Wordpad pages. How is Microsoft Word different from WordPad? Supported document formats

WordPad is a text editor included with the standard programs of Microsoft Windows operating systems starting with Windows 95. It has a wider range of tools than Notepad and is designed to prepare documents with simple formatting. Unlike Notepad, documents created in WordPad can contain different fonts, sizes, and color formatting of text. You can also insert various objects into WordPad documents: pictures, drawings, diagrams, video clips, music, and even sound effects. For a long period of time, there were no changes in the text editor WordPad (from the operating system Windows 95 to Windows Vista), but in Windows 7 the application interface was completely redesigned. From now on, the standard WordPad application has a ribbon-like interface similar to Microsoft Office 2007.

In this article I will talk about most of the innovations in the standard application of the Windows 7 operating system - the text editor WordPad.

Appearance and standard operations with the text editor WordPad

To open the text editor WordPad, you need to do the following:

  1. Press the menu button "Start", open item "All programs" and then open the folder "Standard" and choose "WordPad";
  2. Press the menu button "Start" and in the search field enter wordpad.exe and then left-click on the found object in the found results.

In the following screenshot, you can see the appearance of the WordPad text editor:

Operations with creating, opening and saving documents in the text editor WordPad

To perform the steps described below, you need to click on the WordPad button in the upper left corner of the application window.

Create a new document

By default, the name of the generated file is Document. Immediately after starting WordPad, its window is ready to create a new document. The text in this editor is typed in the same way as in any other text editor. To create a document, you need to do the following:

  1. Press the WordPad menu button
  2. Select item "Create"

Saving a document for the first time

  1. "Save"(or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S).
  2. In the dialog that appears "Save as" select the folder where the file is to be saved. If you want to save a file in a new folder, you can create it directly from this dialog using the context menu or the button "New folder" on the action bar. In field "File type" you need to select the desired file format. By default it is "RTF file".
  3. In field "File name" enter a name and click on the button "Save"... To cancel saving, click on the button "Cancel".

On subsequent saves of this file, the command "Save" will write the modified file over the old one, and to save the document as a new file, select the command in the WordPad menu "Save as", which will open a dialog box for saving the new revision under a different name and, if necessary, in a different folder.

The WordPad text editor allows you to save documents in the following formats:

File typeExtensionDescription
RTF file* .rtfSaving a document in RTF format
Office Open XML Document* .docxSaving a Document in Office Open XML Format (Microsoft Word 2007 Format)
Open Document Text* .odtSaving a document in Open Document format (Open Office format)
Plain text* .txtSave the document as plain text without applying line breaks and formatting
MS-DOS text document* .txtSave the document as plain text without line breaks and DOS-encoded formatting
Unicode text document* .txtSave the document as plain text without applying line breaks and Unicode formatting

Opening a document

Instead of creating a new document in WordPad, you can open an existing one and make changes to it. To view or edit a document, you need to open it. To do this, use the command "Open"... Do the following:

  1. Click on the WordPad button and then select the command "Open"(you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + O).
  2. In the dialog box "Open" moving through the directory tree, open the folder containing the required file. By default, the dialog box will display files with extensions * .rtf, * .docx, * .odt and * .txt... If the file you are looking for has a different extension, then you should select this type in the drop-down list "File type" or just select all documents *.* ... After the required document is found, you need to select it by clicking on it with the left mouse button, which will place its name in the line for entering the file name and click on the button "Open".

Sending a document by email

If you have an e-mail program installed and configured on your computer, you can attach a document to an e-mail message and send it to others by e-mail. In order to send a document by e-mail, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Save the document as described above.
  2. Click on the WordPad button and select the command "Send by e-mail".
  3. In the mail client installed by default, you need to specify the recipient's e-mail address, the subject of the letter and enter some text describing the attachment. Now you can send a message with an attached document.

In the next screenshot, you can see the menu that opens by clicking on the WordPad button.

Supported document formats

In WordPad, you can open and save simple text documents ( TXT files), text documents with formatting (Rich Text Format - RTF files), Word documents ( DOCX files) and OpenDocument Text documents ( ODT files). Other document formats open in plain text and may not display correctly.

Formatting documents

Formatting is the way text is displayed and placed in a document, which is the assignment of various attributes to fragments of the document that determine the appearance of the text in these fragments. WordPad in Windows 7 provides very powerful tools for this. You can change the formatting parameters of individual characters, their groups, paragraphs. To change the formatting in your document, you can use the ribbon just below the title bar and, in some cases, keyboard shortcuts. For example, you can choose from a variety of fonts and their sizes, giving the text any color. It is also easy to change the alignment of the document.

Change the look of text in a document

To change the font design of the text, you need to use the buttons on the tab "Home" in a group "Font"... All changes will also apply to the newly typed text. If you need to change the font in a fragment of already typed text, then before changing the fragment, you must first select it. Group "Font" displayed in the following screenshot:

Using the drop-down list "Font family" and "Font size" you can choose a font and its size. Using the buttons "Increase…" and "Reduce size" you can change the size of the selected text. Buttons "Bold", "Italics", "Underlined", "Strikethrough", "Subscript" and "Superscript" are responsible for the style of the text. Using the buttons "Text Highlight Color" and "Text color" you can change the color for the selected text.

Change the alignment of text in a document

Paragraph formatting includes changing indentation, aligning text, and changing line spacing. Use the group to format paragraphs "Paragraph" which is located on the tab "Home"... All changes that are made to the paragraph formatting will be applied to the current paragraph and the newly typed ones. If you need to format an already typed paragraph, then you should place the cursor anywhere in this paragraph and perform formatting. Group "Paragraph" can be seen in the following screenshot:

This group contains the following buttons: Decrease Indent and "Increase Indent" are used to change the indentation of a paragraph. You can set bulleted lists using the button "Start List"... With the help of a group « Alignment» , which consists of four buttons, you can set the text alignment for any paragraph. The following alignment types are available: Left, Center, Right, and Width. Using the button "Line spacing" you can resize the spacing between lines in selected paragraphs.

Insert dates and pictures into documents

The appearance of a text document can be significantly improved by adding, for example, a picture to it. Complex texts become clearer if they contain diagrams, graphs, formulas. The WordPad text editor, starting with Windows 95, supports Microsoft's OLE technology (a technology for linking and embedding objects into other documents and objects). To insert a date or picture, use the commands described below.

Insert the current date

In the text editor WordPad, you can insert the current date and time. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. In the tab "Home" in a group "Insert" you need to press the button "Date and time".
  2. In the dialog box that appears "Date and time" you need to select the required format and click on the button "OK"... Button "Date and time" as follows:

Insert picture

The text editor WordPad has the ability to search and insert ready-made drawings from a file. Like any object, an object embedded in a document has its own context menu that allows you to perform various actions with it. The dimensions of the embedded object can be changed. To do this, select it by clicking the left mouse button. A frame will appear around the object, indicating that the object is selected. There are sizing handles on the sides and corners of the frame. When you hit any of them, the mouse cursor will take the shape of a double arrow, which will allow you to change the size of the object by simply dragging. In order to insert an image, you need to do the following:

  1. In the tab "Home" in a group "Insert" you need to press the button "Image".
  2. In the dialog box that appears, you need to find the picture you want to insert and click on the button "Open".

Insert a picture

If none of the pictures on the computer is suitable, then you can create your own by choosing for this "Drawing Paint"... A graphical editor window will open MS Paint, in which, using the proposed tools and a set of paints, you should create the drawing you need. In order to insert a Paint picture, you need to do the following:

In the tab "Home" in a group "Insert" push the button "Drawing Paint".

View documents

Thanks to the new and intuitive interface of the Windows 7 Word Pad text editor, resizing documents is much easier than before. Field Scale allows you to change the scale of the display of characters in the document. Use the commands below to view documents.

Zoom in or out

In the tab "View" in a group "Scale" push the button "Increase" or "Decrease".

The default scale is 100%. To view the actual size of the document, use the following action:

In the tab "View" in a group "Scale" push the button "100%".

Ruler display

The formatting bar allows you to quickly and visually manage formatting options and get information about them. To change the parameters, you need to drag the corresponding indicator (marker) with the mouse.

Compared to previous versions, the appearance of the ruler is improved, located, as before, in the upper part of the editing window. The new line contains the following components:

  1. Tab point icon
  2. Left margin indicator;
  3. Paragraph left indent indicator;
  4. First line indent indicator
  5. Tab stop;
  6. Paragraph right indent indicator;

In order to display the ruler, you need on the tab "View" in a group Show or Hide set checkbox to "Ruler".

Change the unit of measure for the ruler

In addition to placing markers on the ruler, you can change the units of measurement in it. To do this, you need on the tab "View" in a group "Options" push the button "Units" and select the required units.

Displaying the status bar

The status bar is a panel at the bottom of the window designed to display auxiliary information: parameters of the document the user is working with, hints to menu items, etc. To enable / disable the status bar, you need on the tab "View" in a group Show or Hide set checkbox to "Status bar".

To zoom in or out of the image, you can use the buttons "Increase" or "Decrease" on the zoom slider at the bottom of the WordPad window

Change the word wrap options

The text editor WordPad has a built-in mechanism for automatic word wrapping for Russian and English. To use this option, you need on the tab "View" in a group "Options" push the button Word Wrap and select the required parameter.

Changing page margins

Before resizing the page and its margins, make sure the printer can print the page. Every printer requires that the margins be at least a certain value. The default page settings always match the specifications of the printer installed on the system.

To view the page parameters, you need to click on the button WordPad and then choose "Page settings"... After that, in the dialog that opens, you can select the required parameters. This dialog is displayed in the following screenshot:

Printing documents

To use the printing functions in the text editor WordPad, you need to open the menu WordPad and choose "Seal", and then use those parameters that are necessary for further work. Before printing, you can use the preview function to see how the document will look when printed and whether all the requirements for its printing have been met.


In this article, I talked about the updated standard program of the Windows 7 operating system - the text editor WordPad. One of the most important updates was the change of the user interface, which closely resembles the interface of the Microsoft Office 2007 applications. Now working with the text editor WordPad has become much easier and more enjoyable.

with text editor WordPad

Like Notepad, WordPad is present in all versions of Windows starting
with Windows 95. WordPad has more features than Notepad, but at the same time it is significantly inferior to multifunctional word processing packages like Microsoft Word. WordPad has a broader set of tools than Notepad and is designed to prepare documents with simple formatting.

What is WordPad?

What is WordPad?

Unlike Notepad, documents created in WordPad can contain different fonts, sizes, and color formatting of text. You can also insert various objects into WordPad documents: pictures, drawings, diagrams, video clips, music, and even sound effects. In different versions of Windows, an open WordPad document looks different, but the capabilities are the same. On this page, we will take a look at an open WordPad document in Windows Vista and Windows 7.

WordPad is a text editor that allows you to edit long text in a document. It provides the ability to work with existing or new files. WordPad is a standard program in the Windows XP operating system. With it, you can open and read documents created in the word processor Microsoft Word.


To start the Editor, open the start menu and call the WordPad command from the submenu of standard programs. The working window of the editor will appear on the screen, the main menu is located under the title bar, which provides access to the main commands of the program. Below the menu bar is the control panel, which provides more convenient access to the most frequently used commands. A measuring ruler is located under the toolbar, with the help of which the text is formatted, in the lower part of the program window there is a status line that displays hints for service information.


To create a new document, open the file start menu, call the Create command from it, a menu will appear on the screen, in which you need to select the type of encoding for the file being created, while three file formats are supported. After the type is set, click the OK button, now you can start entering text. To set the text formatting parameters, for example, the type of font, its size or color, use the formatting panel; to enable it, open the View main menu item, and from it call the Formatting panel command.

To change the parameters of an already entered text block, select it and specify new parameters.


In order to save the typed text, open the file menu item, and from it call the save command, the screen will display a standard file saving dialog in which you must enter a name for the file to be saved and press the confirmation button.


To print text, open the file menu item, and from it call the print command, a dialog box for specifying print parameters will appear, after all of them are specified, press the confirm button, and the document will be printed.

The most famous office application for creating and editing documents is undoubtedly Microsoft Word. On computers and laptops preinstalled with Windows 10, it is sometimes included in the software package that comes with the operating system.

A demo version is offered, which can be used for a certain period of time free of charge. There is also a preinstalled WordPad program. At first glance, it has a lot in common with Word: they have a similar interface, they both open .doc and .docx files and are able to edit them. Many users confuse them and are surprised when they cannot find any function in WordPad that is only in Word. The fact is that Microsoft Word and WordPad are not the same thing, but what are the differences between them, read below.

1. A different class of programs

Despite the similar interface and functions, programs belong to different software categories. Word is a complete office document editor. WordPad is a text editor designed for much simpler tasks.

2. Functionality

Functionality WordPad

Word has much more functionality. This, however, is obvious: if you look at the interface of the two programs, you can see that Word has it much more extensive. Accordingly, there are also more functions in it. Here, the appearance of the document can be changed beyond recognition, and WordPad makes it possible to only slightly edit the text, changing the type, font style and size, changing its color and inserting images into the document. As a result, many documents created in Word may not display correctly in WordPad. There may be no formatting in places. If a lot of its different tools have been applied, then the document may even be displayed as a blank Word page.
It is noteworthy that WordPad does not support older document formats. All versions of Windows after XP do not support the .doc format.

3. Distribution format

WordPad is a free program that comes with the operating system since Windows 95. Word is a paid program. There has never been a free version of it, nor do they exist at the moment.
The question of what are the differences between Microsoft Word and WordPad is similar to the question of the differences between a calculator and a full-fledged computer. Both are calculating machines, but the former is much more advanced. The same is observed here. The range of application of Microsoft Word goes far beyond the personal interests of a particular person. It is used by many of the largest corporations to solve serious and large problems. In the extended office suites, in addition to it, there are various services and services (for example, a place in the cloud service), which simplify the work with serious projects. Naturally, developers ask to pay for such a powerful tool.
WordPad is only suitable for creating text documents, which, however, can be made a little more beautiful and presentable than those created by very simple editors like Notepad. Also, WordPad helps out well in situations when you need to quickly view a DOCX file, and there is no Word program on your computer. Of course, there may be display problems, but in most cases they are insignificant and hardly interfere with viewing. Naturally, the program is absolutely free. Agree, it would be strange to demand money for such an application. No additional services are provided to it, since this is simply not necessary.

WordPad is a text editor. =============================== Unlike Notepad, documents created in WordPad can contain different fonts, sizes, and color formatting of text. You can also insert various objects into WordPad documents: pictures, drawings, diagrams, video clips, music, and even sound effects.

To open the text editor WordPad, you need to do the following:

  1. Press the menu button "Start", open item "All programs" and then open the folder "Standard" and choose "WordPad";
  2. Press the menu button "Start" and in the search field enter wordpad.exe and then left-click on the found object in the found results.

In the following screenshot, you can see the appearance of the WordPad text editor:

Operations with creating and saving documents in the text editor WordPad

To perform the steps described below, you need to click on the WordPad button in the upper left corner of the application window.

Create a new document

By default, the name of the generated file is Document. Immediately after starting WordPad, its window is ready to create a new document. The text in this editor is typed in the same way as in any other text editor. To create a document, you need to do the following:

  1. Press the WordPad menu button
  2. Select item "Create"

Saving a document for the first time

  1. "Save"(or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S).
  2. In the dialog that appears "Save as" select the folder where the file is to be saved. If you want to save a file in a new folder, you can create it directly from this dialog using either the button "New folder" on the action bar. In field "File type" you need to select the desired file format. By default it is "RTF file".
  3. In field "File name" enter a name and click on the button "Save"... To cancel saving, click on the button "Cancel".

On subsequent saves of this file, the command "Save" will write the modified file over the old one, and to save the document as a new file, select the command in the WordPad menu "Save as", which will open a dialog box for saving the new revision under a different name and, if necessary, in a different folder

The WordPad text editor allows you to save documents in the following formats:

File typeExtensionDescription
RTF file* .rtfSaving a document in RTF format
Office Open XML Document* .docxSaving a Document in Office Open XML Format (Microsoft Word 2007 Format)
Open Document Text* .odtSaving a document in Open Document format (Open Office format)
Plain text* .txtSave the document as plain text without applying line breaks and formatting
MS-DOS text document* .txtSave the document as plain text without line breaks and DOS-encoded formatting
Unicode text document* .txtSave the document as plain text without applying line breaks and Unicode formatting

Opening a document

Instead of creating a new document in WordPad, you can open an existing one and make changes to it. To view or edit a document, you need to open it. To do this, use the command "Open".

Do the following:

  1. Click on the WordPad button and then select the command "Open"(you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + O).
  2. In the dialog box "Open" moving through the directory tree, open the folder containing the required file. By default, the dialog box will display files with extensions * .rtf, * .docx, * .odt and * .txt... If the file you are looking for has a different extension, then you should select this type in the drop-down list "File type" or just select all documents *.* ... After the required document is found, you need to select it by clicking on it with the left mouse button, which will place its name in the line for entering the file name and click on the button "Open".

Sending a document by email

If you have an e-mail program installed and configured on your computer, you can attach a document to an e-mail message and send it to others by e-mail. In order to send a document by e-mail, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Save the document as described above.
  2. Click on the WordPad button and select the command "Send by e-mail".
  3. In the mail client installed by default, you need to specify the recipient's e-mail address, the subject of the letter and enter some text describing the attachment. Now you can send a message with an attached document.

In the next screenshot, you can see the menu that opens by clicking on the WordPad button.

Supported document formats

In WordPad, you can open and save simple text documents ( TXT files), text documents with formatting (Rich Text Format - RTF files), Word documents ( DOCX files) and OpenDocument Text documents ( ODT files). Other document formats open in plain text and may not display correctly.

Formatted documents

Formatting is the way text is displayed and placed in a document, which is the assignment of various attributes to fragments of the document that determine the appearance of the text in these fragments. WordPad in Windows 7 provides very powerful tools for this. You can change the formatting parameters of individual characters, their groups, paragraphs. To change the formatting in your document, you can use the ribbon just below the title bar and, in some cases, keyboard shortcuts. For example, you can choose from a variety of fonts and their sizes, giving the text any color. It is also easy to change the alignment of the document.

Change the look of text in a document

To change the font design of the text, you need to use the buttons on the tab "Home" in a group "Font"... All changes will also apply to the newly typed text. If you need to change the font in a fragment of already typed text, then before changing the fragment, you must first select it. Group "Font" displayed in the following screenshot:

Using the drop-down list "Font family" and "Font size" you can choose a font and its size. Using the buttons "Increase…" and "Reduce size" you can change the size of the selected text. Buttons "Bold", "Italics","Underlined", "Strikethrough", "Subscript" and "Superscript" are responsible for the style of the text. Using the buttons "Text Highlight Color" and "Text color" you can change the color for the selected text.

Change the alignment of text in a document

Paragraph formatting includes changing indentation, aligning text, and changing line spacing. Use the group to format paragraphs "Paragraph" which is located on the tab "Home"... All changes that are made to the paragraph formatting will be applied to the current paragraph and the newly typed ones. If you need to format an already typed paragraph, then you should place the cursor anywhere in this paragraph and perform formatting. Group "Paragraph" can be seen in the following screenshot:

This group contains the following buttons: Decrease Indent and "Increase Indent" are used to change the indentation of a paragraph. You can set bulleted lists using the button "Start List"... With the help of a group « Alignment» , which consists of four buttons, you can set the text alignment for any paragraph. The following alignment types are available: Left, Center, Right, and Width. Using the button "Line spacing" you can resize the spacing between lines in selected paragraphs.

Insert dates and pictures into documents

The appearance of a text document can be significantly improved by adding, for example, a picture to it. Complex texts become clearer if they contain diagrams, graphs, formulas. The WordPad text editor, starting with Windows 95, supports Microsoft's OLE technology (a technology for linking and embedding objects into other documents and objects). To insert a date or picture, use the commands described below.

Insert the current date

In the text editor WordPad, you can insert the current date and time. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. In the tab "Home" in a group "Insert" you need to press the button "Date and time".
  2. In the dialog box that appears "Date and time" you need to select the required format and click on the button "OK"... Button "Date and time" as follows:

Insert picture

The text editor WordPad has the ability to search and insert ready-made drawings from a file. Like any object, an object embedded in a document has its own context menu that allows you to perform various actions with it. The dimensions of the embedded object can be changed. To do this, select it by clicking the left mouse button. A frame will appear around the object, indicating that the object is selected. There are sizing handles on the sides and corners of the frame. When you hit any of them, the mouse cursor will take the shape of a double arrow, which will allow you to change the size of the object by simply dragging. In order to insert an image, you need to do the following:

  1. In the tab "Home" in a group "Insert" you need to press the button "Image".
  2. In the dialog box that appears, you need to find the picture you want to insert and click on the button "Open".

Insert a picture

If none of the pictures on the computer is suitable, then you can create your own by choosing for this "Drawing Paint"... A graphical editor window will open MS Paint, in which, using the proposed tools and a set of paints, you should create the drawing you need. In order to insert a Paint picture, you need to do the following:

In the tab "Home" in a group "Insert" push the button "Drawing Paint".

View documents

Thanks to the new and intuitive interface of the Windows 7 Word Pad text editor, resizing documents is much easier than before. Field Scale allows you to change the scale of the display of characters in the document. Use the commands below to view documents.

Zoom in or out

In the tab "View" in a group "Scale" push the button "Increase" or "Decrease".

The default scale is 100%. To view the actual size of the document, use the following action:

In the tab "View" in a group "Scale" push the button "100%".

Ruler display

The formatting bar allows you to quickly and visually manage formatting options and get information about them. To change the parameters, you need to drag the corresponding indicator (marker) with the mouse.

Compared to previous versions, the appearance of the ruler is improved, located, as before, in the upper part of the editing window. The new line contains the following components:

  1. Tab point icon
  2. Left margin indicator;
  3. Paragraph left indent indicator;
  4. First line indent indicator
  5. Tab stop;
  6. Paragraph right indent indicator;

In order to display the ruler, you need on the tab "View" in a group Show or Hide set checkbox to "Ruler".

Change the unit of measure for the ruler

In addition to placing markers on the ruler, you can change the units of measurement in it. To do this, you need on the tab "View" in a group "Options" push the button "Units" and select the required units.

Displaying the status bar

The status bar is a panel at the bottom of the window designed to display auxiliary information: parameters of the document the user is working with, hints to menu items, etc. To enable / disable the status bar, you need on the tab "View" in a group Show or Hide set checkbox to "Status bar".

To zoom in or out of the image, you can use the buttons "Increase" or "Decrease" on the zoom slider at the bottom of the WordPad window

Change the word wrap options

The text editor WordPad has a built-in mechanism for automatic word wrapping for Russian and English. To use this option, you need on the tab "View" in a group "Options" push the button Word Wrap and select the required parameter.

Resize the page

Before resizing the page and its margins, make sure

in the printer's ability to print such a page.

Every printer requires a minimum margin of

a certain value. Page parameters set by

by default, always correspond to the characteristics of the installed

on the printer system.

To view the page parameters, you need to click on the button WordPad and then choose "Page settings"... After that, in the dialog that opens, you can select the required parameters.

This dialog is displayed in the following screenshot:

To use the printing functions in the text editor WordPad, you need to open the menu WordPad and choose "Seal", and then use those parameters that are necessary for further work. Before printing, you can use the preview function to see how the document will look when printed and whether all the requirements for its printing have been met.

Printing of documents.