The newest register of software of Russian origin. How to include information about software in the unified register of Russian programs for computers and databases Briefly about the changes

Dear Colleagues!

Interesting and useful material for state and municipal customers is posted on the website of the Electronic Government Expert Center This material contains step-by-step instructions on the application of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2015 No. 1236 "On the establishment of a ban on the admission of software originating from foreign countries for the purpose of making purchases to meet state and municipal needs."

Register of Russian software - instructions for government customers

Since January 1, 2016, all state and municipal bodies, state corporations Rosatom and Roscosmos, governing bodies of state non-budgetary funds, as well as state and budgetary institutions carrying out purchases in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 44 of April 5, 2013 -FZ "On the contractual system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" are obliged to comply with the ban on the admission of software originating from foreign countries for the purpose of making purchases to meet state and municipal needs.

In order to make a decision on the purchase of software, the customer needs to work with the registry. When working with the register of Russian software, a customer placing an order for the supply of software products must:

1) study the classifier and determine which class the software planned for purchase corresponds to;

2) go to the official website of the registry and find out if the registry contains information about the software for this class (how to do this, see below);

3) if there is information about one or more software products for the desired class in the registry, the customer will need to independently determine whether at least one of the products meets the characteristics that the customer requires and which he plans to include in the description of the procurement object. To do this, it is advisable to determine the required functional, technical and operational characteristics of the software and compare them with similar characteristics of the software, information about which is located in the registry.

An example form of comparison of characteristics is shown below:

P / p No. Software characteristics Required Product A Product B
1. Functional characteristics
1.1. Centralized management Yes Yes Yes
1.2. Physical and virtual infrastructure management Yes Limited Yes
Ability to manage virtualization environments from multiple vendors Yes Yes Yes
2. Specifications
2.1. Maximum number of virtualization hosts 64 64 200
2.2. Maximum number of virtual machines 3000 8000 Not documented
2.3. Automatic VM crash recovery (HA) Yes Yes Yes
3. Performance characteristics
3.1. Integration with AD Yes Yes No
3.2. Centralized management via web browser yes Yes Yes
3.3. Availability of API for backup No Yes No


It should be noted that in accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1236 regarding the characteristics of the software, the registry entry contains only the address of the page of the copyright holder's website on the information and telecommunications network Internet, which contains the documentation containing a description of the functional characteristics of the software and information necessary for installation and software operation. In practice, the site of the copyright holder does not always contain all the necessary information about the software. The mechanism for obtaining such information to prepare a justification is not regulated. In case of insufficient information about the required software, it is advisable to request the copyright holder to provide such characteristics.

Based on the results of the work done, the customer makes one of two decisions: either to purchase one of the Russian software products specified in the register, or to justify the purchase of software that is not included in the register.

The second is possible if:

and) the registry does not contain information about the software of the required class;

b) software, information about which is included in the register for the desired class, does not meet the customer's requirements in terms of its functional, technical and (or) performance characteristics.

In this case, the customer must prepare, approve and publish (together with the procurement documentation) a justification for the impossibility of observing the prohibition. Such a duty is established by part 3 of article 14 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs." The procedure for preparing the justification (Procedure) was approved by the government decree of November 16, 2015 No. 1236.

It is worth noting that in accordance with clause 4 of the Procedure, the customer must approve the specified justification as of the day of the placement of the notice of the procurement. It is not enough to approve the justification at the same time as the entire package of procurement documents.

To comply with this provision, given the complex procurement procedures in general, customers should monitor not only the register itself, but also applications submitted for inclusion in the register (they are also posted on the website of the register operator). This will allow you to foresee the inclusion of a particular software in the registry.

It is advisable to prepare a draft justification at the time of preparing a complete package of procurement documentation, and then update and approve it on the day of publication.

The justification must contain an indication of:

and) a circumstance in connection with which it is impossible to comply with the prohibition (subparagraph "a" or "b" of paragraph 2 of the decree of the government of the Russian Federation No. 1236 is selected);

b) the class (classes) of software to which (which) the software that is the object of the procurement must correspond to;

in) requirements for the functional, technical and operational characteristics of the software that is the object of the procurement, established by the customer (indicating the class (classes) to which the software must comply, see above);

d) functional, technical and (or) operational characteristics, including quantitative ones, according to which software products from the register do not meet the requirements established by the customer for the software product that is the object of the procurement for each software product from the register (indicating its name). Compared in this way software products must belong to the same class ( example of comparing software products).

If the registry does not contain information about the software for the desired class (subparagraph "a" of paragraph 2 of the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1236 is selected), the last block ("d") is not included in the justification.

For this block ("G") It should also be borne in mind that the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1236 does not provide for a mandatory indication of the functional, technical, and operational characteristics of the purchased software in order to prove its difference from the software specified in the register. Nevertheless, the incorrectly specified characteristics of both the software required by the customer and the software located in the registry may serve as a basis for claims of regulatory authorities. The reason for the claims may be, for example, the appeal of a software developer, information about which is entered in the register, with a complaint to the Federal Antimonopoly Service about the incorrect justification by the customer of the impossibility of observing the ban.

In case of insufficient information about the characteristics of the software, information about which is located in the registry, it is advisable to request the copyright holder to provide such characteristics.

If such information is not provided, it is advisable to take screenshots of the pages of the copyright holder's website, which contain information about the characteristics of the software from the register (at the time of publication of the justification), and attach these screenshots to the justification.

An example of justifying the inability to comply with the prohibition on purchasing software is given in the appendix

Checking the presence in the registry of information about software for a specific class on the site in its current form is performed as follows:

1) on the website of the Russian software registry, go to the "Registry" section;

2) select the required software class (classes):

3a) if there is no information about the software for the class in question in the registry, a corresponding message appears:

3b) if the registry contains information about the software of the required class, a list of software products appears:

In 2016, software makers faced many challenges. It has become very difficult to sell developments under the law of April 5, 2013. Customers refused to work with companies whose products are not included in the unified register. Since January, only domestic manufacturers that have passed the registration procedure have been allowed to engage in the execution of state or municipal contracts.

It is allowed to resort to the help of foreign companies as an exception.

Briefly about the changes

The norms on the support of Russian developers are included in Law 149-FZ of July 27, 2006. Important adjustments to the procurement system were also made by the RF Government Decree No. 1236. Products registered in the unified state register were allowed to be purchased. Customers still have the opportunity to buy a foreign analogue. However, for the implementation of the right, it is necessary to draw up a comprehensive justification.

Important! If a contract was previously concluded for the supply of Russian software, it is no longer possible to purchase a foreign version. This condition is contained in Law 44-FZ.

The customer can bypass the ban in four cases:

Item No. Situation Link to Resolution No. 1236 Documentary justification
1 No software product meets the requirements of the tender documentation. p.a. 2 required
2 The register contains Russian developments of the same class with foreign ones, but to a significant extent they are inferior to the latter in functional, operational and technical characteristics. At the same time, the domestic product was recognized as not meeting the customer's requirements. p. b p. 2 required
3 The purchase is carried out to ensure activities in the territory of another state. The customer can be trade missions of Russia, consular or diplomatic institutions. p. 3 not required
4 The development or information about it is classified as a state secret. p. 4 not required

What are the requirements for the software?

Russian companies have only one thing to do - to improve their own product and seek its inclusion in the register. Before sending documents to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, it will be necessary to conduct a compliance analysis. Officials are required to enter information into the state database if six conditions are met:

Item No. Assessment criterion Description
1 Exclusive rights

The procurement participant must be a registered copyright holder. Allowed to cooperate with the following owners:

  • Russia, regions or municipalities;
  • domestic non-profit and commercial organizations;
  • citizens of the Russian Federation.

Regulatory acts introduced a ban on the purchase of software from companies with a predominantly foreign participation.

2 Turnover capacity Programs developed in accordance with civil law are entered into the register. The product must be sold without restrictions on the territory of Russia.
3 Annual payment amount

The copyright holder can apply for registration of the product if the total amount of deductions to third parties does not exceed 30% of the income. When calculating the volume of costs, take into account:

  • remuneration for granting rights to means of individualization, objects
  • intellectual property, specific work;
  • payment for the development, modification or adaptation of the program;
  • other payments related to the implementation and maintenance of performance.

The accounting period is 12 months.

4 Availability of program information The register does not include secret developments, as well as products, information about which is somehow classified as a state secret.
5 Safety The software must comply with information security standards. The certification rules are approved by the Russian Government. The requirement applies to new products, the use of which involves the processing of confidential information.
6 License The copyright holder is obliged to receive this document before the actual activity begins.

Attention! Mandatory conditions for making an entry in the register are the applicant's qualified digital signature and registration with the Unified identification and authentication system.

How to prepare documents for registration of software in the registry?

The software manufacturer must carefully read the rules approved by government decree No. 1236, as well as study the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation No. 614 of December 31, 2015.

The first step is to fill out an electronic form on the official website of the register. The questionnaire should indicate:

  • name of the software product;
  • alternative name;
  • software code;
  • class;
  • detailed information about the copyright holder;
  • data on the share of participation of individual entities in the constituent capital of the company;
  • applicant's contacts, including email and mobile phone number;
  • the address of the official website with a description of the software product;
  • information about the official who signed the application;
  • details and name of the document that gave the representative the authority to apply.

Scanned copies of the power of attorney, the company's charter, decisions on the appointment of management will act as an attachment to the electronic application. Additionally, you will need to attach one copy of the registered program, as well as papers confirming the rights to it.

Attention! Files in pdf format are subject to consideration.

In the form of text documents, you can download technical data sheets, descriptions of functional characteristics, information about the emergence of development rights. Attach instructions for troubleshooting and improvement procedures to the completed form. It also reflects information about the requirements for equipment and maintenance personnel. The applicant has the right to attach additional papers.

The procedure for entering information into the register of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications

The software manufacturer will have to build relationships with three actors. Representatives of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation make a decision to include an entry in a single database, the operator maintains a register, and an expert council evaluates the product.

The registration procedure can be broken down into nine stages:

Item No. Stage Characteristic
1 Verification of the statement The task of employees is to assess compliance with the requirements for the form of documents, the completeness of the application. 10 days are allotted to complete the task.
2 Request information Within 5 days, the supervisory authority sends inquiries to public structures. At this stage, documentary evidence of the completeness and reliability of the information is obtained.
3 Registration of application

Based on the results of the first two stages, a decision is made to consider or return the appeal. An application can be rejected on the following grounds:

  • violation of established rules;
  • refusal to register or exclusion of the program from the register due to inaccuracy, falsification of documents.

It is possible to eliminate errors and re-submit the appeal only in the first case. In other situations, you will have to wait until the end of the penalty period - 12 months.

4 Data publishing The operator places information about the registration of the application on the official website of the register within 1 business day from the moment of the decision. Personal data are excluded from the message.
5 Expertise The Council of Qualified Specialists reviews the application, evaluates the compliance of the declared characteristics with the actual parameters. The conclusion is issued after 30 days. Only working days are taken into account.
6 Sending documents to the operator The transfer of the opinion cannot last longer than 1 day.
7 Publication of examination results Information is included in the system immediately. The opinion of independent experts is freely available on the official registry page.
8 Decision to enable recording The rules set two time limits at once. The order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation must be issued no later than 10 days from the moment of approval of the expert's conclusion. Moreover, the total consideration period should not exceed 65 working days.
9 Making an entry After receiving the documents, the operator places the information in a single database. The term is minimal - a working day.

In conclusion, we note that the authorized body can reject the copyright holder's application if one of three circumstances is revealed. The reason for the refusal is the unreliability of information, the applicant's failure to fulfill an additional request sent by an expert, or the establishment of the fact that the software product does not comply with the current standards.

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 23, 2017 No. 325 “On approval of additional requirements for programs for electronic computers and databases, information about which is included in the register of Russian software, and amending the Rules for the formation and maintenance of a unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases ”

In accordance with paragraph 6 of Article 12.1 of the Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. To approve the attached:

additional requirements for programs for electronic computers and databases, information about which is included in the register of Russian software;

changes that are made to the Rules for the formation and maintenance of a unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 16, 2015 No. 1236 "On prohibiting the admission of software originating from foreign countries for purposes procurement to meet state and municipal needs "(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2015, No. 47, Art. 6600).

2. Federal executive bodies and state extra-budgetary funds, when purchasing software for electronic computers and databases to meet state needs, information about which is included in the register of Russian software, to ensure compliance with additional requirements approved by this resolution.

3. To the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation:

approve the procedure and methodology for confirming the compliance of programs for electronic computers and databases, information about which is included in the register of Russian software, with additional requirements approved by this resolution;

to bring normative legal acts in accordance with this resolution;

within 6 months from the date of the official publication of this resolution, ensure that the software included in the register of Russian software meets the additional requirements approved by this resolution.

4. The changes approved by this resolution shall enter into force 6 months after the date of official publication of this resolution.

government decree
Russian Federation
dated March 23, 2017 No. 325

Additional requirements
to programs for electronic computers and databases, information about which is included in the register of Russian software

I. General provisions

1. This document defines the requirements for programs for electronic computers and databases, information about which is included in the register of Russian software, in terms of the composition and functional characteristics of software intended, among other things, for automating the functions of employees of federal executive bodies and state extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation in the performance of official duties (hereinafter referred to as users, software).

2. Information support for users (hereinafter - user support) must be provided in accordance with this document throughout the Russian Federation without restrictions.

II. Requirements for the composition, functional characteristics and operating environment of office software

3. Office software includes the operating system, communications software, office suite, email applications, organizer, viewers, internet browser, presentation editor, spreadsheet editor, text editor, file manager software, legal reference system, software electronic document management systems and anti-virus protection.

Office software consists of stand-alone and / or networked software and client software. Office software can be a collection of interconnected software products that correspond to the classifier of programs for electronic computers and databases in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Office software must ensure the work of users on personal electronic computers, terminal access devices and subscriber devices for radio mobile communication without connecting to local computer networks, and (or) using the information and telecommunication network "Internet", and (or) using infrastructure providing information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide public services and perform public functions in electronic form, create, access, process, store and delete electronic documents ("cloud" technology), and (or) using local area networks user access to the software installed on the server hardware.

5. If the office software has a function of identification and authentication of users, it should be possible to identify and authenticate users using, among other things, the federal state information system "Unified identification and authentication system in the infrastructure that provides information technology interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form "in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. The interface of the office software must be implemented in Russian. The office software interface can be implemented using additional languages.

7. Office software should not require the installation of other software (additional software modules, fonts) that has any restrictions on its free distribution on the territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of operating systems.

8. Updates to office software should only be performed after confirmation from the office software user or authorized personnel.

9. If the user accesses the office software using the means of an Internet browser, the office software must provide the ability to use Internet browsers for at least 3 different rightholders of exclusive rights to the program for electronic computers or a database (rightholders, groups of rightholders), information about one of which is included in the unified register of Russian software.

10. Office software must comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of information and on the protection of personal data in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The transmission of data via communication channels, including text messages and (or) electronic documents, voice, sound, visual and other information, using office software must be carried out taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on information protection and communication.

11. The functional characteristics of office software and its operating environment must meet the following requirements:

a) requirements for the environment for the operation of office software:

office software, with the exception of operating systems, must run the following operating systems:

for an automated user's workstation (personal computer or terminal access device) - under control of at least 2 different operating systems, information about which is included in the unified register of Russian software, and Microsoft Windows operating systems (version 7 and higher) certified in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of information;

for server hardware - running at least 2 operating systems, information about which is included in the unified register of Russian software, and Microsoft Windows Server operating systems (versions 2008 and higher), while ensuring the functioning of office software running operating systems for server equipment can be used by means of virtualization;

for subscriber devices of radio mobile communication - under the control of the operating systems Android, iOS;

operating systems for an automated workstation of a user must include an operating mode that allows to implement the functionality of office software that functions and works in other operating systems specified in paragraph three of this subparagraph;

b) requirements for communication software:

communication software, which is software for creating and processing information, as well as user interaction through the transfer of information using telecommunication communication channels, including secure communication channels, and (or) local area networks, using an automated workstation and (or ) subscriber devices of the user's radio mobile communication, must provide:

creating, viewing, editing, copying, printing information processed using communication software, and transferring information using telecommunication channels and local computer networks, including with the attachment of electronic documents, electronic messages, including text messages, images, audio and video files;

delivery of notifications to the user about electronic messages transmitted by other users of the communication software to the user's terminal access equipment, on which the communication software is installed or with the use of which access to the communication software installed on the server equipment is carried out;

the ability to disable the user of the function for the delivery of notifications about the received e-mails;

the ability to save and delete text messages and electronic documents on personal electronic computers and on subscriber devices for radio mobile communications;

the ability to search for stored text messages and electronic documents in the absence of user access to the server software using a local area network or lack of access to the information and telecommunications network "Internet";

the ability to store electronic messages and electronic documents on personal electronic computers, server equipment and subscriber devices for radio mobile communications, as well as transfer electronic messages and electronic documents to a centralized storage;

transmission of text messages and electronic documents created by users using communication software to federal information systems;

the ability to print information processed using communication software;

data transmission using communication software can be carried out via open communication channels, as well as secure communication channels using encryption (cryptographic) information protection tools certified in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation;

c) requirements for the office suite:

office suite, which is a separate software or a set of interconnected office software with a unified interface for creating, viewing, editing, saving, deleting electronic documents, exchanging electronic documents and implementing other methods of processing them, as well as providing the ability to print information, if necessary processed using the appropriate software must provide the functionality of at least 4 of the following types of software:

text editor;

spreadsheet editor;

presentation editor;

mail applications;

communication software;

file manager software;



an office suite in terms of a text editor, a spreadsheet editor and a presentation editor must ensure collaboration on an electronic document by a group of users, including with the ability to record changes in an electronic document in real time;

the office suite must meet the requirements for the functional characteristics of the corresponding software;

d) requirements for the mail application:

mail application, which is software (hereinafter referred to as e-mail software) for viewing, creating, editing, deleting, saving, printing, as well as transmitting e-mail messages, must provide:

creating, editing, deleting and transmitting electronic text messages and attaching electronic documents to them, automatically saving electronic documents and email messages;

creation, deletion, renaming of catalogs of e-mail messages in the electronic mail system (hereinafter referred to as catalogs of the electronic mail system);

the ability to save, delete, copy and move e-mail messages in the directories of the e-mail system;

the ability to search for e-mail messages in the user's e-mail box using, among other things, various search criteria for e-mail messages;

creation, editing, deletion and transmission of electronic text messages in multiple electronic mailboxes (email addresses) using a single user interface;

displaying, using a single user interface of the e-mail software, e-mail messages from multiple user's e-mail boxes (e-mail addresses);

consolidated display of email messages by topic using a single user interface;

automatic creation and change of settings for connected user's e-mail boxes on all user's devices on which e-mail software is installed and used;

creating, deleting, changing the order of processing e-mail messages in accordance with the criteria set by the user, including automatically moving e-mail messages to the directories of the e-mail system, delaying sending e-mail messages for a time set by the user, automatically responding to received e-mail messages;

creating, deleting, editing user information and automatically adding such information to the generated email message;

the ability of the user to select the email address of another recipient (recipients) of the email message using the organization's user directory and the user's personal directory;

the ability to print information processed using e-mail software;

the ability to use certified electronic signatures with the use of qualified certificates in order to ensure the integrity of transmitted e-mail messages;

information technology interaction between the email server software and the email client software should be carried out, inter alia, using the following protocols:

SMTP or ESMTP - for sending e-mail messages;

IMAP or POP3 - to receive e-mail messages;

HTTPS - for interacting with the web client of the email system;

CalDav - to create and receive information about events entered in the calendar;

CardDav - to create and receive a list of personal contacts and a list of organization users;

email software must implement:

means for automatically detecting unwanted e-mail messages and automatically moving them to the appropriate directory of the e-mail system;

means of integration with external anti-virus software, information about which is included in the unified register of Russian software;

in order to ensure the confidentiality of e-mail messages and electronic documents processed using e-mail software, this software must be able to integrate with cryptographic information security tools certified in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

e) requirements for an organizer - an organizer, which is software for creating, editing, storing, deleting and transferring information about contacts, tasks and events of a user, must provide:

creation of information about contacts, tasks and user events;

view information about the schedule in the user's calendar;

deleting an event from the user's calendar;

editing events in the user's calendar;

the ability to support user collaboration;

the ability to differentiate user access rights to information;

the ability to provide information about user events to other users;

information exchange between the server software and the client software installed at the user's workstations and at the user's subscriber's radio mobile communication devices, which should be carried out, inter alia, using the CalDav information exchange protocols;

f) requirements for viewers - viewers, which are software for viewing electronic documents without the possibility of changing them, must provide the ability to view electronic documents saved, including in formats corresponding to various extensions of electronic documents, including bmp, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, tif, tiff, OOXML, docx, doc, pptx, rtf, txt, pdf, xls, xlsx, odt, ods, odp, avi, mpeg, mp3;

g) requirements for an Internet browser - Internet browser tools must support html5, CSS3, javascript technologies, as well as other technologies;

h) requirements for a presentation editor - a presentation editor, which is software for viewing, creating, editing, deleting and printing information processed using the presentation editor, and saving presentation materials in the form of electronic documents consisting of a set of slides containing User-defined structured information, including textual, graphic, tabular and audiovisual information (hereinafter referred to as slides), must provide:

creation of new electronic presentation documents, including those in the Open Document Format (GOST R ISO / IEC 26300-2010) and Office Open XML (OOXML, PPTX);

opening of existing electronic presentation documents, including those in the Open Document Format (GOST R ISO / IEC 26300-2010) and Office Open XML (OOXML, PPTX);

use of different fonts to design text information placed on slides;

design of text information placed on slides using different colors and backgrounds;

design of text information placed on slides using bold, italic and underlined fonts, as well as arbitrary font sizes;

ensuring the alignment of text information in the center of the information placement area, on the left or right border of the information placement area, as well as along the width of the information placement area;

insertion into a slide and removal from a slide of graphic and other elements, including graphic images, audio and video information;

setting up a slideshow;

printing slides using document printing devices;

slideshow, as well as display of information posted on the slides using terminal interface equipment;

saving electronic presentation documents in formats supported by the software, including Open Document Format (GOST R ISO / IEC 26300-2010), Office Open XML (OOXML, PPTX) and Portable Document Format (PDF);

i) requirements for a spreadsheet editor - a spreadsheet editor (spreadsheet editor), which is software for viewing, creating, editing, deleting and saving an electronic document (including a spreadsheet document), must provide:

creation of new electronic tabular documents, including in the Open Document Format (GOST R ISO / IEC 26300-2010) Office Open XML (OOXML, XLSX);

opening of existing electronic tabular documents, including those in Open Document Format (GOST R ISO / IEC 26300-2010) and Office Open XML (OOXML, XLSX);

entering data into a table;

deleting data from a table;

editing and copying data, including adding, changing, deleting and copying the contents of cells and ranges of table cells;

design of tabular data, including merging and dividing table cells, choosing a font, color of the entered information, cell background, decorating the borders of the table as a whole and its parts;

formatting data in table cells, including data in numeric, text, monetary, financial, and percentage formats;

support for the ability to display graphs and charts;

the ability to create and delete sheets of an electronic spreadsheet document;

the ability to apply formulas (including mathematical ones) in Russian and English to table data, as well as automatic display of the calculation results of user-selected formulas for a selected cell or a range of cells in the status bar;

the ability to cancel any operation performed during the editing process, and return the canceled operations;

joint editing of the table without limiting the functionality of the software;

using table templates;

printing out the information contained in the tables using document printing devices;

saving tables in formats supported by software, including Open Document Format (GOST R ISO / IEC 26300-2010), Office Open XML (OOXML, XLSX) and Portable Document Format (PDF);

j) requirements for a text editor - a text editor, which is software for viewing, creating, editing and saving an electronic document, must provide:

creation of electronic text documents, including those in Open Document Format (GOST R ISO / IEC 26300-2010) and Office Open XML (OOXML, DOCX);

opening existing electronic text documents, including those in the Open Document Format (GOST R ISO / IEC 26300-2010) and Office Open XML (OOXML, DOCX);

data entry into an electronic text document, as well as their editing;

preparation of electronic text documents on forms A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6;

longitudinal arrangement of details on the form of an electronic text document;

setting an arbitrary size of paragraph indentation from the left edge of an electronic text document;

providing the ability to number the various elements of the lists;

the ability to use user-installed bold, italic, underlined fonts, as well as font sizes 10, 12, 13, 14 or any size;

the ability to select text on a letter in capital letters and in a row;

the ability to align text information in an electronic text document in the center, on the left and right borders of the text field, as well as on the width of the text field;

the ability to set the value of the line spacing;

the ability to set separate numbering for the first and subsequent pages of an electronic text document, including page numbering in the center of the header or footer;

the ability to set an offset from the border of the upper field of an electronic text document;

the ability to set the width of the top, bottom, right and left margins of an electronic text document;

the ability to cancel any operation performed during the editing process and return the canceled operations;

the ability to record corrections in an electronic text document;

joint editing of an electronic text document by several users (up to 10 or more users);

the ability to automatically check spelling, syntax and punctuation in accordance with the rules of the Russian language, including the ability to use external electronic spelling dictionaries of the Russian language;

saving an electronic text document in formats supported by software, including Open Document Format (GOST R ISO / IEC 26300-2010), Office Open XML (OOXML, DOCX) and Portable Document Format (PDF);

ensuring the possibility of preparing electronic text documents based on standard document templates in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003 and the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of organizing office work and document flow in the activities of state bodies;

k) requirements for the file manager software - the file manager, which is software for creating, copying, renaming and deleting catalogs of electronic documents, must provide the ability to delete, copy and move electronic documents;

l) requirements for legal reference systems - the legal reference system must:

provide a permanent information retrieval service for the provision of legal acts and reference documents;

provide for a network version of the legal reference system with a regularly updated data bank of federal and regional legislation, installed in the user's local computer network and allowing work with the legal reference system, including in the absence of access to the Internet information and telecommunications network;

m) requirements for the software of the electronic document management system - the software of the electronic document management system must comply with the requirements imposed by the legislation of the Russian Federation for information systems of electronic document management;

o) requirements for anti-virus protection means - anti-virus protection means must ensure the protection of data processed using information and communication technologies in accordance with the requirements for an information system in which anti-virus protection means are used, with the possibility of online monitoring and analysis of event logs with a single admin console.

12. Office software, if it is necessary to import (export) data, must provide the ability to process data in one of the following formats:

Open Document Format (GOST R ISO / IEC 26300-2010);

Office Open XML (OOXML, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, draft ISO / IEC IS 29500: 2008);

PDF / A-1 conforming to ISO 19005-1: 2005 "Document management - Electronic document file format for long-term preservation. Part I: Using PDF 1.4 (PDF / A-1)" (Document management - Electronic document file format for long-term preservation - Part I: Use of PDF 1.4 (PDF / A-1) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

common files for the exchange of audio and video information, electronic text documents (for example, bmp, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, tif, tiff, rtf, txt, zip, avi, mpeg, mp3).

13. Office software should implement and document programming interfaces (APIs) for integration with other systems.

14. Office software must ensure compatibility with document formats based on the Open Document Format (GOST R ISO / IEC 26300-2010), as well as Portable Document Format (PDF).

15. Operational documentation supplied with office software must contain materials in electronic form in Russian, including:

user guide;

installation guide;

administration guide;

system requirements;

information about the new software version.

III. Requirements for software maintenance

16. User support is provided through the use of telephone communication and e-mail facilities in Russian around the clock.

17. Contact and other information necessary for interaction between users and the copyright holder of the software in the framework of user support must be published on the official website of the software manufacturer in the information and telecommunications network "Internet".

government decree
Russian Federation
dated March 23, 2017 No. 325

which are included in the Rules for the formation and maintenance of a unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases

1. Clause 4 shall be supplemented with sub-clause "n" as follows:

"m) information on compliance or non-compliance of software with additional requirements for programs for electronic computers and databases, information about which is included in the register of Russian software, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 23, 2017 No. 325" On approval of additional requirements to programs for electronic computers and databases, information about which is included in the register of Russian software, and amendments to the Rules for the formation and maintenance of a unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases "(hereinafter - additional requirements)."

2. Clause 19 shall be supplemented with the following paragraph:

"The authorized body, within 30 days from the date the information is included in the register, shall verify and confirm the compliance of software with additional requirements in accordance with the procedure and methodology for confirming the conformity of programs for electronic computers and databases approved by the authorized body, information about which is included in the register of Russian software security, additional requirements. ".

Document overview

Additional requirements have been established for domestic office software included in the Register of Russian software. They will be applied in the framework of public procurement.

The software includes the operating system, communication software, office suite, mail applications, organizer, viewers, Internet browser, presentation editor, spreadsheet editor, text editor, file manager software, legal reference system (SPS), electronic document management system software and tools anti-virus protection.

The requirements determine the composition, architecture, and functions of the software required to replace imported analogs.

In particular, the software interface must be implemented in Russian. The software should not require the installation of other software (additional software modules, fonts) that has any restrictions on its free distribution on the territory of Russia, with the exception of operating systems. Software updates should only be carried out after confirmation by the user or authorized personnel.

At the same time, there are special requirements for each type of software.

So, the ATP should provide a permanent information retrieval service for the provision of legal acts and reference documents, as well as provide for a network version with a regularly updated data bank of federal and regional legislation, installed in the user's local area network and allowing work with the ATP in t h. in the absence of access to the Internet.

The register entry is supplemented with information about the compliance or non-compliance of the software with additional requirements.

Created as part of measures taken by the state to restrict the purchase of imported software in government agencies and companies with state participation. The registry started working on January 1, 2016. So. On September 21, 2016, the Minister of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation Nikolai Nikiforov allowed the possibility of expanding the operation of the domestic software registry to the entire Eurasian Economic Union.

The minister expressed his opinion at the annual 33rd World Conference of the International Association of Science Parks and Innovative Development Zones (IASP) "Single technological space of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU): a model for assembly".

During the discussion, the conference participants discussed the impact of regionalization on the world economy, mechanisms and capabilities of the EAEU countries in the development of technology parks and innovation clusters. They noted the need to improve the status of technology parks and innovation clusters, their transition from the national to the international format.

The participants in the discussion touched upon the issue of developing a common position on a number of aspects of national legislation for joint work in the EAEU. In particular, the head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia said that recently the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a decree assigning a price preference of 15% to Russian manufacturers in the supply of goods and services to state-owned companies. He also spoke about the experience of developing the register of domestic software and invited the representatives of the Union countries to consider the possibility of creating similar mechanisms in their legislation.

645 new software products have been added to the Russian software register

As part of the fifth face-to-face meeting at the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, the expert council on Russian software in September 2016 voted to include 645 new products in the unified register of Russian software, i.e. 1823 software products are already included in the register of Russian software.

The added software products were found to comply with the requirements established by paragraph 5 of the rules for the formation and maintenance of a unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1236 "On prohibiting the admission of software originating from foreign countries for the purpose of implementing procurement to meet state and municipal needs "dated November 16, 2015 No.

The Expert Council for Russian Software is a permanent body that examines companies' applications for the inclusion of information about their software products in the unified register of Russian software. The council includes representatives of federal executive authorities, institutions of innovative development, as well as associations of Russian software developers. Representatives of departments cannot have more than 40% of the votes in it, while representatives of the IT industry, in whose interests the reform is being implemented, must have at least 50% of the votes. Council decisions are made by a simple majority of votes of its members participating in the meeting, including remotely. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the chairman is decisive.

The developer requires Nikiforov to include a product on an imported platform in the register of Russian software

The company "Letograf", the developer of the product of the same name for creating document management systems, sent a letter to the Minister of Communications Nikolai Nikiforov, demanding to reconsider the decision to include its product in the register of Russian software.

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications issued the order on refusal to include "Letograf" in the register in May and published in August 2016. The general director of the company Gleb Lukin told TAdviser that "Letograf" sent a request to the department about the reason for the refusal, and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications justified its decision by the fact that the key functionality of the software declared "Letograf" was implemented on the foreign proprietary Ensemble platform.

Lethograph states that such a ground for refusal is not provided for by law. The document management system "Letograf" fully meets the requirements specified in the federal law of June 29, 2015 No. 188-FZ and article 14 of the federal law and is a completely domestic development, the company states.

General Director of "Letograf" Gleb Lukin does not agree with the decision of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications to refuse to include the company's product in the register

No. 188-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Information, Information Technologies and the Protection of Information "and Article 14 of the Federal Law" On the Contract System in the Procurement of Goods, Works, Services to Meet State and Municipal Needs "formulated requirements for domestic software. In its letter to Nikiforov, "Lethograph" explains that their software complies with all the points, including the existence of exclusive rights to software from a Russian company, free distribution in the Russian Federation, the amount of deductions for foreign components not exceeding 30% of the proceeds from the sale of the product, and absence of information constituting a state secret in the software.

It also says that the product contains over 500 MB of program code written by Russian developers and owned by a domestic commercial organization.

In a letter to the Minister, Letograf draws attention to the fact that all EDMS presented on the domestic market require a DBMS developed by a third company to function, and the register includes products using imported DBMS, such as Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle. As an example, the developer cites EDMS "E1 Euphrates" and "Delo". In turn, "Lethograph" is a completely domestic solution that uses InterSystems Cache or Ensemble solutions as a DBMS, the letter says.

In response to the letter to Nikolai Nikiforov, Lethograph received a letter from Innokenty Dementyev, Deputy Director of the Department for the Development of High Technologies of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, who recommended the company to reapply, eliminating the reasons for which it had previously been denied the inclusion of information about the software product in the register, or attaching explanations to the application on the issue of product compliance with the requirements established by the rules.

Earlier, in March, the members of the Expert Council on Russian Software under the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications at one of the meetings agreed not to let the solutions into the register if their key property is not based on domestic technologies, even if on the whole it formally meets the legally established criteria of “Russianness”. This policy was planned to be applied, including to open source software.

In this regard, several products already included in it were later removed from the register of Russian software, in relation to which their fundamental foreign origin was revealed.

Developer's revelations: "There are not many chances to immediately get into the register of Russian software"

The Elar company, which specializes in the creation, equipping and filling of electronic archives and other IT services, told about the "pitfalls" encountered in the process of submitting and considering an application for entering the register of Russian software. The orders to refuse to include software products in a single register, first published by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications in July 2016, include three Elar solutions: AIS Elar-Archive, Elar-SAAD and ELAR-Dokumentopotok.

Formally, applications for the inclusion of the company's software products in the register were rejected due to the presence of software components of foreign origin in the distributions and the absence of some documents confirming the company's ownership of the software, the head of the Elar marketing department Artem Vartanyan explained to TAdviser. However, this "inconsistency" with the requirements is a consequence of the fact that the procedure for entering the domestic software into the register is not transparent, he said.

The lack of transparency of the mechanism for including software in the register was also noted by some other developers who were refused (see below in the subsection "Who is not allowed into the register of domestic software and why")

Developers and owners, submitting applications to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, rely on the following documents, explains the representative of "Elar". First, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2015 No. 188-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection "and Article 14 of the Federal Law" On the contract system in the procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs ", which formulates the requirements for domestic software. Secondly, on the "Rules for the formation and maintenance of a unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases." Thirdly, on the "Procedure for filing an application for the inclusion of information about software in the unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases."

None of these documents say about the requirements for distributions or, for example, that in order to prove ownership of the software, it is necessary to provide a staffing table that will convince the commission that it was our programmers who wrote the code, noted Artem Vartanyan in a conversation with TAdviser.

Who is not allowed into the register of domestic software and for what

In August 2016, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications published a series of orders refusing to include software products in the unified register of Russian software. 12 of these documents, issued at different times from February to May, include about 230 products. Among the most well-known companies and products in the lists are Krok with a corporate EDMS, a subsidiary of IT Co., Logic of Business, with several solutions in the field of electronic document management, a solution for media monitoring Medialogia, a number of MSVSphere products. National Center for Support and Development ", WorksPad of IT Co.'s subsidiary" Corporate Mobility Laboratory ", IvolgaPRO office applications package and others.

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications does not explain the reasons for refusals to enter all these programs into the register. Previously, there were precedents when products were excluded from the register because they were based on foreign technologies. For example, two products of "Business Logic" - "ECM ASL Logic. SED" and "ECM ASL Logic. Electronic Archives ”were first included in the registry, and then excluded from it, as experts discovered they used IBM technologies. At the time of publication of the refusal orders, there are three other Business Logic products in the registry. The company told TAdviser that the registration process is still underway, and the company will be ready to comment on this immediately upon completion.

A similar fate and for the same reason - the use of IBM software - befell the Karelian Medical Information System product of the K-MIS company. Also, the electronic document management platform "M1: ECM Platform" of the "Metamodel Group" company, based on EMC products, was removed from the register.

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications does not explain the reasons for refusal to include products in the register

Croc previously reported receiving EMC certification for a product with the same name as a product filed on the register based on the EMC Documentum platform and was rejected. The company did not specify TAdviser, the product on the basis of which platform was submitted to the register, but noted that this is a solution of its own design that meets the requirements of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.

Igor Nikulin, director of the Krok information technology department, told TAdviser that the company plans to wait for the official notification and continue interaction with colleagues from the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications: “We are interested in the maximum number of our software developments published in the register, because the breadth of choice and healthy competition in the interests of the customers themselves. "

In turn, the solutions of "MSVSphere", not included in the register, are based on Red Hat products. Earlier, members of the Expert Council on Russian Software under the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, which makes decisions on the inclusion of software in the register, agreed not to include products, including those with open source, if their key property is not based on domestic technologies.

As for the IvolgaPRO product, earlier the media wrote about the presence of a connection between this product and the products of the Latvian company Ascensio CIA (OnlyOfice brand). In the New Communication Technologies company - the developer of IvolgaPRO - they told TAdviser that they do not understand the decision of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. The company did not receive written justifications for the refusal and can "only guess" what was the reason for it. Perhaps the point is in the imperfection of the mechanism for including software in the register: “the mechanism for including software in the register is very closed and non-transparent,” says CEO Lev Bannov. He added that the company did not agree with the decision.

The refusal did not change the company's plans, added Lev Bannov. The main tasks remain the same - to make a competitive product and find their place in the world system of division of labor. At the same time, the top manager does not believe in the creation of a purely Russian system of division of labor in the field of software: “This is fiction and self-deception. All programs included in the registry have imported components. For some reason, some are considered Russian, while others are not. " He added that New Communication Technologies will wait for the situation to develop.

Some of the products could be on the refusal lists due to incorrectly executed or submitted documents or some other organizational reasons. This, for example, was the case with the decision of Bars.ZHKH. This decision is on the list of "refuseniks", but in fact at the time of their publication is present in the register. Bars Group explained to TAdviser that the reasons why this decision appeared on the list of refuseniks for inclusion in the register are exclusively organizational.

In the case of the solution "CryptoPro CSP (version 4.0)", which is on the lists, but is also present in the register, the refusal to register was made at the request of the developer itself in accordance with the letter about the erroneous re-application.

Software shells for IBM and EMC platforms were removed from the Registry

On June 8, 2016, it became known that a number of software products were removed from the Register of domestic software supervised by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications due to their foreign origin.

The "rogue list" includes:

  • "ECM ASL.CED Logic" and "ECM ASL Logic. Electronic archive "of the" Business Logic "company (part of the" Aichi "group),
  • "Karelian medical information system" of the company "K-MIS" and
  • M1: ECM Platform by Metamodel Group.

The first three products were added to the registry at the beginning of April 2016, the last at the end of April.

The reason for this decision was "newly discovered information about the specifics of the operation of this software", indicating the platforms of foreign vendors based on the properties of these programs: IBM and EMC, which means that applicants to the Registry do not have exclusive rights to them and do not control them.

There were no official messages from the department about the removal of software from the registry, but an analysis of the previous and current lists of programs in the Registry indicates the absence of the listed products in it.

According to a CNews source, the software in question got into the Register by mistake and oversight. He emphasized that a responsible expert giving a preliminary conclusion on the compliance of the software with the criteria of "purebred" was different in each of the four cases. That is, there is no talk of someone's systemic malicious connivance.

The expert believes that the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, issuing an order on entering products into the register (apparently, we are talking about a "tranche", when the list included solutions for IBM), was aware of what was happening, but mechanically completed the formal process.

Partner solutions based on SAP will claim to be included in the register of Russian software

SAP is discussing with a number of Russian partners how to combine its software with their products so that as part of partner solutions it could enter the register of Russian software, Rolf Schumann, CTO of SAP in the EMEA & MEE region, told TAdviser in March 2016 (more ).

84 new products including Abbyy, MyOffice, Dr. Web, Docsvision

On February 18, in the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications under the chairmanship of Minister Nikolai Nikiforov an in-person meeting of the expert council on Russian software was held. As a result, 84 new products were included in the register of domestic software.

The list included products from such developers as Cognitive Technologies, Dr. Web, Bars Group, New Cloud Technologies, Forecast, 1C-Bitrix, Doksvision, 1C, Alt Linux, etc. For the products of the last two developers mentioned, the number of positions for inclusion in the register was reduced, a source close to the expert council told TAdviser.

As of mid-February, more than 700 applications were received to enter information about software in the register of Russian software

The following classes of software products are now presented in the register of Russian software: operating systems, organizational process control systems, DBMS, cloud and distribution computing tools, virtualization and storage systems, server and middleware, search systems, monitoring and control systems, information security tools , office applications, systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays, project management systems, research, development, design and implementation, linguistic software.

Among the products included in the register are 1C-Bitrix: Site Management (several versions), 1C-Bitrix24, ABBYY FineReader, ABBYY Lingvo, ABBYY Comparator, Dr.Web Desktop Security Suite, Dr.Web Katana, Prognoz Platform, Docsvision system, "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 8", "1C: Accounting 8", "1C: Retail 8", "MyOffice Mail", Digital Design: Protected mobility, Bars Housing and Communal Services, BARS.Monitoring - Education, "Alt Linux KDesktop "," Alt Linux 7.0 Centaur ", etc.

For some applications, it was decided to refuse to be included in the register. The source of TAdviser says that in many cases this happened even before the applications were submitted to the expert council, mainly due to the discrepancy between the electronic signature, which the applications are signed with.

Another source of TAdviser close to the expert council notes that some of the products faced a refusal due to the fact that the developers did not provide the software product itself with the documents so that it could be viewed, and in some cases - due to the fact that the ultimate beneficiaries of the software are not Russian persons.

ESET antiviruses can get into the registry

On February 5, 2016 it became known that ESET software can be recognized as Russian. LLC "Iset Development" proposed to include its product of an integrated antivirus solution in the register of domestic software (more details).

First products in the Russian software registry

On February 1, 2016, the Minister of Communications Nikolai Nikiforov signed an order to include the first three software products in the unified register of Russian software. One of them is the database management system "Red Database" from "Red Soft", developed on the basis of open source software Firebird. It is used in more than 30 government bodies and government organizations, in more than 150 banks. The largest client of "Red Database" in the public sector is the FSSP.

The other two products included in the register are 1C: School. Computer science. Grade 11 "and" 1C: School. Russian language. 5-6 grade. Lexicology "from 1C-Publishing.

The decision to include the products in the register was made during an absentee meeting of the Expert Council on Russian Software, which includes representatives of federal executive authorities, innovation development institutions, and associations of Russian software developers. Council decisions are made by a simple majority of votes of its members. As a result of the voting, these software products were recognized as meeting the requirements established by the fifth paragraph of the rules for forming the register.

EMC Documentum claims to be listed

In January 2016, EMC launched the process of registering a number of partner developments based on its Documentum platform in the register of domestic software, said Vyacheslav Kadnikov, Regional Director of EMC ECD (Enterprise Content Division) for Eastern Europe, Russia and the CIS (details).

Regulating the registry

Approval of the rules for the formation of the register

The rules for the formation of the register were approved by the Government Decree of November 16, 2015 No. 1236.

Before the signing of the government decree, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications did not have the authority to deal with the register. With the signing of the document, the ministry becomes responsible for the register, explained to TAdviser Evgenia Vasilenko, executive director of the Association of Russian Software Developers (ARPP "Domestic Soft").

“There is little time until January 1, but there are many tasks. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications needs to adopt regulations, define the rules for the expert council, appoint a registry operator. It is necessary to develop and approve the software classifier. Create an information system for the register, ”says Vasilenko.

The Association, she said, is ready to actively participate in these tasks.

“We are already making the classifier and will hand it over to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. They are ready to be involved in the creation of an information system, but specifics are needed here, which can be worked out together with the regulator. Previously, we at ARPP discussed that we are ready to implement the system free of charge and transfer it to the ministry if we work together on it, first of all, in terms of formalizing the requirements for the system, ”adds the director of the ARPP.

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications promise to answer questions about the formation of the register after the publication of the Government decree.

Registry Law

The creation of the register of Russian software is enshrined in a federal law signed by President Vladimir Putin in June 2015.

The Federal Law defines the criteria that software must meet in order to get into this register. Among them:

  • the exclusive right to software throughout the world and for the entire duration of the exclusive right must belong to: the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a municipal formation; a Russian non-profit organization, the supreme governing body of which is formed directly or indirectly by the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities or Russians and which is not recognized as a Russian organization controlled by a foreign person; a Russian commercial organization with a total share of direct or indirect participation of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, non-profit organizations and direct or indirect participation of citizens of the Russian Federation over 50%; a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • The software is available commercially;
  • the total amount of payments under license and other agreements providing for the granting of rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization, the performance of work, the provision of services used for the development, adaptation and modification of software, in favor of foreign entities, Russian organizations controlled by them, agents, representatives of foreign entities and the Russian organizations controlled by them is less than 30% of the proceeds of the copyright holder from the sale of software for a calendar year;
  • information about the copyright holder of the software is included in the register of accredited organizations operating in the field of information technology;
  • information about the software does not constitute a state secret and the programs or databases themselves do not contain information constituting a state secret.

Decisions on the inclusion of specific software in the register of domestic software will be made by an expert council, which will be formed by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications was appointed responsible for the register by the Government decree, signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in November 2015. The resolution imposes restrictions on purchases of imported software from government agencies and companies with government participation, if similar software is contained in the register.

Software products included in the registry

Register of Russian software

Name Software class (in registry terminology) Date of entry
1 Red Database DBMS January 29, 2016
2 1C: School. Russian language, grades 5-6. Lexicology Organizational process management systems, January 29, 2016
3 1C: School. Informatics, grade 11 January 29, 2016
4 ABBYY ScanDifFinder SDK Subroutine Libraries (SDK), linguistic software, 20 February 2016
5 Alt Linux 7.0 Centaur Utilities and drivers, tools for preparing executable code, source code version control tools, cloud and distributed computing tools, virtualization tools and data storage systems, development environments, testing and debugging, operating systems 20 February 2016
6 1C: Integrated Automation 8 Organizational process management systems 20 February 2016
7 Electronic periodic reference "Garant System" Information systems for solving specific industry problems, general-purpose application software, search engines, databases, office applications 20 February 2016
8 Alt Linux KDesktop Development, testing and debugging environments, utilities and drivers, source code version control tools, cloud and distributed computing tools, virtualization tools and data storage systems, operating systems, executable code preparation tools 20 February 2016
9 E1 Euphrates Office applications, systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays, general-purpose application software, 20 February 2016
10 Alt Linux SPT Tools for preparing executable code, tools for providing cloud and distributed computing, virtualization tools and data storage systems, utilities and drivers, development, testing and debugging environments, source code version control tools, operating systems 20 February 2016
11 ABBYY PassportReader SDK Subroutine libraries (SDK), systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays, linguistic software 20 February 2016
12 ABBYY FineReader Bank Linguistic software, information systems for solving specific industry tasks, systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays 20 February 2016
13 ABBYY Scan Station Systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays 20 February 2016
14 ABBYY Screenshot Reader 20 February 2016
15 ABBYY Business Card Reader Office applications, linguistic software 20 February 2016
16 ABBYY Recognition Server Linguistic software, systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays 20 February 2016
17 ABBYY Lingvo Linguistic software 20 February 2016
18 ABBYY Comparator Linguistic software, office applications 20 February 2016
19 ABBYY PDF Transformer General purpose application software, office applications, linguistic software 20 February 2016
20 ABBYY FineReader Office applications, linguistic software, general purpose application software 20 February 2016
21 1C-Bitrix24 (Company) Office applications, project management systems, research, development, design and implementation, systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays, organizational process management systems 20 February 2016
22 1C-Bitrix24 (Project +) Office applications, management systems for organizational processes, systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays, project management systems, research, development, design and implementation 20 February 2016
23 1C-Bitrix24 (Team) Systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays, systems for managing projects, research, development, design and implementation, systems for managing organizational processes, office applications 20 February 2016
24 1C-Bitrix24 (Holding) Office applications, organization process management systems, project management systems, research, development, design and implementation systems, systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays 20 February 2016
25 1C-Bitrix24 (Corporate portal) Organizational process management systems, office applications, systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays, project management systems, research, development, design and implementation 20 February 2016
26 1C-Bitrix: Site Management - Enterprise Organizational process control systems 20 February 2016
27 1C-Bitrix: Site Management - Business Organizational process control systems 20 February 2016
28 1C-Bitrix: Site Management - Expert Organizational process control systems 20 February 2016
29 1C-Bitrix: Site Management - Small Business Organizational process control systems 20 February 2016
30 1C-Bitrix: Site Management - Standard Organizational process control systems 20 February 2016
31 Information and reference system "Codex" systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays, office applications, search engines, database management systems, general-purpose application software, information systems for solving specific industry problems 20 February 2016
32 Accounting for claim activity General-purpose application software, search engines, information systems for solving specific industry problems, organization process control systems 20 February 2016
33 Mobile workplace of the Head General purpose application software, office applications, systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays, organization process control systems 20 February 2016
34 Protected mobility Information security tools, organizational process control systems, general-purpose application software, office applications 20 February 2016
35 1C-Bitrix: Site Management - Start Organizational process control systems 20 February 2016
36 Docsvision Project management systems, research, development, design and implementation, organization process management systems 20 February 2016
37 RAIDIX 4.0 Operating systems, server and middleware, cloud and distributed computing, virtualization and storage 20 February 2016
38 Dr.Web CureIt! General purpose application software, information security tools 20 February 2016
39 Dr.Web Katana 20 February 2016
40 Dr.Web CureNet! 20 February 2016
41 Dr.Web Mobile Security Suite Information security tools, general-purpose application software 20 February 2016
42 Dr.Web Gateway Security Suite Server and middleware, information security tools, general-purpose application software 20 February 2016
43 Dr.Web Mail Security Suite Server and middleware, general-purpose application software, information security tools 20 February 2016
44 BARS.Education - Electronic College Information systems for solving specific industry tasks 20 February 2016
45 BARS.Education - Electronic School General-purpose application software, information systems for solving specific industry problems 20 February 2016
46 Dr.Web Server Security Suite Information security tools, server and middleware, general-purpose application software 20 February 2016
47 Dr.Web Desktop Security Suite Information security tools, general-purpose application software 20 February 2016
48 Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite Information security tools, general-purpose application software 20 February 2016
49 BARS.ZHKH Information systems for solving specific industry tasks 20 February 2016
50 BARS.Inventory Systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays 20 February 2016
51 BARS.Stroykompleks Organizational process management systems, information systems for solving specific industry tasks, systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays, project management systems, research, development, design and implementation 20 February 2016
52 BARS.Stroykompleks - KapStroy Information systems for solving specific industry tasks, project management systems, research, development, design and implementation, systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays 20 February 2016
53 BARS.Stroykompleks - Control and Supervision Information systems for solving specific industry tasks, systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays 20 February 2016
54 BARS.Portal - Education Information systems for solving specific industry tasks 20 February 2016
55 BARS.Portal - housing and communal services Information systems for solving specific industry tasks 20 February 2016
56 BARS.Effective Region Systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays 20 February 2016
57 BARS.Monitoring - Management Effectiveness Systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays 20 February 2016
58 BARS.Monitoring - Energy efficiency Systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays 20 February 2016
59 BARS.Monitoring - Transport Systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays 20 February 2016
60 BARS.Monitoring - Agriculture Systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays 20 February 2016
61 BARS.Monitoring - Education Systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays 20 February 2016
62 BARS.Monitoring-Youth Policy, Sport Systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays 20 February 2016
63 BARS.Monitoring - Medical Insurance Systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays 20 February 2016
64 BARS.Monitoring - Culture Systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays 20 February 2016
65 BARS.Education - Electronic kindergarten Information systems for solving specific industry tasks 20 February 2016
66 BARS Property Management Information systems for solving specific industry tasks 20 February 2016
67 BARS.Energy efficiency Information systems for solving specific industry tasks 20 February 2016
68 BARS.HC - Billing Center Information systems for solving specific industry tasks, general-purpose application software 20 February 2016
69 Prognoz Platform 20 February 2016
70 1C: Retail 8 20 February 2016
71 1C: Theater Organizational process management systems, information systems for solving specific industry tasks 20 February 2016
72 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 8 Organizational process management systems, information systems for solving specific industry tasks 20 February 2016
73 MyOffice Mail Office Applications 20 February 2016
74 Reporting code automation complex (KASO) Systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays, general-purpose application software, information systems for solving specific industry problems 20 February 2016
75 Glonass Transport control and accounting Server and middleware, monitoring and control systems, information systems for solving specific industry tasks 20 February 2016
76 1C: Accounting 8 Organizational process management systems, information systems for solving specific industry tasks 20 February 2016
77 1C: School. History of the Middle Ages, grade 6 Organizational process management systems, information systems for solving specific industry tasks 20 February 2016
78 TrueConf Server Office applications, general purpose application software, server and middleware software 20 February 2016
79 1C: Library Organizational process management systems, information systems for solving specific industry tasks 20 February 2016
80 1C: School. Computer science. Grade 10 Organizational process management systems, information systems for solving specific industry tasks 20 February 2016
81 IS RPGU Organizational process management systems, information systems for solving specific industry tasks 20 February 2016
82 IndorCAD / Road Systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays, information systems for solving specific industry problems 20 February 2016
83 Algorius Net Viewer 20 February 2016
84 Algorius Net Watcher Monitoring and control systems 20 February 2016
85 1C: Museum Organizational process management systems, information systems for solving specific industry tasks 20 February 2016
86 Office automation and electronic document management system ("Case") Information security tools, organization process control systems, subroutine libraries (SDK), office applications, general-purpose application software 20 February 2016
87 RP-server Development, testing and debugging environments, tools for preparing executable code, source code version control tools, subroutine libraries (SDK) 20 February 2016

The current composition of the register is available on the website of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications on