The main physical computer storage media. See what "Electronic media" is in other dictionaries

3.1.15 electronic medium: A material medium used for recording, storing and reproducing information processed using computer technology Source: GOST 2.051 2006: Unified system for design documentation. ... ...

ELECTRONIC MEDIA  - according to GOST 2.051 2006 ESKD “Electronic documents. General Provisions "- a material medium used for recording, storage and reproduction of information processed using computer technology ... Record keeping and archiving in terms and definitions

Storage medium  - (information carrier) any material object or medium [unknown term], containing (carrying) information (I), capable enough long time  keep in its structure the information entered in / on it stone, wood ... Wikipedia

Online wallet  - (English e Purse or e Wallet) a smart card or other electronic medium with a payment chip that allows you to store electronic money and make electronic payments. The term may also refer to devices and software, ... ... Wikipedia

ELECTRONIC PARAMAGNETIC RESONANCE  - (EPR) resonant absorption (radiation) e. magn. waves of the radio frequency range (109 1012 Hz) by paramagnets, paramagnetism is due to electrons. EPR is a special case of paramagn. resonance and a more general phenomenon of magnetic resonance. Lies ... Physical Encyclopedia

Electronic document  - document on digital mediaconsisting of three elements: information content; content submission form; storage medium. In many areas of activity, the use of electronic documents has become widespread, moreover ... ... Great Law Dictionary

2. In these requirements, a material medium is understood to mean a computer-readable medium (including magnetic and electronic), on which information is recorded and stored that characterize the physiological characteristics of a person ... ... Official terminology

Memory card

Memory card - Electronic media  information. Main types: SmartMedia, CompactFlash, SD card, Sony Memory Stick, xD Picture Card, MMC ... Samsung Home Appliance Glossary

GOST 2.051-2006: Unified system for design documentation. Electronic documents. General Provisions  - Terminology GOST 2.051 2006: Unified system for design documentation. Electronic documents. General provisions of the original document: automated system: A system consisting of personnel and a set of automation tools for its activities, ... ... Glossary of terms of normative and technical documentation