Why Denn Wireless Headphones is quickly discharged. How I started using Bluetooth headphones

The application "Find iPhone" tracks the Mac, iPad location on the map and other devices, including Airpods. To find a lost earphone, open the utility on your smartphone or via icloud.com in the browser and select Airpods from the device list.

If the headphones are included, they will be marked on a green dot card. In this case, they can play sound or build a route to their location. When the airpods are discharged, disabled, are in a case or outside the action zone, their last location will be displayed on the gray marker on the map.

2. Interference appears when playing

All problems with interference while listening to music in Airpods, as a rule, occur at a significant distance from the signal source. Headphones can boast a record distance of about 30 m, but it is significantly reduced if there are obstacles on the way. Most often enough simply put the iPhone in your pocket, and the problem is solved.

Another purity of the signal affects interference from computers and other techniques, as well as an abundance. You can get rid of them, just moving around to another place or by placing the router away.

3. Headphones are spontaneously disconnected

Airpods has a built-in infrared sensor that determines whether headphones in the ear are inserted and automatically suspending playback. If this happens, even when the headphones are on you, it is possible incorrect work Sensor.

To resolve the problem, open the "Settings" → Bluetooth → Airpods and try to disable the Ear EXCA function. Keep in mind that after that the work time of the headphones will decrease, as they will spend the charge, even when you do not use them.

Another way to do full reset Airpods and customize the pairing. Here is how to implement it:

  • Place both headphones in the case and close it.
  • Press and hold the button on a cover for about 10 seconds. The indicator flashes several times with yellow light and lights up white.
  • Open the case, place it next to the iPhone and click "Connect" on the screen to re-create a pair.

4. Airpods are not connected to the iPhone

When Airpods cannot be connected to the smartphone, place the headphones in the case and waiting for about 15 seconds, try to connect them again. For a compulsory connection, you can open the "" widget in the control, click on the triangle icon with circles and select Airpods from the device list.

Sometimes such problems arise from the Bluetooth iPhone module. In this case, you can try to restart it by turning on and disabling the airrest. If it does not help, restart the iPhone, holding the side or upper button until the slider appears. Slide it, and then turn on the device again by pressing and holding the button.

5. Headphones are not connected to Mac

Connection problems are mainly on old Mac.Although sometimes it happens on relatively new computers. It usually helps a banal shutdown and turn on the Bluetooth module through the icon in the menu bar.

Another solution - restart bluetooth serviceswhich can be performed by entering the Sudo Pkill Bled command in the Terminal. If the problem still remains, you can try to restart the computer, as well as remove the airpods from the device list and configure the pairing again.

6. Airpods do not charge

When the headphones are not charged, the first thing is to check the LIGHNTING cable. Connect it to the iPhone or other device and see if charging is charging. If everything is in order, then you need to check the connector.

Since the airpods often come in pocket or backpack, the dust and other small particles that violate the cable can be inserted inside the port. Try the connector with a clip to extract SIM cards, toothpick or another similar item. Most likely, it will solve the problem.

Headphones still do not charge? Connect them to the power adapter and leave for 15 minutes. If it does not help, it will have to contact the service center.

7. Headphones quickly discharge

To increase the time autonomous work Airpods is useful to include the function of the EU auto unit. At the same time, the headphones using an infrared sensor will understand when you take them from the ears, and automatically disconnect to save the charge. To activate it, open the "Settings" → Bluetooth → Airpods and turn on the ear OUTORMAGE.

Apple slightly underdrew the release of new wireless airpods, thanks to which, they say, the company managed to solve a number of technical problemswhich inevitably happen to new devices. Nevertheless, judging by the reviews until all AIRPODS problems with Apple specialists managed to fence.

On the other hand, for the most part of the trouble, for which users are most often complaining, can be attributed to the category of standard. That is, the user itself can be eliminated without much effort.

If suitable for business, competently.

In this regard, what happens to happen from In the process of their operation, and what follows in such cases to do.

airpods problems - do not connect

If one or both airpods suddenly stopped connecting to the iPhone, iPod-y or iPad-y with whom you are familiar to you, then you just need to insert them into a case. Next, we are waiting for at least 10 seconds, then remove both headphones and insert into your ears. After another 3-5 seconds, Airpods should automatically connect to any of the devices already "familiar", if such is close to both in working condition.

In the process, the connection indicator on the case of headphones should flash white. If the white indicator color is not observed, closed the case, click the reboot button while holding it, open the case and look at the color of the display. He will either immediately become white, or you need to hold the button to hold a little yet, until it blinks it yellow several times, and then finally flies white.

If the headphones still did not connect, then then you need to turn off-to-turn on the Bluetooth, to which the headphones are "tied", and to which this moment time they do not want to connect. Open " Prices of control ", Turn off the Bluetooth module, wait with half a minute , turn on it again and look at the behavior of our airpods. Connected - well, not connected - reboot them (about this separately - at the end of the post ).

aIRPODS problems - only one earpiece ( left or right)

As practice shows, this sometimes happens if for any reason to replace one of the headphones a pair. Without prior configuration, the new airpod is usually simply not synchronized with the old and does not connect to the playback device. To eliminate the problem, you just need to give the iPhone, iPad or Mac command to "Forget" old airpod-s and then connect both available as a new pair. This can be done as follows:

  • open " Settings ", Then" Bluetooth "And we find old airpod-s in the list;
  • tady the letter "I" to the right and then - " Forget this device "(If you did not find the" Forget "function in the device settings, try to restart the network settings: "Settings" → "Main" → "Reset" → "Reset network settings").

After that, we connect both earnings to the device by performing a standard pairing procedure. If only one earphone works anyway, perform a reboot procedure (see below).

airpods problems - do not connect to Mac

To begin with, we note that if your Mac, let's say, not very new, then connect to it Airpods really may not be so simple. But sometimes Airpods for some reason do not want to connect with new Mac-Ami. If such a bondage occurred, then begin with the actions listed in the previous paragraph.

But consider that if you turn off the Bluetooth on your computer, then turn off the entire wireless BT peripherals, which worked with him. In particular, the mouse, if it is also bluetooth. Because, instead of disconnecting the Bluetooth Module, the laptop is better to try to remove the current pair with headphones and carry out a post-one ( « System settings»-\u003e" Bluetooth " Choose "Airpods" and click " X. «).

By the way, directly from Mac, through ICloud you can also "untie" headphones and from all your iOS-devices with which they are conjugate, i.e. iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch.. Only after that, each of these devices is desirable to restart.

A new pair with airpods, once again open the Bluetooth settings on Mac and carry out the standard conjugation procedure. Next, ICloud automatically connect headphones to all other devices. In the overwhelming majority cases failures airpods connecting Apple devices are so far and eliminated.

If the airpod-s suddenly stopped automatically connecting to MAC-y, ..

... then it is possible to quickly eliminate the problem of the following ways:

  • open " System settings ", Click" Bluetooth ", Further - " Turn off Bluetooth ", We are waiting for at least 30 seconds, then click" Enable Bluetooth «;
  • in the menu bar click the speaker icon and in the list " Output device »Indicate Airpods. ;
  • on the MAC-E we open System settings", Click" Bluetooth", We are waiting for a little while the computer will complete the search for all available Bluetooth devices and appear on the list (most likely marked" Not connected"), Now in the menu bar (At the very top of the screen) I click the speaker icon, we also wait a bit, while all devices are displayed in the list, choose the airpod-s and wait sound signalwhich indicates the completion of the headphone connection procedure.
  • in some cases, it is also helped several reboots MAC-A in a row In the course of which the old ICloud and Bluetooth cache is cleared.
airpods problems - do not connect to Apple Watch

Before connecting the Airpod-s to a smart watch via AirPlay, try on your Apple Watch to turn on the flight mode for a few seconds, and then turn it off. Focus often helps to eliminate bugs with connected or synchronization of headphones to Apple Watch.

aIRPODS problems - not synchronized with iCloud

In this case, you should simply get out of iCloud and then log in again. Often this is enough to eliminate various bugs with synchronization. Including those from which one headphone ceases to work (often it happens in the first 1-2 days after connecting Airpods).

If the reconnection to iCloud does not help, then the problem of synchronization can also be solved by rebooting the headphones themselves. The procedure is described below.

aIRPODS problems - disconnected while talking on the phone

There is such a problem. And especially it annoys if the call is very important, or the headphones turned off when they are in motion - you go driving, you go and run. There is such a sudden trip over a variety of reasons, therefore the problem is eliminated, too differently.

We start with the simplest - check the level of charge of headphone brokers. If with this - order, then switch airpods to work with telephone calls Only through one headphone. It's theirs normal mode And in it airpods should work without problems. Customize Airpods so that the left or right earphone always worked as a headset microphone. To do this in the iPhone tapa "Settings" -\u003e Bluetooth , in the list of devices we find Airpods. and Zhmem. letter "I" to the right of the name, then tapa Microphone "And choose at your discretion" Always left airpods" or " Always right airpods«.

In addition, you can also try to disable the function of the automatic detection of the ear. Mega-functional of your airpods from this will be somewhat small, but it can, it can find out why headphones are disconnected during a conversation. In the iPhone, press again "Settings" -\u003e Bluetooth , in the list of devices we find Airpods and tapa letter "I" to the right of the name and on the next screen turn off " EXCHANCE OF EHA «.

Still in some cases helps restart iPhone and / or the full reboot Airpods.

aIRPODS problems - very quickly discharge

Ideally, the fully charged airpods work up to 5 hours in offline mode. 15-minute charging of fully discharged headphones is enough for about 3 hours of operation. And about a day the headphones work if from time to time to invest them in the case.

If the autonomy of your airpods is noticeably different from these indicators, then first check whether the function is enabled. EXTENDERS OF EHA ". Thanks to her, the headphones are automatically disconnected as soon as you take them out of the ears, and do not spend the battery charge. Tepame "Settings" -\u003e "Bluetooth", the letter "I" near the airpods -\u003e "EUTINGABLE" (The switch must be green).

If the headphones are discharged faster than usual, then try to open and close the AIRPODS case next to your iPhone (or iPad). It is believed that the headphones somehow update the Bluetooth connection every time, which also does not contribute to saving the charge of their tiny batteries.

If the airpods discharge very quickly, even if they are not involved in any way, then you need to restart them. And if the discharge of the proper effect settings did not produce, then it is better to contact the service or to the store for advice. Occupation may be that airpods will have to be replaced.

how to restart airpods.

The procedure is simple, takes seconds 20, but as you already understood, allows you to solve many problems of the program character that arise with airpods. Plus to this, after rebooting headphones. As a rule, it is also possible to connect faster. So, in order:

  • insert Airpods in Case;
  • on the back of the case we find a button, press it and hold down at least 20-30 seconds;
  • orange light lights up on the case - the reboot is completed, closed the case;
  • open the case next to the iPhone, after which the headphones automatically reconnect to the smartphone;
  • iCloud also automatically reconnect Airpods to all other things your Apple devices.
how to clean airpods.

First, regularly. Secondly, if you notice that one headphone began to sound worse (or worse thanked both at once), then the first thing you need to explore both devices for the presence of various kinds of substances on them, then you mean dirt.

The longer you wear headphones and the longer neglect the procedure for the care of them, the more unpleasant this procedure will be in the end. For the simple reason, to get the ear sulfur accumulated in the airpods holes - it's not only an unpleasant, but complicated.

Clear Airpods can be cleaned with a conventional toothbrush (clean and dry) with soft bristles. If the lattices of the emitters are scored strongly, try to "stir up" the dirt first with a brush, and then with the maximum accuracy pull it out with the help of ... for example, a vacuum cleaner. And do not forget that you have in your hands, "ears" for 160 bucks.

In the most extreme case and if your headphones , then you can and your mouth (they say that even more efficiently than the vacuum cleaner). The first time it turns out hardly, but if you repeat the procedure several times and with the help of a suitable brush, then the garbage from the grids is sooner or later you remove.

Repeat, there is a pleasant really little, therefore it is better to do so and simply clean the headphones at least from time to time, without waiting until they break to a completely indecent state.

No disorder, wireless headphones are easy to use. A bundle of crumpled wires disappeared, there is no need to connect to the signal source. There was an opportunity in free movement for tens of meters. Travelers, athletes, drivers, people of individual professions appreciated the non-movement of movements, the ability to use both hands. With all the positive properties of a wireless design, there is a slight difficulty in use - the need for recharging.

A little about the wireless device

The principle of operation of wireless headphones is based on the transformation of the signal obtained by:

  • Bluetooth connection. Analog signal is processed into digital. Sustainable communication is maintained at a distance of up to 10 meters. The presence of building partitions or furniture is not an obstacle for signal receipt.
  • Infrared port. Audio communication is based on the optical transmission of the signal in the infrared range. Different with high quality transmitted sound information, including music. Communication is resistant to electromagnetic interference. A significant minus - the transmitter and the receiver must be in the zone of direct visibility: the furniture not only distort the signal, but also can completely stop the relationship. Analogue of a similar device - remote control.
  • Radio wavelength. The audio signal is reproduced from spatial electromagnetic radiation - radio wave. Stable reception area within 100 ~ 200 meters. Outsided noises can affect the sound quality.

Wireless headphones with any transmitter equipped with an appropriate mechanism are operating: computer, telephone (smartphone), TV and other devices.

The portable design necessarily includes a power source, a battery or battery. The first option is rarely applied, due to disposable. But, as a temporary output, it is quite used when replacing the battery. The latter is a reusable device, but needs a periodic charging.


Wireless headphones are divided by the signal transmission method:

  • Radio handset. The first type of wireless audio playback. The most "long-range" device. The distance of sustainable reception up to 100 ~ 150 meters. Increasing the range, - departure from the transmitter, will cause a worsening of the sound.
  • Infrared design. Perceives the signal in the optical infrared range. Headphones are characterized by sound quality. Resistant to interference from electromagnetic radiation. Minus - should be supported by the zone of sight.
  • Bluetooth system. Popular audio transmission and reproduction system. The signal does not affect visible obstacles and radio interference. Limited by radius of reception, up to 10 meters. Used with computer, tablet, player, mobile phone.

Recommendations: 5 best open headphones
How to connect wireless headphones to the phone
How to use wireless bluetooth headphones

Charging headphones

Despite small sizes and seemingly simplicity, the wireless design places a number of requirements for continuous and sustainable work:

  • Avoid drops to avoid mechanical damage.
  • Store in a dry place at normal temperatures.
  • Timely and proper charging.

Power source, battery, dependent on a number of parameters:

  • Charging time.
  • Degree of discharge before recharging process.
  • Construction of charging wire.
  • Method of feeding, - from the electrical stationary network, personal computercar.

Duration of charging

The pumping process of the battery does not exceed 3 hours. The type of power supply and recharging time are reflected in the headphic instructions. The manufacturer also indicates the degree of discharge from which the electricity feed is required. Determined by the type of battery, its properties.

7 best JBL Wireless Headphones

Recharging level

Models of wireless headphones are equipped with light indicators that signal the power source. The number of visual illumination varies and ranges from 2 to 5 pieces. Plafon colors - white, red, blue, green and yellow. Gamma is determined by the headphone model.

Operating mode: Off, burns permanent light or flashes. The latter parameter is determined by the program laid in the control unit of the charge. The value of the signals is decrypted in the accompanying documentation for the product.

Reducing the capacitive charge will cause a decrease in the volume of the sound, the quality of the signal will deteriorate. Most manufacturers are recommended to discharge the battery completely. This improves the physicochemical process of charging. You can fully disgrace the battery with the headphones turned on. On the time of energy depletion, a certain indicator light indicates.

Power wire

Complete set of wireless headphones provides wire for connecting to a source of electricity. Charger for headphones and cable are fully adapted to each other's electrical parameters. The use of third-party wire can cause a discrepancy in resistance, contact disruption.

The result is an abnormal charge mode, the battery receives little electricity. The internal structure of the power supply is broken. This is reflected on the quality of the sound signal, leads to a premature discharge and failure of the battery.

Outer energy source

Headphone charger is adapted to stationary power grid and designs with a USB connector, a computer or car. If there is no connector in the latter, it will be necessary to purchase a special adapter.

About two months ago, I still surrendered and bought myself the first personal.

Before that, it was not particularly thought of acquiring the first fully Wireless Earphone Apple and from this Friends. Changed his opinion on these liners is very sharp.

Nevertheless, I managed to make friends with them not immediately. First, I got the defective headphones, and then I ran into a whole set of problems, about the decision of which I will tell below.

1. Airpods play not high quality

In the equalizer a lot of presets. Do not forget about them.

What should be done: Go to "Settings"\u003e "Music"\u003e "Equalizer" and select "More Low".

Before Airpods, I actively enjoyed intracanal headphones. Due to the design features, they play more loud and bass, and after them, Apple's headphones seem weak.

However, this is not connected with mediocre speakers that are used in liners, but with a manufacturer's policy trying to create the highest possible sound.

If you want to, so that it is strongerUse the "More Low" item in the equalizer settings. After its inclusion, it will definitely be better.

2. The volume of headphones leaves much to be desired

Many forget about this configuration.

What should be done: Go to "Settings"\u003e "Music"\u003e "Volume Limit" and change the "Maximum volume".

When I just bought headphones, I constantly seemed to me that they were too quiet. Volume clearly lacked in urban public transport, as well as on the train and plane.

It turned out that in the settings of my iPhone for some reason the "volume limit" was turned on - apparently, I experimented with its level within tests for some material to the site.

When I raised him to the maximum, the problem was gone.

3. Inserts lose touch at a short distance

Airpods are beautiful.

What should be done: Stop believing in the magic and carry with you the iPhone in your pocket or pour music on Apple Watch.

AIRPODS headphones use a special chip W1. It is intended for ease of switching between sources, an increase in battery life and expansion of the use range.

Surprisingly, without additional interference, the headphones really catch the iPhone or MacBook signal at a distance of 30 meters. Nevertheless, at home or in office space it is significantly reduced. After a couple of interroom walls, their range it is unlikely to exceed 10 meters.

For Airpods, which are not felt in the ears, this is especially true. When you wear headphones, you fully forget about them after a couple of minutes and very surprise that the signal begins to break in the next room.

The solution to the problem was iPhone as a source in your pocketAs well as Apple Watch, which rarely leave the wrist of my left hand.

4. Airpods sometimes still fly out of the ears

Do not hesitate to use silicone nozzles.

What should be done: To put on the headphones special ambush to an active lifestyle.

Many actively use airpods in the gym or on a run. Despite this, I can say with confidence that for sports they were clearly not created.

For example, from my ears during a dynamic shaking, they can easily fly out, so on the treadmill, I always take the Beats PowerBeats3 Wireless with you.

If an airpods alternatives for sports you just don't have, i recommend to look at the additional ambush. You can use both the usual from any inexpensive liners and special silicone.

5. Headphones are lost quite often

Vividly. Where are my headphones, Apple?

What should be done: Find them through the application "Find iPhone".

I was engaged in the airpods in the gym just a couple of times. In both cases, one of them flew out of the ear, and I could not find it for a long time.

Each time the application "Find iPhone" came to the rescue. Few know, but it not only displays the last location of the headphones, which is determined by the connectment with the iPhone, but also gives the ability to reproduce the sound on them.

When you choose this opportunity, the ringing trill, which heard from afar begins to be raised. She will definitely tell me where headphones are.

6. Attractions inserts stop playing music

What should be done: Disable the "Ear Autodualization" function.

For about once a couple of weeks, for some reason I refuse to operate the Function "Ear" function. I do not know yet, with which it is specifically connected - perhaps a minor glitch is associated with regular switching of headphones between dozens of devices.

When the headphones refuse to play music, I turn off the "Ear Authorization", and then turn on it again. Error disappears.

7. Airpods refuse to connect to iPhone

What should be done: Forcibly plug in the headphones through the "Music" widget in the "Management Point".

When you get the headphones from Case and insert them into your ears, they must automatically connect to your iPhone. In theory, you just need to run playback and start enjoying your favorite music.

However, if the airpods were connected to another device, they will not always be able to navigate, and they will have to push a little.

Just open the "Management Item" and select Headphones as a source in the "Music" widget.

8. Headphones are not connected to the Mac computer.

What should be done: Turn on and turn off the Bluetooth.

With my airpods always work without big problems. Nevertheless, not so long ago I had to work for a couple of days on the "past", which was still before Retina-screens - 2009 or 2010.

So, sometimes headphones just refused to connect to not the latest computer. What is connected, it is unclear, but the problem is treated with turning on and off Bluetooth.

9. Case with liners refuses to charge

What should be done: Check the Lightning cable and the port that is quickly clogged with dust.

As headphones constantly on pockets jackets, pants, backpack and not only, their port is enough quickly clogs dust. After that, airpods refuse to charge until cleaning lightning with toothpicks.

If cleaning does not help, check the cable. Connect it to the iPhone and look at the charging process. If I did not go, try another Lightning.

By the way, the network also writes that cases inside Cases can be contaminedwhich serve to charge the headphones themselves. With this, I have not come across such, but I am sure that they are easy to clean with a cotton wand.

10. Airpods began to quickly discharge

In this article, I will tell you how to use wireless headphones for the phone and other technicians, and I will try to give a few useful Soviets All interested in this topic.

Thoughts about buying wireless headphones are increasingly visiting even those who are not used to follow the fashion and do not follow the novelties of electronics. From standard audio connections, manufacturers of smartphones have already become gradually refused. Whether the 3.5-millimeter exit will be the echo of the past - it is still unclear, but the use of Bluetooth devices is relevant than ever.

I will start with the process of connecting to standard tablets and smartphones. Connect to them is the easiest way, since the steaming work of such devices is already conceived by the manufacturer when developing, which means you will not need an additional adapter (to most stationary PCs and TVs will need to purchase a bluetooth adapter and fuse it into uSB port or audio output).

In the case of smartphones, tablets and laptops, in which the corresponding communication module is built before you set up bluetooth headphonesYou will need:

  • Include them;
  • In the settings of the translating sound of the device, activate bluetooth;
  • In the list found nearby wireless equipment, find your headphones and click on their name;
  • The name and password for connection (if required) are specified in the operating instructions, usually it is 0000 or 1111.

A few more actions and half a minute and you can enjoy music, audiobook or any other sound content. Of course, as long as the built-in battery is discharged.

Battery Charging Information

Built-in rechargeable batteries In devices of this kind, a large capacity is not distinguished, but due to low power consumption there are enough of them for several hours of operation. At the same time, the charge will take a maximum of 2-3 hours, usually less.

Current time and ideal conditions for charge you can find in official instruction To wireless headphones of the selected model. From myself I advise you to not allow partial filling of the battery, not up to 100%. This will negatively affect the properties of the battery and its service life.

Use only the original "charger" from the standard configuration, or select the power supply to its parameters.

Summing up the final answer to the question "How to use Bluetooth headphones?", You can withdraw a very laconic formula: consider the features of all the gadgets you use before buying a new one, always charge them up to 100% and do not use charging device incompatible parameters.