How to make a screensaver on the windows desktop. How to make your favorite grandchild's photo a screensaver on your desktop? Installing from the Control Panel in Windows XP

How to change the wallpaper in Windows How to set the screensaver on the computer screen?

Display Properties - Change Desktop Background

If you work a lot at the computer, then the monotonous background image may get bored over time and you will want to replace it with something more original. Plus, by replacing the wallpaper, you show other employees that you happen to be computer savvy!

How to change the wallpaper in Windows 7

Pressing the right mouse button (the cursor should be on a clean desktop, and not on any tabs, shortcuts), call the context menu.

In the menu that opens, select Personalization

In the window that opens, you can choose a background from several dozen pictures, which are by default in the Windows 7. To view, click on the thumbnails of the pictures and they, before your eyes, appear on the monitor screen. When you select a picture, click the Save changes button to make the picture you like becomes the desktop background.

If you put a checkmark on several images, then the field will become active Change image every and from the drop-down list you can select the time interval after which the images will replace each other.

But, perhaps you want to make your picture or photograph as a desktop background. Then click the Browse button A and find a folder with your photos. Just keep in mind that if the photo or picture does not fit the screen, then you need to click the Fill B button and select from the drop-down list what you need to do with the picture: stretch, center, etc.

It is better to make a photo in advance corresponding to the screen size of your monitor, otherwise it will be cropped or distorted. Check out how to make a photo of the desired size using Photoshop.

Changing the desktop background in Windows XP

By clicking the right mouse button on an empty screen, call the context menu. In it, select the bottom line - Properties.

In the Properties window that opens: Screen, click the tab Desktop:

This is where you can set the color or background of the screen.

If you want your monitor screen to be one color, then on the Color tab 1 choose any color you like from the drop-down list (black, yellow, red, etc.). And in the field Background picture 2 click on the top line ( not ) ... In this case, the color you have selected will appear on the monitor screen, which is visible in the middle of the tab. If you like this color, then click the apply button, and then OK. That's it - the monitor screen is painted in your favorite color.

But it will be more beautiful if the screen is not monochrome, but a background image is installed. The picture can be selected from the standard Windows set. To do this, in the Background picture 2 field, click on the names of the pictures and these pictures will appear on the screen of the reference monitor. At the moment, there is a standard Windows XP graphic called Serenity. After selecting a picture, you click the Apply button, and then OK, and this picture will appear on your desktop - on your monitor screen.

But, after a while you will be bored with all the standard drawings and will want to find something new.

There are many pictures on CD - disks and on the Internet. You can pick up a few drawings for yourself and then change them every week. To display such a picture, click the Browse button and use Windows Explorer to find the file with this picture on your computer. The selected file will appear in the list Wallpaper 2 Now press the Apply button, and then OK and your picture on the screen.

I draw your attention only to the fact that the drawing should be on the hard disk, not on the CD. That is, the picture you like must first be copied from the CD - disk, and then set it as a background picture.

But, perhaps, this will not seem enough to you. You want to use your photos as background. This is also possible.

It is only desirable that the picture matches your screen resolution. If the screen resolution is 1024 x 768, then the photo size should be the same. Because if the photo is larger than the screen, then only part of the photo will fit on the screen and not necessarily the best one.

If the size of the photo is smaller than the screen, then you will need to select an option in the Location 4 field. The photo will either have to be placed in the center or stretched, or tiled with it on the screen, which, in any case, will not be very beautiful. This means that the photo must be prepared in advance.

How do I set a screensaver on my computer screen?

How to install a screensaver on your computer - wallpaper

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How to install a screensaver on your computer - wallpaper

How to install a screensaver on your computer - wallpaper

How to install a screensaver - desktop background on your computer?

Let's make a reservation right away, by a screensaver-background image we mean a meaningful image in the form of a photo, picture or drawing specially designed for the desktop of a personal computer. In simple terms, this means the background image is the same size as the screen size of your monitor. Who does not know why, can look at the topic why eyes hurt?

Having figured out and understanding why, we smoothly move on to the concept of how. Installing a wallpaper on your desktop, as well as all offered on the Evbar Studio website, exclusively author's photos, wallpapers, backgrounds, screensavers, pictures and drawings is not easy, but very simple. Taking into account that the majority of visitors to our site use the Windows operating system, we will describe only a few of the most common ways to put a picture on a computer screen.

The most common, suitable for all operating systems (OS) of the Windows family:

  • right-click on any free area of ​​the desktop that is not occupied by the program window;
  • in the context-sensitive menu that opens, select the Properties item, in the Properties window that opens: Display, select the Desktop tab;
  • having activated, by clicking, the Browse button, find the installation folder of your picture, and in it the desired background image itself is saved in advance, then the Open button follows;
  • the selected screensaver will appear in the preview window and in the list of background images in the Properties window: Display, pressing the OK button will finally install the selected background image on your computer desktop.

How to put a screensaver on your desktop if you have Windows XP installed is even easier. We act according to the scheme:

  • Start -> My Computer, open the folder in which the pictures are stored;
  • right-click on the desired background image;
  • in the context-sensitive menu that appears, select the item Set as desktop background.

Well, in conclusion, if someone knows how else you can set a background image on the desktop, including other operating systems, write, do not hide it. Your comments on this topic are welcome, and the three most original ways will receive prizes, the ability to choose and get free of charge any screensaver you like from any theme on the desktop of the art gallery of the Evbar Studio photo bank

So, if there are no more questions, let's get started.
The first thing to learn is the splash or wallpaper must be stored somewhere! This means that before you can tile your desktop, the picture must be physically copied to your computer. And it is desirable to do this in a separate directory-daddy. For what, it is elementary, so that later it (the splash screen) could be easily found. Someone will grin, think one picture, and so it will come down, and it will be wrong. The fact is that the capacity of modern digital information storage devices, which naturally include hard disks installed in your PC (personal computer) and onto which the image will actually be copied, is already more than a dozen Gigabytes. Take my word for it, this is a lot of printed pages in book format, it's just a whole library. So, without a proper and respectful attitude to this heap of information, there is a risk of losing it.
Second, many sites that distribute such images advertise the installation of a background image with one click of the mouse button, directly from the web page viewed. This simplicity can actually lead to an increased risk of getting a virus. Miracles do not happen, these actions activate a certain script program, just located on the viewed page, which ultimately still writes the selected background to your computer. But, you no longer control this process! There are, however, exceptions, nothing is recorded anywhere, but in this case the picture is on your table as long as there is the Internet. This is certainly not a statement, but as they say, the world is not without good people.

Our detailed instructions will tell you how to quickly and easily change the screensaver on your PC screen. How do I set a screensaver on my computer screen?

Learning to change the screensaver on the computer screen

One of the ways of personalization offered by Windows is installing a screensaver (screensaver). It appears on the screen after a certain time of inactivity of the computer. Typically, the splash screen is animated, although it is possible to display statistical images or just a black screen. How to install or how to change the screensaver on the computer screen - read our article.

Why is it needed on a computer?

Today the skin saver, in most cases, plays a decorative role. But not so long ago, they were used to preserve CRT monitors and plasma screens that deteriorated (burned out) from static images. Fortunately, LCD monitors don't have this problem.

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Installing a screensaver on Windows 7 and 8

The easiest way to do this is as follows:

Hover the cursor over an empty area of ​​the desktop, press the right mouse button and select the item "Personalization".

In the bottom pane of the window that appears, we find the "Screensaver" icon. Below it there will be an inscription showing the state of the screensaver. In our case, it is absent. Click on the icon.

The screen saver options window we need has opened. On the monitor image, you can see a demonstration of the current screensaver. If it is not there, then a screenshot of the screen will simply be displayed.

In the drop-down list, you can select one of the proposed screensavers. In this case, an example of its operation will be displayed on the monitor image. And by clicking the "View" button, you will see the screensaver in full glory.

You can return to the selection by simply moving the mouse. Now it remains to set the time interval after which the selected screensaver will appear on the screen. Note that the countdown starts from the moment when you stop performing any actions at the computer. Click "Ok".

Please note that after selecting the "Bulky text" screensaver, click on the "Options" button.

In the window that opens, you can enter the desired text yourself, set its size, font, rotation type, and more. Here, instead of text, you can set the display of the current time. Click "OK" to save the changes. On the monitor image, you can see what happened.

The above instructions are suitable for Windows 7 and Windows 8, but with the top ten, everything is a little complicated.

Features of installation on Windows 10

In this case, it will not be possible to simply open the "Personalization" section from the desktop. But there are several other ways.

First, you can open the search and type in the word "Screensaver". In the results, click "Turn on or off the screen saver."

Second, you can open the Start Menu → Settings → Personalization → Lock Screen. At the bottom, click on the inscription "Screen saver options".

Thirdly, you can call the "Run" window (Win + R), enter "control desk. cpl, 1 "and click" OK ".

How to put your own image

To do this, you need to create a separate folder on your computer and drop one or more desired images there. Next, in the drop-down list, select the item "Photos" and click "Options".

In the next window, click the "Browse" button and select the folder with your image (s). Then we set the display speed and, if necessary, put a check mark to randomly display images. Click "Save".

How do I add new pictures?

Some may not be satisfied with the small variety of default screensavers, so you can try to add new ones. To do this, you need to find new screensavers in the. scr.

These files should be uploaded along the path C: WINDOWS \ System32. By the way, there you can find other pre-installed screensavers and run it with a double click. If you want, you can create a shortcut to the required screensaver, place it on your desktop and launch it when needed, without waiting for downtime.

Want to quickly clean up junk from your PC? Then our article will tell you how to do it quickly, read here.

Do you want to defragment your hard drive, but don't know how? Our instructions will show you the whole process, see below.

And the added splash screen can now be seen in the list.


So we figured out how to install a screensaver on a computer or how to change the current one. There shouldn't be any special difficulties, unless you have to look for the right panel on Windows 10. You can choose preinstalled screensavers or use the downloaded ones, but remember that in the latter case, there is a high probability of stumbling upon viruses.

When using any of the above methods, in the end you will open the "Screen Saver Options" window, where you can perform all the necessary manipulations.

Changing the wallpaper and screen saver on the computer Initially, on computers with the Windows operating system installed, the background image is already installed. And, more often than not, it is How to set a screensaver on a computer screen?

Change the wallpaper
and a screen saver on the computer

Initially, on computers with an installed Operating
Windows - the background image is already installed.
And, more often than not, it is a background image with the Windows logo.

The screen saver is not installed initially.
But it can be installed and then changed.

how to change computer screen background

How to change
screen background

this option is not available.

So, the path to changing the background begins
from the "Start" button → select "Control Panel" on the right.

In the "Design" section, select the function
"Change the desktop background".
This window will open.

This window contains backgrounds for the desktop. You need to click on the image that you want to make the background. Then select the image position at the bottom - on the "Fill" button

In addition to choosing a ready-made Background, you can choose any other image. The ones that are downloaded to your computer. To do this, in the section "Image location" - click on the arrow. A context menu will open.

You can choose "Image Library". And when your
folders with images - choose the one you want. Or click the "Browse" button.

And also select the image in the desired folder.

And when the image appears in the window for setting the desktop background, do the same as for the finished Background. Click on the selection. Select the image position at the bottom - select the image position on the "Fill" button. And then click the "Save Changes" button below.

what is a screen saver and how to install it

What is a screen saver
and how to install it

The screen saver is exactly the screen saver. Depending on the selected one, it appears either in the background of the Wallpaper, or instead of it while the computer is on pause. That is, you are not using a mouse or keyboard. Or just walked away from the computer.

As soon as you touch your mouse or click
on the keyboard button - the screen saver disappears.

Installing a screen saver on Windows 7 (starter) is also available.

The path to installing the screen saver begins with the "Start" button → select the right "Control Panel" → click on the "Design" button. This window will open.

In the "Screen" section - select "Change screensaver".
The Screen Saver Options tab opens.

Initially - no screen saver is installed. Therefore, the "Screensaver" parameter is set to "No". To see a selection of available screensavers - click on the arrow. A context menu will open.

Before installing the screen saver, you can first view it. To do this, select the screensaver and click the "View" button.

The selected screensaver will be reflected on the tab screen.
If you like the screensaver, you can set the interval.
Interval means that if you set an interval of 1 minute,
then 1 minute after you stop doing anything
on your computer - the screen saver will turn on. And it will work
until you touch the mouse with your hand or press
on the keyboard key.

After setting the interval - first click at the bottom of the tab button
Apply and then OK. And the screen saver will be installed.

If you change your mind about using a screen saver - go the way
to the "Screen Saver Options" tab, again. And choose
For more information, see the None Screensavers section.

To help

If you are bad
own a computer
and keyboard - the pages of this site will help you:
My computer
with keyboard

If you don't know how to work
with text - select, copy, save - read on the page
Simplest editing

I must say right away that changing the background image to
today - not available for all Windows versions.
Specifically for Windows 7 (Starter) -
this option is not available.

You have installed Windows OS on your computer, and a standard desktop icon in this operating system appeared on the screen - a green field or the Windows logo. And a few minutes later a screensaver appeared - a kind of "Black Square" by Malevich. Simple and boring, isn't it? And you wanted to change the look, screen saver and design of the "Desktop" windows at the same time. But how to do that?

To do this, you do not need to install any programs in Windows - everything is already on your computer. So let's get started!

Getting started with the design!

Click the Start button. A menu opens, which seems to be divided into two halves. Select "Control Panel" on the right side

A window with the same name appears, it displays several dozen icons (if the "Control Panel" looks different, then click on the item "Switch to classic view" in the list located on the left side of this window). The shortcut we need is usually in the last row of buttons on the computer control panel. It is called differently in different versions of Windows OS: either "Appearance and Themes" or "Screen". Only the images of such icons are similar to each other: often this is a drawing of a computer screen with a palette or brush. We make a double click with the mouse on this shortcut.

After that, a window with the inscription "Properties: Display" opens. There are several tabs under its name - "Themes", "Desktop", "Screensaver", etc. The next steps depend on what you want to do.

Changing the desktop theme

If you want to set a specific theme (ie, immediately change both the design of the taskbar and the picture on the "Desktop"), then select the "Themes" tab. Then in the list under the word "Theme" find the style you want. When you click any of its items below, a sample of the corresponding theme will be shown, consisting of the background image of the desktop and the design of the active window. When you make your choice, click "OK" at the bottom of the window. After a few seconds, the design of the desktop and windows of open programs will change according to the selected theme.

Change the image of the "Desktop"

If you don't like just the image on the screen, then in the same window ("Properties: Display"), click the "Desktop" tab. Then, in the "Wallpaper" list, select a picture or upload a photo from your computer by clicking the "Browse ..." button to the left of it. After choosing a suitable pattern, click "OK". The "Desktop" view will change in a couple of seconds. You also need to act when choosing the design of windows and the taskbar (tab "Appearance")

Change the screensaver

To set or change the screen saver, in the Display Properties window, click the Screen Saver tab. Then, as is the case with the desktop theme, choose the appropriate option. How the splash screen will look can be seen on the picture of the computer screen. But only a smaller version is shown there. To look at the full size screensaver, click on the "View" button - and you will see it in full screen. To return back, you just need to move the mouse. When you choose the screensaver you like, click "OK".


Here's how to change the screen saver, theme, and desktop image on your computer. If you didn’t like any of the options offered by the system, you can download others on the Internet. However, not all themes offered by the Web are suitable for a computer.

It would seem that Windows 10 lacks the ability to install a screensaver on the desktop, but I still found its current location. It turned out that they had been moved to a different location, which became a bit difficult to find.

Screensavers for many of us provide a way to distract ourselves for a few minutes by watching our computers sit idle. It should be emphasized that screen savers are relics of a bygone computer era. In fact, as we explained before, "screen savers are not necessary on modern, flat-panel LCD displays."

However, for many, the screen saver can be one of their favorite things about the OS. In Windows 8.1 and Windows 7, the splash screen could be set in the Personalization window through the Control Panel.

In Windows 10, Microsoft made it harder to access the splash bar by removing it from personalization settings. You might even think that this option has been removed.

Right click on the desktop and select "Personalization" from the context menu to open the personalization window

The Personalization panel has been completely overhauled and there is no longer a screen saver button like in previous versions of Windows.

As it turns out, you can find your screen saver options at the bottom of the options under the Lock Screen category.

Alternatively, you can search by entering the word "splash screen" in the search box.

Screensavers now have their own control panel.

In this window, you can select and customize your screen saver just like in previous versions of Windows, as literally nothing has changed in it.

If there are other settings, you can change them by clicking the "options" button, and of course, you can still have the system start from the login screen after deactivating the screen saver.

While there is no way to pin screen saver options to the start menu or taskbar, you can quickly launch them through the search box or through the lock screen settings.

A home computer or laptop is an individual thing, the design of which you want to make in your own taste. Therefore, when purchasing a new computer or reinstalling Windows 7, we, first of all, select beautiful wallpapers for our desktop and an interesting screensaver. After all, what is offered by the operating system is unlikely to please every user.

How do I change the wallpaper?

You can change the background picture of the desktop using a chain of simple actions:

  • opening the control panel;
  • selecting the item "Design and personalization" in it;
  • mouse click on the "Personalization" sub-item.

The following window will open in front of you:

In this window, the main items are marked that allow the user to personalize the computer under Windows 7. The marks in the screenshot indicate:

  1. Pre-installed themes that you can put on your desktop instead of the background.
  2. The current picture.
  3. Opening the settings for changing the splash screen (this item will be discussed later).

If you are not satisfied with the standard themes for the desktop, you can install on it any picture previously saved on your computer.

Setting your own picture

To change the background image, you must click on its icon marked with the number "2" in the previous screenshot. After that, Windows 7 will give you another settings window:

Here you are required to select one of the standard images or click the "Browse" button marked in the screenshot with a red arrow. After these actions, you will be prompted to select the folder in which the saved drawings are located. After confirming your choice, you will see thumbnails of all images in this window:

Following the marked points, you can:

  1. Select the necessary pictures for the desktop with checkmarks.
  2. Choose how to display them on the screen.
  3. Select a period of time after which one picture will be replaced by another.
  4. Check the box "Randomize" if you want random display of frames.
  5. Save changes.

To make it easier to select slides in Windows 7 there are buttons "Select All" and "Clear All" located in the upper right part of this window. If you do not want to arrange a slide show, but just want to install one image on the desktop, item number 3, which is responsible for the time of changing the picture, will be inactive.

After saving the changes, you can enjoy the selected pictures or photos on your computer screen.

Change screensaver

Even a novice user knows that the screensaver is triggered after the computer has been idle for a certain amount of time. The splash screen can display a regular black screen or beautiful animation, so choosing something to your liking is not difficult at all.

Selecting one of the preset screensavers

To go to editing, you need to click on the corresponding icon marked with the number "3" in the first screenshot. After that, you will see the following settings window:

Here you can:

  1. Choose a suitable screensaver option.
  2. Specify the interval at which this screensaver will be triggered.
  3. Press the "Apply" button to save the screensaver.

The "Options" button is intended for additional display settings, but most of the standard screensavers do not have such settings. Using the "View" button, you can see how the screensaver of your choice will be displayed on the full screen, and not in a thumbnail.

Creating your own screensaver

As in setting wallpaper on the desktop, here the user can also create personal screensavers. For example, you can make your own screensaver from photos or any images. In this case, while the computer is idle, slides with marked pictures will be displayed on its screen.

To create such a screensaver, select the "Photos" item in the "Screensaver" menu (marked with the number "1"), and then click on the "Options" button. You will see a window like this:

Here you can:

  1. Select the folder from which the pictures for the slides will be taken.
  2. Indicate the speed of their change.
  3. Flag a random display, if necessary.
  4. Save changes.

After entering the necessary parameters, you need to click the "Apply" button in the main screen saver settings window for Windows 7.

Installing a new screensaver

The standard set of screensavers is rather scarce and does not allow imagination to unfold, and it is not always advisable to store a lot of photos on disk. For a change, you can download a new screensaver and install it on your computer.

The screensaver can be found on the Internet, after which the downloaded files are copied to the address:

  • C: WindowsSystem32 if you have a 32-bit system;
  • C: WindowsSysWOW64 - for a 64-bit system.

Having finished copying, you can open the screensaver settings window, as described above, and find a new screensaver in the corresponding list.

The article describes how to set wallpaper on your computer or laptop desktop.

Owners of different versions of operating systems (" Windows 10», « Windows 8», « Windows 7», « Windows 8.1») When installing them on a computer or laptop, they want to achieve not only convenient work with them, but also a beautiful design. It is very pleasant to work on computers when the design and decoration of windows, wallpapers, icons, etc. look graceful and stylish.

In this review, we will talk about how laptops and computers running “ Windows 10», « Windows 8», « Windows 7», « Windows 8.1»You should change the wallpaper and screen saver on your desktop. One instruction is suitable for all these operating systems, between which there are no fundamental differences in terms of solving this issue.

How to change the wallpaper and screensaver on the desktop on computers and laptops running "Windows 10", "Windows 8", "Windows 7", "Windows 8.1"?

In order to change the wallpaper on the desktop of a computer or laptop, follow these steps:

  • Right-click on an empty space on the desktop and in the menu that opens, click on " Personalization».

How to change the screensaver on the desktop of a computer, laptop How to change the wallpaper on the desktop of a computer, laptop

  • A window will open in front of you in which you can change the wallpaper, screen saver, and theme. The screenshot shows the default and user-installed themes. A theme is the design of windows and toolbars, coupled with wallpaper.

How to change the screensaver on the desktop of a computer, laptop How to change the wallpaper on the desktop of a computer, laptop

  • Here you can also change the color of the window. At the bottom, click on the appropriate option

How to change the screensaver on the desktop of a computer, laptop How to change the wallpaper on the desktop of a computer, laptop

  • And then you can set the color of the window according to the proposed templates (in the screenshot in the red frame) or yourself by moving the slider to the left and right (indicated by the red arrow).

How to change the screensaver on the desktop of a computer, laptop How to change the wallpaper on the desktop of a computer, laptop

  • So, to change the wallpaper, click at the bottom on the option " Fore Desktop»

How to change the screensaver on the desktop of a computer, laptop How to change the wallpaper on the desktop of a computer, laptop

  • Next, we will find ourselves in the folder where all the default wallpapers are stored (you can also open the path to the folder with your personal wallpaper through the explorer). Here you can select one photo, or several, or all. In the last two cases, the wallpaper will change on the desktop after a specified period of time, but this will eat up a lot of RAM, so we recommend unchecking the “ In random order»And choose one photo you like by checking the checkbox on it, as shown in the picture. At the bottom left, you can open a menu to choose how your wallpaper will look on your desktop: centered, full screen, etc. Select the wallpaper and click on " Save changes».

How to change the screensaver on the desktop of a computer, laptop How to change the wallpaper on the desktop of a computer, laptop

  • Next, let's change the splash screen. We go back to “ Personalization"And at the bottom right click on the option" Screensaver».

How to change the screensaver on the desktop of a computer, laptop How to change the wallpaper on the desktop of a computer, laptop

  • A window will open through which you can configure the screensaver. Here we can choose the type of screensaver, as well as the time interval after which it will be displayed on the desktop when you are idle.

How to change the screensaver on the desktop of a computer, laptop How to change the wallpaper on the desktop of a computer, laptop

  • Select a screensaver and click on " View»To see a preview of how this screensaver will look.

How to change the screensaver on the desktop of a computer, laptop How to change the wallpaper on the desktop of a computer, laptop

How to change the screensaver on the desktop of a computer, laptop How to change the wallpaper on the desktop of a computer, laptop

  • If we liked the screensaver, then click on " OK»And complete our actions

How to change the screensaver on the desktop of a computer, laptop How to change the wallpaper on the desktop of a computer, laptop

In such a simple and standard way, you can set wallpaper and screensaver on your desktop.

Video: How to change the screensaver (wallpaper) on the computer screen, on the desktop?