How to send a beautiful postcard by email. Greeting cards for sending by email

Now we will talk about how to send a postcard by e-mail, because this method can be transferred not only static, but even voice or animated greetings.

Universal option

All actions of this kind can be performed using a computer or a mobile phone. If you decide to send a postcard by e-mail, and it refers to a static type, in this case, you can not worry about how it will be viewed by the recipient, and whether Flash Player is installed on its computer.


Start solving the task, how to send a postcard by email, follows from its creation. Draw a picture yourself in or download the finished image from the network. You can also take pictures of the picture. Next, ready for the letter you send. To do this, click "Overview", go to a folder folder, specify it and click "OK". Also, you may have to click on the "Attach" button if this process does not automatically occur. Wait for download. Make sure that each writing field is filled, and click "Send".


Next, we will look at how to send a postcard by email to GIF format. This solution allows you to put a simple animation in the file, which consists of a series of changing images. Transfer of postcards of this kind is carried out according to the instructions indicated above. The only difference is that you should select ready-made solutions in GIF format. The fact is that the standard graphics editor of the operating system is not enough to create animation. From now on, you know how to send a postcard by email, we hope that thanks to the information you can make the life of your close even more joyful.

Congratulations on any holiday postcard was always considered a manifestation of respect and attention to loved people, friends and just familiar. And if earlier postal services were needed to deliver such postcards, today there are e-cards, with which you can congratulate your favorite people quickly and in a timely manner. Moreover, such a congratulation cannot be lost anywhere, and will come exactly on time, and the process of creating an electronic message may be quite interesting.

How to make an electronic card on a computer

Creating postcards in electronic form is not a complex process and is as follows:

  • in the Internet search system, a site query creates and sending electronic cards is entered (for example: or Mail.Ru);
  • with the help of special servers, a postcard is created to your taste, which can be decorate with different patterns, as well as pick up the most attractive pattern, choose a color gamut with a beautiful font for the text of congratulations;
  • if desired, e-cards can be supplemented with musical accompaniment, it can be selected from the music directory to the taste of the recipient;
  • to create the most interesting thematic plot, you can use a graphic editor, but the idea of \u200b\u200bcongratulations should be thought out in advance;
  • the finished postcard is placed in an interactive letter and then sent for its intended purpose.

To create postcards in electronic form did not cause difficulties, as well as there was a beautiful view important to consider the following points:

  • graphic editor is best to use if there are certain knowledge and skills to work with this program, since its study can take a lot of time;
  • creating postcards using the finished template will be much easier and faster, and it can be corrected according to your taste;
  • it is best to make postcards neutral in content, which will enjoy not only their creator, but also for whom they are intended;
  • when creating postcards, the main thing is to know the measure and not overdo it with the number of pictures, the volume of text, as well as withstand a certain color gamut.

But in any case, what electronic postcards in the end did not work, they will be wonderful congratulations on the holiday of loved ones, because it is beautiful, spectacularly unusual.

How to make a postcard in the Word

You can make a postcard in the Word, but I want to note here why it is better not to do it.

Word is a text editor, so some difficulties arise with graphic objects when they are arranged. Yes, and the result can be viewed only by opening a postcard in. And if your destination does not have this program, he will not be able to see a postcard, or it will open in a distorted form in another text processor. The expected pleasant impression will be spoiled.

But what, do? We will use the program to create presentations - PowerPoint. The postcard created in PowerPoint can be saved as a picture and will be available for viewing on any computer and on the Internet.

How to make a postcard in PowerPoint

Creating a postcard will take only a few steps:

1 Open PowerPoint Presentation Program

First option

  • Start - All Programs - Microsoft Office - Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (maybe you will have another version, but it does not matter - all actions are universal)

Second option

  • In the start menu there is a search. Start entering the Microsoft PowerPoint program name and if it is installed on your computer, you will see it in the search results.

2 Choose layout

Since we use a program to create presentations, a markup will be present on the source slide. We do not need it. We remove.

Home - Layout - Empty Slide

3 Set background drawing

As a background for our postcard, take some beautiful drawing. Go to the tab Design - Background Styles - Background Format

In the settings window on the tab Fill choose Figure or texture

In the section Insert from: Press the button File And choose the desired drawing from the folder. Click button Insertand press the button Close in the window Background format.

The selected picture will be stretched to the size of the slide. Background ready.

Now you can make a little bit at our postcard to give it an even more original look. To do this, add a few additional elements to the slide: Santa Claus, the text of its congratulations and the title of our postcard. Well, to clearly it was that congratulation from Santa Claus, make a call for text.

4 Add decorations and text

Let's proceed. Insert the picture with Santa Claus.

We perform the command Box - Figureand we move it to the bottom left corner. We reduce some sizes.

Take a callout Box - Figures. Change the shape to the desired size.

Now you can add text Congratulations to the team Insert - Wordart.We choose a sample font of the text and replace it with our congratulations. Customize the size of the frame with the text for the drawing dimensions.

Similarly, we make a postcard title.

Well, now the postcard is ready. It remains only to save it as a picture and can be sent by email.

5 Keep the postcard

To save, choose the command File - Save As ... Let the name of the postcard and the most important change the type of file on JPEG Figure

Choose Only the current slide.

Now save the presentation to use it to create other postcards.

Video instructions for creating a postcard

And now look at these steps in the video below. From it you will learn: how to insert a drawing, change its size, how to add text with congratulations.

Dear friends! Create beautiful original postcards and please your loved ones and acquaintances. I did selection of billets for Christmas cards. There are collected: backgrounds, grandfathers frost, snowmen, christmas trees, decorations, symbols of the year and text congratulations. And here selection of blanks by February 23. More small selection of blanks for March 8. Download and train in creating electronic cards

Another selection of New Year's images with transparent backgrounds to quickly create original postcards. Download Archive 28 images

By the way, the MicrosoftOffice package has a wonderful Publisher program, you can also make a beautiful congratulation in the form of a postcard, I have already written on a blog in it.

How to search for postcard pictures?

To simplify the creation of a postcard as much as possible, look for pictures with transparent backgrounds. Such drawings most often have a PNG or GIF file format. It is preferable to use the first format. It is well preserved gradients (smooth color transitions).

Go to Yandex to search. Select Search section Pictures (block 1). Enter a key query - what image is looking for. For example, a year of pig pictures New Year's. In search prompts you can choose the most suitable query.

Search for pictures in Yandex

Filters can be used in the pictures found. Click Show Filters (block 2). An additional panel will open. Now choose the parameters of the selection of pictures.

We take pictures in size. For an electronic postcard, we do not need large sizes. Therefore, I advise you to put Middle or Little. On the sketches of the pictures you will see their true size.

Filter the size of the pictures

What size is preferable? On average, most monitors have a size of 1366x768. So try not to take more pictures of the larger. Because when inserting a slide, it can close it entirely.

Choose orientation yourself. Everything is clear here. But B. A typee Choose a white background. It is enough to just remove it.

Filtering on the background

But it is still better to choose a picture without a background. To do this in the filter File Choose PNG..

File filtering

Yandex will show drawings according to our selection criteria. On the sketches of all the pictures there will be a white background, but it is not. Click on any of them for viewing in an enlarged size. Now, if on the background instead of white you see cells (chess), then this picture with a transparent background.

Display pattern with transparent background in search engine

It is preferable to use for a collage of your greeting card. Click on it Right mouse button, select the command Copy Image And insert the slide.

Similarly, you can enroll in another search engine.

Creating an animated postcard

Above the method for creating a static card was described, but it always wants something more. Let's try to revive it a little and add falling snow. To create an animated image, we need to work a little more and make several slides that differ in the position of snowflakes on slides. With a quick change of such slides, the effect of falling snow will be observed.

To save such an effect in the picture, you will need another file format - GIF, which is capable of storing and showing the animation in the browser. But in Power Point there is no animation support while saving in this format. Therefore, in the presentation editor, we will make shots-blanks, and to create an animation of them we use the online service. We watch the video tutorial below.

I hope this information you come in handy. I congratulate everyone on holidays by future and past!

Friends, if you were useful to this article, share it on social networks, buttons below. And also tell me in the comments managed to make a postcard?

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It is said that the roads are not a gift, expensive attention. Therefore, we have such a task - send postcard mail ru free.

The postcard project of mail ru in his old version is closed. Now the postcard can be sent directly from your mail, as well as from classmates or from service My world.
Before proceeding to postcards Mile Ru, I recommend the audio-congratulations service:

The postcard Male Ru can be sent from the service of Mile Ru, which is more convenient for you: Mail, my world, classmates. Let's look at how to send a postcard directly from your mail mail ru.

you can click on the right button with the text, for example, "Send a postcard in the letter." You can also read:

"And now we are ready to offer you more comfortable and modern services that will help to congratulate friends and loved ones: classmates, mail, my world."

Fig. 1 The postcard can be sent through any of the three services of Mile Ru: classmates, mail, my world

Of the three proposed options (classmates, mail, my world) Consider the option with mail.

How to send a postcard mail ru right from his mail

IMPORTANT: Before you send a postcard to any addressee, we will test the test, as it works and see what will eventually see the recipient.

Testing is needed in order to check what the destination will receive, as it will look, otherwise it may turn out that "I wanted it better, but it turned out as usual."

  • We will test for yourself, that is, we will send a test card, for example, from your address Nadezda @ to the same address Nadezda @
  • If the results of the experiment will be satisfied, we will repeat all the same, but to send a postcard mail ru Introduce no one address, but the address of the recipient of the postcard.

1) First you need to go to your mail mail ru, enter a login and password.

2) To send a postcard, click on the "Write a letter" button (1 in Fig. 2):

Fig. 2 How to send a postcard mail ru


Start solving the task, how to send a postcard by email, follows from its creation. Draw a picture yourself in or download the finished image from the network. You can also take pictures of the picture. Next, ready for the letter you send. To do this, click "Overview", go to a folder folder, specify it and click "OK". Also, you may have to click on the "Attach" button if this process does not automatically occur. Wait for download. Make sure that each writing field is filled, and click "Send".


Next, we will look at how to send a postcard by email to GIF format. This solution allows you to put a simple animation in the file, which consists of a series of changing images. Transfer of postcards of this kind is carried out according to the instructions indicated above. The only difference is that you should select ready-made solutions in GIF format. The fact is that the standard graphics editor of the operating system is not enough to create animation. From now on, you know how to send a postcard by email, we hope that thanks to the information you can make the life of your close even more joyful.

Everything is very simple: I suggest use for congratulations bright, wise, rare photos and pictures of authors, which are essentially not postcardsbut so fascinate that inventing them wishes or look for suitable quotes or parables - Huge pleasure and great rest
Such a "postcard" and congratulations will be copyrighted, unusual and, I'm sure you will delight the person close to you much more than the picture of the picture.
And since in the search and creative process you invest your good mood and time.
By the way: the practice has shown that without a good mood to find really standing pictures is almost impossible to the inspired mood of the clip art that they themselves are attracting themselves and you begin to find them in the most unexpected places.

Where to look for such photos: In this article, I will share with a few better links that were found from the moment of work on our site and tell some "fish places".
In this case, you should not hurry, the most important thing is to pay attention to the photos and immediately keep a successful photo or a link to it, slowly creating your collection.

If you like this idea - I invite you to plunge into the world of beautiful!

Photo sources for postcards.

The most favorite source of good photos is of course Search Photo is needed by keywords (for example: happy, love, flowers) or watch for the last 7 days.
Very comfortably:
- We go to the page, watch, click on those that liked

And then press the button " Reload."At the top of the page and watch again!

It is convenient to view the flicker periodically, on a little bit. Since finding something, a clinging look, can be completely unpredictable.
And yet, the time of searching for photo gear is very much and therefore I always enjoy sites that publish your successful finds.
Kind Over Matter - the best site found in this direction. I already wrote about him more than once in articles about the shares of positive postcards, remember?
Amazing pictures on the Kind Over Matter are found by tag photos.

For example, this picture that I liked the readers of my LiveJournal, was found thanks to the Kind Over Matter, for which they thank you so much!

Photo Harmonic Discharge by NEXT_IN_LINE "S PhotoStream

and another one:

Photo on Winds of North by NEXT_IN_LINE "S PhotoStream

What to wish:the first photo immediately asks the wishing of harmony and integrity, and to the second - more wonders in life and the ability to rejoice in every moment of life.

What to do with found pictures onKind Over Matter. ?
Click on the link to the name (or the picture itself), and as a rule, now we can see it in a greater resolution. Here you have two opportunities: send a link to it or save it locally and send a picture itself by email (for example).
How to save a picture found on
save the entire web page, and in the picture folder there will be a photo you need.

Blog that is nice to talk again and again is a collector stars
What is convenient, quotes, parables and pictures here are collected simultaneously)) Excellent material for congratulations!
Pictures on this site

I will give an example of how this can be used to congratulate your loved one:

Given: picture and quote:
"They say that Leprechauns buried their treasures where the rainbow concerns the Earth."

Add: "I don't know if it really is, but one know for sure: there when you touched my heart, love was born - the most valuable treasure, which I possess!"

Everyone, someone, gladly break into the life of the pearl seeker and start collecting his collection for electronic congratulations,
i wish good luck and big discoveries!

Photo .seth Rader.

UPD: a couple more references to good selections of pictures:

Many thanks! And come back!

And also you have the opportunity to go on this link and write about your ideas, comments and suggestions about our site.

With the advent of the Internet, it became much easier to communicate with friends, familiar, colleagues at work. Now it is not necessary to call on the phone, because you can look into the social network, where your friend is registered, write a message to him. Regarding some significant event, be it a birthday, March 8 or February 23, you can easily and quickly send a beautiful postcard. Huge selection offers you site cards for a long time. There are postcards for any holiday here. There are a lot of old Soviet cards on this site, from which you can choose the most original and beautiful.

In order to send the postcard e-mail, you can use a computer or mobile phone. Here you can look at the postcards. On the Internet there are a lot of most amazing postcards - and static, and animated, even voice.

Static postcards can be drawn independently using a graphic editor or download a ready image from a free photo bank. After that, you should add congratulatory inscriptions and a postcard in the graphics editor. The finished file in the JPG or GIF format should be attached to the message sent. This is done using the "Overview" button - you go to that folder where the file is for sending, after which you need to click OK. After you make sure everything is filled correctly, click on the "Send" button.

If you are going to send a Flash-postcard, it is characterized by better animation, which may even be accompanied by sound effects. Go to the site with postcards, select your favorite, and fill out the field you need. Now the link will be automatically sent to the addressee, and clicking on it, the addressee will be able to see the postcard you sent.

If you want to surprise someone from friends or relatives, give them a beautiful and original. Postcard with congratulations, then be sure to look at the site There are many unexpected - postcards for beer or sports cards, as well as a lot of interesting things.

If you want to give voice cards, then you need to use a speech synthesizer located on the server. Go to the site where there are voice cards, select the option of design, which is ideal for you, click on it. After that, the input form page will be booted - fill in all the necessary fields, enter the text that the synthesizer utters. After that, pick up the background music and voice. Use the "Listen" button you can check out everything that you have happened. If you are satisfied, you can send a postcard to the recipient using the "Send" button.