How to register an organization for public procurement. Public procurement for beginners: rules of conduct and participation

Date of publication: 08.07.2016

To become a participant in public procurement as a supplier, you need to collect the required package of documents, submit an application and register on the portal

Also, to sign an agreement with budgetary organizations, the company must be registered in the database of the RK Treasury Committee as a director. At the same time, this company should not be listed in the register of unscrupulous suppliers.

You will need to collect the following package of documents * (scanned copies of originals):

- identity card of the first head of the company,
- certificate of a registered legal entity, indicating the BIN (available at,
- order for the appointment of a Director (first head of the company), signed and stamped by the company,
- company charter (all sheets are needed), signed and stamped,
- Application for receiving EDS (generated during registration on the portal),
- certificate of a bank account (issued at the bank, usually within 3 days),
- one-time power of attorney to receive an EDS **.

* A complete and up-to-date list of documents must be agreed with the customer or directly on the portal of the RK Treasury Committee.

** Issued on behalf of the first head (on the company letterhead with a seal and signature), if the supporting documents are provided to the PSC by a trusted person, and not the head of the company. You also need proof of identity of the most trusted person.

Important! If you already have EDS keys, but they were received before January 1, 2016, they will have to be reissued.

All registration steps can be divided into 2 parts - technical preparation and collection of documents.

Technical aspects of registration on the public procurement website

There are several options for solving this problem.

FAST way, basic steps:

Install and configure certificates of NCA RK.
Download and install the certificates of the NCA (National Certification Center). The certificates can be downloaded from the site, as shown in the figure below. We need RTC (RSA) and RTC (GOST).

Download and install NCALayer.
Now we will install NCALayer on a computer - a special program that, like Java, is required to submit an application online. The download link is available at You need to install the program as administrator and run it (an icon will appear on the desktop).

Download and install Sign Workaround.
Sign Workaround 18 is the software required for authorization on the public procurement website and signing electronic documents. Download link It is also installed on behalf of the administrator, after which it is launched through the icon on the desktop.

As a result, we get: technical ability to work with the public procurement website from your PC.

Step # 2 - application for an EDS (public keys)

Online submission of the application is made on the website, the button "submit an application" at the bottom of the page.

When you click on the button, a window with a "user agreement" will appear, which must be confirmed. Next, you will need to enter information about the company for verification.

During the filling process, the system will ask you to specify the key store (Kaztoken, eToken, JaCarta, PKCS12 file system). If you want to store keys on your computer, you need to select "file system (PKCS12)" and specify the path to a specific folder (for example, you can create a folder "EDS" on the C drive and specify the path to it). EDS will be stored in this folder.

Immediately after this, Statement, which must be signed and brought to the PSC along with other required documents.

As a result, we get: public EDS keys automatically generated on your computer and an application for registration in pdf format.

Step number 3 - a visit to the PSC and obtaining an EDS (private keys)

The previously formed application (in pdf format) must be printed, stamped and signed by the first head of the company.

You will also need a one-time power of attorney to obtain an EDS, if the supporting documents are carried to the PSC not by the head of the company himself, but by his trusted person, for example, an accountant.

After the confirmation of the provided documents in the PSC, the public EDS keys on your computer will "turn" into private ones. Usually within 1 hour.

As a result, we get: private EDS keys automatically generated on your computer.

Step number 4 - authorization and registration on the state procurement website

We go to the website of the state. procurement 2016 and click the "enter" button in the upper right corner.

Next, press the button "select a key" and in the window that appears, select the key AUTH (needed for authorization). Key GOST used as a signature. Both keys are located in the previously specified key storage (for example, the EDS folder on the C: \\ drive).

You will also be prompted to set a password to enter the public procurement portal ( not to be confused with the EDS password - by default "123456").

As a result, we get: registration on the website of the state procurement of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the ability to sign contracts with budgetary organizations in electronic form.

Is it too difficult or you still have questions? Contact our specialist for advice!

Here is a step-by-step instruction on how to work with the site from the necessary requirements for the computer used, browser settings to what operations are possible on the public procurement site.

The site is the main resource used by procurement participants. This portal contains all the information you need for suppliers and customers. Therefore, it is very important to know how to work at

The portal is the only official source of information on public procurement in our country. It appeared in 2008, and already in 2011 all federal, regional and municipal government customers went there without fail.

Registration on the website

Registration on is not a whim, only after it you can use all the resources of the resource and get access to the closed part of the system, to perform operations. Detailed and up-to-date instructions for registering users and organizations in 2018 are available on our website.

So, let's see how to register on To create an account on the site, you need a certificate to work on it and special software. Please note that an electronic signature is required.

To obtain a certificate for public procurement, you need to come to the Federal Treasury, submit information about the organization, and then pick up the certificate for registration. It is with this certificate that you will enter the site.

When it comes to software, things are more complicated. First you need to make sure that your computer meets all the requirements.

Computer and software requirements

  1. Processor frequency - not less than 1.3 GHz;
  2. RAM - not less than a gigabyte;
  3. Internet speed - more than 256 kbps;
  4. Browser versions: Internet Explorer (version 10.0 and higher), Opera (version 26 and higher), Mozilla FireFox (version 40 and higher), Google Chrome (version 44 and higher) and Apple Safari (version 8 and higher);
  5. Installed software - CryptoPro CSP.

Let's dwell a little on how to make an electronic signature.

An electronic digital signature is encrypted information by which an individual or legal entity is identified. This signature cannot be forged. To get it, collect a package of documents. This is an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, a copy of an extract from the USRIP, a passport, its copy, SNILS. You need to contact any MFC in your region with them. Alternatively, you can do this in the section "Obtaining an Electronic Digital Signature Certificate" on the website of public services. After completing the procedure, you will receive a public key: certificate and private key for signing documents.

All changes for procurement-2020: tables

All changes that come into force during 2020, read the tables. We gave an assessment to the changes, and added comments to the most important ones.

So, you have an EDS, you have a certificate, now we proceed to installing the software. Here's a step-by-step guide on what you need to do:

  • Turn on the TLS protocol in the browser ("Tools" - "Internet options" - "Advanced" - click the check box opposite the item "TLS 1.0" (Use TLS 1.0);
  • Installing the required certificates. You can download them in the training materials on the public procurement website;
  • Add site into the list of trusted sites ("Service" - "Internet Options" - "Security" - "Trusted sites" - "Sites". Uncheck "All sites require https servers to be checked" and in the "Add site to zone" column enter: http : // and http s: //;
  • Install the CryptoPro CSP software. Starting from version EIS 8.2, it is recommended to download CryptoPro CSP 4.0 (build 4.0.9944) from the official website;
  • Install the signature generation component - (it is available on the EIS website in the "Files for setting up a workplace");
  • Configuring readers;
  • Install the CryptoPro certificate.

Note that all the steps of registration on the procurement portal and all the difficulties that may arise with it are detailed in the training materials on the website. By the way, government procurement software, like any other, tends to be updated. All updates are also available on the website

After we have prepared the computer, we register on the portal. To do this, go to your personal account, select the Federal Law you are interested in, for example, 44, click "Enter" in the upper window and then "Register". You will need to enter all the data in the organization card and select one of the proposed logins.

Features of the site

The portal has various registers, regulations, training materials, which we have already talked about, useful links, public procurement news, interesting statistics, forecasts, etc.

Users can perform the following operations:

  • Enter data on the signed contract, order participants, deadlines for applications, tender documentation, changes, etc .;
  • Form and place orders in various ways;
  • Form protocols, attach documentation to the order card, conclude related contracts online;
  • Receive comprehensive information about counterparties, which will allow you to adequately assess their capabilities;
  • Monitor purchases;
  • Select orders using the search. You can search by the subject of the contract, its price, by organization, by place of delivery, and even by attached files. There is a possibility of simple and advanced search;
  • Set up notifications about orders of interest or other information, significantly saving your time for searching.

Please note that you cannot sign a government contract on the government procurement website.

Attached files

  • UIS User Guide.pdf
  • Instructions for registration on the state procurement website.pdf
  • Registration of procurement participants and users in the EIS.pdf

At the moment in Russia, a significant number of government tenders are held in electronic form. Taking this fact into account, the question "How to register for government purchases placed on electronic trading platforms?" is pretty topical. Let's try to figure it out.

Since 2014, the concept has been introduced on the Russian market and the Unified Information System in the field of procurement (hereinafter referred to as UISZ) has been put into operation, which implies the placement of information on the holding of tenders on the official portal of the Federal Treasury.

It should be noted that registration on this portal is not required for all participants in the government order. Only customers - state, municipal and other enterprises / organizations that have the right to place an order, financed from the budget, are registered.

What do the performers need to know first?

Due to the fact that the article is designed for the reader, who in this process plays the role of a seller of goods / work / services, we will consider the issue of registration, from the point of view of benefits specifically for this category of participants. Or, more precisely, let us consider the question "How to register in public procurement specifically for suppliers?"

Electronic government orders are carried out at five sites. The list, which was approved by the Ministry of Economic Development and the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation in 2009

This list includes such electronic trading platforms (hereinafter referred to as ETP), such as:

  • Sberbank-ATS;
  • EETP;
  • Zakaz RF;
  • RTS tender;

In order to make it easier for the supplier to decide on which of them it is better to register, we will give a few statistics.

According to the information posted on the official UHMIS portal, the total number of contracts concluded in 2015 was distributed among the ETP in the following proportion: Sberbank - AST - 47.5%, RTS - 28.6%, EETP - 17% , "MICEX" - 3.5%, "AGZ RT" - 3.2%. It is clearly shown in the photo below.

If we take the cost of orders (the price of lots) as a basis, then the proportion is as follows: ETP Sberbank accounts for 50.5%, which is more than 857 thousand lots, followed by the RTS tender - 24%, EETP - 18.7% and the smallest the share falls on the MICEX - 3.5% and AGZ RT - 3%.

Features of registration by example

As the statistics show, Sberbank - ATS is the leader and, accordingly, the most popular platform among participants in government orders. Taking this fact into account, we will consider registration using this particular ETP as an example.

Registration for state purchases the instruction "Sberbank - ATS" is described in the regulations approved by them for organizing and conducting electronic auctions.

The process itself can be divided into four components:

  • obtaining an electronic signature (hereinafter EDS);
  • setting up a workplace and checking the correctness of work;
  • obtaining accreditation;
  • user registration.

First and second stage

Any participant must receive an EDS, without which it becomes impossible to take part in the electronic tender. Where can you get it? The answer is simple: only in authorized centers.

A list of some of them:

  • TC "Sberklyuch";
  • "Tensor";
  • Taxcom;
  • TC "Garant";
  • SKB Kontur and others.

Advice! In the case of registration at several sites at the same time, you should choose a certification center for issuing certificates, which is authorized by all ETP. This will allow you to get just one certificate and use it at all sites.

The period during which you can expect to receive an EDS is about 7 days (weeks). After the EDS electron has been received, you can proceed to setting up the workplace.

Highlights to look out for:

  • be sure to install an information protection tool on your computer (CryptoPro version 3.6);
  • check browser settings;

Stage three

Having successfully passed the first and second stages, you can proceed to obtaining accreditation.

A short description of the steps to be taken for this:

  1. Enter the official website of Sberbank - AST and fill out the application form there, choosing the appropriate form for the participant (natural person, legal entity or entrepreneur).

  1. Scan documents and attach to the completed application.

Here is an example of a list of mandatory documents for entrepreneurs:

  • extract from the unified state register of individual entrepreneurs;
  • passport or other identification document.

Advice! When filling out the form for obtaining accreditation and attaching documents, you should check: whether the participant's e-mail address is filled in correctly, the quality of scanned documents must be good (no more than 16 MB), and the documents must be readable. Failure to comply with these requirements may serve as a reason for receiving a refusal in accreditation.

  1. Sign the completed form (application) with an EDS and confirm the sending with a code. The code is sent to your email. The term for consideration of the application is no more than 5 days from the date of sending.
  2. Get the result of the review. Information about accreditation or refusal is sent to the participant via email.

Stage four

This stage implies getting the participant access to the "personal account" on the ETP website. Government purchases how to register as a user and gain access to enter the cabinet of a participant in government orders placed on the site:

  1. Fill out an application for user registration on the website.

  1. Come up with a login for a new user... There is also the possibility of registering a user without granting the right to sign, that is, without binding to a certificate.

Advice! The method of registering a user "without the right to sign" is advisable to apply to enterprises / organizations or individual entrepreneurs who conduct all operations on the site not themselves personally, but impute it to a specific employee.

Recently started to work with the state by order? How to register on the website What is an electronic digital signature and how can I get it? What are the requirements for a computer and software? What is the functionality of the site You will find the answers to these questions in the step-by-step instructions for working with the site

Registration on the website
Only after registering on you can use all the resources of the resource and get access to the closed part of the system, to perform operations.

To create an account on the site, you need a certificate to work on it and special software. Please note that an electronic signature is required.

To obtain a certificate for public procurement, you need to come to the Federal Treasury, submit information about the organization, and then pick up the certificate for registration. It is with this certificate that you will enter the site.

As for the software, first you need to make sure that your computer meets all the requirements.

Computer and software requirements

  • Processor frequency - not less than 1.3 GHz;
  • RAM - not less than a gigabyte;
  • Internet speed - more than 256 kbps;
  • Browser versions: Internet Explorer (version 10.0 and higher), Opera (version 26 and higher), Mozilla FireFox (version 40 and higher), Google Chrome (version 44 and higher) and Apple Safari (version 8 and higher);
  • Installed software - CryptoPro CSP.

How to make an electronic signature.
An electronic digital signature is encrypted information by which an individual or legal entity is identified. This signature cannot be forged. To get it, collect a package of documents:

  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • copy of an extract from USRIP;
  • passport and its copy,
  • SNILS.

You need to contact any MFC in your region with the documents. Or it can be done in the section “Obtaining an electronic digital signature certificate” on the website of public services. After completing the procedure, you will receive a public key: a certificate and a secret key for signing documents.

Installing software.

  • Turn on the TLS protocol in the browser ("Tools" - "Internet options" - "Advanced" - click the check box opposite the item "TLS 1.0" (Use TLS 1.0);
  • Installing the required certificates. You can download them in the training materials on the public procurement website;
  • We add the website to the list of trusted nodes ("Service" - "Internet Options" - "Security" - "Trusted sites" - "Nodes". Uncheck the box "All nodes require https servers to be checked" and in the column "Add to the zone node "we enter: and;
  • Install CryptoPro CSP software (download from the official website);
  • Install the signature generation component - (it is available on the EIS website in the "Files for setting up a workplace");
  • Configuring readers;
  • Install the CryptoPro certificate.

After you have prepared the computer, we register on the portal. To do this, go to your personal account, select the Federal Law you are interested in, for example, 44, click "Enter" in the upper window and then "Register". You will need to enter all the data in the organization card and select one of the proposed logins. You will enter the system under your chosen username and password.

Features of the site
The portal has various registers, regulatory legal acts, training materials, useful links, public procurement news, interesting statistics, forecasts, etc.

Users can perform the following operations:

  • Enter data on the signed contract, order participants, terms of applications, tender documentation, changes, etc .;
  • Form and place orders in various ways;
  • Form protocols, attach documentation to the order card, conclude related contracts online;
  • Form and place plans and schedules;
  • Receive comprehensive information about counterparties, which will allow you to adequately assess their capabilities;
  • In the section "Complaints" see information about unscrupulous companies;
  • Monitor purchases;
  • Select orders using the search. You can search by the subject of the contract, its price, by organization, by place of delivery, and even by attached files. I have an opportunity simple and advanced search;
  • Set up notifications about orders of interest or other information, significantly saving your time for searching.

Please note that you cannot sign a government contract on the government procurement website.

User registration in the UIS is carried out in strict accordance with a certain procedure approved by Order of the Treasury of Russia No. 27n dated 12/30/2015. The order itself consists of the main provisions, which approve the regulations for registration procedures and responsible persons, and directly the registration procedure in the Unified Information System in the field of procurement. The document fixes the registration procedure for the following categories of users:

  • information Systems;
  • organizations, information about which is included in the Consolidated Register;
  • authorized persons of these institutions;
  • legal entities and their representatives.

Order 27n also presents judicial practice aimed at resolving controversial issues related to the process of authorizing users in the EIS.

If the customer was registered in the EIS before the entry into force of Order No. 27n, then he will have to re-register.

Step-by-step instructions for registering customers in the EIS

Step 3. To start the process of registering a customer in accordance with 44-FZ, you need, and from there - to the "Personal Account" section.

The system will automatically redirect a new customer to the registration section of an organization or user in the UIS through the Consolidated List of Customers.

If the customer has already passed re-registration through the system of public services - ESIA, then the EIS will show such a notification.

Step 4. In order for the initial registration of the customer to be successful, information about such an organization must be entered in the Consolidated Register indicating the institution's roles in the Federal Contract System. As soon as the specialist starts the registration, the data from the Consolidated Register is automatically sent to the UIS, after which the ICO is formed - the identification code of the organization.

A letter confirming the registration of the institution in the system is sent to the customer's e-mail indicated in the information card of the Consolidated Register.

In the case of initial registration under 44-FZ for customer organizations from the Consolidated Register, the Unified Information System automatically registers a manager with the appropriate powers. The registered manager's card will be like this:

Step 5. After successful registration, you must log in to the customer's personal account according to 44-FZ.

After switching to LC under 44-FZ, the system will send a notification.

Step 6. The specialist must perform the “Enter” action in Section III of Order 27n, after which he will be redirected to the PC of the registered manager. The screen will display a message about the primary authorization.

This completes the registration procedure for the customer.

How can a customer register a user under 44-FZ

Authorized persons who must be registered in the EIS to work with the Federal Contract System must also receive and install electronic signature certificates on the PC.

User registration under 44-FZ is available only to an authorized person with the "Organization Administrator" functionality.

Step 1. A specialist with such powers in his personal account on the page “Registered users of the organization” must select the action “Register user”.

Step 3. Then the registration form is filled in. All required fields marked with a red asterisk must be completed.

Step 4. After entering the data, the specialist clicks "Register user". The system checks for the completeness and correctness of the entered data and, if there are no errors, sends a message about signing the registration form.

Step 5. After the administrator chooses "Continue", the new user will be registered.

How to register for a customer under 223-FZ

Step 1. The first actions of a specialist of the customer organization included in the Consolidated Register are similar to working with the registration form under 44-FZ - you need to go to the main page of the EIS, and then to your personal account under 223-FZ.

Step 2. The user then selects Section III of Order 27n and performs the "Login" action.

Step 4. The specialist clicks "Continue" and is redirected to the identification and primary authorization section. The procedure for further actions is identical with the registration procedure under 44-FZ.

How to register a user under 223-FZ

Now we register a user who will work under 223-FZ.

Step 1. Registration is automatically performed for new customers under 223-FZ. If during the initial authorization the user of the institution is not found, the registration form opens.

Step 2. It is necessary to check if all information is filled in correctly. If the registration request is generated without errors, then the "Register" action is selected.

User rights and data update for the ESIA registers are set automatically.

Step 3. After completing the procedure, the user receives a message about successful registration under 223-FZ.

How does the register of legal entities work under 223-FZ

From 01.03.2019, the standards of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1711 of 28.12.2018 "On the procedure for maintaining the register of legal entities" began to operate. The document regulates the rules for maintaining the register of legal entities registered in the EIS under 223-FZ (part 2 of article 1 223-FZ).

The register itself is a collection of data on registered legal entities with the following information about customers:

  • full or short name;
  • organizational and legal form;
  • the address;
  • other information specified during registration.

To find the required customer in the list, enter its name or registration codes - INN, KPP, OGRN in the search line.

The list is maintained electronically in the UIS by specialists from the Treasury of Russia. Upon termination of the access of the customer organization under 223-FZ, information about it is excluded from the register within three working days.