., which in turn can be found by suppliers, customers and other procurement specialists. All information is available (excluding the one that contains state secrets), free and reliable. Access to the site does not require registration, with the exception of persons participating in the discussion of the procurement of goods and works.

A little about the history of the formation. Prior to the creation of the EIS, the Official procurement site occupied its place from 2001 to 2014 and worked in accordance with law 94-FZ, and since 2014, the transition to compliance with law 44-FZ has been carried out.

Despite the fact that the functionality of the official website has undergone significant changes, its address - zakupki.gov.ru - has remained unchanged. In addition, in 2016, a portal was combined with this resource, which worked according to law 223 FZ. Thus, now at the address zakupki.gov.ru there is a single information space for the entire procurement sector.

What the EIS contains

Why was the UIS created on the basis of the Official Site?

The costs of creating the UIS as part of the modernization of environmental protection amounted to 150 million rubles. The creation of a unified procurement system from scratch would require more than 3 billion rubles, as well as more than 2.5 years to complete all technological work. The use of the Official Website saved time and money from the federal budget.

The UIS website contains 2 categories of information:

  • information on the execution of contracts;
  • reference information (for example, bylaws and up-to-date information on the restriction (prohibition, or special conditions) of access to bidding on goods or services of foreign origin);
  • registers (already concluded contracts, complaints, checks and orders, bank guarantees, unscrupulous suppliers);
  • library of standard government contracts;
  • results of audit, monitoring in the field of public procurement, etc.
  • various lists and catalogs.

These sections can be found on the website by clicking on the "house" button at the top left of the screen. A menu with drop-down headings will open. Use the arrows to expand the subsection that interests you.

Important: state purchases with a state secret are not placed on the EIS website.

UIS functionality

The full functionality of the UIS website is described in article 4 of Law No. 44-FZ. It includes:

Database... The system not only generates, processes and stores all information about orders, specific purchases, plans and reports, etc. In it you can also find all the applied information of interest, up to by-laws and samples of model contracts, collected in a special library.

Federal budget spending control tool... Control is carried out both in the planning process and in the procurement procedure.

Document flow in electronic form... Customers have the ability to sign notices and documents in the system electronic signature and also exchange electronic documents. Electronic signatures necessary for registration and subsequent work are issued in certification centers accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.

Since 2017, federal customers are required to form procurement plans and schedules first in the Electronic Budget system. After these documents are checked by the Federal Treasury, they should automatically appear in the unified information system. But both of these stages - filling out the forms of the budget.gov.ru website and integrating it with the EIS - cause a lot of difficulties. How to deal with them

Who can become a member of the ENI

Participants of the EIS are divided into subjects and users (clause 5 of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1414 of December 23, 2015). Subjects are:

  • government customers purchasing goods, works, services;
  • participants in public procurement - organizations and individuals claiming to carry out such supplies;
  • other participants in the contract system;
  • other persons using the system to exercise their powers. An example is the employees of the FAS Russia who exercise control over public procurement.

To use the site, they need to register.

The users of the site of the unified information system are legal entities and individuals who use the information contained on it. They have access to the functions of searching for the information they need and viewing published documents (Treasury of Russia No. 26n dated 30.12.2015). Users also include persons participating in the mandatory discussion of public procurement. In addition to the above functions, they can also post their suggestions and comments on the site and receive messages from the site.

From 20 November 2017 the following are available functionality a unified information system in the field of procurement (hereinafter - EIS).
1.Ensuring the possibility of archiving procurement plans that have not passed control
Available to all customers new function archiving of draft procurement plans that are in the "In preparation" status, including those that have not passed control. This function will allow customers, based on a previously saved archived version of the procurement plan, to generate a new draft procurement plan for sending it for control.
Also, customers who generate information about procurement in external order placement systems (hereinafter referred to as VSRZ) have the opportunity to archive draft procurement plans that have not passed control, which allows VSRZ users to send to the UIS new plan purchases, and not just changes in the already formed and not passed control procurement plan.
2. Ensuring the possibility of indicating in the register of EIS contracts in a structured form information about contracts with subcontractors, co-executors from among small businesses (hereinafter referred to as SMEs), socially oriented non-profit organizations (hereinafter referred to as SONKO) in the information about the contract (its change).
From November 1, 2017, subparagraph "and (1)" of paragraph 2 of the Rules for maintaining the register of contracts concluded by customers, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2013 No. 1084, entered into force, according to which information is to be included in the register of EIS contracts on contracts of suppliers (contractors, executors) with co-executors, subcontractors, which are SMP and SONKO.
Such information is included by customers in the register of contracts in the event that a contract is concluded on the basis of mandatory involvement by suppliers (contractors, performers) of subcontractors, co-executors from the SMP and SONKO to the execution of such a contract.
In this case, the following information about contracts between suppliers (contractors, performers) with co-executors, subcontractors from the SMP and SONKO should be placed in the register of contracts:
- name, company name (if any) of the subcontractor, co-executor;
- location of the subcontractor, co-executor;
- TIN of the subcontractor, co-executor;
- subject and price of the contract;
- date of conclusion and number of the contract (if any).
Since November 20, the possibility of placing the above information in the register of EIS contracts in a structured form has been provided.
3. Providing detailing by codes of budget classification (hereinafter - BCC) of the amount of financial support for items of purchase plans, purchase schedules, special purchases as part of planning documents.
In accordance with the provisions of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 25, 2017 No. 73 in procurement plans, procurement schedules, special purchases as part of planning documents, the amount of financial support for the procurement must be detailed for each BCC.
Since November 20, when forming procurement plans, procurement schedules, special purchases in the EIS, as part of planning documents, it is possible to detail the volume of financial support for the procurement for each BCC.
Information on other changes in the functioning of the UIS is given in the version magazine.

Version log of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement 44-FZ (version 7.3)

Changelog of version 7.3

Unified information system in the field of procurement

P / p No.

ChangesA singleinformationsystemsin procurement (EIS)



Registryschedulesand purchase plans

"User's manual. Official website of the EIS "(clause



Refinement of advanced search in part:

Added search parameters for long-term contracts "Amount of payment for a long-term contract and currency" and "Amount of attracting small and medium-sized businesses and currency"

"User's manual. Official website of the EIS "(clause



Refinement of advanced search in part:

Adding the search parameter "Subcontractor, co-executor, who is a small business entity, socially oriented non-profit organization"

"User's manual. Official website of the EIS "(clause

Changing the display of the contract card in the part:

The block "Information about subcontractors, co-executors from the SMP, SONO" has been added to the "Contract Information" tab

"User's manual. Official website of the EIS "(clause

Change of the printable form of the contract in accordance with the above changes

"User's manual. Official website of the EIS "(clause




Developing a function for sending an error message in Personal account user

Improvement of the page displayed when an error occurs in the system, in terms of adding the link "Submit a request to the support service"

"UIS User Guide" (clause 4.22)


Procurement plans (44-FZ)

Providing a breakdown by codes of budget classification of financial support of positions and special purchases in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 25, 2017 No. 73

"User's manual. Formation and placement of procurement plans and procurement schedules "(clauses,

Provision of automatic translation of procurement plans for 2018-2020 placed by state customers of the federal level, which were not formed in the "Budget planning" system of GIIS

"User's manual. Formation and placement of procurement plans and procurement schedules "(clauses,


Schedule plansprocurement

Providing a breakdown by budget classification codes (BCC) of financial support of positions and special purchases in accordance with the Government Decree of January 25, 2017 No. 73, as well as filling in information on the BCC based on the final indicators of the procurement plan,

Provision of automatic translation of plans-schedules for 2018-2020 placed by state customers of the federal level, formed on the basis of procurement plans and which were not formed in the "Budget planning" system of GIIS

« Electronic budget", To the archive, as well as the ability to manually transfer such schedules to the archive in the" In preparation "status

"User's manual. Formation and placement of procurement plans and procurement schedules "(p.,


Integration and routing

Changes to the schemes are contained in the files “EIS Integration. Description of version 7.3 ",

"Album TFF 7.3", "Schemes version 7.3", "Advantages and requirements of changes 7.3", "Description of improvements to the integration of the EIS with the EP, VSRZ, RMIS for

implementation of part 5 of article 99 "," Controls RPG 7.3 "," Controls RPG 7.3 ",

"Controls RK 7.3".


Controlin accordance with Part 5 of Art. 99 of the Federal Law No. 44-FZ

Displaying the name of the control object from the information of the protocol OPPI (field "Protocol") on the tab "Protocols OPPI"

"User's manual. The body authorized to exercise control in accordance with Part 5 of Article 99 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ "(clause 4.2.6)

Ensuring the display of multiple winning prices and unit prices while controlling the protocols for determining the supplier (contractor, executor)

"User's manual. The body authorized to exercise control in accordance with Part 5 of Article 99 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ "(clause

Refinement of control of procurement plans and procurement schedules in terms of adding a field


"User's manual. The body authorized to exercise control in accordance with Part 5 of Article 99 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ "(clauses 4.2.1, 4.2.4)

Ensuring a ban on the formation and signing of the control result for an irrelevant version of the control object

"User's manual. The body authorized to exercise control in accordance with Part 5 of Article 99 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ "(clauses,


Registrycontracts concludedcustomers

Providing the ability to indicate information about contracts with subcontractors, co-contractors from the SMP, SONO in the information about the contract (its amendment), provided that the amount of involvement of subcontractors, co-contractors from the SMP, SONO was indicated

User's manual. Procurement management subsystem in terms of RK and RBG (clause

Ensuring the inheritance of information about the procurement object-medicinal product from the items of the procurement schedule or notification related to the information on the contract

User's manual. Procurement management subsystem in terms of RK and RBG (clause

Ensuring the display of information on the termination of the supplier's obligations secured by a bank guarantee in the section

"Fulfillment of obligations to guarantee the quality of goods, works, services" on the tab "Information on the execution (termination) of the contract" of the contract card

User's manual. Procurement management subsystem in terms of RK and RBG (clause 4.7.3)

Providing the ability to fill in information about the registered maximum selling prices in the information on the execution (termination) of the contract from the directory

"Maximum selling prices of medicinal products"

User's manual. Procurement management subsystem in terms of RK and RBG (clause

Error correction


Procurement plans (44-FZ)

An error has been fixed, as a result of which, when viewing the details of a purchase plan item on the "Item General Information" tab, in the "Expense Type Code" field, the value "Purchase at the expense of several CWRs" could be displayed, if the "Purchase at the expense of several CWR ".

Schedules and purchase plans

An error has been fixed that caused an incorrect contract status to be displayed in the Contract Details column when viewing the schedule details on the Schedule Items tab in the item list table.


An error has been fixed that caused the search results to be displayed only for the first specified subject when performing an advanced search in several subjects of the Russian Federation of the Customer.

Register of bank guarantees

An error has been fixed that caused some users to receive the message “The requested page is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later. "

Closed part Procurement register

Fixed a bug that caused some users to receive an error when sending a protocol of consideration and evaluation of applications by notification with two lots, one of which all applications were rejected

"Org.springframework.integration.transformer.MessageTransformationException: org.springframework.integration.MessageHandlingException".

An error has been fixed, as a result of which, when a new item was added to the procurement plan of an organization whose IKU was changing, a control could be triggered, which required specifying the old data of the organization if the current IKU was indicated in the IKZ.

Fixed a bug due to which some users when generating a notification upon request for quotations based on a schedule for the supply of a medicinal product "<>"by the position of the IKZ schedule"<>", on the Procurement Object tab, which is filled in automatically based on the information entered in the schedule, when you click on the" Save and check for violations "button, the message" For technical reasons, the "Schedule Register" subsystem is not currently is available. Updating the information generated from the schedule cannot be performed. "

Registry of procurement plans

An error has been fixed, as a result of which a new position, identical to the previously added position, with the same IKZ number, purchase number and amount, could be added to the procurement plan published in the EIS, as a result of which this position could also be duplicated in the schedule.

Register of procurement plans and schedules

An error has been fixed that resulted in an attempt to make changes to the procurement plan position by pressing the button "change" the IKZ procurement plan position "<>", the focus could be transferred to the top of the page without changing the data.

Schedule register

An error has been fixed, as a result of which the IKZ numbers in the text of automatic control of the schedule "Incorrectly filled in the numbers of positions in the schedule:"<>", Check that the items of the schedule with the specified ICZ are assigned numbers from the range 001 - 999, unique within the corresponding item of the procurement plan" could be displayed without spaces.

An error has been fixed that caused the system to display the error “The requested page is temporarily unavailable when placing and sending the schedule for control. Please try again later. "

An error has been fixed, which resulted in the error “The requested page is temporarily unavailable ...” when making changes to the posted schedule by adding a new position of the schedule, at the stage of pressing “Finish”.

Request for quotations

The error has been fixed, as a result of which, when uploading a price request package for alternative integration, after successful processing and posting a price request in the Personal Account, the upload might not be available in FTP.


The error has been fixed, as a result of which, when sending changes to the procurement plan to the EIS, the control on the KBK of the procurement plan items “IDE. The following budget classification codes are not unique in procurement plan totals: "<>"».

Fixed a bug due to which some users, when loading changes to the schedule with the position of the schedule, the purchase object of which was medicinal product, presented in text form, for which the sign "Included in VED (Vital and Essential Medicines)" was set, the indicated sign "Included in VED" could not be affixed.

Fixed a bug that caused the error “UE. The obligatory field "Phone" in the block "Information about the state (municipal) customer, budgetary, autonomous institution or about the state (municipal) unitary enterprise" has not been filled in.

Fixed a bug due to which when uploading to ftp in the summing protocols electronic auction the modification block may have been missing.


An error has been fixed, as a result of which the error “Access to the UIS is prohibited. The presented certificate is not assigned to account authorized person of the organization in the EIS ”.

Registry of scheduled inspections

An error has been fixed that caused the error “ Error Error 500: javax.el.ELException: Error reading "signatureValid" on type ru.lanit.pgz.checks.web.pagecode.beans.CheckPlanCryptoSignBean ".

Control results register

An error has been fixed, as a result of which the posted information about the prescription, as well as the draft information about the prescription, could not be displayed in the closed part for the results of control with identified violations.

Register of contracts

A bug has been fixed, as a result of which, after receiving a positive control result under Part 5 of Art. 99 44-FZ in the personal account of the control body, the information of the contract might not have been placed.

Fixed a bug due to which after posting the primary information about the contract in the printed form of the contract could not be displayed unique number schedule items.

An error has been fixed that caused the error “The page is temporarily unavailable. Please try to reload the page. "


An error has been fixed that caused an unexpected error in the integration adapter “RGK. java.lang.NullPointerException ".

Fixed a bug due to which two identical contracts could be loaded for a placed purchase. (letter to FC)

An error has been fixed that caused the following error when uploading a contract change with an irrelevant international non-proprietary name of a medicinal product: “An unexpected error during processing. Unexpected error in the RGK integration adapter. Medicinal product with a unique external code "<>"must be up to date in the singular number in the" Medicines "directory (the positionsTradeName \ positionTradeName \ positionTradeNameExternalCode field of the nsiFarmDrugDictionary document) and this drug must correspond to the international nonproprietary chemical or group name (INN), the unique external code of which"<>"transmitted in the MNNInfo block".