Seamless Wi-Fi roaming. Seamless WiFi Seamless WiFi coverage

What is seamless wifi roaming?

Seamless roaming is when access points in your network are controlled by a special controller wireless network. A controller in a seamless network can be either one of the routers or access points, or a separate device that monitors the general state of the air, the load on each of the wireless access points and the signal level between clients and APs. When the signal degrades between the client and the access point, the controller "forcibly flips" the client to a more suitable AP. The fact is that in a regular network, a client (phone, laptop, tablet) will until the last "cling" to the AP's MAC address (WLAN interface address), and not to its SSID (name), which leads to negative consequences when moving around the building. The controller will continuously monitor the load of the access points and the quality of the signal between the base station and the client hundreds of times per second. In such networks, when moving from one end of the room to the other, the access point that is closer and not loaded will work. It is very useful for business and shopping centers, large shops, government agencies, hospitals and educational institutions... Load sharing technology will be needed when there are large numbers of people in places such as conference rooms or amusement parks.

Looking for a cost-effective, automatic client switching solution for your $ 150 home?

For 2020, affordable mesh kits appear, which are no longer a shame to install and be sure of the result. It is a pity that we are talking about several manufacturers, but still there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The budget niche includes:

Asus, TP-Link, Tenda, Ubiqiuty, Mikrotik, Zyxel and Xiaomi. Almost each of these manufacturers has several types of access points for the street and the house, for walls or ceilings, for a separate wifi network controller or controller is one of the access points.

And now, specifically, with numbers. They drove.

Seamless Wi-Fi systems from Asus.

The easiest wireless network option without controller, but with automatic selection of the best access point, it may consist of several of the most common ASUS routers. For these purposes, the following models are suitable: RT-N11P, RT-N66U, RT-AC55U,RT-AC66U and newer "P" series routers. They must be connected to each other with a wire - twisted pair of category 5e and higher, as shown in the picture below. On these models, there is only the option to configure Roaming Assist, which is the only way on this type of device. The following will happen: if the signal level is low, after a certain time, the router will disconnect it from the network and the client will reconnect to the point with the best signal. It should be understood that this type of wireless network configuration is not seamless, but rather voluntary-compulsory, with a short-term, but complete loss of the connection. When installed correctly, it will allow you to save a lot, compared to even the simplest networks with an access point controller, but in practice this works with difficulties for the user, especially when he is in an area of \u200b\u200buncertain reception from both points, which in turn can start to "football" our a poor user and the Internet will not work for him plainly. Please remember this. Routers RT-AC68U and older already have a proto version of Mesh networks from such access points, but I do not like the price in relation to the result obtained, it is better to take the Lear's access points sharpened for this business. They will be discussed below.

Now let's look at the most optimal option, this is MESH networks from Asus. This set is called Lyra and let's see what it can give us, but it can give us much more than our OGV, joke, 350 - 450 megabits it can give us over the entire area and you can move anywhere without breaks.

Your goal is to make a high-quality wireless wifi network with roaming?

For our clients, we have professional solutions for wifi networks with the highest characteristics in terms of reliability, speed and level of security. In such cases, the network consists of a number of access points interconnected by a twisted pair through switches and an access point controller. The functions of a wi-fi network controller include:

  • monitoring the load on each individual access point and its distribution.
  • monitoring the quality and level of the signal between the access point and the client.
  • centralized management of all access points in the network.
  • providing instant client switching from one access point to another, without losing the connection to the Internet.

Such a network can be scalable and gradually expand.

For a hotel, large office, cottage settlements, one access point, even the most productive and long-range one, is not enough. The distribution of access points gives much better results and is scalable. The above figure clearly shows the coverage area of \u200b\u200bseven access points and one controller configured for seamless roaming.

If your goal is to make sure that, when you move from one access point to another, the connection to the Internet does not disappear, then we can help you with the search and purchase of equipment for a wifi network with roaming.

To organize a fast and loaded wireless network in the whole building, the functionality of conventional wifi routers will not be enough due to the fact that the decision to "fall off" from the access point is made by the end device itself and the router will not help here. It turns out that the same smartphone or tablet will cling to the access point until the last, taking into account the fact that in the list of networks known to it there will be an access point with a hundred percent signal.

There are two good ways to make a mesh like this. and a lot of bad ones :) Consider the good ones, but I would not recommend messing with the bad ones.

1) WiFi network with a certain number of access points interconnected by a switch and controlled by a special controller of wireless access points in the local network. This option is the most reliable, unpretentious and of course expensive. A network of this type using the example of Zyxel equipment will cost in the region of $ 2000-3000 for an area of \u200b\u200b10000m 2 (100x100m). For country houses, seamless roaming will be cheaper; 1000-1500 $ for a large house and a personal plot. Such networks are able to withstand heavy loads and evenly distribute users across access points, depending on the load on each of them. These networks are easy to administer and are well suited for commercial properties, hotels, restaurants, parks and similar public spaces.

2) A well-proven method is to use the Roaming asist function. This method is the most budgetary one. With four ASUS RT-AC66U routers, you can get an analogue of seamless wifi roaming and a wireless network speed throughout the house and the local area of \u200b\u200b300-500 megabits per second on the 802.11ac standard. with automatic switching between access points. In both cases, wifi routers are connected with a wire.

Budget and professional solutions in our store with installation and customization.

The new version of the operating system OS 2.13.C0 was released on September 20, 2018. This version adds support for the IEEE 802.11k / 802.11r standards in the manual configuration mode.

Thanks to the new mechanism "Seamless Wi-Fi roaming" switching on a mobile phone from one hotspot to another instead of five seconds is now only 100ms. With the help of seamless roaming, clients connected via Wi-Fi, when moving from the coverage area of \u200b\u200bone kinetic router to another, will not notice how quickly the switching between devices occurs. Thus, even Voice over Wi-Fi phone calls will go through without interruption.

How does seamless roaming for Keenetic Wi-Fi work?

As it was before?

In a large room, such as a country house or a two-story apartment, two devices are installed. An internet center is located on the first floor, the second device on the top floor is connected to the first cable and operates in the "access point" mode. If a user wants to communicate via video communication, for example, in Skype, while moving from the first floor to the second, at a certain moment he will leave the coverage area of \u200b\u200bthe first device and, accordingly, disconnect from the WiFi network.

Even if your smartphone of the latest model, knowing the network of the second device, connects to it in just seconds, the skype call will still be interrupted. The same will happen if you download files or send them. In any case, the action will be interrupted due to reconnection to the Wi-Fi network and a short pause in the exchange of data.

As it is now?

Keenetic seamless roaming of the 802.11k / r standard allows you to avoid a complete reconnection of the device in two steps. When using the 802.11k communication standard, the client device does not spend time on a full scan of the air and search for access points, the device knows in advance which networks are preferable. Thanks to the 802.11r communication standard, the authentication time on a new network is significantly reduced. As a result, the process of reconnecting to the network is reduced to one hundred microseconds, which is not at all noticeable to the user.

This seamless connectivity is especially relevant for ensuring a stable connection in IP telephony.

Which devices support seamless Wi-Fi?

"Seamless Wi-Fi roaming" is supported by all Keenetic router models (dual-band and single-band), all devices for which a new version of the Keenetic OS 2.13 operating system has been released. These include all the kinetics of the previous and last generation, most of those that are on sale.

How to set up seamless Keenetic roaming?

Detailed setup guide, can be found in the Keenetic database . Here we will focus only on the main points:

    Easily set up Keenetic seamless roaming for the main segment "Home network"you can use the web interface. To configure the same capabilities for "Gskeletal network» or other arbitrary segments, you must resort to the command line;

    On dual-band kinetics, both one network and both 2.4 and 5 GHz Wi-Fi networks with the same settings (name, key, work schedule) can be turned on;

    The identifiers for one segment must be the same across all devices;

    The keys and SSID of the mobile domain must be the same.

    You can configure kinetic through the web interface only if it works in the "Main" or "Access Point" modes. For the "Amplifier" mode, setting is possible only using the command line.

Which clients support seamless Wi-Fi roaming?

Smartphones and tablets must also support seamless Wi-Fi roaming according to IEEE 802.11k / r standards. You can find out exactly whether a particular model supports this standard in the technical documentation from the manufacturer. Note that most modern Apple and Samsung devices support this standard.


As I said, I have on the topic of capsman settings in mikrotik. Nowadays, due to the speed of development of information technologies, information becomes outdated very quickly. Although the article is still relevant, read and used regularly, there is now something to add to it.

A new version of Controlled Access Point system Manager (CAPsMAN) v2 technology has been released. I'll tell you a little about her. In my work I will rely on the experience of the previous article and on the official Manual: CAPsMAN from the microtic manufacturer's website.

I will have 2 RB951G-2HnD routers at my disposal, which are in accordance with my recommendations on this topic. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with them, just in case, so that you have a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe basic settings of routers. On one of these routers, I will configure an access point controller, the other will connect to this controller. Both points form a single seamless wifi network with automatic client switching to the nearest point.

An example of two access points will be enough for a general idea of \u200b\u200bhow the technology works. Further, this setting is linearly scaled to the required number of access points.

What is capsman v2

First, I'll tell you what capsman v2 is and how it differs from the first version. It should be said right away that there is no compatibility between the two versions. If you have a v2 controller, then only access points with the same version can connect to it. And vice versa - if you have v2 points, you will not be able to connect to the controller of the first version.

CAPsMAN v2 has a different package name on the system - wireless-cm2... It has appeared in the system since RouterOS v6.22rc7. The previous version had a name - wireless-fp, it appeared in version v6.11. If you don't have a new package, go to the last one.

List of innovations in capsman v2:

  • Ability to automatically update managed access points.
  • The protocol of information exchange between the controller and access points has been improved.
  • Added “Name Format” and “Name Prefix” fields in Provision rules settings.
  • Improved logging of the client switching process from point to point.
  • Added L2 Path MTU discovery.

If you already have capsman configured on your network, then the developers suggest the following way to upgrade your entire network to v2:

  1. Configure the temporary capsman v2 controller on the original network.
  2. You are starting to gradually upgrade your managed APs to include the wireless-cm2 package. All updated access points will connect to the temporary controller.
  3. After all managed APs are updated to the latest version, update the main capsman controller. After this happens, turn off the temporary controller.

There is an easier way if you are not critical of network downtime for a while. Run the update at the same time on all routers - both on the controller and on the points. As soon as they are updated, everything will work on the new version.

I warn you right away if you have any questions on this topic. I have not personally tested the upgrade to v2, it was not necessary.

Configuring a wifi network controller

Moving from theory to practice. First of all, we will configure the capsman controller before connecting access points to it. As I said, we update the system before doing this. We must have the package installed and activated wireless-cm2.

To activate the wireless controller function, go to the section CAPsMAN, click on Manager and check the Enabled box.

Before proceeding with the configuration, I will tell you a little about the principle of the system. An access point controller is configured on the network. Individual wifi points are connected to it and settings are received from it. Each connected access point forms a virtual wifi interface on the controller. This allows standard means to manage traffic on the controller.

Presets on a controller can be combined into named configurations. This allows you to flexibly manage and assign different configurations to different points. For example, you can create a group with global settings for all access points, but individual points can be configured with additional settings that will overwrite the global ones.

Once the managed point is connected to the network master, all local wireless settings on the client are no longer valid. They are replaced by the capsman v2 settings.

Let's continue configuring the controller. Let's create a new radio channel and specify its parameters. Go to the tab Channels, click on the plus sign and specify the parameters.

There is no drop-down list in the settings and this is inconvenient. You can peep the settings in the current Wifi parameters, if it is already configured.

We continue the settings on the tab Datapaths... Click the plus sign and set the parameters.

I will linger a little on the parameter local-forwarding... If it is activated, then all traffic of the clients of the access point is controlled by the point itself. And most of the datapath settings are not used, since the controller does not control the traffic. If this parameter is not set, then all traffic from clients goes to the network controller and is controlled there depending on the settings. If you need traffic between clients, then specify the Client To Client Forwarding parameter.

Let's move on to the security settings. Open the tab Security Cfg. and press the plus sign.

It's time to merge the previously created settings into a single configuration. There can be several such configurations with different settings. For example, one is enough. Go to the tab Configurations and press the plus sign.

On the first tab Wireless, specify the configuration name, ap mode and the SSID name of the future seamless wifi network. On the remaining tabs, simply select the settings created earlier.

The basic settings of the mikrotik controller capsman v2 are now complete. Now we need to create rules for distributing these settings. As I wrote earlier, different configurations can be transferred to different points. The controller can identify access points by the following parameters:

  • If certificates are used, then by the Common name field of the certificate.
  • In other cases, MAC addresses of points are used in the format XX: XX: XX: XX: XX: XX

Since in my case I do not use certificates, let's create a rule for distributing settings based on the MAC address. And since I have a single configuration for all points, the distribution rule will be the simplest. Let's make it. Go to the tab Provisioning and press the plus sign.

Description of Provisioning Settings
Radio MacAccess point MAC address
Hw. Supported Modesdid not understand what it is for, the documentation is empty
Identity Regexpthere is nothing in the documentation either
Commom Name Regexpand no about it
IP Address Rangesand about that too
Actionselection of actions with the radio interface after connection
Master Configurationselection of the basic configuration that will be applied to the created radio interface
Slave Configurationsecondary configuration, you can connect another config to clients
Name Formatdefines the syntax for naming generated CAP interfaces
Name Prefixprefix for the names of the CAP interfaces to be created

This completes the configuration of the capsman v2 controller, you can connect wifi access points to it.

Connecting access points

In my story, two access points with addresses are involved (Mikrotik) and (CAP-1)connected to each other via ethernet cable. The first is the controller, the second is a simple point. Both points see each other on the local network. The Wifi interface of the controller, like a regular point, connects to capsman and takes the settings from it. That is, the controller is both a controller and a member access point. Even a combination of two points organizes a full-fledged seamless wifi network over the entire area covered by their radio modules.

CAP access points can be connected to the CAPsMAN controller using two different protocols - Layer 2 or Layer 3. In the first case, the access points must be located physically in the same network segment (physical or virtual, if it is an L2 tunnel). It is not necessary to configure ip addressing in them, they will find the controller by MAC address.

In the second case, the connection will be over IP (UDP). It is necessary to configure IP addressing and organize the availability of access points and the controller by IP addresses.

First, let's connect a separate wifi point. We connect to it via winbox and go to the section Wireless... There we click on CAP and specify the settings.

In my case, I specified a specific IP of the controller, since the ip addressing is configured. If you want to connect points to the controller via l2, then the field with the capsman address is left blank, and in Discovery Interfaces select the interface that is connected to the controller. If they are in the same physical network segment, then the point will automatically find the master.

We save the settings and check. If the access point correctly connects to the controller, then the point itself will have the following picture:

And on the controller in the list Interfacesthe newly created radio interface of the connected access point will appear:

If your access point stubbornly does not connect to the controller and you cannot understand what the problem is, then first of all check that you have activated wireless-cm2 packages on all devices. It turned out that after the update, the wireless-fp package was enabled at one of the points, instead of the necessary one. The access point did not want to connect to the controller in any way, which I just did not try. I did it with a controller, the other did not want to connect to it. I reset all the settings, but that didn't help either. When I was completely desperate to solve the problem, I checked the package version and found that it was not the right one.

Now let's do the same on the mikrotik controller itself - connect its wifi interface to capsman v2. This is done in exactly the same way as just done on a separate wifi point. After connecting, we look at the picture on the controller. It should be something like this:

That's it, the basic settings are complete. Now this configuration can be expanded further to new access points and cover a large area with a single seamless wifi network. All connected clients will be displayed in the tab Registration Table indicating the point to which they are connected.

Checking the work of seamless wifi roaming

Now you can take an android phone, put the program on it Wifi Analyzer and walk around the entire territory covered by wifi, test the signal strength, switch from point to point. Switching does not occur immediately, as soon as the signal of the new point is stronger than the previous one. If the difference is not very large, then switching to a new one will not occur. But as soon as the difference starts to be significant, the client jumps. This information can be observed on the controller.

After analyzing the coverage area, you can adjust the power of the access points. Sometimes it can be useful to set different wattage at different points, depending on the room layout. But in general, even in the basic setting, everything works quite stably and efficiently. These microtik models (RB951G-2HnD) can be connected and comfortably operated by 10-15 people. Further, there may be nuances depending on the load. I cited these figures from my examples of real work.

2 networks in capsman using the example of guest wifi

Let's consider, for example, one common situation that can be implemented using the capsman technology. We have a seamless wifi network configured with password authorization. We need to add another guest network to the same access points for open access. In a single mikrotik, this is done with Virtual AP... Let's do the same in capsman.

To do this, you need to add a new security setting. Go to Security Cfg. and create a setting for passwordless access. We call it open.

We create another configuration in which all other settings are left the same, only we change the SSID and the security setting.

Go to the tab Provisioning, open the previously created configuration and add there in the parameter Slave Configuration our second configuration we just made.

We save the changes. Then I waited a few seconds, the new setting did not apply to points. I did not wait, went to each point and reconnected it to the controller. Perhaps this was not necessary to do, but it was necessary to wait. I don't know, I did it as it is. The new setting spread and at each access point there was a new network like Virtual AP with an open wifi network.

I checked the work just in case - everything is in order. Connects clients to both networks at the same time and allows you to work.

For an example of how Virtual AP works in capsman, I considered the current situation. Here, the clients of the guest network are connected to the same bridge and address space as the users of the closed network. For good reason, you need to make additional settings:

  1. Create a separate bridge on the controller for the open network, assign it your subnet and address in it, add a second wlan interface to this bridge, which will appear after connecting to capsman with two configurations.
  2. Configure a separate dhcp server on this subnet with the distribution of addresses only from this subnet.
  3. In the capsman settings in the datapath, create a separate configuration for the open network. Specify a new bridge in it and do not select the local forwarding parameter.
  4. In the open network configuration, select a new datapath.

After that, all connected to the open wifi network will be sent to a separate bridge, where there will be its own dhcp server and an address space that is different from the main network. Do not forget to check the gateway and dns server settings in dhcp that you will transfer to clients.

Capsman setup video


Let's summarize the work done. Using the example of two Mikrotik RB951G-2HnD access points, we set up seamless wifi roaming in the area covered by these points. This area can be easily expanded with additional wifi points of any microtik model. They do not have to be the same, as it is, for example, implemented in some Zyxell configurations that I have set up.

In this example, I considered almost the simplest configuration, but at the same time I described all the settings and the principle of operation. More complex configurations can be easily compiled based on this data. There is no fundamental complication here. If you understand how it works, then you can work further and make your own configurations.

Traffic from access points can be controlled in the same way as from regular interfaces. All the basic functionality of the system works - firewall, routing, nat, etc. You can make bridges, share the address space and much more. But it should be borne in mind that in this case all traffic will go through the controller. You need to understand this and correctly calculate the performance and bandwidth of the network.

Let me remind you that this article is part of a single cycle of articles about.

Useful reviews about the work of capsman

Some useful information from the reviews for the article from real users of the capsman technology:

Vladimir, good article! Many letters are useful! :) When setting up capsman at the enterprise, I referred to your article - I learned a lot, but changed a little. The changes affected the "Channels" tab - removed the Frequency position since I would not recommend using the same frequency at all points, because nearby points begin to "choke" and, accordingly, there are connection breaks ... My users complained about a low signal level when they were near an access point (but in fact they were connected to a point with a poor level signal) ... in order for users to "jump" from point to point, which has a better signal, I decided to limit the signal level threshold by making an entry in the AccessList tab. I entered the values \u200b\u200binto SignalRange \u003d\u003e -71..120 Interface \u003d\u003e all Action \u003d\u003e accept, this made it possible that when the signal is below -71, the subscriber "leaves" the point :) The value -71 was not taken by chance (the minimum signal level at a speed of 54Mbit ) Also, in the Provisioning tab, I changed the NameFormat value, put identity instead of cap (when connecting to the controller, it shows the name of the point that is written in the system-\u003e identity of the device), whoever has an implementation in home devices may not need it, but who has points scattered over a large territory and there are many of them - it will be useful :) In general, thank you very much and sorry for the many letters :)

And one more tip:

The article is very good, but I would add / revise it in the part of the guest wifi network:
1) split 2 wifi networks over different radio channels.
2) For security, I would separate the guest network from the main one. Considering that you have a guest network without a password, every student with a smartphone will want to break you. A bridge (bridge_open) is created, an ip address is assigned to the bridge from another network (, dhcp-pool is created (, the server rises on the created bridge, we create another Datapaths (Datapaths_open) in which we indicate the created bridge (bridge_open), to configure the guest network cfg2 we use Datapaths_open. Next, we set up NAT and firewall so that there is access to the Internet from the guest network (, and blocked to the local work network (drop forward from to the local network).

Mikrotik online courses

If you have a desire to learn how to work with microtic routers and become a specialist in this area, I recommend taking courses in a program based on information from the official course MikroTik Certified Network Associate... In addition to the official program, the courses will include laboratory work in which you can test and consolidate the knowledge gained in practice. All the details on the site. The cost of training is very democratic, a good opportunity to gain new knowledge in the current subject area. Features of the courses:
  • Practice oriented knowledge;
  • Real situations and tasks;
  • The best of international programs.
  • Like using Mikrotik.
  • Simple and fast.
  • Setting up on a separate server.
  • to reserve a channel to the Internet.

These questions are often asked by customers who need complex corporate networking across a large enterprise area.

On the basis of Wifi, a technology has been proposed for providing access to a corporate computer network in warehouses, offices and industrial premises.

As you know, Wifi is a wireless communication standard on unlicensed frequencies. The disadvantages of this standard include the limited range of individual access points, this problem is solved by combining individual networks into one multi-network.

Seamless roaming the connection of users to local, zonal multi-networks of many providers is realized. This approach is currently being implemented for heterogeneous networks, for example, with the aim of combining WiMAX, Wi-Fi, GSM, CDMA, GPRS, UMTS services.

In case of WiFi seamless roaming there is a combination of different access points and the provision of a subscriber's transition between Wi-Fi networks is imperceptible for the user.

In general, seamless wifi roaming ensures uninterrupted connection of subscribers when crossing network boundaries.

The "seamless" access technology has already been offered by a number of companies. For example, for heterogeneous wifi networks, "seamless roaming" was developed by Cisco, and Motorola, Microtik and Aruba are actively involved in seamless corporate Wi-Fi roaming. These are perhaps the brightest offers on the market today, so we will try to compare them on two applied problems, deploying seamless wifi to a warehouse and wifi to hotels.

Basic elements of seamless wifi technology

The development of "seamless" technologies and networks is the main trend of modern technological development.

In modern networks, manufacturers try to combine the computing power of the network, both in homogeneous (of the same type) and heterogeneous (of different types) infrastructures. This approach is dictated by a wide variety of network standards, including both packet-switched and circuit-based.

For zonal networks, such solutions are commonly referred to as multiservice networks. For local corporate networks, there are a number of network applications that need to be negotiated and unconditionally accessible between them without the user noticing.

The technology is implemented using special software that stores the client's IP address in a local or zone network, which simultaneously ensures guaranteed data delivery and uninterrupted traffic when moving between networks.

Thus, the uninterrupted operation of applications is also implied.

At the moment, the paradigm of "seamless WiFi access" is being developed, which is implemented within the framework of virtual local area networks VLAN - Virtual LAN.

Seamless roaming wifi Motorola, Microtik, Aruba

If we talk about the proposed technological solutions, it makes sense to pay attention to three companies operating in this segment - Motorola, Microtik, Unifi, these companies are actively competing with each other. The technology features and the idea are borrowed from mobile networks, in which this seamless roaming function is known as the “handover function”.

As a result of the implementation of seamless roaming, access to the network is provided without a single break when moving between networks. The technology is implemented using special network equipment.

Seamless wifi roaming Motorola, Microtik, Aruba offers similar basic functions: by default it works in Bridge / Router modes, DHCP restore function and DHCP Relay Option 82.

If you need to deploy wifi for hotels, it still makes sense to choose Motorola wifi, which implements:

  • access via HTTP / HTTPS, SSHv2, Telnet, SNMP (v2c, v3)
  • captive Portal feature that manages user accounts and encrypts traffic.

If you use seamless roaming wifi Microtik, there are also quite ample opportunities, especially for network equipment available on the market, user authentication is then implemented on the basis of third-party software.

Seamless roaming wifi Unifi is in many ways a cheap and unstable replica actively offering its equipment to deploy complex Wi-Fi networks. We do not recommend this equipment.

At the same time, I still want to highlight the functions of Motorola's seamless wifi, which routes traffic in wireless multi-networks with the help of "native" software and a radius server, built-in subscriber billing with high-quality authentication and packet encryption (WEP, WPA, WPA2) is supported.

This option is especially recommended for corporate networks when it is necessary to provide network access throughout the company, including when you need to install wifi in a warehouse, production or office in a secure mode with reduced risks of traffic interception.

For full-featured multi-service wifi networks, Motorola, using SMART RF, implements the ability to select channels and power levels on a port in Motorola WiFi routers, which allows you to configure and optimize traffic.

Thus, VLAN (virtual local area network) allows you to solve a maximum of corporate tasks and implement on the basis of a wireless network.

Seamless roaming wifi mikrotik allows you to organize inexpensive wireless networks, but it is still significantly inferior to Motorola, despite the technologically similar offers.

All companies offer a complete set of hardware equipment that allows you to deploy large Wi-Fi networks, combining individual access points into one network and providing efficient routing.

At the same time, the optimal scope of functions required in modern corporate networks is implemented only in wifi Motorola, of course, this largely concerns the security of networks and blocking access.

At the same time, for example, seamless roaming wifi motorola can be recommended as an inexpensive solution with a full range of functions for organizing wifi for hotels. Again, this is true both for hotel suites and for small hotels that do not particularly care about the security of intercepting customer traffic on the internal network.

It can be said about the proposed technologies of the listed companies that they continue to develop, updates are released every six months, new firmware of hardware equipment. Moreover, all solutions are offered so that users can constantly update their networks, including using legacy equipment that does not interfere with the implementation of new functions.

If we nevertheless consider a wireless local area network based on the equipment of the companies proposed, then nevertheless Motorola offered a much more advanced version - Motorola wifi is recommended by our company by default.