0 Without borders of MTS Conditions. Tariff zero without borders MTS: description and connection

During the trip, everyone came across such a problem as the high cost of services for mobile communications. Send SMS or call relatives to Russia may cost expensive without special tariffs. Fortunately, a new option 0 Without the MTS borders makes it possible to forget about large spending.

Option "Zero without borders" why she?

The option can safely be considered a real rescue for travelers. The MTS client receives 1.5 hours for conversations every day (45 minutes for outgoing and incoming calls). Allocate popular countries where it is possible to use the service, the full list is presented on the official website. It is worth considering that the Tunisia has limitations: if the free time is over, then you will have to pay 39 rubles per each minute. Incoming calls will cost 50 rubles.

Should I connect "zero without borders"? If so, how?

MTS services in roaming abroad will be useful to those who wish to save on calls. "Zero without borders" is not a tariff - it is just an additional option. You can even turn it on at home in several ways. It is important that during the primary connection, the balance should be at least 145 rubles.

Via ussd request

The easiest way is to dial the number * 111 * 4444 # and click "Call", you can enter without * 111. Service is free.

Via SMS message or just take and call the operator

The second way to connect zero without mts - Send a message and send it to the number three units. It should specify the "330" command without quotes. It is also permissible to call the operator by 0890 numbers, the calls are absolutely free, the operators are ready to help around the clock.

Application "My MTS" or LC

It is necessary to go to your personal account on the official website of MTS. This will require a number and password. In the "Services" section there will be a "zero without boundaries" option, which should be activated using the "Connect" button.

You can download the free My MTS application, the sequence of actions is practically no different from the site. You must also enter your personal account, click on "services", then "all" and find "roaming". Next, you should select the "World" function and "discounts on calls", where the desired option will be. Service 0 Without borders of MTS connection abroad remains free.

Is it possible to connect roaming if you already flew abroad?

Each client of the company can easily connect zero without borders on MTS, even if it is far outside of Russia. Access to My MTS is open around the clock and the country does not affect it. Perhaps in your personal account connect / disable absolutely any services.

How much does communication abroad cost

From the balance will be charged by 145 rubles every day. Payment is made at a certain time regardless of the location of the subscriber, so it should be disabled, as soon as it becomes irrelevant. The funds are removed even if the client does not make calls - it is necessary to take into account.

In the countries listed in the list of popular, one hour of free conversation is given, the next few minutes will cost 25 rubles. As already mentioned, Tunisia refers to exception, so the minute there is fifty rubles. In the rest of the countries, the option is free of charge only for the first ten minutes, the rest will be 25 rubles.

Will the option turn off automatically?

The service is independently disabled. You need to do this manually, returning from vacation, in the following ways:

  • dial * 111 * 444 # (hereinafter needs to enter the number "2");
  • call to the operator;
  • send a message with the "330" command (number 111);
  • on the site through the LC.

If independently failed to abandon the option, there is a way out of the situation - contact the specialist in the cabin. Disable 0 without MTS borders in any way, you do not need to pay for it.

Advantages and shortcomings Options "Zero without Borders"

The main plus is saving, because the day is given 90 minutes to all calls! As a rule, this is enough for many people to phon with relatives on vacation. Every day, 145 rubles will be written off from the balance, but this amount is quite acceptable for roaming.

There are cons: limited list of countries. For example, Azerbaijan, where Russians are sent to rest, for calls in this case will have to pay more. A huge disadvantage is to turn off 0 without MTS borders on the phone will have to be independently. Forgetting on time to abandon the option, another 145 rubles per day will be removed from the account.

MTS is ready to offer its customers many favorable tariffs and services. They allow you to stay in touch with close in many countries. Paying 145 rubles, you can talk 1.5 hours a day with family and friends on the phone! It is recommended to explore MTS Internet abroad tariffs 2019, because this option does not provide free access to the network.

Concerns of people before using international roaming were 10 years ago, they remain and now. The fact is that the majority of subscribers are obviously confident that roaming services are simple deception, and the services of cellular communications abroad use a priori.

"Zero without borders" necessary service?

Yes of course!No, not needed!

In fact, this is not the case, simply on its official sites operators do not always set out the conditions of roaming tariffs and options are clear, therefore people and refuse to use them.

In fact, MTS, for example, has such a proposal as "zero without borders", and it can become an ideal solution when traveling abroad. Let us consider in detail its conditions and advantages to understand - it is advantageous or not to use this option.

Actual version. Data updated July 5, 2019

Service MTS "Zero without Borders": a detailed description

By connecting the "zero without borders" option, MTS subscribers receive 45 free minutes per day of the incoming 45 minutes of outgoing calls from Russia and to Russia for any numbers (city and mobile), the truth in the limited number of countries (list below).

The fee for the first day is written off when the option is connected. Payment is made in the time of the "home" region for every complete or incomplete day, regardless of the location, up to the independent shutdown of the option.

It is free incoming and outgoing calls that are the main "china" option "Zero without borders". If you need calls and the Internet, as in the home fare, connect the "Zabugorische".

I, as probably, the majority of MTS subscribers, I leave for the border mostly rest, and it can only be necessary for challenges, and the Internet is now in most hotels and restaurants. Therefore, I consider it "zero without borders" the most necessary and convenient MTS roaming option and always connect it on trips.

In general, the roaming service conditions look as follows:

Subscription fee for using the "Zero without Borders" option is $ 145 per day; The board is written off daily by the time of your home region, regardless of which country and what time zone you are.

In popular countries

  • The first 45 minutes of outgoing and 45 minutes of incoming calls per day - free of charge;
  • Incoming and incoming calls from the 46th minute of each challenge will cost -39.00 ₽ / minute;

List of popular countries "zero without borders"

Abkhazia, Australia, Austria, Albania, Armenia, Bulgaria, Brazil, United Kingdom, Hungary, Germany, Hong Kong, Greece, Denmark, Egypt, Israel, India, Jordan, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Cambodia, Canada, Qatar, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Morocco, Mongolia, Netherlands, Norway, United Arab Emirates, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, USA, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, Philippines, Finland, France, Croatia, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Switzerland , Sweden, Estonia, South Korea.

In Tunisia

(for some reason separate conditions for this country)

  • The first 45 minutes of emanating to Russia per day is free of charge;
  • The cost of outgoing from 46 minutes is 39.00 ₽ / minute;
  • All incoming calls - 50.00 ₽ / minute;

All other countries

  • Outgoing in the Russian Federation: 1st minute and from the 6th minute of each call - on roaming rates;
  • Outgoing in the Russian Federation from the 2nd to the 5th minute of each call - 39.00 ₽ / minute;
  • Incoming from the 1st to 10th minute of each call - is free;
  • Incoming from the 11th minute of each call - 39.00 ₽ / minute
The subscription fee is deducted from the MTS client's account if the service is directly activated. In the future, the subscription will be fully charged every day even if the subscriber does not exercise or receive calls or even when returning to the territory of Russia. Be sure to disconnect the option if you do not use it!

Pros and Cons Options "Zero without Borders"


  • 45 minutes of outgoing + 45 minutes of incoming calls will be enough for the majority of subscribers on travel and on vacation (I do not consider those who drive abroad on business trips, they usually have corporate tariffs with their conditions);
  • 145 ₽ per day - for roaming a rather humane cost;


  • Changing the terms of the option, taking into account the simultaneous closure of the Free Journey service, namely the rise in price from 95 to 125 ₽, and then up to $ 145, associated with the addition of outgoing calls (previously there were only incoming) not everyone will have to "taste." Many, leaving on vacation negotiated with relatives and friends so that they called them and it was convenient. Now this choice: to connect only incoming and / or outgoing left. The operator needs money, and more;)
  • There are no, for example, Belarus and Azerbaijan in the list of "popular" countries, and there are many of our compatriots go there.
  • The option is not turned off automatically when returning to Russia. Not traced - money from the account was removed.


Even after such significant changes, I consider the connection of the "zero without borders" option, which is called "Mast Hav" (mandatory) when traveling to rest to the countries that MTS identified as "popular". 145 ₽ A day will help you simply forget that you are on the territory of another country in roaming and practically not to limit yourself, in reasonable limits of course in communication.

Compare prices for calls with the connection of Options or without I do not see the point. 45 + 45 minutes of unlimited to compare in general and nothing with what, and the cost of calls everyone can look at the MTS website.

MTS option "Zero without borders": how to connect or disable

Connect or disable the service in the following ways:

  • In the Personal Account on the Operator's website (instruction on the registration of a personal account);
  • Through my MTS mobile application;
  • With the help of the team *111*4444# .
Once again I will remind you about the importance of timely shutdown option, because without performing the deactivation procedure, the daily subscription fee will be charged even when the subscriber is returned to the territory of the home region.

And more: in the case of the connection of the Zabugorisch service, the option "Zero without borders" will be automatic deactivated, since these roaming offers are mutually exclusive.

Often the MTS subscriber, making trips abroad, calls home or takes calls from the Russian Federation. Standard roaming rates may be expensive, so it is recommended to save funds on the balance sheet of your mobile and connect additional functions, for example, "zero without borders from MTS", the conditions and features of the service will be presented below.

Conditions option "Zero without borders"

Thanks to this proposal from MTS, save on mobile communications and make calls on trips to the world on favorable terms can each. When connected, the payment is made daily. Special attention should be paid to the fact that the number of minutes on incoming and outgoing proposals is different. During 2018-2019, the subscription fee for the operation of the service "Zero without borders" is 125 rubles per day. For this money, the Subscriber gets the opportunity to receive for free:

  • 60 free minutes for incoming calls from popular countries;
  • 10 minutes from other countries.

At the same time, free outgoing calls are provided under such conditions:

  • 60 minutes for communication with subscribers of any operator of the Russian Federation;
  • 60 Communication with subscribers of any operator of the Russian Federation when founding in Tunisia.

As part of the conditions of this option, 200 minutes of incoming and outgoing telephone communication are available. Starting from the 201nd minute, incoming and outgoing calls will be paid for 25 rubles per minute (for corporate clients Conditions Other).

The residue can be tracked. To do this, type the command on your phone, as - * 419 * 1233 # and press the "Call" button.


Activation and subsequent shutdown service takes place for free. From the account of the Subscriber in the first day, 125 rubles are written off (in the following days, the amount does not change) for providing a profitable connection. It is also possible to pay for the service with cumulative points from MTS. The discount in this case will be 50%.

When the need to use this tariff function will be relevant, it is necessary to disable it with the help of SMS, the call to the operator or through the mobile application, otherwise the additional service will be charged from the mobile account balance.

List of countries and special conditions

Within the framework of this option, you can get a discount on communication services that are traveling through the countries of countries that are included in the list of "Popular Countries" list:

Abkhazia, Australia, Austria, Albania, Armenia, Bulgaria, Brazil, United Kingdom, Hungary, Germany, Hong Kong, Greece, Denmark, Egypt, Israel, India, Jordan, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Cambodia, Canada, Qatar, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Morocco, Mongolia, Netherlands, Norway, United Arab Emirates, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, USA, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, Philippines, Finland, France, Croatia, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Switzerland , Sweden, Estonia, South Korea

Subscribers receive advantageous tariffs for communication for relatively humane cost. To accurately calculate the costs of mobile communication abroad, you need to know how many free minutes on incoming and outgoing calls are provided as part of the sentence, and how every minute of communication is charged in the case when the subscriber exceeds the limit of free calls.

Tariffing of calls occurs as follows:

  1. Daily 45 min. You can safely call from "Popular countries" to the Russian Federation or receive calls from there. After the 46th min. Inbound or outgoing communication with subscribers from Russia will be charged a fee in the amount of 39 rubles. for every min. conversation. Calculation of billing begins on the first second of the 46th minute before the conversation is completed.
  2. Being in other countries, free of outgoing or accept incoming calls can be made from the 1st to the 10th Min. Communication. Then every minute of communication will cost a subscriber in 39 rubles.
  3. 2-5 min. Call to any telephone number of the Russian Federation will cost a subscriber at 39 rubles. For 1 min. The first minute of communication will be charged at the standard cost of communication in roaming. At the same price will be charged for the 6th and further minutes of communication.

As part of the option, special conditions apply to MTS subscribers who are located on the territory of Tunisia. Calling conditions on the territory of this country are significantly different from calling calls in "Popular countries", so mobile communications in Tunisia and roaming conditions during activation of this service should be considered in more detail.

Tunisia (special conditions)

Every day, MTS subscribers who connected this option are obtained 45 minutes. Free outgoing calls from Tunisia, but starting from the 46th min. Communication, the payment will be charged in the amount of 39 rubles. For each minute of communication.

As part of the service on the territory of Tunisia, free incoming are not provided. Each minute of the incoming challenge within the framework will cost the MTS subscriber, which is located on the territory of Tunisia, in 50 rubles.

How to connect a service

In order not to spend extra money while on roaming, the "zero without boundaries" service should be activated. Make it will be easy. For convenience of activation of the service, MTS specialists are recommended to use the following ways:

  1. Go to the Personal Cabinet of the Subscriber on the company's website.
  2. Use my MTS mobile app.
  3. Send a service request to connect. Combination - * 111 * 4444 # and call button.

How to disable

Sometimes the need for economical calls in roaming loses relevance. In this case, you should disable the service, and it can be done correctly in such ways:

  1. In the Personal Account find and deactivate the function.
  2. Run the application "My MTS". After what to find and disable this option.
  3. Send service request for shutdown, combination - * 111 * 4444 #.

Pros and Cons Options

Each sentence has their advantages and disadvantages. This option from MTS did not exception. The offer has some features that are described in detail below.

Benefits Options:

  1. Within the framework of the additional option "Zero without borders", the subscriber is provided daily 45 minutes of incoming and the same amount of outgoing calls on the territory of countries from the "Popular Countries" list. This volume of communication is enough for most subscribers who travel abroad.
  2. The daily fee for the use of 145 rubles service, which is quite profitable worthwhile for roaming calls.

The terms of the option change slightly, the following flaws appear.:

  1. In fact, the appearance of this proposal subscribers have lost the possibility of using the additional function "Free Journey", because MTS operator does not provide it anymore.
  2. Gradually, the cost of communication services for the use of "zero without borders" increased from 95 to 125 rubles per day, and when free outgoing, daily payment has increased to 145 rubles a day.
  3. The list of "Popular Countries" is also not perfect. There is no, for example Belarus and Azerbaijan in the list. Many of our compatriots travel to these countries and are forced to communicate on the installed roaming on their territory.
  4. There is no automatic deactivation of the service in the case when the subscriber returns to the territory of the Russian Federation. If the user independently disabling the function, the fee will continue to be written off from its account, which can lead to additional costs.

For whom the service is suitable

Despite the substantial transformations of the option, it remains the most profitable solution and is suitable for those who are traveling to other countries that are included in the list of "Popular Countries" list. Once a day will be written off from the account balance of the bill in the amount of 145 rubles, but this payment will allow the Subscriber not to think about what it is in roaming, but to freely call in the Russian Federation or take incoming calls.

Minutes for gratuitous communication more than enough. By activating the "zero without borders", each MTS subscriber may not limit oneself in communicating abroad, and on returning home the service is disabled by any convenient way, with the service for activation or deactivation of the service is not provided.

The service "Zero without borders" is convenient on the journey. By connecting this option, the subscriber will be able to stay in touch anywhere in the world, to make incoming calls for free. It is important to know that the "zero without borders" has limitations. Free only 9 minutes of conversation are provided, from the 2nd to the 10th. Starting from the 11th minute, the incoming call is charged 25 rubles. For 1 min. You can connect and disconnect from the service free of charge, the subscription fee is 96 rubles. per day.

Ways to connect services

"Zero without borders" is not roaming, but an additional option that helps to further save on mobile communications. Being outside the native region or country, it is necessary to connect roaming to talk on the phone, SMS messages and access to the Internet did not cost the MTS subscriber in the round sum.

USSD team

The command combination of keys is entered in the number of the number on the phone. After entering the USSD command, you need to press the call key:

  • *444# For subscribers connected by "zero without borders" at the time of staying in Russia;
  • *111*4444# - Team, suitable MTS customers, located abroad.

After entering the command, select the item " 1 »- Connect option.


Connecting SMS is carried out automatically. You need to send a message with the text " 33 »For a short number 111 . In the case of a successful connection service, response SMS will come with information about the successful completion of the procedure.

Personal Cabinet on the Operator's website

Mobile MTS operator offers customers a tool for remote service management and tariffs. On the official website, the Self-Government section is called a personal account. The connection of the "zero without borders" is carried out as follows:

  1. Go to the personal account of the operator;
  2. Logged in (the login is the phone number, the password is sent by SMS);
  3. Go to the "Dial Control" section and the service management subsection;
  4. Find in the list of proposed options necessary;
  5. Click on the "Connect" button.

The service is considered connected from the moment when a corresponding notification comes to the phone.

In the mobile application "My MTS"

An algorithm for connecting a "zero without borders" is practically identical to what is used in the personal account. MTS offers subscribers a free app for modern smartphones. You can download and install the application in any store for different operating systems: App Store, GooglePlay, Windows Store.

  1. Enter the application after installation;
  2. Authorized;
  3. Go to the service management section;
  4. Find "zero without borders";
  5. Press the "Connect" button.

And on the official website, and the application settings are present. The user can change the frequency of connection, suspend or completely disable the service.

Call Operator

The hotline of MTS works around the clock and free throughout the country. Connect to "Noah without borders" by calling a technical support specialist by number 8-800-250-08-90 . To confirm the identity of the SIM card holder, you need to name the passport details or secret word.

In the sales office of MTS

In the nearest signature department, MTS can be referred to managers to activate the service. With you, you must have a passport to confirm the person.

Roaming connection

"Zero without borders" works in combination with the selected roaming. The option is valid only for calls. SMS messages and Internet traffic is provided by roaming conditions. Outgoing calls are charged so.

When founding in international roaming, the cost of not only outgoing calls is increased, all communication services are significantly expensive. In particular, the incoming calls become paid, and the rates are so high that the phone's balance will be negative literally in seconds. So how to be in such a situation? Really, going abroad will have to come to terms with huge rates or refuse to communicate services, even from incoming calls, which, we recall, are completely free when the subscriber is at home in the home region. If you are a subscriber of MTS, then you have the opportunity to save on roaming abroad, and will help you with an option that makes all incoming free. We are talking about the service "Zero without borders" MTS. The option allows you to make incoming trips to the world free of charge (with the exception of some countries, see below). That is, calling on favorable terms within the framework of this option will not work, but it will be possible to receive calls and not worry about huge costs that are already not bad.
As part of this review, we will tell you what is the service from MTS "Zero without Borders", what conditions it provides for and how to connect it. Please note that this option is intended for international roaming. To save in intranet roaming (on trips to Russia), you must connect the option.

Description of the service "Zero without borders" MTS

If you have ever seen an advertisement of the service "zero without borders", then, for sure, you have an idea of \u200b\u200bonly its positive sides. However, one should not forget that all the products of cellular operators have not only advantages, but also disadvantages. Naturally, the deficiencies operator silent and try to hide them every way. We prepared an extremely honest and detailed review of the service "Zero without borders" from MTS. Before connecting the option, be sure to read the article to the end. For a start, consider the possibility of the option, and after moving to the characteristic features. By the way, before you go abroad, you need not only to choose an option for saving, but also.
The service "zero without borders" MTS includes:

  • Daily fee - 95 rubles;
  • Free incoming calls abroad with the 1st to 10th minute (with the exception of a number of countries, see below);
  • From the 11th minute the cost of the incoming - 25 rubles. in a minute;
  • 1st minute and from the 6th minute of call are not subject to the option;
  • Incoming calls in these minutes are paid according to roaming tariffs (price information below);
  • Outgoing calls with 2nd to 5th minute call - 25 rubles / min.

As you can see, it is not unlimited to receive incoming calls with the help of the "zero without borders" service, which is a significant disadvantage. In addition, the service provides a fairly large subscription fee, and the first 6 minutes of outgoing calls will be paid according to roaming tariffs? What does this mean? Below are standard rates in international roaming. Based on this information, you can determine whether the service "Zero without borders" will be beneficial for you. By the way, it is also worth mentioning the tariff and options. This offer appeared quite recently and may be more profitable than other options for roaming.

  • Important
  • The exact cost of communication services in international roaming depends on the country of stay. Below are the data for the most popular countries for tourism. You can clarify information on a particular country on the MTS website.

Rates for communication services in international roaming:

  • Incoming calls - 65 rubles / min;
  • Outgoing calls to Russia - 65 rubles / min;
  • Outgoing calls to other countries 135 rubles / min;
  • Outgoing SMS - 19 rubles;
  • 40 KB transmitted / received traffic - 30 rubles (to reduce the cost of the Internet).

As you can see, without connecting the appropriate options, the connection abroad becomes prohibitively high. However, the service MTS "Zero without Borders" is not the only proposal for roaming. There are other options, moreover, do not forget about other operators. To choose a favorable offer to learn all the options and our site will help you. We have prepared a detailed overview of each MTS service.

Perhaps everything is clear with the capabilities. Pay 95 rubles a day, and in return to receive free incoming calls, however, it did not cost without restrictions here. However, the service provides for the presence of other features that are deficiencies for many.

Other Terms of Service MTS "Zero without Borders"

Before connecting a particular service, you must first carefully examine all its features. Service "Zero without Borders" is not an exception to the rules. Here, too, there are many underwater stones, which for many subscribers can become a decisive argument when choosing a service for saving in international roaming. We selected for you the most important conditions for the service.

The service "Zero without borders" from MTS provides for the following features:

  1. Under the actions of the service, South Ossetia, Turkmenistan, Andorra, Tunisia and Seychelles are not falling. When finding standard roaming rates in these countries. You can find out the rates on the MTS website.
    When satellite systems are located and on maritime courts, roaming tariffs also apply.
  2. Despite the fact that the service provides for the opportunity to take the first 10 minutes of incoming calls for free, in fact it will be provided for no more than 200 minutes a month. Since the 201st minute, all incoming will cost 25 rubles. in a minute. These rates will continue until the end of the month.
    If you do not call within a month, incoming calls will cost 25 rubles per minute.
  3. 10 free minutes for incoming conversations are provided for a day, and not for the first minutes of conversation. That is, all the minutes used per day are summed up.
  4. The daily fee is debited independently of the location of the subscriber, up to the moment the service is disabled.

Of course, the option "Zero without Borders" has other features. We listed only the main. If you think we missed something important, write in the comments and we will add a list.

How to connect the service "zero without borders" on MTS

Of course, MTS has other suggestions for international roaming, but they are not so much, as I would like it. Going abroad In any case, you should be ready for the high cost of communication services. Cheap calls, SMS, Internet and international roaming are incompatible concepts. The only thing you can do is reduce your expenses. Service
"Zero without borders" just the same for this purpose. If, after reading with other offers, you firmly decided that this option is for you the optimal solution, then use one of the connection method below.

Connect the service "Zero without borders" MTS can be:

  • With the help of the * 111 * 4444 # or * 444 # ;
  • Through the MTS personal account (personal account guide);
  • Use the application.

The above methods allow you to connect the service not only within the country, but also abroad. When founding in international roaming, use the USSD command. To disable the service, the same methods are used as for connecting.