Instructions for filling out the form 1 housing and communal services. Guidelines

Before sending an electronic appeal to the Ministry of Construction of Russia, please read the rules for the operation of this interactive service set out below.

1. Electronic applications within the competence of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, completed in accordance with the attached form, are accepted for consideration.

2. An electronic appeal may contain a statement, complaint, proposal or request.

3. Electronic appeals sent through the official Internet portal of the Ministry of Construction of Russia are submitted to the department for work with citizens' appeals for consideration. The Ministry ensures an objective, comprehensive and timely consideration of applications. Consideration of electronic applications is free of charge.

4. In accordance with the Federal Law of 02.05.2006 N 59-FZ "On the Procedure for Considering Citizens' Appeals Russian Federation"electronic appeals are registered within three days and are sent, depending on the content, to the structural divisions of the Ministry. The appeal is considered within 30 days from the date of registration. An electronic appeal containing issues that are not within the competence of the Ministry of Construction of Russia is sent within seven days from of the day of registration with the relevant authority or the relevant official, whose competence includes the solution of the issues raised in the appeal, with the notification of the citizen who sent the appeal.

5. Electronic appeal is not considered when:
- absence of the name and surname of the applicant;
- indication of an incomplete or inaccurate postal address;
- presence of obscene or offensive expressions in the text;
- the presence in the text of a threat to the life, health and property of the official, as well as his family members;
- using a non-Cyrillic keyboard layout when typing or only capital letters;
- the absence of punctuation marks in the text, the presence of incomprehensible abbreviations;
- the presence in the text of a question to which the applicant has already been given a written answer on the merits in connection with the previously sent appeals.

6. The response to the applicant is sent to the mailing address indicated when filling out the form.

7. When considering an appeal, it is not allowed to disclose information contained in the appeal, as well as information concerning the private life of a citizen, without his consent. Information about the personal data of the applicants is stored and processed in compliance with the requirements of the Russian legislation on personal data.

8. Applications received through the site are summarized and submitted to the leadership of the Ministry for information. Answers to the most frequently asked questions are periodically published in the sections "for residents" and "for specialists"

Before sending an electronic appeal to the Ministry of Construction of Russia, please read the rules for the operation of this interactive service set out below.

1. Electronic applications within the competence of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, completed in accordance with the attached form, are accepted for consideration.

2. An electronic appeal may contain a statement, complaint, proposal or request.

3. Electronic appeals sent through the official Internet portal of the Ministry of Construction of Russia are submitted to the department for work with citizens' appeals for consideration. The Ministry ensures an objective, comprehensive and timely consideration of applications. Consideration of electronic applications is free of charge.

4. In accordance with the Federal Law of 02.05.2006 N 59-FZ "On the Procedure for Considering Appeals of Citizens of the Russian Federation" electronic appeals are registered within three days and sent, depending on the content, to the structural divisions of the Ministry. The appeal is considered within 30 days from the date of registration. An electronic appeal containing questions, the solution of which is not within the competence of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, is sent within seven days from the date of registration to the appropriate authority or to the relevant official, whose competence includes the solution of the questions raised in the appeal, with notification of this to the citizen who sent the appeal.

5. Electronic appeal is not considered when:
- absence of the name and surname of the applicant;
- indication of an incomplete or inaccurate postal address;
- presence of obscene or offensive expressions in the text;
- the presence in the text of a threat to the life, health and property of the official, as well as his family members;
- using a non-Cyrillic keyboard layout or only capital letters when typing;
- the absence of punctuation marks in the text, the presence of incomprehensible abbreviations;
- the presence in the text of a question to which the applicant has already been given a written answer on the merits in connection with the previously sent appeals.

6. The response to the applicant is sent to the mailing address indicated when filling out the form.

7. When considering an appeal, it is not allowed to disclose information contained in the appeal, as well as information concerning the private life of a citizen, without his consent. Information about the personal data of the applicants is stored and processed in compliance with the requirements of the Russian legislation on personal data.

8. Applications received through the site are summarized and submitted to the leadership of the Ministry for information. Answers to the most frequently asked questions are periodically published in the sections "for residents" and "for specialists"

on filling out the form of federal state statistical observation No. 1-Housing and communal services (winter) urgent "Information on the preparation of housing and communal services for work in winter conditions", approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated February 27, 2006 No. 7

Column 5

Column 5 "Total" in lines 01 - 68 contains data on objects housing and communal services located within the territory of subject of the Russian Federation (units, km, m 2, Gcal / hour, m 3, kW, tons) regardless of the form of ownership ( except for objects of federal significance), including property of municipalities. The sum of data on lines 03, 05, 07 must correspond to line 01, and the sum of data on lines 04, 06, 08 must correspond to line 02.

In lines 01, 03, 05, 07, the unit of measurement is “ House". Multi-apartment residential buildings in which living quarters have different shape property considered to be in municipal ownership before the establishment of the HOA.

Lines 07 and 08 take into account all residential buildings included in the plans for preparing the housing stock for operation in winter conditions or for which provision is made. utilities enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership, including private housing construction.

Dilapidated heating, water supply, electrical and sewerage networks (lines 15, 31, 41, 45) are accounted for in lines 13, 29, 39.43 of columns 5,6,7,8 and, respectively, column 9.

Row 21 takes into account all surface and underground water intakes (a well or a group of wells) involved in the process of providing consumers with water, including industrial facilities.

Line 23 takes into account all pumping stations at water intakes (except for wells equipped with submersible pumps at underground water intakes) and the external water supply network.

In line 53, the word “pipe” means pipelines through bridge structures.

Line 59 contains data on the total length of gas pipelines (except for intra-house ones) owned by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipal property and providing the operation of housing and communal services facilities and gas supply to the housing stock.

Lines 60 - 63 indicate the fuel reserve required for the entire heating period, including liquefied gas in underground gas storage facilities. The unit of measurement of indicators for creating fuel reserves of form No. 1-Housing and communal services (winter) is the urgent set « ton» , therefore, all alternative fuel to coal in line 61 (firewood, peat briquettes, peat chips, oil shale, wood chips, etc.) is indicated in tons. Line 62 summarizes the stocks of all types of liquid fuel (oil, diesel fuel, fuel oil, mining, etc.), created to ensure the operation of energy facilities of housing and communal services and the automotive fleet.

Data on lines 15, 16, 31, 32, 41, 42, 45 and 46 are filled in in accordance with the actual data on the length of the dilapidated networks.

The assignment of networks to the category of "dilapidated" is made based on the results of the inventory of fixed assets. These are networks or those parts (sections) of heating, water supply, sewerage and electrical networks, the degree of wear of which, confirmed by the technical inventory, is 100% at the beginning of the period of preparation of the networks for the upcoming heating season or if their technical condition requires replacement.

The data on line 64 is filled in for the total number of unconventional sources. In lines 65 - 68, the total capacities are indicated in kW / hour.

Lines 69-78 indicate financial resources (million rubles) the necessary to prepare for the upcoming AWP. Lines 69 and 74 take into account all financial costs allocated for preparation for the OZP, including loans, as well as funds (line 74) of municipalities and housing and communal services enterprises for major and current repairs, and other work related to preparation for winter.

Data on lines 80–85 "Debt of housing and communal services enterprises for previously consumed fuel and energy resources" are filled in incolumn 5 "Total" as of 1st day of the month following the reporting month.

Column 6

Column 6 "Preparation task" in lines 1 - 59, 64 - 68 indicate the amount of work planned in accordance with the preparation plans, including in lines 15, 16, 31, 32, 41, 42, 45 and 46 "dilapidated networks".

Lines 60-63 are filled in in accordance with the preparation assignment to the beginning heating period (45 days for coal and 30 days for liquid fuel, etc.). If the local authorities establish other standards, then in column 6 the data is indicated in accordance with the approved regional standards, but a note is made at the bottom indicating the timing for which fuel reserves are planned, the number, date and name of the document.

Lines 69 - 78 indicate financial resources planned in the budgets and enterprises of housing and communal services to prepare for the AWP.

Line 79 is completed when additional funds are allocated to the subject of the Russian Federation from the federal budget.

Column 7

The data in column 7 "Prepared for work in winter conditions for the reporting period" on lines 1-48, 59 are filled in after the planned work is completed on the specified date, on lines 49-58, 64-68 - according to acts of readiness, on lines 60-63 after the delivery of fuel to the warehouses of enterprises or the conclusion of storage agreements, in lines 69 - 79 after the disbursement of the allocated funds.

Column 8

Data in column 8 "Completed work on overhaul, reconstruction, replacement" is filled in on lines 1-58 when work on overhaul, reconstruction and modernization is performed, on line 59 - how many of them are spent on the construction of new gas pipelines, overhaul, reconstruction and modernization of existing ones. Column 8 data counts towards column 7.

Column 9

The data in column 9 "% of task completion" are counted from training assignments(column 6) according to the work performed (column 7).

In the lines “ including housing and communal services of municipalities»Provides information on housing and communal services facilities owned by municipalities, regardless of what form of ownership of the enterprise they serve.

The planning of work on preparation for the OZP is carried out taking into account the level of depreciation of fixed assets.

In the table "Carrying out a technical inventory of fixed assets of housing and communal services", all data are entered with cumulative total as a percentage of the total number (length) of fixed assets, subject to the inclusion of the results of the inventory in Unified State Register Inventory data are entered into the Unified State Register by organizations (bodies) accredited by the Federal Agency for Real Estate Cadastre in the manner established by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the rules approved by the said Ministry.

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.12.2000 No. 921 "On State Technical Accounting and Technical Inventory in the Russian Federation of Urban Planning Facilities", a planned technical inventory must be carried out at least once every five years.

If fixed assets of any denomination are absent, the entry “ missing».

If the inventory has not been carried out or its results are not entered in the Unified State Register, the table is put down «0%».

The table is filled in once a year as of July 1 and is submitted to Rosstroy together with the report No. 1-ZhKKh (winter) urgent on July 4.

Form No. 1-Housing and communal services (winter) urgent "Information on the preparation of housing and communal services for work in winter conditions" is a form of federal state statistical observation approved by Rosstat of Russia, therefore, when filling out the form prohibited:

1. Make changes to column 1 "Indicators" and column 3 "Unit of measurement";

2. Remove or add columns and rows of the form;

3. Change the information in column 5 "Total" and column 6 "Preparation task" after the deadline for submitting the form to Rosstroy as of August 1 current year.

Justifications for making changes to column 5 "Total" and column 6 "Training task" after the specified period are sent by letter and by e-mail in Rosstroy, together with form No. 1-Housing and communal services (winter), urgent signed by the deputy head of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in charge of housing and communal services in the region.

The form is drawn up in the program Microsoft Excel

All information line by line, except lines with unit of measure " units"Are entered in the form with a number with bit depth up to 10 shares , including the unit of measurement " thousand units».

All information entered in text and digital form line by line must be typed with a font size of at least 12 , and the form is printed on sheets A 4 in landscape format.

The form is sent to the fax of the dispatching center of the Central Dispatch Office of the Program Management in the housing and communal services of Rosstroy: 8 – 495 – 930 – 83 – 16 or 8 – 495 – 930 – 82 – 76 and by email to the address:

cdu@ minregion. ru

Files sent by e-mail, should only contain consolidated for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation report form 1-Housing and communal services (winter) as of the date of the report, a cover letter and a letter justifying changes to column 5 and column 6.



In connection with the requests received to fill in a number of positions of the federal state statistical observation form N 1-Housing and communal services (winter) urgent Rosstroy prepared and sent for consideration in the work of an addendum to the Methodological Recommendations for filling out the form of federal state statistical observation N 1-Housing and communal services (winter) urgent " Information on the preparation of housing and communal services for work in winter conditions ", approved by the decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 27.02.2006 N 7, as well as a sample form * N 1-Housing and communal services (winter) urgent.


S. I. Kruglik

Methodological recommendations for filling out the form of federal state statistical observation N 1-Housing and communal services (winter) urgent "Information on the preparation of housing and communal services for work in winter conditions", approved by the decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation

Column 5

Column 5 "Total" in lines 01-68 contains data on objects housing and communal services located within the territory of subject of the Russian Federation (units, km, m, Gcal / hour, m, kW, tons) regardless of the form of ownership (except for objects of federal significance), including the property of municipalities. The sum of data on lines 03, 05, 07 must correspond to line 01, and the sum of data on lines 04, 06, 08 must correspond to line 02.

In lines 01, 03, 05, 07, the unit of measurement is " House". Multi-apartment residential buildings, in which residential premises have a different form of ownership, are considered to be in municipal ownership until the establishment of the HOA.

Lines 07 and 08 take into account all residential buildings included in the plans for preparing the housing stock for operation in winter conditions or for which the provision of utilities is carried out by enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership, including private housing construction.

Dilapidated heating, water supply, electrical and sewerage networks (lines 15, 31, 41, 45) are accounted for in lines 13, 29, 39, 43 of columns 5, 6, 7, 8 and, respectively, column 9.

Row 21 takes into account all surface and underground water intakes (a well or a group of wells) involved in the process of providing consumers with water, including industrial facilities.

Line 23 takes into account all pumping stations at water intakes (except for wells equipped with submersible pumps at underground water intakes) and the external water supply network.

In line 53, the word "pipe" refers to pipelines through bridge structures.

Line 59 contains data on the total length of gas pipelines (except for intra-house ones) owned by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipal property and providing the operation of housing and communal services facilities and gas supply to the housing stock.

Lines 60-63 indicate the fuel reserve required for the entire heating period, including liquefied gas in underground gas storage facilities. The unit of measurement of indicators for creating fuel stocks of form N 1-ZhKKH (winter) is the urgent set " ton ", therefore, all alternative fuel to coal in line 61 (firewood, peat briquettes, peat chips, oil shale, wood chips, etc.) is indicated in tons. In line 62, stocks of all types of liquid fuel (oil, diesel fuel, fuel oil, mining, etc.), created to ensure the operation of energy facilities of housing and communal services and the automotive fleet.

Data on lines 15, 16, 31, 32, 41, 42, 45 and 46 are filled in in accordance with the actual data on the length of the dilapidated networks.

The assignment of networks to the category of "dilapidated" is made on the basis of the results of the inventory of fixed assets. These are networks or those parts (sections) of heating, water supply, sewerage and electrical networks, the degree of wear of which, confirmed by the technical inventory, is 100% at the beginning of the period of preparation of the networks for the upcoming heating season or if their technical condition requires replacement.

The data on line 64 is filled in for the total number of unconventional sources. In lines 65-68, the total capacities are indicated in kW / hour.

Lines 69-78 indicate financial resources (million rubles) the necessary to prepare for the upcoming AWP. Lines 69 and 74 take into account all financial costs allocated for preparation for the OZP, including loans, as well as funds (line 74) of municipalities and housing and communal services enterprises for major and current repairs, and other work related to preparation for winter.

Data on lines 80-85 "Debt of housing and communal services enterprises for previously consumed fuel and energy resources" are filled in column 5 "Total" as of 1st day of the month following the reporting month.

Column 6

Column 6 "Preparation task" in lines 1-59, 64-68 indicates the amount of work planned in accordance with the preparation plans, including in lines 15, 16, 31, 32, 41, 42, 45 and 46 "dilapidated networks".

Lines 60-63 are filled in in accordance with the preparation assignment to the beginning heating period (45 days for coal and 30 days for liquid fuel, etc.). If the local authorities establish other standards, then in column 6 the data is indicated in accordance with the approved regional standards, but a note is made at the bottom indicating the timing for which fuel reserves are planned, the number, date and name of the document.

Lines 69-78 indicate financial resources planned in the budgets and enterprises of housing and communal services to prepare for the AP.

Line 79 is completed when additional funds are allocated to the subject of the Russian Federation from the federal budget.

Column 7

The data in column 7 "Prepared for work in winter conditions for the reporting period" on lines 1-48, 59 are filled in after the planned work is completed on the specified date, on lines 49-58, 64-68 - according to acts of readiness, on lines 60-63 after the delivery of fuel to the warehouses of enterprises or the conclusion of storage agreements, in lines 69-79 after the disbursement of the allocated funds.

Column 8

Data in column 8 "Completed work on overhaul, reconstruction, replacement" are filled in on lines 1-58 when work on overhaul, reconstruction and modernization is performed, on line 59 - how many of them are spent on the construction of new gas pipelines, overhaul, reconstruction and modernization of existing ones. Column 8 data counts towards column 7.

Column 9

The data in column 9 "% of task completion" are counted from training assignments(column 6) according to the work performed (column 7).

In the lines " including housing and communal services of municipalities"information is provided on housing and communal services facilities owned by municipalities, regardless of what form of ownership of the enterprise they serve.

The planning of work on preparation for the OZP is carried out taking into account the level of depreciation of fixed assets.

In the table "Carrying out a technical inventory of fixed assets of the housing and communal services", all data are affixed with cumulative total as a percentage of the total number (length) of fixed assets, subject to the inclusion of the results of the inventory in Unified State Register... Inventory data are entered into the Unified State Register by organizations (bodies) accredited by the Federal Agency for Real Estate Cadastre in the manner established by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the rules approved by the said Ministry.

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.12.2000 N 921 "On state technical accounting and technical inventory in the Russian Federation of urban planning facilities", a planned technical inventory must be carried out at least once every five years.

If fixed assets of any denomination are absent, an entry is made in the table " missing".

If the inventory has not been carried out or its results are not entered in the Unified State Register, the table is put down "0%".

The table is filled in once a year as of July 1 and is submitted to Rosstroy together with the report No. 1-ZhKKH (winter) urgent on July 4.

Form N 1-Housing and communal services (winter) urgent "Information on the preparation of housing and communal services for work in winter conditions" is a form of federal state statistical observation approved by Rosstat of Russia, therefore, when filling out the form prohibited:

1. Make changes to column 1 "Indicators" and column 3 "Unit of measurement";

2. Remove or add columns and rows of the form;

3. Change the information in column 5 "Total" and column 6 "Preparation task" after the deadline for submitting the form to Rosstroy as of August 1 current year.

Justifications for making changes to column 5 "Total" and column 6 "Training task" after the specified period are sent by letter and by e-mail in the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, together with Form N 1-Housing and Utilities (winter), urgent signed by the deputy head of the subject of the Russian Federation in charge of housing and communal services in the region

The form is drawn up in the program Microsoft Excel.

All information line by line, except lines with unit of measure " units", are entered in the form with a number with bit depth up to 10 shares , including units of measurement " thousand units".

All information entered in text and digital form, line by line, must be typed with a font size of at least 12 , and the form is printed on A4 sheets in landscape format.

Files sent by email should only contain consolidated for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation report form 1-Housing and communal services (winter) as of the date of the report, a cover letter and a letter justifying changes to column 5 and column 6.

The form is sent to the Operations Department of the Department of Housing and Communal Services, Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency of the Ministry of Construction of Russia by email to the address:

[email protected]

A cover letter signed by the deputy head of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in charge of housing and communal services in the region or the head of the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation who prepared the form is sent to the fax of the Operations Department of the Department of Housing and Communal Services, Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency of the Ministry of Construction of Russia:


or its scanned version on email address Operations department.

contact number Operations Division of the Department of Housing and Utilities, Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency of the Ministry of Construction of Russia


Electronic text of the document
prepared by JSC "Kodeks" and verified by:
official information portal
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
as of June 28, 2017 (letter);
official website of the construction industry
and housing and communal services
as of 20.06.2017 (Methodical recommendations)

On additions to the Methodological Recommendations for filling out the form of federal state statistical observation N 1-Housing and communal services (winter) urgent "Information on the preparation of housing and communal services for work in winter conditions

Document's name: On additions to the Methodological Recommendations for filling out the form of federal state statistical observation N 1-Housing and communal services (winter) urgent "Information on the preparation of housing and communal services for work in winter conditions
Document Number: SK-1203/03
Type of document: Rosstroy letter
Host body: Rosstroy
Status: Acting
Published: Document has not been published
Date of adoption: March 28, 2007
Effective date: March 28, 2007