Russian swamps map. Swamps of Russia and Siberia

We'll take a look at the Slough map. As usual, the main routes of movement of tanks of different classes are displayed in different colors on the map.

The starting points of light tanks are marked with red circles. On this map, light tanks go to shine mainly in 2 directions: from the starting point of the first base, LT move through a swamp or across a city bridge. Please note that LT from first base almost never travels across the bridge, because the distance from the start is quite long and it is most likely that it will not be possible to successfully pass the bridge in the inflow.

Light tanks from second base mainly travel in two directions: through a swamp or across a bridge in an inflow. All LT routes are marked with yellow arrows.

Pt-sau on the Slough map occupy different positions. Basically, these are defensive points from which you can fire and remain unnoticed. All the main locations of the tank destroyer are marked with green circles, and traffic routes are marked with green arrows.

Medium tanks on the Slough map in the online game World of tanks travel along the routes marked with blue arrows. The main battles of medium tanks take place in a destroyed city and in a swamp. In the area of ​​the city bridge, there is usually a firefight at a distance, sometimes, of course, medium tanks drive into the city and highlight enemy vehicles. In general, the main areas of engagement between medium tanks are marked with pink circles.

The artillery on this map is located near the starting points behind the bushes, so it will not be difficult to find it. Occasionally, the artillery moves away from the starting point to take a convenient place, but often they still stop near the starting position (Purple circles).

Heavy tanks on the Slough map in an action game World of tanks they travel mainly along two routes: across the city bridge and across the bridge over the inflow. Heavy tanks practically do not move through the swamp, since this place is shot from different directions, and it is not so easy to survive there. TT routes are indicated on the map with red arrows.

The Rush tactic on the Swamp map has its advantages. Rush through the swamp does not always go well, but if you have a lot of medium tanks in your team, then, in principle, it will not be so, then it will be difficult. The main routes of the Rush tactics go through the bridges, as shown on the map by the white arrows.

In Russia, wetlands account for about 10% of the total area of ​​the country, or 1.4 million km 2. According to various estimates, about 3000 km 3 of static reserves of natural waters are concentrated in the bogs. The total average long-term volume of the input component is estimated at 1500 km 3, of which about 1000 km 3 / year is spent on runoff feeding rivers, lakes, underground horizons, natural resources, and 500 km 3 / year - for evaporation from the water surface and through plant transpiration.

Distribution of wetlands in Russia.

Russian swamps map.

Bogs in Russia are found in all natural zones, however, the north-western regions of the country and the central regions of Western Siberia are characterized by the largest area of ​​wetlands.

Swamps of Russia and Siberia. Arid regions of Russia.

In arid areas swamps are found in valleys and deltas of large rivers. These are mainly low-lying swamps, which are fed by ground or river waters.

Swamps of Russia and Siberia. Tundra and taiga zone.

In the tundra and taiga zone raised bogs are widespread, feeding mainly on atmospheric precipitation.

Swamps of Russia and Siberia. Asian part.

To the share of the Asian part of Russia accounts for 84% of all peat areas, of which 73% are located in permafrost regions, where the active layer of peat deposits reaches a meter thickness in some places. The active layer is the top layer in which moisture and heat exchange with the environment is most active.

Swamps of Russia and Siberia. European part.

In the European part of Russia the most swampy regions are Karelia and the Kola Peninsula. Bogs here occupy about 30% of the entire territory, and in the Belomorsky region of Karelia - up to 70%. The North European swamps of Russia are different from all other swamps on the globe. They even received a special name - "Karelian". The peculiarity of these swamps is that the swamps are located between the hills formed by ancient glaciers. These marshes are connected with each other by peat "channels", forming a complex pattern that resembles lace.

The share of Russia's land area occupied by bog ecosystems (%).

Russian swamps map.

Swamps of Russia and Siberia. Western Siberia.

Western Siberia is the leader in swampiness in the world., the area of ​​bogs here reaches 32.5 thousand hectares, or 42% of the entire territory. The swamps stretch here from north to south for 1700 kilometers, and the same kilometers from east to west. Half of the bogs in Western Siberia are raised, peat is actively formed here. Mainly due to the West Siberian peat deposits, Russia is the owner of two-thirds of the peat areas of the entire globe.

The swamps of Western Siberia contain about 994 km3 of water, and about 218 km3 in a free form not associated with peat. This concentration of water leads to a constant expansion of wetlands. "Tongues" stretch out from the swamps in all directions, which, moving and bending around elevated areas, annually reclaim thousands of hectares of land.

An incessant struggle is being waged between the forest and the swamp, and the preponderance of forces is often on the side of the swamp. At present, forests in Western Siberia have survived in relatively dry areas along river banks and on individual heights. If everything goes on at the same pace, then, according to scientists, the forest zone of Western Siberia will turn into one large peat bog in 5,000 years. Already, the thickness of peat deposits in the forest zone of Russia reaches 4-6 meters.

Swamps of Russia and Siberia. Central and Eastern Siberia.

East of the Yenisei, in Central Siberia, there are significantly fewer swamps than in Western Siberia. On the banks of the great river, swampiness is only 10% of the territory. But further to the east, closer to the Lena River, the kingdom of swamps is again advancing, especially with regard to relief depressions, river valleys. The highly swampy regions of Eastern Siberia include the Central Yakutsk lowland, the valley of the lower reaches of the Lena and its delta, the North Siberian and Yano-Indigirskaya lowlands.

The natural conditions for the formation of bogs are so favorable here that swamps penetrate even into mountainous regions. The accumulation of moisture here is facilitated by prolonged cold weather and permafrost. Swamps, spreading between the ridges, gradually rise higher and higher along the gentle slopes of the mountains, and on the Vitim plateau, swamps even tops.

A feature of the East Siberian bogs of Russia is their shallow depth. This is due to the extremely slow formation of peat. For example, the peat layer in Central Yakutia is no more than 0.3-0.4 meters, and on river terraces it reaches one meter. Only swamps formed as a result of overgrowing of lakes are deep here. For example, in the Verkhoyansk region, in swamps in place of lakes, the thickness of peat occurrence reaches 4-5 meters, and along the cliffs on the banks of the Lena and Aldan rivers - five meters. These layers of peat were formed in ancient times, when the climate of Eastern Siberia was milder.

Swamps of Russia and Siberia. Far East.

The swamps of Russia in the Far East have a number of characteristic features. During the summer rainy season, the soil is so saturated with moisture that the muddy earth becomes completely impassable, turning into a sticky clay mass. For example, in the Amur Region, 36% of the territory is occupied by swamps, a fifth of which are impassable.

In Primorye, swamps are located along river valleys. These bogs are called "swamps" - there is a layer of liquefied peat under the peat deposits.

In the Khabarovsk Territory, many plains are swampy.

Sakhalin and Kamchatka are also heavily waterlogged, especially the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Swamps cover here not only the plains, but even the tops of the watersheds.

Swamps of Russia and Siberia. Names and descriptions of 10 unique bogs in Russia.

1. Swamps of Russia and Siberia - Swamp Staroselsky moss

  • Swamp name: Staroselsky moss
  • The location of the Swamp: Russia, Central Forest Reserve, Tver region, 330 km from Moscow.
  • Area: 617 hectares.
  • Peat deposit depth: maximum - 5.5 m, average - 3.2 m.
  • Swamp type: riding.

Description of the swamp: Swamp Staroselsky moss is a state complex reserve of regional significance. Here you can see the real taiga, untouched by man since ancient times, walk along the ecological path with a guide and walk along the springy wooden flooring, which will take you deep into the swamp, which is about 10 thousand years old! In the middle of the swamp, there is an opportunity to climb a wooden tower and enjoy complete silence.

2. Marshes of Russia and Siberia - Sestroretskoe swamp

  • Swamp name: Sestroretsk swamp
  • The location of the swamp: Russia, Kurortny district of St. Petersburg.
  • Area: 10 km 2

Description of the swamp: Sestroretsk swamp- a specially protected natural area (SPNA) of regional significance, adjacent to the Sestroretsk Razliv, created under Peter I. The Sestra River divides the swamp into two parts. Here, in the swamp, battles took place during the Great Patriotic War, and military dugouts still remain on the towering dunes. The Sestroretsk bog is unique in that it is almost untouched by the human hand and typical bog values ​​have been preserved here, giving an idea of ​​the place on which St. Petersburg was built.

3. Marshes of Russia and Siberia - Mshinskoe swamp

  • Swamp name: Mshinskoe swamp
  • The location of the swamp: Russia, Luga and Gatchina districts of the Leningrad region
  • Area: 60 400 ha.
  • Peat deposit depth: maximum - 6 meters, average - 3 meters.
  • Swamp type: riding.

Description of the swamp: Mshinskoe swamp- a state nature reserve of federal subordination. The territory of the swamp is home to many rare species of animals and birds. It conducts research activities and organizes tourist excursions, where you can take pictures of representatives of marsh flora and fauna, as well as observe them for a long time.

4. Marshes of Russia and Siberia - Rdeyskoe swamp

  • Swamp name: Rdeyskoe swamp
  • The location of the swamp: Russia, Novgorod region, the territory of the Rdeysky reserve
  • Area: 37 thousand hectares.

Description of the swamp: Rdeyskoe swamp- the largest swamp massif in Europe, is one of the most unique bog systems in Russia. The Rdeysky Monastery, which is located in a hard-to-reach part of the swamp, also plays an important role. The monastery was founded in the middle of the 17th century. Its first inhabitants were 12 hermit monks, who considered this place ideal for solitude and prayer. It is easy to believe that getting to this place today, even with the availability of modern technical means, is very difficult, sometimes even impossible. The reserve was established here in 1994 with the aim of preserving and studying bogs, rare and endangered species of plants and animals. This place has the old Russian name "Rdeisko-Polistovsky", associated with the names of two local lakes.

5. Marshes of Russia and Siberia - Vasyugan swamps

  • Swamp name: Vasyugan swamps
  • Swamp location: Russia, Western Siberia, between the Ob and Irtysh rivers, most of it in the Tomsk region.
  • Area: 53,000 km 2, length from west to east - 573 km, from north to south - 320 km.
  • Water reserves- 400 km³.
  • Peat deposit depth: maximum - 10 meters, average - 2.4 meters.

Description of the swamp: Vasyugan swamps- one of the largest swamps in the world. More than a quarter of the peat bogs of the Earth are concentrated here. The swamps are constantly expanding. Although the Vasyugan bogs are 10 thousand years old, three quarters of the bogs were formed in just the last 500 years. It is home to many rare and endangered plant and animal species. In summer, most of the swamps are impassable.

The Vasyugan swamps are a source of fresh water for the whole of Western Siberia, but they are on the verge of environmental disaster due to oil and gas fields, as well as because of the constantly falling stages of launch vehicles from the Baikonur cosmodrome.

6. Marshes of Russia and Siberia - Tyuguryuk swamp

  • Swamp name: Tyuguryuk swamp
  • The location of the swamp: Russia, Republic of Altai, Terekta ridge.
  • Area:
  • Height above sea level: 1500 meters .
  • Swamp type: base.

Bog description: Tyuguryuk bog- the largest in Altai and as beautiful as everything in this region. The Tyuguryuk swamp is surrounded by high mountains up to 2400 meters above sea level, which, capturing and settling sediments, formed this swamp. It grows plants listed in the Red Book.

7. Marshes of Russia and Siberia - Great Marsh

  • Swamp name: Great swamp
  • The location of the swamp: Russia, Vologda region.
  • Area: 32.9 km². The bog is about 11 km long and 4 km wide.

Swamp description: Great swamp on all sides it is surrounded by mixed forests, and on the territory of the swamp itself there are several lakes and islands, some of which are up to a kilometer in length. Legends about the swamp are widespread among the locals. For example, they talk about a "swamp child" with long gray hair, living in the abandoned village of Tretnitsa on the bank of a swamp, and about the remains of a wooden boat with gold at the bottom. But this does not prevent residents from visiting the swamp to collect cranberries and blueberries.

8. Marshes of Russia and Siberia - "Crane Homeland"

  • Swamp name:"Crane Homeland"
  • The location of the swamp: Russia, Moscow region.
  • Area: 300 km 2.

Description of the swamp: Crane homeland is a state nature reserve of regional significance. One of the oldest sanctuaries in the Moscow Region is the site of the largest premigratory gathering of gray cranes in central Russia; in autumn, their number reaches 1,500 adults. In winter, snowy owls arriving from the north find their home here. The list of birds found on the territory of the reserve includes 229 species, of which 54 are included in the Red Data Book of the Moscow Region and 14 in the Red Data Book of Russia. "Crane Homeland" consists of two parts: "Dubnensky swamp massif" and "Apsarevskoe tract" and is currently fighting against illegal construction on its territory, which may lead to the destruction of the unique reserve.

Habitats of rare species of animals and plants, places of stops for waterfowl and cranes on migration, relic landscapes - swamps and lakes of glacial origin, river sources, old spruce forests are preserved here. This entire complex is included in the reserve list of Wetlands of International Importance and is a Key Bird Area of ​​Russia. In the near future, it is planned to design a Natural Park.

We welcome you, guests and guests of the portal website! Today we will tell you about another World Of Tanks map - Swamp... The map is very simple and predictable, perhaps that is why it did not deserve much love from the players. However, let's talk about it and maybe you will learn something new.

General information.

Picture 1.

Swamp refers to summer maps (summer camouflage is used), available for 4-11 battle levels, only in random battle mode. The standard size for our game is 1000 * 1000 meters. The map wot Slough has appeared in our game for a long time, in patch 0.7.0. However, the gaming community and the developers themselves almost immediately recognized it as unsuitable for the game and already in patch 0.7.4. was withdrawn. For a long time it was gathering dust in the archives of the Minsk office of map makers until in update 0.8.8., Having undergone some changes, it was not re-added to random. True, even then the players did not like the map and the developers had to radically remake the Slough wot in update 0.9.9. To this day, the map is available in a random battle mode, although it did not find much love among tankers even after major changes. Let's see what is wrong with this card.

The main components of the map:

Picture 2.

1. Top base.
2. Positions for def of the upper base
3. Convenient hill with bushes(used by the tanks of the upper base to shoot through the swamp and enemy positions near the base).
4. Slide(a convenient direction for the team to quickly push through the lower base and enter the enemy base, but more often it is quickly cleared by the team of the upper base due to the fact that the positions of the upper base are located near the hill and the opponents who have come here, encountering resistance, are simply constrained in their actions) ...

5. Bottom base.
6. Positions for def of the lower base(there are some artillery cover here).
7. Convenient hill with bushes(used by the tanks of the lower base to shoot through the swamp and enemy positions near the base).
8. Urban development(a convenient position for heavily armored tanks to measure the thickness of the armor, however, similar to a slide, it is most often simply cleared by the tanks of the lower base with the support of allies from positions near their own base).
9. Central lowland(a swampy place, mostly not playable and is used only by fireflies to highlight and troll opponents on the hills; towards the end of the battle, when the situation on the battlefield becomes clear, it is used to quickly travel to the enemy hill and defensive positions near the base).

How to play the Swamp map?

Friends, take a good look at the minimap. Doesn't this remind you of anything? Yes, yes, it looks a lot like a map. There are also two parts separated by a swamp and each of the parts is easier for one team to defend and push through than the other team. So, for example, a part of the map with a hill is easier to capture for the team of the upper base, and it is easier for the team of the lower base to capture part of the map with urban development. However, on this map, unlike Erlenberg, it is still easier to push through the enemy part of the map, it just requires a little more tanks than they usually go there in random.

Tactics on the map Swamp wot for the team of the upper base:

Picture 3.

Figure 3 shows the typical Topi gameplay for the top base team. This tactic can be traced in every battle of the random house on this map. Tank destroyers and other fans of shooting at someone else's light occupy positions near their own base (zones shown in blue): from these positions, good shots open up to the central swamp and enemy hills, and also provide comfortable conditions for protecting their own base in the event of a breakthrough by enemy tanks. These positions are good if the enemy firefly has not pressed against them in the swamp, which will inevitably highlight and troll you. Fast tanks break through the hill and, with the support of allies, clear it. Other tanks drive along the hill, firing back at the enemies traveling up the hill, and then they, teaming up with fast tanks from the hill, break through and press up to enemy positions near the base, gradually shaking the defenses from different sides with the support of tank destroyers. Tanks can often be seen moving into the town from the upper base. This is not always the best solution, because you will be shot already at the entrances to safe areas, and therefore do not be surprised that you will reach the city already "bitten". It makes sense to go to the city from the upper base only if the allies support you (it makes no sense to go there in three or four tanks, since there will probably be more opponents and they will have support from the tank destroyer positions). It is worth saying that even if you are supported in the attack on the town and you successfully capture it, further advancement will be very difficult, since the exit from the urban area is in direct fire from the more comfortable positions of the tank destroyer. Artillery on the map Swamp from the upper respawn should take positions behind the allied forces and, as far as possible, move towards the hill.

Tactics on the map Swamp wot for the team of the lower base:

Picture 4.

As you can see in picture 4, the tactics from the bottom base are practically the same. The only exception is that the team takes the city and moves from it to the enemy base, but it does not always make sense to go up the hill due to the fact that there are often more opponents there and they are under the cover of tank destroyers. Of course, for heavy and slow tanks on Slough it will be very convenient to play under the cover of city buildings and from your respawn it is much more convenient to occupy the town than to your opponents. However, after the city is occupied (where resistance is not always possible), this position almost completely loses its relevance, because there are no shots to enemy positions from here, and shots to your own base are very limited by the position of your tank and are possible only as long as someone can give you illumination ... For artillery, there is a convenient lowland leading to the town, along which you must take positions and in case of a breakthrough of enemies, you must hide in the city buildings.

In addition to the above, I would like to note that on the map Slough wot both bases are located in an open, well-fired area without shelter and it makes sense to try to capture any of the bases only when you make sure that the enemy is far away.

Also, fast tanks (usually light ones) on the swamp map can try to win back through the central swamp. From here you can constantly highlight and troll enemies. However, if opponents fall on you, then you will not have time to escape and you can only hope that your allies will shoot at the descending enemies in time. In the swamp, however, there are several hills behind which you can hide for a while.

In conclusion, I will say that Slough is played much faster and more dynamic than the same Erlenberg, but the tactics here also do not differ in variety and, as a rule, the same situations are repeated from battle to battle. There is enough cover on Topi from the "suitcases" of artillery and long-range shots, but if you are not careful, you can easily get into an uncomfortable position, as they say, to be in a half-position, when your opponent will have a clear advantage.

Dear readers, that's all for today. See you on the new map!