How to install a satellite counter of citizens' requests. Sputnik has launched its web statistics and analytics service

On July 1, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 171 "On Monitoring and Analysis of the Results of Consideration of Appeals of Citizens and Organizations" comes into force. It follows from the document that the Presidential Administration will monitor and analyze the results of consideration of electronic applications from citizens and organizations. As well as public initiatives posted on the Internet resource "Russian Public Initiative".

It has been established that state, municipal and other organizations must place counters of electronic requests on their websites and submit monthly information to the Administration on the results of their consideration and measures taken on them. Technical assistance to the Administration in monitoring will be provided by the authorized “Fund for Information Democracy”.

According to experts, the array of work will be considerable, judging by the fact that Russians prefer to solve problems through complaints. And they can complain about any structure, regardless of status and size. Including small businesses, which are already often faced with excessive regulation and a large number of inspections.

At the same time, it became known that the number of unscheduled inspections of businesses on any requests from citizens will decrease. To this end, the government plans to introduce a risk-based approach, which implies an analysis of the risks of a particular enterprise, on the basis of which it is checked. As a result, enforcement agencies will only respond to public complaints if they are compatible with risk indicators.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Economic Development, the purpose of introducing a risk-oriented approach is to change the priorities of the activities of control and supervisory bodies from a "cane" system for searching for violations to minimizing harm to life, health and other protected values. In 2017, a risk-based approach is being introduced only during scheduled inspections. It provides for the division of controlled entities into risk categories and the establishment of a certain frequency of inspections for each of these categories.

“This year, on the basis of a risk-based approach, plans have already been drawn up for inspections on sanitary and epidemiological supervision (Rospotrebnadzor and FMBA), fire supervision (Ministry of Emergency Situations), and communications supervision (Roskomnadzor). In February, the Russian government approved the risk criteria for supervision in the field of labor relations (Rostrud). For 2018, plans for inspections, taking into account a risk-based approach, will be drawn up by other federal executive authorities, including Rosselkhoznadkhor, Roszdravnadzor, Rosprirodnadzor, Rostransnadzor, ”the press service said.

| Instructions for setting up a workplace for receiving citizens

Instructions for installing and configuring the counter of citizens' requests in the Sputnik system:

How to install the "Sputnik" counter on the uCoz website (revised from 26.07.2017):

1. Find out the password that is required to enter the "site control panel" at the link http: // (for example:). Without this password, the counter cannot be set. If you have forgotten the password for the control panel, then click next to the inscription "forgot password" and try to recover it.

3. The copied code must be inserted into YOUR website in the control panel. To do this, you go to the site control panel (see clause 1 of this manual). In the control panel, at the top, you need to find the "Design" tab. In this tab, click on the "Design Management (Templates)" item. Further in the list in the center, find the line highlighted in red with the name "First container" (if there is none, use either "Second container" or "Bottom of the site") and click on it. You will go to the site CODE editing mode. From this point on, it is necessary to observe the MAXIMUM ACCURACY and not accidentally delete and, or, not put an extra space, letter, symbol, etc. not this way). Scroll through the code to the very bottom of the page. At the very bottom, find the last line (each line is numbered "1,2,3 ... 888" and by placing the cursor at the end of the last line, press "Enter" (on the keyboard so that you go to a new blank line. You can press several times to indent After that, paste the copied code from item 2 of this instruction into an empty line.

4. Click the "Save" button. Done! You have installed the counter code on your site. In order for it to work, you need to register and create your account on the Sputnik website. To do this, follow the link and fill in all the required fields. After clicking the "Register" button, you will receive a letter with a link to your specified E-mail address, which must be followed to complete the registration. Follow this link. After that you will be taken to a page where you are asked to "Add a site". Click to add a site (or follow this link Enter the address of your site, and click add. Your site has been added, but now you need to verify the rights to your site.

5. Confirmation of rights to the domain (Site). Follow the link Find your site. On the right side of it, find the inscription "Awaiting confirmation of rights to the domain How to confirm the rights to administer the site?" Click on it. On the page that opens, find a dark window with a code. Copy this code and paste it into your site after the counter code that you installed in p3. of this manual and save the changes on your website. After that, return to the "dark window with the code" and click the "Verify Rights" button. After verification, you should see the message "Rights verified". This means you have successfully installed the counter on your site.

6. Check if there is a counter on your site. Go to the home page of your site and check on the left or right side of the site at the very bottom for the presence of a blue button. If it is, the counter is installed. After a while, he will start keeping records of visits to the site / citizens' appeals to the site.

Viewing 8 replies - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

    Good evening.

    Usually, all counters are put in the footer.php file of the active theme, a little less often in header.php (Yandex.Metrica, for example). It's the same, nothing complicated.

    In footer.php add the code front

    That is, in the end it should turn out something like:

    Swears when you click on "Update file":
    Unable to connect to site to check code for errors, PHP code was rolled back. You need to upload the modified PHP file in another way, for example via FTP or SFTP.

    Those. do you need to go to the directory with the site through FileZilla and find this file?
    And in the line Host, Username and Password what to specify?
    Or is it necessary to somehow try to find out from the system administrator who quit?

    Yes, there is access. Understood, there in the file manager and change.
    If I insert this code, will the traffic statistics of the entire site be kept? It just needs to be counted only when the appeal is created. Those. when they visit this page:

Attention! Actions according to this instruction are performed only after successful installation of the meter (in the system CMS2 is installed automatically) and after successful confirmation of the domain in the Sputnik system.

Attention! The text inside the pictures in this manual is not part of the manual. Pictures are given for clarity of the material.

As a result of the listed actions, you should get the following result:

Attention! This manual describes the actions for users of the system. For users of the first version of the system highly recommended Go to second version... Users of other systems need to clarify the details of paragraph 12 of this instruction from the developers of their site.

Technical support telephone of the Sputnik system: 8 800 301 18 22. When contacting, please do not refer to this instruction - the instruction was written by GU YaO TsTISO for users of version 2. The instruction on the Sputnik system is located at the link:

Open the website (to do this, follow the link, or enter the website address in the address bar of your browser).

It looks like this:

Here we go to the "Analytics" section by clicking on the corresponding link:

The login page for the analytics service opens.

Click "Login" in the upper right corner.

If you are already registered, in the window that opens, you must enter your email address and password:

If you are not registered, click on the "Register" link below and go through the registration procedure.

After logging into your account, you will see a page with your sites. It is empty by default.

To add a new site, click on the "Add site" button.

A page should open where you must enter the address of your site in an empty field.

To copy your site's address, open it and copy the full path from your browser's address bar (or enter the site's address manually).

After the site address is added, click on the "Add" button.

In the window you will see a message on a light green background that the site has been added.

Go to the "Sites" tab.

Here we see that the site has appeared in the list, but is in the "unconfirmed domains" status.

Domain ownership verification

To confirm that you are adding your own site to analytics, you must perform the following steps:

On the page that opens, the confirmation type "Meta-tag" must be selected. Below we copy the code of the meta tag for embedding on our site.

Go to your site, to the content management system. Open the "Settings" section.

We pass to the subsection "SEO".

Find the big field "Meta tags".

Paste the code copied from Sputnik into it. It should look something like this:

Return to the Analytics Sputnik website and click on the "Verify Rights" button.

After a few seconds of checking, if everything was done correctly, the message "Rights verified" should appear.

Installing the statistics counter Sputnik on the website

On the Sputnik Analytics website, go to the "Sites" section, a message appears in front of us stating that no data is being received from the site.

Copy the counter code.

We open our site, in the TSAdmin site management system go to the "Settings" section, then the "Footer" subsection.

Scroll down and find the "Statistics" field.

Paste the counter code you copied earlier into this field. It should look something like this:

At the moment, the "Sputnik" statistics counter is installed, data will be collected, you can view them in your account on the Sputnik Analytics website. The counter will not be displayed on the site itself.

To display the informer with data on the site, you need to install its code.

Installing the informer (counter) Sputnik Analytics on the website

Informer Sputnik Analytics looks like this:

To install it on your website, open Sputnik Analytics.

Find and click "Control" under your site address.

Go to the line with the informer code and copy it.

Here's the code itself:

Go to your site, in the content management system, open the "Settings" section, the "Basement" subsection.

Scroll down to the "Statistics" field. Paste the copied informer code after the existing codes.

It should look something like this:

Go to the site itself, refresh the page and check the lower part of the site. Depending on the settings of your site, a picture with data should appear in the left or right corner.

"Sputnik" for the execution of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 171 of 17.04.2017