The tariff plan is called smart for insiders. Description of the tariff MTS "Smart for their

Information about the “Smart for friendly” tariff is not available to a wide range of subscribers. The reason is that it is focused on the employees of the company and their loved ones.

In the “Smart” line, the offer “For friends” is the most advantageous. Users receive monthly:

  • 600 minutes for calls within the network throughout Russia;
  • 600 SMS messages;
  • 10 GB of traffic.

The tariff on the territory of the Russian Federation operates according to the principle of the service “Everywhere at home”. Long distance and international calls are not included in the free minutes package.

How to connect?

The offer is available only to company employees. Each specialist is given 10 special codes, with the help of which the tariff plan is activated.

Reference! Sale for the population of this TP is not provided.

However, there are offers on the network from the most enterprising MTS employees for the sale of a special promotional code.

Upon receipt of the code, you must activate it in one of the following ways:

  • dial a combination *362*000000*0000# , in which zeros must be replaced with code digits, and press the call button;
  • by calling the number 3620 .

The offer is activated within 24 hours.

You can get information about the connection in your personal account or using the USSD command *111*59# - challenge.

The cost

The subscription fee is 200 rubles. per month. The tariff provides for an advance payment system.

The cost of monthly use for subscribers with landline numbers is 500 rubles. Tariffication of calls after the limit is exhausted starts from the 3rd second of the call and is rounded up per minute.

Reference! Calls up to 3 seconds long are free of charge.

The cost of calls after the quota is exhausted will be 2 rubles per minute. Calls to numbers of other Russian operators cost 3 rubles per minute. Incoming calls throughout Russia are free. SMS messages over the provided quota are charged at 50 kopecks. for 1 message.

After exhaustion of Internet traffic, subscribers can use an additional package of 500 MB, its price will be 75 rubles for users of the “Smart for Friends” tariff.

The service is activated automatically and does not require any special steps to activate it.

Useful on the topic

In the settings of your personal account, prepaid traffic is indicated as 17.32 GB. This package takes into account the connection of additional packages. If you do not want to use the service, you can deactivate it using the command *111*936# - challenge.

You can find out the balance of unused minutes and messages using the combination *111*217# - a call, and the remainder of the traffic on the service provider's website.


The tariff is profitable and convenient, but access to it is limited. It is risky for subscribers who are not related to the company's employees to buy the proposed tariff through the portal of private ads. The cost of the code is several times overpriced in comparison with the monthly fee, and in the end you cannot be sure that you will not become a victim of fraudulent activities.

The largest Russian mobile network offers to use a new product from the SMART line, activated in 2020. The apparent advantage of this tariff is its low cost. It is not in the public domain and an ordinary subscriber will not be able to switch or connect to it on his own. This unique offer is intended only for MTS employees and their immediate environment. In order to activate, you must enter a special activation code. Before you connect MTS smart "For your own", read the description of the tariff in 2020.

Each employee of the MTS mobile network receives 10 special codes that are designed to connect to a new tariff. These keys can be used by yourself and given to loved ones. If you buy Smart "For your friends" yourself, you will have to pay about 2000 rubles.

The monthly payment includes a free package of services:

  • 600 minutes within the network in the home zone.
  • 600 SMS within the network within the connection region.
  • Incoming calls on the territory of connection are free.

After the free services included in the package run out, the tariffication will be as follows: outgoing calls within the network - 2.0 rubles / min., To other networks - 3.0 rubles / min., SMS - 1, 0 RUB and 3.8 rubles. (foreign region). The free call package also includes on-net minutes.

After the established limits are used up, communication with MTS subscribers is free of charge.

Mobile Internet is provided in the amount of 10 GB. The action is carried out throughout Russia, regardless of the region of residence. There are no roaming charges. When the free traffic ends, additional packages are activated automatically. You will have to pay 75 rubles. for every 500 MB. Within a month, such packages can be used in a limited number - within 15 pcs. Please note that this service can be disabled if desired.

To get Smart "For your friends" from MTS, a description of the tariff in 2020, you should call the operator of the cellular network and ask all your questions. Contact an employee of the company should be at 8800.

Please note that all conversations are recorded in order to improve the quality of service.

How to connect smart "For your own" MTS

There are several ways to activate with a special code. The most popular is to enter USSD: "* 362 * 000000 * 0000 #", where zeros are the personal code. To simplify the task, you should call the short number 3620, where to activate the code in tone mode. Only individuals can use this service. Before connecting to the tariff plan, you should top up the balance for an amount equal to the monthly subscription fee.

You can connect the tariff by going to the company's office on your own, where qualified operators will help you to carry out the activation procedure. Do not forget to take your passport with you, otherwise the service will be refused.

You can also activate the code through your personal account in the system by registering in advance and entering the code in the appropriate section intended to start using the new tariff plan for free.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before switching to the MTS smart tariff "For your friends", carefully read the terms of use, its advantages and disadvantages. The main advantages are the absence of intranet roaming in the country. It turns out that the subscriber will be served in all regions, according to the same scheme as in the home. All subscribers who connected earlier will be automatically transferred to the new tariff.

Before connecting to a tariff plan, read the reviews of existing subscribers. Even the most advantageous offer from MTS cannot be compared with SMART "For their own". If you get your hands on an activation code, be sure to reconnect to a new unique tariff.

Few people know that in addition to tariff plans available for purchase and transition to anyone who wants to, there are very profitable, but not available for sale, "closed" tariffs. The MTS company has released a very profitable tariff plan "Smart for its own" for its employees.

It's just that the company's employees recently got the opportunity to switch by themselves, as well as connect up to 10 numbers of MTS subscribers to this non-public tariff at their discretion. Each employee receives free codes for switching to the Smart tariff plan for their own. Naturally, offers for the sale of codes immediately began to appear on the market. If you do not have close friends or relatives among the operator's employees, then it will not be easy to get a free opportunity to switch to this closed tariff. The cost of a paid switch to this plan is different and can reach 3000 rubles - it all depends on the seller's appetites.

The first “For friendly” tariff option has already undergone some changes. Let's make a detailed description of the tariff that Mobile Telesystems are now distributing among a narrow circle of subscribers.

Those who have switched to the "Smart for Friends" plan for a monthly fee of 200 rubles per month will receive the following available packages of minutes and SMS:

  • 600 minutes of calls to all mobile numbers in your region, including calls to MTS operator numbers.
  • 600 outgoing SMS to numbers of any operators in your region.
  • Free incoming calls when located throughout the country.

After the main packages of minutes and SMS are over, the prices become as follows:

  • After the 10-hour communication package has been exhausted, the cost of outgoing calls differs depending on the region where the SIM card was purchased. In the capital region, it is 2 rubles per minute of communication to the numbers of any operators in their region.
  • Outgoing calls outside their region are not included in the basic package volume of available minutes and are 3 rubles per minute of communication when calling any operator.
  • Users will pay 50 kopecks for 1 SMS to all operators in their region.
  • SMS messages will cost 3 rubles 80 kopecks after the limit of 600 messages to operators in any region has been exhausted.

It should be noted that calls to MTS numbers are also included in the primary package of free minutes. But after the package is exhausted, they remain free both in their region and on MTS throughout Russia.

The user who subscribes to this tariff receives the following conditions for using the mobile Internet:

  • A package of 10 GB of Internet traffic, valid throughout the country without additional roaming surcharges.
  • Automatically connected packages of Internet traffic after the basic limit of 500 MB is exhausted for 75 rubles each. Such Internet packages can be used within a month no more than 15 pieces. Automatic connection of additional packages can be adjusted independently.
  • After the end of additional packages, the user can use the "Turbo button" options of 100 or 500 MB to access the Internet.

Important! MTS tariff "Smart for insiders" works without taking into account intranet roaming throughout the country. That is, the connected subscriber is served at his own home tariff, being in any region of the state. The conditions included in the tariff itself are the same as when subscribing to the "" option.

Tariff connection

How to activate the “Smart for Friends” tariff? An employee of the company is given 10 activation codes for personal use. The tariff is changed without replacing the SIM card. If you still got such a code in one way or another, then to switch to the “Smart for Friends” tariff on MTS, it is enough to perform one of two actions:

  • Dial the combination * 362 * 000000 * 0000 # on the USSD phone, changing the zeros to your digital code.
  • Call 3620 and change the tariff in call mode.

Attention! When you change your tariff plan to this closed tariff, you must have at least 200 rubles on your account balance, since the subscription fee is debited at the time of the transition.

The transition to a new tariff plan is usually carried out within 1 day. How do I know that a new tariff has already been activated?

  1. the name of your tariff is displayed.
  2. The USSD * 111 * 59 # command will allow you to get the name of the tariff in an information message.

How to find out, being on such a tariff, how many minutes, traffic and messages remain available for use? This can be done in standard ways, the same as on any other tariff of the Smart line:

  • In the Personal Account on the operator's website at:
  • In the mobile application My MTS.
  • With the help of USSD combination * 111 * 217 #, then make a call.

It is worth noting some of the shortcomings associated with the use of the MTS “Smart for Friends” tariff plan. When you switch to a new tariff, the main inconvenience is on-net calls, limited to a 10-hour monthly limit. Further, unlimited conversations within the network begin, but by that time the time for outgoing calls to numbers of third-party operators should be spent. Another inconvenience is that calls to other regions cannot be made on account of the accrued 10 hours.

As a result, you must agree that for 200 rubles a monthly subscription fee, a subscriber who switched to such an MTS tariff receives an excellent offer. Other tariffs, even with the presence of connecting various packages and options, will not provide such a ratio of price and volume of services. This is a practical minimized Ultra tariff, only for a very modest price.

We would like to remind that the purchase of SIM cards with the tariff from MTS “Smart for Friends” is impossible. Therefore, those wishing to switch to such a mobile communication will have to look for codes for switching on their own.

“Smart for their own” MTS is an excellent example of a large organization encouraging its own employees. The mentioned tariff plan is an exclusive offer of the telephone company for ordinary workers, allowing the operator to grow. It is created and developed specifically for people working on MTS and is not available for connection to outsiders. Theoretically, anyone can switch to it, but in reality this requires a lot of luck or acquaintances working in the company's communications salon.

The most important distinctive feature of the mentioned tariffication, in addition to a limited circle of persons who can use the option, is the prices and services available to subscribers. This offer allows you to significantly save on telephone calls and cellular communications. No other cellular operator operating in the country has such favorable conditions on any tariff. Although some disadvantages are present here as well. But so that they do not become a reason for increasing costs, it is enough to get acquainted with them in a timely manner and take into account the information received when communicating with loved ones. If this rule is observed, the savings will be maximum.

"Smart for friends" - a description of the tariff for 2020

Like most of the current MTS tariffs, "Smart for Friends" consists of two main parts. The first one contains service packages, the second one - prices for performing basic actions after the allocated limits have been exhausted. In 2020, users are offered the following packages:

  • 600 minutes outgoing calls within the region of connection;
  • 600 messages to SIM cards of any local operators;
  • free incoming calls;
  • 10 GB of internet traffic.

It is important to emphasize that the minutes provided are spent independently of the interlocutor's service operator (including MTS).

After exhaustion of the described packages, customers are offered the following rates:

  • RUB 2 for conversations with interlocutors in the home region;
  • RUB 3 for communicating with people from other subjects of the country;
  • 50 kopecks for sending a message within the connection region;
  • RUB 3.8 for other sms;
  • an additional package of 500 MB is estimated at 75 rubles. (in total, no more than 15 such packages are available per month).

The description of the tariff cannot be complete without mentioning that calls within the network remain free after the allocated limit has been exhausted.

In addition, it should be emphasized that the most active users who do not have enough 15 additional Internet connections will have access to Turbo buttons.

The last nuance worth mentioning concerns payment. It is set at 200 rubles per month.

How to connect “Smart for Own” MTS?

It was already mentioned above that the “Smart for insiders” connection from MTS is available exclusively to the company's employees. This is due to the use of special activation keys, without which it is impossible to switch to billing. Each employee is given 10 keys, which they can use at their own discretion. You can use the available combinations and connect the offer in 2 ways:

  • in the USSD command * 362 * xxxxx * xxxx ", where the received code must appear instead of x;
  • by means of a special service telephone 3620 (after the call, it remains to follow the instructions received).

Ordinary people cannot get such keys, since the tariff plan is designed for a certain group of customers. In theory, they can be bought from third-party sites and portals, but vigilance and caution should be exercised as there is a high likelihood of meeting a scammer who will sell an invalid combination. The telephone company is not responsible in such situations, since it was not she who was distributing the code, but the buyer himself acted at his own risk, referring to unverified people.

It should be added that the connection is made free of charge, but there must be an amount on the balance of the SIM card that is sufficient to write off the established fee. The monthly cost, as mentioned above, is equal to 200 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main pros and cons of the "Smart for Own" MTS tariff have already been mentioned or described above. But, focusing on the main advantages and benefits of tariffication, you need to highlight:

  • impressive package sizes;
  • free calls within the network;
  • minimum subscription fee.

Of the weaknesses in the proposal, it is important to note:

  • using free calls to MTS when calculating the balance in packages;
  • restrictions for those wishing to connect;
  • the ability to meet with scammers when buying keys on third-party resources.

There were no other distinctive features that should be ranked as advantages or disadvantages, but subscribers are able to independently decide what attracts or repels them in the offer, and personally evaluate the conditions provided by the mobile operator.

(2 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Hello, this is not possible.

Hello! Unlimited Internet at a smart tariff for your own people is it a myth?

Hello, this tariff provides 10 gigabytes of Internet. In the following regions: Voronezh, Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Perm, Tula, Tyumen, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, subscribers of the “Smart for Friends” tariff are provided with an Internet package of 15 gigabytes per month.

How can you transfer to this tariff?

Good day!
Will mobile Internet in Crimea work at this tariff or do you need to connect additional services?

Hello, while the cancellation of roaming is not stable. You can activate the option “Home package Russia plus”. The cost is 100 rubles per month. You can connect using the USSD command * 111 * 128 #

Good day. In Sochi, in “Smart for Friends”, will the Internet and calls be in roaming?

Hello, no roaming charges canceled.

Hello. How much will a minute of a call to a landline number in another region cost?

Hello, what is your tariff plan?


Hello, this is a non-public tariff, you can connect it only with the help of a special code that is sold from resellers. You can connect the tariff yourself by going to the company's office, where qualified operators will help you to carry out the activation procedure. Do not forget to take your passport with you, otherwise the service will be refused.

Mobile operators have non-public tariffs, the connection of which is limited. These include MTS for its own - MTS has developed three of these tariff plans. Here we will consider "Smart for their own", offered to owners of smartphones - its features, cost, connection procedure, pros and cons of the tariff.

Description of the Smart tariff for your MTS

Provider "Mobile TeleSystems" allows each of its employees to connect to MTS Smart tariff for their up to 10 federal and city numbers of the operator.

After connecting and debiting the first payment, the user receives:

  • 600 minutes for all calls within Russia (including numbers of subscribers in your region);
  • unlimited to MTS phones;
  • 600 SMS to all numbers in your region;
  • 10 gigabytes of internet.

Minutes, SMS and GB of the package are available both in your region and during trips around the country - without internal Russian roaming.

Important: the provider allows the distribution of MTS Internet traffic for its users from a smartphone to other devices. Also, the client can insert his SIM card into a router or modem - the Internet will work.

A free option "On the Net" is available, with it the subscriber gets unlimited access to the most popular instant messengers and social networks. The service is activated by USSD command * 345 # or through the My MTS application.

If the user has exhausted the MTS tariff gigabytes for his own, he is automatically provided with additional packages:

  • traffic volume - 500 megabytes;
  • max number of packages - 15 per month;
  • cost - 75 rubles. for every.

Is it possible to refuse such a concern? Yes - using the USSD command * 111 * 936 * 2 #, after which the subscriber can connect one of the “Turbo buttons” or “Internet-…” options (Mini, Maxi, VIP).

According to unofficial declassified data, since November 6, 2018, when switching to MTS, Smart gives unlimited Internet for its MTS. It is available with a free connection of the "A lot of Internet" option.

Let's continue the description of Smart for our MTS, indicating the cost of minutes and SMS after the package is exhausted.

The cost of the Smart tariff for their own

Incoming calls and messages (SMS and MMS) cost Smart users for their MTS 0 rubles.

The cost of outgoing minutes, SMS and MMS over the package depends on the region of the subscriber. The figures for Moscow and the region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region (St. Petersburg) and four other regions are given in the table.

Service / RegionMoscowSPbRyazanKrasnodarOmskNizhny Novgorod
Calls to subscribers of your region2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Calls outside the region3 3 3 3 3 3
SMS to subscribers of the region0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
SMS to subscribers of Russia3.8 2.5 2.8 1.95 1.95 1.95
SMS to subscribers of international operators5.25 5.9 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25
MMS6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5

The cost of the Smart package for their MTS is 200 rubles.

Please note: a subscriber who is served on this tariff plan with an MTS city number pays an additional 150 rubles monthly, and in total the tariff for his MTS costs 350 rubles.

How to connect Smart for your

You will not be able to switch to any tariff for your own, including Smart, by contacting the MTS salon. Moreover, the staff of the salons are not employees of Mobile TeleSystems at all - they are on the staff of CJSC Russian Telephone Company.

Then how to connect Smart for your MTS? A suitable option is to get a code to switch to a tariff. With this combination of numbers, the subscriber does not need to go for a new SIM card or order delivery.

Employee statement

If you have recently switched or are going to switch to MTS with your number, you can contact one of the company's employees to draw up a special application, according to which your number will be connected to the MTS tariff for your Smart.

But it is almost impossible to find such a person at the moment, since the specialists of MTS PJSC value their work, and the company's security service is struggling with writing special applications for remuneration.

Code certificate

Algorithm of how to connect Smart for your own by purchasing a code:

  1. Purchase an activation code from a trusted seller;
  2. Check if the MTS number is 201 rubles (more is possible) on the account, top up the balance in any convenient way if necessary;
  3. Give USSD the command * 362 * 999999 * 9999 #, instead of nines, dialing the received code;
  4. Wait a while, if the code is valid and entered correctly, the tariff is changed within 24 hours.

You can check the connection status through the subscriber's account on or My MTS, as well as by sending USSD * 111 * 59 #

In the same way, users will find out the rest of free minutes, SMS and gigabytes - USSD needs to be dialed * 111 * 217 #

Free Smart connection for their

At one time, the provider held a campaign, within which subscribers could easily connect to Smart for their own. Currently, MTS is not making such a proposal.

Finding the necessary set of numbers on the Internet by driving codes for free 2018 into the Smart search engine for your MTS is almost unrealistic - there are much more people who want to switch to this tariff plan than distributing the necessary sets of numbers.

Cheating when connecting

When buying code, you should be vigilant so as not to fall prey to intruders. We advise you not to purchase a combination of numbers:

  • on social networks, even through a trustworthy personal page - there is too much risk that an attacker hacked a "pumped-up" account and collects money from gullible people for non-existent codes until the owner of the page regains access to it;
  • "Avito" - there are also many fictitious sellers here;
  • on one-page sites - it is easy to create them one by one and rob gullible citizens with impunity;
  • little-known forums - in these places, attackers wind up topics about sales and reviews.

So be extremely careful, carefully check and double-check the sellers, do not fall for the substitution, and so on.

Can they turn off Smart for their

Nothing is known about the facts of disconnecting users from the Smart tariff for their providers.

The subscriber can disconnect on his own initiative. But here we must not forget that it will not be possible to connect back, after changing your mind (after catching yourself).

Is it possible to reconnect the tariff

If the user, being of sound mind, for whatever reason, abandoned Smart for his own, it is almost impossible to return it.

The only real way out (and that is more feasible theoretically):

  1. go with your number to a third-party cellular provider;
  2. use his services for two months;
  3. after waiting these 60 days, return with your number to MTS subscribers;
  4. connect at the request of an employee.

The main difficulty is to make an acquaintance among the staff of Mobile TeleSystems and persuade the employee to fill out the required application. See above why this is almost impossible.

Roaming Smart for friends

There is no roaming in Russia on the considered tariff. In any constituent entity of the federation, including the disputed territories - the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol, the subscriber uses the services of a cellular provider at home - without the forced connection of additional. services and related costs.

Features of using packages in roaming

In any “non-home” Russian region, calls to home subscribers are charged as local, and to long-distance subscribers of the region of your stay at the moment.

Example: You permanently reside in Omsk, have come to the Krasnodar Territory for a summer vacation. Calls to all numbers in the Omsk region are local and free within the package. Any numbers of MTS Russia also go from the package, and in case of its exhaustion, they remain unlimited at 0 rubles. Calls to the numbers of residents of Sochi, Anapa and other settlements of the Krasnodar Territory (except for MTS) will be long-distance and paid according to the tariff plan (3 rubles / min.).

With the SMS package, everything is the same: to the home region (in the described case - Omsk) - from the package, to the host region and the rest - at the “SMS to Russian subscribers” tariff.

Incoming calls while roaming

No money is charged for incoming calls while traveling in Russia. The subscriber who calls you, the minutes cost the same as without crossing the borders of the home region.

Internet in roaming on Smart for their

When traveling around your home country, the Internet package is used at home without any restrictions and surcharges. The user only runs the risk of encountering technical restrictions, but no one is safe from them when traveling.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the MTS "Smart for Friends" tariff:

  • low monthly fee - both nominally and in terms of the "price-quality" parameter;
  • unlimited availability on social networks and instant messengers (with the "Online" option);
  • the opportunity to get "A lot of Internet" or use profitable Internet options, abandoning expensive additional packages.

Some users consider the disadvantage of the small number of package minutes provided, while others do not reveal any drawbacks at all.