How to connect an LED floodlight - features, stages, rules. How to connect an LED floodlight - installation guide Diagram for connecting an LED floodlight to the 220 network

LED floodlights are becoming popular household lighting equipment. Today, these lamps are used inside utility rooms, in courtyards, near personal plots and country houses. They are replacing classic incandescent lamps from the domestic sphere by combining economy and environmental friendliness with high lighting efficiency. Due to the special internal structure, it is not always possible to correctly connect the LED floodlight to a network with an alternating voltage of 220 V the first time. This article discusses how to connect a diode floodlight and ensure its safe operation.

How does an LED spotlight work?

Typically, manufacturers place these devices in aluminum housings with a plastic or glass light diffuser. To transmit the light flux in a certain direction, a traditional system of mirror panels (can be plastic or metal) or inclined mirrors is used.

The light source is an LED matrix, which is one or more semiconductor crystals arranged in a row, placed on a board. Many people know that LED lamps emit negligible amount of heat to the outside. However, the heat entering the inside of the device is more significant, so there is a risk of overheating of the matrix.

This is especially true for LED floodlights, as they have increased power. Therefore, an important point in the operation of a diode luminaire is heat dissipation. For this, it is equipped with a radiator. Thermal energy is removed to it by means of thermal paste, which is connected to the substrate.

The service life and quality of the LED floodlight glow largely depends on the stability of the power supply. To provide it, there is a driver in the design - this is an electronic device with capacitors, a diode bridge, zener diodes, a transformer and other components necessary to convert the input current to optimal operating parameters.

Additional functions of LED luminaires:

  • outdoor floodlights are often equipped with sound or motion sensors. They automatically turn on when someone passes by. This mode of operation saves more money than you might think. In addition, it is convenient on household plots and farmsteads, if you need to turn on the light, and your hands are busy;
  • the installation of a photosensitive element in the control circuit allows you to set the automatic adjustment of the LED-floodlight to the level of illumination of the environment.

In both cases, the sensors allow you to adjust the response time to the switch-on signal and the operation timer. You can set a delay so that the lamp turns on 5 seconds after the pop, and then goes out exactly 30 seconds later.

How does the spotlight connect to the network?

The connection diagram of the floodlight to the 220 V network is relatively simple, so the connection can be performed even by a person with little experience in electrical installation.

First you need to get to the contacts of the device itself. To do this, remove the 4 screws at the rear of the device that secure the terminal box cover. A triple block is found inside, the terminals of which are connected to a light element located inside the spotlight.

There are special openings in the device case for the conductors. The sealed holes are closed with a rubber washer and a nut. The latter should be installed after laying the cable to prevent dirt and moisture from getting inside.

How to connect wires:

  1. The positive contact is, accordingly, connected to the positive. As a rule, it is designated with the letter "L" and is brown or red in color.
  2. The minus contact is connected to the minus (neutral), marked with the “N” symbol with cold color coding (light blue, blue, black).
  3. It is mandatory to connect the ground through the NE wire, which is colored green and yellow in stripes according to international standards.

If the spotlight has a motion sensor, then in the circuit it acts as a classic switch. The only difference is that closing / opening takes place in automatic mode under the control of the corresponding relay. The closing terminal, through which a plus is supplied to the searchlight after the sensor is triggered, is designated by the symbol "A".

Connecting a 3-wire LED floodlight is a standard option that involves phase, neutral and ground. In cases when the switch-on sensor is built into the body of the floodlight together with the LED base, its contacts are led out into the terminal box. In this case, it has 3-4 contacts, which are marked according to the same rules as described above.

When choosing a place to place an LED spotlight on a local area or an economic site, you need to consider:

  • distance from the outlet or switch (if it is intended to be used);
  • placement height. Searchlights shine very brightly and should be located not below head level;
  • to extend the service life, the device must be protected from atmospheric precipitation and mechanical stress;
  • the device requires high-quality ventilation, so the place of its installation should not be a blind pocket or corner;
  • to effectively illuminate the area in front of the luminaire there should be no trees, buildings and obstructing structures.

As a rule, an outlet is not connected to street LED lights, but a cable is laid... It must be laid in a cable duct or wiring corrugation. It is better to lay a cable with a power cable to the remote posts. Mounting an LED spotlight on a surface with any inclination does not create any difficulties. First, a bracket is installed with the help of dowels-nails or screws, and then a lantern is attached to it and the required lighting angle is set.

The general decline in prices for LEDs and matrices based on them determines the widespread use of LED spotlights, and the universal nature of these lamps expands their scope of application - adjoining territories, parking lots, decorative lighting, and so on.

The schemes for connecting an LED floodlight to a 220 V network are not very complicated - a minimum set of tools and small wiring skills are sufficient factors for self-connecting the floodlight to the network.

A little about design features

Structurally, the LED floodlight is designed in a metal case, inside which there is an LED matrix and a power supply unit (driver). In powerful models, the power supply is placed outside, and the LED matrix is ​​connected to the cooling radiator. In LED floodlights of low power, the body of the lighting device is used as a radiator. To connect the LED floodlight to the network, you will need a set of screwdrivers and a cable through which the supply voltage is supplied. The choice of wire cross-section depends on the power of the lighting fixture, which determines the current through the supplied cable. Since LED floodlights have a relatively low power, a standard 1.5 mm² wire with a large margin is enough if you need to connect a lighting fixture with a power of up to 200 watts.

Separately, it should be noted that electrical safety standards require the use of flexible power cables with a multicore structure of internal conductors to connect street floodlights. An example of such a solution is NYM cable.

Connection diagrams

To connect the external network in the LED floodlight housing, there is an input sleeve for the cable and a terminal socket for three contact groups - phase (L), zero (N) and ground. Color coding of wires: phase - red or brown, zero - blue or black, ground - green with yellow.
It is worth remembering that the body of the lighting fixture is connected to the ground wire of the terminal block, which is determined by the safety measures of the owner of the LED light source. If the lead wire has a two-wire design (phase and zero), then the grounding terminal in the socket can be left free.

If you need to connect a spotlight to the lighting circuit through a motion or light sensor, then the installation of sensors is implied instead of, or in parallel with the manual switch.

If the sensor is installed next to a lighting fixture, a cable with an additional conductor is required for installation work.

Sequence of work

Direct connection of the cable to the LED spotlight consists of several basic steps:

  1. Stripping the end ends of the wires for their installation in the terminal socket.
  2. Removing the cover of the junction box or disassembling the body of the floodlight - the type of work is determined by the design of the lighting device.
  3. Input of the mains wire through a special coupling with a gland in the device case (pressure seal) and fixing the conductors in the terminal sockets. Each core is connected in accordance with the color coding and the purpose of the core - phase, neutral, earth.

In the case of using separate light or motion sensors, the wires from the sensor and the manual light switch are connected in one phase contact group.

After fixing the wires in the terminal box, it is necessary to carefully reinstall the cover of the junction box or the housing of the lighting device - the LED floodlight is ready to be installed on its workplace.

Electrical connection

The connection of the wire from the LED floodlight to the 220 V AC network must be made after the installation site is de-energized and the supply voltage is disconnected. To do this, it is necessary to turn off the main machine in the control panel or a separate machine, if such is provided by the network wiring diagram.

If there is no color marking of the AC mains cable, before disconnecting the machine, it is necessary to determine the phase core using a special indicator screwdriver. This measure is associated with the requirement that all switches and sensors must be mounted in the phase conductor gap.

Read the same

LED floodlights are mostly used for street lighting. An example is the lighting of a guarded parking lot. Needless to say, the illuminated area reduces the number of thefts by several times?

To connect, you will need a set of standard tools for an electrician, as well as basic knowledge of electrical installation. Led floodlight is advantageous in operation because its service life is much longer than any other analogs.

Initially, you will need to disassemble the lighting fixture. The back cover is removed (4 screws are removed). Thus, access to the terminals is obtained. All that remains is to start a three-phase wire.

It is best to choose a round wire. The connection must be carried out on the basis of the generally accepted color, which indicates the location of the phases. Do not forget about the oil seal during assembly.

It not only protects against fine pollutants, but also against water penetration. But the installation process does not end with the connection of the LED floodlight to the network.

Installation on the selected location is carried out using a special bracket, which in turn is attached using self-tapping screws.

It must be remembered that high-power LEDs (and this is what floodlights are equipped with) get very hot during operation. This means that it is necessary to arrange such conditions so that there is enough space for free cooling.

In other words, absolutely nothing (free space) should be placed around the luminaire within a radius of 250 mm. Manufacturers say that this will be enough to protect the lighting fixture from burnout.

On the site you can find almost all models of modern LED floodlights. Affordable prices will pleasantly surprise you.

A few words should be said about the operation of the floodlight:

  • service is minimal;
  • cleaning glass with products containing a solvent is prohibited;
  • even in the event of a breakdown, the searchlight should not be disassembled;
  • organization of grounding is required.

Unlike mercury incandescent lamps, LED lamps and floodlights are absolutely safe for both humans and the environment. In other words, LED lighting fixtures do not need special disposal.

This is a significant plus, since thanks to this advantage, LEDs have become used almost everywhere: from housing to industrial premises.

The video will demonstrate a 30W LED floodlight:

In accordance with the Russian dictionary, a searchlight is a light source that includes a set of mirror elements, as well as optical lenses. The main task of this device is to emit a strong luminous flux in a certain direction.

Today, street lamps that function using LED lamps are called spotlights. Such ice floodlights are economical and durable, as well as a variety of additional features (for example, movement detectors). In this case, the power of these lighting fixtures usually does not exceed 50 watts.

Installation of spotlights is an important and crucial stage. Therefore, in this article we will consider the basic rules and features of connecting lanterns to a 220 V network.

Device design

The floodlight consists of LED light sources, a bracket and a control unit, which in turn includes a sealed housing, a controller and a battery.

The controller controls the device through a time relay, as well as an element such as a circuit breaker that protects the device.

The floodlight can be controlled either manually or automatically, i.e. using light and movement sensors. This device functions by contacting semiconductors with different types of conductivity.

Installation and connection of the spotlight

Before proceeding with the installation of the lighting fixture, you should choose the right place for it. The LED floodlight must be located at a certain distance from combustible surfaces and materials in order to comply with safety regulations and standards.

It is very dangerous to use lanterns with a risk of overheating. These include devices with powerful light sources. Therefore, it is recommended to use sheet metal or asbestos sheets for protection, or to provide the projector with adequate ventilation.

The direction of the device depends on the environment. The floodlight can be fixed with lamps up, down or horizontally. The main requirement here is a flat surface where the device is installed, and the absence of various interference at a distance of 25 cm from the searchlight.

The luminaire should be mounted on the bracket with large bolts lubricated with a special oil to prevent rust.

The installation process of a halogen floodlight can be represented as the following steps:

  • observing safety rules and regulations, we extend the electrical cable to a more suitable surface for mounting the device. The use of a multicore copper cable is recommended;
  • make marks on the surface where the LED spotlight will be installed;
  • using self-tapping screws for metal (or wood) we fix the device.

If a concrete or brick structure acts as a surface for the spotlight, a hammer drill should be used to drill the holes.

The connection diagram of the LED floodlight is as follows:

  • using the indicator, you must make sure that there is no phase on the cable;
  • open the block with contacts and lead an electric cable there;
  • we connect the wires to the terminal block. In this case, "phase" (brown or red wires), "zero" (blue or black wires) and protective wiring "ground" (green or yellow) should be connected to the internal block of the searchlight;
  • close the block, making sure that its tightness is preserved;
  • install lamps;
  • test the operation of the device.

Depending on the method and place of installation, the installation diagrams may differ from the one described above.

Scope of use

Installation of a floodlight with LEDs is possible in a variety of conditions. Often this device is used in production, i.e. in factories, in workshops, etc.

Owners of houses with spacious backyard spaces use lamps with a reduced level of brightness, since the lighting here is carried out partially, in certain zones. When using street luminaires, it should be noted that the best installation option is installation under a canopy. This will help to avoid the influence of moisture, which can cause malfunction of the floodlight.

To avoid accidents and damage to property, the following rules should be observed:

  • work with electrical appliances should be done with dry hands. This also applies to weather conditions. If there is high humidity or rain outside, then installation measures should be abandoned;
  • before installing the floodlight, it is imperative to make sure that there is no electric current;
  • the mains voltage should be no more than 220 V;
  • it is forbidden to install a searchlight near powerful electrical appliances;
  • the use of chemicals near the floodlight is not allowed.

To maintain the lighting fixture in good condition, as well as extend its life, you must comply with the requirements for its care. It should be noted that the LED floodlight does not need unnecessary maintenance.

First of all, you need to abandon solvent-based cleaning agents. If the device is out of order, it is enough to disconnect it from the mains without disassembling it. When installing a lighting device, it is necessary to provide it with grounding.

In this article, we answered the question of how to connect a spotlight to the network, and also considered the design features and basic requirements when using this lighting fixture.

In addition to bright and powerful lighting, this device provides operational safety for both people and the natural environment, as well as energy savings due to the use of LED light sources. Despite the sufficient simplicity, it is still recommended to entrust the installation activities to specialists.

Spotlights are a great opportunity to create lighting on your personal plot, near shops, in parking lots, for advertising banners.

You can even make an ordinary "carry" of them for household needs.

The floodlights provide a powerful stream of light, are easily attached to walls, roofs and poles, and there is always the possibility to change the angle of inclination of the lantern.

Unlike other types of illuminators, LED floodlights do not overheat, consume a minimum of electricity and easily tolerate low temperatures. How to connect an LED floodlight to the network yourself, what is needed for this. Step by step instructions and diagram.

Typically, lighting fixtures have a die-cast aluminum body with a glass or plastic diffuser. The direction of the light beam is provided by a system of inclined mirrors or mirror panels made of metal and plastic.

The light-emitting diode (LED) matrix itself is one, or a row of semiconductor crystals installed on the board.

The LED matrix does not radiate heat "outward", but it can overheat "inward".

Removing heat from LEDs is one of the main tasks that will affect the life of the device.

For heat dissipation, a radiator is provided in the structure. The temperature is transferred to it through a substrate with thermal paste, which provides a minimum of thermal resistance.

For stable and long-term operation, LEDs require a uniform voltage without fluctuations. It is provided by a driver - a "box", inside which a transformer, diode bridge, capacitors, zener diodes, etc.

The street floodlight can be equipped with a motion sensor and switched on as needed, when someone approaches the lantern. This addition allows you to significantly save on electricity. In addition, it is very convenient in workplaces and backyards, when people's hands may be busy.

Exploded view spotlight

An automatic switching device can also react to the degree of illumination of the environment, adjust the intensity of its radiation and not turn on when there is sufficient illumination during the day, for example.

LED spotlight connection diagram

How to connect a motion sensor to an LED spotlight? Through a motion sensor, the floodlight is connected as follows:

On the back of the spotlight there is a terminal box. The four retaining screws are removed.

Inside there is a triple block, with terminals connected to the LED, inside the device.

Wires are led through the holes in the housing. If the hole is sealed, there will be a rubber washer and a nut on it, which is tightened after the cable is routed:

  1. The plus and plus are connected, respectively (this is usually a red or brown wire, phase, denoted by "L").
  2. Minus with minus (neutral, denoted by the letter "N" and usually cold tones - blue, blue, black).
  3. It is imperative to make grounding (striped wire, most often yellow-green, denoted by "RE").

Two wires are connected to the sensor - plus and minus (if there is a ground, then it is). Minus goes directly to the spotlight, it is always on.

The sensor plays the role of a switch we are accustomed to (only it closes not manually, but automatically, responding to heat, sound, movement). Therefore, the plus is supplied to the searchlight only when the sensor is triggered (the terminal to the searchlight is designated by the letter "A").

If the sensor comes with a spotlight in the same housing, then a block of three or four contacts will be located in the terminal box - the designations are the same.

SDU-RGB spotlight connection diagram

There are sensors with adjustments:

  • Sensitivity. It can be reduced if false positives become more frequent.
  • Light sensitivity. By connecting a photocell (and some sensors come with a built-in photocell), it is achieved that the artificial lighting does not turn on during the day.
  • Timer some devices work according to the time set by the user. That is, after lighting up (triggering), the searchlight will work for a certain time from 20 seconds. - up to 15 min.

Some models of floodlights are supplied with a lead-out piece of wire, in which case you can connect the device without disassembling it and check its operability. In this case, the contacts are stripped and soldered to the long wires. All joints are carefully insulated.

Installation work

The process of installing an LED floodlight begins with choosing a location. When choosing a place of attachment, take into account:

  • Distance from the outlet.
  • Full illumination of the required area, free space in front of the lantern, so that it is not obstructed by trees, buildings, etc.
  • The height should be comfortable for people - do not place the spotlight at eye level or below;
  • Protect the device from rain and snow with a canopy.
  • It is not necessary to place the searchlight in a deaf pocket, where air will not enter; it is advisable to provide minimal ventilation.

If there is no outlet nearby, a cable is laid from the lighting fixture. With grounding, it must be three-core and fit into a corrugation or cable channel (these are necessary precautions for working in atmospheric conditions). The wires are fastened to the wall with staples.

For long distances to a free-standing post, it is better to stretch the cable, which is well fixed with stretch marks. The power cable is already attached to it.

The very process of fixing the searchlight to a wall or a pole will not cause difficulties. The floodlights are equipped with a handle - a bracket with holes for fasteners. The device is screwed to the surface, after which a convenient angle of inclination of the flashlight is set.

For easy access to the mounting holes, it is better to first unscrew the bracket from the illuminator, fix it on a wall or post, and only then hang the lantern.

We connect to the mains

Inventory and materials are being prepared:
  • screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • sharp knife;
  • insulating tape;
  • soldering iron;
  • wires.

A thin wire is also suitable for the LED (0.5 - 1.5 mm2).

In addition, it is better to select a wire of the same metal as on the device.

If you purchased an inexpensive device, it is better to untwist it and inspect it before starting operation. Often, they may not have wires connected (grounding, for example), or not enough thermal paste (it may be dry, unevenly smeared and not ensure reliable contact between the board and the radiator).

Connection diagram of a sensor spotlight with a photo relay to a light sensor

The wire is disassembled into cores. The corresponding contacts are selected by color.

The colored sheath on both contacts is peeled off with a knife about 2 - 3 cm.

If wires of a similar metal are connected (copper to copper, for example), they twist slightly and are soldered. If, for some reason, you have to use a wire made of another metal (copper with aluminum, for example), then they need to be connected using special screw terminals.

The connection points of the wires are carefully wrapped with electrical tape.

If you decide to give preference to modern daylight bulbs, you need to know yourself. This is described in detail in the article.

For types of lighting lamps and their characteristics, see.


LEDs will sooner or later oust ineffective counterparts from the market. They provide better illumination than halogen or fluorescent versions and consume much less energy. A searchlight with a photocell and a motion sensor is an excellent purchase for a private house, organization lighting and even for street lamps!

Video on the topic