Why iPhones will be banned from January 1. New law bans the import of Xiaomi, Samsung, Apple and Huawei smartphones into Russia

10/13/2014 at 11:31, views: 194837

Since 2015, the Russian authorities may ban the use of iPhones and iPads, Internet Ombudsman Dmitry Marinichev said. According to him, the fault is the iCloud account program, which stores information about its users on American servers. It goes against the law, which comes into force early next year.

From January 1, 2015, all personal data of residents of Russia must be stored exclusively on the territory of Russia. Previously, it was assumed that this rule will take effect from September 2016. Apple's iCloud program, which transmits information about every user in the world to special servers in the United States, does not yet meet this standard. Consequently, the sale of iPhone and iPad may be banned.

According to Marinchev, not all companies will be able to prepare for January 1 in time, and therefore will fall under the restrictions of the new law, write Argumenty.ru. Not only fans of Apple gadgets will suffer, the ban will affect all Internet resources: social networks, including Facebook and Twitter, video portals and online stores.

Earlier, Roskomnadzor sent American Internet services Facebook, Gmail and Twitter notifications about the need to register in Russia as organizers of information dissemination, the AIF notes. “We have sent notifications to everyone and one way or another we will force them to comply with the law. They consult among themselves, communicate with California legal services. We are also consulting with them and are not in a hurry yet,” said Maxim Ksenzov, Deputy Head of Roskomnadzor.

By registering with Roskomnadzor as an organizer for the dissemination of information, the site must, for six months, store on the territory of the Russian Federation information on the facts of receipt, transmission, delivery and (or) processing of voice information, written text, images, sounds or other electronic messages from Internet users. Failure to comply with this requirement faces a fine: for legal entities - up to 500 thousand rubles.

If the sites do not register, Roskomnadzor has the right to send a second request to eliminate the violation, which must be fulfilled within 15 days. Otherwise, the department has the right to block the site for Russian Internet users.

Recently, the Russian authorities have come to grips with the information security of Russians. So, on August 1, the so-called law on bloggers has already begun to operate. According to the document, sites with a traffic of more than 3 thousand users per day must be included in the corresponding register of Roskomnadzor. Registered bloggers will be required to post their full name and contact information for sending legal comments on their page, as well as indicate age restrictions for users.

The law obliges popular bloggers to check the accuracy of the information posted, not to disseminate extremist materials and information about the private life of a citizen in violation of civil law, and to comply with electoral legislation.

In addition, the Russian government has submitted a bill to the State Duma, according to which site owners are required to point to them.

At the same time, the President of the Russian Federation promised not to take the Internet under total control. "We do not intend to restrict access to the network, place it under total control, nationalize the Internet, limit the legitimate interests and opportunities of people, public organizations, business in the information sphere," Putin said on October 1 at a meeting of the Russian Security Council on countering threats in the information sphere. sphere.

Apple sued over "homosexual emoji"

According to Gazeta.ru, police officers of the Kirov region have opened an administrative case on the fact of "Apple's propaganda of homosexuality among minors." The reason for opening the case was the materials of the check due to the statement of the local lawyer Yaroslav Mikhailov, who saw the propaganda of LGBT values \u200b\u200bin emoji, which appeared in the operating system iOS 8.3.

The case was opened back in August, and the emoji themselves were sent for examination to the Interregional Bureau of Forensic Examination. Sikorsky. The experts of this institution must determine whether emoticons carry information that is dangerous for the formation of personality in children and adolescents. If the examination confirms the opinions of the police and Mikhailov, according to Russian law, Apple will have to pay a fine in the amount of 800,000 to 1 million rubles, or the company is threatened with suspension of its activities throughout Russia.

As Mikhailov himself said in a conversation with Gazeta.Ru, he first applied to the General Prosecutor's Office of Russia and to the Children's Rights Ombudsman Pavel Astakhov through the Apple emoji. “My application was forwarded to the police of the Kirov region. As far as I know, the check was carried out by the "K" department, which deals with crimes in the field of information technology. The police came to the conclusion that my complaint was substantiated, and opened an administrative case, ”Mikhailov said.

The lawyer believes that the actions of Apple directly violate the norms of the current Russian legislation prohibiting the promotion of same-sex relations, in particular the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as the norms of the Federal Law "On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development" and the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees the rights of the child in the Russian Federation ”.

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Bill to ban iPhones in Russia since 2015

Some time ago, rumors began to appear that some kind of prohibitive legislation was being prepared regarding Apple devices. What kind of bill is this that has made half the population of Russia agitated, who needs it and why should it be adopted?

They say terrible things about him: that all users of Apple smartphones will have their devices confiscated, and in case of refusal to voluntarily give out the offender's phone, they will be forced to pay a fine comparable to the cost of the latest model (over 50,000 rubles), and they will still take it away!

In fact, we are not talking about a draft law, but about the already adopted law "On Amendments ..." dated July 21, 2014 No. 242-FZ, concerning the procedure for processing personal data in information and telecommunication networks. He began to act on 09/01/2015, and the consequences of his release are not so dire.

Is it true that Putin has banned iPhone sales since the new year?

Why, then, is there the hype that iPhones will be banned? The fact is that, when the law was still being prepared, there were several postponements of its entry into force.

Initially, it was about January 1, 2016, then the deadline was postponed a year earlier, that is, from January 1, 2015. Then there was information that it was postponed for an unknown period. As a result, on the very last day of 2014, Putin set a new date - September 1, 2015, securing it in the law of December 31, 2014 No. 526-FZ. Today it is the official date of entry into force of a document that is not very pleasant for iPhone owners.

Why do they want to introduce a law banning iPhones in Russia?

Typically, two main reasons are discussed. The first concerns retaliatory sanctions for the introduction of an economic blockade of Russia by the Americans in cooperation with the states of Europe and some other countries. It's no secret that a great many Russians use iPhone and iPad technology - many have one or another device, or even both (and even several). And if all of them are forced to abandon it, this will be a rather tangible response to economic pressure from the United States.

The next reason is this: there is an assumption that the use of data from the cloud service iCloud, which stores information about users, provides Americans with great opportunities to track the owners of smartphones, which, of course, is unsafe.

Lawyers: "iPhone ban" is possible - theoretically

This is especially true for people who are related to the civil service and state secrets.

iPhone will be banned in Russia due to the release of the first domestic smartphone?

There is another very interesting version. This is possibly the promotion of the first serious domestic IT product - a smartphone called YotaPhone, which was developed by our Russian developers and, according to some statements, has no analogues in the world.

True, the new smartphone went on sale with a price comparable to the cost of many well-known foreign models tested by Russian users, including the iPhone. It is clear that the Russians did not dare to actively buy the unknown device - so it was decided to take restrictive measures on the use of competitors' models.

Latest news on iPhone ban in Russia since 2017

At the end of 2014, information appeared about another draft law that was being prepared, which would recommend to State Duma deputies to use for telephone conversations not iPhones and other popular models, but the simplest mobile phones. This is done for the purposes of the same state security. The law may apply to those persons who have access to classified and extremely important information.

However, to date, this bill has not been submitted to the State Duma for consideration.

And yet, in 2017-2018, will the iPhone be banned?

So what actually awaits iPhone owners in 2017-2018 - maybe it's worth saving money for other models? The circumstances to date show the following. After Law 242-FZ came into force on September 1, 2015, it is possible to restrict the use of some services on Apple devices, and it is also possible that their sales will stop if the iPhone and iPad manufacturer does not adapt to the new requirements (store information about Russian users, according to the law will only be possible on servers located in Russia). However, it will not come to confiscation of the gadgets themselves.

Note that this situation develops in this way not only for Apple, but also for any other foreign companies that store the personal data of our compatriots at home.

Article: http://nsovetnik.ru/zaprety_i_ogranicheniya/zapretyat_li_iphone_v_rossii_vvedut_li_zakon_o_zaprete_ajfonov/

The Russian authorities have proposed to impose sanctions against Apple

On January 1, 2015, the law on personal data will come into effect. This means that all Internet servers are required to store information about their users only on the territory of the Russian Federation. Apple products have a built-in iCloud account program that transmits all information about every user in the world to dedicated servers in the United States of America.

"Since January 1, 2015, Russian residents will not be able to use Apple mobile devices," said Russian Ombudsman Dmitry Marinichev in an interview with Business Gazeta.

This is due to the fact that Apple is not able to provide its services on the territory of the Russian Federation, but stores personal Russian data in California.

It is impossible to resolve the issue of cloud technologies now, as it takes time: to locate the company's foreign data centers in Russia, buy new servers and replace the existing software.

The State Duma deputies in the second reading approved the amendments, according to which the new resolution will take effect from January 1, 2015 instead of the previous date - September 1, 2016.

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New iPhones may be banned in Russia

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Apple products will be banned in Russia

In Russia, from January 1, 2015, the use of American Apple products may be prohibited. iPhones and iPads are at risk of being banned due to the iCloud account program, which runs counter to the law that goes into effect early next year.

According to Internet Ombudsman Dmitry Marinichev, the use of iPhone and iPad in Russia may be banned as early as 2015. This is due to the entry into force from January 1 of the law, which implies the storage of all personal data of Russian citizens exclusively on the territory of the country, according to the official website Ren.tv. At the same time, Apple's gadgets have an iCloud account program that transmits all information about users to servers located in the United States.

Recall that in June of this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law obliging all foreign Internet companies selling in Russia to store personal data of Russians exclusively on the territory of the country.

Note that most of the information processing centers of IT corporations are located in the United States. This fact causes genuine concern among the world community, especially after the revelations of ex-CIA agent Edward Snowden. He revealed to the world the truth about information security and the real persecution of IT giants by the American special services.

In this regard, Google, Apple and Microsoft have begun building additional data centers in the Netherlands. One of the main reasons for the company is the aggressive policy of the US authorities. The White House stops at nothing on the issue of information monopoly. This worries Internet users around the world and indicates that the decision of the Russian authorities to move the data centers is well-grounded.

Other news

From January 1, 2015, Gmail, Facebook, Twitter and iPhone will be outlawed, but will not be banned until the authorities need it.

The authorities continue to tighten the screws in the media sphere. From January 1, 2015, new amendments to the law "On Information Protection" will come into force, according to which all companies engaged in the dissemination of information will be required to register with Roskomnadzor and move their servers to Russia.

The main victims will be Russian representative offices of Internet services, such as: Gmail, Facebook, Twitter and even Apple ... Roskomnadzor has already sent them notices of mandatory registration as organizers of information dissemination (ORI). Logically, from the New Year it will become impossible to use the services of these foreign companies.

But, apparently, there will be no sharp disconnection of users from services. The authorities are creating a tool so that the "external Internet" can be turned off at any moment, and on legal grounds. But the authorities clearly do not want to really create a hotbed of tension, depriving users of their mail, blog and even an iPhone, and on New Year's Eve.

It is clear that it will not be difficult for such large companies to go through the registration procedure as an ARI. Difficulties arise in terms of other requirements, namely, the transfer of servers to the territory of Russia. For giant companies, this is a complex, time-consuming and costly procedure. One Russian segment of Facebook may need up to 1,500 servers, and Apple's iCloud cloud storage needs are ten times greater. Finding such facilities in Russia is quite problematic.

Roskomnadzor states that their powers are limited only by the requirement to register companies as organizers of information distributors.

Those who arrive late before the New Year will simply be subject to administrative fines. As for blocking on the territory of the Russian Federation, the department does not plan to deal with this independently. But only when the department receives an appeal from the competent departments, for example from the Court, the Prosecutor's Office, the FSB or the Investigative Committee.

But in the hands of the authorities was the same "switch from the Internet", since all foreign Internet resources, even simple websites of individuals, fall into the zone of the law.

It is interesting that many international companies will face the dilemma of which laws to operate? So sometimes Russian rules contradict the requirements of American institutions. Google has no right to transfer user information to Russian law enforcement agencies. In addition, the new law contains a lot of inaccuracies. For example, companies are required to store information about any users on Russian servers, not just the Russian part. It turns out that giant companies will have to transfer all databases to the Russian Federation, which sounds absurd at all. Imagine that Apple has to migrate over 1 billion users to our servers. It is interesting that our IT specialists understand this and are trying to convey this information to the officials making such decisions. Russian Internet Ombudsman Dmitry Marinichev , I agree that FB, Google and Apple will not have enough time and energy to transfer all their content to Russia. “The impossible is required: renting a large number of servers, changing the software so as not to transfer personal data abroad,” Marinichev believes, stressing, “it cannot be done before January 1”. Recall that earlier the law was supposed to come into force only in 2016.

And the ban on Apple's work can even be regarded as a violation of consumer rights. The stumbling block is the iCloud account, the cloud server where the personal data of the iPhone owner is stored (passport data, credit card numbers, etc.).

Apple products may be banned in Russia?

According to Dmitry Marinichev, it is required to remove from the law everything related to "cloud services".

I wonder if the main Russian iOS user, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, will support the amendments to the law. After all, if the law comes into force, he will lose both his favorite gadget and his social pages on Instagram, FB and Twitter. Previously, the politician actively promoted new technologies among officials, during his time as president, he introduced the use of tablets like the iPad into fashion, and also brought mayors and governors to social networks.

Of the social networks operating today in Russia, only LiveJournal diaries are located on domestic server sites. Back in 2007, the authorities, worried about the threat of the Orange Revolution, asked businessman Alexander Mamut to buy the Russian segment of this blogging platform. In 2013, the Russian network "Vkontakte" passed from the hands of a private businessman Pavel Durov to the hands of Mail.ruGroup controlled by Alisher Usmanov. Earlier, Usmanov's holding bought the Odnoklassniki social network from Albert Popkov and acquired a 10% stake in Facebook.

As for competitors to imported smartphones, YotaPhone can be considered the only alternative Russian development. A project from the AFK-Sistema company, which has developed a navigator phone with a dual navigation system GPS and GLONASS, can be considered a failure.

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Ban on iPhones

From January 1, 2015, Gmail, Facebook, Twitter and iPhone will be outlawed, but will not be banned until the authorities need it.

Will the iPhone be banned in Russia? Will there be a law banning iPhones in 2017-2018?

According to the Internet Ombudsman of the Russian Federation Dmitry Marinichev, neither Apple nor any other company will have enough time to transfer data to Russia by early next year.

To do this, it will be necessary not only to buy the required number of servers, but also to change the software so as not to transfer personal data abroad. What other Internet services can be banned?

All Internet services that send data abroad will be banned. The restrictive measures can also affect popular social networks and postal services.

Earlier, Roskomnadzor sent American Internet services Facebook, Gmail and Twitter notifications about the need to register in Russia as organizers of information dissemination.

“We have sent notifications to everyone and one way or another we will force them to comply with the law. They consult among themselves, communicate with California legal services. We are also holding consultations with them, and so far we are not in a hurry, ”said Maxim Ksenzov, Deputy Head of Roskomnadzor. Read more: Why do Google, Facebook and Twitter register in the Roskomnadzor registry?

By registering with Roskomnadzor as an organizer for the dissemination of information, the site must, for six months, store “on the territory of the Russian Federation information on the facts of reception, transmission, delivery and (or) processing of voice information, written text, images, sounds or other electronic messages of Internet users ". Failure to comply with this requirement faces a fine: for legal entities - up to 500 thousand rubles.

If the sites do not register, Roskomnadzor has the right to send a second request to eliminate the violation, which must be fulfilled within 15 days. Otherwise, the department has the right to include the site in the black list, that is, to block it for Russian Internet users.

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Over the past several weeks, the Russian media, the blogosphere and social networks have been actively discussing topics with headlines like "From January 1, 2015, iPhone and iPad will be banned in Russia." This query has become one of the most popular in search engines, both Yandex and Google. RUSBASE decided to figure out where this information came from and whether Apple will actually be banned in Russia.

One of the origins of Russians' panic about their gadgets can be considered the proposal of the capital's deputy Alexei Lisovenko to ban sales of the iPhone 6 in Russia, which were about to begin. He shared his initiative on Twitter and said that he was preparing an appeal to the State Duma.

However, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications did not support this proposal. The Minister of Communications and Mass Media Nikolai Nikiforov told ITAR-TASS that the ministry will not create any obstacles for the free sale of new smartphones from Apple.

The politician also said that he would not buy the iPhone 6 itself, but there are models from Apple among its five phones.

In light of the adopted law prohibiting the storage of personal information of Russians on foreign servers, many thought about how Facebook, Twitter, Google, as well as Apple, which collects user data stored on Californian servers, would work.

The main trigger of the hysteria was an interview with the Internet Ombudsman of the Russian Federation Dmitry Marinichev, where he allegedly announced the ban on the iPhone and other Apple technology after the New Year. Apparently, this "statement" was taken out of context. In an article titled "From January 1, you will no longer be able to use your iPhone," the ombudsman explains the principle of the adopted law and what other improvements are required to eliminate various difficulties in its implementation. Excerpt from the interview:

But besides this, companies also need to change their software in order not to transfer personal data abroad - and this is practically all available software. Who and how will control all this is completely unclear. That is, since January 1, it is absolutely impossible to do. For example ... Do you have an iPhone?

Here you have a phone from Apple, you have an iCloud account. This is your personal information that is stored in the Apple data center. Under the new law, from January 1, you can no longer use your iPhone, because Apple cannot provide its services in Russia, as it stores its personal Russian data in California. That is, it is necessary to deduce from this law everything that is connected with "cloud services".

Earlier in the same interview, he said that one of the priorities is to delay the entry into force of the law until September 1, 2016, as well as a new version of the regulations, developed together with representatives of the industry.

After this material in Runet there was a boom in articles with frightening headlines "iPhone will be banned in Russia", even some Western media wrote about this and a topic appeared on Reddit. An example of one of these articles:

From January 1, 2015, the use of iPhone and iPad devices is prohibited in the Russian Federation.<...> A special iCloud account program, which is built into every iPhone and iPad, transmits all information about each user to servers in the United States of America.

In order to write "prohibited use", you must at least have a valid provision in the law prohibiting these particular devices, which, as you know, does not exist. As there are no official statements by the authorities or Apple about the suspension of activities in Russia, a ban on the sale or seizure of illegal devices.

Probably, it is worth noting that the iCloud function is disabled in Apple devices, and no one obliges you to register an Apple ID, and so on. In addition, there are no clear instructions in the law regarding cloud services. And it is quite difficult to imagine that in 2015 the authorities will begin to walk around and take away devices from Russians or impose penalties for their use. The requirements of the authorities regarding the storage of data and the operation of devices are directed specifically to manufacturers, and not to consumers, therefore, if any measures are applied, it will be in relation to companies.

Further, the media have already started talking about the ban on sale, referring to the same Marinichev, who did not say a word about this.

It is known that Roskomnadzor sent Facebook, Gmail and Twitter notifications about the need to register in Russia as organizers of information dissemination, which Apple will have to do.

We have sent notifications to everyone and one way or another we will make them comply with the law. They consult among themselves, communicate with California legal services. We are also conducting consultations with them, and so far we are not in a hurry. (Deputy Head of Roskomnadzor Maxim Ksenzov)

By registering with Roskomnadzor as an organizer for the dissemination of information, the site must store information on the reception, transmission, delivery and (or) processing of voice information, written text, images, sounds or other electronic messages of Internet users in the Russian Federation for six months. In case of non-fulfillment of this, a fine is threatened, for legal entities it is up to 500 thousand rubles. If the sites fail to register in accordance with all the rules, then Roskomnadzor may send a second request to eliminate the violation. It must be completed within 15 days. In case of non-compliance, the agency has the right to block the site for Russian users. Thus, the ban on the use of the iPhone can in the worst case translate into disabling the Russians iCloud. And then, this is a rather dubious measure, because it is not known how this will be done from the technical side.

For a month, the topic has calmed down a bit, but show must go on. As recently as today, November 24, the Izvestia newspaper wrote that the iPhone had already been banned, albeit in the army. As stated in the article, the journalists contacted the hotline of the Ministry of Defense on draft issues and the employee stated the following:

iPhones are prohibited here. You can take any phone, except the iPhone. it is a purely American firm.

The ban is allegedly explained by the fact that the conscripts are monitored using a smartphone and transmitted to the Pentagon. Major General Igor Konashenkov from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation denied this information, assuring that there are no prohibitions on the use of mobile communication devices, and especially the products of any particular manufacturer, in the armed forces. He also suspected Izvestia in such a peculiar ad for Apple:

The Ministry of Defense does not exclude that the appearance of this false information may be a hidden advertisement of this manufacturer of gadgets and the characteristics of its products on the eve of New Year's sales

In the end, all of this can serve as an excellent service for Apple as a PR company for which it has not paid a dime. Until there is a corresponding decree, while stores continue to buy devices (prices for which, by the way, have increased by 5 thousand), there is no need to worry. It is also not worth it because it is unprofitable for any of the parties to prohibit the manufacturer's products on the territory of Russia, and the legislators themselves are actively using the devices.

This week, there was a wave of publications, provoked by the Internet ombudsman Dmitry Marinichev. He aroused the public, saying that the iPhone and iPad in Russia could be banned in connection with the entry into force of the law on the storage of personal data of Russians only in our country. Now Apple stores personal data of Russian users abroad.

The lawyers interviewed by the site confirmed that the fears are not groundless, and the iPhone and iPad may indeed be outlawed .. In one thing they agree - it will not come to the withdrawal of products from users, but a temporary ban on the sale of products or blocking a number of services is all is possible.

Ombudsman hysteria

Recall that the bill obliging foreign companies that own, among other things, postal services, social networks and search engines, to place personal data of Russian users exclusively on servers in Russia, by the Federation Council in July this year.

In its original version, it was supposed to enter into force on September 1, 2016. However, later the deputies decided to speed up the process and proposed to postpone the entry into force of the law "On Personal Data" from September 1, 2016 to January 1, 2015. Currently, the bill on postponement has been approved in the second reading. However, the project has been postponed indefinitely.

Earlier this week, Marinichev told reporters that neither Apple nor any other company would have enough time to move content to Russia by early next year. He noted that the question is not only to buy the required number of servers, but also to change the software so as not to transfer personal data abroad.

Later, Marinichev explained that there was no talk of banning the actual devices, he only meant that the services associated with them would be outside the legal framework: “Nobody prohibits iPhones. The point is that with the entry into force on January 1 of the law on personal data, iCloud and AppStore will be out of the legal field. And they will have to get into the register of prohibited services, ”he explained on Facebook.

In his opinion, the phone will work, but it will not be possible to install the program or synchronize.

The ombudsman later admitted that he had raised a panic in order to draw attention to the problems of the industry. “Actually now, thanks, among other things, to hysteria in the media, the position of the Internet industry on this law has been heard. And the law must be finalized and postponed. Although it is still small, but our common victory. This is such a simple story, ”wrote Marinichev on Facebook.

What data Apple collects

To use smartphones manufactured by Apple, you need to register. When registering, the system usually asks for the user's e-mail, without any additional information.

However, in the process of fully using the iPhone and iPad, downloading applications, sending gifts, etc., Apple collects the following data (information from the company's website):

  • “When you create an Apple ID, apply for a commercial loan, purchase a product, download a software update, register with an Apple retail store, contact us, or participate in an online survey, we may ask you for information, including your first and last name, mailing address, telephone number, email address, preferred contact method, and credit card information.
  • When you share content with friends and family using Apple products, send gift certificates or products, or invite someone to a forum or other Apple service, Apple may collect information you provide about those people, including their first and last name, mailing address , email address and phone number. Apple will use this information to respond to your inquiries, provide you with appropriate products and services, or to combat fraud.

What exactly will be banned

Strange as it may seem, experts probably don’t know whether this is personal data.

According to the head of the legal practice of Anna Kozlovskaya & Partners, a specialist in Internet law, Anna Kozlovskaya, according to Art. 3 of the Federal Law "On Personal Data", personal data are defined as any information relating directly or indirectly to a specific or identifiable individual (subject of personal data).

“As can be seen even by a non-professional, the definition is very vague, and almost everything falls under it. Nobody gave official comments and clarifications about what should be considered personal data. Moreover, Roskomnadzor refrains from official answers to this "provocative" question ", - said the site Kozlovskaya.

Thus, according to her, formally, the products and services of Apple and other popular foreign companies, such as Facebook and Twitter, in case of non-compliance with the requirements of the amendments from 2015 will become illegal.

“I don’t think that a massive seizure of Apple products from users is possible, but a temporary ban - until the requirements of the law are fulfilled - on the sale of iPhone and iPad in Russia, especially given the political situation, is more than real”- she concluded.

I agree with her Sergey Litvinenko, a lawyer of the company "Tax", specializing in the law on personal data. "In accordance with the Federal Law of 27.07.2006 N152-FZ" On Personal Data ", personal data is any information relating directly or indirectly to a specific or identifiable individual (subject of personal data). Thus, the data stored by Apple can be considered personal, because the company stores data identifying the customer (name, address, location), and also stores data about purchases, account numbers and other financial and personal information, depending on the user and what he uses Apple products for ", - he said.

The fact that when registering on the Apple website you can call yourself a false name or enter inaccurate data does not affect the state of affairs: “In social networks, you can also call yourself a false name and enter absolutely false data, but social networks will still fall under the new rules. In addition, not everyone enters false data, and this very moment is taken into account by the legislator. But, of course, according to the law, invented and false information is not personal "Litvinenko said.

Therefore, Applei Phone and iPad in Russia are likely to be banned due to the new law on the storage of personal data of Russians in Russia, he concluded. “Since there is little time left before the law comes into force, the company may not have time to technically prepare for the changes in order to comply with the new norms of the law. However, the products of this company are widespread in Russia and are actively used, therefore, perhaps there are ways in which Apple can stay on the Russian market. Getting under the ban of such a giant seems unlikely. It is possible that the parties will be able to come to some kind of agreement "- said the lawyer.

According to Alexandra Nadmitova, managing partner of the law firm Nadmitov, Ivanov & Partners, the entry into force of the law on personal data of Russians will not affect the hardware itself - the iPhone itself and its sales, but Apple services may be blocked in Russia until the data is transferred to local data centers. However, he thinks that it is likely that there will be an acceptable transition period for large companies when they can get their work done according to the new rules.

Head of Commercial Practice, Civil Law Department, CLIFF Law Firm Elena Denisova believes that after the entry into force of the law on personal data of Russians, the most famous social networks will be hit first of all: Facebook and Twitter, as well as smartphones offering cloud services for storing all data. Until they bring their activities in line with the law, their activities will be impossible, and devices such as the iPhone and iPad in Russia will actually be inoperable.

“They, of course, will not be banned. First of all, these are technical devices and they can be used without an account in the App Store, when registering in which you provide the PD to Apple. Updates, the possibility of combining gadgets through a cloud service, some applications that store personal data, such as Viber, etc. will not be available. But the ability to make phone calls through the network of your mobile operator will not disappear anywhere. Not a very interesting prospect, but this is not a ban on using them as devices for making calls. ", - she said.

According to the source, the site in the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, the hype around the ban on iPhones is "nothing but stuffing" in order to draw attention to the bill on personal data of Russians being considered now, or rather, on the postponement of the entry into force of the law to September 16, as and it was planned.

The situation is reminiscent of the one that arose in connection with the identification of citizens in public hotspots - due to an indistinctly written law, an artificial legal conflict arose again.

Recall that in early August, the Russian government issued a decree banning anonymous access to the Internet in public places. The ruling is mainly due to the complexity of its interpretation. Someone decided that now any Wi-Fi will be distributed "according to the passport", someone considered that the new rules apply only to public access points. The situation is still not entirely clear.

Owners of already purchased smartphones and tablets from Apple should not be afraid of restrictions in the operation of devices from January 1, 2015, the leading analyst of Mobile Research Group Eldar Murtazin is sure. In his opinion, difficulties may arise for those who buy devices later than this period, according to "Primorskaya Gazeta".

“It is unlikely that all the iPhones will turn off and stop working in an instant, this is impossible - all devices will work,” Eldar Murtazin said to Primorskaya Gazeta. - The question is about new devices, for the activation of which it is necessary to enter personal data - it remains open.

“Here you have a phone from Apple, you have an iCloud account,” says the activist. - This is your personal data that is stored in the Apple data center. According to the new law, from January 1, you can no longer use your iPhone, because Apple cannot provide its services in Russia, since it stores its personal Russian data in California. Dealing with these issues takes time and preparation on the part of companies.

Eldar Murtazin agrees with the opinion that in any case, no company will have time to transfer data to countries by the appointed date. Thus, Russians will have to either abandon the products of the companies or find compromises.

“I think the second way is more likely, since everyone is interested in resolving the issue,” said the source of the “Primorskaya Gazeta”.

According to the expert, a clear transition period is needed, during which companies will bring their activities in line with the requirements of the Russian law.

- A striking example is the Blackberry company, which for a long time refused to place servers on the territory of Russia, - said Eldar Murtazin. - As soon as the FSB banned the import of Blackberry smartphones into Russia, the conflict was settled - the company agreed to move its servers. The manufacturer was given a transitional period. As a result, everyone achieved their goals. I think that in our case, we need some kind of roadmap with certain transition periods, so that each company knows that it has a certain amount of time to adjust its operating conditions.

Ordinary users of products should not worry, the expert is sure.

“In any case, a solution will be found, since both the authorities and business are interested in this,” concluded Eldar Murtazin.

Igor Litvin



September 23, 2017 4:33 pm

In other words, the user's data is not his personal? I use apple products and myself have the right to decide if this information is stored. I don't want information about me to be stored on the territory of the Russian Federation. Another "drop" in favor of choosing a more developed society

a guest

September 23, 2017 4:33 pm

I agree with Alexander! I think that both in Appele and in Russia, competent people work and will do everything beautifully and correctly!


September 23, 2017 4:33 pm

Of course, I understand that sanctions need to be imposed against the United States, then return the money to all iPhone users, how to sell this way Russia does not think about it, and it is easiest to ban it, create a good quality phone!

a guest

September 23, 2017 4:33 pm

People are you stupid? If you all the same and want to use your iphone or iPad, you simply exit iCloud on 12/25/2014 and that it will not be possible to download programs or games, then you will have an apple product with a working cellular network in your hands. You will still be able to call from him, write sms, send mms, correspond in social. Networks, well, and climb sites!


September 23, 2017 4:33 pm

Andryusha, you ...., the whole apple joke is that everything is synchronized via icloud.


September 23, 2017 4:33 pm

Of course, I understand the irritation of many, but: Alexander, do you like that Apple is following you? And all your movements, photos and calls are being tapped and watched by the Americans? Do not forget that they have already confirmed this fact long ago. Andrey, I honestly don't know what it will look like to turn off the service on the phone (I don't use iPhones), but I'm afraid this is a useless step. Mikhail, a normal phone? Have you ever compared Apple products with other manufacturers? For example Sony or Nokia? For the money that apple products are sold in Russia, you can buy a phone 6 times more powerful and of better quality than these iPhones. If you are interested, compare for fun and you will be shocked. As for the sanctions, if I were the government, I would not only ban Apple products for sale in Russia, but also block access to its full use, without any compensation to the owners. And the rationale: "you yourself are fools that you are being fooled for big money!"

a guest

September 23, 2017 4:33 pm

It seems like an adult, but write nonsense. Do you seriously think that other devices are not tracking you? Even your computer running Windows, or Lunix, monitors your every step, as it was developed taking into account the requirements of the special services. Add to this the browser, free programs, which half download from torrent, etc. I'm not even talking about the requirements for telecom operators and providers. Do you really think that social. networks, operating systems and large communication companies exist without the intervention of authorities? We do not live in the Stone Age, no one would allow them to carry out their activities. Calm down already, everyone is being watched, another question is that your couple of photos from the beach and your home video with your mistress are not interesting to anyone but you. But if you become interesting, then the information will come in handy. And about the "power" of Nokia and other Samsung, it's funny to read. For a normal person, it is enough to pick up apple products and he will immediately feel the difference. And the point is not so much in technical superiority as in software optimization. But if you are the type of person who likes to look at numbers, graphs and tests, then there is nothing to talk about.