Sky Castle in Skyrim. Skyrim: mod for your castle (Honduin) Download mod for skyrim heavenly castle

Who owns this castle, he owns Skyrim.

1. Heavenly Castle is located on a rock hanging in the sky above Solitude. It contains many different sized rooms. Among them are a bath with thermal springs, a Heavenly Forge, a zoo, a treasury, a kitchen, a dining room on the balcony, living quarters, Dovahkiin's chambers, a library, and the Hall of Portals. There are several very useful artifacts and books in the castle workshop, including a recipe book. There (and in the Heavenly Forge) you can forge exquisite jewelry from gold and silver with rubies, emeralds and sapphires. They can be enchanted. New mail armor, dag, rapier and steel dagger for the left hand are also forged there. Weapons, jewelry, clothing and armor can be bought from the Dremors in the Heavenly Mines and from the girls from the bathhouse and other heavenly locations.
The premises of the heavenly locations are decorated with paintings with views of the Himalayas and Altai. There are many new books in them, among the authors Pushkin and Edgar Poe. In the Hall of Portals, there is a museum on a table where you can enter and where you can hang the obtained armor on dummies and place weapons on the racks. Alla looks after the museum, who lives there and cleans up. But she is a good archer and you can take her with you on hikes. Many portals from the castle lead to all the houses of Dovahkiin and to many other places in Skyrim. The rooms of the castle are connected by doors, stairs and a portal lift. The castle is convenient to use as a base for companions. There are living quarters with everything you need and several beds. There is a bathhouse, where I placed three people who relax most of the time, but eat in the morning and evening, sleep 8 hours every night, for which they go to the living rooms. Inhabitants of heavenly locations can be taken as companions or spouses. Just do not bother the cleaning lady Agnes and the cook, they are still old. In the courtyard of the Castle, an ice ghost and mother-smoke are walking, in Dovahkiin's Chambers - a fiery atronach and a sprigan, which can also be taken as companions. On Sunday (Sandas) in the evening after visiting the Arena, 9 inhabitants of heavenly locations come to dine on the balcony of the Castle.
Twelve tailless lizards in armor are on duty around the clock in the Castle, all of which can be taken as companions. To get to the Treasury, you need a key, which is located in another location in the Heavenly Arena.

2. The Heavenly Arena is located in the sky above Whiterun. There is the arena itself with 20 strong draugrs. One of them has a key to the Treasury of the Heavenly Castle. After killing the desired draugr, a quest will automatically appear with a pointer to the key. Cells with draugrs are opened with knife switches. In addition, there are 4 towers with different weapons and everything necessary for warriors of different specializations. The towers are opened with a key from a box hanging on a tree, and the key to it is in the sarcophagus. There is a large dungeon under the Arena. It is difficult to clear all this location from evil spirits, but it will greatly increase the experience and skill of the hero. To facilitate the task, 5 archers and a cool magician from the inhabitants of Heavenly locations come to the arena for entertainment every Sunday at noon. They sit there until evening and help the hero in the battle. A note at the bottom of the dungeon sheds light on the history of the Arena.

3. Heavenly mines are located above the lake below Riften. On their surface there is a picturesque farm, a vegetable garden and a house where Susan, Sulga's sister from Kamen-Shor, lives. Every Saturday (Laredas) evening she visits her sister. Inside the flying island are the mines themselves. Several local inhabitants of different races work there. At the end of the day, they rest by the fire upstairs. All of them can be taken as companions and spouses. Miner girls sell unusual clothes from heavenly locations, and the dremora Valentina and Dorian sell blacksmith goods.

4. From the dungeon of the Heavenly Arena leads the way into the Throat of the World Mountain, where there is a cave with the Throne Room. It is guarded by many different enemies, but there you can kill a witch who has a flying broom, in addition, there is a volume of a levitation spell. The broom will be very useful for you to fly around heavenly locations. Through the Throne Room you can get to the locations of the Heavenly Castle without even having a key, although this is not easy. In a couple of places in Skyrim, there is a book where hints are given on how to do this, and the entrance there is marked on the map.
Inside all flying locations, their models are installed on a scale of 1:10.

5. In a picturesque place in Skyrim, the Waterfalls Manor is located. This is a good resting place for Dovahkiin. Inside there is a model of the estate. But what makes it different from other layouts is that it can be entered. And inside that model estate there is also a model ... Do you catch the trend? But I warn you, entering the layouts is dangerous for an immature mind. Refrain from doing this if you are not sure of yourself.

Characters from heavenly locations trade and teach various arts.
- Cleaning lady Agnes teaches how to pick locks.
- Museum curator Alla teaches archery.
- Chef Rybek teaches to sneak.
- Irina teaches the magic of destruction.
- Rita teaches enchantment.
- Blacksmith Smith - blacksmithing.
- There was a girl Betty (sitting in the kitchen during the day), who teaches alchemy and trades in ingredients. She is the best alchemy teacher in Skyrim.
- The Dremoras Valentina and Dorian are now brother and sister and trade in the blacksmiths that Valentina makes.
The inhabitants of the castle have their own clothes of different colors. It can be crafted on a tanning machine or purchased from the Dremora of the Sky Mines.
All humanoids of heavenly locations use shouts.

To get to heavenly locations, you need a key. It is located at the end of the Windfall Peak dungeons. Or ask Susan for it (I gave it to her). After the first visit to the open surfaces of celestial locations, you can be transported there directly by fast movement. The entrance to the heavenly locations is possible from below either through the Castle itself, or through the Mines, or through the Throne Room (without a key).
At the end of the Windy Peak dungeons and in the Arena dungeon, you will meet the ghosts of the once killed magicians from the Castle (girls). They also have keys and can even be taken as companions! They have two advantages:
- they cannot be killed, but the enemies do not understand this.
- they do not interfere with shooting at the enemy, as arrows fly through them.

Clothing and jewelry are made up of many parts, and all of them can be enchanted and worn along with regular armor. For example: earrings, panties or tights. With the appropriate skills, this allows you to create magicians of incredible strength.

The mod is packed into the BSA archive. These are just two files SkyCastle.bsa and SkyCastle.esp, so the mod is easy to install and uninstall without fear of leaving behind something in the game.
The mod is tested for compatibility with polygamy and multi-companion mods.

I've been doing this mod for a long time and I'm tired of making a description. Just believe me, there is much more in there than I have told you. And check it out and see and enjoy the mod as I did when I created it.

Update 4.0

1. Female characters of the mod now have several different body types, different textures, different faces and heads:
- 3 Hot Springs girls have LB bodies.
- The rest of the old characters now got the DG (Dream Girl) case
- 2 cyborgs with CBBE bodies settled in the lobby of the Throne Room.
- Three teenage girls can be released at the Orphanage, their bodies are made on the basis of UNP.

2. The mod has built-in clothes and armor for the bodies of UNP, DG, LB, cyborgs and children.
- Vanilla armor, UNP, DG are crafted in the Castle Workshop and have separate anvils made for them.
- LB armor is made in the forge of the LB Museum (supplied at the Thermal Springs).
- Specialized tanning machines have been supplied for different types of clothing.
Armor is broken down into individual pieces that can be crafted and worn separately by combining pieces from different sets of armor. For this, an alternative armor dressing system has been developed. Armor elements occupy undocumented additional slots and sometimes even several.

3. The mod introduced the space artifact Space Core. He falls onto a path on the western slope of the Throat of the World (going South from the upper entrance to the Throne Room Cave) when the player follows it. This artifact is placed on a pedestal in the atronach forge to craft new items. The Atronach Forges are in Midden under the College, Museum On Table and Museum LB. New recipes can be found in a book in all three forges. The spare space artifact is in Lorenzo's room in the Hall of Portals.

4. It is possible to change the bodies of female characters in the Castle. To do this, you need to call a succubus with the corresponding body in the Forge of Atronachs (recipes in the book, a space artifact is used), kill him and pick up a ring, putting on which gives the desired body. A succubus with a vanilla body has a ring that allows you to completely change clothes of any character you can wear it. The ring makes all the character's clothes available for exchange, including the Outfit. With it, you can, for example, dress up Lydia in whatever you want. In order for the character's inventory to be updated after putting on the ring, you need to exit the item exchange menu and enter it again. Do not wear body change rings on mannequins. Swapping their bodies with rings is not yet supported and will break the mannequins. You can put on a dressing ring for mannequins and after removing this ring you will get access to everything that the mannequins have, including underwear.

5. Keys to the Castle are now obtained from quests with pointers. The key at the end of Windpeak is by the boss there. He also has an amulet of resurrection. If you put it on one of the two ghosts of the Castle, then he will take on flesh, and if you then remove it, then the ghost is completely resurrected, but becomes vulnerable. The wearer of the amulet gets the opportunity to use the resurrection spell (section witchcraft) and gains the invulnerability of the ghost. The amulet resurrects the dead with minimal damage to their factions and behavior.

6. In Dovahkiin's chambers in the museum showcase there is a volume of Charm. He gives the player a prayer that maximally disposes of any character to the player. This allows you to take as companions and marry, for example, Elicia or marry Balgruf. She also resurrects characters. But this prayer must be used with caution, since it completely breaks the character's own inner world and subordinates him to Dovahkiin. So, Elicia, taken in satellites, will not be able to control Solitude.

7. You can buy a divorce scroll from the traders of the castle. It allows for a divorce, but is very expensive. In addition, each character can only be divorced once, since as a result the character will be offended at you and will no longer pay attention to your Mara's amulet.

8. The butler of Lorenzo Castle has been added to the mod. It was specially created by Azzi's dad. You can talk to Lorenzo and get quests from him.

9. All castle armor can be bought from the castle merchants, but only according to the hero's level. At low levels, you can't buy cool armor. Matches the leveled lists of the vanilla game.

10. On the Western slope of the Throat of the World, a path has been laid through the new sanctuary of Stendar.

11. Dragons no longer fly through the walls of the Castle.

12. When marrying, the spouse can be offered for living either the Dovahkiin's chambers or the Manor at the Waterfalls.

13. The girls released from the Orphanage go to live in the Manor on the Waterfalls (second level). They can be taken as companions.

14. Fixed voice acting for all Castle trainers and vendors.

15.Changed the work of the portals of the Castle. From the very beginning, only those that lead to other Dovahkiin's locations work. Portals to houses function only after the purchase of the corresponding house. Portals to vanilla locations usually start working after the player visits this location in the usual way. The portal to the Dark Brotherhood's Dawnstar hideout starts working only if the player chooses the path of destroying the Brotherhood. In order not to deprive him of the opportunity to kill the emperor, in this case, when visiting the Vault, the final quest of the Dark Brotherhood will start.

16. Grelod the Good is now associated with the drug mafia of the Riften port (carefully inspect the Shelter).

17. For DG's body, a REAL high-heeled shoe was introduced (lifts the whole body).

18. Reworked almost all the interiors of the Castle.

19. All characters in the Castle dress up for the night. Now they will not tear the sheets with weapons and armor.

20. Locations of the castle have their own musical accompaniment.

21. A special museum with mannequins with LB bodies has appeared in the Thermal Springs of the Castle. Do not put the body change ring on these mannequins to avoid breaking them.

Update 5.0

Added new quests, the location of the Ancient Temple, new characters, new clothes and jewelry. Jewelry is crafted on the jewelry table in the Castle Workshop.
- Redesigned the appearance of all characters in the Castle.
- Musical accompaniment is allocated in a separate archive.

Update 5.1

Fixed quest Ancient Temple.
- Fixed first person view of UNP jumpsuits.
- A number of minor improvements.

Update 5.2

Errors found by users have been fixed.

Update 5.4

- Added a female cat character. Lives on the forge of the Castle.
- Added cat clothes from Neovinci.
- Added new leather clothing.
- The Menagerie has been redesigned.
- Minor quest fixes and improvements.

Update 5.5

Found bugs fixed.
- Improvements have been made.

Update 6.0

Special models have been created to display large objects of the mod at long distances.
- Ensured compatibility with other mods that affect the appearance of removed items.
- Added a lot of new armor for DG and UNP bodies.

Update 6.1

Added new DG body armor.
- Added two steel helmets with an animated visor visible and in the first person.
- Redesigned all chain mail and overalls for all bodies.
- Fixed flaws in DG body texturing.
- Changed the appearance of the rings for changing bodies.
- Numerous minor improvements.

Update 6.2

Added new clothing and armor.
- Fixed bugs.
- Many models and textures have been redone. The size of the mod has shrunk.

Update 7.0
- Added new clothing and armor. The total number of items in fashion is approaching 1200
- The armor from the game Tera can be bought from Lorenzo's companions.
- Kimonos and chain mail can be bought from cleaning lady Agnes.
- Reworked dressing system for female characters.

Update 8.2
- Multi-piece Daedric castle armor extended to the rest of Skyrim.
- Cloaks with physics support can be crafted in the Castle workshop using tanning machines.
- Falmerki can now wear any clothes from the Castle, but not all of them are suitable for them yet. Do not forget that they have a different body, and even with the support of physics, which is not yet in the armor of the Castle.

Update 8.3
- Fixed a bug with the invisibility of the bodies of the female cat and girls.

Update 8.4
- Improved integration of the mod with the Sky Castle Body necessary for the operation of the Castle, reduced the size of the BSA archive.

Final version
- Made specifically for users' requests. It does not require the installation of others (mine or someone else's mods). Of course, all the functions associated with my other mods in this version are cut off (their list has been removed from the list of previous updates), and the size has grown, since the archive now contains all the files necessary for the autonomous operation of the mod. Basically, this is a rollback to version 8.0, but with fixes. Work on this mod in its standalone version has been discontinued. I recommend to everyone who needs the standalone version to save it on their computers, since in the future it can be replaced by a continuation of this mod in conjunction with SkyCastleBody.

- The texts of books and diaries for the new quest of the Ancient Temple were written by Olga Davydova. She also drew pictures for them.
- The author of the prototype for new jewelry and clothes is Petrovich. Many thanks to him for the quality design and its free distribution. He also owns the authorship of the Dream Girl body.
- The author of the vampire armor with chains is newmiller.
- The Sky Castle mod now includes the Flying Broom mod from J3X. It is especially useful on the flying islands of the Castle. Many thanks to the author of this mod for allowing me to use it. Instructions for using the broom and the recipe for making it can be found in one of the new books. It can also be made now in one of the Atronach Forges using a space artifact.
- The mod includes an UNP replayer of female bodies (only affects characters from heavenly locations). Many thanks to its author.
- The mod includes some textures from. I was afraid to use its high resolution textures for the compatibility of my mod with weak computers. For owners of powerful machines, I recommend supplying all its high-quality textures.
- Many thanks to Serafym71 for creating the butler Lorenzo.
- Thanks to Jose Pardilla (Yogensia) for allowing me to use his mesh for Khadhafang in my mod.
- Cyborg models are taken by me from Edhildils Dwemer Cyborg BBP mod
- The mod uses elements of armor from the mod from blackelf
- The fashion used a body from Christina and several clothes made by her.
- Added Catwoman Euka by elmeats and Kitten by Neo cat clothes by Meister aka Neovinci.
ATTENTION: this mod is free distribution, but not all resources used in it are such. So, for example, special permission was obtained to use armor under LB in this mod. You can use this armor within the framework of this mod, but to use its models or textures for other purposes, you need to obtain special permission for this from Christina (the author).

Many thanks to my beta testers:
- (she also inspired me to work when I lost heart).

Thanks to all the Modgames forum members and especially the AleksTirex scripting guru.

My work with clothing models in Blender is made possible by the export / import utilities
- Made animation for the helmet visor.

Copy the files from the Data folder of the archive to the game Data folder. Activate the mod in the Launcher (bootloader).

Musical accompaniment is placed in a separate archive file SkyCastle_Music.bsa. Make sure to check the box next to the SkyCastle_Music.esp file in the Launcher.

The Options folder contains two files that will allow the mannequins in the Museum on the Castle Table to be made either male or with UNP bodies. By default, there are DG female bodies.

Delete the mod files from the game Data folder.

- To unpack the archive you will need about 1.4 gigabytes of free disk space.
- For all scripts to work (changing clothes and changing bodies), the mod now requires the installation of SKSE (for simplicity, select installer) Without it, dressing up will not work. This script extender is needed by all modern advanced mods.

When creating the mod, special attention was paid to ensuring its compatibility with other mods. Specially tested for compatibility:
- All Skyrim add-ons.
- Ultimate Follower Overhaul.
- Unoficial Skyrim Patch
- Open cities of Skyrim. Needed to be able to fly into cities. The Sky Castle must be placed after the Open Cities in the loading sequence.
- allow you to replace mannequins with pretty girls and manage them.
- will allow you to fly over Skyrim.

In case you have installed other mods that improve the view at a distance, make sure that you do not have files in the Data \ meshes \ Terrain \ Tamriel \ Objects folder:
If so, just delete them.

Description and instructions

Update 8.2

The castle's multi-piece Daedric armor is common throughout the rest of Skyrim.
- Cloaks with physics support can be crafted in the Castle workshop using tanning machines.
- Falmerki can now wear any clothes from the Castle, but not all of them are suitable for them yet. Do not forget that they have a different body, and even with the support of physics, which is not yet in the armor of the Castle.

Update 8.0
- Starting from this version, the Sky Castle mod is merged with my other mod Sky Castle Body. Now it won't work without Sky Castle Body installed. This is due to the fact that I have long ago implemented all my plans related to this mod, except for its closer integration into the rest of Skyrim. It is for this integration that Sky Castle Body is responsible. For example, in the previous version, I made a lot of armor options from the game Tera. But only female options. And how to make men, if there is no normal male body in the vanilla game? Here is the Sky Castle Body mod and gives vanilla Skyrim characters the very bodies for which I can further develop multi-piece armor with the Sky Castle dressing system. The old isolated Sky Castle mod has exhausted itself and will not continue further.

Update 7.1
- Bug fixes and improvements after lengthy testing ..

Update 7.0
- Added new clothing and armor. The total number of items in fashion is approaching 1200
- The armor from the game Tera can be bought from Lorenzo's companions.
- Kimonos and chain mail can be bought from Agnes cleaning lady.
- Reworked dressing system for female characters.

Previous change log:

Special models have been created to display large objects of the mod at long distances.
- Ensured compatibility with other mods that affect the appearance of removed items.
- Added a lot of new armor for DG and UNP bodies.
- Found bugs fixed.
- Improvements have been made.
- Fixed flaws in DG body texturing.
- Added a female cat character. Lives on the forge of the Castle.
- Added cat clothes from Neovinci.
- Added new leather clothing.
- The Menagerie has been redesigned.
- Minor quest fixes and improvements.
- Fixed a glitch with textures when being on a spiral staircase
- Fixed bugs in the quest of the Ancient Temple
- Fixed first person view of UNP jumpsuits
- A number of minor improvements
1. Female characters of the mod now have several different body types, different textures, different faces and heads:
- 3 Hot Springs girls have LB bodies.
- The rest of the old characters have now got the body of DG (Dream Girl)
- 2 cyborgs with CBBE bodies settled in the Throne Room lobby.
- Three teenage girls can be released at the Orphanage, their bodies are made on the basis of UNP.
2. The mod has built-in clothes and armor for the bodies of UNP, DG, LB, cyborgs and children.
- Vanilla armor, UNP, DG are crafted in the Castle Workshop and have separate anvils made for them.
- LB armor is made in the forge of the LB Museum (supplied at the Thermal Springs).
- Specialized tanning machines have been supplied for different types of clothing.
- Armor is split into separate elements that can be crafted and worn separately by combining elements from different sets of armor. For this, an alternative armor dressing system has been developed. Armor elements occupy undocumented additional slots and sometimes even several.
3. The mod introduced the space artifact Space Core. It falls onto a path on the western slope of the Throat of the World (going South from the upper entrance to the Throne Room Cave) when the player follows it. This artifact is placed on a pedestal in the atronach forge to craft new items. The Atronach Forges are in Midden under the College, Museum On Table and Museum LB. New recipes can be found in a book in all three forges. The spare space artifact is in Lorenzo's room in the Hall of Portals.
4. It is possible to change the bodies of female characters in the Castle. To do this, you need to call a succubus with the corresponding body in the Forge of Atronachs (recipes in the book, a space artifact is used), kill him and pick up a ring, putting on which gives the desired body. A succubus with a vanilla body has a ring that allows you to completely change clothes of any character you can wear it. The ring makes all the character's clothes available for exchange, including the Outfit. With it, you can, for example, dress up Lydia in whatever you want. In order for the character's inventory to be updated after putting on the ring, you need to exit the item exchange menu and enter it again. Do not wear body change rings on mannequins. Swapping their bodies with rings is not yet supported and will break the mannequins. You can put on the dressing ring for mannequins and after removing this ring you will get access to everything that the mannequins have, including underwear.
5. Keys to the Castle are now obtained from quests with pointers. The key at the end of Windpeak is by the boss there. He also has an amulet of resurrection. If you put it on one of the two ghosts of the Castle, then he will take on flesh, and if you then remove it, then the ghost is completely resurrected, but becomes vulnerable. The wearer of the amulet gets the opportunity to use the resurrection spell (section witchcraft) and gains the invulnerability of the ghost. The amulet resurrects the dead with minimal damage to their factions and behavior.
6. In Dovahkiin's chambers in the museum showcase there is a volume of Charm. He gives the player a prayer that maximally disposes of any character to the player. This allows you to take as companions and marry, for example, Elicia or marry Balgruf. She also resurrects characters. But this prayer must be used with caution, since it completely breaks the character's own inner world and subordinates him to Dovahkiin. So, Elicia, taken in satellites, will not be able to control Solitude.
7. You can buy a divorce scroll from the traders of the castle. It allows for a divorce, but is very expensive. In addition, each character can only be divorced once, since as a result the character will be offended at you and will no longer pay attention to your Mara's amulet.
8. The butler of Lorenzo Castle has been added to the mod. It was specially created by dad Azzi Seraphim You can talk to Lorenzo and you can get quests from him.
9. All castle armor can be bought from the castle merchants, but only according to the hero's level. At low levels, you can't buy cool armor. Matches the leveled lists of the vanilla game.
10. On the Western slope of the Throat of the World, a path has been laid through the new sanctuary of Stendar.
11. Dragons no longer fly through the walls of the Castle.
12. When marrying, the spouse can be offered for living either the Dovahkiin's chambers or the Manor at the Waterfalls.
13. The girls released from the Orphanage go to live in the Manor on the Waterfalls (second level). They can be taken as companions.
14. Fixed voice acting for all Castle trainers and vendors.
15.Changed the work of the portals of the Castle. From the very beginning, only those that lead to other Dovahkiin's locations work. Portals to houses function only after the purchase of the corresponding house. Portals to vanilla locations usually start working after the player visits this location in the usual way. The portal to the Dark Brotherhood's Dawnstar hideout starts working only if the player chooses the path of destroying the Brotherhood. In order not to deprive him of the opportunity to kill the emperor, in this case, when visiting the Vault, the final quest of the Dark Brotherhood will start.
16. Grelod the Good is now associated with the drug mafia of the Riften port (carefully inspect the Shelter).
17. For DG's body, a REAL high-heeled shoe was introduced (lifts the whole body).
18. Reworked almost all the interiors of the Castle.
19. All characters in the Castle dress up for the night. Now they will not tear the sheets with weapons and armor.
20. Locations of the castle have their own musical accompaniment.
21. A special museum with mannequins with LB bodies has appeared in the Thermal Springs of the Castle. Do not put the body change ring on these mannequins to avoid breaking them.
22. Added new quests, location of the Ancient Temple, new characters, new clothes and jewelry. Jewelry is crafted on the jewelry table in the Castle Workshop.
23. The appearance of all characters in the Castle has been redesigned.
24. Musical accompaniment is allocated in a separate archive.


1. Sky Castle
- Located on a rock hanging in the sky above Solitude. It contains many different sized rooms. Among them are a bath with thermal springs, a Heavenly Forge, a zoo, a treasury, a kitchen, a dining room on the balcony, living quarters, Dovahkiin's chambers, a library, and the Hall of Portals. There are several very useful artifacts and books in the castle workshop, including a recipe book. There (and in the Heavenly Forge) you can forge exquisite jewelry from gold and silver with rubies, emeralds and sapphires. They can be enchanted. New mail armor, dag, rapier and steel dagger for the left hand are also forged there. Weapons, jewelry, clothing and armor can be bought from the Dremors in the Heavenly Mines and from the girls from the bathhouse and other heavenly locations.
- Premises of heavenly locations are decorated with paintings with views of the Himalayas and Altai. There are many new books in them, among the authors Pushkin and Edgar Poe. In the Hall of Portals, there is a museum on a table where you can enter and where you can hang the obtained armor on dummies and place weapons on the racks. Alla looks after the museum, who lives there and cleans up. But she is a good archer and you can take her with you on hikes. Many portals from the castle lead to all the houses of Dovahkiin and to many other places in Skyrim. The rooms of the castle are connected by doors, stairs and a portal lift. The castle is convenient to use as a base for companions. There are living quarters with everything you need and several beds. There is a bathhouse, where I placed three people who relax most of the time, but eat in the morning and evening, sleep 8 hours every night, for which they go to the living rooms. Inhabitants of heavenly locations can be taken as companions or spouses. Just do not bother the cleaning lady Agnes and the cook, they are still old. In the courtyard of the Castle, an ice ghost and mother-smoke are walking, in Dovahkiin's Chambers - a fiery atronach and a sprigan, which can also be taken as companions. On Sunday (Sandas) in the evening after visiting the Arena, 9 inhabitants of heavenly locations come to dine on the balcony of the Castle.
- Twelve tailless lizards in armor are on duty around the clock in the Castle, all of which can be taken as companions. To get to the Treasury, you need a key, which is located in another location in the Heavenly Arena.

2. Heavenly Arena
- Located in the sky above Whiterun. There is the arena itself with 20 strong draugrs. On the armrest of one of them is the key to the Treasury of the Heavenly Castle. After killing the desired draugr, a quest will automatically appear with a pointer to the key. Cells with draugrs are opened with knife switches. In addition, there are 4 towers with different weapons and everything necessary for warriors of different specializations. The towers are opened with a key from a box hanging on a tree, and the key to it is in the sarcophagus. There is a large dungeon under the Arena. It is difficult to clear all this location from evil spirits, but it will greatly increase the experience and skill of the hero. To facilitate the task, 5 archers and a cool magician from the inhabitants of Heavenly locations come to the arena for entertainment every Sunday at noon. They sit there until evening and help the hero in the battle. A note at the bottom of the dungeon sheds light on the history of the Arena.

3. Heavenly mines
- Located above the lake below Riften. On their surface there is a picturesque farm, a vegetable garden and a house where Susan, Sulga's sister from Kamen-Shor, lives. Every Saturday (Laredas) evening she visits her sister. Inside the flying island are the mines themselves. Several local inhabitants of different races work there. At the end of the day, they rest by the fire upstairs. All of them can be taken as companions and spouses. Miner girls sell unusual clothes from heavenly locations, and the dremora Valentina and Dorian sell blacksmith goods.

4. Throne Room
- From the dungeon of the Heavenly Arena leads the way into the Throat of the World Mountain, where there is a cave with the Throne Room. It is guarded by many different enemies, but there you can kill a witch who has a flying broom, in addition, there is a volume of a levitation spell. The broom will be very useful for you to fly around heavenly locations. Through the Throne Room you can get to the locations of the Heavenly Castle without even having a key, although this is not easy. In a couple of places in Skyrim, there is a book where hints are given on how to do this, and the entrance there is marked on the map. Inside all flying locations, their models are installed on a scale of 1:10.

5. Manor at the waterfalls
- In a picturesque place in Skyrim, the Waterfalls Manor is located. This is a good resting place for Dovahkiin. Inside there is a model of the estate. But what makes it different from other layouts is that it can be entered. And inside that model estate there is also a model ... Do you catch the trend? But I warn you, entering the layouts is dangerous for an immature mind. Refrain from doing this if you are not sure of yourself.

Characters from heavenly locations trade and teach different arts:
- Cleaning lady Agnes teaches how to pick locks.
- Museum curator Alla teaches archery.
- Steven the chef teaches how to sneak.
- Irina teaches the magic of destruction.
- Rita teaches enchantment.
- Blacksmith Smith - blacksmithing.
- There was a girl Betty (she sits in the kitchen during the day), who teaches alchemy and trades in ingredients. She is the best teacher in Skyrim.
- The Dremoras Valentina and Dorian are now brother and sister and trade in the blacksmiths that Valentina makes.
- The inhabitants of the castle have their own clothes of different colors. It can be crafted on a tanning machine or purchased from the Dremora of the Sky Mines.
- All humanoids of heavenly locations use shouts.

More details:
- To get to heavenly locations you need a key. It is located at the end of the Windfall Peak dungeons. Or ask Susan for it (I gave it to her). After the first visit to the open surfaces of celestial locations, you can be transported there directly by fast movement. The entrance to the heavenly locations is possible from below either through the Castle itself, or through the Mines, or through the Throne Room (without a key).
- At the end of the Windy Peak dungeons and in the Arena dungeon, you will meet the ghosts of the once killed magicians from the Castle (girls). They also have keys and can even be taken as companions! They have two huge advantages:
- they cannot be killed, but the enemies do not understand this.
- they do not interfere with shooting at the enemy, as arrows fly through them.
- Clothing and jewelry are made up of many parts, and all of them can be enchanted and worn along with regular armor. For example: earrings, panties or tights. With the appropriate skills, this allows you to create magicians of incredible strength.

Notes from the author:
1. The pointer to the location of the Ancient Temple will not appear, even if the diary is read. You need to find it yourself. There is a picture of this place in the book. In addition, there are many hints on where to look and how to enter. After all, this is a quest. It is possible that not everyone will cope with it.
About the lost diary. There are glitches in the game with the disappearance of some items. This is not scary, since none of my quests are tied to only one subject. The loss of only one item will not disturb anything. The diary would only slightly add to the explanation of the situation.

2. Killing Grelod is a dark brotherhood quest, and I haven't changed it. Murder itself will not provide pointers to girls. These pointers will appear only after the player crosses the borders of a special marker. You can not free them, if they interfere, leave them where they were.

On a note:
- The mod is packed into the BSA archive. These are just two files SkyCastle.bsa and SkyCastle.esp, so the mod is easy to install and uninstall without fear of leaving behind something in the game.
- The mod is tested for compatibility with mods for polygamy and for a lot of companionship.

SKSE 1.06.16 and up
Sky castle body

- Copy the files from the Data folder of the archive to the game Data folder. Activate the mod in Launcher (bootloader)
- Musical accompaniment has been moved to a separate archive file SkyCastle_Music.bsa. Make sure to check the box next to the SkyCastle_Music.esp file in the Launcher

- The mod includes an addition that replaces the mannequins in the game with pretty girls. The dummy mod files are contained in the Options / FemaleMannequins folder. This is a separate mod, for the installation of which you need to copy the files from this folder to the game Data folder.

- To unpack the archive you will need about 1.5 gigabytes of free disk space
- For all scripts to work (changing clothes and changing bodies), the mod now requires the installation of SKSE, without it changing clothes will not work. This script extender is needed by all modern advanced mods.

Like 9

Replacement of both male and female bodies.
Replacement of male and female bodies for vanilla Skyrim characters. The mod gives the inhabitants of Skyrim different removable underwear and bedding. The characters dress up for sleep. Different races have different bodies with their own racial characteristics. Mod bodies are compatible (although different) in shape with UNP bodies. Some characters have tattoos, the content of which depends on the character's occupation and race. Cloaks have been added to some characters. The guards' helmets were replaced with open ones. Half of the skeletons became female and the skeletons acquired removable helmets. This mod is the basis for my other mods, replacing vanilla armor and clothing with removable multi-piece.

Update 3.1

  1. Since this mod requires other mods, added the option to install the mod without installing the bodies themselves.
  2. Draugr can now remove all armor and clothing and put it on yourself or other characters, including the Falmer and Snow Elves from the Falmerka mod. All this armor consists of many parts.
  3. Female draugras sometimes have different colored hair.
  4. Women appeared among the dremors. All Dremor clothes can now be taken off and put on by yourself and your companions. All Dremora armor is shattered.
  5. Dremor armor elements turn into Daedric (with a glow) either in any forge using a Daedric heart (if you have a Daedric armor forging skill), or in the Heavenly Forge using a human heart. In the latter case, the skill of forging steel armor is sufficient.
  6. Dremor bodies support physics.
  7. The mod includes special animations for the Falmer and High Elves.


  1. Since this mod is a necessary basis for other mods, it is now possible to install it into the game WITHOUT installing the male or female bodies of the mod. In this case, it is enough to copy only the files to the game Data folder

    and folder SKSE with all its contents.
  2. To install only the male body replayer, replace the main SkyCastleBody.esp with the SkyCastleBodyMail.esp file from the Options \ Male_Body_Only folder. In this case, copy the following files to the DATA folder:

    and folder SKSE with all its contents.
  3. To fully install the mod (recommended!) copy the following files to the DATA folder:

    and folder SKSE with all its contents.
  4. In order for the mod to extend to the Downguard and Dragonborn add-ons, copy the Data files to your game folder SkyCastleBodyDownguard.esp and SkyCastleBodyDragonborn.esp from the folders Options \ Downguard and Options \ Dragonborn, respectively.
  5. To install and use higher resolution textures (if you have a powerful enough video card), copy the Data files to your game folder SkyCastleHD.bsa and SkyCastleHD.esp from the Options \ HD folder.
  6. The Manakins folder contains mods that allow you to replace all standard play mannequins with wooden mannequins with the shape of female bodies DG, UNP, or male. To do this, copy one of the files to the Data folder ManakinDG.esp, ManakinMale.esp or ManakinUNP.esp... If this file comes after the rest of the mod files, then the game will use the corresponding body.
  7. The NoCloaks folder contains a file NoCloaks.esp that disables physics cloaks in case your computer can't handle them. This file must be installed in the order of loading after SkyCastleBody.esp.
  8. Connect the mod files in the download manager and make sure that they are there after the rest of your mods. This is only about files with the .esp extension, since .esm files are loaded by the game anyway before the .esp files, no matter what your manager tells you downloads.
  9. Purpose of files in the SKSE folder:
    hdtHighHeelNative.dll and hdtHighHeelNative.ini for high heels to work,
    hdtPhysicsExtensions.dll, hdtPhysicsExtensions.ini, hdtPhysicsExtensionsDefaultBBP.xml to support physics of bodies, cloaks and hair,
    The SKSE \ SkyCastleHDT folder contains the files needed to support the physics of the hair. They are used in my other mods based on this.

Delete the SkyCastleBody.esm, SkyCastleBody.esp, SkyCastleBody.bsa, SkyCastleBodyDownguard.esp, and SkyCastleBodyDragonborn.esp files from the Data folder.

To facilitate the task, 5 archers and a cool magician from the inhabitants of heavenly locations come to the arena for joy every Sunday at noon. Every Saturday laredas evening she visits her sister. Changed the work of the portals of the castle. Armor is broken down into individual pieces that can be crafted and worn - individually by combining pieces from different sets of armor. On the western slope of the Throat of the World, a path has been laid through the new sanctuary of the stendar. It turned out that the reason was in the gloves. They also have keys and can even be taken as companions. The mod has been tested for compatibility with polygamy mods and a lot of companionship. Reworked the appearance of all castle characters. The entrance to the heavenly locations is possible from below or through the castle itself, or through the mines, or through the throne room without a key. It sinks when the tool is exposed. All of them can be taken as companions and spouses. The portal to the dark brotherhood's Danstar hideout begins to work only if the player chooses the path of defeating the brotherhood. Vanilla armor, UNP, DG are made in the castle workshop and have separate anvils for them. On the arm of the chair of the 1st of them lies the key to the treasury of the heavenly castle. They do not interfere with shooting at the enemy, as arrows fly through them. With its help, you can change the Lidia into anything, for example. It is guarded by many different opponents, but it can be destroyed by a sorceress, not counting the one who has a flying broom, there is a volume of the levitation spell. He also has an amulet of resurrection. You can put on a dressing ring for mannequins and after removing this ring you will get access to everything that mannequins have, including underwear. The diary would only slightly add to the explanation of the situation. If you put it on 1 of the 2 ghosts of the castle, then he will take on flesh, but become vulnerable, then the ghost will revive one hundred percent, and if you later remove it. Fixed body texturing flaws. Small quest fixes and improvements. At the end of the day, they rest by the fire upstairs. Yes, and sounds loud in comparison with unique music. The butler of the castle of lorenzo has been added to the mod. Other old characters have now received the body of DG Dream Girl, 2 cyborgs with CBBE bodies have settled in the lobby of the throne room. There, two models use the same set of texture options. Matches the leveled lists of the vanilla game. Fixed a texture glitch when on a spiral staircase, different textures, different faces and heads: 3 girls from thermal springs have bodies, fixed bugs in the quest of the old temple, a number of small improvements, fixed the look of UNP jumpsuits from the first person, female characters of the mod now have several different types of bodies. The key at the end of the wind peak is at that boss. After all, this is a quest. Jewelry decorations are made on a jewelry table in the castle workshop. For this, another system for putting on armor has been developed. Killing Grelod is a Dark Brotherhood quest, and I haven't changed it. It must be found without the help of others. The sky castle should definitely be after the open cities in the boot sequence. These are just two SkyCastle files. Compatibility: When developing the mod, special attention was paid to ensuring its compatibility with other mods. Specially tested for compatibility: all Skyrim DLCs, Ultimate Follower Overhaul. And I'll think about the volume of the music. Fixed voice acting for all castle trainers and vendors. They sit there until evening and assist the hero in the battle. The girls there are not so beautiful, but the dummy races switch better.

List of houses
Spoiler 1. Heavenly Castle is located on a cliff hanging in the sky above Solitude. It contains many different sized rooms. Among them are a bath with thermal springs, a Heavenly Forge, a zoo, a treasury, a kitchen, a dining room on the balcony, living quarters, Dovahkiin's chambers, a library, and the Hall of Portals. There are several very useful artifacts and books in the castle workshop, including a recipe book. There (and in the Heavenly Forge) you can forge exquisite jewelry from gold and silver with rubies, emeralds and sapphires. They can be enchanted. New mail armor, dag, rapier and steel dagger for the left hand are also forged there. Weapons, jewelry, clothing and armor can be bought from the dremoras in the Heavenly Mines and from the girls from the bathhouse and other heavenly locations. The rooms of the heavenly locations are decorated with paintings with views of the Himalayas and Altai. There are many new books in them, among the authors Pushkin and Edgar Poe. In the Hall of Portals, there is a museum on a table where you can enter and where you can hang the obtained armor on dummies and place weapons on the racks. Alla looks after the museum, who lives there and cleans up. But she is a good archer and you can take her with you on hikes. Many portals from the castle lead to all the houses of Dovahkiin and to many other places in Skyrim. The rooms of the castle are connected by doors, stairs and a portal lift. The castle is convenient to use as a base for companions. There are living quarters with everything you need and several beds. There is a bathhouse, where I placed three people who relax most of the time, but eat in the morning and evening, sleep 8 hours every night, for which they go to the living rooms. Inhabitants of heavenly locations can be taken as companions or spouses. Just do not bother the cleaning lady Agnes and the cook, they are still old. In the courtyard of the Castle, an ice ghost and mother-smoke are walking, in Dovahkiin's Chambers - a fiery atronach and a sprigan, which can also be taken as companions. On Sunday (Sandas) in the evening after visiting the Arena, 9 inhabitants of heavenly locations come to dinner on the balcony of the Castle. Twelve tailless lizards in armor are on duty around the clock in the Castle. All of them can be taken as companions. To get to the Treasury, you need a key, which is located in another location in the Heavenly Arena. 2. The Heavenly Arena is located in the sky above Whiterun. There is the arena itself with 20 strong draugrs. One of them has a key to the Treasury of the Heavenly Castle. After killing the desired draugr, a quest will automatically appear with a pointer to the key. Cells with draugrs are opened with knife switches. In addition, there are 4 towers with different weapons and everything necessary for warriors of different specializations. The towers are opened with a key from a box hanging on a tree, and the key to it is in the sarcophagus. There is a large dungeon under the Arena. It is difficult to clear all this location from evil spirits, but it will greatly increase the experience and skill of the hero. To facilitate the task, 5 archers and a cool magician from the inhabitants of Heavenly locations come to the arena for entertainment every Sunday at noon. They sit there until evening and help the hero in the battle. A note at the bottom of the dungeon sheds light on the history of the Arena. 3. Heavenly mines are located above the lake below Riften. On their surface there is a picturesque farm, a vegetable garden and a house where Susan, Sulga's sister from Kamen-Shor, lives. Every Saturday (Laredas) evening she visits her sister. Inside the flying island are the mines themselves. Several local inhabitants of different races work there. At the end of the day, they rest by the fire upstairs. All of them can be taken as companions and spouses. Miner girls sell unusual clothing from heavenly locations, and the dremora Valentina and Dorian sell blacksmith goods. From the dungeon of the Heavenly Arena leads the way into the Throat of the World Mountain, where there is a cave with the Throne Room. It is guarded by many different enemies, but there you can kill a witch who has a flying broom, in addition, there is a volume of a levitation spell. The broom will be very useful for you to fly around heavenly locations. Through the Throne Room you can get to the locations of the Heavenly Castle without even having a key, although this is not easy. In a couple of places in Skyrim, there is a book where they give hints on how to do this, and the entrance is marked on the map. Inside all the flying locations, their models are installed in a scale of 1: 105. In a picturesque place in Skyrim, the Waterfalls Manor is located. This is a good resting place for Dovahkiin. Inside there is a model of the estate. But what makes it different from other layouts is that it can be entered. And inside that model estate there is also a model ... Do you catch the trend? But I warn you, entering the layouts is dangerous for an immature mind. Refrain from doing this if you are not sure of yourself Update 6.0- Created special models to display large objects of the mod at long distances. - Provided compatibility with other mods that affect the appearance of removed items. - Added a lot of new armor for DG and UNP bodies. Update 6.1 - Added new armor for the DG body. - Added two steel helmets with an animated visor visible and in the first person. - Redesigned all chain mail and overalls for all bodies. - Fixed flaws in DG body texturing. - Changed the appearance of the body change rings. - Numerous minor improvements. Update 6.2- Added new clothes and armor. - Bug fixes. - Redesigned many models and textures. The size of the mod has been reduced. - The mod includes an addition that replaces the mannequins in the game with pretty girls. The dummy mod files are contained in the Options / FemaleMannequins folder. This is a separate mod, for the installation of which you need to copy the files from this folder to the game Data folder. The girls there are not so beautiful, but the dummy races switch better.
How to install? Copy the files from the Data folder of the archive to the game Data folder. Activate the mod in the Launcher (loader). The musical accompaniment has been moved to a separate archive file SkyCastle_Music.bsa. Make sure to check the box next to the SkyCastle_Music.esp file in the Launcher. To unpack the archive, you will need about 1.5 gigabytes of free disk space. Removal: Delete the plugin files from the Data game folder. Note: For all scripts to work (changing clothes and changing bodies), the mod now requires the installation of SKSE (for simplicity, select installer) Without it, changing clothes work will not. This script expander is needed by all modern advanced mods. A folder called SKSE inside the Data folder is not Skse itself, but only a few small files for high heels and animation. Without them, special high heels will not work (there will be no lifting of the body) ..
