How to participate in electronic trading? Participation in an electronic auction: step-by-step instructions Participation in an electronic auction for Sberbank ast.

If you decide to take part in electronic auction: to perform work, provide services or deliver goods for a state customer, read 44-FZ. Step-by-step instructions on how to participate in electronic bidding of 10 steps: from obtaining an EDS and accreditation at the site, to submitting an application and signing a contract.

Receive EDS and accreditation for the auction

Any legal entity, individual entrepreneur or individual can take part in the electronic auction.

If you have an auction planned and have no experience, we are ready to help:

Features of the electronic auction

How is the auction going and how to participate in electronic trading step-by-step algorithm:

The timing of an electronic auction at a price of up to 3 million rubles and over 3 million is different. 7 days and 15 days are given to submit applications.

Step 1. Obtaining an EDS for trading

To participate in electronic auctions, you must obtain an electronic signature for the auction. EDS is issued within 30 minutes and is valid for 1 year.

After receiving the EDS, you need to set up your computer and Internet browser to work on the electronic site.

Get an electronic signature

When the EDS is received, it is required to undergo accreditation on the electronic site where the auction is announced in electronic form.

There are six sites for participation in electronic auctions under 44-FZ:

Accreditation at each site is separate. The list of documents is the same, and the requirements for paperwork are different. The accreditation period is 3 years.

The platform takes a decision on accreditation up to 5 working days. This is often a rejection. Then you need to make corrections and wait again for 5 days.

If time is short, go through accelerated accreditation from 1 hour.

Get accreditation at the site

Now you can take part in any auction on the site where you received accreditation.

Step 3. Preparing a bid for the auction

To participate in the electronic auction, you need to prepare an application. Requirements for documents and filling out forms are defined in the auction documentation.

How to fill in the application for participation in the auction. There are two parts to the application. The first part contains anonymized files and forms: consent, technical part (form 2). In the second part, the documents of the organization are required: TIN, questionnaire, declarations, powers of attorney, SRO, licenses.

Both parts of the application are uploaded to trading platform simultaneously. Each document must be signed with an EDS.

Assistance in preparing an application

After confirmation of accreditation, the electronic platform opens a personal account. Funds are transferred to it to secure the bid for the auction.

The amount of security for each auction is set by the customer in the range from 0.5% to 5% of the initial contract price. In case of winning and canceling the contract, these funds are withheld and transferred to the customer. Until an electronic auction takes place, this money will be blocked.

If you do not win, the collateral will be returned within 5 business days. If you win, then the application security will also be returned, but after the contract security has been entered and signed.

Step 5. Submitting an Auction Bid

An application for an auction can be submitted if funds to secure it have been credited to the personal account.

  • The electronic auction on the site is searched for by the registry number
  • Application forms are filled out in the personal account, documents are uploaded
  • Each file and the final application form are signed with a digital signature

After filing, each application is assigned a sequential number. On some sites, it corresponds to the number of applications submitted, and you can use it to determine how many participants there are. If there are doubts about the correctness of the documents, the application can be withdrawn and re-submitted. It will be assigned a new serial number.

Step 6. Consideration of the first parts of applications

The auction commission of the customer considers the first parts of the applications within 7 days and makes a decision: admit to electronic trading or reject. The name of the company in the first part is classified until the second parts are considered.

Based on the results of consideration on the site, a protocol is published with the numbers of applications and a decision on admission. Company names remain hidden.

Step 7. Participation in the electronic auction

In case of admission to the bidding procedure, it is important not to miss the time of the electronic auction. Usually this is the third working day after the publication of the admission protocol.

Confusion with time zones is possible. The auction can take place early in the morning or at night, and last for hours. You need a reliable internet and a backup channel, an uninterruptible power supply or a laptop (and Charger!), checking the functionality of the digital signature.

There are many more overlays than you might imagine.

How the auction is conducted. When a trading session opens on the site, participants can submit price offers. The auction step is from 0.5 to 5% of the initial contract price. Time for submitting a proposal is 10 minutes. After each new bet, 10 minutes are counted down anew.

You always have 10 minutes to decide on a new bet.

You can have time to drink a cup of coffee, make and agree on a decision. After ten minutes have elapsed since the last bid, the main trading ends. The first place is taken by the offer with the minimum price. But that is not all.

The second part of the trading session begins, where any participant can put a price outside the auction step and take second place.

There are 10 minutes for this. In case of rejection of the bid of the winner of the auction for the second parts, the contract will be signed with the next participant in turn. Submission in an electronic auction is an important step that increases the likelihood of winning.

Help in participating in the auction

Within three days after the end of the auction, the customer reviews the second parts of the bids and publishes the final protocol.

The winner's application can be rejected for the second part, then the contract goes to the next participant. This is why it is important to rank second in the bidding process if you cannot offer the best price.

Step 9. Securing the contract: bank guarantee

Before signing the contract, the winning company must deposit cash collateral to the customer's account or receive and upload a bank guarantee (BG) to the electronic platform. Securing the contract ensures that the supplier will fulfill all the conditions.

A bank guarantee is usually required for an amount of thirty percent of the initial maximum price. And in the case of a decrease in prices during trading by more than 25%, anti-dumping measures are applied and the collateral increases by 1.5 times.

Step 10. Signing the contract

The winner of the electronic auction signs a contract sent by the customer within 10 to 20 days.

Further, this contract is signed by the customer with his electronic signature... From this moment on, the contract is concluded and is legally binding. In paper form, not a single document is signed. After the successful signing of the contract, the electronic platform returns the application security.

Appealing to the FAS

If the auction application was rejected for an absurd reason, for example: due to errors in punctuation or the characteristics of the goods are indicated in the wrong order as in the notice, you need to protect your rights and file a complaint with the FAS.

It is for the possibility of appealing that the signing of the contract takes place no earlier than 10 days. If violations are detected, the protocols will be canceled, and the electronic auction will be held anew.

10 steps to participate in an electronic auction

Help with auctions

If this is your first time participating in an auction, there is a high risk of making a mistake. Many applications are rejected on formal grounds.

We will assist in the electronic auction, insure against annoying mistakes and carry out until the last stage.

  • Inform registry number auction
  • EDS and accreditation on the site
  • We will assess the situation, customer requirements, terms
  • Even in difficult cases, a solution can be found, do not waste time!

Electronic auction training

Hands-on training is useful for understanding the process of participating in electronic auctions, recent changes in legislation, joining theory and practice.

An individual approach will allow you to find and disassemble auctions in your industry, identify pitfalls.

You will feel more confident and receive specialist support in the form of consultations and verification of applications.

Auctions support

Tender support will be appreciated by companies that want to systematically participate in electronic auctions and regularly conclude government contracts.

Transfer the tasks of participating in electronic trading to specialists, use time and energy to grow your business.

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How to participate in electronic trading

Relatively recently, Russian businessmen had a unique opportunity to conduct trades through electronic platforms. Entrepreneurs of any level can take part in such transactions without leaving the doorstep of their office.

What is electronic trading

With the help of this type of bidding, you can sell your service or products to organizations of a budgetary or state nature, which have resorted to the purchase of goods through this type of auction.

Customers such as OJSC Gazprom, Rusnano, OJSC MTS, State Corporation Rosatom, etc. long ago switched to a similar form of purchasing goods.

Electronic bidding involves the selection of a supplier. The process of buying and selling takes place through special sites on the Internet.

The law also provides for the sale of the state of bankrupt companies. If you are interested in buying a property on favorable terms, an electronic auction will come to the rescue.

Electronic auctions, the main purpose of which is to receive an order at the state level, are held at federal sites. Customers who comply with the 223-FZ format can resort to the form of procurement based on electronic trading.

Pros of participating in electronic trading

  1. For entrepreneurs, such a project is convenient in that it allows them to maintain anonymity and take remote participation. Each trading participant has its own number, which does not allow influencing the course of trading. In addition, electronic trading does not involve any paperwork.
  2. There is no prequalification for this form of auction. This means that suppliers do not need to argue for the availability of sufficient resources to fulfill the contract. It is mandatory to ensure participation in the auction (5% of the initial rate). In case of non-fulfillment of the contract, money is lost.
  3. There are also positive aspects for customers. They have the right to announce one tender and conclude a number of contracts. Only the winner is charged by the platform.


  1. Open auction. Participants submit proposals for the price. The winner is the one who manages to set the optimal price.
  2. Auction for a fall. The customer announces the size of the required services and the highest initial price. Participants offer to fulfill the order at the most reasonable price.
  3. Promotion auction. In this case, the winner is the one who places the highest price. This form of auction is applicable when renting premises or selling property.

It should be noted that a variety of purchases are carried out through electronic auctions.

In addition to the auction, there are electronic forms such as:

  • contest;
  • request for proposals;
  • request for quotes.

The rules for such forms are regulated. The participant is given the opportunity to choose a suitable type of bidding for him.

Electronic digital signature

Electronic bidding is supported by an appropriate set of documentation. An electronic signature (CEP) is a guarantee that you are not involved in a scam. CEP has a legal basis.

The signature key corresponds to the marketplaces:

  • federal level;
  • commercial category, which are part of the Association of Electronic Trading Platforms.

How to participate

  1. Registration is required initially. At the time of the auction, you should enter the trading platform using an electronic signature.
  2. At the beginning of the auction, participants have the opportunity to offer their value by filling in special form on the site.
  3. Typically, the duration of the auction is 15 minutes. In 10 minutes, participants must have time to make their proposal. The end of the auction is marked by the highest value proposition. It is victorious.
  4. The customer sets the maximum price mark and cannot be offered above it. It is impossible to offer a price higher than that of other participants. The winner is the one who offers the lowest price.
  5. If the winner of the auction does not have an SRO admission and documentation allowing participation, then the winner will be the participant who turns out to be the second.

What you need to participate in electronic trading

For enterprises to participate, it is required:

  • Presentation of an electronic digital signature certificate.
  • Providing an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, legally certified.
  • Installing the required software.
  • Passing by the enterprise of accreditation on trading platforms in electronic form. With a signature, this service is offered free of charge. Go to the e-trading site and fill out the required form and application to open an account. In this case, all the necessary documentation.
  • Not all certified participants are aware of the rules for conducting electronic trading. All the nuances require clarification, so lectures are held every week, giving an opportunity to practice. At the end of the training, the participant takes a certificate.
  • Participation in electronic trading must be supported by the presence of a certain amount Money on the account of the organization. Otherwise, the application is automatically rejected.
  • To participate in the competition, you must adhere to the existing regulations when filling out the application. The application is composed of two parts. The first part is subject to review within 5 days. Only after that a decision will be made on the participation of the organization in the competition.
  • The second part of the application is subject to review by the final committee. It takes about 6 days to review them.

Which electronic platform to choose

Electronic platforms are of commercial and federal level. The first type is represented by a wider range.

  • In order to be a supplier of commercial customers to Rusnano, GK Rosatom, OJSC Gazprom, you need to use the platform that deals with this type of trading, Fabrikant, B2B-Center, TZS Electra, etc.
  • For the purchase of property of bankrupt companies, they resort to using Sberbank-AST, Russian Auction House, uTender, SELT, etc.
  • State-level sites have acquired a high level of popularity among businessmen. Purchases of this nature are ranked by businessmen as the most profitable.

Commercial-type sites are subdivided into:

  • Specialized, serving the needs of a number of companies. For example, Gazprom's electronic platform sells petroleum products.
  • Multidisciplinary, offering a wide range of products and services. These sites allow you to be both a customer and a supplier. In this case, no restrictions are imposed.
  • Large corporations that have an interest in selling their products use Supplier-driven.
  • There are also sites of an intermediary nature. Their main goal is to bring together who buys and who sells. They are classified as Third-party-driven.

Commercial sites do not require accreditation and sometimes you do not even need an electronic signature.

How to participate in electronic trading "Sberbank AST"

The function of Sberbank - Automated Trading System includes the sale of property of companies that have fallen into bankruptcy. These include companies, the total debt of which is more than 100,000 rubles in case of non-payment within 3 months after the issuance of the arbitration order. The amount of debt of an individual entrepreneur should not exceed 50,000 rubles.

After a company or an entrepreneur is declared bankrupt, his property is seized.

After a court judgment is passed, the property is subject to appraisal. Then select the start date of the sale.

The Sberbank-AST site sells:

  • residential or commercial real estate;
  • production equipment;
  • Cars;
  • special purpose equipment;
  • land plots;
  • antiques;
  • precious items.

To participate in the "Sberbank - AST" site, get accredited and also become the owner of an electronic signature.

The application is considered within five days.

The deposit for participation in trading on the platform must not exceed 20% of the price of the lot. It is payable prior to the results of the bidding. Individuals use a card account. No deposits apply.

When paying the amount to the bank, receive a confirmation receipt, scan it and send it to the competition manager. This fee is refundable 5 days after the winner is announced. It is non-refundable if the request for withdrawal was submitted after the start of the auction, or if a departure from the rules is noticed after winning the auction.

A package of documents is also provided.

Legal entities are required to provide:

  • Scans of notarized copies of the Charter documents and certificates of registration and tax registration.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • Minutes drawn up by the CEO giving the go-ahead to the deal.

Individuals are required to provide:

  • A copy of your passport.
  • Tax registration certificate.
  • Statement of consent of one of the spouses to make a deal.
  • if an individual does not have a family, a supporting certificate is also required.

After providing the proper documentation, proceed to filling out the application.

Individuals must submit:

  • passport data;
  • information about registration.

Legal entities provide:

  • company name and type of organization;
  • the mailing address of the company and its telephones are also required;
  • providing information on interests in the property of the debtor / creditor and their participation in the capital;
  • proposal for the value of the enterprise (if the bidding takes on a closed form).

The entrepreneur monitors the bidding process and proposes his bids. The auction site page is subject to self-renewal... Or you can use the form automatic update.

The system sets a price indicator equal to 5% of the indicated cost. Step from minimum value is 0.5%.

You can use the services of an auction robot, which automatically submits a bid for each new proposal of participants. All bids during the auction are subject to assignment of a serial number in accordance with the sequence of their receipt.

An offer sent from a PC is marked with a star. It is advised to record the progress of trading from the screen in order to prove to the FAS the fact of a computer malfunction in the event of a failure of the Internet. Record the exact time of the failure.

Time recording is extremely important. If the exact time is provided, trading is terminated until the resumption of electronic transactions by Sberbank-AST.

After the end of the bidding on the site, you can submit an additional bid. There is a struggle between the auction participants for the possession of the second place, which makes it possible to redeem the property of the bankrupt company, in the event of the refusal of the transaction by the owner of the first place.

When taking part in state-level tenders, haste is not the best advisor. Every day a lot of interesting offers are launched in Russia. It is wiser to skip a proposal that does not inspire confidence and better prepare for the next proposal.

There are situations of a different nature. Proposals that are interesting for your company arise in parallel. Apply for everything at once.

The results of trading on electronic platforms are recorded. After its publication, each bidder has the right to enter a written explanation of the result. In case of dissatisfaction with the explanations, you have the right to appeal the results of the auction by filing an official complaint with the FAS.

If you are the winner of the auction, you will receive a draft contract executed in electronic form and certified by an electronic signature.

How to take part in electronic trading: expanding business horizons

To read it you need: 3 minutes.

In the 21st century, the struggle for a client is being waged on the fields of the electronic space, and this will surprise no one. Any Russian entrepreneur can currently take part in auctions on the electronic platform and receive a solid order. However, this opportunity appeared relatively recently, and not all of them managed to “work out” new business tools.

It is not difficult to master the procedure for participating in electronic trading. Having slowly familiarized yourself with the basic terms and principles, having studied the legislation, turning to professional consultants in this area for help, you can become not just one of the new bidders, but also their winner.

Forms of electronic trading

The sphere of electronic trading at the state level is regulated by Federal Laws dated April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ and dated July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ, but the term itself is not legally enshrined. In what follows, we will understand it as an electronic supplier selection procedure. This procedure can be implemented as follows:

  • Competition in electronic form. Conducted by the customer or his authorized person (organization). Requirements for the subject of procurement and suppliers are set out in the tender documentation. It also contains information on the criteria for choosing a winner and the procedure for the competition. According to the established rules, the participants fill out applications for participation. The competition is declared invalid if there is only one application. If information about the competition was published on the customer's website, in the media, in specialized publications, it is called open. You can take part in closed tenders only at the invitation of the customer. Competitions are organized for the procurement of goods and services according to the individual requirements of the customer. The competition is held in cases where price is not the only criterion for choosing a winner. The minimum deadline for accepting applications is 20 days from the opening of the competition.
  • Request for proposals in electronic form. The customer can contact a specific supplier (one or more) by requesting a commercial proposal. This is advisable for small amounts of purchases. In such cases, the customer's expenses for holding tenders and auctions may be significantly higher than the price of the purchased product, and it is more convenient to negotiate directly.
  • Request for quotations in electronic form. It is used when purchasing large quantities of standard goods, for example, metal brackets of a given size. In this case, a request for quotations is published in the public domain, and anyone can send their price offer to the customer within a specified period. It does not require the creation of tender documentation, the requirements for the product are clear to everyone, as a rule, they are spelled out in GOSTs and in other regulatory and technical documentation.
  • Electronic auction (the term is enshrined in law). It is carried out on electronic trading platforms accredited by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. The procedure for conducting electronic auctions is spelled out in Articles 59-71, paragraph 2 of Chapter 3 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ dated April 5, 2013. All information about the auction and its results is placed in the public domain directly on electronic platforms. Compared to an electronic tender, the auction involves less documentation and more stringent procedures regulated by law. The difference between closed and open auctions is that the procurement participants do not know the bids of other participants. In open auctions, each application becomes known to all participants. The selection criterion in an electronic auction is only the price of the contract.

Participation in electronic tenders consists of several standard stages; in the case of electronic tenders and auctions, the procedure is longer and more formalized.

Stages of electronic competitions and auctions

So, what is the organization of electronic trading and how to participate in them?

  1. Notifying interested organizations about a tender or auction, providing the necessary tender documentation.
  2. Acceptance of applications. The application for participation consists of two parts. The first part with formal data about the company and the financial security of the application is considered by the operator of the electronic platform (within 5 days) and the customer. Based on the results, a decision is made on the admission of the organization to participate in the tender / auction. The second part of the application, containing a commercial proposal, is already considered by the tender committee of the customer.
  3. Consideration of applications admitted to the tender / auction. Since the electronic platform has already checked the participant's compliance with the bidding requirements and the correctness of filling out the application, the customer can only compare the prices and quality characteristics of the offered goods or services.
  4. Selection of the winner. The commission of the customer draws up a tender table, in which information about the participants is entered in descending order of price or other criteria. The first in the list is the winner, he is sent a notification of the victory and a draft contract, certified by the electronic signature of the customer. If for any reason the winner refuses to sign the contract, the amount previously paid by the winner to secure the contract is withheld in favor of the customer, and the proposal to sign the contract is sent to the next participant in the table. The latter can refuse to sign the contract without any sanctions.

In order to avoid disruption of the terms of concluding the contract, the participants are carefully checked by the electronic platform. In addition, there is such a measure of influence as entering in the register of unscrupulous suppliers (RNP).

Conditions for participation in electronic trading

Enterprises that are ready to submit the following documents are allowed to electronic auction:

  • Electronic digital signature certificate.
  • A document confirming the rights of the owner of the certificate.
  • A legally certified extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • Statutory documents of the participating company.

These documents will be required when filling out the application for accreditation on the electronic trading platform. An application for opening an account is also submitted, where the organization will transfer the security for applications for participation in electronic trading. Without cash collateral, applications are rejected automatically. Organizations listed in the RNP are also not allowed to participate in electronic trading. Please note that accreditation on electronic platforms is valid for 3 years, and the electronic signature certificate must be renewed once a year.

Choosing a site

You can become a participant in electronic trading using the following platforms:

  • Commercial. They are specialized and multidisciplinary. By registering on a commercial electronic trading platform, your company can either offer its own products and services, or look for contractors. In total, there are more than 240 such sites in Russia, the most popular are ETP Gazprombank, Fabrikant, and B2B-Center. Initially, commercial sites had significantly fewer requirements for bidders; many did not request either accreditation or a certified electronic signature. However, this reduced the security of transactions. As a result, commercial sites with more stringent conditions turned out to be the most competitive. Commercial sites are chosen by those who, for whatever reason, do not seek to receive a government order and prefer less formalized work under a contract.
  • State. There are only five of them: Sberbank-AST (Electronic platform of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation), ETP MICEX, RTS-tender, State Unitary Enterprise Agency for State Orders, Investment Activities and Interregional Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan, United Electronic Trading Platform ".
  • For the sale of property. Companies that have gone bankrupt can sell their property through electronic auctions. The main sites are Sberbank-AST, the Auction House of the Russian Federation, uTender, and SELT.

Algorithm for participation in electronic trading

To become a bidder, you must take the following sequence of actions:

  1. Obtaining an electronic digital signature (EDS) in accordance with the Regulations published on the website of the electronic trading platform. Having received the EDS, you must go through authorization on the site.
  2. Participant accreditation. Fill out the application form for accreditation, scan the documents prepared for accreditation, attach scanned copies to the application, certify it with an electronic signature and send it to the operator of the electronic site.
  3. Receive notification of accreditation or refusal. This takes 5 working days.
  4. For accredited users - submitting an application for participation in the auction. The application in two parts, drawn up according to the site regulations, is sent to the operator in the form of two separate electronic documents.
By the way! You may submit a request for clarification of the provisions of the auction documentation, but only before the deadline for submission of bids. Also, before this deadline, you can withdraw your application by sending a notification to the operator of the trading platform.
  1. Based on the results of consideration of the first parts of applications, you will receive admission to participate in the electronic auction or a refusal of admission.
  2. Participation in the auction in accordance with the relevant regulations of the electronic site.
  3. Obtaining a protocol on the results of trading.
  4. If you are recognized as the winner, you will have to go to the procedure for signing a contract through the operator's electronic document management system using EDS. The contract can be signed within a certain period (at least 10 calendar days).

Keep in mind that each electronic trading platform has its own nuances of work. In addition, unexpected changes in legislation are possible. Therefore, carefully study the regulations and check the news of your chosen site.

Participation in the tender on the electronic platform "Sberbank-AST": learning from examples

Reputable ETPs, as a rule, post instructions for participating in electronic trading on their websites. So, on the electronic site "Sberbank-AST" are available the recommended requirements for the workplace, computer software settings, instructions for information security, procedure instructions - from obtaining accreditation to concluding a contract. The actions of the procurement participants to prepare a package of documents in electronic form are also detailed in the instructions. For more effective work with the site, there are a number of training videos intended for participants and procurement organizers. Here are a few things to watch out for:

  • Consideration of an application for accreditation begins only after confirmation by the procurement participant of the address Email... Confirmation can be sent within 30 days after the request from the ETP.
  • The amount of security for the application for participation in the tender is established by the customer in the range from 0.5% to 5% of the initial maximum contract price. Users recommend to be careful with the "slider" on the site, so that instead of 0.5%, you do not accidentally send 5%. The difference sometimes amounts to hundreds of thousands of rubles. Although the balance can be returned to the current account indicated in the organization's card, such errors can cause a number of inconveniences.
  • If in the "Auctions" tab you have selected an auction that is already in progress, you will be taken to the trading floor. If the auction time has not come yet, you will only see the starting time.
  • If the application for participation in electronic trading on the Sberbank site is submitted correctly, the following marks should appear in the participant's personal account. Section "Outgoing documents" - information that the application has been filed, indicating the time. "Incoming documents" - notification of the receipt of an application under the assigned number for processing. "Personal account statement" - notification of blocking funds in the amount of collateral. "Auctions" - the application has been assigned the status "Application under consideration".

Government purchases- an interesting field of activity that promises a good profit. From the outside, it may seem difficult, especially for beginners, but in reality everything is completely different. For example, consider how to bid on an electronic auction Sberbank AST, which expert Valery Ovechkin will tell us about.

Suppose that you have already passed the registration process on the trading platform and are ready to try yourself in a new role - a participant in an electronic auction. It is worth immediately clarifying one important point regarding software. No, no additional applications are required, but there are strict browser requirements. Whichever you prefer to surf the Internet, you will have to use exclusively Internet Explorer to bid. Fortunately, it is included in purely pre-installed applications, so you don't need to look for anything specifically, although users often choose third-party products. But through other web browsers, alas, enter your personal account and compete for purchases will not work. This is the policy of the site. Perhaps something will change over time, but for now it is better to act with a proven method.

First, open the start page and select the "Login to your account" item. Next, you will be asked for a username and password, as well as your certificate. Important: on the right is the functionality for choosing a trading platform. Since we are interested in government purchases, then we choose the second - 44FZ, so as not to accidentally enter the universal trading floor, leaving the "Default" item active. Click "Login". If everything was configured correctly and no incorrect data was specified during registration, then the user is redirected directly to the personal account of his trading platform.

The next step is to enter the auction room. Hover the mouse cursor over the second item of the drop-down menu and select "Applications for participation in the auction". The register of auctions is presented in the form of a list, which briefly indicates all the basic information. purchases, including the results. Scrolling down the page and see that one of our orders has been sent to the trading floor, therefore, trading is currently underway for this lot, as symbolized by the characteristic hammer icon next to the order. We click on it and go directly to the trading floor.

On the next page, we will find detailed information about the auctions and the functionality that allows us to take part in them. Indicates the time until the end of the auction, price reduction, etc. Before proposing a new contract price, you should flip through the site page Sberbank AST just below and find the item responsible for automatic page refresh. By default, there can be almost a minute, which in this case is unacceptable, since it makes it impossible to quickly respond to a change in the situation. We set the minimum available update time - 10 seconds. Now you can go back to the auction itself and submit a price offer. For the convenience of the user, there are two options:

The amount is specified manually in the corresponding field

The amount is selected with a special slider.

Remember that by default on the site Sberbank AST set the maximum auction step when using the slider in the process of submitting a price offer.

When the required amount is entered, you need to click on the item

agree. To prevent similar warning windows from being created,

put a quotation mark in the corresponding cell. If the operation was successful, then on

auction page purchases will appear

an inscription about this, and your price will be displayed in the offers table (marked

asterisk). Actually, the move is made and it remains only to follow the development

events and react to the steps of opponents. It is possible that other participants

will immediately try to outbid your price, or they will wait almost until

expiration of the time limit. Let us remind you if within ten minutes your price

the offer remains the best, then the contract for government purchases in your pocket. Anyway, from a computer it is better

do not go far and look at the screen. Since we have chosen the minimum

page refresh interval, then playground Sberbank

AST will do everything automatically, promptly informing about any


As you can see, getting to grips with the basics and trying to get hold of an interesting contract isn't that hard. Moreover, the considered trading platform makes government purchases convenient for a variety of categories of potential participants.

Program for searching tenders on trading floors - AuSe scanner

Usage special program for example: can significantly increase the likelihood of winning in electronic trading.

This article was written based on materials from open Internet sources.

The universal trading platform Sberbank AST is an electronic type system created for holding open auctions at the federal level to obtain bidders the right to conclude government contracts for the supply of goods, performance of work and provision of services. The site is the leader in purchases in the domestic market, and is of great interest to many companies and individual entrepreneurs who want to get a profitable order. Those users who have an electronic digital signature and have been registered are eligible to apply for participation in the auction.

The service is regularly updated to improve existing services and add new features for its users

Before applying for the status of an accredited participant, you will need to collect documents according to the list and prepare them electronically. Practice shows that a package of documents prepared according to the requirements increases the applicant's chances of timely approval of the application. Otherwise, the application will be rejected and the user will have to re-submit it, wasting time.

4 main areas of work of the system

Legal entities and individuals have the right to connect to the service. Before going through the accreditation procedure for Sberbank AST, you should submit copies of the following documents:

for legal entities

  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities not older than six months;
  • constituent documentation;
  • power of attorney for the one who will be engaged in registration and bidding;
  • the protocol on the appointment to the post of director.

for individual entrepreneurs

  • TIN assignment certificate;
  • extract from EGRIP;
  • a document confirming the authority of the person involved in registration and trading, if the individual entrepreneur will not perform this function.

To work with the site, you need to equip your workplace based on the recommended requirements

for individuals

  • certificate from the Federal Tax Service on registration;
  • identity document;
  • if another person is registering and participating in the auction on behalf of an individual, a power of attorney will be required for him.

All documentation must be readable, every copy is sent to separate file(no more than 16 MB).

For successful accreditation, you will need to prepare a workplace. It must meet the following requirements:

  1. Pentium II processor (not lower);
  2. the volume of the hard disk is at least 2 GB;
  3. RAM not less than 32 MB;
  4. screen resolution - at least 1280 by 800;
  5. Windows 2000 SP 4 or XP SP 2 Professional and later versions are installed;
  6. editors for working with texts MS Office, MS Excel, WordPad;
  7. RAR, ZIP or WINZIP archivers;
  8. browser Internet Explorer at least version 8 or any other common application;
  9. for using digital signatures - Crypto Pro CSP 3.6 and Crypto-Pro Browser plugin
  10. install the User certificate and root certificate UC.

In addition to the documentation, the participant must have an electronic digital signature, which is the key: it is impossible to work in the system without it. And you will also need to install the root certificate of the CA and the User certificate.

Further registration takes place in the following order:

  1. the participant's EDS is initially checked;
  2. an application for participation is drawn up;
  3. checking e-mail;
  4. sending a signed application to the operator;
  5. the confirmation;
  6. access to the Personal Account.

How to register for Sberbank AST

All registration consists of going through two stages:

  • as a user in the open part of the site;
  • as a participant in the trade section.

The platform website has step-by-step instruction how to register

Let's consider how to independently register for Sberbank AST. The registration algorithm in the open part is as follows:

  1. go to the Sberbank AST website;
  2. go to "Registration with electronic signature";
  3. specify the participant form on the page for selecting organizations;
  4. then "Continue";
  5. on the page that opens, fill in the registration fields (a significant part of the information is in the certificate);
  6. to automatically fill in the rest of the information, you will need to select your certificate;
  7. as confirmation, click on the "Read" button;
  8. then you will need to download electronic copies of all documents;
  9. click "Attach", select the desired file with the document and open it, then download it;
  10. download all documentation in a similar way;
  11. after filling in all the fields of the form, be sure to check the correctness of filling;
  12. then click on the "Sign and Save" button.

The submitted application is sent to the operator for verification, which will take up to 5 days. After that, the potential participant receives a notification of the decision. After the application is approved and registration was successful, you can enter your Personal Account and submit an application in the trading sections.

It is very important to follow the order of the procedure and not make mistakes, as the application may be rejected and the user will not get a chance to participate in the auction.

Review of USP trading sections

Direct supply showcase - providing information to Russian and foreign suppliers, interaction between customers and suppliers in order to optimize the transaction process

Universal trading platform (USP) is a service for organizing trades without limiting lots and industries. Platform participants can act as organizers and, at the same time, participants. USP unites dozens of electronic trading sections into a single system.

The following trading sections are available to users:

  • Purchases at 223-Ф3 - the whole range of purchases is offered.
  • Rent, privatization and sale of rights - property auctions for the sale, lease of non-residential premises for municipal purposes, apartments, non-stationary objects, land auctions, obtaining licenses for communication services, sale of shares.
  • Sale of property of bankrupt enterprises.
  • Purchases of PJSC Sberbank for the internal needs of the bank and its subsidiaries.
  • Fish market - tendering for the sale of fish products.
  • Purchases and sales for commercial organizations.
  • Direct supply showcase - providing information to Russian and foreign suppliers, interaction between customers and suppliers in order to optimize the process of concluding contracts for the supply of goods and services.
  • Implementation of block cargo transportation.
  • Personal trading sections of large companies (Central Bank, Russian Railways, Rostelecom, Gazprom, Russian Post and others).

How to work for Sberbank AST for a supplier

If the user plans to act as a supplier, then it is inappropriate to rely only on luck. It is important to know how the supplier should proceed in order for the bidding to be successful. First of all, you need to develop a strategy that will bring the user guaranteed result... This includes preparatory work, study of ETP offers, assessment of the volume of trades, identification of interesting clients, and a comprehensive analysis of competitors. An approximate plan of action is as follows:

  • preliminary selection of ETP;
  • accreditation on the platform;
  • participation in multiple tenders or requests;
  • evaluation of the effectiveness of trading.

Pre-selection is influenced by the availability of customers who may be of interest to the supplier. A potential buyer should be assessed in a complex:

  1. study its history;
  2. analyze the results of trades where he initiated;
  3. actions of the winners in the selected product group;
  4. what procurement procedures were used;
  5. how was the enforcement of contracts;
  6. study the plan and volume of purchases of the customer;
  7. inquire about the existence of litigation, and who the customer was - the plaintiff or the defendant.

The "Loan in 60 Seconds" service allows suppliers and buyers to be more mobile during tenders

All these points will be decisive when deciding on further cooperation. The effectiveness of the supplier's work on the ETP will be evidenced by the number of sales, the level of price drop, participation costs, and the number of purchased customers.

What to do if the plugin is not available

The "Plugin not available" error is the most common error when working on the service. To avoid it, you need to install the CryptoPro plugin on your computer. How to do it:

  1. download the plugin;
  2. find this file in the "Downloads" section;
  3. "Install CryptoPro EDS Browser-plugin" will appear in the window;
  4. give consent to the installation;
  5. click on the downloaded file;
  6. the program will automatically install, after which a message about the completion of the operation will appear on the screen;
  7. restart the browser.

If such a problem occurs in Internet Explorer, then you need to act in the same way with the only difference that you first need to disable all non-standard add-ons. At the end of the work, also restart the browser.

Loan service in 60 seconds

Since September 2019, for suppliers registered on the electronic platform, has been launched new service- obtaining pre-approved financing for participation in the auction. Buyers receive limits on loans from Sberbank-AST operators, which are carried out online. The advantages of the service are as follows:

  1. loan processing speed takes only half a minute;
  2. the procedure is carried out completely electronically;
  3. participants are not required to provide any documents;
  4. payment of the commission for the provision of borrowed funds is reduced to a minimum (money is debited from the participant's card or from his personal account on the ETP).

Borrowed funds are provided in automatic mode immediately after the deadline for filing an application for participation in trading operations on the site.

On this moment transfer of funds is possible only to special accounts of Sberbank opened by suppliers in a banking institution.

The Loan in 60 Seconds service allows suppliers and buyers to be more mobile during trading on the ETP and to conclude profitable deals in a timely manner.


Summing up, we can say that Sberbank AST allows you to both participate in the auction and receive significant benefits from this procedure. This is a significant reduction in the cost of purchasing goods or services, as well as the opportunity to profit from an auction that sells and leases property. Registration and work on the site presents no difficulty, since the service is understandable for users.

The Sberbank AST system is considered a popular platform for holding auctions and tenders, allowing individuals and legal entities to participate in public procurement. If the user knows how the auction for Sberbank AST is going, he will be able to take part in it and, subject to winning, fulfill the state order.

Features of the

This site was launched by the leading financial institution of the Russian Federation - Sberbank in 2009. It performs an intermediary function between customers, which are, as a rule, various government agencies and performers. The latter can be both individual entrepreneurs and individuals / legal entities.

Understanding how to participate in the auction for "Sberbank AST", it is necessary to consider a number of features of such an event. As a rule, it follows the established algorithm and has several stages:

  1. The customer places an order on the official public procurement portal.
  2. The event will be held on condition that the proposed products fall under the established list.
  3. Contractors place an order using the Sberbank AST electronic platform.
  4. Electronic auctions are held confidentially.
  5. The winner of the competition is the contractor who offered the lowest price for the placed order.
  6. The person who placed the order is obliged to enter into an agreement on the same terms as presented in the order and cannot change them.

Participation is offered on an anonymous basis, and the timing may vary and depend on the amount of the proposed contract. If the amount of the agreement exceeds 3 million rubles, applications are submitted within 7 days, and if not - 15 days.

ETP Sberbank AST website

EDS registration, passing of accreditation

When figuring out how to participate in trading at Sberbank AST, it is advisable to note that for this, the candidate needs to issue an electronic digital signature, as well as successfully complete verification at the selected site. This will allow you to fully participate, win the auction and receive the desired order.

To undergo accreditation, a candidate must receive a special EDS of a certain type. Other types of signatures will not work with this site. In order to obtain a signature, the user must provide the following documents:

  • copies of the certificate of registration, as well as documentation confirming the fact of tax registration of a legal entity;
  • copies of documentation confirming the appointment of a manager or a power of attorney of an authorized employee in whose name the signature is made;
  • a copy of the passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation, the future holder of the EDS;
  • confirmation of consent to the rules for processing user data.

This package of documents seems to be the most extensive and relevant for legal entities. Individuals and individual entrepreneurs will need a smaller set of papers to obtain an EDS. After the EDS has been received, the entrepreneur must register, which will make the electronic auction available for his participation.


Despite the fact that Federal Law No. 44 clearly regulates the procedure for passing accreditation, each electronic platform uses its own algorithm. According to the current rules, no more than 5 days are allocated for consideration of the application, which allows you to quickly participate. The procedure for passing accreditation is as follows:

  1. Insert the token with EDS into the USB connector and open the "Participants" category located on the official site of the site.
  2. Select the section "Registration" and determine the type of user - individual, individual entrepreneur or legal entity.
  3. Click "Submit Application" and upload the required electronic documents.
  4. Specify login and strong password to be used for authorization.

After the documents are reviewed and the application is approved, the user will be able to successfully register his account and start participating.

Preparation, provision and filing of an application

To successfully participate in the auction, the candidate must submit an electronic application. It consists of 2 parts, each of which must comply with the current service rules. The first part consists of consent to the rules for processing the information provided, as well as technical documentation.

The second part provides for the indication of basic information about the organization, individual entrepreneur or individual who plans to take part in the auction. These include TIN, licenses, personal data, declarations and SROs, as well as other papers. Both parts of the documents will need to be uploaded at the same time, while each of the uploaded papers must contain an electronic signature.

Filing an application

After that, the applicant needs to secure the application properly. According to the rules of the service, the collateral is 0.5% -5% of the contract amount, which the contractor credits to his personal account, available after passing the accreditation. If he refuses the order after winning the tender, the funds will go to the customer. However, if it is accepted for execution, the security will be returned to the performer's accounts within 5 days.

The final stage of preparation for the auction is the filing of an application for the selected order. A similar action will help you perform the following instruction:

  1. Find the required trades in the system using their number in the register.
  2. Fill out the application form using the personal account interface.
  3. Upload documents.
  4. Sign all loaded papers, as well as the submitted application.

After completing the submission of the application, the contractor will receive a special serial number assigned automatically.

Consideration and participation in the auction

Learning how to play and win competition for the right to perform government orders, it should be noted that the consideration of the submitted applications is carried out 7 days in advance. After this period, the commission makes a decision on the admission / non-admission of participants. At this stage, the names of the companies are completely classified, which ensures an impartial review.

Then a protocol is published on the floor, containing the numbers of participants admitted to trading. Considering how electronic auctions take place, it should be mentioned that they are held, as a rule, on the third day after the publication of the list of participants.

The main stages of the conduct:

  1. The auction session opens.
  2. Participants submit their proposals, the price increment ranges from 0.5% to 5%. Delivery time is limited and is 10 minutes.
  3. Time limits are updated after each bet.
  4. The winner of the auction is selected, and other participants make out-of-competition bids in order to take 2nd place. This will allow them to qualify for the execution of the order in the event that the winner abandons it or his application is rejected.

All applications are considered within 3 days, after which the competition protocol is published. Once the winner is selected, he can proceed to concluding an agreement with the customer.


Security, signing a contract

If a company, individual entrepreneur or individual managed to participate in the tender and win the right to fulfill the order, he will need to provide financial security for the future contract or a bank guarantee. This allows customers to be sure that the contractor will responsibly fulfill his obligations.

As a rule, the size of the bank guarantee is about 30% of the total contract price. If its value during the auction fell by more than a quarter, special measures will be taken and the amount of the required collateral will be increased by one and a half times.

What is electronic bidding, auctions, tenders? Where to start, which site to choose? How is the state electronic bidding process and how to get a contract? We will answer these and others important questions novice suppliers.

1. What is electronic trading and where is it carried out?

Electronic bidding is a modern way of choosing a supplier (or buyer), in which the process of buying and selling is carried out on specialized sites - electronic trading platforms (ETP) on the Internet. You can buy and sell goods, works or services.

The rules for conducting electronic trading in the business segment and in public procurement can vary greatly.

Open electronic procedures for public procurement are held at eight sites:

  1. Sberbank-AST.
  2. "EETP".
  3. "AGZ RT".
  4. "RTS-tender".
  5. ETP Gazprombank.
  6. JSC "AHRF".
  7. National electronic platform.
  8. ETP "TEK-TORG".

Purchases under 223-FZ, which are carried out for small and medium-sized businesses, are carried out at the same sites, according to the same rules.

2. What is traded on the ETP?

There are completely different lots on different sites. Theoretically, the range of lots that can be placed on the ETP is unlimited. You can buy and sell goods, offer the performance of work, the provision of various services.

  • For customers under 44-FZ there is a so-called auction list: the list of goods (works, services) approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, the purchases of which are carried out predominantly through open electronic auctions(Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 21, 2016 No. 471-r).
  • For certain types of legal entities - subjects of 223-FZ (state-owned companies, state corporations, natural monopolies, companies with state participation), the Government also approved the list of goods (works, services) purchased in electronic form (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 21, 2012 No. 616). Such e-procurement is necessarily carried out on an electronic trading platform, but not necessarily in the form of an auction.

The Government of the Russian Federation can update or change these lists at any time. Get ready for change.

3. Why and how to participate in electronic trading?

Participation in electronic auctions is the only way to sell your products or services to budgetary, government organizations, as well as other large companies that, for various reasons, decided to purchase goods and services through electronic auctions.

Government customers by law must purchase most of the range of goods / works / services only in electronic form. This applies to state customers of all levels: federal, regional, municipal.

If you are a beginner and want to conclude a government contract, you need to register in the EIS and enter the electronic trading platforms Sberbank-AST, EETP, AGZ RT, RTS-tender, ETP Gazprombank, JSC AHRF, National electronic platform, ETP "TEK-TORG".

Large commercial customers (AO Gazprom, Rusnano, OJSC MTS, etc.) have also transferred their purchases to electronic form. The most famous sites where such trades are held are B2B-Center, Fabrikant, TZS Electra, OTS, and this is just a small proportion of the actively operating ETP of the business segment.

Another source of profitable deals is the sale of the property of bankrupt enterprises. If you want to profitably purchase such property, you also cannot do without electronic trading. Electronic auctions for bankruptcy are held on specially accredited sites, including the Auction House of the Russian Federation, Sberbank-AST, SELT, uTender, etc.

4. What are the benefits of participating in electronic trading?

  • You will get new sales markets, incl. regional.
  • You will be able to sell your goods (services) to a customer from any city in Russia. You will have access to a wide database of proposals for the positions you are interested in.
  • You will interact with bidders without intermediaries, save time and money.

If we talk about public procurement, then participation in electronic procedures is an opportunity to earn your share of 13 trillion rubles. It is in this amount that the total volume of state and municipal orders is estimated, taking into account state corporations and natural monopolies. The state is a reliable and large customer.

5. What types of electronic auctions are there?

  1. Open electronic auction... In such an auction, all procedures are carried out entirely on the electronic trading platform. Bidders submit price proposals during the bidding process. The participant with the best price wins.
  2. Auction for a fall(sometimes called "reduction") - this is the only form of electronic bidding for public procurement. The customer announces the volume of required services and the initial maximum price, participants submit proposals and undertake to provide the entire volume of services for less money. The participant with the lowest price wins.
  3. Up Auction: The highest bidder wins. Such auctions are announced, for example, when leasing state (municipal) property.

What besides the auction?

Almost any purchase can be carried out electronically, not just an auction:

  • electronic competition;
  • electronic request for proposals;
  • electronic request for quotations and so on.

The rules for such procedures are stipulated, among other things, by the regulations of electronic platforms. Modern electronic platforms offer organizers and bidders many opportunities for procurement. Choose what suits you best.

6. What is the portal and what is it for? How does the Unified Information System work?

As it was

Since January 1, 2011, information on placing orders for the supply of goods, the performance of work, the provision of services for federal needs, the needs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or municipal needs has been posted on the single All-Russian official website Previously, for this site they used the abbreviation OOS, now they often use the abbreviation "", "" or simply EIS. Until 2016, the website was the only official source of information on public procurement:

  • before 01.01.2014 - in accordance with the Federal Law of 21.07.2005 No. 94-FZ "On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs";
  • after 01.01.2014 - in accordance with the Federal Law of 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ "On the contract system in the procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs."

Like now

Since January 1, 2016, the basis of the information support of the Contract System is the Unified Information system(EIS). The official website of the EIS is now a full-format portal that provides information for customers, procurement participants, regulatory authorities, and the public. It publishes plans, places purchases, stores information about concluded contracts, keeps registers of customers and participants, complaints, inspections, etc. It aggregates information on regulated purchases under 44-FZ, 223-FZ, RF PP 615.

7. How to get an electronic signature certificate?

An ES certificate for participation in electronic trading can be obtained at the SKB Kontur Certification Center. You can ask any questions about obtaining an ES certificate by free phone 8-800-5000-508.

8. I want to participate in electronic auctions. What should I do?

  1. Decide what kind of purchases you are interested in: government or commercial. This determines what kind of electronic signature certificate will be needed in the auction, where the electronic auction will be held and what laws will determine the rules for participation. Customers under 44-FZ carry out open purchases at eight electronic sites. Commercial companies and corporations trade on specialized ones, including on their own electronic resources.
  2. Purchase a suitable electronic signature certificate. A suitable one is a certificate that will be accepted on the electronic trading platform (ETP) you need. Not only a legal entity, but also an individual, incl. individual entrepreneur. The rules are the same.
  3. To become a participant in public procurement, you must register in the EIS.
  4. Find the purchase you are interested in, study the documentation and customer requirements. And if you are ready to fulfill all the requirements - apply for participation.

Yuri Maisky, teacher-expert of Kontur Schools tells how to find the right purchase:

9. I have EP and Rutoken. What to do next?

If you already have an electronic signature certificate for public procurement, you must go through the registration procedure in the EIS. After that, purchases on any of the eight selected ETPs will be available to you.

Then you need to find a purchase. You can do this on the official website of the EIS or directly at the sites. Study the documentation, evaluate the benefits and you can apply for participation. Be careful, in some procedures it is necessary to provide an application security, for this you need to open a special account in an authorized bank in advance and transfer funds or issue a bank guarantee.

If you have purchased ES to participate in commercial auctions that are held at specialized sites, check the accreditation rules for these sites.

10. Which electronic trading platform to choose?

It depends on your goals.

  1. If you want to receive a government order, you must register with the EIS and then you will automatically receive accreditation at eight public procurement sites (Sberbank-AST, EETP, AGZ RT, RTS-tender, ETP Gazprombank, AHRF JSC, National Electronic Platform, ETP "TEK-TORG").
  2. If you want to become a supplier of large commercial customers(JSC Gazprom, Rusnano, OJSC MTS, etc.), then you should choose the sites where these auctions take place (for example, B2B-Center, Fabrikant, TZS Electra, Auction Competition House " and etc.).
  3. If you are interested in the profitable acquisition of property of bankrupt enterprises, then you need sites accredited to conduct tenders for the sale of property of bankrupt enterprises. Among them are the Auction House of the Russian Federation, Sberbank-AST, SELT, uTender and others.

11. What is the procedure for government electronic trading and obtaining a government contract?

For supplier companies, there are several stages that must be passed in order to conclude a state contract:

  1. Obtaining an electronic signature certificate for public procurement in the certification center.
  2. registration in the Unified Information System.
  3. Preparation for bidding... The participant chooses the purchase, prepares the documents. If the customer has requested, then it provides the security of the application. And submits an application for participation.
  4. Bargaining... If this is an auction, then a procedure follows in which participants submit price proposals. The winner is the one who offered the lowest price. If this is a competition, then the application is evaluated according to a set of criteria. In any case, only the one whose application fully meets the customer's requirements can become the winner.
  5. Conclusion of a contract... The participant who becomes the winner is obliged to conclude a state (municipal) contract. The contract is concluded electronically on the ETP. The customer includes the winner's proposal in the draft contract. First, the supplier signs the draft contract with his electronic signature, then the customer signs the contract with his electronic signature. After that, the contract is considered concluded, and information about it is published in the EIS. It remains to fulfill it!

12. Where to get training on electronic trading?

  • ... Held every Friday at the School of Electronic Trading. Practitioners share their experience and comment on changes in 44-FZ, 223-FZ, judicial practice, talk about the procedure for participation. One webinar per month is free.
  • ... Further training and professional retraining (documents of the established form based on the results of training). You will study in detail the types of procedures, the peculiarities of participation, you will begin to better navigate in procurement.

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