How to take additional minutes to MTS. Connecting extra minutes on MTS

MTS rates with SMS packages and the ability to connect favorable calls is an interesting block solution, within which the user gets the opportunity to choose the most beneficial option for itself. Options apply to tariff plans:

  • "Red Energy",
  • "Perekubny",
  • "Super MTS"
  • and others translated into the archive plans.

SMART line rates have their own posts and conversations. Incoming to the message package or minutes of conversations are not free, but with active communication, they allow you to reduce the cost of a certain type of communication, as well as additional Internet traffic options on the same tariff plans. Thanks to these options, the operator makes standard tariff plans so flexible that they become practically individual depending on the choice of the user itself.

SMS packets for MTS tariff plans

SMS messages are divided into two types - with a monthly update (periodic) and one-time, which stop acting 30 days after activation. Note some of the features of these options:

  • all unused messages "burn";
  • one-time package stops operation 30 days after activation (not strictly in a month!);
  • the periodic packet is updated 30 days after activation;
  • the board is written off for the entire package provided, regardless of the use of its capabilities, at the time of connection;
  • periodic packages can lead your balance in minus at the time of write-off with a lack of funds on the account.

Users are available periodic packets from 100, 300, 500 and 1000 sms and one-time to 75, 200 and 300 sms.

How to connect and disable SMS packets and minutes on MTS

Connecting periodic SMS message packets occurs as follows:

Package USSD query SMS for connection SMS for shutdown
100 sms *111*0100# 0100 to number 111 0100 to number 111
300 sms *111*0300# 0300 to number 111 0300 to number 111
500 sms *111*0500# 0500 to number 111 0500 to number 111
1000 sms *111*01000# 01000 number 111 01000 number 111

Packages of minutes for MTS tariffs

Packages MTS minutes make it possible to purchase a certain number of minutes for a one-time or periodic fee or the right of an unlimited call of MTS subscribers. Packages vary:

  • calls to MTS phones of their region without restrictions;
  • calls to all phones of your region at a price of less than the ruble per minute;
  • calls in any direction in Russia and from any region at a price of 3 rubles / min - the option "Everywhere at home";
  • calls for intergovernmental 3 rubles / min.

To connect each package option, your own USSD request, an SMS command or application in the PTS subscriber's personal account and My MTS application is used.

How to check and find out the remainder of the package of minutes and SMS

You can find out the residue of messages and minutes in the package on request * 100 * 1 # call for periodic packets.


Most of us love to chat with friends and loved ones, and therefore there are no separation of the situation when the package of minutes included in the tariff plan is catastrophically lacking. As on TV2 to add a minute, if the main package has been exhausted, because to pay conversations according to ordinary billing for many can be expensive.

Briefly on the topic

To activate additional minutes to Tele2:

  • Dial the command - * 155 * 24 * 1 # And the call key

What you need to know:

  • The service is available on all tariffs of the "My" line, except for "My Tel2".
  • You will be granted 50 minutes
  • Service cost 50 rubles
  • You can connect it 5 times in one billing period.

How to activate

How to extend the time for calls if the minutes on Tele2 ended? Let's consider possible ways:

  • The fastest - you can type a short command. Combination to activate this expansion - * 155 * 24 * 1 # and call key. This team can be used on any tariff plan, where there is the possibility of buying an extra time. This method is suitable for those who, for some reason, at the time of the desired connection it does not have the opportunity to come to the office or call the operator.
  • You can always seek help from a specialist. Call the contact center by typing number 611 , Write technical support in the Telegram or Viber messenger, fill out the feedback form on (here you can also use the chat).
  • Visit one of the service points. No matter how much way you choose, explain the essence of the problem, and, after a small identification procedure, the company's employee will connect you the desired service.

How else to connect extra minutes on tele2? We told you about all ways.

We want to notice that ways through the "personal account on the site" and through the application - there are no options for connecting additional conversations.

On our site you can learn a lot of interesting and useful, for example, service from what it is and how it works, or!


You can take extra minutes on the TV2 in almost all tariff plans for the "My" line. An exception is "My Tel2", but on this tariff, in principle, is not provided for minutes, it is intended to enter the Internet. But if you have:

  • "My online ultra"


What you need to know if you decide to buy extra time for conversations:

  1. For each of these tariff plans on tele2, it is possible to connect an additional package of 50 minutes. It will cost this 50 rubles - you agree it is more profitable than to pay for a minute of conversation 1.5 rubles according to the main tariffing.
  2. The package is possible to replenish only five times, so, nevertheless, be beneficial to not stay without connection.
  3. Using an additional minute, you can call all numbers in Russia
  4. The subscription fee for using is written off immediately after the connection, and if the package remained unused at the beginning of the next billing period - the fee for it is summed with the monthly fee for the main tariff
  5. The service is not available while connecting with the option "Annual Subscription"

The largest Russian operator provides high-quality mobile communication services. Clients of the company are given the opportunity to choose the most suitable tariff plan. If necessary, you can have additional packages for an additional fee. Such an approach to the use of mobile communications allows you to not overpay for the services in the use of which there is no particular need. An additional package of 200 minutes of MTS allows you to not overpay for conversations, and is provided for the HIGE and SMART tariff.

Standard packages of services provided for many tariff plans do not always contain a sufficient number of options. Subscribers have to make calls according to the standard tariff, and this is quite considerable. Not all subscribers know that it is possible to take advantage of the additional service for a separate payment. This approach allows you to communicate much cheaper.

Why does the operator gives such an opportunity to its customers, if it saves, which means to pay for the options used cheaper? The thing is that purchasing packages of services, users do not always fully spend them.

Mandatory payment is 150 rubles per month. The provided 200 minutes can be spent only on Russian numbers inside the network. Otherwise you will have to pay a certain amount. Unused moments for 30 days, do not burn, and transferred to the next reporting period.

The service is intended for individuals who prefer to talk on the phone for a long time using standard mobile communications. With its help, subscribers have the opportunity to communicate inside the network at a low price. Extension of the connected option is automatically performed.

How to connect an additional package of 200 minutes MTS

To connect, you should enter from your number USSD request: * 111 * 2050 * 1 #. Information will be displayed on the screen to confirm the consent to activate. After connecting the Subscriber to get an SMS notification that the service is connected. As an alternative, you can consider the use of a personal account registered on the official website of the company or My MTS application for a smartphone. If necessary, you can contact the operator for the short number 0890. A qualified employee of the company will help connect and respond to any question of information or technical nature.

In order to view the rest of minutes and the validity period should be dialing the request * 100 * 1 #. The package is activated once and operates throughout the time until the service is deactivated. You can ask additional questions by calling customer support. If necessary, you can personally come to the company's office. In this case, you need to have a passport. Otherwise, the provision of services will be denied.

How to disable an additional package of 200 minutes per MTS

When deactivating a package of services, the residue will be canceled. Additional services can be spent on Smart and Haip numbers. Payment is charged one when connected. If you make calls outside the home region, it is additionally necessary to pay extra 15 p. in a day.

Service Additional package 200 minutes per MTS must be paid when connected. The whole amount is debited entirely no matter how much cash is on the account.

To deactivate, you should log in to your profile or application "My MTS" and deactivate or enter the * 111 * 2050 * 2 # command. The service will be instantly disabled, and the Pack of Minutes is canceled. Before disconnecting an additional package of minutes on MTS carefully read the step-by-step manual.

MTS provides customers with sets of minutes to already connected tariffs. One of these is an extra 200 minute subscribers. This is the minimum package available for connecting at the moment.

Even if you have any tariff, providing free calls to MTS inside the network, during a conversation an additional package will still be spent.


Due to the fact that the number of minutes is small, the cost of a set of 200 minutes for MTS subscribers will be only 150 rubles.

The main advantage of this budget package is that the company offers clients several tariffs with a large number of gigabytes of the Internet (from recently MTS began paying great attention to "youth" tariffs - with built-in unlimited on social networks, watching videos on popular resources, messengers, and also numerous TV channels). At the same time, the set for calls became very primitive. Even a avid lover of messages may not be enough of the proposed 100 minutes.

If in this case, connect the budget 200, you can save well on the challenges.

To check the status of the connected service, you must enter the USSD code * 100 * 1 # in the dialing field.

USSD connection command

In order to activate the service "Pack of 200 minutes", in the mobile field you need to dial USSD code * 111 * 2050 * 1 #.

After a window appears with a list of services offered to connect. You must select the appropriate digit and confirm the order by the second message. For this method, the Internet connection is not necessary or a positive balance, only a stable communication level on mobile.

This USSD connection method is universal for any package of minutes.

How to connect an additional package 400 minutes on MTS

In addition to the minimum, the company offers an increased 400 min. You will not be able to add it, for example, 200 min. - In case of changing the service balance in the previous burns.

Also, unused remains of the package after the month are not transferred to the next and destroy - it is important to competently determine their needs in order not to go into minus.


This tariff costs 250 rubles. Connect it more profitable than the minimum. The monthly fee for the tariff will be written off the day of connection in the first month, and for the next day after the connection - in the next.

USSD connection command

To connect the "Package 400" service on its tariff, in the dialing field you will have to enter USSD code * 111 * 2050 * 1 #. The command is the same for all packages.

After the actions produced, a window will appear with a list of possible services for connecting services. You must select the corresponding digit to your set and confirm the order. For this method, it is not necessary to have an Internet connection or a positive balance, only a good connection.

How to enlarge the package for 700 minutes in MTS

In addition to small sets, the company also provides users with additional packages of 700 and 1000 minutes. They are equally beneficial to the client, and the operator.

In the commercial recalculation, if we spend all 700 per month (we will remind - the remains of minutes burn at the end of the term) it turns out enough cheaply, a little more than 0.6 rubles / min. On the other hand, the company itself will receive profit, if for one reason or another, part of the package will not be used.


Monthly payment of the service "Package 700 minutes" will be 450 rubles.

An additional set of minutes is spent on the same call directions as the main tariff.

USSD connection command

To connect a service of 700 minutes. In your number, in the call field you need to enter USSD code * 111 * 2050 * 1 #. The team is universal for 200, 400, 700 and 1000 set.

After actions, a window opens with a list of services offered. You must select the tariff you want, and confirm the order. For this method, an Internet connection is not necessary or a score amount above 0, only a stable level of communication.

How to buy an extra 1000 minutes on MTS

The largest package available for connection is 1000 minutes. This is the most profitable service, but it is worth installing it only if you actively use calls, especially from the home region. Since on some tariffs, restrictions on rides in Russia have been established and an additional fee may be charged.

Even if the MTS subscriber changes the tariff, the service "Pack of minutes" of any volume will remain connected, and it will have to be deleted manually.


The service "Additional Package 1000" costs 600 rubles per month. In recalculation, it turns out exactly 0.6 rubles per minute. This cost contrasts with standard calls from MTS for 3 rubles / min, which is connected after the set number of minutes on the tariff.

USSD connection command

In order to increase the amount of minutes available for 1000 for its tariff, you must enter the USSD code * 111 * 2050 * 1 #. USSD is universal for all additional sets.

You will see a window with the list of services offered. You need to select the appropriate digit and execute the order confirmation. For this method, an Internet connection or a positive digit on the account is not useful, only a stable level of mobile communication.

How to disable an additional package for MTS

When connected, the "Additional Package" service is often confused with one-time, however, it is not. If you do not want to pay for an additional package every month, the kit will have to be disabled before writing off payment for the second month (made on the day of connection).

If you disable the service immediately after writing off, unused means burned. Therefore, first it is necessary to make sure that all extra minutes are spent.

To disable the service, you must enter in the USSD code dialing field * 111 * 2050 * 2 # and follow the instructions in the window that opens / SMS from the operator.

Terms of granting and payment

The service "Additional Pack of Minutes MTS Subscribers" is valid throughout Russia. On some tariffs when using the tariff outside the home region, payment will be 15 rubles per day.

When traveling on the Crimea peninsula, the service can be valid when connecting the corresponding option.

The cost of the service is fixed, does not depend on the amount of minutes spent, the residue burns.

Payment for the package occurs one-time, on the day of its activation. It will be written off at any balance other than negative. It is recommended to replenish it in advance to avoid blocking the number on the write-off day. Funds will be removed from the account the next day after unlocking the number.

The price of the service will not be written off from the balance only if the number is in blocking more than a month.

What rates are available additional packages of minutes

You can connect the service on tariffs that have in the name "Smart", "Ultra", "X" ("Haip"). Besides:

  • My Smart, Maxi Smart, Smart Mini 102014, Smart Mini 112013;
  • MAXI ULTRA, ULTRA 2010, ULTRA 2011, ULTRA 2012.

And other tariffs from the MTS archive.

Methods for managing packages of minutes in MTS

USSD codes are convenient and practical to use - they do not require an Internet connection or positive balance. In addition, you can manage the service (connection, disconnection and transition between packages) using:

  • personal cabinet MTS;
  • applications in your mobile phone.

In a personal office

To connect a computer or mobile phone with internet access:

  1. We go to the MTS website, open the "Personal Account", enter data for the entrance.
  2. At the top of the site, click on "Tariffs and Services".
  3. In the Mobile Communications tab, choose "Services".
  4. In the list on the left side of the screen, click "Additional Packages" and select "Additional Packages of Minutes".
  5. Click the "Connect" button opposite the tariff of the tariff and act in accordance with the instructions.

In order to disable the service, you need to act as follows:

  1. We go to the personal account, on the main page they choose the item "Services".
  2. Click on the button, select "Disable", waiting for an SMS message with the approval of the operation from the operator.

Through my mts app

In order to connect the service in this way, you need to download My MTS application in Play Market (for Android) and AppStore (for iOS) and have Internet access.

This method is simplicity, since the application interface for both systems operator has made intuitive and pleasant:

  1. Open the application, click the "Services" tab.
  2. In the main menu, click on the circle with the call icon.
  3. In the window that opens, select "Connect the Package".
  4. From the service list that appears (in the event that your tariff meets the necessary), select the necessary (200 minutes, 400 minutes, 700 minutes, 1000 minutes) and click on it.
  5. A window will appear with a detailed description of the service. Select "Connect" and wait for SMS messages with approval.

In order to disable the service, you will have to operate according to the following algorithm:

  1. We go into the app, on the main page they choose "Services".
  2. In the "Connected" tab, we find an "additional package of minutes".
  3. Click on the item, select "Disable", wait for SMS messages with the approval of the operation from MTS.

In order to change the service pack in an application or a personal account, you must first disable the actual, and then connect the necessary algorithm you need. Other options for changing the package of minutes, the operator does not provide.

Always wait for SMS messages with the approval of the operation from MTS.

Many of us love to communicate on a mobile phone. Often communication with friends and close relatives is delayed. Similar conversations are able to lead to significant mobile communication costs. However, MTS mobile operator subscribers received a great opportunity to forget about all these difficulties. Now everyone is able to communicate in the MTS network with their loved ones up to 100 minutes a day. What made it possible to create such conditions for profitable communication?

Today MTS offers its subscribers a unique option called "Call for free on MTS. Within the framework of this option, you can communicate up to a hundred minutes on MTS per day with all network subscribers in your homeland and throughout the country. Agree that this number of minutes is not a few minutes. Positive feedback on the option under consideration is more than enough, because the benefit of its activation is obvious. Although some subscribers have questions about how to disable the service without unnecessary difficulties. What should I do for this? But first, you should figure out what advantages it gives users.

Connect the option can each subscriber that uses the tariff plan called "Super MTS". If you feel about the number of users of this tariff, you can activate "Call for free on MTS Russia 100." Within its framework you will receive 1 hour and another 40 minutes for your communication per day. The service will be relevant for those who prefer live communication within a network enough, as well as if you have enough relatives and friends in various regions of the country. And on holidays, the option is completely indispensable.

The cost of activation of the option is very low and is only 3.5 p. The subscription fee is charged for every day of use of the option, which is similar to 3.5 p. Payment is charged with an advance in the next day at night. To connect the option, you can apply one of the methods suitable for you. Among them:

  • Personal account where you want to find the "Service Management" section and in the "Connecting New Service" item to install the "cross" in the "Connect" line on this option.
  • Send a short request * 868 # from your mobile phone.
  • Send from the SMS phone to number 111 with a special text 866.

Disable the option in this article

In fact, turn off 100 minutes on MTS extremely easy. If necessary, everyone can deactivate this option without unnecessary difficulties. For this, several ways are provided immediately, among which you will definitely choose the most optimal option. It should be noted that all these methods of deactivation of services are similar to how it is connected:

  • Go to your account "and deactivate the option using the" Internet Assistant ".
  • Use a simple USSD * 111 * 868 # command.
  • Take your mobile and deposit the standard SMS message to a special service number 111 with the text 8680 written in it.

Everything is quite simple and understandable. If, with the connection procedure or disabling the options in this article, you have difficulties, you can always count on the help of specialists from the MTS subscriber support center.