Login failed. Budget planning - electronic budget (certificate entry)

A new series of exciting adventures with your favorite SED budget.gov.ru. Error validation failed or not avaliable yet. When signing a document, when choosing a signature, signatures in the TLS Continent or Jinn-Client are not visible. But they are in the Windows certificates and when you select them, EB shows you hieroglyphs and laughs in your face, and jinn client, when signing, goes into an endless loop.

On the flash drive does not see at all.
Jinn-Client writes nasty things about you in hieroglyphs.

Did you think the problems were finally over? And they have just begun. You have switched to the configured continent of TLS and CryptoPro and go to your personal account at lk2012.budget.gov.ru.

Let's start with - validation failed or not avaliable yet.

The error is quite simple and does not always happen, it concerns a pribluda called eXtended Container. It seems to be bundled with the Continent TLS client 2.0.14, but not in the form that Jinn-Client expects. We go to the installation and removal of programs, we find eXtanded Container or similar. We install eXtanded Container from the set of the client Gene that you have, there should also be a key there.

If there is no key, perhaps this one will pass. Klats.

license key E6FV-00BC-CLDE-00BC-0A49-0000-0009

There will be something like XC in programs and components. Then the error validation failed or not avaliable yet might disappear.

Jinn-Client shows hieroglyphs when signing and whether or not signatures hang in the list on the flash drive.

This problem only concerns signatures in accordance with GOST 2012 and occurs in lk2012.budget.gov.ru. As far as I understand, this is due to the fact that the Treasury issued signatures for GOST 2012, but not quite the same. Perhaps the next time the problem will not appear.

By the way, do you know where to look at what GOST your signature has?

This is what the signature looks like from GOST 2012, obviously for 2001 this section will contain GOST 2001

But now we have to do something. We strongly swing the converter for signatures there are instructions. If you don't trust me, go to the site, read, download. You don't need to put anything. Unpack the archive, run the.exe file. If the crypto signatures are set correctly in the window that appears, there will be a choice of all signatures marked who is which guest (if there are problems with CryptoPRO, I recommend it).

It is important that when converting, you will be asked to set a password even if you did not have one. You can't refuse, at least a gap will do. Click next and choose which flash drive to bury the signature on. Two files will appear named TE.cer and TEcont.p15. They cannot be renamed and, as a result, two signatures cannot be crammed into one flash drive. If anyone knows how to do this, I will be grateful for the answer in the comments.

Well, when signing a document, do not forget to set your password in the Jinn Client field - Cryptocontainer password. As for the jackdaw "remember" I'm not sure, because the devil knows where to squeeze it out later if that.

Here they are below.

That's all, on this Jinn Client should stop showing you hieroglyphs. We rejoice in life and wait for new frames from Major Payne.

- Budget planning and their solutions.

1. When you enter your personal account, it displays a warning window: “ There is a problem with the security certificate of this website «.

Decision: Internet Explorer must be configured. To do this, click on the icon gears in the upper right corner, then from the drop-down list Browser properties.

In the window that opens, go to the tab Safety

We choose Trusted sites and click the button below Websites.

Add *: //ssl.budgetplan.minfin.ru in the field above and click Add to.

2 ... Window " Insert key carrier«

Decision:Check if your flash drive \\ ruToken \\ eToken with key information is inserted. If it is in place and works correctly, install the certificate. You can use .

3 . This page cannot be displayed.

Decision:Check browser version. To work correctly, you need internet explorer 11.0 or an analogue with TLS GOST support. To check the version of internet explorer you need to click on the gear , in the list that opens, select the last line - About the program.

Check the correctness of the installation of the certified version of the CryptoPRO CSP encryption provider (at the time of this writing, these are versions 3.9 and 4.0).

Check for other crypto providers installed together with CryptoPRO CSP (conflict possible).

Check your antivirus and firewall settings. Filtering https traffic must be disabled, or the portal address must be in exceptions.

But this is a non-exhaustive list of problems that can be encountered while working on the Budget Planning portal. For a more detailed analysis, you can contact us for remote assistance (contacts in the upper right corner of the site).

4. After choosing a certificate, a login and password entry window appears.

Decision:The appearance of this window indicates that the user whose certificate you have selected is not registered in the system. The system checks the SNILS of the user specified in the certificate (in the subject field) with the SNILS specified when the user registered in the system. There were cases when during registration they made a mistake in SNILS, for clarification, you can contact the free multi-channel technical support number 8 800 350-02-18.

5. This page cannot be displayed. Enable TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2 Protocols

Decision:Most often, this error occurs due to problems with the CryptoPRO CSP encryption provider and incorrect configuration of the antivirus software. To solve this problem, apply the recommendations from point 3.

What is "Electronic budget" and how is it related to national projects

The "Electronic Budget" system is a unified system for managing state and municipal finances, the operator of which is the Ministry of Finance. In this system, all participants in the budget process (more than 10 thousand organizations) are working on the formation of the country's budget, the implementation of state assignments, estimates, etc. All agreements for the provision of subsidies are concluded through the "Electronic Budget".

A separate subsystem for managing national projects implemented in accordance with the May presidential decree until 2024 has been created in the "Electronic Budget". The cost of implementing all national projects is estimated at 25.7 trillion rubles. from 2019 to 2024 (.pdf). Of these, 13.2 trillion will be covered by the federal budget, for 4.9 trillion rubles. the regional authorities will be responsible. At the same time, mainly regional powers will be provided with funding from the federal budget (about 95%).

Officials complain about freezes and crashes

For each national project, federal and regional officials must enter into the system from several hundred to several thousand indicators, a federal official explains to RBC. "Editing one checkpoint can take up to half an hour - the system is slow to respond, freezes, throws an error," he said.

“To edit one breakpoint, on average, it takes seven to ten clicks. Thus, the average editing time for one control point can range from several minutes to half an hour. If it is necessary to adjust the federal project, the technical process may require on average about 54 man-hours, ”the official described the process of working in the system.

Adjusting 350-400 milestones for one federal project may require three specialists to work over several days, a federal official said. According to him, "the system is especially slow in the middle of the working day: the reaction to one click can take up to fifteen minutes."

Regional officials also record technical failures. “There are indeed technical failures in the system. We encounter them in our work and are in constant communication with the Federal Treasury on issues of their elimination, ”Acting RBC told RBC. Minister of Finance of the Chelyabinsk Region Andrey Pshenitsyn. “Starting this year, information on financing national projects began to pass through it [the system]. Therefore, of course, it requires constant adjustment, ”he added. According to Pshenitsyn, problems arise with access to the system, registration of users, input of information, and the correctness of its processing.

“Often, a long wait for a response from the system ends in an error, after which in most cases it is necessary to re-enter and start a new session,” the federal official agrees.

The press service of the Ministry of Labor confirmed to RBC the information about the failures, noting that they did not affect the work of the department, the technical support service promptly processed messages about failures.

The press service of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of RBC reported that employees of the ministry regularly face various problems in working with the "Electronic budget". “Periodically, new types of errors appear. All this leads to forced downtime, to the loss of time by employees, which they could have spent much more efficiently. But it should be noted that the technical support of the system began to help more willingly and faster than before, ”the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications reported.

The Ministry of Finance of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and the Republic of Crimea reported that they did not encounter system failures. In preparing the material, RBC sent inquiries to the press services of the ministries of finance of the Moscow, Sverdlovsk, Leningrad, Novosibirsk regions, as well as to the ministries of finance of the Khabarovsk Territory, the Republic of Mari El. RBC also sent inquiries to all ministries involved in the implementation of national projects.

Ministry of Finance cites lack of user experience

The Ministry of Finance records all errors that occur during the operation of the "Electronic Budget" subsystem, the department told RBC. “Considering that the system is less than six months old, and more than 12 thousand users work online in it, errors happen, this is inevitable,” the Finance Ministry noted, adding that on average, problems are eliminated within no more than 18 hours.

The information system always requires a lot of work at the initial stage of data generation, the ministry stressed. But the overwhelming majority of requests are requests for consultation from users who first encountered the operation of a system of this class (electronic document management, a single cloud, many built-in controls, reference books), which in itself is perceived as a difficulty in work, the Ministry of Finance believes. "Errors in the operation of the system make up a small proportion," the department says.

“Over the more than six-year history of the functioning of the“ Electronic Budget ”system, there has not been a single case of failure to meet the deadline or slowdown in the formation or execution of the budget,” the Ministry of Finance recalled. To improve the work of the system, the Ministry of Finance regularly conducts work on optimizing the program code, load testing, and balancing the load on the servers.

The structure of "Rostec" was responsible for the development of the system

The contract for the development of the system software was concluded with the State Scientific Innovation and Implementation Center (GNIVTs) JSC, the Ministry of Finance told RBC. The company was also involved in the development of the IT system for the Federal Tax Service. The contract price was 299.7 million rubles, the deadline for the work under the contract is December 10, 2019. "Payment is made in stages in accordance with the terms of the contract as it is delivered," the department added.

The subcontractor of GNIVTs is BARS Group, a subsidiary of Rostec State Corporation. It is she who is developing the "Electronic Budget" subsystem to control the implementation of national projects, follows from the company's press release.

A representative of BARS Group declined to comment. An RBC source close to the company claims that the system is working flawlessly. “The introduction of any new system is accompanied by questions and the need to advise the users of this system. The company receives applications for technical support, but they are resolved in the working order, "- says the interlocutor of RBC.

When submitting reports in the Electronic Budget system, errors often occur. The experts of the journal Accounting in the institution have prepared a large memo with errors in the Electronic budget and their step-by-step solution.

The cheat sheet is divided into several sections:

  • Creation and editing of reporting forms;
  • Import;
  • Signing;
  • Input and editing.

Creation and editing of reporting forms

Most often, problems in the GIIS Electronic Budget arise with the creation and editing of reporting forms. In, you will learn what to do with the following errors:

  • When entering your personal account, the list form of documents is not displayed;
  • Button icons are not displayed when entering your personal account;
  • After the 1st day of the month, reports in the list form disappeared;
  • The system displays an error: when creating or importing reports according to Instruction No. 33n, the chapter code was not filled;
  • Can't save the report after making changes;
  • Unable to download the text part of the explanatory note;
  • Cannot refill reporting forms based on other reports;
  • You must enter a filter to find the desired value;
  • A form with zero indicators was drawn up, the status was assigned to the document
    "Indicators not available." The report does not change its status to "Submitted";
  • The system gives an error: “Personal account was not found in the report f. 0503779 ";
  • The form is in the "Control not passed" status. The report cannot be edited. What to do with him?
  • How do I return a report with a Canceled status?
  • The report control found an error that is valid;
  • In the form 0503769, the required account is not selected from the directory "Working chart of accounts";
  • When you enter your personal account in the workplace, there is no branch "Accounting and reporting";
  • When entering the menu "Formation and presentation of reporting" in the list
    there is no authority (AU or BU);
  • There is no button "Agree" for documents with statuses "Created with errors", "Created without errors".


By import, in the memo you will find what to do if the following errors occur:

  • The system generates errors when importing a report: "Document transformer not found",
    "Inconsistency in the number of fields in blocks TB \u003d 01, TB \u003d 02";
  • The file is not loaded, and the system displays the message "Chapter code does not match";
  • Can't load multiple reports on form 0503779 with different CFOs -
    check for uniqueness interferes. When loading a new report with another
    KFO old is canceled.


The memo also describes what to do with signing documents in different situations:

  • The system generates an error when signing the reporting form "This user
    cannot approve the document ”;

  • in his absence? No reports have been generated yet;
  • The user who signs the reports goes on vacation. How to sign reports
    in his absence? Reports have already been signed by one or more users.

Input and editing

  • The system generates an error when creating an entry in the "Settings
    coordination of reporting forms ". When choosing a matching name and I. About
    the user is absent or repeated several times;
  • There is no required organization in the directory "Contractors".

If in these lists you find an error that you encountered while working with the GIIS Electronic Budget, see and download a memo with the solution of these problems in

lk.budget.gov.ru/udu-webcenter - if you got to this page, it means you tried to enter your personal account of the Electronic Budget, but could not do it.

Why? Let's try to answer the question.

1. First of all, we check if you also have the Jinn and Continent TLS programs installed (At the time of this writing, version 1.0.920.0 was installed). I advise you to immediately switch to

2. - The main reason why you could not enter the Electronic Budget when all the programs necessary for the operation are installed is not a configured browser (Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera). Let's take a look at the example of popular browsers for working in DL.

Browser settings for working in the Electronic Budget after switching to the TLS 2.0 Continent are not required !!!

I advise you to set everything up to Internet Explorer!!!

a) Internet Explorer
1. Open the properties of the web browser.
2. Go to the "Connections" tab.
3. Press the "Network settings" button.
4. In the "Proxy server" section, set the fields Address:, Port: 8080.
5. Press the "OK" button.
6. Go to the "Security" tab.
7. Select the zone for the "Trusted sites" setting.
8. Press the button "Sites".
9. In the "Trusted sites" window, uncheck the box "All sites in this zone require server verification (https :)".
10. In the "Add the next node to the zone" field, set the value "http://lk.budget.gov.ru" and click the "Add" button.
11. In the "Trusted sites" window, click the "Close" button.
12. In the "Browser Properties" window, click the "OK" button.

b) Google Chrome
1. Open web browser settings.
2. Go to the bottom of the settings window and activate the link "Show additional settings".
3. Click the "Change proxy server settings" button.
4. Repeat paragraphs 4-12 of section "a) Internet Explorer".

c) Mozilla Firefox
1. Open the "Tools" menu and select "Options".
2. Go to the "Additional" section on the "Network" tab.
3. In the “Connection” section of settings, click the “Configure…” button.
4. In the connection settings window that opens, set the value "Manual configuration of proxy service".
5. Set the values \u200b\u200bof the HTTP proxy fields:; Port: 8080.
6. Press the "OK" button.
7. In the "Settings" window, click the "OK" button.

d) Opera
1. Open the "Settings \\ General Settings" menu.
2. Go to the "Advanced" tab, select the "Network" section of the settings.
3. Click the "Proxy servers ..." button.
4. In the connection settings window that opens, set the "Configure proxy server manually" value.
5. For the HTTP protocol, set the values \u200b\u200bof the proxy-server fields:; Port: 8080.
6. Set the value "Use proxy server for all protocols".