Smart mini when you write off the money. Favorable Smart Mini from MTS

Today at MTS company, the Smart Mini fare is popular. It offers a traffic packet for a fixed monthly fee, dozens of SMS and minutes for home regions and MTS numbers throughout the Russian Federation.

Usually, such a tariff plan choose students, tourists who come to Russia, schoolchildren.

Depending on the area, the subscriber will be available 500 MB of traffic or 1 GB, 50 SMS to any mobile home region, unlimited conversations without restrictions with MTS subscribers of their region, 1000 batch minutes on MTS throughout Russia. All this is available for 200 rubles per month.

How to connect a smart mini tariff at MTS

If you have any questions how to go to the smart mini mts tariff or how to connect to the smart mini tariff from MTS - we will help you solve them.

Switch to a favorable tariff option Smart Mini in several ways:

  1. contact the MTS user service center,
  2. purchase a new starter package with connected tariff,
  3. take advantage of the personal account by selecting the item "Tariffs",
  4. dial a short query * 111 * 1023 #.

Tariff value

Monthly from the account of the Subscriber, 200 rubles of the monthly fee for the Smart Mini MTS tariff are written off. They include calls and SMS in their field, therefore, you will only be overpaying in the event of calls to other regions of the Russian Federation to the rooms of the other cellular operators.

Calls and SMS in the home region

Call your comrades and relatives on MTS numbers in the home region for free without restrictions. When calling to mobile other mobile operators or urban numbers in their region, a minute costs 1.5 rubles.

You have 50 free SMS for a month in your area. To exceed the limit for each subsequent text message is removed from the balance of 2 p.

But for Smart Mini subscribers there is an excellent opportunity to get 100 SMS Smart Mini for just 25 p. For the home region for 30 days.

The option connects automatically subject to use of 50 packet SMS. You can enable the ban on it on request * 111 * 937 #. 1 MMS costs 6.5 p.

Intercity calls and SMS

You can not count the minutes of conversations with users of MTS services throughout the country, since you have 1000 minutes of free conversations every month. To exceed the limit, the cost of 1 minute of conversation will be 1.5 rubles.

The number of the remaining operators of the Russian Federation applies a fixed price of a minute of conversation in 10 rubles. There are 50 free SMS on MTS phones in intranet roaming and home, as well as additional 100 SMS, which the subscriber receives for 25 p. Within the "100 SMS Smart Mini" option. Text message on other rooms of the Russian Federation cost 3.8 p. MMS - 6.5 p.

International SMS and Calls

SMS to any country of the world will cost subscriber 5.25 p. And the cost of the call depends on the country: so, for the CIS countries: Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, a minute of conversation is charged at 29 rubles.

For a minute of conversation with a subscriber from Europe from the account, 49 p, and with other countries - 70 rubles will be written.

How to disable smart mini rate on MTS

You can disable the tariff option using the transition to another tariff plan, since the Option of the Smart Mini is included in the tariff itself and is not separate.

MTS Tariff "Smart Mini" - the most "younger" from the "Smart" line. It has minimal calls, traffic and SMS. The low subscription makes "Smart Mini" by one of the popular TPs from MTS customers. Consider in detail the conditions of this tariff, its cost and additional services.

Parameters and cost

Subscription for "Smart Mini" with a federal number - 350 rubles per month. The package includes:

  • unlimited moments on MTS numbers home area;
  • calls to the phones of the Connection Region - 350 minutes;
  • the Internet - 1 gigabyte;
  • SMS subscribers within the home area - 350 pieces.


On the tariff "Smart mini" incoming calls are not charged. If the package of minutes is consumed, outgoing calls are charged like this:

  • in the MTS network of their area - free of charge;
  • customers of other operators, users of urban numbers and SIM cards MTS in Russia - 2 rubles / min;
  • on phones of customers of other operators in other regions of the country - 14 rubles / min.

Team for checking the residue of minutes in the package* 1001 * 1 # .

Package of minutes is spent on calls to subscribers of all providers of telecommunication services. Calls to MTS phones are also taken into account. Only after the package ends, the MTS subscribers of your region will become free.

When calling to short service numbers of the operator, the package is not spent. If a short number is paid, a certain amount for the call will be removed from the account, but the package will be untouched.

SMS messages

The SMS package operates exclusively in the connection region. When exhausting 350 sms one message will cost 2 rubles. The message sent to another area is 3.8 rubles, SMS abroad - 8 rubles per piece.

Internet on MTS Smart Mini

When you exhaust 1 GB of free traffic, the operator will automatically connect an additional 500 MB package for 95 rubles. During the month, up to 15 similar packages can be connected. We are dealing with MTS services imposed by the company, since many subscribers do not check traffic remnants, and the extra charge. The Internet can increase communication costs.

To check traffic residue On MTS Smart Mini, type USSD code * 111 * 217 # , but disable additional internet - Team * 111 * 936 # .

If necessary, you can buy additional. Internet traffic, if you use.

Roaming in Russia

The "Smart Mini" tariff plan from MTS does not work outside the home area. On travel around the country you pay for everything:

  • incoming and outgoing calls (including MTS numbers) - 10,90 rub. / Minute;
  • long-distance calls - 14 rubles / minute;
  • one SMS - 3,95 rubles.;
  • 1 megabyte internet - 10.90 rubles.

To use the terms of the tariff on Russia, connect the service.

How to connect MTS "Smart Mini"

To switch to TP, on the phone account there must be a minimum amount of 300 rubles, since the subscription is charged at the time of the tariff connection.

To change the current MTS tariff at "Smart Mini", type * 111 * 1023 # .

You can connect "Smart Mini" through the application for the "My MTS" gadgets or the operator's website with a detailed description of the tariff plan.

How to disable "Smart Mini"

Refuse the tariff simply, choose any option:

  1. enter the "Personal Account" on the MTS website and select another TP in the category "Tariffs";
  2. call the operator by number 0890 And ask you to switch you to another tariff;
  3. come to the nearest MTS office and write an application for termination of the contract of communication services.

MTS tariffs of the "Smart" line are diverse. Among the tariff line "Smart" from MTS first is the tariff "Smart Mini". This is a convenient tariff plan with a very small (from 250 rubles) by a subscription fee. What does he represent this and what is the opportunity to give the user? Next, we offer a full description of the "Smart Mini" tariff.

Depending on the connection region, the monthly subscription fee varies slightly. On average, it is 250 rubles per month in the regional tariffs of MTS Smart Mini and 350 rubles in one month in the metropolitan region. For this amount, you get a unlimited conversation with subscribers of MTS home region, reserved volume of Internet traffic and SMS.

How are things with moments and traffic? For those connected on Smart Mini, the conditions mostly packet of minutes and SMS / MMS are as follows:

In the event that a threshold of 1000 minutes and 200 SMS / MMS exceeded, then the cost becomes next:

In the metropolitan tariffs, these figures change slightly - 350 minutes for calls to MTS of other regions of Russia and a package of 350 SMS / MMS subscribers of the home region. After the thresholds are exceeded, the price of all services also begins to cost 2 rubles.

Cost: Internet traffic

As for the cost of Internet traffic, the main characteristics for the translated ones look like this:

The volume of Internet traffic relates to all the tariffs of all regions, but when founding in the home region. In the case of departure from the home region with the SMART Mini MTS tariff, it acts when connecting the additional option "Everywhere as home Smart." Each additional Internet traffic package is connected automatically when the main traffic is exhausted.

To translate the MTS Smart Mini tariff in a more economical mode of spending tools and disable automatically connected additional Internet traffic packages, it is possible to independently disable a simple USSD command: * 111 * 936 # or in your personal account on the MTS website: https: //login.mts. RU. Packages are connected by the same command.

The option "Everywhere As Smart Houses", in turn, is connected by USSD as a command: * 111 * 1021 #.

Additional Internet packages

How to connect the Internet if you still have not enough of it and with additional, automatically plug-in packages? You need to use the "Turbo Button" or "Internet VIP" services offered on this lineup. Information on these additional services is presented on the official MTS website. Payment on them and the connection occurs in accordance with the terms of these additional services.

International Calls and SMS

Nowadays, many mobile subscribers use average tariff plans with a small subscription or tariffs without it. Such plans are convenient mainly for those who speak little and use the company's additional services, such as unlimited number of Russia, the Internet, SMS packages and much more. SMART MINI from the MTS operator can be attributed to the tariff plans of such a category.
If you take in general all the possibilities and benefits of "smart mini", then it is just a great rate, even there is an included package of Internet traffic and a few more useful additions, but what to do the client, if it is a lot of it or, on the contrary, not enough. In this case, it would be logical to disable "Smart Mini" and choose another tariff plan for the same operator. The benefit of such proposals there is a whole mass:
If the plan is needed, then:
- Disconnect the current and activate the "perception" tariff on the * 111 * 881 # command. A feature of the plan is the low cost of calls 0.05 rubles / s. on all rooms of the home region and percentage charges;
- Connect "Super MTS", where free calls to the rooms of the home region from the 1st minute without additional conditions. Disable "Smart Mini" and connect "Super MTS" by command * 888 #.

If you need more opportunities, we recommend that you turn your attention to the line of tariff plans Smart:
- 3 GB of Internet at home and on trips to Russia, unlimited calls to MTS Russia, a package of 500 minutes on all networks of the region and MTS of Russia, operates throughout Russia at the "Smart" tariff for 450 rubles per month. You can connect by * 111 * 1024 #;
- 5 GB of the Internet at home and on rides in Russia, unlimited calls to MTS Russia at home and on rides in Russia, 1100 minutes for all home regions and MTS of Russia at home and on rides in Russia, 1100 SMS subscribers of the home region at home and on trips to Russia in the tariff plan "Smart +" for 900 rubles per month. You can activate it by combination * 111 * 1025 #;
- Disable "Smart Mini" and connect "SMART TOP" by command * 111 * 1026 #. For 1500 rubles a month, you will receive 10 GB of the Internet at home and on trips to Russia, unlimited calls to MTS Russia at home and on rides in Russia, 2000 minutes on all networks of Russia at home and on rides in Russia and 2000 SMS subscribers of the home region at home and in Trips in Russia.
Thus, you see perfectly well that there are a lot of different tariff plans on MTS, which can be selected for almost any requests for the subscriber and its planned costs for the month. Disable the current "Smart Mini" tariff plan on your room is not a problem at all, just you immediately need to decide on what other tariff you need to change it. That's all. Good and good and new meetings.

How to go to smart mini on MTS? This question arises from many users. It is worth understanding the main features of the proposal, to provide maximum information for further study.

There are differences in price. Users are looking for a program for 200 rubles, others for 100. This is connected with the following factors:

  • Tariffment plan has been updated. The company has changed its conditions and cost.
  • In different regions, the parameters may differ.

Therefore, it is worth studying current conditions for your subject. Usually they can be found on the Operator's website in a special section with current offers.


What conditions are the tariff? Let's study the last version of the program from the operator:

  1. The subscription fee is 100 rubles per month.
  2. Unlimited inside the home network.
  3. It is issued 100 minutes on other operators.
  4. Get 50 sms.
  5. 1 GB of traffic is provided.
  6. The cost of calls to numbers of other operators after the package is completed - 1.5 rubles.

The advantage is a significant amount of free minutes and unlimited on the home network. The operator is sufficiently distributed at the moment. If you actively call the MTS numbers, then such a program will become an excellent solution.

For many disadvantages there will be a small amount of traffic.

With a monthly use, 1 GB is enough for posting mail and an infrequent visit to social networks.

Even with such a scenario, with a high probability, the package will end earlier.

Is it worth using the tariff? It all depends on your needs. If sufficiently proposed packages, then it will be a good solution. For 100 rubles, the client receives unlimited in the home network, 100 minutes and 1 GB of traffic, which is quite good.

How to learn the balance of packages?

How many traffic remains per month, minutes or sms? Check out these data in the following ways:

  • Using the * 100 * 1 # command. Enter a request and wait for the answer.
  • Go to your personal account. In the LC there are all of interest information, including remnants of packages.
  • You can use the My MTS application. The program allows you to manage the score and quickly receive the data of interest. It performs in the form of an analogue of a personal office.

How to go to the Smart Mini MTS tariff for 200 rubles per month

Attention! In many regions, the tariff is officially closed!

The company constantly updates its suggestions. Separate programs go into the category of archived. This means that they are completely closed to connect. You can not get access to them.

It happened with the smart mini tariff. The company decided that this option was outdated. Therefore, he moved to the archive, and a smart was created as a replacement.

Anyone who enjoyed plaintiffs can save it. But what happens next?

  1. The company can adjust the conditions for the archival tariff.
  2. The proposal risks becoming not so attractive as before.
  3. Archival programs close in 5-7 years, when they have a minimum of users.

How to go to MTS Smart Mini tariff? You will not be able to do it. All archive programs are completely closed to connect new users. Smart mini is saved only in people who managed to join him.

Do not look for ways to connect to the archive fare, they simply do not. But if you explore the information, detect special offers on the Internet for joining the program.

Do not believe in such promises. With high probability it is fraudulent schemes.

A person will lose money and will not get anything in return. Be very careful and use only the official methods of connecting the operator.

How to go to the tariff in the regions where he still stayed?

Smart mini operates in some regions of the country. If your subject enters the list, you can connect. How to clarify this fact? Go to the MTS website and explore the list of tariffs. If the smart mini is in the list, the transition can be performed in several ways:

  • Request number * 111 * 1023 #.
  • Call the operator of the contact center.
  • Use a personal account.
  • Through the program.

It is easier to use the application to activate. You need to download the program in the official store. After go to it and open the Tarifa tab. Among them, find the appropriate option and immediately connect.