Bonuses from tele2: how to connect and what to spend. Bonuses of tele2 as on tele2 check bonus points

Competitive struggle for customers broke out with a new force - the telecommunications company telecom2 began to work in the cellular services market. How to win in new conditions? Of course, for this you need to interest the user with attractive service conditions, low tariff plans and bonuses - free points for each replenishment of the balance or minutes of communication through the operator.

The company usually sends to its customers an attractive proposals for participation in promotions, for example:

  • Bonuses for communication - the accumulative account will receive up to 20% of bonus points for the use of the company's cellular communication;
  • Bonuses for every personal account replenishment - points are accrued based on the interest rate from the amount of payment.

To become a member of the bonus program, any client of tele2 can be part of the bonus program, with any tariff service, both in the postposteen and prepaid service system - you just need to connect the service of obtaining bonus balls.

Connecting Bonus Bonus Tele2

For the accumulation of bonuses, the client of the company should apply for the opening of a special account of the client, the so-called personal "bank", where, with each payment of the cellular operator's services, bonus points will receive bonus points.

Methods for submitting an application:

  1. Through the personal account of the subscriber. To enter the main page, order a password: it will come to the tied phone number, log in and on the right side of the page Open the "Promotions" block, select the appropriate option for you and activate the request by clicking on the button of the selected bonuses plan. You can connect to receiving bonuses for incoming calls, payment from QIWI wallet, there are other attractive offers.
  2. Through the submission of an interactive command From your mobile device: * 116 * 9 # - Dial. The Bank will be activated.

Bonus Account Options

  • . In this case, summarizing the bonuses received for any incoming calls to the client's phone. This option is particularly relevant for residents of Kazakhstan - accumulation takes place from calls from other operators on the phone with Tel2 tariffs. For example, 30 bonus balls are credited for a 10-minute conversation, the calculation occurs according to the scheme: a minute of conversation - 3 bonus. But the accrual is possible only when conversing more than 10 minutes a day. Not allowed to participate in the shares corporate operator clients on a single tariff plan.
  • Promotion "Exchange Bonuses on Qiwi-Wallet" - This option allows telecom customers to exchange accumulated bonus points for virtual money in the QIWI-Wallet International Payment System. Translated means you can pay for services to buy the necessary goods or pay utilities services. To activate the service, you should register your wallet in the payment virtual system of calculations: on the company's website to register (the phone number will be the login of the wallet being created, and the password for the login can be obtained on it). Perhaps two options for transferring bonuses:
    1) In manual mode, that is, one-time replenishment is carried out by a command: * 184 * 43 The total number of bonuses received # and dialing to the operator are introduced. After receiving the application, the message will be sent to the confirmation of the operation and the code you want to write in the response message.
    2) In automatic mode - That is, the daily translation of the accumulated bonuses. Translation activation is carried out by command: * 184 * 44 # Dial. The operation must be confirmed by sending the SMS code to response. It is possible to reverse the funds for any mobile device.
  • Activate communication for 100 minutes. To take advantage of the company's offer, the telecom operator subscriber must be at the Bank's account of at least 38 points of bonuses. Connection Services is possible on an interactive command * 116 * 10 # Dial. Find out the number of bonuses by the command * 116 * 9 * 0 # Dial.

Terms of use of the bonus account

  • The write-off of bonus balls occurs since the beginning of the next month after the date of connection of the service package;
  • Validity period - 1 calendar month;
  • With a zero balance of the mobile device, bonus points for communication and voice communications are started;
  • The monthly balance of the bonus account for another period is not transferred - it is necessary to use only in the current estimated period;
  • It is possible to replenish the "bank" of bonuses from different shares of the operator, the same package is not used in one month, and only after activating the connection to the program.

To learn about other promotions of the company TV2 or the balance of the bonus account, you can short number 615 - from the voice menu to select the option of interest, go through and find out all the nuances of the write-off and use of the program.

Note, after a request for a connection to the promotion, the accumulation of bonuses will start from the next day, the client will be informed about this in the SMS message. The client will come from 4% of each account replenishment operation. If you dispose of the bonuses received correctly, you can significantly save your personal funds.

With the help of a bonus program, subscribers can receive bonus points and exchange them for gifts. You can choose a gift among SMS packages, MMS packages, mines and Internet traffic packages. All that is required from the telephone network subscriber is to save bonuses and check their availability.

How to connect

Before start saving points, you need to connect the accumulation service of bonus points. In order to connect points on the tele2, you need to dial a simple combination: * 116 * 9 #. After that, during the day, you will come text alert on the successful connection of the bonus accumulation system according to your number.

We are accustomed that in most bonus programs, we first spend money from the account, and after us are charged bonus points for them. In the body 2 there is a completely different system of accrual of bonuses. Bonus program of the body 2 works on the principle - you replenish your account and get bonuses for it. You will receive 4% of the total amount to your bonus account, which was thrown onto the phone. That is, if you have replenished your account by 100 rubles, then you will come 4 bonus points.

Bonuses that you will receive, stay on a bonus account, they can lie there and accumulate until you spend them to spend. There are no restrictions on the number of bonuses or in terms of their action. Exchange bonus points on rubles is impossible. All subscribers of the mobile operator tele 2 can take part in the bonus program, except for those serviced in the "Black" tariff plan and "very black."

How to check for bonuses

If you have already copied bonus points for a long time and you would like to know how many of them left, then you just need to enter the appropriate USSD request. Learn about the number of bonus points very simple, for this enter the combination * 116 * 9 * 0 #. A few seconds later on your phone will come text notice with information about the amount of points on an additional bonus account.

Where or what can I spend bonus points

You can exchange points for many interesting, useful, pleasant and convenient "pieces", for example:

  1. Pack of minutes per 100 (on the network). The cost of the package will be 38 points. In order to order, type * 116 * 10 #. To check the balance of bonus minutes within the package, dial * 116 * 10 * 0 #.
  2. Pack of minutes by 20 (on the network). The cost of the package will be 8 points. In order to order, type * 116 * 11 #. To check the balance of batch minutes, dial * 116 * 11 * 0 #.
  3. Pack of minutes for 5 (on other operators). The cost of the package will be 10 points. In order to order, type * 116 * 12 #. To check the balance of batch minutes, dial * 116 * 12 * 0 #.
  4. SMS package for 15 (on all operators throughout Russia). The cost of the package will be 10 points. In order to order, enter * 116 * 21 #. To check the remaining SMS, enter * 116 * 21 * 0 #.
  5. SMS package for 5 (on all operators). The cost of the package will be 8 points. In order to order, enter * 116 * 22 #. To check the remaining SMS, enter * 116 * 22 * \u200b\u200b0 #.
  6. Package MMS on 5 (on all operators). The cost of the package will be 9 points. In order to order, type * 116 * 31 #. In order to check the remaining SMS, dial * 116 * 31 * 0 #.
  7. Internet traffic package on 1MB GPRS. The cost of the package will be 7 points. In order to order, enter * 116 * 41 #, to check the remaining MB, enter * 116 * 41 * 0 #.
  8. Internet traffic package on 5MB GPRS. The cost of the package will be 30 points. In order to order, type * 116 * 42 #, in order to check the remaining MB, dial * 116 * 42 * 0 #.
  9. Free (to choose from) for 15 days. In order to order, type * 116 * 51 #, in order to check the number of bonus days, dial * 116 * 51 * 0 #.

Attention! You can connect only one package of minutes to choose from among those submitted or one Internet package to choose from among those represented.

That is, it is impossible to order two different packages of minutes or two are identical. This also applies to SMS, MMS and MB.

Bonus points on tele2 - a nice gift from the operator to subscribers who can spend on the network, acquiring useful little things like extra minutes for calls, SMS, MMS or traffic. Packs can accumulate any subscribers of tele2 - regardless of the tariff plan and service system with a slight exception.

How to connect a bonus account

Those who actively use the mobile communications will be wondering how to connect bonuses. Activation of participation in the program of accumulation of bonuses from tele2 is very simple. To connect, it is enough to type the ussd message of the following: * 116 * 9 # and press the green button.

For each account replenishment, bonus points will be accrued at the rate of 4 b. for 100 rubles. (4% of the amount). Only direct accruals are counted. For replenishment through "Mobile Translation" or bonuses will not be accrued.

Points are saved and accumulated on a separate account. They do not have a certain period of validity or limits by quantity, therefore they collect them until they need to be used.

Important! The bonus program is not available for subscribers who use the "Black" tariff plan and "very black".

It is worth remembering that only additional services on the network are available for accumulated bonus points. The ability to translate them into cash or replenish the main balance of the phone is not provided. By the way, the question is: worries many new subscribers.

How to check quantity

If the points accumulate for a long time, sooner or later the user will become wondering how to check their number. This provides for another USSD code: * 116 * 9 * 0 # call. After sending the code on the phone screen, the current amount of accumulations that can be used to their discretion will be displayed.

How can I use

The Program for the Promotion of "Bank" from tele2, as from other operators, provides for various options for using accumulated promotions. As mentioned earlier, the bonuses are allowed to spend on extra minutes, SMS and MMS messages, as well as traffic for mobile Internet.

Packages minutes:

  • 100 free minutes inside the tele2 network are activated by the * 116 * Call command. You can check their residue by sending * 116 * 10 * 0 # Call. For connecting spikes 38 b.;
  • 20 free minutes inside the network can be obtained using the * 116 * 11 # challenge command. To check the residue, type * 116 * 11 * 0 # Dial. The cost of this proposal is 8 b.;
  • 5 free minutes to the numbers of other operators of your region are activated using the * 116 * 12 # challenge command. From the bonus account sprinkle 10 b.

Communication sets:

  • 15 Free SMS in the network throughout Russia can be obtained by excavating 10 bonuses from the account. To connect, use the * 116 * dial command. Check how many SMS can be left by sending * 116 * 21 * 0 # dialing;
  • 5 SMS to numbers of any other operators. The cost of the package is 8 b., You can connect it using the query * 116 * 22 # dialing. To check the balance of messages, add * 0 to this request * 0 in front of the grille;
  • 5 MMS for any number can be obtained for 9 b. To connect you need to type * 116 * 31 # call. Find out how many messages are left, you can via the request * 116 * 21 * 0 # dialing.

Internet traffic:

  • 1 MB GPRS will cost 7 b. Activate it using a combination * 116 * 41 # call. To check how much traffic remains, send the following USSD request: * 116 * 41 * 0 # Call;
  • 5 MB of traffic are available in 30 b. To activate the option, you should send the USSD command * 116 * 42 # Call. To find out the residue megabytes, send: * 116 * 42 * 0 # Call. Do not forget, .

You can also get 15 days of free use. To do this, you need to send a USSD request to the following type: * 116 * 51 # Call. Another team - * 116 * 51 * 0 # Call - tell me how much free days the service is left. Once they are running out, "beep" will turn off.

Important! You cannot connect several minutes or traffic packets in parallel, but the other services can be combined as you like.

After ordering one package, activate the second one can only be after the first one. The validity period of any of them is 30 days, after which it will be necessary to activate it again, since the operator does not provide for the operator.

The proposed body2 of the bonuses system is favorably different from such programs of other operators to the indefinite storage of points. Connect to participate in the program is very simple with the help of a USSD team, and accumulated points are easy to exchange for pleasant and useful packages of services.

The activation of the operator's bonus program provides telecom subscribers with the possibility of rational use of funds that come to a personal account. The points are accrued for each call, sending SMS or MMS messages, so the accumulation passes completely unnoticed. This article presents detailed information on how to participate in the program and use mobile resources as profitable as possible.

How to connect bonuses on tele2

Accumulated bonuses allow you to order additional packages of services or single services are absolutely free. Tele2 operator also provides special certificates or allows you to choose all kinds of mobile phone accessories in exchange for accumulated bonus points.

The number of personal scores depends on the frequency of using the operator's services. So, if you used to regularly contribute to the fund, using Express-Pay cards, the number of bonuses will constantly grow. Competent disposal of these points can significantly save funds.

To connect to the "Bank" program, dial the combination on the phone * 116 * 9 # and press the call button. The cost of connecting and the availability of the subscription fee may vary. For more information about participating in the bonus program, contact the operator by number 615 or go to the official website.

After connecting to the "bank" for each payment received at the expense, points will be added in the amount of 4% of the total. For example, if you have replenished the account on 100 p, 4 points will add.

IMPORTANT: Bonus glasses do not have expiration rates, so they can be accumulated in any quantity and exchange for communication services or accessories from the operator.

Activation of bonuses of tele2

The activation of the bonus program occurs in various scenarios, depending on the selected service nature - minutes of free conversations, SMS package, MMS pack, etc. Each service "worth" a certain number of points.

Ways to activate bonus services in exchange for points:

  1. Internet package 1 MB GPRS - cost is 7 points. To connect, dial * 116 * 41 # and press the call button. To check the remainder of the package, type the combination * 116 * 41 * 0 #.
  2. 20 free minutes for conversations within the network - the cost of 8 points. To connect, dial the combination * 116 * 11 # and call. Check the balance: * 116 * 11 * 0 #.
  3. Package 5 free SMS - the cost of 8 points. To connect the service, type * 116 * 22 # and call. To check the balance on account, use the * 116 * 22 * \u200b\u200b0 # command.
  4. Package 5 free MMS - the cost of 9 points. Activation using the * 116 * 31 # command, checking the account balance is carried out using a combination * 116 * 31 * 0 #.
  5. 15 free SMS - the cost of 10 points. To connect the service, dial * 116 * 21 #, then the call button. Checking the residue - command * 116 * 21 * 0 #.
  6. 100 free minutes on calls within the region - the cost is 38 points. To activate dial * 116 * 12 #, to check the residue - * 116 * 12 * 0 #.
  7. The beep is 15 days - the cost of 15 points. Connecting the * 116 * 51 # and call, checking the remainder in the package - * 116 * 51 * 0 #. The package is activated from the installation.
  8. Internet package 5 MB GPRS - the cost of 30 points. Connection using the * 116 * 42 # command, check the MB residue in the package: * 116 * 42 * 0 #.

After activating any package (except "beep"), he begins to act from the 1st day of the next month. For example, if you activated it on April 15, it will enter into force on only May 1 and will end on May 31. At the same time, the residue of the package, unspent during this period, is canceled and is not transferred to the next month.

IMPORTANT: If you decide to change the tariff plan, the activated package will still retain the operation of the services. Also, the operator provides the ability to activate several packets at once, for example, 100 minutes and 15 sms, but not two identical packets per month.

Bonus Balance of Tele2.

The accumulated bonus balance opens a lot of opportunities. You can exchange points to all kinds of useful services or mobile accessories.

To find out the number of accumulated points and what they can be exchanged, go to the official website of the TV2 company. All the necessary information is described in detail in your Personal Account.

The bonus balance begins to grow immediately after confirming the participation in the Bank program. Thus, mobile services become more productive and economical, thanks to the widespread use of tele2 company services.

Tele2 provides its subscribers the most favorable conditions for using mobile communications. Many consumers celebrate high quality calls and Internet speed. In addition, the provider constantly conducts promotions and bonus programs. Allowing not only to give, but also earn. At the moment there is a loyalty program more from tele2. In the review we will analyze that the operator prepared this time.

The essence of the action

Previously, users have copied bonuses, and then exchanged them on an additional package of minutes, traffic or messages. In the new conditions there is no such. The service makes it possible to cooperate with partners. They, in turn, provide:

  1. Cashback. Returns a certain percentage of monetary units from buying a mobile account balance.
  2. Discounts, sales. Use affiliate price reductions. Save your budget.

Interest may in some cases reach up to 40 percent. Relief means to waste at their discretion.

To begin with, connect to the loyalty program. To do this, follow the algorithm:

  1. Go to the Official Website of the Provider on the Internet.
  2. Log in to your account. Without registering, you cannot use the services. This web space allows you to monitor and manage all active tariff plans and options.
  3. Go to the Bonuses section in the Replenishment and Translations tab.
  4. Click to join.

If problems arose, call the technical assistance service for a short number 611 or consult assistance to the seller in the telephone salon2.

Rules and restrictions

After the proceedings made, you will find yourself in the main menu. The user is provided with a convenient filtering system. Install the discount category or cache. Decide with the theme. For example: clothing, electronics, entertainment, hobbies, sports and others. The system will present on the screen recommendations in accordance with requests. Use and choose what you want.

Let's try to return the coins. Go to Cacheback section. Find the proposal of the partner you like. Click on it and appears on the screen:

  1. Information about the services provided, products.
  2. Detailed conditions for cooperation. Maximum return size in percent.
  3. Activation button.
  4. The validity of the action.

Now, buying goods in this store, money will be dripped on TELE2 mobile account.

  1. Choose any online store in the list of offers.
  2. Click on it and go to a partner resource.
  3. At the top of the work screen will appear inscription with a discount size.
  4. The action disseminates its operation automatically, the goods indicated by the seller.

Main conditions:

  1. Such a system does not charge the Commission for the operations performed.
  2. When connected does not require contributions and subscription payment.
  3. Return of money is not made at the time of transaction, but within a few days. The term should not exceed 90 days.
  4. The size of price reduction and the percentage determines the company directly.
  5. To participate in the program you need to log in in a personal account.


List of organizations that cooperate quite large. Any subscriber will find a discount on your taste. Now stores of program partners about 140 pieces. They constantly replenish their ranks. Competition also causes them to raise the percentage of cachek. Therefore, check periodically proposals in order not to miss the greatest sales.