Gold volumetric Ukrainian font for photoshop. How to make golden letters in Photoshop? Handwritten text

Graphics editor has ample opportunities for text design, you can make inscriptions with various effects. Now we will learn how to make golden letters in Photoshop. Get ready for painstaking work, you need to do everything step by step and not neglect small nuances, then everything will work out.

Step 1: getting ready to go

1. Create a new 1200x800 px picture and open the "Layers" window.

2. Make the background black using the Paint Bucket tool.

3. Select White color in the palette and write something using the Type tool. We chose the 230pt Times New Roman Bold font, Figure 2.

4. Position the text in the middle using the Move tool. To resize the text, use Free Transform in the Edit menu.

Step 2: making gold

1. Click the fx button at the bottom of the Layers window and choose Gradient Overlay from the list. Click once on its color to edit. A window with a color school will appear. If you have standard colors (black and white) on the toolbar, then the gradient will be black and white.

On the scale, you will see sliders, these are color control points. Double click on the lower left slider and select yellow (# ffff00) from the palette, Fig. 3, in the same way change the final color of the gradient by clicking on the second lower slider on the right. Set the shade closer to gold (we took # cc9900), fig. 4. Click "Ok". In the window with gradient styles change the style to "Mirror", set the opacity and scale to 100%, Fig. 5, click "OK" again. It should look something like this, fig. 6.

2. Press fx and Emboss again. Change the method to "Hard cut", depth 195%, size 90, Fig. 7, select "Double ring" for the gloss outline and check the "Smoothing" checkbox next to the outline, Fig. 8. It already looks like gold. You can further increase the depth to taste.

3. But do not rush to close the style window, on the left under "Embossing" check the box next to "Outline".

4. In the same place, in the style window, check the box in front of "Gloss" and select it with the mouse, going to the settings. Select the "Color Dodge" mode, the Opacity set to about 50%, and the color is bright yellow (# ffff00), Fig. 9.

5. Now select "Drop Shadow", Blending Mode "Normal", Opacity 100%, Color # 999900, Offset & Swipe = 0, Size = 6, Contour "Double Ring" plus "Anti-Aliasing", Figure 10. Here's what happened, fig. 11.

1. Create a new empty layer (the second button to the right of the trash can in the layers window).

2. Activate the Eyedropper tool and sample the color from the lightest area of ​​the letters.

3. Switch to Brush with 100% opacity and adjust the size of the tool.

4. In the brush settings in the top menu, load the "Miscellaneous brushes" category and select the brush # 25 or # 48, fig. 12.

5. Draw glitter on the letters where appropriate. Approximately as in the sample, Fig. 13.

Now you know how to make gold letters. Perhaps your version will be better than ours. Other shades of yellow can be used, the values ​​of the parameters in the style settings are not forbidden to change, focusing on how the appearance of the letters changes.

  • This tutorial will show you how to make gif animation (gif) from photos in Photoshop. The operations are described step by step, almost every step is accompanied by a screenshot. The lesson is designed for users who are familiar with the basics of working with the editor, ...

In this Photoshop tutorial, we will be giving the text a golden effect.
Here's what we should get as a result:

Step 1. Create new document (Ctrl +N), dimensions 640x480 pix. and resolution 72 pixels / inch.

Step 2. Fill your document with Black ( D, Alt + Backspace).

Step 3. Choose a foreground color (Foreground color) - White(key NS), grab the Text tool ( Type tool (T)), font - "Times New Roman Bold" and write the word - "GOLD":

Step 4. With help Free transformation (Free transform (Ctrl +T)), increase the size of the text (holding down the Shift + Alt keys in order to increase it evenly, relative to the middle of the text).

Step 5... Duplicate the text layer ( Ctrl +J), you should now have three layers in the layers palette.

In the next few steps, we'll be working with a copy of the text layer.

Step 6. While on the copy of the text layer, click on the icon Layer styles (Layer Styles), at the bottom of the layers palette (or just double click on the layer).

Select - Gradient overlay (Layer Styles).
We need to change the colors of the gradient. Click on the gradient preview area to open the dialog box Gradient editor (Gradient Editor).

Step 7. In the window Gradient editor, click on the left slider ( check Point colors) to select it, and then click on - Color to change the color of the selected stop.

A dialog box will open Color selection (Color picker). You can use any color of gold, but if you want to exactly repeat this lesson, then the author has set the following color: # F7EEAD. Click Yes to apply the color and exit the Select Color dialog box.

In the Gradient Editor, click on the right slider (color stop) and then click on - Color to change the color of the selected stop.

In the appeared window Select color set the color: # C1AC51.
Click Yes to exit the Color Picker dialog box, then Yes to exit the Gradient Editor dialog box.
Don't quit, yet, out of the dialog box Layer style, so we will continue to transform our text further.
Here's what you should get at this stage.

* if your colors are located, not like in the picture (below it is light, and above it is dark), then this is not scary, at this stage of work, it is not so important *

Step 8. Change in the Gradient Overlay window, Style(Style) on Mirrored (Reflected).

Here's what you should get:

Step 9... In the Layer Style window, go to the tab Embossing (Bevel and Emboss).

Step 10... In the embossed window, change Method (Technique) on Hard cut (Chisel hard).
* do not close the Layer Style window *

Step 11... Go down to the very bottom, in the Embossing tab, click on the arrow to the right of the thumbnail Gloss contour(Gloss Contour), in the drop-down menu, select Double ring (Ring - Double), also check the box next to Smoothing (Anti-Aliased) so that the text does not have very sharp borders.

Here's what you should get.

Step 12. In the same tab (Embossing), go up and change The size (Size), drag the slider to the right until the edges of the letters close in the middle (the author stopped at 16pix.(for my work, I increased it to 18 pixels.)).

Step 13. Now change the Depth ( Depth) to increase the lighting effect on the letters (I stopped at 171%).

Now our text looks much better.

Step 14. Then put a check mark in the tab Contours, this will give the text an even more metallic look (you don't need to change anything in the outline options).

Here's what happens.

Step 15. The last thing we will do before exiting the Layer Style dialog box. This will add Inner glow (Inner glow).
Set such parameters in the tab Inner glow (Inner glow):

* The opacity of the structure, in the Inner Glow, can be adjusted to your liking *

After that, you can exit the dialog box. Layer style by clicking Yes to apply all settings. This is how your text will now look like.

Step 16... We are done with the copy text layer, now go to the original text layer.
While on the first text layer, open the Layer Style dialog box by clicking on the Layer Styles icon at the bottom of the layers palette.

Select - Outline (Stroke) and set the following parameters there:

Step 17. Click on the gradient preview area.

In the appeared Gradient Editor window, set the same colors that we set on the duplicate text layer ( # F7EEAD and #C1AC51).
In the end, this is what you should get:

Step 18. Now go to the tab Embossing (Bevel and Emboss) and set the following settings (do not forget to check the Outlines (below Embossing) box):

You should get the following result.

Step 19. The last thing we do in the dialog box Layer style, add this External glow(Outer Glow).
Go to the tab External glow (Outer Glow) and set the following parameters there:

* Exit the Layer Style dialog box by clicking Yes to save all changes *

A subtle glow will appear around your text.

Step 20. Above all layers, create a new layer Ctrl + Shift + N and name it, for example, "Glitter".
Now we have a new layer in our palette, on which we will paint glitter on our text.

Step 21 To paint the glitter. We need special brushes, which are in the standard Photoshop set.
Choose a tool Brush (Brush tool (B)). Right-click somewhere on your document to open the brush set selection window, click on the small arrow at the top right of the window. In the drop-down menu, select the set Different brushes (Assorted Brushes).

After clicking on the selected set, Photoshop will ask you: Replace current brushes? Click on Add so that you do not lose all previously loaded brushes, replacing them with the Miscellaneous brushes set.

Step 22... Take a tool Pipette (Eyedropper (I)) and click on the lightest area on the text to select a color for our gloss (also, with the Brush tool active, you can hold down the Alt, and click on the place whose color you want to use).

Step 23. In the brush tool settings, choose from the previously loaded Brush set - Cross-strokes4(Crosshatch).

Step 24 Once you have selected a brush and set the desired color, being on a new layer, click in several places with the brush. After each click, change the size of the brush using the keys Ctrl + [ or ] to add more randomness.
It turns out an interesting effect, but you shouldn't get carried away too much, since overloading the image with sparkles can spoil the picture as a whole.
If you think that the Glitter is very bright, then you can lower the opacity of the layer, as the author did, lowering it to 50% .

Here's what we ended up with:

I hope you enjoyed the tutorial and good luck with it.

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