How to find out your roots. How to find out your roots How to find information about your ancestors in the archives

Today we often ask ourselves the question: "Who are we? Where are our roots from?" But we do not always find the answer to our question. Time has passed, much has been lost and forgotten. And finding ancestors by last name is not easy at all. Our roots go back to the distant past of ancient times. But, respecting the memory of our ancestors, we are drawn to history, to the history of a kind.

Origin of the surname

Historians in our time are actively working in search of roots by surname. On the Internet, special sites have been created where you can conduct your research, and if you are lucky, you can find traces of your ancestors. You can look through dictionaries, reference books, in which the meaning of your surname is written. It may come from the occupation of the father of the family, that is, a distant relative of yours. For example, "the cooper's son is Bondarev". The surnames that came from the princely family were called like the lands that were in their possession. Vyazemsky, Shuisky are examples of this. The surnames came from the churches in which the clergy ruled, as well as from the geographical location of the area.

If your independent research did not give you any clue, then you can contact the Center for Genealogical Research or its website, its address is It was created to help those who want to study their family tree, who do not want to lose their roots. On the website, you can find out how to find your ancestors, whose roots go back to pre-revolutionary times. The site provides a database that is constantly updated. There are no analogues of this system on the Internet, so you have the opportunity to find ancestors by last name for free.

Search through the archive

If you have the opportunity and time to contact archival institutions, then set yourself up for the fact that you will need to spend a lot of time and leaf through a lot of literature. At the same time, you should know the most minimal information about your ancestors, in particular about the place where they lived. In the archive, you must write a request and its employees in the card index will look for references to a particular surname. Information about when a person was born and who his parents are can be found out immediately. Gradually "the ball unwinds" and the family tree begins to draw.

Internet search

The link can also tell you where to find ancestors. As you visit the FamilySpace website, you will find that there is unique information about genealogy here. Here you can learn a lot about your roots. People are searched by profession, region and last name. The information on the site is constantly updated. And if you registered here, but did not find the one you were looking for, then you can just wait. When the information you are interested in appears on the site, you will be sent a notification. The site provides instructions detailing how to use the site. The ability to find your ancestors is provided free of charge on this site.

If you have minimal information about your relatives: place of residence, surname, then you can check the places where they used to live. Surely, there are old residents who can remember these people. It often happens that abandoned old photographs can be scattered in attics, which would be of great value to you. Older people, usually, do not really want to remember the past right away, but when the conversation gains strength, you can learn a lot of interesting facts.

TV shows

If you want to find your ancestors by their last name, who are still alive, but lost somewhere for one reason or another, please visit the website of the "Wait for Me" program at A simple people search system works here, which will give you the opportunity to track whether someone from your relatives and friends is looking for you, and you can also apply to find the person you need.

Decorate your family tree while you can, while your grandparents are alive. Let there be history for future generations, let your great-grandchildren know and remember their ancestry. Leave your photos for them, and time will pass, and the successors of your family will know you.

4 December 2008 3:33

This quest starts with finding your first Nirn root. Next, you need to go to the nearest alchemist and tell him about your find. The alchemist will send you to Skingrad to see his colleague Sinderion, who specializes in herbal alchemical ingredients. Sinderion's abode is located in the Western Forest Tavern, in the basement. Sinderion will tell you that he needs 10 roots of Nirn to prepare the "Elixir of Research", which is used primarily for exploring various kinds of dungeons. He will also give you "Notes on the Root of Nirn" and besides, Sinderion will tell you the place from which it is better to start your search, this is the Great Forest, and more specifically, the "Grove of Shady Leaves" northeast of Skingrad. In the grove you will find only one root near a small lake. In order for your searches to progress further more fruitfully, I will give you a brief summary of all the useful information about Nirnrut. It boils down to one thesis - Nirnrut always grows near the water, so if you set yourself the goal of certainly completing the task as quickly as possible, then go to the Imperial City and start exploring both shores of Lake Rumar. I think you will find even more than 10 roots of Nirn there. As soon as you collect the required number of Nirnuruts, return to Cinderion. He will tell you that in a day he will prepare a "Weak Elixir of Research" for you, and will ask you to bring him 20 more roots of Nirn to prepare a more powerful elixir. If the stocks of roots near Lake Rumar have exhausted themselves, then I can advise you to go to the Niben River and collect Nirnrut on its banks. Return in a day to the alchemist and take the "Weak Elixir of Research" from him, and Sinderion will also give you the opportunity to buy an elixir from him if you need it in the future. Now give twenty roots of Nirn to Sinderion, from which he will prepare you the "Medium Elixir of Research", and go for the next batch of Nirnroots, this time in the amount of 30 pieces. The Niben River has a fairly large number of tributaries, so you can grab roots by going around their banks. In addition, Nirnrut also grows on the coast of the province of Cyrodiil. Come to Cinderion in a day or as soon as you find 30 roots and get a ready-made "Medium Elixir of Research". Then you can give him 30 found roots of Nirn so that he prepares for you the "Strong elixir of research". The first test portion, as usual, will be ready in a day, but for now you can start looking for a new batch of Nirnruts, this time forty pieces. From the experience of communication on thematic forums, I know that many people are shocked by such a figure, but I want to assure you that there are a lot of Ninroots in the game, the developers have laid more than 300 roots in it, and it is quite possible to find them. Personally, I have already found 180 roots, so do not give up, I will tell you where else you can find the roots of Nirn. There is a swampy area in the southeast of the province, and if you walk carefully there, then at least 20 roots can be collected. There are also small lakes scattered throughout Cyrodiil, on the banks of each of which one or two Nirnrut grows, and it is quite common to find Nirn root growing in flower pots, especially among wealthy city dwellers and in guild branches. After the expiration of the period, return for the "Strong Elixir of Research" to Cinderion, he, as always, will give you one bottle for free. If by this time you were able to collect forty Nirnroots, then you can give them to the alchemist, and he will begin to prepare the "Great Elixir of Research", the first portion of which you can pick up in a day. At this point, the task of collecting the roots is considered complete, but Sinderion will be happy to buy the roots of Nirnrut from you in the future, in batches of 10 roots at a price of 250 gold per batch.

-1) (_uWnd.alert ("You have already rated this material!", "Error", (w: 270, h: 60, t: 8000)); $ ("# rating_os"). Css ("cursor", "help"). attr ("title", "You have already rated this material"); $ ("# rating_os"). attr ("id", "rating_dis");) else (_uWnd.alert ("Thanks for rating ! "," You did your job ", (w: 270, h: 60, t: 8000)); var rating = parseInt ($ (" # rating_p "). Html ()); rating = rating + 1; $ ("#rating_p"). html (rating); $ ("# rating_os"). css ("cursor", "help"). attr ("title", "You've already rated this stuff"); $ ("# rating_os "). attr (" id "," rating_dis ");)));"> I like 9


It is quite possible to draw up the pedigree of your family on your own, without spending a lot of money on paying for the services of professional historians. It is only important to know with and in which direction to move. The first thing to do is to ask in detail all living relatives, especially the older generation, about your family. Pay special attention to names, dates of birth, death and imprisonment. Places of birth and residence, nationality and religious affiliation should also be recorded. Subsequently, this data will greatly help in restoring unknown links of your kind.

Oral information received from relatives is best formalized in the form of detailed stories collected in one notebook or album. Simultaneously with their preparation, it is worth collecting all the family documents at your disposal: photographs, letters, personal diaries and notes, any official evidence or information. Literally everything can come in handy, even extracts from medical records and directions for tests.

In order to organize the available information and visually represent the structure of your kind, it is best to draw up the primary. A pedigree (genealogical) tree is a schematic representation of intergenerational painting, that is, family ties in the form of a conditional tree, at the roots of which there is a common ancestor. The trunk is made up of representatives of the main line of the genus, and the branches are various subsidiary lines. The traditional family tree was always drawn from bottom to top, imitating the shape of real trees, which is not very convenient for subjective perception. Therefore, for the most part, modern pedigree schemes are made inverted - the ancestor-founder is placed at the very top, and his descendants are located further downward.

Today on the Internet there are numerous and computer programs that allow you to create detailed pedigree charts. Family Tree Builder is one of the most convenient and popular. It can be downloaded from the developers website ( absolutely free. The program runs on Windows and provides many options for organizing information about relationships.

The structure of the genus, drawn up in the form of a diagram, will immediately allow you to see what data is still lacking for a complete picture. In most cases, oral interrogations of relatives make it possible to collect information about the composition of the family only up to the 3-4th generation, then memory refuses. If there is a need to learn more about your kind, you will have to turn to archival research. In Russia, basic data on citizens after the 1917 revolution. were recorded in the registry office, and before it in the church registers. Today, all this information can be found in the respective archives. To be admitted to work in the archive, you will need a passport, two photographs (if the archive is regional or central) and a corresponding application. The staff of the archive will familiarize you with the rules for working with documents already on the spot. They will also help you find the right sources.

For collecting information about distant ancestors, in addition to church registers containing information about births, deaths and marriage registrations, Revision Tales may be useful. Before the revolution, they recorded data on people belonging to the taxable estates - artisans, peasants, bourgeois. These documents usually contained information about males, including their last name, first name, patronymic, age, place of birth and residence, marital status, information about the presence of children, nationality and property status. It is advisable to immediately enter all new information into the constructed scheme, and the data itself in the form of texts is best arranged in the form of a separate book or album, which could be inherited by your children.

The story of your family is always interesting. People are often fond of searching for information about their ancestors, make up a family tree - and sometimes learn interesting things! Someone turns out to be a descendant of an ancient noble family, and someone's great-great-grandfather was a rich merchant or a famous scientist. Jewish genealogy turns out to be much more complicated than any other, which is not surprising.

The entire history of the Jewish people, starting with Abraham, is a constant movement from place to place. There was only one relatively long period without migration across all usyuds - from the conquest of the land of Israel by Yehoshua bin Nun to the capture of Jerusalem by Titus and the destruction of the Second Temple. Further - endless migrations, again expulsions and again migrations. And it was Poland and the modern territory of Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova that became the place of residence of Ashkenazi Jews until the beginning of World War II.

Our site was created specifically for those who want to find ancestors or other relatives who lived in these places. We work with many archives and libraries, we have specialists in all directions - from searching records in the registers of old synagogues to finding graves in ancient Jewish cemeteries.

Finding roots

According to the "Regulations on the Jews" of 1804, the function of keeping registers of births in duplicate was imputed to the duties of the rabbis. One of them was kept in the synagogue, the other - in city institutions. Records of acts of civil status in synagogues were conducted according to approximately the same schemes as among Christians (birth, circumcision, marriage, death). However, metric records did not exist for all Jews. Births and deaths of girls were often not recorded. Boys were subject to the obligatory religious rite of circumcision, and in addition, their registration was necessary by virtue of the existing laws on military service and was constantly checked.
Jewish birth books were kept in two languages: on the left page of the spread the text is in Russian, on the right - the same text is duplicated in Hebrew or Yiddish. The years according to the Hebrew chronology in both variants are practically not indicated anywhere, in the Hebrew text the dates according to the Christian calendar are indicated. There were also problems associated with the transmission in Russian of Jewish names and toponyms by Jews who had a poor command of Russian grammar and kept registers of births. Some notes are often lost as a result of careless cutting of sheets after stitching notebooks.

But if you really want to, the past will reveal its secrets, and any person will be able to trace the fate of his kind, even if the information was considered lost.

To search, just contact us and indicate the information about the relative that you have - name, place of birth, etc. We will definitely try to help you.

Anyone who wants to feel like a part of a huge whole. After all, the history of each family is fraught with an incredible amount of secrets and discoveries, troubles and joys, happy and tragic stories that will make you feel that there is an incredible legacy behind you. And it is not at all necessary to be a distant relative of princes and counts to feel like a part of history.

The opportunity to find out who your predecessors were is invaluable wealth that cannot be measured in material units.

Someone wants to understand who their great-grandmother was, someone wants to find a trace of a relative who disappeared decades ago, and someone wants to find out where the remains of their grandfather who died in the Great Patriotic War are buried.

The goals are different, but they have one thing in common - the desire to find answers to exciting questions about the origins of your family in the mists of time. In any case, the research process can turn into a real adventure and be remembered for many years.

Where to start a kind of research

Start by asking the oldest family members about family members living elsewhere. What do they remember about their parents, brothers and sisters, when they were born and what were their names, where did they live and where did they move?

Perhaps someone knows the burial places or the house in which your great-great-grandfather was born is still preserved. Any information will be valuable. Even what songs they sang in the village, when they played a wedding, what clothes they wore and what they ate, how they liked to spend time and what animals were kept in the house. Perhaps this information will not help you find out your ancestry up to the seventh generation, but it will definitely bring distant times closer to us and help us understand people who lived decades ago. Do not forget to record the conversation on a dictaphone so that later you can decipher the recording and transfer it to paper. Plus, the living voice of a loved one will definitely stay with you, and important details will not slip away from your memory.

How to find information about your ancestors in the archives

Before heading to government records, start by taking apart your home shelving.

Pay attention to photographs, documents on marriage or its dissolution, birth and death certificates, documents on graduation. At the same time, look not only at the front, but also at the back of the document or photograph. Important notes may remain on it, which will help in further searches.

This is especially true for photographs: many people signed the names of the people depicted, as well as the date and place where the picture was taken. And in the photo itself, you can see the name of the station or find out in what rank your great-grandfather ended the war.

How to find the history of your ancestors: ways to organize information

When searching with numerous sources and scraps of information, it is very easy to get confused. Therefore, we advise you to write down all incoming data in a notepad or create a folder on your computer.

How to find your kind of ancestors by name and surname: on the Internet and in the archive

It is logical that those who seek to find data about their roots try to find their relatives using a search by last name. On the Internet, you can find many sites dedicated to the research of experts in the field of surname history. Perhaps you, too, will be lucky to find a clue that will lead you to the traces of your ancestors.

There are special reference books and dictionaries where you can find a short history of your surname. Usually, it dates back to ancient times, and is often formed from a nickname, name, profession, nationality, noticeable character traits or appearance, as well as the place of residence of your distant ancestor.

So, the surname Goncharov was built on the principle "the son of a potter - potters". The surnames of representatives of princely families usually came from the name of the lands where the possessions of the family were located. Vyazemsky and Meshchersky are a direct example of this.

Think about how your last name was formed, perhaps it will say a lot about your relatives.

How can you find the roots of your ancestors on the Internet: looking for information about relatives on the Internet

A simple search query on Google with the name and surname of your relative is unlikely to give any significant result. Rather, you should contact specialized search engines:

  • Google Books helps you find scans of thousands of books and reference books. Ordinary search engines cannot find hundreds of digitized editions of the pre-Soviet period. And with the help of this site, you can simply drive the surname and first name into the search bar and accidentally stumble upon the mention of relatives.
  • is an international service that allows you to search through a myriad of archival lists, birth records, revision tales, and burial lists. The site is paid, but there are also options that you do not need to pay for. With its help, you can, as well as find your ancestors, there and model an approximate layout of your own family tree based on data about their pedigree.
  • OBD "Memorial". Practically a starting service for those who know very little about their roots and want to understand how to find their family by last name. Memorial is a service that helps to get information about missing, killed or captured soldiers during the Great Patriotic War. The place of birth and year are written for almost all military personnel. This makes the search much easier. If you know that your great-great-grandfather died in the war, but from which village he was and where to look for data about him you do not know, this resource can become a real treasure of information. Often, the lists indicate not only the name of the soldier and his place of birth, but also the names of his family members who were informed about the death of the soldier. This is not only a name, but also a mark about who the person is to the deceased. Thus, you will not only find out the place of birth of your relative, but also the names of his mother, father or wife. This service is also useful for those with rare surnames. Through the search, you can see the distribution area and find out where its carriers were born and lived. Quite often it turns out that almost all of the namesakes lived in the same area or even in one small village.
  • An important help in finding information about ancestors on the Internet will be the site of the All-Russian Family Tree. There you can find a whole database, and a great forum of members who share their stories of finding roots, and can also give valuable advice and suggest in which direction to "dig" further.
  • You can search more specifically and pointwise. If you want to know about the fate of your relative who died during the First or Second World War, we advise you to turn to the resources "In memory of the heroes of the Great War 1914-1918" and "Memory of the people." If you are looking for information about a relative who could be repressed - pay attention to the sites "Personal file of everyone" and the project "Last address".

  • You can view the personal files of relatives who died in the Holocaust on the website of the Yad Vashem Center.
  • For those who know that their ancestors in Soviet or pre-revolutionary times lived in Moscow or St. Petersburg, the address directories "All Moscow" and "All Petersburg" will become an invaluable assistant. Here you can find information about your relative's address, and sometimes about his occupation. These reference books can be viewed on the website of the Historical Library.
  • Something similar to the previous point - Commemorative books. Such collections were published in the pre-Soviet period every year in almost every province. They wrote about all the people who held any position in the province. Starting from a village doctor or land surveyor to the chairman of the noble assembly. Almost all publications have indexes. You can search for memorable books on the website of the same "Historical Library".
  • A somewhat specific, but also extremely useful resource for those who are interested in how to find the biography of their ancestors - the site It is a collection of documents prepared by American Mormons. You can search digitized documents from all over the world, including Russia and Ukraine. However, non-Mormons cannot view the data. You can get permission if you make an official request to the administration of the resource.

How else can you find information about the biography of your ancestors

To search for living relatives or descendants of those who have already died, write to the website of the program "Wait for me". You can not only send an application to search for a specific person, but also track whether you or your loved ones, relatives and friends who have lost contact are not looking for you.

You can contact the registry offices. Provided that you have your own birth certificate (if not, order it there), you can receive documents of already deceased relatives. Using this method, you can find out where your grandmother was born or where your grandfather got married. However, this only works for documents issued after the October Revolution. Papers of the pre-Soviet period must be looked for elsewhere.

How to find data about your ancestors in the archives

Since the 18th century, population censuses have been carried out in our country. The oldest of them are in the archives and help to restore the genealogy before the time of Peter I. Many centuries ago, the most important documents: birth and death certificates, marriage certificates were issued in two copies, one of which was kept in the church, and the second - in a special storage.

It is better to look for cases related to noble families in the Russian State Historical Archives in St. Petersburg.

Also in the city on the Neva is the Russian State Archives of the Navy - here you can find both information about relatives who lived in pre-Soviet times and those who were born and lived after the revolution.

The Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts is based in the capital - here you can find documents from the Time of Troubles and an earlier period. The Russian State Military Historical Archive is also located in Moscow. Here it is better to look for information on the time before 1918.

In the Moscow region there is the city of Podolsk, which houses the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defense - here it is possible to find information for the period from the beginning of the Second World War to the present.

You can do the research yourself, but be prepared to face painstaking paperwork and hours spent in archives. Those who, for some reason, cannot spend so much time, but still want to get information about their roots, should turn to the help of professionals. "Russian House of Pedigree" will help you conduct research that will show where, how and when your ancestors lived, loved and died. Our specialists have access to closed archives. They will not only help to draw up a search strategy, but also carry out archival and search work, verify the authenticity of the data and organize the information received into a family tree. You can order the design of a genealogy book and a family coat of arms, which will clearly show the rich history of your family.