Maximo is implemented in a development company. RZDstroy is completing a project to deploy a system for managing fixed assets

10,000 companies in 103 countries of the world in\u003e 20 languages \u200b\u200bhave successfully implemented and are using IBM MAXIMO in the struggle for leadership! IBM MAXIMO Implementation experience "title \u003d" (! LANG:\u003e 10,000 companies in 103 countries of the world in\u003e 20 languages \u200b\u200bhave successfully implemented and use IBM MAXIMO in the struggle for leadership! IBM MAXIMO Implementation experience" class="link_thumb"> 9 !} \u003e companies in 103 countries of the world in\u003e 20 languages \u200b\u200bhave successfully implemented and are using IBM MAXIMO in the struggle for leadership! IBM MAXIMO Implementation Experience 10,000 companies in 103 countries of the world in\u003e 20 languages \u200b\u200bhave successfully implemented and are using IBM MAXIMO in the struggle for leadership! IBM MAXIMO Implementation experience "\u003e 10,000 companies in 103 countries of the world in\u003e 20 languages \u200b\u200bhave successfully implemented and use IBM MAXIMO in the struggle for leadership! IBM MAXIMO Implementation experience"\u003e 10,000 companies in 103 countries of the world in\u003e 20 languages \u200b\u200bhave successfully implemented and use IBM MAXIMO in the fight for leadership! IBM MAXIMO Implementation experience "title \u003d" (! LANG:\u003e 10,000 companies in 103 countries of the world in\u003e 20 languages \u200b\u200bhave successfully implemented and use IBM MAXIMO in the struggle for leadership! IBM MAXIMO Implementation experience"> title="\u003e 10,000 companies in 103 countries of the world in\u003e 20 languages \u200b\u200bhave successfully implemented and are using IBM MAXIMO in the struggle for leadership! IBM MAXIMO Implementation Experience"> !}

For the head of the service department, for the PO, GT, service personnel: Control and coordination of work High-quality planning Efficiency of actions in case of ... problems arise Simplification of processes ... interaction Benefits for the business

Flexible definition of .... Service level agreements Escalation for all types of .... Commitments, forwarding alerts Graphical presentation in .... Real time of key .... Performance indicators and .... Efficiency Message templates provide .... Structured data transfer Services with support of SLA

Comprehensive enterprise asset management for asset lifecycle and maintenance

IBM Maximo Asset Management is a comprehensive physical asset management solution on a common platform for a variety of asset-intensive industries. It provides built-in mobile access, out-of-the-box transformation, team management, and analytics.

Maximo Asset Management empowers organizations to share and apply best practices, inventory, resources, and people. This solution helps you manage all types of resources, including enterprise, manufacturing, infrastructure, manufacturing facilities, transportation, and communications.

Delivered on-premises and software as a service in the cloud (SaaS).

Maximo Asset Management's extended service-oriented architecture includes six management modules.

About The effect of using MAXIMO You can read

Let us consider in more detail 6 interconnected functional blocks that allow you to implement a full cycle of maintenance and asset management of an enterprise.

Asset Management

The Asset Management functionality allows you to track, process and manage Asset data throughout their entire life cycle, from procurement planning to disposal.

  • Accumulation and tracking of detailed information about Assets.
  • To make competent and timely decisions by responsible persons in the field of asset management of the enterprise, you need access to accurate, complete and up-to-date information about the status and operation of these Assets. The considered functionality of the MAXIMO system allows you to enter, view and change all the information associated with each of the Enterprise Assets.

    In general, information about an Asset may include data about suppliers, about the movement of Assets, about operation, downtime, costs, data about spare parts of the Asset, etc. Any documents can be attached to the Asset record, for example, design documentation, assembly diagram, etc. In addition, for Assets, it is possible to maintain historical data on the installation and movement of equipment, including data on the location of Assets in warehouses, in repair shops, at manufacturers, storage of accounting and inventory characteristics of equipment, maintaining a history of work orders and PPR performed on the equipment, history of downtime, etc. etc.

    The system implements the differentiation of access to information. Each user can work only with that part of the information, to change and view which he has permission.

  • Locating.
  • For the main types of Assets, it is advisable to indicate their location in the organization: departments, workshops, tasks, structures, etc. This is especially true for geographically distributed organizations. The differentiation of Assets in this way will facilitate their search, allow more rational and efficient planning of the prevention and repair of equipment located in one place, analyze costs in the context of not only Assets, but also placements, purchase spare parts and materials for repairs from local suppliers, saving on transportation costs and etc.

    In the system, in addition to the physical location of the Asset, you can specify data about its ownership and location in the logical system of the enterprise, for example, in network systems: electricity supply, water supply, ventilation, etc. This will allow, when planning repairs, to take into account the impact of stopping the asset under repair on the operation of the entire network.

  • Definition of the Safety of Assets.
  • When performing work for some types of Assets, certain Safety Rules must be observed. To reduce the risk of working with such Assets, their description must contain information about all possible dangers arising from the service of the Asset, about all hazardous materials, as well as about all means of protection against hazards and contact with hazardous materials.

  • Establishing a hierarchical structure of Assets.
  • Some types of Assets (equipment, buildings) have a complex structure, each element of which can be considered as a separate Asset with its own characteristics and attributes. MAXIMO allows you to maintain a description, plan and record the performance of work for each Asset of any level, regardless of its complexity, and at the same time indicate its place in the general hierarchy of Assets. The technological system can be registered at the highest level. Then the equipment is detailed step by step, at the discretion of the user, down to the lower level elements, which are also Enterprise Assets. This approach allows:

    • It is more effective and thorough to plan the implementation of preventive and repair work for complex equipment, taking into account the effect of stopping one or several elements on the performance of a higher level Asset, etc.
    • Receive complete and reliable information about the current value of Assets.
    • Estimate the total costs of the Assets with their simultaneous breakdown into separate components.
    • Accumulation and tracking of information on the placement of Assets.

    As discussed earlier, each Enterprise Asset can be assigned to a specific physical and / or logical location. The system maintains information about all such locations of Assets, which are called Placements. They can be organized in the form of a hierarchy of placement, which allows you to collect data on costs for all systems, subsystems and locations separately, providing an opportunity for a comprehensive assessment of the costs of maintaining the Assets in the context of their location. In addition, for some types of placements, safety rules may be set, which must be observed when maintaining the placement itself or the Assets associated with it. Asset location information also enables analysis of the potential consequences of a failure of a piece of equipment based on its location and associated systems.

  • Current monitoring of the asset state.

    To make a timely decision on the need for preventive maintenance or repair work for the equipment of the enterprise in MAXIMO, there is a whole set of tools that allow you to monitor the status and functioning of the assets of the enterprise. These tools monitor the operation of each piece of equipment and, when a predetermined critical point is reached (for example, a date or a temperature limit has been exceeded) or when the equipment is not working correctly, it informs the responsible persons about this at the same time, if possible, proposing solutions to the problem. For example, upon reaching a certain date, a Work Order is created to perform maintenance work for a specific equipment. By leveraging the power of these tools, you can reduce unplanned equipment downtime.

  • Classification of assets.

    Each of the Enterprise Assets can be attributed to a certain type of Assets, for which there is a set of heterogeneous attributes that characterize objects. These types of Assets can be organized in MAXIMO in the form of a hierarchy with several levels, which will allow you to organize the list of all Assets and greatly facilitate the search for the required Asset. The classification of each new Asset is performed in a simple and very accessible way - by choosing from the hierarchical list of the level, the Asset Type to which it can be attributed.

Job management

The Work Management functionality supports the execution of all planned and unscheduled maintenance of the Enterprise Assets. It covers the process of performing work from creating a Service Request and carrying out work to the completion of their implementation and fixing the materials expended, working time.

As part of this functionality, the following is performed:

  • Maintenance of data and management of works related to Planned and Preventive Measures.

    To ensure high productivity of Enterprise Assets, many of them require periodic maintenance and preventive maintenance of their work. The system allows you to support the implementation of these tasks, which helps to reduce unplanned downtime and minimize unscheduled repairs (for example, creating seasonal orders for preventive maintenance during pre-planned outages in the work of Assets).

  • Data maintenance and management of unscheduled work.

    In the process of work, the Assets of the enterprise can break down, fail, for some reason start producing poor quality products, in other words, at some point in time an event occurs that is not part of the normal operation of the Asset. In such cases, it is necessary to quickly transfer information about what happened to the appropriate repair service of the Asset, plan a number of operations to find and eliminate the breakdown or incorrect operation of the asset, appoint performers and responsible persons, find the necessary spare parts, materials and tools necessary to perform the work, record the results of the work, repair costs, etc. Efficiency in solving such problems plays an important role. MAXIMO allows you to manage such work, perform analysis and make competent decisions, for example, about the need to increase the frequency of maintenance work for the Asset in order to avoid repeated breakdowns, etc.

  • Automatic generation of work orders.

    In the system, tasks for equipment repairs and preventive maintenance can be created automatically when predetermined threshold values \u200b\u200bof the counters are reached (in the system they are called meters) or based on the established frequency of work in time or according to the readings of the same counter.

    For example, car maintenance. When starting a car in the system as an asset, it is possible to set the frequency of the technical inspection depending on the mileage and / or time. When the specified mileage is reached or the expiration of a certain period, the system itself creates a work order, which already contains a work plan. This approach will avoid errors in manual creation and scheduling of work, improve the quality of planning and reduce unplanned downtime.

  • Creation of hierarchies of work orders.

    Sometimes it is necessary to plan very complex complex repairs of the Asset. This entire process can be divided into stages, which in the system can be represented by separate work orders linked by a common hierarchy. This allows you to better perform planning and tracking work, assign material and human resources, calculate and analyze costs.

  • Planning the execution of work, taking into account their importance.

    As a rule, each enterprise has Assets, which are of higher priority, since they have a direct impact on the main business processes of the organization. This means that the tasks of ensuring their uninterrupted operation should also have a higher priority than other works. To solve this kind of tasks in MAXIMO, planning and coordination of work is carried out, taking into account their priority, which ensures the prompt solution of the most important tasks of the entire organization, and not just maintenance tasks.

  • Human resource management.

    To carry out good work planning, it is necessary to assess the availability and ability of personnel to perform the planned work. To do this, MAXIMO implements the function of Tracking the availability of human resources at a certain time and a certain qualification required to perform the operations of the Work Order.

    Further, the execution of specific operations of the Work Order at a certain time is entrusted to a specific performer. This function in MAXIMO is called Assigning Work Order Execution to Available Personnel.

    Immediately after the execution of the assigned work by the performers, the actual data are entered into the system, that is, Tracking of the work progress is performed in real time. This data allows you to constantly analyze and evaluate the quality of planning and staff performance.

  • Optimize renovation planning

    The task of planning repairs for the maintenance service is the most important and decisive. MAXIMO allows you to optimize this task with a graphical work planner. At the same time, it is guaranteed that personnel with the required qualifications will be employed to carry out the relevant work.

  • Tracking and control of the implementation of Work orders,

    The results of the implementation of each Work Order are recorded in the system. A comprehensive analysis of the use of resources: personnel, materials, equipment, as well as a cost analysis is carried out, which allows you to achieve optimal maintenance of the repair process according to the Quality / Cost criterion.

Service management

The Service Management functionality allows end users to create service requests and submit them to Helpdesk.

Users should be able to report a problem or need to make changes, for example, a request to fix an error in a network printer or a request to install additional software on the user's personal computer.

In addition, end-users should be able to monitor and adjust requirements for services not yet received.

This functionality allows you to:

  • Promptly report problems or post a request for changes.
    With the help of a simple MAXIMO interface, understandable for an unprepared user, an employee can apply for service from his workplace. The application gets to the support service, is reviewed by a specialist who decides to reject the application or instructs another support employee to plan work on it, and so on until all work on the application is completed.
    This approach allows your employees not to waste time on non-production tasks, for example, finding a support employee who can solve the problem. For all users, requests are sent to a single centralized support service, and such requests are processed only within this service.
  • Track compliance with the requirement by all stakeholders.
    Each employee of the organization who has placed an application can view its status and history, and, if the appropriate authority is available, make changes to the not yet completed application, adjusting its processing at its discretion. This approach significantly improves the quality of fulfillment of the requirements of employees by the support service.
  • Maintain a catalog of incidents and Problems that occurred once, indicating the solutions worked out for them.
    Maintaining such a directory in the system is useful from different points of view:
    Firstly, such a catalog allows you to structure and collect statistics on incidents and problems that have occurred, which greatly facilitates their analysis and the development of management decisions to prevent them and eliminate the causes of their occurrence.
    Secondly, such a directory can be used to find solutions to similar Problems and Incidents. Before sending a request to the support service, the user browses the catalog. Perhaps in the catalog he will find a similar problem with the proposed solution to eliminate its causes and, having followed all the instructions, will solve this problem in a few minutes without the participation of a specialist. This approach helps to reduce the workload of support staff and improve the skills of employees.
  • Define service level agreements (SLAs)
    For the high-quality and efficient operation of the Enterprise Assets, you have to perform a number of standard actions that can be characterized as services or services. Services of this kind can be provided by third-party organizations on the basis of a contract or by internal divisions of the enterprise. In either case, it is convenient to use SLA to regulate the process of providing services related to the maintenance of the Enterprise Assets.
    MAXIMO allows you to create a Service Level Agreement, which is an agreement between the service provider and the customer on the level and terms of service. The SLA includes a detailed description of the services and services, the rights and obligations of the parties, which ensures that the services provided meet the requirements of users and contributes to the consistency of services with the goals of the organization as a whole. In addition to the requirements, the SLA stipulates the quality of the services provided, the description of the characteristics by which it can be assessed, and penalties are established for non-compliance with the conditions. This allows us to ensure the provision of service of the proper quality.
  • Promptly monitor compliance with SLA
    In order for the SLA to work and to see the effect of its use, it is not enough to correctly formulate and write down the requirements and conditions, it is necessary to control the quality and completeness of the services provided, as well as their compliance with the requirements. MAXIMO fully allows you to implement the SLA control functions, which undoubtedly increases the effect of its use.
  • Configure service management workflows.

Contract management

The functionality supports the management of contractual relationships with suppliers of materials and services. The system supports the management of purchase agreements, licensing agreements, lease agreements, leasing agreements, warranty agreements, labor agreements, framework agreements. In addition, users have the ability to create and manage any of their own types of contracts.

As part of this functionality, the following is performed:

  • Creation of contracts of any type.

    To organize high-quality work with suppliers of goods and services, it is advisable to store all information about the contractual relationship with them. For these purposes, in MAXIMO, you can keep a record about each supplier, where you can specify all the information you need, for example, purchase details, bank details, conditions of carriage, insurance data, email address, detailed information about the contact persons with whom your organization cooperates, indicate branches and branches of the supplier organization, etc. In addition, in MAXIMO, you can maintain the data of any contracts by selecting a supplier record from the list, or, if the supplier is not already in the system, enter its data directly on the contract maintenance screen. In addition, the following information can be specified in the contract record: payment schedule, contract renewal conditions, detailed information about the subject of the contract, delivery terms and other properties.

    For users of the system, this tool is simple and intuitive, providing a quick search for information about the necessary contracts and suppliers, which increases the efficiency of decision-making in matters of relationships with suppliers.

  • Maintain the relationship between service level agreements (SLAs) and purchase agreements.

    Traditionally, an agreement acts as a document regulating the relationship of the parties, but in some cases it is difficult to describe all the conditions and nuances of the transaction using an agreement, especially when it concerns the provision of specific services by a third-party organization, for example, IT and telecommunications services. In such cases, in order to avoid difficulties in the process of creating contracts, a regular contract is drawn up, in which general points are stipulated, and a specific list of services and prices are negotiated in the appendix to the contract, which is the SLA.

    A Service Level Agreement is a written agreement between a service provider and a customer that contains a detailed description of the services and services, as well as a description of the characteristics by which the quality of the provided services can be measured.

    MAXIMO allows you to create SLAs and maintains the link between purchase agreements and SLAs, which allows you to weed out unscrupulous suppliers and exclude the purchase of low-quality materials, as well as refer to the provisions of the service level agreement when revising the terms of contracts with suppliers.

  • Creation and maintenance of a built-in library of Terms of contracts.

    Very often, in the process of working with suppliers, one can distinguish a number of standard, often repeated terms of contracts. MAXIMO allows you to separately store and use the description of such standard conditions when preparing an unlimited number of contracts. This enables a consistent, standardized contract management policy to be applied throughout the organization.

  • Using templates.

    In practice, in the process of creating contracts, as a rule, examples and templates of such documents are used. MAXIMO allows you to store and use an unlimited number of such templates, the use of which greatly facilitates the creation of contracts of the same type, will reduce the time to create, standardize and develop the best version of the contract, thereby increasing its quality.

  • Automatic distribution of notifications and warnings.

    As part of the contract with suppliers, key conditions, obligations of the parties and restrictions on dates and times are usually stipulated. The MAXIMO system can be configured to automatically send notifications and warnings to suppliers, for example, about key contract dates. This function of the system allows you to monitor the terms of contracts in order to avoid penalties and ensure compliance with delivery dates.

Inventory management

The MAXIMO functionality allows you to track material resources associated with Organization Assets. The system stores complete and reliable information about stocks and their use, records all changes in stocks, which allows you to control the processes of consumption and delivery of materials in real time.

As part of this functionality, the following is performed:

  • Maintaining directories of goods and materials (commodity values).

    In the process of repair and maintenance of the Enterprise Assets, a lot of materials, spare parts, assemblies and tools are used and purchased, which can be abbreviated as the Commodity Values \u200b\u200bof the Enterprise. For the effective operation of the enterprise, it is necessary to organize storage, convenient search and work with information about the most frequently used and purchased goods and materials. For these purposes, MAXIMO provides for the maintenance of reference books of goods and materials.

    For each entry in the directory, special information can be entered, for example, alternative goods and materials, data on suppliers indicating the dates and costs of the last delivery, the assembly structure, if the inventory is a complex object and its parts can be purchased separately, classification data, etc. Several such directories can be created in the system.

    If the system has several organizations or one organization with several branches, then they can use a single directory. This approach to organizing reference information, which is always stored in the database of the system, regardless of the frequency of its use and the presence of inventory leftovers in warehouses, is simple and convenient to use.

  • Maintaining the inventory of goods and materials.

    As mentioned earlier, the inventory book contains detailed information characterizing the inventory, but there is no information about its availability and use. To store and conveniently work with this kind of data, another tool has been created in the system - the Register of Inventories.

    A record of goods and materials appears in the register only after it is received at a specific warehouse. From this moment, using the register, you can track the inventory of goods and materials at each of the company's warehouses, view information about where the goods and materials are used, and also indicate the details of the re-order and the supplier's data. The register will make it possible to simply and effectively monitor stocks in the context of goods and materials.

  • Warehouse management.

    The main part of the used goods and materials should be stored and recorded in the warehouses of the enterprise. For this purpose, the system maintains warehouse records for which shipping addresses and general ledger accounts can be specified. In addition to the standard presentation of warehouses in an enterprise, MAIMO supports the concept of a virtual warehouse. With the help of the function of keeping records, the inventory of goods and materials is monitored in the context of the warehouses of the system and communication with the financial subsystem MAXIMO is implemented.

  • Assessment of material requirements.

    To organize effective maintenance of the assets of the enterprise and to avoid downtime in their work, it is necessary to have a sufficient amount of basic, consumables at the warehouses of the enterprise at each moment of repair work. The availability of such materials will ensure the ability to carry out repair and preventive work accurately according to plan, without delay. At the same time, it makes sense to store only the necessary materials in the company's warehouses, the optimal stock level of which must be determined in advance in order to avoid storing excess stocks in warehouses. To achieve these goals, MAXIMO helps to assess the need for goods and materials and calculate the optimal amount of their additional purchase, which ensures efficient management of stocks of raw materials, materials, components, spare parts and tools, as well as reducing costs by preventing the formation of surplus in warehouses.

  • Control of irreducible reserves.

    The efficiency of maintenance and management of Enterprise Assets largely depends on the quality and timeliness of the provision of the repair and maintenance process, inventory and tools.

    MAXIMO allows you to control the level of irreducible inventory of goods and materials and automatically generate requests for re-purchase of materials and tools. To do this, the system implements tracking the level of reordering, determining the volume of an economical order, conducting ABC analysis and monitoring the lead time of deliveries. These tools ensure that the right parts are in the right place at the right time, reduce warehouse operations, reduce inventory levels, reduce shipping costs, generate savings through consolidated procurement, and ensure efficient repair and use of Plant Assets.

Procurement management

The Procurement Management functionality supports all stages of the procurement process for Assets, materials and tools.

In addition, MAXIMO allows you to record the fact of the purchase of inventory items without keeping the procurement processes in the system. In this case, the purchase can be carried out in a specialized system that is integrated with MAXIMO. MAXIMO Asset Management software seamlessly integrates with enterprise-grade business systems such as Oracle and SAP, as well as connectivity to online marketplaces and electronic exchanges.

As part of this functionality, the following is performed:

  • Automatic creation of purchase requisitions.

    To carry out effective repair and maintenance of the assets of the enterprise, it is necessary to competently organize the supply of the necessary spare parts, materials and tools exactly in time for the planned repair or maintenance. Lack of the right materials at the time of repair work will increase the downtime of the equipment, significantly reducing its efficiency. To avoid the occurrence of such and similar situations, MAXIMO allows you to monitor the level of stocks and create purchase requisitions in automatic mode if there are no spare parts and materials needed to perform the planned work in the warehouses, or if the stock is lower than the established norms. This approach allows us to guarantee the availability of materials necessary for repair and maintenance, to reduce the influence of the human factor, and therefore to streamline the procurement process, avoiding data entry errors.

  • Consolidation of purchase requisitions

    In the process of planning and performing repair work, there are situations when several requests from different departments have been received for the purchase of the same material or tool. In such cases, it becomes advisable to combine such requests and purchase goods centrally, while saving and increasing the efficiency of procurement due to large order volumes and lower wholesale prices. The MAXIMO system allows you to track requests for goods ordered by various departments or organizations and, on their basis, create a consolidated request, then implementing the entire procurement process for it.

  • Supplier relationship management.

    As a rule, for the repair and maintenance of Enterprise Assets, materials, spare parts and tools can be purchased from several suppliers operating in this market. Each organization conducts a kind of research on existing goods and suppliers, analyzing the quality indicators of products and terms of delivery. Based on the results of this analysis, the selection and procurement of the most suitable goods and services from the most suitable suppliers is carried out.

    MAXIMO allows you to analyze suppliers of goods and services. Based on the received request for the purchase of materials, spare parts, services and / or tools in MAXIMO, a special request for quotations can be created. This request indicates all the items of goods and materials and services that need to be purchased, their quantity, the required delivery times and other conditions that you define, and also lists all the suppliers who will be analyzed. After filling in all the necessary information, a request for quotations is sent to the selected suppliers.

    Further, the responses received from the suppliers are entered into the request, which indicates the prices at which each supplier sells, the goods requested from him, the terms of sale and delivery (including terms). Based on this information, the responsible persons make a decision to cooperate with a particular supplier, and the request for quotations can be converted into one or several orders or contracts with the supplier.

  • Creation of an order for the purchase of non-stock materials and components.

    There are situations when a material or tool that has never been used before is required to implement the repair of an Asset and the likelihood of its reuse is very small, therefore it is not advisable to purchase such material in large quantities and store it in the company's warehouses. It is much more convenient to buy it and use it for a specific repair once or to rent an expensive tool.
    MAXIMO allows you to create requests for the purchase of such materials directly during the preparation and planning of work orders for equipment maintenance and repair. In order to purchase such materials, it is not necessary to enter their description in a special System Directory, which greatly simplifies the procurement process

    This function of the MAXIMO system once again demonstrates the multivariate organization of procurement business processes in the system.

  • Analysis and assessment of key performance indicators (Key Performance Indicator, KPI).

    To make competent management decisions and adjust the directions of business development, it is necessary to assess the effectiveness of the processes being performed. In this case, we are talking about the implementation of the procurement process, the effectiveness of which MAXIMO allows you to evaluate using key performance indicators. As an example, the assessment can be performed based on the processing time of requests, lead time, etc. This approach allows decision-makers to make informed, statistically-supported decisions about the need to make some changes to the procurement process, for example, add another level of coordination of all documents procurement for the implementation of closer control over the implementation of the process itself.

  • Set up supply chain workflows.

For more information please send a request.

Renowned provider of consulting services and software for service and asset management. Its clients include many of the largest enterprises in the world that use MRO solutions to effectively manage the procurement, storage and decommissioning of assets (manufacturing equipment, plants, vehicles, IT software and hardware) in various industries, such as manufacturing, utilities. , electricity, pharmaceuticals and communications.

MRO Software is one of the veterans of the computer industry. It was founded in 1968 (initially called PSDI) and has since been headquartered in Bedford, Massachusetts, USA. Its core product is Maximo, a strategic asset and service management software system that can be used in conjunction with a variety of ERP systems. Maximo works with a variety of databases including Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and IBM DB2. The latest version of Maximo 6 (also known as MXES) is implemented on the J2EE platform as an SOA solution (the first Web-based version of this software appeared in the previous version, Maximo 5).

During 2007, IBM was finalizing the integration of the acquired software into its software family. The program, called IBM Maximo, is now being developed as part of the IBM Tivoli software development business.

Key features of the Maximo suite

Maximo system is aimed at supporting the entire complex of enterprise assets throughout the life cycle of its operation and links asset management with the overall business strategy, solving the following main tasks:

  • increase in capital productivity;
  • reducing the cost of acquiring and using assets;
  • making more informed decisions about assets;
  • increasing the level of services provided;
  • ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements;
  • increasing the productivity of personnel;
  • improving business agility;
  • lower total cost of ownership of assets.

The software is implemented as a Maximo Enterprise Suite, consisting of six key subsystems that allow you to successfully manage existing assets (including production facilities, buildings and structures, vehicles), works, purchases, services, warehouses and contracts in order to achieve key business goals companies.

The specialized product allows the head of the enterprise, chief engineer, employees of the repair and maintenance service of the Assets, employees of all other divisions related to the processes of management, repair and maintenance of the Assets, can perform their functions more efficiently, reducing the amount of costs for maintenance and repair of the Enterprise Assets.

Using the system makes it possible to see all the assets of the enterprise from the inside, to see how your equipment and main systems function, to see where and how you can minimize costs, which prevents an increase in profits, an increase in productivity. You will be able to quickly receive consolidated information coming from the most remote divisions of the organization and, if necessary, refine this information down to the level of Assets, spare parts, materials, researching and analyzing your business, finding ways and opportunities for improving it and solving existing problems.

Thanks to the MAXIMO system, the level of transparency of your business in terms of the main Assets increases, i.e. business manageability increases.

At the same time, MAXIMO does not require coordinated changes and business restructuring and does not replace other specialized applications that are in the enterprise (accounting, personnel, etc.). These applications can use the information that comes from MAXIMO. MAXIMO expands their functionality, peacefully coexisting with them and fulfilling its goal - increasing the manageability of Assets.

A feature of the MAXIMO system is that it increases the manageability of the assets of the enterprise, while reducing the costs of their maintenance. In this regard, MAXIMO allows:

From a manager's point of view:

Make correct and timely decisions: on the decommissioning of unprofitable Assets, on the acquisition of new Assets, on the need to modernize and reconstruct existing Assets, on the need to optimize MRO costs, etc.

The managers of many enterprises want to make reasonable decisions about the decommissioning of an Asset due to its unprofitableness for the enterprise. Without all the information about the real state of the Assets at hand, it is difficult to identify problematic, unprofitable Assets and make decisions on their modernization or liquidation.

Thanks to the MAXIMO system, managers have the opportunity to receive both in the form of reports and in real time information about:

  • What Assets are there and where are they located?
  • Their condition, value, and business importance?
  • What processes and operations are performed with Assets during the Life Cycle?
  • What are the costs of maintaining and repairing the Assets?
  • Who is responsible for each of the maintenance and repair processes for each type of Assets?
  • When should you make major repairs or replace fixed assets?
  • To what extent do existing maintenance and repair processes meet business goals and market requirements?
  • etc.

In addition, MAXIMO allows you to use modern methods of accounting and writing off the costs of repair and maintenance of the assets of the enterprise. Costs are written off "addressed" to each asset of the enterprise, thereby making this process absolutely transparent and reasonable, allowing you to keep statistics of costs in the context of each asset.

From the point of view of the head of the maintenance and repair service of the assets of the enterprise, the chief engineer, the chief technologist.

Control and coordinate the performance of maintenance and repair of equipment.

In the process of monitoring and coordinating the work performed on the repair and maintenance of Enterprise Assets, it is extremely important for managers to obtain the information they need with a certain accuracy and within the required time frame. In the case of a poor organization of the information support process for managers, situations are possible when decisions have to be made almost "blindly", based on incomplete or untimely information.

MAXIMO provides an opportunity in real time to monitor the implementation of planned and unscheduled works on the maintenance and repair of the assets of the enterprise, control costs and make prompt decisions, coordinating the work of the relevant service.

From the point of view of the employees of the maintenance and repair service of the Company Assets:

High-quality work planning is simple and convenient.

MAXIMO makes it possible to significantly facilitate the planning of preventive maintenance and repair of Assets, providing the contractor with all the necessary information and tools.

Thus, two main tasks are solved: the costs of planning work are reduced, and the quality of planning is increased.

For a long time, it was believed that the ratio of planned repairs to unscheduled repairs should not go beyond 90% to 10%. If this ratio was violated and there was an increase in unscheduled repairs, then the plan for the implementation of preventive work was revised. In the modern world of the struggle of competitive advantages, it becomes urgent for enterprises to reduce the level of unscheduled repairs as much as possible, ideally to 0%, which is realized by improving the quality of work planning.

In addition, with high-quality work planning, there are no situations of downtime for repair services due to the lack of the necessary material or personnel, which, in turn, leads to cost savings.

It can be argued that the higher the quality of planning of preventive maintenance and preventive work, the less failures of Assets occur, the less downtime and equipment failures. To act promptly in the event of problems or failures in the operation of the Enterprise Assets.

In the MAXIMO system, a responsible employee is assigned to each Asset. In the event of a problem with any asset of the enterprise, information about this is immediately transmitted to the responsible and support service specialist, who can solve (eliminate) this problem. Thus, the response time to an incident that has arisen is significantly reduced and the asset downtime is reduced. To simplify the processes of interaction and transfer of information to other services that support the process of maintenance and repair of equipment: accounting, financial department, personnel department, logistics department, economic department, etc.

From the point of view of the finance department:

Timely receipt of correct data and correctly executed financial documents from the places of implementation of business transactions, which significantly reduces the workload of the financial and accounting department of the enterprise, and, accordingly, reduces the cost of restoring and reissuing documents.

From the point of view of the economic department:

Implement effective accounting of all costs for repair and maintenance of the assets of the enterprise, which makes it possible to make costs "transparent" and available for analysis in any aspect. Receive correct data in a timely manner to form a budget for the future period, which improves the quality of the budget being created and reduces the labor costs of the process of its preparation.

From the point of view of the logistics service:

Receive information and factual data (statistics of breakdowns, failures, difficulty in servicing) on \u200b\u200bthe quality of goods and equipment purchased from suppliers, information on the fulfillment by suppliers of their obligations, data on the performance of repairs under warranty, etc.

In order to avoid situations when the supply service, due to the lack of the necessary information, buys materials or tools of inappropriate quality or buys them from a supplier who is negligent in its obligations to accompany the goods, it is convenient to have at hand all the information about the quality of the goods of a particular supplier and the quality of the services they provide.

MAXIMO allows you to quickly receive information about suppliers and, based on the analysis of this information, make decisions about concluding contracts with them. Thus, the system insures supply service employees against unprofitable transactions and reduces maintenance costs through the use of reliable materials, components and tools. Receive timely information about the materials required to perform maintenance and repair of the Assets.

With the help of MAXIMO, logistics staff have access to information about the planned work and what materials and tools will be needed in the near future. This information allows you to correctly plan the work of the supply service (avoid rush and rush), order the necessary materials and tools from suitable suppliers and ensure their availability in the company's warehouse by the appointed time.

This ensures cost savings by eliminating repair downtime while waiting for the right materials. Optimize warehouse stock.

Often, a large amount of materials and spare parts are stored in the warehouses of an enterprise that are not in demand by the equipment maintenance and repair service for a long time. The storage of such surplus in the warehouses of the enterprise can lead to a significant increase in costs.

MAXIMO allows you to optimize stocks of spare parts and materials so that they are available at the time of scheduled or unscheduled repairs, but do not accumulate in warehouses and do not lie "dead weight".

Reduce prices for the procurement of materials and spare parts through the use of a centralized procurement service and consolidation of ordered lots of goods.

From the perspective of a safety engineer:

Reduce the risks of non-compliance with safety regulations when performing hazardous work.

MAXIMO allows you to inform contractors about safety rules when performing hazardous work, the necessary protective equipment. This function of the system relieves the unnecessary burden on the safety engineer and reduces the likelihood of danger to life and health of people.

IBM Maximo Asset Management

IBM Maximo Asset Management is one platform for comprehensive asset management systems. Systems based on it solve a wide range of tasks to improve the efficiency of property ownership throughout its entire life cycle, namely: accounting and analysis of indicators of the operation of real estate objects, reducing the cost of maintenance and repair of equipment and units, as well as ensuring the continuity of maintenance and repairs objects of operation.

  • IBM Maximo technologies for increasing the agility of IT infrastructure and business (473KB)

A new player - Legal SoftWave - is getting active on the St. Petersburg software licensing market. The company is positioning itself as a niche player, mainly specialized in providing licensing services to software developers. It is interesting that, despite the fact that currently there are more than a hundred companies operating in the licensing market in St. Petersburg, there are not so many players serving the segment of software developers.

Legal SoftWave was founded in early 2008 in St. Petersburg. The company specializes in software licensing for enterprises in the Northwest region. In addition, in early 2009, preparations began for the opening of an office in Perm. Currently, Legal SoftWave employs about 10 professionals. Since 2008, the company has been an official partner of the world's largest IT vendors: Microsoft, Adobe, Corel, Kaspersky Lab, Eset, Symantec.

Initially, Legal SoftWave positioned itself as a niche player specializing in providing licensing services to real estate developers. Nikolay Platonov, Development Director of the company, spoke about the reasons that prompted Legal SoftWave to focus on this segment: “We entered the market with a clear idea of \u200b\u200bhow our business should develop. Since the licensing market is highly competitive, we thought it would be wrong to dissipate efforts and decided to focus on one niche. Since the backbone of the company previously worked in the development sector and is well aware of the specifics of this work, it was decided to focus specifically on the segment of software developers ”.

With this motive in May 2008, Legal SoftWave turned to Microsoft Corporation, which today is a key partner of the company. “Our idea - to provide licensing services to software developers - interested Microsoft, since there are not so many partners in the North-West market who are capable of competently advising developers,” says Nikolai Platonov.

According to experts, the development segment in St. Petersburg is very large both in terms of the number of companies and in terms of potential profit. At present, about 300 companies specializing in software development work in St. Petersburg. Among them, about 17 companies belong to the large business segment with a staff of 100 to 300 people. About 200 companies have between 30 and 100 employees. And another 150 companies are at the start-up level - young small developers. At the same time, it is interesting that in general, over 800 software vendors work in the Northwestern Federal District, among which only a few specialize in providing licensing services to development companies.

As for the audience of Legal SoftWave at the present time, about 50% of the total number of its customers are development companies. The remaining 50% are enterprises operating in other segments. In total, the company has about 70 regular customers. Among them: developers of billing systems for electric power industry, casual games, web applications, etc. In the future, Legal SoftWave intends to create several divisions, each of which will provide licensing services to a specific business segment.

Legal SoftWave emphasizes that the company deliberately abandoned the practice of software implementation, focusing on licensing services. Thus, at present, the core competencies of Legal SoftWave are licensing, evaluation and selection of software, as well as license management. The latter competency is a new service for the market in organizing and classifying existing licenses in the enterprise. Legal SoftWave noted that such a system allows to put things in order in the licenses already acquired by the company, which in the long term allows saving up to 30% within five years.

Legal SoftWave, according to its management, is "a pro-Western, customer-centric company focused on long-term customer relationships." Nikolay Platonov noted that the three key tenets of Legal SoftWave are competencies, guarantees and support. “In principle, all Western models are based on these postulates. The main thing for us is to create friendly relations with each client. We are focused on long-term cooperation. One of the options included in our services is informing the client about changes in licensing rules - a very dynamic area where the rules change once a month. We also place great emphasis on the competence and training of our employees, ”says Nikolai Platonov.
Interestingly, according to the results of the Microsoft Customer Satisfaction Index survey, which was conducted among corporate users, the level of customer loyalty of Legal SoftWave for all positions was fixed at 80%, which is a very high indicator. As for the promotion of Legal SoftWave's services, the company focuses on conducting seminars and master classes on partner products, as well as targeted mailing.

As already noted, the key vendor of Legal SoftWave is Microsoft. As Nikolai Platonov emphasizes, Microsoft is not only a partner, but also an assistant for the company. “In the process of working with Microsoft, we realized that this is a truly unique and ingenious machine created to help partners - the marketing resource that Microsoft gives partners is enormous. However, not everyone in Russia makes full use of these opportunities, ”says Nikolai Platonov.

Some of the most popular products include traditional Microsoft software, including Windows and Vista operating systems, Microsoft Office, and Exchange Server and Windows Server. In addition, portal solutions are gaining momentum at the moment - for example, in technologically advanced companies, SharePoint is in demand. Promising new products from Microsoft include Visual Studio Team System, which enables collaboration on a product development project, and Expression Studio, built for web development. “The last two solutions are not yet very popular in Russia due to the fact that people simply do not know about them,” said Nikolai Platonov.

Among the popular solutions of the Adobe corporation, Legal SoftWave notes the well-known Photoshop, as well as a wide range of products for printing. Note that at Adobe most of the products are combined into sets, each of which is "sharpened" for a specific specialization. For example, the Adobe Creative Suite was created for the designer of publishing systems for printing, web and mobile devices; Adobe Acrobat Professional is a system for the automated management of Adobe PDF documents; Adobe Flash Professional is an authoring rich interactive content development environment for digital, web and mobile platforms. As noted by Nikolai Platonov, the company is also planning a series of events on Adobe products, many of which are not very familiar to Russian users.

Legal SoftWave does not deny that the company has entered a highly competitive market. Let's remind that, according to Microsoft estimates, about 870 companies sell licensed software in the North-West region. At the same time, in the segment of corporate licensing, the largest players, which account for more than 75% of the market, are Polycom Pro, SoftLine, Astrosoft, Columbus IT. Then there are large system integrators, for whom the supply of licenses is a side, but a very large segment of activity. And in the last echelon there are small companies that also do not make a big emphasis on selling software. At the same time, there are practically no companies that work only in the field of licensing in the Northwestern Federal District. As for Legal SoftWave, the player is currently in the third echelon in terms of turnover, but by the end of 2009 he intends to enter the second.

“Competition in the software licensing market in St. Petersburg is quite serious, but often we are talking about price competition - some companies, why hide, simply dump. We are trying to focus on providing better services, which has a more beneficial effect on the development of the market in the long term, says Nikolai Platonov. - As for the financial crisis, in the midst of which Legal SoftWave entered the market, it plays into our hands. The reason is that the crisis is a deterrent to the company's growth - if we grew too fast, we could not manage the company well. In today's environment, we are growing a little slower, but at the same time building a stronger system. "