Eac ops reports. Development of "micron" will help control the movement of cars in parking lots

Delivery invoices are processed after the postman returns from delivery.

To perform the operation, you need to go through the menu:

"Postal services (1)" → "Processing incoming mail (3)" → "Postman job (4)" → "Delivery result (2)"

The system will display the screen form "Postman delivery result » .

This screen form contains buttons:

Complete - confirmation of the operation.

In the field "SHI / SHPI invoice f. 16 ”enter the number of the invoice to be processed. The waybill number can be entered using the keyboard or using a barcode scanner. In the fields "Operation" and "Reason for operation", select the required values \u200b\u200bfrom the list. Then click the Download button. The system will display the contents of the invoice.


If the invoice has already been processed, after entering the SHI / SPI invoice and loading it, the System will display a corresponding diagnostic message.

The way of handling the delivery note depends on the delivery result:

- « Handed over » - position the cursor on the position and press the button "Delivery", or use the key combination: Ctrl + “+”;

- « Unsuccessful attempt of delivery » - if the RPO was not handed over, then place the cursor on its line. Press the button "Failed delivery", or use the key combination: Ctrl + “-”... The system will automatically put down the previously selected operation and its reason.


By default, “Unsuccessful delivery attempt” is indicated in the “Delivery result” column in the invoice lines.

After processing all the RPO in the invoice, perform the operation to close it. Click the " To complete"On the form" Postman delivery results » .

Delivery of RPO at the operating cash desk

To go to the delivery of RPO in the main menu of the System, click "Postal services (1)" "Delivery (2)" "1. Delivery of RPO "the screen form" Issue of RPO "is displayed.

To search for RPO in the System, if the Client has a notification of f.22 / f.22-v, barcode in the Mobile application, it is necessary to scan the barcode or enter the number manually.

The system will display the message “Add other RPOs intended for the same recipient”. When you click "OK", the System will search for RPOs located in this GPT and received by this Client. If you click the "Cancel" button, the list will contain only the RPO entered initially.

After adding all RPOs to the list for issuance, you must click on the "Next" button, a second tab will open to check each RPO for delivery (except for registered written correspondence).

On this tab, you need to check each RPO, for this you need to scan the SHI RPO or stand on the line with this RPO, click the "Change" tabular section button or enter the barcode in the "SHI" field and click on the button Tab or Enter, the screen form "RPO issuance" will be displayed. Then enter the weight - press the F4 key or manually, press the " OK».

Upon delivery of a letter with cash on delivery, after pressing the button "OK", the form “Acceptance of address electronic transfer” will open.

If the recipient agrees to receive the RPO, press the button "OK"... The system will go to the cash register window. If you need to charge a fee for additional services, follow the procedure for payment and printing a receipt.

After successful printing of the check, the issued RPO in the System will be assigned the status "Delivered" and the RPO will be deleted from the storage list.

Dosyl, return

The creation of a return invoice is carried out according to the RPO with an expired storage period in the GPT or other circumstances.

RPO processing for return, sending, non-delivery and transfer for temporary storage is carried out in the form. "Postal services (1)" → "Processing incoming mail (3)" → "Operations over RPO (2)". This screen form contains buttons:

Add - Adding a line to the RPO list for refund

Delete - Deleting a line from the RPO list for refund

Generate waybills - Generate waybills, save current data

Clear List - Clear Form

Cancel - Close without saving data

For each RPO added to the list of the display form, you need to specify the operation with the RPO, to do this, select the value in the "Operation with RPO" field:


Send mail;


Transfer for temporary storage.

Depending on the choice of operation, a choice of reason will be possible.

Depending on the type of operation, in the "Reason for the operation" field, indicate one or another reason for the operation. In the field "SHI / SPI" manually or using a scanner, enter the value SHI (SHPI) RPO.

Click the Add button. The system will open the "Address data" form.

It is necessary to check the address data, then click the "Save" button, after which the RPO will be added to the list.

If you need to clear all data on the screen, click the "Clear list" button.

In the "Transfer to window" field, select from the drop-down list the window where the RPO should be transferred.

After the list of RPOs is formed, click the "Generate waybills" button.

After closing the invoice, the System registers information on the entered operations (sending, refund). RPO, included in the waybill for dispatch, will assume the status of “Dosyl” and will be removed from the “Storage” list.

Postal orders

Acceptance of postal order

To proceed to registration of acceptance of postal orders in the main menu of the System, go to the main menu of the EAS OPS:

Financial services (2) → Money transfers (1) → Postal orders (1) → Transfer acceptance (1)

The screen form "Acceptance of address electronic transfer" contains tabs:

Translation options;



Additional services;

Cost calculation;

Entering translation parameters

When you enter the form, the “Transfer parameters” tab opens, the “Transfer number” field displays the order number of the transfer, which is not available for modification.

The tab displays the following fields:

- "Scanning DShK" - when you click on the field opens forms for scanning;

- "Scanning LShK" - when you click on the field, a form for scanning opens;

- "Sender type". The field is filled in by selecting a value from the directory of sender types. To select a value, go to this field using the key Tab (Shift + Tab) or using the mouse and press the key F4... In the window that opens, you must select the type of sender - an individual / legal entity.

- "Payment Method" - to select, place the cursor in the "Payment Method" field and click F4... The list of possible payment methods depends on the type of the sender of the transfer;

- "Recipient type" - to select, place the cursor in the "Recipient type" field and press F4... If you select the type of recipient "Legal entity (regional client)" or "Legal entity (federal client)", fields for entering a regional (federal) client appear on the screen, which are filled in by choosing from the directories of regional / federal clients. In this case, the data about the recipient is selected from the corresponding directories and cannot be changed using the "Select recipient" button. We fill in all the fields sequentially.

There are buttons on the form:

- "Forward" - intended to go to the next tab;

- "Cancel" - intended for exiting the "Receive transfer" form without saving the entered data;

- "Back" and "Continue" - buttons for navigating the form tabs.

- "Print form" - intended for printing a completed mail order form only if the sender (Client) does not have a paper form. If you have a paper transfer form, the forms from the system are not printed

- "Select a sender" and "Select a recipient": designed to select data about the sender and the recipient (hereinafter referred to as the client) in accordance with the directories of senders / recipients registered in the System. The "Select Sender" button is initially inactive and becomes available after selecting the sender type - an individual or legal entity and a payment method. The "Select recipient" button is initially inactive and becomes available after selecting the recipient type ("Individual", "Legal entity" Local client ") and the type of transfer to the destination. When you click on these buttons, the "Senders Directory" or "Recipients Directory" form opens.

After selecting the sender (recipient) from the directory, the "Sender" ("Recipient") tabs are filled with information from the directory. The forms are of the same type.

After filling in all the fields in the Translation Options tab of the Acceptance of Address Electronic Transfer Form, press the Continue button to go to the Sender tab.

Savina Valentina Ivanovna
Position: teacher special disciplines
Educational institution: GBOU College of Communications -54
Locality: Moscow city
Material name: methodical development
Theme: Work on KKM in the EAS OPS system
Date of publication: 15.05.2017
Section: secondary vocational

Moscow Department of Education

State budgetary professional institution of the city of Moscow

College of Communications № 54 named after P.M. Vostrukhin

Specialty 11.02.12

"Postal communication"

Topic: "Work on the cash register using the EAS OPS during the working day"

Completed by: Savina V.I.

Moscow 2017

EAC main menu

When logging into the system, the program asks for the user's password, which everyone has


EAC main menu

8 points

1.Postal Services

2.Financial services

3.Commercial services


5.Other operations

7.Main checkout window

The main window of the operator's cash register

Reception of RPO

To accept RPO you need to go to

postal services - reception - reception

If you wanted to go back to

menu, then you need to press the arrow in

top left corner and a window will appear

with a choice.

When choosing a team yes form

will close without saving data, and

when choosing a command you can

continue data entry

In the upper right corner is the question mark icon (help system) when

clicking this icon will display the help system.

Where can you find the information you need.

Help system sections are grouped and you can find the answer to any of you

question of interest

Checking funds in the GPT

To view the funds in the current operating window, select the other service in the main menu

transactions - Cash transactions and cash DS

We choose an operation

cash DS at the checkout,

a window appears where

depicts the current cash


1.pension benefits

2. other funds

Date and time too


Overview of the composition of financial services

There are four buttons to choose from in me financial services

1.Money transfers (this is the reception of money transfers Forsage, Unaddressed transfer and western union)

2.Payments in favor of third parties (acceptance of utility bills, fines, training and others)

3.Payment of pensions, social benefits and wages

4. Banking and insurance services

5.main menu

Transfer acceptance window

You need to fill in the type of transfer, sender, recipient, payment method, etc., automatically

checking the lists of terrorists.

When filling in all the fields by pressing the key, then go to the second page

The final stage of acceptance, translation, printing (printing of a form)

By pressing the ok button, you go to the main cash register window where the entire calculation takes place,

payment is accepted only in cash

By pressing the ok button, you go to the main window of the cash register where the entire calculation takes place

payment is accepted only in cash

And push the button with no change or cash (with change).

Post order return request

To make a request for the return of postal orders, go to the menu

Financial services (2) → Money transfers (1) → Postal transfers (1) →

Data exchange with the main point of the ESPP

Data exchange with the Chief

paragraph ESPP

carried out using

the name of the menu item

"Data exchange with GP":

Other operations (5) →

Administration (8) →


postal orders (2) →

Data exchange with GPU (1)

Postman delivery registration

For registration of postman delivery of postal order

you should go to the EAS OPS menu:

Financial services (2) → Money transfers (1) → Postal transfers (1)

→ Additional operations (3) → Registration of translation delivery (9)

The system provides payment registration for four

types of paid documents:

payment for documents containing a barcode

(pensions, social benefits);

payment of burial allowance - payable

the document is provided to the operator by the client;

payment of social benefits according to the statement -

the payment document in paper form is at


payment of wages according to the statement - payroll

the document in paper form is with the operator.

Reinforcement of the operating cash desk is carried out by sequential passage through the menu items:

menu → Other operations (5) → Cash transactions (9) → Transfer of funds within the GPT (3) ".

Payment of social benefits according to statements

When making payment of social benefits

according to the statements on the form "Registration of payments for

fiscal registrar "should be selected in the field

"Document type" value "Social payments for

statements ", while the form of registration of payments

will take the form

Payment for documents containing a barcode

Payment in progress

This requires

scan barcode with

using the scanner when

difficulty reading the barcode,

the operator can enter the code manually

nuyu. The following fields will be filled in


"Document type";

"Date of registration of the operation";

"Document Number";

"Document amount".

In the "Operation" field, select the desired value from the drop-down list. Choice

values \u200b\u200bin the "Operation" field is done by highlighting the field (placing the cursor) and

pressing the F4 key. The allowed types of operations are determined depending on

the selected type of document.

In case the payment for the specified document is already

was carried out, the System will display a diagnostic

the message "According to the specified document number

the payment has already been made. "

Registration of cashier operations. Cashier sessions.

To carry out operations with checkout sessions, press the button

"Registration of transactions at the checkout (3)", for this go to the menu: Main menu →

Financial services (2) → Payment of pensions, social. Benefits and wages

(3) → Registration of transactions at the checkout (3). The form "Cash register" will be displayed.

Closing cashier sessions

To close the checkout session, set the focus on the "Checkout sessions" form.

the required session with the mouse and click the "Close session" button.


Unclosed checkout sessions will be

closed automatically when closing a shift

on the operating window after

yes to the information

system message.

After the introduction of the new EAS OPS operating system, which cost 890 million rubles, the time for servicing clients in the post offices of the region doubled

It seems that the time has come to add a third to the two main troubles of Russia - torment in queues at the post office. The work of this organization has been a proverb in the past. Legends can be told about the service and speed of customer service in post offices. If you want to lose time and wind up your nerves - go to the post office, preferably from the first to the tenth, during the period of paying utility bills.

After standing for a long time at the only window where pensions, parcels, registered letters are issued, utility bills are accepted and a bunch of other operations are performed (which have a very indirect relationship to mail), any normal person has a chance to turn into a patient of a medical institution. And if even last year we somehow endured this, having lost an hour, maximum one and a half in the queue, then recently this queue simply does not move, you can stand here for two or three hours and leave without a salt. What happened?

In December 2015, GMCS won a tender held by Russian Post for the implementation of a new operating system (EAS OPS). The company began developing this "miracle" back in 2013, and by the time of the tender, the new system had been implemented and tested in 100 Russian Post offices. Despite the negative feedback from the localities that the system is "crude", unfinished, the company easily wins the tender and concludes a contract for 890 million rubles. According to the contract, the system is planned to be installed in 25 post offices, 15,000 branches and 274 post offices (in total - at 19,500 workplaces).

After the expiration of the contract with GMCS, Russian Post expects to independently continue to implement the EAS OPS and install it in 42 thousand branches throughout the country. With the help of the EAS, it is planned to double the customer service process (including by keeping the customer history), as well as to make the introduction and distribution of new products and services through the network of post offices more efficient.

So, simple and tasteful - to cover all of Mother Russia with this know-how, for the good of the clients, that is, you and me, and solve all the problems at once. But in reality everything turned out exactly the opposite. There is still a lot of work in the EAC for corrections and improvements! "Computers" hang, operations that used to take a second can be performed for a minute, or even two. As a result, customer service time did not decrease, as the developers promised, but doubled! Add to this the "old" mail diseases - the eternal shortage of employees, not new equipment, and the picture is completely bleak.

People are outraged, they complain to the postal workers. But they cannot do anything. Since all collateral, the settings come from the upstream branch. Most of the working day is spent on calls and approvals for the elimination of "stocks". It also takes time for staff training, but try learning to play the piano when the piano is out of tune. Postal services are now working in extreme conditions. This situation is not only in the Nizhny Novgorod region, but may soon become an all-Russian one, given the speed of implementation of the system.

It seems that the time has come to add a third to the two main troubles of Russia - torment in queues at the post office.

Russian Post is not under the control of local governments. And local authorities have the right to shrug their hands and say that this is not our problem. Maybe somewhere this position of the authorities is considered normal, but not in Balakhna.

Meeting with the residents of the region, the head of the local self-government, Alexander Glushkov, repeatedly listened to their fair complaints about the work of the post office. Taking this issue seriously, he put it up for discussion in the Zemsky Assembly. It was decided to contact Moscow and get an answer - what measures are being taken to normalize the situation, and when the EAC system will function without failures.

- It is unacceptable when something that should work for people causes them a lot of inconvenience., Alexander Glushkov comments on his actions, - we cannot stand aside and must protect our citizens.

The Moscow "implementers" of the system replied that they are making maximum efforts in this direction and the problem will soon be resolved. Whether it is or not, the near future will show. But a precedent has already been created - the local authorities have come to the defense of residents on an issue that is not within its competence. And what if other district heads follow Glushkov's example?

Egor Krylov

The discrepancy of funds in the MS-42 cash register and X-report was revealed:
Identify the cause
Create lines in the journal of funds by amounts by article
Close the shift with the act under the role of the head of the FSA, using the button "Close shift
without surrendering DS "
If there are discrepancies - the "Pass DS" button is inactive


Emergency power outage in the OPS:
Correctly log out of the System and turn off the operators' computers
Shut down the work on the computer of the head of the FSA
Disconnect all power supplies
All reports can be generated at the beginning of the next business day.
To work faster you need:
Use hot keys
Use System hints
Start address entry with index
Use TsKhDPA when entering an address
Use Data History


Do not swap / move equipment yourself
You can provide any services in each operational window
If necessary, you can postpone the incomplete reconciliation of the incoming


Today you learned:
How the EAU can help you achieve your goals
Your role and functions on the project
Basics of launching EAS in OPS
How to start working in the EAC system and open a trading day
The main functions of receiving, processing and delivering RPO
How to close a trading day
Useful tips when working in the EAC


Complete training course with all materials
posted on Confluence in the EAC OPS Training section
https://r00confluence.main.russianpost.ru/pages/viewpage.action?pageId\u003d1769735 Details Published on January 28, 2020

Updating thematic collections in EBS "Lan"

EBS "Lan" informs that for November and December 2019 the thematic collections available to our university have been updated in the EBS "Lan":
Engineering and technical sciences - Publishing house "Lan" - 29
Mathematics - Publishing House "Lan" - 6
Physics - Publishing House "Lan" - 5
You can get acquainted with the complete list of new literature.
We hope that the new collection of literature will be useful in the educational process.

Library opening hours during the session

Details Posted on 09/01/2020

Dear students and university staff! During the session (from 01/09/2020) the library works:

  • season tickets: Mon.-Fri. from 10:00 to 18:00
  • reading rooms No. 1 and No. 2: Mon.-Fri. from 10:00 to 17:00
  • photographing with library cards: Mon.-Fri. from 11:00 to 16:00, pom. 11-30 (1st building, 1st floor).

Happy new year 2020!

Details Posted on 27.12.

Dear Readers! The library staff wishes you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! With all our heart we wish you and your families happiness, love, health, success and joy!
May the coming year bring you prosperity, mutual understanding, harmony and good mood.
Good luck, prosperity and fulfillment of the most cherished desires in the new year!