Digital material. Digital Printing What is meant by the preservation of digital heritage

The theoretical propositions of economics without statistical support do not always look convincing. Correct conclusions about the processes taking place in society can only be drawn on the basis of a comprehensive study of a large amount of factual material. His analysis reveals the connection between theory and practice.

The student should carefully consider the selection of factual material and statistical data, their scientific processing, grouping and reduction to comparable units. The main sources of evidence are general and sectoral statistical compilations and reference books. It is necessary to use data from the annual collections of the Federal Statistics Service.

When writing a work, it is recommended to make extensive use of local material. The student can get advice from the head on which enterprises and institutions should collect practical material, in which departments (planning, accounting, etc.), on the basis of which documents (balance sheet, financial plan, credit, etc.) and what this data is for. Annual reports reflect the work of the enterprise most fully, the structure of which and the content of their forms must be familiarized with in advance.

The collected factual material should correspond to the theoretical problems and conclusions that are presented in the work. It is better to summarize the factual material in the form of tables, graphs. You should not overload your work by listing a variety of numbers and facts, you should use the most important ones.

It is advisable to process digital data and present it in the form of diagrams or tables. Tables make the material easy to read and understandable. However, the goal is achieved only if the table is compiled correctly. When compiling it, you must adhere to the following rules.

1. The table should be compact. Anything that does not contain useful information, should be excluded from the table.

2. The names of tables are not abbreviated, and the names of the columns should be formulated briefly, taking into account the accepted abbreviations. The name of the table should contain the answer to the question: what, where, when was analyzed.

3.Units of measurement must be specified.

4. The lines of the subject and the graphs of the predicate are arranged according to the principle from particular to general, ie. first, the terms are given, and at the end of the subject or predicate graph, the results are summed up.

5. If the table contains not only reporting, but also calculated data, it is advisable to stipulate this in a note.

The tables given in the work must be analyzed. Analyzing the data should start with the summary.

II. Work structure

The work includes the following elements:

1) title page;

3) the text of the work;

4) a list of used literature (bibliographic list);

5) applications illustrating the text part.

The text part of the work consists of the following sections:

1. Introduction,

2) the main part: statement of the question (problem, task), analysis of the state of the issue (current situation), research (design) part,

3) conclusion (conclusions and proposals).


The introduction provides the following.

1. Justification of the importance (relevance) of the topic.

2. The formulation of the purpose of the work and the definition of the object under study.

3. The formulation of the tasks to be solved to achieve the goal of the work.

4. Justification of the construction (structure) of the work.

5. Characteristics of research methods.

6. Limiting the range of issues to be considered.

7. Justification of the study period.

8. Explanation of permissible abbreviations in work.

9. Explanations regarding the references to the sources used.

In all cases, the introduction should include points 1, 2, 3, 4.

The significance (relevance) of the topic can be substantiated from two points of view: to solve a particular economic problem or due to insufficient study (consideration) of this problem, indicating which issues will be paid attention to when writing a work.

The formulation of the purpose of the work and the object of research should be short and precise. The purpose of the work should correspond to the title of the work.

When justifying the structure of the work, it is necessary to indicate why the content (structure) of the work is constructed in this way and why certain issues are being considered.

Main part

The bulk of the work is divided into chapters, and the chapters into paragraphs. When writing it, three stages of the process of cognition and scientific generalization should be reflected:

1) statement of facts;

2) analysis of the facts and assessment of the results of the analysis;

Simple presentation of the read literature ("photographing") is not allowed. The main thing is the ability to analyze facts, based on the results of the analysis, draw correct conclusions and prepare proposals for solving the selected problems.

When writing the main part of the work, it is advisable to adhere to the following logic: problem statement, analysis of the state of the problem, research part. The research part assumes the author's materials: the evidence of the provisions put forward, the validity of the recommendations, the originality of the methods, the author's calculations. The research work logically ends with the author's proposals developed by practical recommendations to improve and improve the problem, eliminate the existing shortcomings at the object under study.

Thus, the first chapter, as a rule, is devoted to the theoretical issues of the topic, it examines the normative and legislative materials. The second chapter is devoted to the analysis of the problem at a specific object. The analysis is based on financial statements over the past 3 years. The third chapter should contain the author's project, including the proposed solution to the problem with financial instruments at a specific facility. At the end of each chapter, it is recommended that you do smooth transition on the issues discussed in the next chapter. The chapters should be the same length. Only the research (design) chapter may be exceeded.

When presenting, one should avoid pronouns "I", "we", because in scientific literature it is customary to write in the third person (not "in my opinion", but "in the opinion of the author" or impersonally - "as it appears"). It is necessary to avoid the expressions "last year", "now", but precisely indicate the year, period, etc.


The conclusion consists of a summary of the key points of the study: its main results, conclusions and proposals.

If the work ends with conclusions and proposals, then conclusions follow first, and then proposals. They are formulated in the form of theses, with an emphasis on the main points.


The appendices contain materials that helped the author in the disclosure of the topic. There may be digital data that formed the basis of the tables given in the work: enterprise reports, guidance material analyzed in the work. It is not allowed to include in the work of documentation in the form of layouts. All forms must be completed.

Large-format sheets are folded in an accordion and folded from the bottom so that the pages are visible.

A completely finished work is provided to the supervisor, who allows (does not allow) it to be defended.

III. Registration of work

The work is presented to the manager in a preliminary draft.

After receiving the permission of the manager, taking into account all his oral and written comments, the work can be rewritten or reprinted.

1. Recommended volume: abstract, test- 10-15 pages handwritten text, course work- 25-30 pages of handwritten text, thesis - at least 50, maximum 65 pages of printed text before conclusion on standard A4 sheets (210 x 300). The text is printed at 1 spacing in font No. 14. Formulas can be entered by hand.

2. The approximate structure of the text part of the work: the introduction and conclusion together should make up 1/8 of the total volume of the work, the subsequent sections are equal in volume.

3. It is recommended to start each new section with new page... In this case, it is necessary to indicate not only the serial number of the section, but also its name, as well as the name of subsections (paragraphs), if they are provided for by the plan. Each paragraph starts at the 5th character from the left margin of the sheet.

4. The following order of rubrication of individual sections of the work is recommended: sections (chapters) of the work are indicated by Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, ...), their subsections (paragraphs) - also Arabic numerals, but with the indication of the section number in front of them (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, ...). The paragraph mark is not used.

5. The work begins with a title page, which indicates the name of the educational institution, faculty, department, title of the work, its author, place of performance (city) and year. The initials of the author and the leader should be written before the surname (see Appendix No. 4.5).

6. The title page is followed by a table of contents, in which the titles of chapters, paragraphs, paragraphs, etc. must necessarily match the names in the text. The page number from which the chapter, paragraph, point begins (see Appendix No. 6.7) is also indicated here.

7. The work is written on one side of the sheet. Field size: 2 cm on the left, 1 cm on the right, and 2 cm each above and below.

8. The pages of the work are consecutively numbered, including illustrations, and numbered in Arabic numerals, which are affixed in the upper right corner. The first page is the title page (no page number), the second is the table of contents (no page number).

9. All illustrative material (diagrams, graphs, photographs) is called pictures and must have the signature “Fig.”, Serial number and title at the bottom. Tables should have the inscription “Table” on the top right side and a serial number. The digital material used in the work must have a footnote to the source from which the data was taken. Tables are placed in the work in the course of the presentation of the material.

10. The numbering of tables, formulas and graphic material is as follows: the first two Arabic numerals are the numbers of the section and subsection to which the table (formula, figure) belongs, the third digit is the ordinal number of the table (formula, figure) in the subsection. The numbering of illustrations and tables should be continuous according to subsections, the numbering of formulas should be continuous throughout the text of the work. The formula number is placed in parentheses to the right of the formula.

11. Bulky and complex illustrations and reference tables should be placed in the appendix in the order in which the text refers to them with the indication of the appendix number.

12. The list of sources used and applications are not included in the scope of work.

Similar information.

a) Numeric data should be arranged in accordance with the rules for reading statistical tables: rows are read from left to right, graph - from top to bottom. Numbers should be represented in the middle of the graph under each other - units under units, comma under the comma.

b) The location of the digital material must be logically justified. For example, the groups for the studied attribute should be presented in ascending or descending order of the attribute values.

c) The numbers are recommended to be rounded. The rounding of digital data of the same line or column should be carried out with the same degree of accuracy - to an integer, to tenths, hundredths, etc. If all numbers of one line or columns are presented with one decimal point, and one number - with two or more decimal places, then numbers with one decimal place must be supplemented with zero.

d) Numerical data should be presented as concisely as possible. Digits consisting of 7-8 or more decimal places are best rounded to 2-3 decimal places. For example, a unit of measurement such as "rubles" can be translated into "million rubles."

e) If, in the interest of research, nevertheless, it was necessary to resort to multi-digit numbers, it is recommended to separate different classes of numbers from each other, highlighting millions, thousands, ones, etc. with a space (omission).

f) If one of the values ​​is many times greater than the other, the compared indicators should be expressed in times.

Notes and additions. If in the table, along with the reporting materials, calculated information is presented, as well as if the table is compiled on the basis of data obtained using various methodologies, then such a table should be supplemented with appropriate explanations. Such additions can be placed before the table, in its title, or directly in the table itself. Also, the table can be provided with a note or footnotes, usually located below the table. If any of the data in the table is borrowed, then you should indicate their source.

Symbols The reasons for the lack of data in the tables are different, in this regard, in statistical practice, a number of legend:

"X" - the position is not subject to filling: for example, it is impossible to fill a cell at the intersection of the line " 5-9 years old"And columns" number of marriages»;

"..." / "No information." / "N. St. " - for any reason, there is no information;

"-" - the phenomenon is absent;

"0.0" / "0.00" - the numerical value is less than the accuracy accepted in the table.

The final stage of working with a statistical table is its reading and subsequent analysis. Analysis of the table involves splitting the table into parts, and is subdivided into structural analysis- analysis of the structure of the table and meaningful analysis- analysis of the contents of the table. The study of the table can be carried out row by row - by the method horizontal analysis and graphs - by vertical analysis... The result of analytical work with the table should be conclusions about the studied population as a whole.

The term "digital printing" combines technologies that allow the reproduction of images and text from electronic file, bypassing the formal processes. Exists a large number of various devices for digital printing, starting with an ordinary desktop printer, ending with industrial sheet-fed and roll-fed printing machines and large-format plotters, but they all have one thing in common - there is no need to output plates and the ability to transfer variable data to the printed material.

Digital technology emerged in the late 1970s with the creation of the first laser printer. Digital printing machines differ from printers in the format of the printed material and printing speed: industrial printing machines include devices that can output from 70 ppm.

Digital printing technology

Digital pre-press is limited to working with colors, labeling and positioning on the printed sheet. The image is exposed directly in the device itself. We can conditionally distinguish two most common types of devices: machines based on the electrostatic (electrophotographic) principle and on the jet.

Electrophotography is an image transmission process that involves a photoreceptor drum. A uniform is applied to its surface electric charge... Then the laser weakens the charge in places corresponding to the future image (exposure), the rollers supply toner (special dye powder), which is attracted to the latent electrostatic image. Heavily electrified white space repels toner. After that, the image from the photoreceptor drum is transferred to the paper and fixed under the influence of heat.

Inkjet technology is based on the transfer of ink droplets to areas of the image through thin nozzles. The droplets are controlled by charged electrodes, the deflection of which makes it possible to change the trajectory of the droplets or even send them to the catcher.

Based on the foregoing, the following advantages of digital printing can be distinguished:

  • Efficiency (you can start printing right away, without wasting time on form processes);
  • Lack of costs for prepress (output of plates);
  • Reproduction of variable data (a multi-page document, for example, a brochure, can be printed as a separate small print run);
  • Independence of the cost of one copy. from the circulation, (therefore, the production of small quantities is profitable for digital printing).

The disadvantages of this method are as follows:

  • Restriction in the use of Panton paints for printing;
  • Problems with the uniformity of ink on large dies;
  • Not a very reliable bond between ink and paper: at the folds, for example, when printing leaflets, the toner on the solid will crack;
  • Lower color rendering quality compared to offset;
  • The high cost of consumables (therefore, printing in medium and large print runs is done in offset).

Application of digital printing

Digital printing is used to reproduce small and medium editions of absolutely any printing industry, from an ordinary business card or leaflet printing to the creation of brochures, multi-page catalogs and books. This method is used not only for creating printed advertising products, books or other types of printing - the field of application of digital machines is much wider and also includes interior decoration, outdoor advertising, photography, reproductions of art, use in the textile industry, etc.

Digital Printing Paper

For digital printing, special coated and uncoated papers and cardboard are made, self-adhesive materials (both based on paper and based on polymers), design papers are also used, including those with various sprays, textures and other effects. Digital paper should have a high degree of smoothness and straight cut edges.

In addition to paper, digital technologies make it possible to print on fabric, canvas, film.

Digital content is a collection of entertainment content that is distributed electronically through special channels for use on digital devices ah: computers, tablets, smartphones. The main types of modern digital content are text, games, video and audio materials.

To understand what digital content is, just go to any Internet resource or turn on the TV. Everything that you see: programs, TV series, musical compositions, images - this is digital content. The life of a modern person is inextricably linked with him, and every day we receive a huge stream of digital content.

Digital content concept

Today this term is used to describe various areas of the modern market for multimedia goods and products:

  • This is content that is presented digitally or electronically.
  • This is an activity aimed at distributing content, that is, any multimedia products in a digital environment.
  • Actions aimed at the consumption and further use of content created in electronic form.

In addition to the above concepts, other definitions are used:

  • Telecom operators such as internet providers or operators cellular, understand digital content as a kind of data that has special requests for the quality of the transmission process itself.
  • Manufacturers of multimedia products use the term "digital content" to refer to a collection of materials that cannot be produced without the use of digital technologies, and presentation - without a digital format.

Use of digital content

Usage is directly related to delivery and consumption. Materials are delivered via the Internet, or on physical media, via digital television. The modern Internet provides high speed transmission and extended network bandwidth. Today most of the traffic is represented by "heavy" multimedia products. In 2016, more than 15% of the world's internet traffic comes from watching internet videos. This includes viewing via PCs, smartphones, tablets and modern TVs. Consumption is carried out through digital content access devices, which we will discuss below.

Digital content can be used for a variety of purposes: business (promotion of goods and services), education, entertainment and leisure, communication, etc. If you want to successfully grow your business and use effective advertising tools, simple messages and offers are not enough. The modern user is more than fed up with a variety of content, and wants something fresh and creative.

According to the latest research, video is the most popular digital content, which means it generates the most revenue for its creators. The video segment includes digital television, a range of VOD services (video on demand) and online video. 72% of all income generated in the electronic content market comes from the video segment. 14% for mobile content, 10% for online games, 3% for audio materials, 1% for e-books.

Most digital content is produced and used in the United States. Next in the ranking are European countries, the states of Asia and the Russian Federation. In the countries of Southeast Asia, the popularity is due to the high-quality Internet and developed infrastructure. In the countries of Western Europe, there is a steady growth in consumption volumes, however, over the past 5 years, sales of video and audio content on physical media have decreased, the audience prefers to make digital purchases of products. In our country today, digital content is mainly developing in the direction of mobile content.

Access devices

Infrastructure is needed to create, distribute and use digital content. An increase in the consumption of multimedia products is facilitated by the development and availability of terminals for receiving content. These are digital devices that we use on a daily basis. New technologies appear every day, the range of digital devices is expanding, their cost is becoming more affordable for consumers. Today it is difficult to find a person who has never heard of a smartphone or tablet. Even in remote rural areas, almost everyone has a smartphone, TV, or computer.

Until 2012 mobile devices were not assessed as a channel of content consumption, since media were transmitted via the Internet, physical media, television, but not cellular networks... Today the market places its bets on the mobile segment, its audience joins the flow of Internet content consumption.

Multiplatforms are also being created for accessing digital content, such as SmartTV. With it, you can go online and watch video at the same time via analog or digital TV. Game consoles are gaining great popularity today, through which you can access the Internet and play with physical media or online.

Digital content creation

This is a complex process, starting from the idea of ​​a product to its implementation and further delivery to the user. Anyone can create digital content of mediocre quality, there are many programs and applications for this today. These are various video editors (Windows Movie Maker, SONY Vegas Pro, Pinnacle Video, Editor JahShaka and others), services for developing e-books and animated stories (StoryBird, UtellStory, ACMI Storyboard Generator, etc.).

Interface Windows programs Movie Maker:

However, it is better to entrust the creation of high-quality content, especially when it comes to advertising materials, to professionals. Good professionals have enough experience and knowledge to create materials that are worthy of the audience's attention. They also have at their disposal the necessary equipment with high performance and packages of applied highly specialized professional programs, which are usually not found in the public domain.

Bulletin of the Higher Attestation Committee Russian Federation... 1995. - No. 1 (January). - S. 5-6.

4.2. Presentation of tabular material

Digital material, when there is a lot of it or when there is a need to compare and deduce certain patterns, is drawn up in the dissertation in the form of tables.

A table is a way of presenting information in which digital or text material is grouped into columns delimited from one another by vertical and horizontal rulers.

According to their content, the tables are divided into analytical and non-analytical. Analytical tables are the result of processing and analyzing digital indicators. As a rule, after such tables, a generalization is made as new (output) knowledge, which is introduced into the text in layers: "the table allows us to conclude that ..." what ... "etc. Often such tables make it possible to identify and formulate certain patterns.

In non-analytical tables, as a rule, raw statistical data are placed, which are necessary only for information or ascertaining.

Typically, a table consists of the following elements: a serial number and a thematic heading, a sidebar, headings of vertical columns (heads), horizontal and vertical columns (the main part, i.e. in a prograph).

The logic of constructing a table should be such that its logical subject, or subject (designation of those objects that are characterized in it), should be located in the side, or in the head, or in both of them, but not in the prograph, but the logical object of the table , or the predicate (that is, the data that characterizes the subject) - in the prograph, but not in the head or side. Each heading above a column must refer to all data in that column, and each row heading in the sidewall must refer to all data in that row.

The heading of each column in the head of the table should be as short as possible. It is necessary to eliminate repetitions of the subject heading in the headings of the columns; eliminate the tier with the indication of the unit of measurement, transferring it to the thematic heading; put repeated words in the unifying headings.

The side, like the head, should be laconic. Duplicate words should be placed in unifying headings; words common to all headings in the sidebar are placed in the heading above the sidebar. Punctuation marks are not placed after the headings of the sidebar.

In a prograph, all repeating elements related to the entire table are placed in a thematic heading or in a column heading; homogeneous numerical data are arranged so that their classes coincide; inhomogeneous data is placed each in a red line; quotes are used only instead of identical words that appear one below the other.

The main headings in the table itself are written with a capital letter. Subheadings are written in two ways: with a lowercase letter if they are grammatically related to the main title, and with a capital letter if there is no such connection. Headings (both subordinate and main) should be as precise and simple as possible. They shouldn't have duplicate words or dimensions.

The vertical column "number in order" should be avoided, which is unnecessary in most cases. The vertical column "Note" must also be handled very carefully. Such a graph is permissible only in those cases when it contains data related to the majority of the order of tables.

All tables, if there are several of them, are numbered with Arabic numerals within the entire text. Above the upper right corner of the table, place the inscription "Table ..." indicating the ordinal number of the table (for example, "Table 4") without the number sign in front of the number and a dot after it. If there is only one table in the dissertation text, then no number is assigned to it and the word "table" is not written. Tables are provided with subject headings, which are placed in the middle of the page and are capitalized without a period at the end.

When transferring the table to the next page, the head of the table should be repeated and the words "Continuation of Table 5" should be placed above it. If the head is bulky, it is allowed not to repeat it. In this case, the columns are numbered and their numbering repeated on the next page. The table title is not repeated.

All data given in the tables must be reliable, homogeneous and comparable, and their grouping must be based on essential characteristics.

It is not allowed to place in the text of the thesis without reference to the source those tables, the data of which have already been published in print.

Quite often, graduate students - the authors of Ph.D. theses - provide digital material in tables when it is more convenient to place it in the text. Such tables make an unfavorable impression and indicate an inability to handle tabular material. Therefore, before placing any material in the form of a table, you should decide whether it can be presented in plain text form.