Text and graphic editors. Varieties, areas of use

The text can be bad, mediocre and good. It may even be unbearably beautiful, touch the deepest strings of the soul of your reader, reveal the secrets of the universe and describe the advantages of an inexpensive electric hot water boiler in Musokhransk.

Text with a picture works twice as efficiently. If so, let's complement good writing with good illustrations. And if we have a Word or some other favorite program to work with letters, then when the question arises of processing a photo or picture, we are most often lost. What to do, we are copywriters, writers, not photographers or designers!

Do not panic, now we will sort it out on the sly.

Graphic editor: what and why

So you've decided: you need a program for processing pictures. Graphics editor. First, you need to understand and decide what exactly you need it for.

One of my acquaintances, who also trades in copywriting, once asked me to install Photoshop for her. She said she was vital. Ok, I say, it's not a problem, but why do you need it?

It turned out that a powerful photo editor with a huge number of functions was necessary for her only to crop and reduce her own photos for the blog. For nothing else. Among the programs already installed on her computer, there was an image viewer in which all these functions were included. He showed where to find and how to use it - the person is happy, works, cuts and processes pictures, writes letters and does not waste time on mastering, in general, programs that he does not really need.

At the Academy, we are of the opinion that it is the author of the text who should do the primary design of the text with pictures, diagrams, diagrams, and so on. Especially if he's blogging. And how to effectively work with a blog →

Another fellow writer wanted to master the process of creating photo collages and used various online indie programs for this. None of them satisfied him, and he turned to me for knowledge. A few lessons - and a friend mastered the basics of working in Photoshop, decorates his posts and articles with beautiful, quite professional collages, like these:

And another example, again from life. A copywriter colleague has chosen a rather narrow niche for himself - infographics. It's trendy. But cooperation with designers somehow did not work out for him, so his friend got down to smart books and the Internet, and in six months he mastered Korel tolerably enough to create simple infographics. Now he is considering a career as an illustrator.

I have cited all these three examples so that you, dear readers, first of all determine for yourself, what tasks your image editor will solve, and then grabbed at textbooks or video courses.

And if you have already decided - let's go and take a closer look at all these editor programs.

Non-lyrical digression

Before continuing the story about graphic editors, you should probably touch on the theory a little. In a nutshell, to understand what will be discussed next.

There are two types of graphic editors - raster and vector.

The first, raster ones, are photo editors and viewers. The images they work with are a set of pixels - points that, in fact, make up such an image. The more such dots per unit area, the higher the image resolution. In a high-resolution photo, very fine details can be seen when zoomed in. But such a photo also "weighs" much more.

The whole process of editing raster images is reduced to changing the properties of image pixels. Photo editors change their color, brightness, increase or decrease the number of pixels in the image. Most often they are used for photo correction, creating collages. Some paint pictures.

The second, vector, have a completely different principle of image formation. Here, each image consists of points, curves, and color fills, which are described by mathematical formulas. By changing the position of the points or the curvature of the curve and its properties, we edit and change the image.

It was a short course "Graphic editors with a couple of phrases." Now let's go.

Light Infantry: Look and Play

Viewers, or, as they are also called, viewers (from the English viewer), are intended primarily for viewing and cataloging images. Simply put - to look and sort out by daddies.

Fortunately, the competition among such programs is so great that each developer tries to cram some additional functions into his brainchild. And now every more or less decent viewer has built-in photo editing functions. Some can compete with operating systems. A joke, of course.

The good news is that most of these programs are free. And even paid viewers (but not all) have lightweight free versions.

Adobe lightroom

The main thing is that a simple lightweight viewer can be exactly the program that will satisfy all your image editing needs. And there will be no need to search for anything. But, if necessary, let's move on.

Cavalry Pixel Gallop

When someone talks about a graphics editor, 99% of the time they mean a bitmap editor. In 99.9% of cases, this refers to the great and terrible "Photoshop". Let's leave it for last and see something simpler first.

Indie editors online

Recently, online services for working with graphics have become very popular among our writing fraternity. Let's look at two representatives of this subclass: Canva and Fotor. These are two indie editors that I ran into a bit and I can talk about a little bit. The principle of their work is simple: a bunch of ready-made templates, standard image editing capabilities. They give a little for free, full functionality for money.


This version of "Paint" already looks like a good editor. She knows how to work with layers, has all the necessary tools for color correction and retouching, can add effects to photos, save editing history and much more.

The beauty of Paint.NET is that it's free.

Adobe Photoshop and others like it ...

So, here he is, the Great and Mighty, the ideal of a graphic editor, a friend of a designer and a photographer, the famous "Photoshop". Today it is considered the standard for a graphics editor, and all other programs are compared with it.

How many all kinds of filters and settings for working with images are in it, even the developers themselves will probably not say. This is such a graphic word, if you compare it with text editors, sophisticated and powerful. For example, one of the simplest books on it, The Photoshop Bible by Dick McLeland has 928 pages. And this is a short course!

The basics of using Photoshop can be learned in a few lessons. The main thing is to understand the principles of the program.

For me, as a person who has worked as a real designer for over 7 years, it is much easier and more accustomed to work with photographs and pictures in Photoshop. For those who want to master it from scratch just to cut pictures and adjust their brightness and color, I advise you to choose a simpler program. Besides, legal "Photoshop" costs money, and very large ones.

Besides Photoshop, there are other professional photo editors of the same power, but less well-known. For example, the CorelDraw package, which I will talk about a little later, includes a good raster editor PhotoPaint.

People who prefer alternative software in general are happy to use the free GIMP.

All these above-described monsters of graphic editing are excellent, but they have a couple of drawbacks: a lot of weight and demanding on computer resources. Well, you need to spend a considerable amount of time mastering such programs.

Artillery: vectors and trajectories

The second class of graphics editors is vector graphics editors. As I said, they shape and edit images in a completely different way.

Of course, there are a whole bunch of online vector editors built on the same principles as indie bitmap editors: a set of standard templates, minimal editing options in the free version, and saving in various vector or bitmap formats. For example, you can find a dozen such editors and try them. And we will look at once at the big and strong.

Adobe illustrator

The twin brother of Photoshop, Illustrator is just the same great and terrible vector editor with tremendous capabilities and the same tremendous cost.

Everything that could be assembled in a vector editor is present in Illustrator. Working with curves, shapes, objects, layers, masks, painting with brushes, the strokes of which can be edited - all this fully justifies the name of the editor. Illustrator was created for illustrators who draw vector pictures. Of course, you can create infographics in it, for the sake of which copywriters rush to study such programs.


The irreconcilable rival of Illustrator in the online holivars on the topic “Who is cooler?”, “Korel” can do absolutely everything that his counterpart can do. True, the organization of workspaces and work with some tools at Korel and Illustrator are implemented a little differently.

It is this distinction, convenient for some and not very convenient for others, that splits the camp of vector artists into two irreconcilable camps.

In these holy wars, Korel's supporters are dearer to me, and now I will tell you why.

In "Korel", in my opinion, the work with texts and text blocks is more convenient and logical, the layout process is easier to organize. Do not forget that we are considering all these programs from the point of view of working with images for text and with text as an object.

For example, here is a page of a fish text that I made up in Korela in 5 minutes:

Plus, from the earliest versions, Korel is a multi-page program that allows you to typeset anything: booklets, brochures, books, presentations, websites.

This, of course, is not the main function of Korel. Just like Illustrator, he is able to create vector pictures, infographics. It uses layers, masks, filters, brushes and other "charms" in the same way. In Illustrator, multipage appeared much later, and it is implemented there, in my opinion, not so well. Maybe I'm biased.

By the way, both vector monsters have some pretty good built-in editing functions for imported bitmaps. Simply put, by sticking a photo into the working file of "Korela" or "Illustrator", you can easily crop it, correct colors, sharpness, contrast, and so on..

Spetsnaz: text and graphics two in one

And finally, special-purpose programs - layout programs. Let me tell you right away: I have never used them since I left design work and focused on writing. But it is necessary to mention them in the review, since they were originally designed to work with small and large texts.

Layout programs have many settings for organizing text fields, working with fonts and illustrations, including spelling services and lexical dictionaries.

Actually, you can write texts in them. They offer a lot of options for formatting text, applying all kinds of effects and filters. Naturally, there are also tools for working with pictures, but more often it is just the ability to "insert-rotate-crop". As a rule, illustrations for layout are prepared in advance.

Adobe Pagemaker, Adobe InDesign and QuarkXpress

Simply put, layout programs are a kind of hybrid of vector "Illustrator", raster "Photoshop" and text editor, with which you can make a book, brochure or website. This is how, for example, the old "Pagemaker" looks.

But the more sophisticated InDesign, which replaced it, in which your humble servant somehow made up a thick catalog of the festival of contemporary art.

Quark is not very different from them either.

You and me, scribes and textbook entertainers, these programs can come in handy if we decide to immediately typeset an article or some other material on a website or in a magazine. And in general to make up a site: if earlier it was programs for book and magazine layout, today they are more often used for web design and prototyping. But, I repeat, for all the time that I have been working with texts as a copywriter, I have never remembered these programs.


If you've read this review to the end, you are a persistent and tenacious person. And, probably, you really want to understand what you need in order to work effectively not only with text, but also with illustrations for it.

Most likely, you already have a question in your language: which of what is written and presented here is used by the author himself? Okay, I'm telling you.

Since I have worked as a designer for more than seven years, it is easier and easier for me to make a picture or illustration in Photoshop or Korela, I have both of these programs installed, and I work in them at the reflex level. But more often I use XnView as a light viewer and converter of pictures. I rarely use online programs.

Thank you for your attention, all kind-beaver and good beautiful texts.

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Repetition and generalization on topics: "Text editor", "Graphic editor".

Lesson type: repetitively - generalizing.

Presentation methods:practical, verbal.

Methodological techniques:

  • frontal work of the teacher with the class;
  • showing a pattern of action by the teacher;
  • independent work of students.

Methods of stimulating and motivating a teacher:

  • encouragement;
  • mutual control;
  • feeling of satisfaction from learning outcomes.

Purpose: organize the activities of students aimed at consolidating the passed material.

Lesson Objectives:

  • practical preparation of the student for the implementation of the typical method of using a computer - working with text, drawing and sketching, developing the first work skills;
  • formation of an idea of ​​the advantages of computer processing of texts and pictures;
  • the formation of the ability to mentally order your actions when moving to a certain state of the text, to achieve a certain state of the picture, i.e. their algorithmization;
  • fostering the habit of thinking ahead of the fingers before irreversible operations - writing to disk, erasing a fragment, etc .;
  • propaganda of valeological knowledge in informatics lessons.


  • Pentium-166 computers;
  • cards showing basic key combinations.

During the classes

  1. Updating student activities.

Teacher informs students that this lesson will focus on reviewing the material covered in two topics: "Text Editor" and "Image Editor".

The knowledge and skills that you gained in the lessons while studying these editors will be very useful to you in the future.

  1. Identification of theoretical issues and practical skills.

The teacher asks students to answer the following questions:

What is a cursor for?- Indicate the place of editing.

Can you work without it?- It's difficult.

How does the editor determine where in the text, counting from the beginning, to insert the symbol?- The editor remembers the number of the first character on the screen, knows the coordinates of the cursor and the length of the line.

What happens to the rest of the text in the computer's memory: when you delete a character, when you insert it?- The data in memory is shifted forward or backward.

How does the editor know when a line has ended?- By special invisible end-of-line character.

Can a graphic editor be considered as a performer?- Yes.

Give examples of commands to the editor as an executor.- Draw a line, draw an oval, paint over a closed shape, etc.

Work on cards:the teacher distributes cards to the students, to which they respond.

The cards contain the following information:

Home - go to the beginning of the line;

End - go to the end of the line;

Tab - make a paragraph;

Ctrl + Shift - switch to the Russian (English) alphabet;

Delete - deleting a character above the cursor;

Delete character to the right of the cursor;

Enter - new line, line entry and other cards.

  1. Work with practical assignments.

The teacher reminds that when performing practical tasks, theoretical knowledge and practical skills are closely intertwined.

Students are given the first task: Edit the text in the file, bringing it in line with the reference.


1.Do you know why the face is able to withstand severe frosts, and the hands, even with a slight cold snap, begin to freeze?

2. The whole secret is that the face is constantly exposed and therefore hardened more than other parts of the body.

3. Is it possible for the whole body to be as hardened as the face? Sure!

4. Air, sun and water are used for hardening. The most important thing in hardening is the daily repetition of procedures.

5. Air baths are taken at any time of the year. Exercise in shorts and a T-shirt with the windows open in the summer, with the vents open in the winter. Fresh, cool air invigorates, promotes better blood oxygen saturation, improves mood.

6. Sun baths are best taken in the morning at a temperature of 18. The sun's rays increase the tone of blood vessels, cleanse the pores.

7.Water procedures are useful at any time of the year, they include rubdowns, general and foot baths, showers, swimming in the sea, river or other body of water.

8. One of the popular forms of hardening is walking barefoot. Walking barefoot on the morning ross, on water after warm summer rains, on sand, pebbles is especially useful. Walking barefoot not only hardens, but also serves as a sure means of preventing flat feet, as it strengthens the muscles of the foot.

Physical education pause.

Students are given a second task: Create text in a text editor.

Charging gives vigor

Morning gymnastics, or, as it is also called, exercise, is useful to everyone: small and large, and novice athletes, and Olympic champions. It helps the body to move quickly enough from sleep to wakefulness.

After charging, you will no longer look sleepy, your face will acquire freshness, and your body will be invigorated.

What else is morning exercises useful for? Of course, it improves health, and it's also a little workout. When performing exercises, strength, dexterity, endurance, flexibility develops.

A person needs a strong will - one of the most valuable qualities, without which it is difficult to count on success in any business. To build your willpower, start small - do exercises every day.

The time for doing morning exercises is 10 - 15 minutes. Then shower or douche (rubdown). After that, you will not go to school, but walk with a determined gait, feeling lightness in your body, clarity in your head.

Physical education pause.

Students are given a third task:Based on sketches selected at home in a graphic editor Paintbrush draw a drawing related to a healthy lifestyle.

4. Summing up the lesson.

The teacher once again recalls the importance and significance of the knowledge that they acquired in these lessons; praises the children for their good work in the lesson.

And graphic editors
on your computer

Notepad, WordPad and Paint
are included in the operating system package

Notepad and WordPad are text editors
"Paint" is a graphics editor

How do I find them on my computer?

Of course, the screenshots are not very legible,
but the path written at the bottom of the screenshots is clear.

If you use these programs frequently,
then you can find them closer - clicked Start and you will immediately see
these programs. As in my left screenshot, because
I use these programs regularly.

How to work with the paint graphic editor

How to work
with graphic editor Paint

Paint is a program that can be classified as a classic. Many generations of users made their first "pen tests" in computer graphics using this particular editor. Although this program seems primitive to some, but with its help, it is possible to solve quite serious problems.

The appearance of the toolbar is different in different versions of Windows,
but all the features of Paint are the same in all versions.

Below is a screenshot of Paint, a Windows Vista component.

And this is a screenshot of Paint, a Windows 7 component.

Of course, the toolbar is slightly different from previous versions, but since I now have Windows 7, I will explain using this version as an example.

Paint lets you draw on a blank sheet of paper or on top of other images. Most of the tools used in Paint are on the ribbon near the top of the Paint window.

"Quick Access Toolbar" in Paint

As in WordPad, Paint has the "Quick Access Toolbar" in the upper left corner. Where the first button is working with the Paint window. There are options for duplicating buttons on the right "minimize", "expand", "close". And there are additional options - resize the window, "move".

The second button is "Save". Correctly - press on changes in the earlier
saved document, but there won't be much trouble if you press this button
in a new document. The program itself will call Explorer, where you select
the folder you need and save the document with a new name.

The third button - cancels the last action,
and the fourth - reverts the undone action back.

How to create and save artwork in Paint

How to "Create", "Open",
"Save" your work in Paint

Below the "Quick Access Toolbar" is the Paint button, which brings up a tab with all the available actions that you can perform with the work you create in Paint.

On the left side of the tab (in the screenshot).

1. "Create" - press when creating a new work in Paint.
2. "Open" - to open either a previously saved work, or any other file with which you want to work in Paint.
3. "Save" - ​​to save any changes made in previously saved jobs;
4. "Save As" - to save new works. When you hover the mouse over this button on the right, an additional tab opens with options for formats in which you can save your new work.

The first time a new image is saved, it should be given a file name.
To do this, click the "Paint" button, and then move the mouse over the button
"Save As" - a tab will appear on the right. Select in this tab the desired
file format. Explorer will open from your computer and in the "File name"
enter a name and click the "Save" button.

Or, when you first save, you can click the "Save" button. File Explorer will open from your computer and in the "Save as type" field, select the desired file format. And in the "File name" field, enter a name and click the "Save" button.

Text editor Is an application program for creating and processing text documents. Among text editors, there are:

- Word processors (Microsoft Word, Lexicon, WordPad, Writer).

- Program text editors (Multi-Edit, Notebook).

- Formula editors (Microsoft Equation, MathType, LaTeX).

Text editors with the ability to design text and a set of other objects (tables, formulas, figures, etc.) are called word processors.

The most popular application in the world is a word processor Microsoft Word (Word, MS Word Microsoft Office.

Word processor window Word includes title, menus, toolbars, work area and status bar. The work area contains rulers, scroll bars and a visible part of the document.

Editing text is the process of changing characters in the text (includes inserting, deleting, replacing, copying, moving text fragments, etc.). Text formatting is the process of formatting the appearance of text for display on the screen (includes formatting characters, paragraphs, pages, etc.).

Formatting characters means specifying character style (bold, italic, underlined), font size and type, character and underline color, character width, character spacing, animation in text, superscript and subscript, etc. Formatting paragraphs means setting text alignment (left and right, center, width), indents and protrusions of the first line, line spacing (single, one and a half, double, etc.), indents to the left and right of the paragraph, above and below from paragraph, etc. Formatting pages means setting page margins (left, right, top, bottom), page orientation (portrait, landscape), paper size, etc.

In a word processor Word it is possible to insert tables(rectangular areas divided into cells). Editing a table is the process of changing its structure (inserting, deleting, resizing rows and columns; merging, splitting cells, etc.). Formatting a table- the process of designing its structure for presentation on the screen (changing the fill, cell borders, vertical alignment, etc.).

In a word processor Word it is possible to insert formulas using the formula editor. Formula editor- a text editor focused on a set of mathematical formulas. In a word processor Word mainly vector graphics are used, but there are also possibilities for working with raster graphics. You can insert such graphic objects into the document as:

- Autoshapes(line, arrow, rectangle, oval, polyline, curve, curly arrows, stars and ribbons, blocks on the block diagram, etc.).

- Lettering.

- Callouts.

- Bitmaps.

- Built-in ClipArt pictures.

- WordArt artistic titles.

- Diagrams(simple, organizational, schematic), etc.

In a word processor Word there are various tools for automating work with text documents. These include:

Funds search for reference information.

Funds search and replace words in the document.

Funds transition between parts of the document.

Funds automatic hyphenation in words.

Funds spell check.

Funds interface settings and parameters.

Funds document printing etc.

You can use the following in your document Components, as:

- Thesaurus(synonym finder).

- Fields(Calculated Formula Inserts).

- Loudspeakers(text areas in multiple columns).

- Lists(bulleted or numbered paragraphs).

- Initial letter(enlarged first letter of the paragraph).

- Tab(a tool for complex text alignment in a paragraph).

- Styles(complex formatting tools).

- Footnotes(explanations at the bottom of the page).

- Notes (edit)(explanations next to the text).

- Bookmarks(means referenced by other components).

- Headers and footers(repeating text on the top and bottom margins of the page), etc.

The text document uses 4 main viewing modes:

- Normal mode(display only text).

- Page layout mode(display the placement of text on the page).

- Web Document Mode(display text to the width of the window).

- Structure mode(displays the desired heading levels).

In addition, are used additional modes:

- Non-printable character mode(display of spaces, tabs, end of paragraph, breaks, etc.).

- Preview mode(displaying the document before printing).

- Reading mode(display of corrections and comments made by reviewers).

- Document outline mode(display only titles), etc.

Table processor Is an application program for creating and processing spreadsheets (the most famous spreadsheet processors are Microsoft Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, Quattro Pro, SuperCalc). Sometimes table processors are also referred to as spreadsheets.

The most famous spreadsheet program is the spreadsheet Microsoft Excel (Excel, MS Excel) included in the office suite Microsoft Office... In a table processor Excel spreadsheet sheets are made up of cells at the intersection of rows and columns. Rows are numbered, columns are letters.

Cell address is the designation of the indexes of the column and row, at the intersection of which the cell is located. Range of cells called a rectangular group of cells from the initial to the final (denoted by the sign " : "). Sometimes the cell address includes the name of the sheet or file.

Example 1.

C2 is the address of the cell in column C and in row 2.

B2 : D5 is the range of cells from cell B2 to cell D5.

Formula Is a collection of constants, functions and cell addresses connected by signs of mathematical operations (the formula begins with the "=" sign). The following arithmetic operations are used in formulas:

+ (addition).

- (subtraction).

* (multiplication).

/ (division).

^ (exponentiation).

After entering the formula in the cell, the result of the calculation for this formula is displayed. The formula itself can be viewed and changed in the formula bar.

Function Is a named object with a name and parameters in brackets (parameters are listed separated by semicolons). Many functions can be used in formulas, which are divided into categories: mathematical, statistical, textual, logical, financial, etc. The most commonly used functions are:

SUM (calculates the sum of numbers in cells).

AVERAGE (calculates the average).

MIN (calculates the minimum value).

MAX (calculates the maximum value).

IF (calculation by one of two formulas depending on the condition).

1. Relative addressing.

2. Absolute addressing.

Diagram- graphical display of tabular data. Among the charts, there are histograms, bar, pie, donut, graphs, dot, radar, etc.

List- a set of table rows containing related data. A list can be used as a database, in which case the columns of the list are called fields and the rows are called records.

Filter- a tool for selecting the lines of the list that satisfy a certain condition. Pivot table Is a table used to quickly summarize or combine large amounts of data.

Computer graphics Is the science that studies the processing of graphic images using a computer. In computer graphics, there are the following types and directions:

- Raster graphics(the image is represented as a set of dots).

- Vector graphics(the image is represented as a set of lines and other drawn objects).

- 3D graphics(the image creates a depth effect and is a set of volumetric shapes).

- Fractal graphics(the image is specified in the form of one or more mathematical formulas).

- Drawing graphics(the image represents drawings and allows you to build graphic primitives in all possible ways).

- Presentation graphics(an image is a set of slides that can be shown on a screen for a presentation).

- Scientific graphics(the image represents various diagrams, graphs, schemes, plans and allows you to identify the dependencies between various phenomena from a scientific point of view), etc.

Graphics editor - is an application program for the creation and processing of graphic images. Graphic editors are:

Raster graphic editors ( Paint, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Painter, Corel Photo-Paint, Jasc Paint Shop Pro, Deneba Canvas).

Vector graphics editors ( Corel draw, Adobe illustrator, Macromedia FreeHand, Xara).

3D graphics editors ( 3D Studio Max, Maya, LightWave, Corel bryce).

Raster graphics editor designed for creating and processing bitmap images. An elementary graphic primitive is a point called a pixel, and, for example, a line stores the coordinates of all points on the screen in memory.

Vector graphics editor designed for creating and processing vector drawings. An elementary graphic primitive is a line that stores only the coordinates of the start and end points, as well as some other parameters.

3D editor designed for creating and processing volumetric drawings. Graphics primitives are a shape's wireframe, which is a vector image with the coordinates of corner points, and a bitmap (texture, map) that is superimposed on the wireframe.

Presentation graphics program Is an application program for preparing electronic presentations by computer means.

To work with electronic presentations, the most commonly used software product Microsoft PowerPoint (PowerPoint, MS PowerPoint) included in the office suite Microsoft Office... Presentation graphics program PowerPoint allows you to create slides for a presentation, view the created presentations on a monitor screen and a wallboard using a video projector, set various animation effects for changing slides, the appearance and disappearance of inscriptions, pictures, diagrams, etc.

Various objects can be placed on slides:

- Text labels.

- Text Lists.

- Autoshapes.

- ClipArt Pictures.

- Diagrams etc.

To any objects in PowerPoint you can add animation effects, which are divided into 4 groups:

Effects entrance(the object appears on the slide during the presentation).

Effects exit(the object disappears on the slide).

Effects excretions(the object changes shape on the slide).

Effects travel paths(the object moves on the slide).

You can also set various effects to change slides during a presentation, such as news, hour hand, flow, blinds, rectangle, checkers, shift, dissolve, etc.

You can also customize the sound design of the slides, slide show timing, speed of animation effects, alternation of effects, combination of effects, and more.

Archiving (packing) - placing the source files in a compressed archive file. Unpacking (unpacking) - the process of restoring files from the archive exactly as they were before loading into the archive. The programs that pack and unpack files are called archivers.

When compressed, one or more files are compressed into an archive file (archive). Thus, the purpose of packaging files is to provide a more compact layout of information. In addition, packaging simplifies the transfer of data from one computer to another, reduces the time it takes to copy files to disks, protects information from unauthorized access, and helps protect against infection by computer viruses. The compression ratio of files depends on the program used, the compression method, and the type of the source file. Text files are compressed the best, executable program files are compressed much less. Archive files that are large in size can be placed in several parts (volumes). Such archives are called multivolume.

Most popular archive formats:

ZIP is an archive format based on compression algorithms proposed by Israeli mathematicians Lempel and Ziv. It is distinguished by an acceptable degree of information compression and a fairly high speed. (WinZip)

RAR - developed by Russian programmer Evgeny Roshal and allows you to get a compressed file size much smaller than ZIP, but the price is a longer archive processing process. (WinRar)

CAB - used in Microsoft products as a standard for packaging files, and its algorithm is a trade secret.

TAR is most widely used in Linux-based systems.

Antivirus software. One of the most effective ways to combat viruses is to use antivirus software. Antivirus program- a program designed to search, detect, classify and remove a computer virus and virus-like programs.

At the same time, it must be admitted that there are no antiviruses that guarantee one hundred percent protection against viruses, since for any antivirus algorithm it is always possible to offer a new virus algorithm that is invisible to this antivirus.

The most popular and effective antivirus programs are antivirus scanners, CRC scanners (auditors). There are also antivirus blockers and immunizers.

Scanners... The principle of operation of antivirus scanners is based on scanning files, sectors and system memory and searching them for known and new (unknown to the scanner) viruses. So-called "masks" are used to search for known viruses. A virus mask is a certain constant sequence of code specific to that particular virus. If the virus does not contain a permanent mask or the length of this mask is not long enough, then other methods are used. An example of such a method is an algorithmic language that describes all possible variants of the code that can be encountered when infected with this type of virus. This approach is used by some antiviruses to detect polymorphic viruses.

CRC scanners... The principle of operation of CRC scanners is based on the calculation of CRC-sums (checksums) for files / system sectors present on the disk. These CRC-sums are then saved in the anti-virus database, as well as some other information: file lengths, the date of their last modification, etc. At the next launch, the CRC scanners check the data contained in the database with the actual calculated values ... If the information about a file recorded in the database does not match the real values, then CRC scanners signal that the file has been modified or infected with a virus.
CRC scanners using anti-stealth algorithms react to almost 100% of viruses as soon as changes appear on the computer. A characteristic drawback of these antiviruses is the impossibility of detecting a virus from the moment it appears and until changes are made on the computer. CRC scanners cannot detect a virus in new files (in e-mail, on floppy disks, in recoverable files, or when unpacking files from an archive), because their databases do not have information about these files.

Blockers... Anti-virus blockers are memory resident programs that intercept "virus-dangerous" situations and notify the user about it. Virus-prone calls include calls to open for writing to executable files, writing to the boot sector of the disk, etc., which are typical for viruses at times of replication.
The advantages of blockers include their ability to detect and block a virus at the earliest stage of its reproduction, which, by the way, is very useful in cases when a well-known virus is constantly being activated.

Immunizers... Immunizers are divided into two types: immunizers that report infection and immunizers that block infection with any type of virus.

Graphics editor is a program designed to automate the processes of building graphic images on the display screen. Provides the ability to draw lines, curves, paint areas of the screen, create labels with different fonts, etc. For example: Word, MultiEdit, etc.

Text editor is a program used specifically for entering and editing text data.

This data can be a program or a document or book. Editable text is displayed on the screen and the user can make their own changes in the dialog mode, for example: Paint, Corel, iPhotoPlus, etc.

The main functions of text editors are:

Work with fragments of a document,

Inserting objects created in other programs

Pagination of the text of the document

Input and editing of tables

Input and editing of formulas

Paragraph formatting

Automatic creation of lists

Text editors are programs for creating, editing, formatting, saving and printing documents. A modern document may contain, in addition to text, other objects (tables, diagrams, pictures, etc.).

Editing- transformation, providing the addition, deletion, movement or correction of the content of the document. Editing a document is usually done by adding, removing, or moving characters or pieces of text.

Formatting- this is the design of the text

Graphics editor- a program (or software package) that allows you to create, edit and view images using a computer.

Text editors (Microsoft Word)

Text editors are special programs designed to work with documents (texts) that allow you to compose, format, edit texts when the user creates a document (Text editor = text input + editing). They usually include additional functions for working with blocks of text and objects.

Microsoft Word is one of the most powerful text editors designed for creating and formatting various types of text documents (reports, articles, business letters, multivolume encyclopedias, etc.). So what does this program give us? Convenience of typing, editing and text design; a large number of button icons for faster command execution; a developed system of ready-made or previously created design styles; great autocorrect feature when typing; Autocorrect means the automatic replacement of characters entered in a certain combination with other characters or symbols (simplifying the input of atypical characters from the keyboard. For example, when you enter :), an autocorrect to a character occurs). Quite convenient work with multi-column text layout; a fairly skillful system for working with tables; the ability to decorate the text with a variety of frames and lines, both horizontal and vertical; wrap text around any objects inserted into the document (pictures, tables, other texts); ample opportunities to create forms and templates of a wide variety of types, as well as Web pages. Word provides a wide range of tools for document design. In addition to headers and footers (labels at the top of the page (top) and at the bottom of the page (bottom)), you can use borders and fills. You can style a paragraph with a drop cap (Increased first letter of a paragraph that spans multiple lines).

Word provides additional features to make typing easier. If you need to enter a character that is not available on the current keyboard layout, you can use the "Symbol ..." item in the "Insert" menu. With the help of the opened window, the required characters are selected, switching fonts if necessary.

The user can add ready-made pictures, or draw autoshapes (rectangles, arrows, callouts, etc.). To insert curly inscriptions (WordArt) into the document, use the "WordArt Object" command. Using the toolbar that appears, you can select the type of inscription (from the collection), enter its text, set the shape and colors.

Graphic editors (Paint)

Graphic editors are a program for constructing and editing graphic images (figures, diagrams, drawings, etc.) on the display screen. They are divided into RFP: business graphics - programs are designed to graphically display data stored in spreadsheets or databases. These graphs allow you to visually display various numerical indicators in any form; illustrative - intended for obtaining illustrative material (illustrations). They are subdivided into vector and raster (point).

Bitmap packages are designed for working with photographs and include a set of tools for encoding photographic images into digital form. The recognized leader among the packages of this class is Adobe Photoshop. The packages Albus Photo Styler, Picture Publisher, Photo Works Plus are also known.

Packages for working with vector graphics are intended for professional work related to artistic and technical illustration with subsequent color printing (in the workplace of designers, for example). Includes: tools for creating graphic images; alignment tools (baseline and page, grid, intersection, nearest point, etc.); means for manipulating objects; text processing tools in terms of design and modification of paragraphs, work with various fonts; means of import (export) of graphic objects (files) of various formats; means for printing with the appropriate setting of the screen image for printing performance; color adjustment tools. The Corel Drow package is a kind of standard in this class. You can also note such packages as Adobe Illustrator, Albus Free Hand, Professional Drow.

Paint is a typical graphics editor that allows you to draw a set of standard geometric shapes (straight lines, polylines, ovals, circles, rectangles, polygons) and insert text into the drawing. Any closed shape can be filled with an arbitrary color or covered with a pattern (fill). Freehand lines can be drawn using the mouse (the cursor plays the role of a pencil or brush) and a graphics tablet. You can change the thickness and color of lines, the shape of the brush. You can use a spray bottle. To correct the image, there is a rectangular "eraser" of different sizes, which must be moved across the screen with the mouse. Any fragment of the image can be cut, copied and pasted to another place or another drawing. The number of colors depends on the capabilities of the video adapter and editor (usually from 16 to 256). There is a palette of colors. Left-click on the desired color, and the first square on the left side of the palette is colored with this color. Select the second color with the right button, the color of the second, lower square will immediately change (Why are there two of them? Everything that you draw with the left mouse button is drawn with the first color, and everything with the right - with the second (background)).

Archiving of information. Archivers.

Compression programs (packing files) are called archivers. Archiver- a program that performs data compression for compact storage in the form of an archive. Archivers are used in the following cases:

· When backing up information;

· When transferring information from one computer to another, if the data does not fit on an external medium.

· To increase free disk space.

· For communication networks. Compressed files with a smaller size are faster and more profitable.

Choosing an archiver, you need to be guided by its versatility and reliability, but do not forget, of course, about the main parameters - quality and compression speed.