What is yandex ticks, how to see tits. Yandex units means units

Again, I am glad to welcome all visitors to your blog!

Why do you need to raise the TIC? What does the TIC give?

So, I told about the TIC itself.

Well, now let's talk about what the TIC gives.

In the previous paragraph, I wrote that the TIC does not in any way affect the position in the search results. This begs a logical question. So why increase the TIC? For what such purposes? Just say to just anyone: "Count my TIC 100500"

No. This is not the case at all.

The whole point is just that with the help of a decent TIC indicator, you can make good money on a blog.

And you probably already guessed that the higher your TIC will be, the more you wake up.

Today, some webmasters, as well as various organizations operating on the Internet, use the strategy of buying links or exchanging links to raise the position of their blogs in the search engines.

If you go to a well-known service for buying and selling links, then it's easy to see how much you can earn by placing one contextual link on your blog with a TIC equal to 10:

Approximately the price fluctuates around 150 rubles. Thus, by placing one link in each of your articles, you will earn about 150 rubles. from each article.

Nice money to start with and great motivation to write articles on your blog, isn't it?

Well, now about how to find out the bits of the blog.

How to determine the TIC of a blog

In order to find out the TIC of your blog, you can go to the Yandex.Webmaster panel and see the TIC.

Also, in order to determine the TIC of your own and other people's sites, you can use many different applications, extensions and programs, such as SEObar for Oper, SeoQuake for Firefox, and so on.

I mainly use a special service to determine the TIC and to analyze website promotion: http://be1.ru/stat /

Yandex updates TIC indicators about once or twice a month. Internet users call this update update.

When Yandex made the update, you can also find out in different ways. One of them (the most convenient) is to go to the service using the link http://pr-cy.ru/updates and there on the calendar, it will be shown in red when the last time the Yandex TIC was updated.

Until next time in my new articles.

Subject Citation Index (TIC)- an indicator of the Yandex search engine, designed to display the authority of a website based on how often it is mentioned on the Internet and how high-quality links lead to it from other resources. The quality characteristic in this case is the "weight" of the link. It is calculated according to a specific algorithm of the Yandex search engine. A significant role for link "weight" is played by how similar on the topic and authoritative resources link to the website. The value of the TIC is determined by the number, subject matter and quality of Internet resources referring to the resource. This indicator applies to the entire site, that is, its overall linking ability is taken into account. And to display the weight of a specific page, there is a VIC value. On August 22, 2018 Yandex announced that it would no longer show the TIC, but would replace it with IKS. The TIC was primarily used by Yandex for the purpose of compiling a rating of Internet resources in the headings of the search engine catalog, which Yandex also closed before canceling the TIC. The catalog indicated rounded values, which help to at least roughly understand how authoritative the site is in its section. According to Yandex, the TIC was not used for ranking. Although, for many years, this statement has caused a lot of discussion among specialists, since, according to numerous observations, the position of the site in the search results improved precisely after the growth of the TIC. But there is a logical explanation for this. The TIC does not increase by itself. This happens after the number of external links increases, which transfer the weight to certain pages of the resource. This is what leads to the growth of his position in the search. Previously, it was easy to check when Yandex Catalog existed, now this project, as we have already said, is closed. If your site was not added to the Yandex catalog, its positions were checked for various queries. Then the site was added to the catalog. The TCI values ​​changed dynamically, but the ranking of the resource in the search remained practically unchanged.

The thematic citation index has existed in the Yandex search engine since the late 90s. The value of the indicators was recalculated once every 1-3 months. It was not influenced by:

  1. Internal links.
  2. Sites, the servers of which are on free hosting, with the exception of those registered in Yandex.Catalog.

Important! Until 2013, the TIC was a key factor helping to get to the TOP of the search results. Today, it does not affect the position of your web resource in Yandex search results, but only displays its authority, which allows you to sell links at higher prices.

A little less than 20 years have passed since its inception, and during this period Internet technologies have made a huge breakthrough. Social networks have improved, mobile traffic has grown significantly, SEO links no longer affect rankings as much as they used to. All this led to a change in the algorithms for ranking web resources, and according to Yandex, there are more than 1,500 signals affecting the compilation of search results. Therefore, links are not, as before, the main parameter of the site quality. The TIC can no longer show the real state of affairs, that is, the usefulness and relevance of the resource for users. It became necessary to create a new metric that will form the value of the quality of the resource, starting not only from links, but also from many other criteria. On August 22, 2018, Yandex made a statement in its blog about the exclusion of the TIC and its replacement with an improved indicator - the site quality index (SQI). And already on August 31, it was brought to life. ICS is designed to show the actual quality of the site, its compliance with the needs of users. At the same time, as the Yandex team declares, a big role will be played not so much by the volume of traffic as by the degree of their satisfaction and trust. This means that site owners should now monitor more behavioral factors. Simply put, replacing the outdated TIC with IKS will re-educate optimizers and suggest that it is necessary to work not only on the link, but also on the quality of the site. However, ICS, like its predecessor, will not affect the ranking of the site in the search results. It only shows how popular it is and how much it is in demand among the target audience.

Is TCI taken into account now?

If webmasters and optimizers cannot see the TIC now, this does not mean that it is not calculated. The so-called toolbar value of the TIC is not shown to us, but in fact it is calculated by the search engine for its own purposes. After all, Google still uses PageRank in its ranking, which is also not shown to us, and the TIC is also a kind of PageRank, only for the domain (calculated for the entire domain).

How the TCI could be increased before: 9 effective ways

During the time when the TCI was one of the important indicators for selling and buying links, SEO specialists have discovered a huge number of methods to help increase it. Let's highlight the 9 most effective and, most importantly, white ways to increase the TCI.

# 1. Registration in white catalogs

To obtain the minimum TIC value (+10), it was enough to register in about half a hundred white catalogs with a good reputation. If you spend a few days, you can find on your own such a number of directories with a really high thematic citation index. Well, those who did not want to spend their personal time looking for high-quality white catalogs ordered a run through them in services or from specialists on the forums. Now, on the contrary, directories can harm you, I would not advise you to run through them. And if you still want to add your site to directories, then you should select them yourself.

No. 2. Comments on Dofollow Blogs

These are such web resources with content, where anyone can comment on the article and indicate the URL of their site and the link weight will be transmitted, that is, the link is not closed in the nofollow tag. Once upon a time it was difficult to find really good Dofollow blogs, but those who spent time searching and commenting achieved +10 TIC and even more. Today you can still find such blogs and they can still transfer a little weight. By the way, now there are not only blogs, but also forums, social networks, feeds and mailings that transfer weight to links left in the comments. But you have to work hard to find such resources. The best option remains blogs, where you do not need to register and earn a rating to publish your link.

No. 3. Connecting RSS feeds and mailings

For online magazines and blogs, where it is planned to post a large amount of interesting content, it is important to register on sites that send article announcements, as well as add an RSS feed. This allows you to get backlinks to almost all articles and add link power to your pages. This procedure also helps to attract additional traffic. For example, if you take a webmaster theme, then such directories are: https://bablo.click By adding an RSS feed to your blog, after each publication of your material, it appears on this site and people reading a selection of these materials can go to your site. And it still works in some areas.

No. 4. Buying links on exchanges

Most often, SEOs bought links on popular exchanges, at the same time promoting the site by building up the link mass and, based on this, the TIC also increased. An example of popular exchanges that still work: http://www.sape.ru https://seopult.ru https://gogetlinks.net http://miralinks.ru

No. 5. Crowd Marketing

It means attracting the target audience from various blogs, headings, blogs, social networks and other sources through attractive external links to the site being optimized. Yandex requires that the site has not only a large link mass, but also that such links interest users and they actually click on them. Therefore, Crowd Marketing is about placing links in sources that are similar in subject matter. So you can get not only the link mass to increase the TIC, but also attract new interested visitors.

No. 6. Profile run with reference

Another method of increasing the TIC, which was available completely free of charge. It was required to find many resources where you can create a personal profile and post your link, mainly forums, communities and blogs. An important nuance - sites should be such where you can post dofollow links in your profile. But the problem is that it took a lot of time to find so many resources, and it took about a month to complete the registration and post links. Yes, and e-mail was clogged with messages about registrations and mailings, so there were special services or programs that automated this process.

No. 7. Buying TIC

Many SEO companies have a list of their client sites that provide the ability to place a link to transfer weight. Companies illegally placed links on their clients' sites, and this service was called "Buy TIC".

No. 8. Registration in Yandex Catalog

By registering in Yandex.Catalog (the catalog is now closed), one could count on an increase in the TIC several times. It was possible to get into Yandex.Catalog for free, which was very rare, since Yandex either rejected applications or considered them for six months or more. But it was possible to register and it cost about 15,000 rubles for a fee, and then the site got into the catalog in just a few weeks, and in addition to the TIC received:
  • Increased trust from search engines.
  • Raising positions in the search.
  • Possibility to add 7 regions.

No. 9. Buying a domain name that already has a TCI

Those who did not like to bother found an easier way - to buy a domain with a TCI. This could be done in 3 ways:
  1. Domain auction. Here, as a rule, domains are bought from outbidders, who first acquire cool domain names or those with a high TIC, and then sell them at a higher price at an auction.
  2. Exchanges buy / sell sites. The most profitable method of buying a domain from the TIC, since even before paying, you have the opportunity to choose the desired topic and check if filters from search engines are imposed on the site. The largest exchange on the Runet is.
  3. Free domain selection. Many people make money by waiting for some interesting domain to be released, and then resell it. But if you're lucky, you might find an attractive domain name even before it's even assigned. You can also contact the owners of resources where the domain name renewal period expires in a month, or buy out low-quality projects with a high TIC from their owners.

The main principle of increasing the TIC

The main key to success in obtaining a TIC was a huge number of references to the site on other projects. The more external links to it, the more TIC. Moreover, links with various domains worked better, and not several links from one domain, this is logical, since it was already written earlier that TIC is a domain PageRank.


Previously, any webmaster dreamed of increasing the TIC for his web resource, since this indicator helped to bring it to the first positions in the search results. But those days are long gone, and links are no longer as important in ranking as they used to be. And you can't see the toolbar TIC itself, although the search engine calculates it for itself. It was replaced by a new metric - Yandex IKS, which can be seen for any site. According to Yandex, it will objectively reflect the quality of a web resource, which depends on many criteria: content relevance, text uniqueness, site design and structure, behavioral factors, and others.

Today I want to consider such a parameter as TCI. After Yandex announced the closure of its Catalog, it became known that the TCI will no longer be displayed in the public domain and will now be visible only in the Webmaster of the site. I tried to collect all the information that is now, and give answers to popular questions. The article will be divided into the following parts, so if you are only interested in information about the latest events, click on the necessary link:

What is the TCI site

I want to start with a general definition of what Yandex TCI is.

In a nutshell, the TCI (Thematic Citation Index) is what Yandex uses to determine the authority of a site. It is calculated according to a special algorithm, which takes into account external links leading to the site, their subject matter, quantity and authority. It follows from this: the more high-quality thematic links to your site, the higher its TCI will be.

What does the site's TCI affect?

This was his main purpose.

After the introduction of the TCI parameter, webmasters, SEOs and link sellers began to actively use it. It is believed that the higher the TCI parameter, the better the site's link profile in the eyes of Yandex. Consequently, webmasters are pleased to know that Yandex has rated a site's link profile well, SEO specialists want links from sites with a good link profile, and link sellers can sell links with a high TCI for more.

Well, and probably the most common question: does the site's TCI affect the ranking?

The answer is: no, it does not. A site's CY is something like an indicator of inbound links to a site that is used to evaluate its link profile. For example, TOP for the request "modern chandeliers":

As you can see in the screenshot, some sites have more than 100 TCIs, but this does not prevent sites with TCIs 20, 30, 10 from being higher than them.

Methods for determining the TCI site

Let me clarify one point: these methods are relevant until Yandex.Catalog is completely closed and while the TCI has not been updated. We will consider how to be after a little below. Now the TCI can still be checked in the following ways:

1. Through Yandex.Catalog. As I already wrote, the TCI was needed to determine the order of the resources in the Catalog, so it is not surprising that we can see it there. We go to the Catalog, enter the site URL of interest in the search and search. In the search results, you will see the TCI under the site description.

2. Using the RDS Bar plugin. In fact, there are many plugins that can be used to determine the TCI, but I use the RDS Bar - in addition to the TCI, it can give a lot of useful information. More details about the plugin were written in the article "". I recommend reading it.

3. When you need to check the TCI of several sites (for example, competitors' sites), the methods indicated above will not be very convenient. For a bulk check of the TCI, I use the service for checking the TCI SEOlib.

After checking, we receive a report in which, in addition to the TCI, information will be indicated on the number of site pages in Yandex, Google, the site's location in Yandex.Catalog and the date of registration. This is very convenient for quick analysis of competitors. Let's take a look at our site as an example:

These methods are relevant now, but in the near future they will most likely have to look for an alternative. Why this happened and what to do, we will consider further.

Closing Yandex.Catalogue and its impact on TCI

On December 20, 2017 Yandex announced in its blog that "the Catalog is not accepting applications." The reason for this: with the development of search engines, the role of directories has become obsolete, and the once popular Yandex.Catalog has lost its popularity.

Now the Catalog is working, but its updating has been stopped, and the acceptance of applications for adding to it is closed, as the plate on the Catalog website eloquently tells us:

When asked about the operability of the Catalog, Yandex representatives say that it is now frozen, and its complete closure is planned for the spring of 2018.

You may ask: "Well, well, the Catalog is being closed, what has the TCI to do with it?" The thing is that thanks to Yandex.Catalogue, the TCI was in the public domain, and after its closure it will be possible to find out the TCI only through the Webmaster. This is stated in the Catalog itself:

Now the TCI in the Catalog is still relevant, since there has not been an update since November 2017. After the update, the indicator will become closed, and it will be possible to see it only in the website's Webmaster. Yandex employees also speak about this:

What is it fraught with. This will mainly affect buying and selling links. SEOs use TCI when buying links, as one of the parameters of the site filter. After the directory is completely closed, it will be impossible to check the TCI without access to the Webmaster, therefore, the process of buying / selling links will become more complicated. If everything can be solved with the purchase of links on private sites, for example, you can ask for a screenshot from the Yandex Webmaster, where the TCI, the current date and the site URL will be visible, then with the exchanges everything is a little more complicated. Perhaps the exchanges will start requesting this information from publishers when adding a site to the system.

Webmasters will be able to see the TCI of their project in the Yandex Webmaster.

Alternatives to TCI in Yandex

Suppose that the TCI has become closed and it is no longer as easy as it is to define it now. Then you will have to use third-party services to evaluate the site.
I use the TCI only for the initial filtering of donors, for example, I filter donors so that only those with TCI above 100 are displayed. Then, to evaluate the donor's link profile, I look at the indicators of other services. Let's take a look at a few of them, namely Ahrefs Rank, Moz Domain Authority, Page Authority and Majestic Citation Flow.

Ahrefs Rank

The link profile is determined through the Ahrefs Rank service. The service ranks sites based on the size and quality of their link profile. Sites with the highest quality link profile rank high in their system according to Ahrefs. Therefore, the lower the number, the worse the site's link profile. you can find out on the Ahrefs blog.

Keep in mind that Internet giants such as Facebook.com, Google and others go to the top positions, so if your site has Ahrefs Rank below hundreds of thousands, don't be discouraged. For example, the indicators of our site:

MOZ Domain Authority and Page Authority

For example, Facebook metrics:

Indicators of our site:

Majestic Citation Flow

This metric can be found at majestic.com. Citation Flow is a value between 0 and 100 that Majestic uses to evaluate the link profile of a site or link. Citation Flow is used in conjunction with Trust Flow (Majestic Trust Flow, by which they determine the level of trust in a site). The higher the score, the higher the Majestic scores. For example, facebook.com metrics:

Indicators of our site:

Ahrefs Rank, Domain Authority, Page Authority and Citation Flow metrics can help you evaluate a site's link profile in a closed CIC. I also recommend reading our article "". From it you can find out how else you can evaluate the link profile of the site.


The TCI of the site is a kind of assessment of the link profile of your site by Yandex. The indicator was used to determine the order of sites in Yandex.Catalog; it does not affect ranking. While Yandex.Catalog is frozen, but not completely closed yet, you can define the TCI through Yandex.Webmaster, RDS Bar. For mass verification, I recommend using the SEOlib verification service.

After Yandex.Catalog is completely closed or the TCI is updated, the indicator will become closed. To measure your link profile, you can use the following metrics: Ahrefs Rank, Domain Authority, Page Authority, and Majestic Citation Flow.

Questions and answers

TIC will live?

I believe that sooner or later Yandex will hide or remove this indicator because it is not needed. Now the TCI is alive and will live in Yandex.Webmaster.

Will the TCI be updated when the next update and how will the TCI be charged to new sites?

Everything remains the same: it will be updated when an update is made - no one knows, it is charged as before.

Will the TCI be publicly available?

No, now the TCI can only be found in Yandex.Webmaster.

Although this is inaccurate: a week after discussions about the fact that the TCI will become classified information, the following answer appeared:

While Yandex is thinking, I will answer a few more popular questions.

TIC site 10 - is it a lot or a little?

For a young site, the top ten is a good indicator, which means that the site is moving in the right direction. It's better than zero. On a global scale, this is not much. Again, this is a good sign for a young site.

Why has the TCI increased dramatically?

Most likely, the TCI was updated recently and you raised it.

Why has the TCI reset to zero?

In this case, you need to look individually. This could have happened due to the gluing of mirrors, for example, you moved to https and pointed to https as the main mirror. In this case, the TCI from http may not be transmitted immediately.

How much is a good TCI?

This question is most often asked by webmasters who want to know when to start selling links. I believe that a good TCI is more than zero, and then you need to look at the situation.

That's all, leave questions in the comments, I will be glad to answer. Good luck =)

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TCI (Topical Citation Index) is a Yandex technology that determines how authoritative a web resource is by using links that lead to it. The algorithm analyzes the quality of links using the set parameters, including the thematic similarity of sites.

The definition of TCI essentially says the same thing, but the search robot counts not only the number of links, but also their quality. Returning to scientific works: authoritative scientific journals, popular science resources, entertainment publications, and so on can refer to the publication. The CI does not take this into account, unlike the thematic index.

Let's say you have a website - an online store of decorative plaster. You not only sell goods with it, but also maintain a blog there: write articles, notes, publish photos and videos about plaster. Two sources were linked to publications from your blog: a large resource about repairs and a personal blog of an amateur plasterer. With all due respect to amateur plasterers, the "weight" (quality) of a repair portal link will be greater than that of a personal blog.

The more good, quality resources link to you, the higher your thematic citation index.

What is PR (PageRank)?

TCI and PR are similar indicators of different search engines: if the first is from Yandex, then the second is from Google. Although, of course, there are differences.

PageRank is a non-thematic citation index of a site. Like the research center of scientific publications, PageRank is calculated precisely quantitatively: the more links, the more important the website is.

But in 2016, Google turned off the display of the toolbar PageRank value, and now it is impossible to find out the PageRank of Internet sites. Some third-party services offer the ability to find out the PR of sites, but the indicators will only be at the time the index is turned off and they are unlikely to be similar to the truth. Nevertheless, the real (and not the toolbar) value of PageRank remains a ranking factor, and it is calculated according to a different, more complex scheme.

How is the site's TCI measured and how often is it updated?

To calculate the TCI, Yandex uses the information about the web resource that is already in the base of the search engine robot. Initially, the TCI is calculated for each page separately, and not for the entire site as a whole. And the general thematic index is the sum of the TCI of all pages.

What the algorithm takes into account:

  • external links - those that are posted on other sites;
  • unique links - if the same link is placed on several pages of the same portal or repeated several times on the page, then this is counted as one link;
  • natural links useful to the user.
  • Posted on resources without moderation (for example, a forum or a blog).
  • Hosted on sites on free hosting.

Updates of the TCI algorithm, which occur every 2-3 months, can be tracked at these addresses:

In what cases can the TCI of the site be reset to zero?

  • If the site has nothing useful for users, the content is non-unique, and the resource itself is needed to sell links.
  • If the site fanatically places seo links to influence the ranking in the SERP.
  • If Yandex has already caught the site trying to influence the index.

Yandex is very strict and categorical in its position on this issue: the owner of the online resource will not receive any comments, notifications, guarantees or terms of restoration.

How to check the site's TCI?

  1. Checking the site's TCI is primarily the work of Yandex, so you can find out the citation rates in Ya.Webmaster, Yandex.Bar or informer:
  1. You can find out the TCI of the site using third-party online services:
  2. The seo plugin RDS bar helps to determine the TCI (we wrote a short review of it in the article on useful seo programs).

Influence of a site's TCI on ranking in search

Unlike PageRank, TCI does not directly affect a site's search ranking. However, among its parameters there are those that can increase or decrease the position of the site in the search results: for example, a site with unique and useful content will rank higher than a project with copied footcloths - although this does not mean at all that its TCI is higher (but probably) ... That is, the influence of the citation index on SEO is indirect.

The priority of external website optimization and the pursuit of links led to the fact that search engines simply stopped trusting this indicator and lowered the importance of external links for ranking: a clear confirmation of this is the Yandex filter "Minusinsk". While the links are still working at this point, it's ultimately a matter of link quality, not quantity.

Cheating TCI - what is the threat and is it worth doing?

The growth of the thematic citation index is a natural process if the site develops and changes for the better. It is possible to raise the TCI of the site in completely "legal" ways, without resorting to the help of risky and, what is really there, often expensive methods:

  • Regularly update your website with interesting articles and other unique content.
  • Leave comments - useful and to the point - on the thematic forums.
  • Don't overuse buying links.
  • Submit articles on specialized portals.

The promotion of TCI by an unnatural increase in the reference mass is a direct way to Minusinsk and not only. The site may disappear from the search results altogether - and this is easier to prevent than to cure.

TIC, or thematic citation index, is an indicator of a site's authority in the eyes of the Yandex search engine. It depends on the weight of backlinks, which, in turn, is influenced by the quality of donor sites. The more sites link to the site and the higher their rating, the higher the citation index of Yandex.

The TIC was introduced by Yandex and was used only by Yandex. The indicator was tied to the domain name (URL) and allowed the resource to occupy higher positions in Yandex.Catalogue. It also influenced the cost of placing backlinks. There was no direct relationship between the value of the indicator and the growth of positions. Sites with a zero value could also get to the top.

ICS (site quality index)

Important! From August 31, 2018, the thematic citation index is no longer an actual indicator. Yandex announced the termination of work with the TIC and the transition to ICS (site quality index). PageRank (a similar indicator for Google) was canceled even earlier.

Search engines have been struggling with selling links and cheating these indicators for a long time. Therefore, their cancellation was only a matter of time. TIC, like PR, was outdated and no longer provided objective information (except for large sites where the level of citation was really high). They could be easily wound up by purchasing links. The cancellation of the TIC was also facilitated by the removal of the Yandex.Catalog service, where the index was the main factor in the ranking of sites.

How to find out TIC

Defining a site's TIC has been a must for many years when purchasing and posting backlinks. How could you find out the citation index of the site:

  • through the footer of the site. Some webmasters placed in the footer of their site a small piece of code received from Yandex, which showed the value of the TIC;
  • by clicking on the link http://yandex.ru/cycounter?YOUR_SAYT.RU. The easiest and fastest way. Instead of "YOUR_SAYT.RU" it was necessary to insert the URL of the required site without the "https: //" protocol;
  • in Yandex.Webmaster. This method is intended to determine the TIC of their sites. To do this, it was necessary to log in to the "Webmaster" and connect your resource, after which you could see the thematic citation index of "Yandex" and other useful information;
  • through third party services. Services such as Xtool, Seolib.ru, CY-PR, Xseo.in and others are used to promote sites in search engines and until recently made it possible to find out their TIC.

TIC change history

When performing search engine optimization on a site, you need to place backlinks on third-party resources. But how to understand if the site is of high quality, whether its index is winding up, whether your rating will deteriorate if you place your hyperlink on it? Until recently, the answer was simple - look at the history of changes in the TIC resource. Viewing the history made it possible to assess the stability of this indicator for a particular domain and to understand whether it is worth placing your links on its pages.

For example, the TIC of the site was 40 throughout the year, and during the last few updates it fluctuated from 50 to 40. Most likely, in the future, the index will not fall below 40, and if the owner of the resource also increases the link mass, then, perhaps, it will go up to 50. On such a site it made sense to post a backlink.

Or you saw a different picture. TIC during the year systematically fell from 40 to 20. It is likely that in the future it could fall. These donors are best avoided.

You could find out the citation index of the site and see the history of the site's TIC using special services:

  • Recipdonor.com,
  • Push2check.com,
  • gogolev.net,
  • tic-history.ru.