How do I turn off TalkBack? How to turn off voice guidance on an iPhone. How do I turn off the voice guidance feature on an android phone? Talkback app for Android How to disable the talking phone function

If a voice assistant function is activated on your smartphone, for example, OK, Google, Google Assistant or Alice, the device can respond to your voice at any time and thus receive voice commands. You can use this to create new appointments on your calendar or to request the weather forecast, but sometimes this invisible life partner can get pretty boring. In this case, you can easily disable it.

Disable OK Google

This can be done in google settings:

  • Open the Google app on your smartphone.
  • In the lower right corner, click the icon with three horizontal lines and open "Settings".
  • Then select "Language - Voice Search".
  • Tap the blue button next to Recognition OK Google to turn it off. This disables the activation of Google Assistant using voice commands on your device. If you want to completely disable voice activation, you must also disable the On Any Screen or Always On options.

How to disable Google Assistant

Google Assistant supports voice control of your mobile phone. However, this feature can be turned off if you do not want to continue using it anymore. We'll show you how to do this.

  • Before you turn off Google Assistant, you will have to launch it first. Press and hold the Home button on your smartphone or tablet for a long time.
  • In the app, tap the compass icon in the upper right corner.
  • Now press the three-dot menu button. It is also in the upper right corner.
  • Select Preferences from the pop-up menu.
  • Then tap the device for which you want to disable Google Assistant.
  • You will now see Google Assistant. Disable it using the slider by moving it.

How to disable Alice

To disable Yandex voice assistant - Alice, you must also go to the Yandex application settings by clicking the three horizontal bars in the upper left corner of the screen, and then selecting the "Settings" menu item. Then scroll down the page that opens to the "Voice Assistant" section and click on the "Voice Activation" switch. Alice is disabled.

This mode is not suitable for people with good eyesight. However, sometimes curiosity takes over and people activate TalkBack on their device. At the same time, after the first activation, a new way to enable the function is launched, due to which you can turn TalkBack back on without even understanding how you are doing it.

Let's consider several ways to disable... Let's start with the simplest.

  1. Press simultaneously two mechanical buttons responsible for lowering and increasing the volume. You will be prompted to pause TalkBack. Click on the "Ok" button once, a green frame will appear, then make two quick clicks.
  2. That's not all! You just paused TalkBack. Now go to "Settings" -> "Advanced settings" -> "Accessibility" ->

Attention! If you have activated TalkBack at least once, then it has shortcut keys "on / off" - simultaneously holding down the volume buttons. To avoid accidentally re-enabling TalkBack, disable this feature.

  1. Go to Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Accessibility -> TalkBack.
  2. At the bottom of the screen, click on "Settings" and scroll down the page that opens until you find "On. and off. TalkBack with one key. " Disable this feature.

Everything. Now you don't accidentally turn on TalkBack mode.

Let's take a look at a more complex way to disable TalkBack. Just in case. It will come in handy if you have problems pressing the volume buttons or you have turned off the ability to activate and deactivate TalkBack mode using the volume buttons.

  1. First, you need to learn a few things from working with TalkBack. First press selects an item. Then a double click will activate the item. To switch to the next item in the list, you need to slide your finger across the screen to the right, the previous item - to the left. This is necessary to scroll the screens up or down.
  2. Now, after getting familiar with the basics of the mode, go to "Settings" -> "Advanced settings" -> "Accessibility" -> "TalkBack". Drag the slider to the left and confirm that you want to turn TalkBack off.

The Android operating system has many functions, some of which ordinary users are not even aware of. One of these "chips" of the mobile operating system is Talkback. It is designed for visually impaired people - when it is turned on, the text on the screen is voiced by a robot. However, some people activate this feature by accident. Then they don't understand how to disable Talkback. What actions need to be taken for this - today's article will tell you.

In fact, Talkback is a standalone application that comes with Android by default. You can activate it on almost any smartphone or tablet. This function is regularly used by people who have problems with. The program reads them all the menu items and other interface elements, as a result of which you can use the device without looking at its screen.

Ordinary people, of course, do not need this function at all. An ordinary user will read all menu lines or icon captions faster than a robotic voice will do. Fortunately, Talkback is disabled by default. But it can be activated accidentally when you get acquainted with the "Settings" section. It can also be turned on if you buy a smartphone with your hands - after all, it is possible that its previous owner does not see well.

Disable Talkback

Nowadays, many tablets and smartphones have their own proprietary shell. However, in terms of settings, they are all about the same. In this regard, Talkback on Android of any version and with any interface is deactivated in the same way, with very rare exceptions. To do this, you need to perform the following actions:

Step 1. Go to the section " Settings».

Step 2. Go to the subsection " Special abilities". On some smartphones it may be hidden in the menu "Advanced settings".

Step 3. On some shells, you will then need to go to the subsection " Vision».

Step 4. Go to section Talkback... On smartphones and it can be called Voice Assistant.

Step 5. Deactivate the checkbox next to the function name.

Do not forget that the first click on the element will not mean anything - it will only make the robot read out the corresponding text. Therefore, clicks must be double - in the manner of a double-click with the left mouse button when controlling the Windows operating system.

Removing Talkback

If you cannot turn off Talkback, then simply delete this service from your smartphone. The easiest way to do this is through the Play Store. This package may have a different name depending on the device model.

To do this, Run Play Store and type in the search bar "Talkback"... A list of available applications will appear. Select the one that has Google LLC as the developer. In our case, this is the package "Accessibility for Android"... Click here on the button "Delete".

After that Talkback will not bother you. If you need to turn it back on, you can install this application through the Play Store.

Undoubtedly, S Voice has evolved in stages over the years and is now much more convenient than it used to be. However, for many, the question of how to disable S Voice on Samsung Galaxy S5, S4, S3 and other gadgets remains a priority. Preferring either not to use voice commands at all, or to download more advanced alternatives - Google Now and other Play Store applications, users refuse S Voice.

Disabling S Voice seems like a good idea, as without it, the responsiveness of the Home button is noticeably faster. Fortunately, to do this, it is enough to perform fairly simple manipulations with your Korean gadget.

Instructions on how to disable S Voice

The Voice Commands app on the Samsung Galaxy often gets in the way. The fact is that it starts if you double-click on the "Home" button. That is, sometimes it happens by accident, which, of course, can be unnerving. Not only that, the response of the Home button is noticeably slowed down by S Voice. It is not surprising that more and more users are wondering how to disable Voice on Samsung. Fortunately, this is done in 4 steps:

  1. Open S Voice by double clicking "Home";
  2. Open the "Menu" (upper right corner of the application);
  3. Select the "Settings" column;
  4. Uncheck the box next to "Open with Home Button".

Siri and Voice Control are among the most annoying features of the iPhone and iPad. They remind of themselves with each long press on the Home button, and until recently it was impossible to disable both functions. Since Apple has finally provided the option to disable them. How to do this is described in this instruction.

The opening (accompanied by loud sounds) of the Siri window or the Voice Control function is especially annoying for those users who do not use these capabilities of their mobile devices. Until recently, users could only disable one of the two functions, in fact, without understanding the problem. Fortunately, Apple developers have heard numerous requests from disgruntled iPhone and iPad owners.

Step 1. Go to the " Settings» → « The main» → « Universal access».

Step 2. In the section “ Interaction"Select the item" Home».

Step 3. Check the box “ Off" In chapter " Press and hold to speak».

Ready! Now, even with Siri turned on, neither the voice assistant nor the Voice Control function will disturb you with a long press on the Home button.

See also:


The "Voice Control" option is available on almost every modern smartphone. It is also available in the iPhone.
It allows you to make voice and video calls, play music, without a long search through the menu sections. After the iOS 8 update, iPhones began to "understand" the speech of Russian-speaking owners. Just do not confuse "Voice Control" withSiri is a different service, although they work a little the same way. Also, it won't work if you've activated Siri.

This option is often pre-installed and active. However, many users simply do not use it, and unintentional long presses on the "Home" button (in a pocket or bag, for example), triggering voice calls, lead to a chaotic dialing of subscribers. And this happens even when the iPhone screen is locked. Of course, this is convenient when you are driving. no need to search for the desired number in the contact book for a long time. But the rest of the time, it is very annoying when the application misinterprets your speech as a command to action. Therefore, many are wondering how to disable this application running in the background?

Two ways

In fact, everything is simple. There are two ways to disable an unused service.

The first involves the direct deactivation of the service. To do this, from the smartphone settings menu, go to the item - Touch ID and password. If you have a four-digit password, you will need to enter it to allow iOS to make changes to iPhone settings. Then put the slider - to the right of the item - Voice dialing, in the inactive state.

Ready! Now the iPhone will not be able to dial with the head from the locked screen without your knowledge. It should be noted thatvoice control music playback will continue to work even after the above service is deactivated.

The second method involves launching the voice assistant Siri. When active, other voice services are automatically blocked. To enable Siri, find the corresponding tab in the settings, under General. Move the virtual toggle switch to active state.

However, this does not always help. Siri also "sins" by the fact that it can spontaneously turn on at the wrong time. It works even when the smartphone is not on charge and Home has not been pressed. Most of all, users complained about waking up at night, because of the suddenly "speaking" assistant. Most likely, this is due to bugs in iOS.

Alternatively, you can leave inactive the function of launching it after pronouncing the phrase-password: "Hello Siri." Usually it works after connecting the iPhone to a power source, since it takes a lot of energy to ensure its activity (by the way, in the new "sixes" of the S-series, it starts without being connected to the network).

To do this, move the corresponding slider - in the Siri tab, to the off position. As you can see, there is nothing complicated. You can, as needed, activate or pause the work of voice assistants. However, you cannot turn them off completely. And why? In some situations, they are simply irreplaceable helpers.

After the children have played on the phone, oddly enough, it is difficult for them to use later. Include many different miracle features. To such "miracle functions" I would classify the built-in talkback program for android. Of course, like any system, the android is also not without its "jokes".

I did not plan to write about disabling voice guidance. But after googling, I found the instructions written by the developers and was horrified. Well, of course this is a no brainer to turn off any application you need to go into the settings, then the application, select the talkback according to and turn it off. But not everything is so simple. When talkback is on, it is almost impossible to use the phone, in order to start something, you need a double click, you cannot scroll as before.

What is the talkback app for?

The talkback app is intended for users with vision problems, or people who don't goo-gu at all. As stated by the developers, a very useful thing, it helps to understand the phone. As for me, to deal with the phone is a pointless thing. Other features might be helpful though.

Key features of talkback:

Voice acting of contact;

Gesture control;

Volume control;

Reading text from the screen when shaking the phone, etc.

At the moment, I have not found the use of these functions, perhaps over time.

For some, voice control is a very useful and convenient way to use your gadget, but there are people who get in the way. On iPhone smartphones, it was gradually replaced by Siri, which has become a favorite of most users.

Siri app has advanced functionality for users

Therefore, let's find out how to turn off voice control on iPhone 4 and other versions of this product, let's look at several ways to accomplish such a task. This way you don't have to worry about the phone dialing numbers when you can't see it.

First of all, we note that this procedure is performed differently for different iOS and iPhone systems. So, if you have a 4S smartphone and newer versions of a product from Apple, you can replace voice control as follows:

  • Go to the settings of your gadget.
  • Open the "General" section and find Siri there.
  • Activate the work of the assistant, after which the voice dialing will be blocked.

Why do users choose this program? It is newer, more convenient, and also fun to use. In addition, it is activated by a longer press of the main key. As a result, there is less chance of accidentally dialing a number or choosing other actions.

Delete the dialing command on the lock screen via Siri

To be sure to protect against accidental calls, you can bypass voice control by removing it from the lock screen. This is done in this way:

  • In the main settings, find the section of the assistant of the same name and activate its work.
  • Return to the main parameters and select the "Password" menu.
  • Select activation key and create it if you have not done so before.
  • Deactivate voice dialing below.
  • Click on Siri and exclude her from the lock screen.
  • It is better to select "Instant" in the password request line, so that when you turn on the display for the first time, the phone will prompt you to enter the key.

Delete voice dialing

To do this, do the following:

  • Go to basic settings.
  • In the Password Protection menu, turn off voice control.

As you can see, everything is very simple. But the fact is that very few iPhones still work on the outdated version of iOS, and it is impossible to get rid of this feature in new system modifications.

Using jailbreak

If you definitely want to completely disable voice dialing, and the firmware has been opened on your phone, then you can do this using several tweaks from Cydia.

For example, install a tweak called Disable Voice Control as an iPhone theme. After that, in the main settings, you can turn off sound controls.

You can also use the Activator tweak, which is most often installed on its own in the phone after jailbreak. If you do not have it, you can download it through Cydia, then you need to follow these steps.