Smart Mini MTS Tariff Plan of Karelia. How to go to the tariff "Smart Mini" from MTS for free - how to connect or disable TP? Parameters and cost

You are tired of what money eternally end on the phone, there is no possibility to call other cities and lacking the Internet? If you ever thought about changing the tariff, you should pay your attention to the Smart Mini package from MTS. This is really worthwhile from MTS company is undeservedly forgotten by many users.

If you need to talk to other subscribers of your operator, check mail or see the news, without plunging into social networks for a long time, this tariff is ideally for you. If you love a lot of time to devote to social networks, constantly update the news page and often call other cities or countries, you should choose another solution for yourself.

The cost of the MTS SMART MINI tariff plan is about three hundred and fifty rubles per month in Moscow and the region.

In some small cities, for this tariff will have to pay from two hundred and two hundred and fifty rubles per month. The price is more than acceptable, given that other operators usually ask for a little more money for approximately the same package of services.

For three hundred fifty rubles a month you get:

  • one gigabyte ultrafast internet;
  • lack of limit on calls to subscribers of its operator within one city and field;
  • three hundred fifty minutes of conversation on other numbers of their city and on conversations with MTS subscribers who are located in other cities;
  • three hundred fifty SMS messages for other MTS owners of your city;
  • qualitative service in MTS communication salons.

Such a package of services is relevant at all times. If you do not spend a lot of time talking and preferring real meetings with real meetings, such a tariff must appear on your smartphone. If you are not sure that you will have enough this package, you can always buy additional minutes or gigabytes, or go to another tariff.

Call Call

You can make incoming calls on this tariff for free - one of the weighty advantages of MTS. You can also make absolutely free to the numbers of your operator people who are in your city or area, or even make free video calls.

After three hundred fifty minutes of conversations are completed on other rooms, the cost of one minute of a call to a person who is not a subscriber of MTS, but being in your region will be two rubles per minute.

If you have ended moments and you are going to call the MTS Subscriber, which is outside the region, the price will also also two rubles per minute of conversation. Fourteen rubles will be charged in one minute of conversation with the owner of another operator, which is located outside your city and area.

Cost of internet

The Smart MINI fare provides one Internet gigabyte per month for free. If it happened so that you suddenly ended traffic, you can choose a separate package, including only Internet megabytes. The cost of such a package of services is from seventy to ninety-five rubles in various regions of the country. For such a price, you are guaranteed to get another Internet gigabyte at the maximum possible speed.

How to go to the Smart Mini tariff

If you finally decided on the choice and are ready to connect to this tariff, you can do this in several ways at once.

  1. The first way to contact the communication salon. The sales consultant in the MTS salon is either offered you to take a new SIM card with the tariff, or will independently translate your phone to a new tariff plan. When hiking to the salon, be sure to take a passport with you!
  2. If a special application from MTS is installed on your smartphone, you can connect, entering the "Tariffs" section and selecting the Smart Mini package.
  3. When you typing in the Call menu, the key combination * 111 * 1023 #.

Tariff reviews

Kalipso232 In his revocation writes that Internet megabytes ended very quickly, and the speed was low.

Ilkasimov believes that this tariff is perfectly coping with its functions and fully satisfies its requests and needs.

Elodeya notes, which was pleasantly surprised by the tariff: the package of minutes it is enough with an excess, even if you consider calls to the numbers of other operators, and the extra gigabyte of the Internet is not a problem.

Akhmedova29 is extremely annoyed by the fact that money was written off for some additional services, and there was not enough internet for one month even with inactive use.

Features of the tariff

Like any rate, Smart Mini has its own characteristics. Some of them can be attributed to disadvantages, but for someone, in turn, they will be very comfortable.


  • do not spend moments from the tariff package, if you call the MTS service numbers;
  • additional connection of music from the operator, which is free for one month;
  • automatically enabled the connection service of an additional Internet package when spending the main;
  • in some regions, the speed of the mobile Internet is somewhat limited.

SMART MINI Tariff Connection Regions

Smart Mini is a very actual rate. With each month the number of people who use the services of MTS and connect this tariff only grows. The tariff plan has spread far beyond Moscow and the Moscow region, and it is now possible to find it in almost all cities of Russia.

Which regions can use this tariff:

  • Vladimir region;
  • Voronezh region;
  • Transbaikal region;
  • Kaliningrad;
  • Krasnodar region;
  • Kurgan region;
  • Magadan Region;
  • Moscow region;
  • Nizhny Novgorod;
  • Novosibirsk region;
  • Omsk region;
  • Ryazan Oblast;
  • St. Petersburg;
  • Sakhalin region;
  • Smolensk region;
  • Stavropol region;
  • Chelyabinsk region;
  • Chukotka Autonomous District;
  • Yaroslavl region.

Competitor rates

Many other operators also have tariffs that are very similar to offer from MTS. However, there are some differences between them. What to choose, the user itself decides for itself.

MegaFon offers a tariff called "XS", which includes:

  • fee from two hundred and fifty to two hundred twenty rubles by region;
  • two gigabytes of the Internet;
  • two hundred minutes of calls and SMS messages to the numbers of various subscribers.

The Beeline operator can find the offer "Everything for one hundred eighty", which includes:

  • three Internet gigabytes;
  • three hundred minutes of calls to various numbers;
  • three hundred SMS messages to numbers of any subscribers.

Tele2 offers the tariff "My conversation":

  • two hundred rubles per month;
  • two gigabytes of the Internet;
  • two hundred minutes and two hundred SMS messages to all rooms.

As you can see, the MTS tariff has many different competitors, some of which will differ only by the subscription fee, others have a trimmed number of minutes and SMS messages. It is possible to choose the perfect tariff for yourself, you will have to try several sentences at once.

From September 4, 2018, the "Smart Mini" rate is closed to connect new subscribers. The new MTS subscribers offers to connect the "Smart" tariff. Previously connected "smart mini" subscribers can use it on old conditions.

We will pay attention to the "Smart Mini" rate from MTS, which is fairly popular in Moscow, and many other regions of the country.

To whom the tariff MTS "Smart Mini"

If you speak short, "Smart Mini" is an optimal offer for high school students, school students, institutes and universities, as well as people who cannot or do not want to spend too large amounts for communication services every month. In this package, a very democratic amount of the monthly fee, and a fairly wide package of services offered for a monthly fee.

In addition, the tariff also marks the fact that in its terms, even in the case of the use of the quotas provided, the cost of calls and use other services cannot be called too expensive.

However, if you are a very active user user, it is better to view another package, since the quotas within the "Smart Mini" may not be enough for you.

Detailed description of the "Smart Mini" tariff from MTS

The monthly subscription fee on the MTS "Smart Mini" tariff is 400 rubles for federal numbers or 900 rubles for urban;

For this money, MTS clients receive the following packages of services for use within a month:

  • Internet traffic at high access rates in the amount of 2 gigabytes, which is valid throughout Russia;
  • The ability to make calls to MTS in unlimited mode (for the connection region);
  • Quota for calls to other connections in the connection area and MTS numbers throughout Russia: 350 free minutes;
  • Quota for sending SMS: 350 messages in the Connection Region.

The services provided cannot be called large-scale, but this is a completely generous proposal from the operator, considering the subscription in the amount of 400/900 rubles / month.

If all the free minutes provided for calls are used during the month, all calls, with the exception of calls to MTS at home, will be paid. And tariff conditions in this case will look like this:

  • Calls to other rooms at home / in Russia: 2/14 rubles per minute;
  • Calls to MTS numbers in the country: 2 rubles.

Messages can be sent to 2 / 2.80 / 8 rubles per room in the home region / by country / abroad.

If you suddenly need to contact subscribers outside the Russian Federation, calls to CIS countries, Europe and the rest of the world are charged at 35, 49 and 70 rubles per minute, respectively.

Sending MMS-messages is offered to subscribers of 9.90 rubles. For 1 message.

Be careful: on the tariff when connecting the default option "Basic Tariffation of the Internet" with, to put it mildly, a rather big cost of Internet access 20 MB. 25 ₽. We recommend changing this option to something cheaper.

From May 23, 2018, MTS went to meet subscribers and canceled the auto-connection of this option. Now pack 2 GB. The tariff can be used throughout Russia, including in the Crimea and Sevastopol (in footnotes to the limit tariff are not written). After exhausting the traffic limit in the tariff, "additional Internet packages" are connected to 500 MB. For 95 ₽. Compared to the "basic tariffing of the Internet" it is more than humane.

Other available Internet options options on the "Smart Mini" tariff: Bit series, Internet series or "turbo-buttons".

How to connect the MTS "Smart Mini" tariff [Closed, the tariff in the archive]

  • You can connect the "Smart Mini" tariff using USSD - a request for more new operator's proposals, then you should not worry about this issue. All you need is to choose a new tariff and transition to it. The "Smart Mini" rate will turn off automatically and without your intervention.

At the moment, MTS has organized a high-quality cellular signal throughout the state. Such extensive geography and favorable conditions contributed to the vast popularity among consumers. The provider can offer a significant number of interesting tariff plans that will suit subscribers with any requests and requirements. One of such contracts that has already become a classic is a smart mini from MTS.

Tariff Description

This offer is perfect for users who have just moved to MTS service or have begun communication on a mobile network. There is everything that will be needed for high-quality communication. In terms of its characteristics, it can offer all the conditions for comfortable communication without additional costs. In addition, "Smart Mini" has many advantages and functionality:

  1. Unlimited communication on the internal network not only in the Region Region, but also throughout the Russian Federation.
  2. All incoming calls are free.
  3. The calculation is made according to a fixed subscriber board.
  4. For low cost, the consumer receives 1000 minutes to negotiate with MTS subscribers, 200 SMS messages to all numbers inside the registration area and network traffic of 1 gigabyte for a month.
  5. The tariff allows activation of a plurality of additional services to increase the efficiency and efficiency of the mobile device.
  6. Available for installation to each citizen throughout the Russian Federation, but not in all regions it is available. Learn detailed information from the regional representative.
  7. Each consumer can participate in the bonus program, save the points and spend their useful gifts and discounts for services.

This contract is an excellent choice for lovers of voice communication. The volume of the package is enough for unlimited negotiations during the estimated period.

Service cost

For this tariff plan, the monthly payment is established, the size of which is 200 rubles. These funds are debited from the balance sheet account of the consumer account during the maintenance of maintenance. If at the time of payment you cannot fully pay for the service, then packages of free minutes and traffic becomes inaccessible. The contract is suspended until repayment of debt.

The subscription fee for "Smart Mini" will differ from the initial due to the established additional options. Next, we will consider in detail the features of the calculation of the main characteristics of the cellular communication.


Once you have installed a contract on your mobile device, you get a package of free 1000 minutes, which are valid throughout Russia, but only on the numbers of MTS subscribers. The consumer can travel and practically not spend money on mobile communications. The setting conditions do not include negotiations with contacts of other providers. They also do not distribute actions for short service and city telephone numbers. If you do not spend a complete set of minutes for the quotation, they automatically burn.

The situation often occurs when the user lacks the assigned number of gigabytes. After the transition for the established limit, the following conditions begin to act:

  1. All incoming calls are free.
  2. Outgoing calls within the native region on the internal network are provided free of charge. The user may unlimited communicate with MTS customers. Calls to the numbers of other providers will be 1.5 rubles per minute.
  3. Outside the area of \u200b\u200bregistration within the network - 2 rubles per minute, for the rest of the directions costs - 12 rubles.
  4. International conversations are 35 rubles for the CIS, 49 rubles for European countries and 70 rubles are all others.

To improve the conditions, you can always activate additional options in roaming in Russia and the world.


Within the framework of the MTS tariff plan provided, each consumer receives a free 200 SMS package for the monthly fee. The size is updated every month on the day of the contract connection, and the remains from the past period are not transferred for a new term. They are valid only in the territory of the Region of the Treaty Region. Bente it, the cost of one shipment will be 2.80 rubles per phones numbers. If you leave for the set factories of the tariff, the cost of correspondence in the home area will be 1.50 rubles. Text communication with other states will cost 5.25 rubles per piece. If necessary, you can always extend or expand the standard set using special functions (SMS packet).

In addition to a simple text correspondence, the MTS consumer can exchange photos, pictures and postcards through the MMS service. The size of the attachment is 500 kilobytes. Without an access point and configured Internet on a mobile device, the multimedia send function does not work. The cost of one shipment is united for all provisions of the provider and is 9.90 rubles.

the Internet

Unfortunately, Smart Mini cannot provide a large number of traffic to the consumer. The package size is only 1 gigabyte, such a volume is enough for correspondence and view information in the network space. To watch video and listen to music, as well as download large files, you will need to activate special Internet options, such as "+ Internet" or "Turbo Button". All the not spent gigabytes burn at the end of the term.

If you do not want to install any services, then after the completion of traffic, you will be prompted to get an additional 500 megabytes for 75 rubles. If necessary, you can use it up to 15 times a month. After full consumption, access to network resources stops. If you do not need an extension Enter the encoding * 111 * 936 # and the cost of one downloaded megabyte will be 9.90 rubles. To always be aware of the available residue, check it with a combination * 100 * 1 #.

Starting contract services

If you acquire the SIM card, with the "Smart Mini" tariff plan installed on it, then in the kit you get a specific set of functions. They are aimed at improving and simplifying mobile communications. You can check their presence in the personal account of the consumer or request information from the official representative. The list contains the following names:

  1. Number determinant. With each incoming call, all contact information about the caller's interlocutor will be displayed on the mobile device display, even if the number is hidden.
  2. After the connection, the consumer receives 60 days of free use of the "beep" service, which allows for a standard ringtone to install any musical compositions. After the end of the trial period, the action stops stops.
  3. Call forwarding. All incoming calls will be redirected to another contact phone number that you specified in the settings when this option is connected.
  4. International access. This is the main service that needs to be installed before traveling to another country to rest. Without it, you will not be able to use abroad.
  5. Bit abroad. For 450 rubles a day, you get unlimited access to the Internet even abroad.
  6. Holding and waiting. Allows you to communicate with several users at once, and one of them is waiting for the line, and with the other you are talking.
  7. Mobile assistant. Service that can replace a personal account. Just enter * 111 #, and you will find yourself in the main service menu.

How to connect / disable tariff

If you are satisfied with the terms of the provision and the main features of the name, then it is time to make a transition to the tariff. To do this, you need to use one of the algorithms below:

  1. Dial USSD code - * 111 * 1023 * 1 #. After that, your number will receive alert from the cellular operator.
  2. Contact the Customer Support Center 0890. Stay on the line, listen to the auto informant offers or wait for an answer from the specialist. Explain to him the whole situation and ask to translate you to a new contract.
  3. Contact your cellular salon. Ask the sellers to make the transition to the tariff. With me, you need to have a passport.
  4. Go under your account in the personal office. In the main service window you will see all the basic controls and current relevant state of balance and residues. Go to the "Control number" section, you will open a list of active names. Select the desired and turn on. To work in the Personal Account requires a connection to the Internet space.
  5. You can do the same with the help of your MTS mobile application, which you can easily find on any site with smartphone software. After authorization, open the Tariff Plans tab and find the smart mini list.
  6. Use your mobile assistant, type * 111 # and perform all the tips and instructions that will appear on your display.

In fact, turn off the tariff plan is impossible, you will only go to another offer, thereby interrupting the service of the old one. And to activate a new contract, you can use standard installation methods.

Compatible options

Each consumer can assemble its ideal "Smart Mini" contract by adding additional services for the Internet, voice communication or text correspondence. According to the standard, such options represent the data packets of a certain dimension.

Pack of minutes

For a fixed monthly fee, the user receives 1000 minutes per MTS across the country. If you have not had enough volume, it is impossible to activate extension, because such services are not implemented at the provider.

Message package

200 letters that are provided under the terms of the contract, not everyone for the month. Therefore, the need to expand the standard set appears. For such purposes, you can use special features from the phone. For the current time there are two types:

  1. With monthly payment:
  1. With a disposable payment:

Package internet

The size of the traffic on the source conditions of the contract is rather small and allows you to only correspond. To download more voluminous files, you will need to install the "+ Internet" service. After connecting, each month, the selected traffic volume will be attached to the main, the cost will also be common. Within this option, there are several dimensions:

  1. 3 gigabytes for 300 rubles. Connection command * 111 * 1417 * 1 #.
  2. 5 GB, 400 rubles. * 111 * 1517 * 1 #.
  3. 10 GB, 500 rubles. * 111 * 1617 * 1 #.
  4. 20 GB, 600 rubles. * 111 * 1817 * 1 #.

Or you can extend the Internet by clicking on the "turbo button". It is divided into three directions - for smartphone, tablet or modem. We will look at the first category:

  1. 100 megabytes for 30 rubles. Duration 24 hours. * 111 * 05 * 1 #.
  2. 500 megabytes for 95 rubles. Month period. * 167 #.

Roaming option

Before leaving the border on vacation or traveling around Russia, install offers to save roaming:

  1. Everywhere at home Smart. The service allows to communicate indefinitely in any region of the country. Minutes and traffic will be spent, as when found in the area of \u200b\u200bregistration. Every month it will have to pay 100 rubles for it. To activate, type * 111 * 1021 #.
  2. Bit abroad. Use the services of a mobile Internet outside the native state. This feature provides almost unlimited traffic for 450 rubles per day. To install - * 111 * 2222 #.
  3. Zero without borders. Take free incoming calls in any country, but it should be borne in mind that billing is not exposed only to the first 10 minutes of conversation. It is worth 95 rubles a day. To activate - * 111 * 4444 #.

MTS Tariff "Smart Mini" - the most "younger" from the "Smart" line. It has minimal calls, traffic and SMS. The low subscription makes "Smart Mini" by one of the popular TPs from MTS customers. Consider in detail the conditions of this tariff, its cost and additional services.

Parameters and cost

Subscription for "Smart Mini" with a federal number - 350 rubles per month. The package includes:

  • unlimited moments on MTS numbers home area;
  • calls to the phones of the Connection Region - 350 minutes;
  • the Internet - 1 gigabyte;
  • SMS subscribers within the home area - 350 pieces.


On the tariff "Smart mini" incoming calls are not charged. If the package of minutes is consumed, outgoing calls are charged like this:

  • in the MTS network of their area - free of charge;
  • customers of other operators, users of urban numbers and SIM cards MTS in Russia - 2 rubles / min;
  • on phones of customers of other operators in other regions of the country - 14 rubles / min.

Team for checking the residue of minutes in the package* 1001 * 1 # .

Package of minutes is spent on calls to subscribers of all providers of telecommunication services. Calls to MTS phones are also taken into account. Only after the package ends, the MTS subscribers of your region will become free.

When calling to short service numbers of the operator, the package is not spent. If a short number is paid, a certain amount for the call will be removed from the account, but the package will be untouched.

SMS messages

The SMS package operates exclusively in the connection region. When exhausting 350 sms one message will cost 2 rubles. The message sent to another area is 3.8 rubles, SMS abroad - 8 rubles per piece.

Internet on MTS Smart Mini

When you exhaust 1 GB of free traffic, the operator will automatically connect an additional 500 MB package for 95 rubles. During the month, up to 15 similar packages can be connected. We are dealing with MTS services imposed by the company, since many subscribers do not check traffic remnants, and the extra charge. The Internet can increase communication costs.

To check traffic residue On MTS Smart Mini, type USSD code * 111 * 217 # , but disable additional internet - Team * 111 * 936 # .

If necessary, you can buy additional. Internet traffic, if you use.

Roaming in Russia

The "Smart Mini" tariff plan from MTS does not work outside the home area. On travel around the country you pay for everything:

  • incoming and outgoing calls (including MTS numbers) - 10,90 rub. / Minute;
  • long-distance calls - 14 rubles / minute;
  • one SMS - 3,95 rubles.;
  • 1 megabyte internet - 10.90 rubles.

To use the terms of the tariff on Russia, connect the service.

How to connect MTS "Smart Mini"

To switch to TP, on the phone account there must be a minimum amount of 300 rubles, since the subscription is charged at the time of the tariff connection.

To change the current MTS tariff at "Smart Mini", type * 111 * 1023 # .

You can connect "Smart Mini" through the application for the "My MTS" gadgets or the operator's website with a detailed description of the tariff plan.

How to disable "Smart Mini"

Refuse the tariff simply, choose any option:

  1. enter the "Personal Account" on the MTS website and select another TP in the category "Tariffs";
  2. call the operator by number 0890 And ask you to switch you to another tariff;
  3. come to the nearest MTS office and write an application for termination of the contract of communication services.

Smart Mini is the most optimal tariff from the SMART line. Moderate subscription fee and unlimited communication with MTS users are far from all the advantages of this package. Within this review, all features of the tariff will be considered: the cost of calls and SMS messages, pros and cons of this offer.

Tariff and Cost Description

Smart Mini is specifically designed for those who do not want to spend money on unnecessary options - Internet traffic and calls to other regions and country areas. The tariff provides for a fee in the amount of from 200 to 300 rubles, which is made 1 time per month. Subscribers of the Moscow region will pay for the service of mobile communication 300 rubles / month. Clarify the terms of charge and the size of the subscription site can be on the website of the operator.

The target includes the following services:

  • Unlimited calls to MTS within one region;
  • 250 SMS MTS subscribers within one region;
  • 2 GB of Internet traffic for a month;
  • 250 minutes for calls to other cellular operators.

Smart Mini will be the best solution for those who are ready to reduce Internet traffic costs and SMS messages. Prices for mobile services in excess provided by the package:

  • Calls to numbers of other telecom operators in the home region - 2 rubles per min.;
  • Calls to numbers of other telecom operators outside the home region - 14 rubles per min;
  • Calls to Europe - 49 rubles / min;
  • Calls to CIS countries - 35 rubles / min;
  • Calls to other countries - 70 rubles per min;
  • SMS on MTS in the home region - 1.5 rubles;
  • SMS on MTS in other regions of the country - 3.8 rubles;
  • SMS for international numbers - 5.25 rubles;
  • MMS on the numbers of all operators - 6.6 rubles.

The cost of services depends on the country's region. To clarify the terms of billing, you should call the mobile operator or visit the MTS site.

Advantages and disadvantages

Smart mini assumes a monthly write-off of the subscription fee. In the absence of funds in the account, the service provided by the service operator is temporarily blocked. The advantages of this tariff include:

  • Unlimited calls to MTS in the home region;
  • Free service package connection;
  • The small cost of the options provided;
  • The ability to connect additional options to minimize spending on Internet traffic and SMS messages.

The Smart Mini rate is among the most inexpensive "Smart" line, but it also has a number of shortcomings:

  • The limit of 250 free minutes to make calls to other operators is spent and during a conversation with MTS users from other regions of the country;
  • This tariff cannot be used in mobile modems and other Internet distribution;
  • After using the Internet traffic limit, the option 500 MB of Internet is automatically activated for 75-95 rubles;
  • The transfer rate on the Internet during the visit to Yakutia, Norilsk, Magadan and the Sakhalin region decreases to 128 kbps.

Subscribers must remember that immediately after activation of the package, the MTS MUSIC option is automatically connected. During the first month, it is provided free of charge, but after the expiration of 30 calendar days for its use will be charged from the account.

Who will fit?

The Smart Mini rate is the optimal solution for those who prefer to talk with close and friends by phone. Unlimited communication within the network in and 250 free minutes for calls to the numbers of all operators in other regions - this is what thousands of MTS subscribers waited.

Within the framework of this offer, there are additional options:

  • "Bit abroad";
  • "Minibit";
  • "Easy roaming and international access."

If the tariff is connected, the subscribers automatically receive favorable conditions for international roaming. When visiting other countries, user mini users may not activate additional options.

How to connect?

The cost of the transition to smart mini is 0 rubles. But before connecting it, you need to check the means on the balance sheet. Immediately after activation of the package from the account, a monthly subscription will be written out in the amount of 200 or 300 rubles. Make a transition to Smart MINI from MTS and turn off the tariff in several ways:

  1. System query - dial * 111 * 1023 # and press the call button;
  2. Call the operator - call the number 0890 and specify the steps to go to the tariff;
  3. Changes in the "Personal Account" - go to the personal page on the MTS website and make the transition to the desired tariff.

If the above methods seem complex, you can seek help in the MTS service center. The company's employees will help activate the package, and also consult about the farely operating tariff conditions.

How to find out the balance of traffic

To constantly be in touch and not to go beyond the tariff plan (which will lead to excess funds), it is necessary to keep the amount of traffic used, realized minutes, the number of SMS and the received megabytes obtained. The fact is that unlimited calls inside MTS are provided after the exhaustion of the dedicated preferential minutes (250), and until this point, even communication within the network is due to preferential minutes. Therefore, to check the speaking minutes of the conversation (including inside the network) is very important.

If the SMART Mini MTS limit is exhausted, then tariffs in Moscow are becoming completely different, and new prices can be very unpleasant to surprise the user.

It is also important to evaluate Internet traffic, since after using tariff megabytes, the service "500 MB for 75 rubles" comes into force. It is activated up to 15 times a month, which results in a rather significant amount for payment. From the service charge "prizes" megabytes just refuse - just send a message * 111 * 936 # and click "Call".

To check the spent or remaining minutes, the MEGabY of traffic or the number of SMS can be used by various methods: a call to the consultation center, sending SMS, input to your personal account or USSD request. The last option is the easiest, fast and in demand.

  1. To find out the residue of megabytes at the rate, you need to enter a combination: * 111 * 217 # and press the challenge. Information on traffic available on this device is sent to the phone until the end of the month.
  2. Send SMS to number 5340 with the text "?". In response, a message will come with information about traffic.
  3. Personal account gives more complete information. It can not only determine the balance of MTS Smart Mini tariffs, but also to control what the data was spent. It is enough to authorize in the office on the MTS.Ru page and view the section "Account State" section. In the Package Residues, there are information about the available minutes, megabytes and the number of SMS.
  4. Also, this information is always available to the operator and you can find it by calling client support services.

If the traffic is missing regularly, it is worth thinking about or about changing the image of actions, or about changing the tariff plan.