Public law education in terms of procurement. Error while placing the schedule

"Methodological recommendations for municipalities on the procedure for publishing financial and other information about the budget and the budgetary process to be posted in the public domain on a single portal of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation" (together with ...

II. Rules for the formation of information of plans-schedules in the system

"Electronic budget"

4. When forming the schedule, the following must be indicated:

a) information on public law education, which ensures the implementation of the activities of the corresponding schedule;

b) the name and code in accordance with the Register of participants in the budget process, as well as legal entities that are not participants in the budget process (hereinafter referred to as the Consolidated Register), the formation and maintenance of which is carried out in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Finance Russian Federation dated December 23, 2014 N 163n "On the Procedure for the formation and maintenance of the register of participants in the budgetary process, as well as legal entities that are not participants in the budgetary process" of the financial body of the municipality that generates information on the schedule in the Electronic Budget system;

c) the name and code of the budget of the municipal formation;

d) sign of preparation and approval of the draft local budget for a period of one year (for the next financial year) (yes / no);

e) information about the budget cycle for which the schedule is formed;

f) information on the details of the municipal legal act approving the schedule;

g) information on the activities carried out within the framework of the schedule;

h) a schedule in electronic form;

i) the date of the formation of information on the activities carried out within the framework of the schedule.

5. When forming information about public law education, which ensures the implementation of the activities of the corresponding schedule, the following shall be indicated:

code and name of the type of public law formation, which take the following meanings:

03 - intracity municipal formation of a city of federal significance;

04 - urban district;

05 - municipal district;

10 - rural settlement;

11 - urban district with intracity division;

12 - intracity area of ​​the urban district;

13 - urban settlement.

15 - municipal district.

the code and name of the territory of a public law formation in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Territories of Municipal Formations.

When forming information about a public-law formation, the code and name of the type of public-law formation, as well as the code of the territory of the public-law formation in accordance with the All-Russian classifier of municipal territories formations and are not subject to change.

6. When forming information about the name of the financial body of the municipality, the full name of the financial body of the municipality is automatically indicated in accordance with the information of the Consolidated Register according to the selected code of the Consolidated Register and is not subject to change.

7. The name of the budget of the municipality is indicated automatically in accordance with the information of the List of budgets formed as part of the formation of information on Appendix No. 1 to Methodical recommendations for municipalities, according to the order of publication of financial and other information about the budget and the budgetary process, which is to be posted in the public domain on the single portal of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation, according to the selected budget code and is not subject to change.

8. When forming information about the budget cycle for which the schedule is formed, the following shall be indicated:

the next financial year for which the schedule is formed;

the first year of the planning period for which the schedule is formed (if the value "no" is indicated in the sign of drawing up and approving a draft local budget for a period of one year (for the next financial year));

the second year of the planning period for which the schedule is formed (if the value "no" is indicated in the sign of drawing up and approving a draft local budget for a period of one year (for the next financial year)).

Years are in YYYY format.

The formation of information on the first and second years of the planning period is carried out automatically on the basis of information on the selected next year, for which the schedule is formed, and is not subject to change.

9. The formation of information about the details and name of the municipal legal act (hereinafter referred to as the act) is carried out on the basis of the reference book "Normative legal act" by choosing the appropriate municipal legal act. In the absence of a municipal legal act approving the schedule, in the reference book "Normative legal act", the financial body of the municipality ensures its formation, indicating:

code (indicated automatically, based on the system data of the module for submitting budget (accounting) and other management reports for the purpose of posting information on a single portal of the budget system of the Russian Federation);

the budget code (indicated automatically, based on the system data of the module for submitting budget (accounting) and other management reports for the purpose of posting information on the unified portal of the budget system of the Russian Federation);

the status of the act (for this set, the "signed (approved) document" is always selected);

act numbers;

date of adoption of the act;

title of the act;

type of act;

information about the local government body that adopted the act;

state registration numbers of the act (if any);

date of state registration of the act (if any);

information about the act to which changes are made (if any);

the date of commencement of the act;

expiration date of the act (if any).

Dates are specified in the format DD.MM.YYYY.

When forming information on the types of acts, the type of municipal legal act that approved the schedule is indicated on the basis of the corresponding reference book "Type of normative legal (legal) act".

When forming information about the local government that adopted the act, the code and name of the local government or local government official who approved the relevant municipal legal act, by choosing the code and full name from the information of the Consolidated Register, is indicated and is not subject to change. In the absence of the code and name of the local self-government body or local self-government official who approved the relevant municipal legal act, the name of the relevant local self-government body or local self-government official is indicated in the Consolidated Register without making a choice from the information in the Consolidated Register (manually).

The formation of information about the act to which the amendments are made is carried out only if amendments are made to the act by another municipal legal act and is carried out by selecting the initial document (before the amendments are made to it) from the reference book "Regulatory Legal Act".

When forming information about the date of commencement of the act, the date of entry into force of the municipal legal act that approved the schedule is indicated.

When generating information about the date of expiration of the act, the date on which the municipal legal act that approved the schedule will be declared invalid (will become invalid) is indicated.

10. When forming information about the list of activities carried out within the framework of the schedule, the following shall be indicated:

the ordinal number of the schedule event (prepared document, material);

name of the event of the schedule (prepared document, material);

the planned timeframe for the implementation of the event (provision of document (s) and (or) material (s) prepared (s) as part of the implementation of the event of the schedule (no later than));

the actual period for the implementation of the event (provision of document (s) and (or) material (s) prepared (s) as part of the implementation of the event of the schedule (if any));

information about the responsible executor (s) of the activity of the schedule;

information on the local self-government body (s) of the municipality, to which (s) are submitted for consideration, approval, approval, use in the work of materials and documents prepared as part of the implementation of the action plan-schedule (if any);

the planned and actual period of consideration, approval, approval of materials and documents prepared as part of the implementation of the action plan-schedule (if any).

11. When forming the planned time frame for the implementation of the event (the provision of document (s) and (or) material (s) prepared (s) as part of the implementation of the action plan-schedule), the planned date of submission of the document (s) and (or) material (s) is indicated. ) in the format DD.MM.YYYY or in the absence of a specific date, the period for the implementation of the event specified in the schedule is filled in.

12. When forming the actual period for the implementation of the event (the provision of document (s) and (or) material (s) prepared (s) as part of the implementation of the action plan-schedule), the actual date of submission of the document (s) and (or) material (s) is indicated. ) in the format DD.MM.YYYY or in the absence of a specific date, the period for the implementation of the event specified in the schedule is filled in.

13. When forming the name (s) of the responsible executor (s) for the event of the schedule, the following shall be indicated:

full name (s) of the responsible executor (s) of the schedule event;

When forming the name (s) of the responsible executor (s) of the schedule event, the full and abbreviated name (s) of the responsible executor (s) of the schedule event are indicated automatically after indicating the code of the responsible ( s) the executor (s) of the activities of the schedule according to the Consolidated Register and are not subject to change.

14. When forming the name (s) of the local self-government body (s) of the municipality, to which (s) are submitted for consideration, approval, approval, use in the work of materials and documents prepared as part of the implementation of the action plan-schedule, indicate:

the full name (s) of the local self-government body (s) of the municipality to which the materials and documents prepared as part of the implementation of the action plan are submitted for consideration, approval, approval, use in work;

the abbreviated name (s) of the local self-government body (s) of the municipality to which the materials and documents prepared as part of the implementation of the action plan-schedule (if any) are submitted for consideration, approval, approval, use in work;

the code of the local self-government body (s) of the municipality, to which (s) are submitted for consideration, approval, approval, use in the work of materials and documents prepared as part of the implementation of the event schedule for the Consolidated Register (if information is available in the Consolidated Register);

the name of the structural unit of the local self-government body (s) of the municipality to which (s) are submitted for consideration, approval, approval, use in the work of materials and documents prepared as part of the implementation of the action plan-schedule (if any).

When forming the name (s) of the local self-government body (s) of the municipality, to which (s) are submitted for consideration, approval, approval, use in work, materials and documents prepared as part of the implementation of the schedule-plan event, full (s) and abbreviated ( s) the name (s) of the local self-government body (s) of the municipality are indicated automatically after indicating the code of the corresponding local self-government body (s) of the municipality according to the Consolidated Register and are not subject to change.

15. Additionally, an electronic schedule is attached indicating the correct name of the document, which will be published on a single portal.

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municipalities in order
publication of financial and other information
about the budget and the budgetary process,
to be placed in the open
access on a single portal of the budget
systems of the Russian Federation

I. General Provisions

1. A public law entity is the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipal entity.

2. The financial body of the municipality ensures the formation and publication of general information about public legal entities that form and execute budgets in accordance with Section III of the Procedure for posting and providing information on the single portal of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the single portal), approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 28, 2016 N 243n "On the composition and procedure for posting and providing information on the unified portal of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure, Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia N 243n) and maintains them up to date.

3. Processing and publication on a single portal of the generated general information about public legal entities that form and execute budgets is carried out by the financial body of the municipality in accordance with Sections IV-V of the Procedure approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia N 243n.

4. Publication on a single portal of general information about public law entities that form and execute budgets is carried out by the financial body of the municipality independently on the corresponding pages of the financial body of the municipality in the form of hypertext, infographics and media using the means of a single portal.

II. Rules for the formation by financial bodies of municipalities of general information on public law entities that form and execute budgets

5. When forming general information about public law entities that form and execute budgets, the following shall be indicated:

the code and name of the public-law entity according to the All-Russian Classifier of the Territories of Municipal Formations;

code and name of the type of public law formation;

the status of the territory of the municipality as an administrative-territorial unit of the subject;

administrative center of public education;

surname, name, patronymic and position of the highest official of the municipal formation;

coat of arms of public law (if any);

flag of public law (if any).

6. The code of a public law entity is indicated automatically in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Territories of Municipal Formations on the basis of information from the Register of participants in the budget process, as well as legal entities that are not participants in the budget process (hereinafter referred to as the Consolidated Register), the formation and maintenance of which is carried out in accordance with by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of December 23, 2014 N 163n "On the Procedure for the formation and maintenance of the register of participants in the budget process, as well as legal entities that are not participants in the budget process."

The name of a public-law entity for OKTMO is indicated automatically after indicating the code of a public-law entity for OKTMO based on the information in the Consolidated Register and is not subject to change.

In the case of the transfer of powers to organize the execution of the budget of an urban or rural settlement, which is part of a municipal district, to the municipal district, the code and name of the public-law entity according to OKTMO

In the event of a transfer of powers to organize the execution of the budget of an intra-city district, which is part of an urban district with an intra-city division, to an urban district with an intra-city division, the code and name of a public law formation according to OKTMO can be changed by choosing the code of a public law formation from the All-Russian classifier of territories of municipalities based on the information of the Consolidated Register.

In the event of a decision by the financial body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the independent generation of information from the financial body of a municipal formation, as well as in the event of a decision by the financial body of a municipal district (urban district with intracity division) to independently generate information from the financial body of an urban or rural settlement (intracity district), the code and name of a public-law formation according to OKTMO, which is part of a municipal district (an urban district with an intra-city division), can be changed by choosing the code of a public law formation according to OKTMO from the All-Russian Classifier of Territories of Municipal Formations on the basis of information from the Consolidated Register.

7. The code and name of the type of public legal entity shall be indicated in accordance with the directory of types of public legal entities:

intracity municipal formation of a city of federal significance;

urban district;

municipal district;

municipal district;

rural settlement;

urban settlement.

The code and name of the type of public-law formation are indicated automatically after indicating the code of public-law formation for OKTMO based on the information from the list of budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation, formed in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the Methodological Recommendations, and are not subject to change.

8. When forming information on the status of the territory of a municipal formation as an administrative-territorial formation of a subject, the name of the status of the municipal formation established in accordance with Article 10 of the Federal Law of 06.10.2003 N 131-FZ "On general principles organizations of local self-government in the Russian Federation "by the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which the corresponding municipality is located, in accordance with the directory of the statuses of the territories of municipal formations, which takes the following meanings:

urban settlement;

rural settlement;

municipal district;

municipal district;

urban district;

urban district with intracity division;

intracity area of ​​the urban district;

intracity territory of a city of federal significance.

Information on the status of a municipality is filled in automatically based on the name of the type of public-law formation and is not subject to change, except for public-law formations that are intracity municipalities of cities of federal significance.

9. When forming information about the administrative center of a public law formation, the name of the administrative center of a public law formation shall be indicated in accordance with the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which the corresponding municipal formation is located.

10. When forming information about the coat of arms, the flag of a public law entity, files are attached, taking into account the requirements:

jpg format;

minimum image size 100 x 100 px;

minimum image resolution: 72 ppi;

the maximum file size is 10 MB.

  1. In addition to individuals and legal entities, participants in civil legal relations are public law... This term denotes a complex of subjects listed by the legislator in Art. 124 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation: “Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation: republics, territories, regions, cities of federal significance, autonomous regions, autonomous districts, as well as urban, rural settlements and other municipalities ...” Public law formations, as follows from the list, unite two groups of participants in the relationship:

- state formations (the Russian Federation and the above-mentioned subjects of the Russian Federation);

- municipalities (urban, rural settlements and others).

In legal literature and legislation, the collective term “state” is often used to refer to state and municipal formations. The admissibility of such a term is explained by the established tradition and the unity of the status of certain types of public entities (taking into account the fact that each of them acts on its own behalf within its competence).

The state is not a traditional participant in civil (private) legal relations. It is known that public formations are created with the aim of performing certain power functions - regulating the economy, streamlining social and political processes, etc. As carriers of public (state, municipal) power, such entities have sovereignty (supremacy), due to which their orders are generally binding. They themselves determine the rules by which they must be guided in the exercise of their powers. At the same time, private law relations require legal equality of all participants. The law indicates that public law entities act in relations regulated by civil law on an equal footing with other participants in these relations - citizens and legal entities (clause 1 of article 124 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). This "dual" position determines the special place of these subjects in property turnover.

The status of public legal entities is generally equated to that of legal entities. To them “the rules governing the participation of legal entities in relations regulated by civil law are applied, unless otherwise follows from the law or the specifics of these entities” (clause 2 of article 124 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). This approach of the legislator is explained, first of all, by the commonality of the legal structure of the status of the named subjects: registration of the legal “appearance” in the form of organizational unity of certain structural links; participation in civil relations through their bodies; dependence of the volume of legal capacity on the purposes of creation, etc.

However, these features determine only the external, formal legal similarity between the state and legal entities. Their role as participants in civil relations is different. Legal entities are subjects specially created to participate in civil circulation, while public law entities participate in it insofar as it is necessary for the implementation of their functions. Acting as an equal subject of civil legal relations, public education does not lose its imperious essence. It cannot impose its will on others, but by entering into relationships with them, it pursues not its own, but public interests. Thus, taking into account the goal to achieve which the activities of the subjects are subordinated, the nature of the state's participation in property turnover can be characterized as auxiliary, secondary.

The order of occurrence of the subjects under consideration also differs. Legal entities become participants in civil legal relations only if the process of their creation does not contradict the rules established by civil legislation in relation to a particular organizational and legal form of a legal entity, the rules for its registration, etc. Public formations arise on the basis of a "power-administrative" (most often administrative) act. Their status and competence are determined by the norms of not civil, but public law.

Thus, the dual nature of the participation of state and municipal entities in property turnover: legal equality in matters of interaction with counterparties, on the one hand, and a special procedure for creation, the nature of the exercise of powers, the possession of public power, on the other, allows us to characterize them as a special subject. civil relations.

  1. As a subject of civil law, the state is endowed with legal capacity and legal capacity. Despite the fairly broad opportunities for participation in different types civil relations, legal capacity of this person has a targeted, or special, character: he acts within the framework of strictly defined competence and cannot go beyond it.

As already noted, public law entities carry out only those types of activities that are necessary for them to exercise public power. At the same time, they themselves form the rules of civil circulation, the content and limits of their legal personality.

The implementation of the legal capacity of state and municipal formations takes place with the help of the relevant authorities. This quality indicates the similarity of the legal structure of the state and the legal entity. By virtue of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Art. 125 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, on behalf of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, property and personal non-property rights and obligations can be acquired and exercised by state authorities, on behalf of municipalities - by local self-government bodies. At the same time, the actions of the authorities that do not go beyond their competence are considered the actions of the education itself.

  1. Russian legislation provides for two forms of participation states in civil relations:

- direct - through their bodies (clauses 1, 2, article 125 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);

- mediated - through representatives (clause 3 of article 125 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

As a rule, public entities act in civil circulation on their own behalf through the executive authorities. At the federal level, these include the Government of the Russian Federation, federal ministries, departments and their territorial units, at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - administrations, city halls and other similar structures, at the municipal level - the corresponding administrative bodies. The executive bodies implement the interests of the state within the established competence. For example, the Federal Agency for State Property Management (Rosimushchestvo) is an authorized federal executive body exercising the powers of an owner, including the rights of a shareholder and a participant in a limited liability company (clause 1, section 1 of the Regulation on the Federal Agency for State Property Management , approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2008 N 432).

The direct participation of public entities in property legal relations should be distinguished from the independent actions of their bodies, endowed with the rights of a legal entity. In the latter case, the authorities do not exercise public functions, act not on behalf of the relevant state or municipal entities, but on their own behalf, act in their own interest (for example, by purchasing equipment or tools to satisfy any economic needs) and bear independent responsibility for their own obligations.

Representative relations develop in cases where a public entity endows state or municipal bodies that do not have the right to speak on behalf of public entities directly, as well as legal entities or citizens, with special powers based on a regulatory or administrative act (in relation to state bodies and local self-government bodies). ) or an agreement (in relation to citizens and legal entities). For example, the Government of the Russian Federation or a constituent entity of the Russian Federation can conclude an agreement for the trust management of a part of their property with a commercial bank or a management company. In joint-stock companies, a part of the shares of which is owned by public entities, the interests of these entities may be represented by individuals under an agreement.

  1. The specificity of the participation of public law entities in civil legal relations is due to the fact that the nature of the functions they perform excludes the possibility of performing certain activities, characteristic of citizens or legal entities, or, conversely, allows them to have powers that are not characteristic of other entities. As such, the state becomes a participant in a fairly wide range of types of legal relations of a private law nature.

As the owners of their property, public entities can acquire property, transfer it for use, alienate it, inherit, i.e. enter into various kinds of property relations. The law also provides them with special opportunities in the exercise of these powers, for example, in relation to the right to receive a part of the discovered treasure or the acquisition of ownerless property. Only the state has the power to requisition, confiscate or nationalize private property. By acquiring property as a bequest, the state cannot bequeath its property, refuse inheritance, etc. But provided that the subject of these legal relations is the Russian Federation, it can act as the legal heir of escheat property.

As owners of public law formations, they can create legal entities on the basis of the right of economic management or operational management, act as founders of economic societies or partnerships, including in the framework of the privatization of state enterprises and institutions. Through their representatives, they participate in the management of such commercial organizations and other activities of the nature of corporate relations.

Within the framework of legal obligations, the state concludes transactions for the disposal of its property (it can donate, exchange, sell, etc.). The exclusive competence of the state includes the conclusion of contracts for work, supply or conduct of research, development and technological work for state and municipal needs, state loans, production sharing agreements.

In the field of non-contractual relations, public law entities are endowed with the opportunity to be parties to obligations arising from unjust enrichment and harm. In the latter case, in particular, they are obliged to compensate for the harm caused to citizens or legal entities by illegal actions of state bodies (inquiry, investigation, prosecutor's office, court), local government bodies or officials.

The participation of state and municipal entities in relations arising from the results of intellectual activity is insignificant. They can acquire the rights of the patent holder (if the intellectual property was created during the execution of a state or municipal order), and in some cases - the rights to trademarks and company names. The Russian Federation may become the heir of certain copyrights, in which case it assumes the protection of these rights.

The above list does not exhaust possible options participation of public entities in civil relations, but in itself clearly indicates their recognition as full participants in civil circulation.

At the same time, the specifics of the state's participation in civil circulation makes it possible to note such types of its activities that are not characteristic of other persons. So, for example, only this subject can acquire ownership on such grounds as requisition, confiscation, nationalization. Privatization is a special way of terminating property rights. When the testator has no heirs either by law or by will, or all heirs are deprived of the right to inherit, or did not accept the inheritance, or abandoned it, the inherited property goes to the state (escheat property). Things related to monuments of history and culture found in the treasure are subject to transfer to state ownership. Within the framework of legal obligations, the status of public law is especially regulated in contracts for the supply for state needs, state loans, etc.

The state, by virtue of its special status, cannot be a participant in certain types of civil legal relations. In particular, unlike citizens and legal entities, it is not entitled to engage in entrepreneurial activity, to act as a trustee under contracts of trust management of securities and other property, and cannot be a testator.

  1. As a general rule, public law entities carry a responsibility according to their obligations, property belonging to them by right of ownership. The exemption is established by law in relation to:

- property that is assigned to the legal entities created by them on the basis of the right of economic management or operational management;

- property that can only be in state or municipal ownership.

In the first case, the general rule applies: legal entities created by the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities are not liable for their obligations, and the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities are not liable for the obligations of legal entities created by them. The exceptions are cases provided for by law. So, state and municipal formations bear subsidiary responsibility for the obligations of the created by them:

- a state-owned enterprise if its property is insufficient (paragraph three, clause 6 of article 113 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);

- a state institution with insufficient funds (clause 4 of article 123.22 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);

- autonomous or budgetary institution in the event that they cause harm to citizens, if their property is insufficient, which can be foreclosed (paragraph two of clause 5 and paragraph two of clause 6 of article 123.22 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, respectively).

The second exemption includes the rule that property that is in the exclusive ownership of the state cannot be foreclosed. In particular, paragraph 1 of Art. 126 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation establishes that foreclosure on land and other natural resources that are in state or municipal ownership is allowed only in cases stipulated by law.

Acting in civil legal relations as independent participants with separate property, public entities bear separate responsibility for their obligations. Subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities are not liable for the obligations of each other, as well as for the obligations of the Russian Federation. The Russian Federation is not responsible for the obligations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities.

The principle of separate responsibility does not apply in the case when the Russian Federation has assumed a guarantee (surety) for the obligations of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipal formation or a legal entity, or these entities have assumed a guarantee (surety) for the obligations of the Russian Federation.

Property, which is a means of securing the obligations of state and municipal formations, is property belonging to the relevant public formations by right of ownership and not assigned to state and municipal enterprises and institutions, which constitutes state or municipal property. treasury... The treasury of the Russian Federation, the treasury of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the treasury of an urban, rural settlement or other municipal formation consists of funds from the corresponding budget and other state or municipal property (clause 4 of article 214 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Taking into account the fact that the “other” property includes, first of all, off-budget funds, property of the state reserve, gold reserves, a fund of precious stones and metals, etc. property, the collection of which cannot be levied, then budget (monetary) funds remain a more realistic object for the collection of creditors, as indicated by judicial practice.

Questions for self-control:

  1. What is the peculiarity of the legal personality of civil law formations as subjects of civil legal relations? How does it differ from the legal capacity of citizens and legal entities?
  2. What are the criteria for distinguishing between forms and types of participation? public law formations in civil circulation?
  3. What are the features of the responsibility of public law entities?

The legal basis for drawing up the Schedule Plan remains GD No. 1279 dated 09/30/2019. In the closed part of the EIS you can find detailed instructions on the preparation of this document. We will save you time and tell you how to correctly fill out the schedule in the ENI in 9 steps.

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1. How to form and place a Schedule in the ENI

Step 1. Select the 2020 tab (or planning year). Go to Personal Area by means of an EDS. We find the "Purchases" tab and the line "Purchase schedules from 2020".

If the EDS settings are incorrect, the system will remind you of this with every action you take. Therefore, at the first system error signal, configure CryptoPro EDS Browserplug-in, in accordance with the user manual.

Step 2. We form the template of the Schedule plan on the basis of the form of the PP № 1279. To get started, press the button "Create a schedule" in the lower right corner of the screen.

Most of the information from the "Customer Information" section will be loaded into the Schedule along with the EDS. In the field "Fiscal year of planning" we write: "2020". Auto-text is highlighted in green, information typed manually is highlighted in red.

Step 3. Find Public Law Education (PPO). Click on the magnifying glass in front of the "PPO" cell. In the window that opens, we get the PPO directory. The search can be conducted either by the code (if you know it), or by the geographical name of the required territory, after which we press: "Find".

Directory forms search results by a manually entered value (for example, Krasnodar). We click on the desired value mouse and click: "Select" in the lower left part of the screen.

Step 4. We check the software and the correctness of the information reflected in the schedule. Please fill in the email address manually. New functionality of the Unified information system allows you to send the schedule form to email user.

For a general check of the entered information, click: "Save and check for violations." In case of inaccuracies or errors, the system will let you know about it.

Step 5. Add the position of the Schedule. The previously entered data for the first section must be saved in the "General" tab. To start working with the second section of the Schedule, go to the "Positions of the schedule" and click: "Add position". A menu with a purchase form opens.

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You should pay close attention to the check-boxes "Purchase at the expense of several CWR", "Edit the procurement identification code" and "CWR". In the check-box "Purchase at the expense of several CWR", by default, a check mark is put, locked from editing, as well as the IKZ fields. In the extreme right field "Code of the type of expenses", by default, "000" is set.

Step 6. Editing check-boxes. If the purchase is at the expense of one CWR, you must unblock the "Purchase at the expense of several CWR" checkbox. To do this, put a mark in the check box "Edit purchase identification code" and remove the check mark from the check box "Purchase at the expense of several CWR". You can make adjustments to other fields in the same way.

For example, to change the field "Expense type code", you need to uncheck the "Purchase at the expense of several CWR" checkbox as described above.

Step 7. Select the CWR from the directory. With the help of the classifier of codes of types of expenses, you can accurately register the CWR for the new position of your Schedule.

First, in the extreme right field "Code of the type of expenses", click on the magnifying glass, then when the search engine opens in the CWR classifier, manually type the required code.

Step 8. Select OKPD-2 from the directory. We find the corresponding code of the object of purchase, click on the magnifying glass sign opposite to "Select a product, work, service". When the directory of OKPD 2 codes appears, we type the name of the TRU and find the corresponding code from the list. We put a tick in the check-box of the required OKPD 2, click "Select". When the code appears in the corresponding position of the Schedule, enter the name of the supplied GWS.

Step 9. Fill in the amount of financial security. If the money is planned for a year, fill in the 2020 field, and in the 2021, 2022 fields we write "0". In the "Total" field, the system will write the amount itself.

Then we select the KBK from the required reference book by means of the “Search in the KBK classifier” hyperlink. Find the required code from the left column and click "Select".

The fields of all other purchases (except for special ones) are filled in the same way. At the end of the work, click "Save and check". The system, in the presence of inaccuracies or errors, will show you the places that need correction.

The work on the Schedule is completed, we sign it and publish it.

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2. Video instruction "How to draw up a schedule according to Law No. 44-FZ for 2020?"

For guaranteed result in tender purchases, you can seek advice from the experts of the Entrepreneurship Support Center. If your organization belongs to small businesses, you can get a number of advantages: advance payments under government contracts, short settlement times, conclusion of direct contracts and subcontracts without a tender. and work only under lucrative contracts with minimal competition!